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you have we believe in God wrong come on in [Music] [Music] why will [Music] [Music] 11:06 on the way back away from the way [Music] keep on the world pink comes away Oh next book the well man whoa then one round a lot enemy cut up when it comes to so yeah I got a mess of the atom it's not just us but something is going on with Facebook and you're just gonna believe God as they go straighten yourself out real because I'm like you know what all of the Wi-Fi that I have in this house it definitely should not be me at all I have two huge units here just for that and so I don't understand why the picture is coming across murdered but we feel here and we give God praise for being here and I just want to say if in fact you missed last night I have no words I have no words people I have no words we are getting the video and the city ready tonight and hopefully is going to be ready on tomorrow but that message last night took me out I have been kind of walking it out a little bit you know a lot but I don't wanna see a little bit a lot I've been walking that one out and I think I may mention to you all that I don't ever want to be guilty of preaching something that I have not lived and so the Lord has been tremendously excuse my voice today it is it is out and done it has been for a minute I was trying to come down with a little something and you know how it is when you take the you take the antibiotics and they drive you out till you just feel like you ain't got no tears and nothing you just stuff in your mouth like somebody's 90 years old so we kind of drag my voice out trying to get me better but um I think it sounds worse than it is but last night that word last night you know when you're ministering something for the first time and you're really hearing what the Spirit of the Lord is saying about a word it really really takes you it takes you out because a lot of times that I'm reading things that I'm studying things and I'm getting the knowing part you know that part the knowing part oh I'm so sorry welcome if you just joined us for the first time you just tuned in to act 3 with me and we are so happy to have you here as a part of our family and hopefully your returning visit again and um we're not distracted by selearis and we don't shake we shift and we stay focused command somebody and so welcome welcome welcome but as I was saying when you when you when you when you're reading something and the Lord is giving you something you are you are having an experience with that word and then when you are walking it out on a daily basis and you're walking it out in relationships with people that you have now then you see the word in operation but when you stand in the house of God or among the congregation of the people of God and you begin to speak on behalf of being a Messenger of God there's a different level of Revelation that comes down that is that is absolutely mind below it's absolutely mind-blowing and to be honest with you the people that work in the camera that you know they they admitted to me they didn't know that it was going to take them out like that so we're going to have the DVD of the CD available but today we were talking about that really tied in to that whole level of faith thing that we're dealing with because it kind of it kind of tied in to us it kind of tied in to the fact that I had been ministering on faith is not your feelings and that your fate can't be your feelings there is such a connection to this how your faith cannot be your feelings and so as it relates to that the Lord began to show me or show us on this page then how faith is factual it's not emotional it's not emotional faith is factual it's a fact because when he gives me his world that is a fact that is not emotional that is not emotional that's factual and because it is factual because it is factual I'm not I'm not wishing and dreaming about something that I can never attain I have it because he has never broke his word now that'll preach right there all day long I have it because he has never broke his word and so because he gets me his word and in the beginning was the word the Word was with God in the world was fresh and the word came and brought among us I'm connecting a bridge here so just give me a minute and the word dwelt among us then we're looking at the fact that the Word of God is my facts and so when he gives me my word I have whatever the word said that I can have the prophecy is already in operation for me and so my job is to continue like this is to continue to be quickened in my spirit to believe the faith that I can been given because now that word is my faith it's not emotional and so every time I put my life in the presence of the Lord it is the Spirit of God that quickeneth what he has said because he is conjoined with it he's never separated from it he's never he's never ripped apart from it his word and his spirit can never be separated one is not over here working while the other one is over here waiting the work then worked that way they come together they come together so how do I know that that that God is is moving on my behalf because the minute that's why the Bible said and and why would you are speaking it it is being done that's what the Bible said even before you asked in the midst of you desire in your spirit it is being done for you so while you are praying it is being done because they are connected they are connected I mean if he was if you would just consider that for a moment if I got up like I did a few seconds ago and I walk away from this camera you know my voice has to go with me my teeth and my tongue and my lips has to go with me if I am a living moving being spirit with a breath of life in me my breath is my spirit are you hearing that it's a spirit of a life that is in me and so all that I am saying my breath is giving it life I have the ability to say it because I can breathe and every time I breathe in and out I'm giving life to what I am thinking I'm thinking the word I'm thinking about faith I'm thinking about what it is and desire God to do for you but if I don't take a deep breath and I did I don't breathe out you will never get it you're getting it because of the breath of my spirit God I love you for this Jesus God I love you for this Jesus so you're getting it because of the breath of his spirit are you seeing this so while I am talking to you I am breathing I am not holding my breath and trying to complete a sentence while I am talking to you I am breathing which means the spirit of what I am doing is going out with me did somebody see that did somebody see that that means everything that God has said his spirit now is going out with that thing the work is already being done everything he promised is already in operation the only thing that hinders you from getting it the only thing that hinders you from getting it because it is watch this it is being done in the spirit but it is being done by the spirit and the spirit and the word is working together now what will stop you from getting it what will stop you from getting it today I want you to see that you know what would stop you from hearing what I have to say if you got up and took your phone or your computer and you went to another Facebook page now I want you to see this if you left this page today and you went to another Facebook page you would miss what I'm saying you would miss all of what I'm doing over here so - so dr. Bynum mama be whatever you all call me what what what are you saying what are you saying what I'm saying to you is we gonna keep talking over here and everybody on this page we gonna keep listening I don't stop talking because you went to another Facebook page you don't see this revelation I don't in the program before time because one person left this page and decided to go to another page nothing over here stopped nothing over here stopped moving nothing over here stopped operating you went to another page so then how am I going to reconnect back with the bumblebees and now I'm not going to reconnect back with what God is giving Gustav I'm insane for my life you got to come back on this because I'm not gonna go back on I'm not going to nobody into space that you own I'm not going to interfere with you then on somebody else's pain and all of a sudden I walk in the living room and get in a time line and getting a video and say to you now what I was trying to say to you over my page and you walked away when I came and found you and I know you already own Tilke wookies page and I found out what her address was and I ended up in her house excuse me - people - can I just get in here and just say this to her because she walked off on my page but I really want her to know what it is I want her to say that's not going to happen that's not going to happen I'm not going to invade somebody else's dimension so that I can give you what God is saying from the third dimension on this page you got to stay connected so the operation of what the Lord has said it's still in motion it's just in motion without you all of the divine connections that you were supposed to meet based upon the prophecy they're still moving all right do you think all those people are not going to be blessed that is supposed to be blessed because when they come in contact with you they don't come in contact with somebody else and they don't connect connected to this and this going to be connected to that do you think that God would penalize everybody else because you move Oh everything else go still keep going and Malone is going to reach over here and get another person that has the same vision and they're going to slant right in that place it doesn't stop you missed out on God because when the Spirit of God speaks something and his spirit is with him moving you can't move from the spirit realm you can't move from that dimension or you will miss what God is doing in that dimension you can't come out of that place you can't get in your feelings when this thing is in your faith because your faith is not feeling what Wow I'm going to show you something I want to show you something how all of this is connected even but last night oh Jesus so so my faith is not my feelings and now I know for sure that God doesn't operate like that he doesn't operate like let me tell you what he's doing I'm gonna connect the dots today I want to go to Hebrews four I want to go to Hebrews four and 12 okay so so how do I fall out of the plan of God I fall out of the plan of God not because God changes his mind I fall out of the plan of God through my acts of disobedience do my acts well when he told me to come and I don't when he told me to go and I do when they tell me to sitting I don't but because the Word of God it's my faith system it's my belief system without it I have no belief system and I want you to get that in your brain so hard today that without the Word of God I have no belief system because the word gives me what I am to believe and guess what not only does it give me what I am to believe when it enters into my spirit it causes me to believe good lord have mercy are you hearing that not only does it give me what I am to believe but it contains the ability to cause me to believe it to condition me to prepare me to to to posture me so that what is being said is believable so I'm given the connected the connected gift of the Spirit of God I'm giving that urge oh I'm given that pump to - I'm given that prostitute and aroused by I'm changing remember Abel presented God a more better sacrifice because it was righteous and it was of God he was in rice and with God yes then he gives me what I am to believe he causes me to believe it and because of my belief I'm a certain again he gives me what to believe he causes me to believe it and because he has caused me to believe it the belief then causes me to change Wow Wow that's how I change that's how I change he gives me what I am to believe you decision whoever created decision they give me this box and says Kleenex is in it they give me the Kleenex my nose could be running but then the material the way that it looks because it is work for other people it causes me to believe that I can use this to blow my nose I can sit here and hold this but if my nose is running in one of the ones I have something in my hand that I can use and because I have it now it's causing me to believe that I can wipe my nose and when I put this t-shirt to Milo's it just changed of me it's it's tough to snot from coming down my nose there was a change that took place in my appearance there was a change that took place in my life because the Kleenex calls me to believe that I can use it and after using it it made me different or Jesus Lord Jesus so I don't talk to say I don't think the same about my situation I don't operate the same I lose all of that negativity and negative people let me read this to you tell Jesus who look at this look at this look at this Hebrews 4 and 12 for the word that God speaks remember that remember the button John believed in John 6:63 that says and the words that I speak it is it is the Spirit of the Lord that quickeneth us the flesh profiteth nothing but it says but the words that I speak they are spirit and they are life yeah yeah the word is a spirit and so for those of you who just joined this page I want you to read your word like a spirit and not read it like its letter because it is the word when he prompts you to read it when the Lord wants you to read your spirit your your your Bible the Spirit of the Lord is with you that's why this thing is so powerful that's why the Bible cannot be handled in a religious manner you can't get the whole engine so read my Bible that's not how you read the word only don't get my bad well mr. Donnelly let me give you some coffee maybe that's not how you read it you read it by asking for the spirits help so you talking about the mind of God we don't have enough sense to understand the mind of God and we don't have enough sense to really know the depth of the revelation of what he was trying to say because you know what in first and second grade they teach you how to read so nobody's question whether or not you can comprehend something but I do question whether or not you can comprehend the revelation something that's two different fakes that two different things description that I read last night John 3:16 for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth on him should not perish but have everlasting life I've been reading that scripture since I was in the 2nd and 3rd grade I remember saying that Scripture when I was when I was like in the first grade and at Easter speech but oh my god last night the revelation that God took me to in reading that was out of this world why because I can read you can read you can comprehend what you read you're not illiterate but do you have the capacity for something to be revealed and if you're going to just read then all you need is your third grade teacher but if you're looking for something to be revealed then you need the help of a spirit and you shouldn't touch that which is spirit with flesh you shouldn't even try to approach that which is supposed to be approached by way of spirit with flesh am i helping anybody today you can't get this this can't cause you to believe it if you're simply just trying to comprehend it I just said something like this whether or not anybody want to say man if you if you try to believe this if you try to believe this now you are not talking about intellectual factors you're not talking about the intellect when you try to believe something the intellect comes in by where when you're trying to understand something so then I go into reasoning with my internet and that's why most people can't operate in faith because they Internet get in the way and they start going down the journey of reasoning and when you go down the journey of reasoning that which is in the spirit would never make any sense to reason my God have mercy Jesus it was always being enmity and enemy unhitched faith because what the Lord would say to you would make no sense what the Lord will will release to you will not make any sense to reasoning it was listen it will not make any sense to understanding it to intellectualize in it but it would make all the sense of the world to the spirit of belief oh my god oh my god because he causes me to believe his word causes me to believe because it's spirit and his word is not for my flesh his word is for my spirit his word was designed for my spirit that's how he created us in the beginning she scooped us up with a dust earthquake but then what man did not become a living soul until he breathed the breath of his spirit into me first man Adam a living soul second man out of a quickening spirit because now I find out was just you being a living soul is not going to cause you to believe me thank you Jesus just what you breathing is not going to it's not going to provoke you to have the level of faith in me that I need you to have so now I gotta send the second man Adam to become a quickening spirit to live on the inside of you which means give you're going to ever believe anything I say you can't do it without him that's why I said no man cometh unto the father but by him you can never get anything that I have for you except you do it through him and who is their description what is the scripture the breathing of the Spirit of God on when he says thank you God thank you God thank you God thank you God thank you God the breathing of what he said spirit breathing on what God is saying the spirit who going to God breathing of what God has said that's why he says the world that asked me when I send you to the scripture when I called you to get in your world it's spirit and not only the spirit I just calls anything the list I just brought me life to it I just brought life to the dead thing I just brought life to the Forgotten frame does anybody listen to this today oh this is rich today this is rich today so then he turns around and he says the same thing again he says the same thing again the world that I speak they're spreading out life he says that in the book of John and then he comes right along and picks it up in the book of Hebrews but now listen to what he says about it Hebrews 4:12 the amplified bible says for the word for the word and if you notice in your scripture in your bible that the word word is capitalized it's not the wo rd it's the capital W Ord why because the word now is the name the word is a personality the word is a person oh jesus oh Jesus whoops the work announce the name of a person place or thing so now we know that the word is not place the word is not a thing the word is a person who was the person the second man Adam that I have given the quickening spirit to that everything that it says in a spirit and it adds life good lord and y'all hearing this are y'all hearing this thank you Jesus we talking about what has the ability we're talking about a characteristic we're talking about coming with a description of what it is the world so now that he he had he has determined that it is the person and we know now that this person is the second man Adam with the quickening spirit that brings all things to life then let's see what it does let's go and see what it does for the world that God speaks again alive it's not going to come alive it is alive and full of power making it active operative energizing and effective okay full of power not looking for power not looking for power okay so let's let's let's let's let's let's break down a few traditions although we need more power no you need more worms although it spend your power I did you just won't read it oh god we call me your power then you must be calling on my word because it's full of power this is what full of power not a delusional spirit not a wandering spirit not goose bumps not made of tums because the Bible said that the devil can speak in tongues and shrivel he just can't live homie he just can't abide by this word and that's when you can tell whether or not a prophet is of the right spirit I don't care how powerful you think they are I don't care what kind of demonstration that they have because their devil know how to work miracles you better hear this today spirits an apparition know how to impress us with ghosts and demonic things that know how to make sense of the manifest to look like angels to look like they're spiritual to look like they are anointed to look my biggest problem but what is the true determination of power the true determination of power is what I can see the word in your life can arose under yeah that's true description of power is when you walk like this word when you resemble the word because it is a personality the word is a person when you become this person this we know you have power oh my God my God my God my God my God Who am I talked into all this space don't don't tell me up the river don't sell me up the river don't spit in my face and tell me it's raining no ma'am no ma'am I'm not buying it because now we in a place what we have to begin to separate talents from power we have to begin to separate people who are gifted from power go down another Shia we have to begin to separate people that know how to turn lambs and make things happen welcome wunderkind people who are raised up in spiritualism and know how to temple and tittle with the spirit realm I'm not impressed I'm impressed when I see the personality of this word because then I know you've got only have power with man but you got power with God oh geez who am I talking to today who am I talking to today Who am I talking to you today listen we can't be impressed by that more because now we talking about pasta and a round face we're talking about who has the ability to produce the personality of this word who can look like it who can look like it as you travel with my mother all the time and people would say you look like your mommy you ask your mama a girl you you look like an examinee like it you like your mama you look just like your mama until you see my daddy until you see my daddy and then I'm just winning I smiled like I'm I look like and I like my grandmother I like my father my father my father's features are stronger on me then my mother's features oh I just said something right there the gentleman dating feature on you the strongest feature on you should be the feature of your face should be the feature of the world that's what people are to see on you stronger than any other feature it needs to perceive your feature to live in it needs to supersede your features to prophesy it needs to supersede your figures to run around the church and to speak in some made-up tongue oh my god the number one feature of the believer is their ability to regulate the gospel of Jesus Christ the number one picture of the believer is your ability to prophesize throw their scripture and when I give it that it comes across as power why is it that it comes across as power okay let's look at that let's look at that let's look at that I can come into this room and I have quite a bit on this table because I'm it's a working table for right now because I'm finishing up a book and so I got things all over this table and I can send a one year old or two euro in here and say push this table help auntie I take one of my nieces and nephews and said help actually push the table and they be pushing pushing pushing and you know 37 I came I can't push it it's you a lot I can't push it oh come on push the table I can't push it is to our auntie I can't push it but then I can send somebody in here that is older and I say push the table why they able to push it because they have body strength to be able to give them the fortitude that they need for the push since that's why we can't go through nothing because you need a body behind the push are you hearing this are you hearing it so here you are a cushion that is malnutrition and you malnutrition are do I know that because your life says that the way you live says that the way you walk every day says that what you don't mind slipping in and out of every now and then said that you are now nutrition but when you prophesy or when you preach or when you pray and you have the body blunt force of a life behind it at what power is power is I'm not pushing with what's in my head power is what in my head has been revealed to me therefore I have been changed and now I'm praying with my life backing it up I'm prophesized with my life backing it up I'm preaching with my life backing it up and that's why when you hear people preach and they're shallow or you hear somebody preach and it sounded Hollow and it's okay but it's a little bit in origin but it's not quite a daunted I can guarantee you beyond a shadow of a doubt there's some part of their life that is unsubmitted from what they trying to push forward oh god oh god my soul Jesus surplus Lord he had the walls that I speak is full fall a path life is full of power making it active full of power making it active I can't go fail you because to the power that is full of is a life behind it's a jesus that came and put it life behind it it's a Jesus that was in that gardener says I want I don't want this to happen I we're father nevertheless not my will but thine will be done I'm gonna go ahead and put my life behind this thing that's a Jesus that put his life behind what he was doing [Music] it's a Jesus that had no parts of his life unser ended to the cause if the Jesus that called all his members in and said all of us is going to submit to this divine call of God and the CAHSEE lady's life down because He gave His life for it that's the reason why everything that you read under the power of the revelation of God the word is full of power because it's full of a life that's what makes it work that's what makes it God my God my God my God God my God my God my God who am I talking to Who am I talking to Who am I talking to oh well he said he makes it active which means you don't ever have to worry about whether this is why your feelings in in this way you don't ever have to worry whether or not something that the Lord is giving you is going to come to pass can I just encourage you on that today can I speak encouragement to you today you don't ever have to worry whether or not something that God has spoken to you and confirm to his word is going to come to pass because when your life is behind what you are believing God for and the life of Christ is behind what he is saying are you ready for this revelation right here and I just heard run down in my spirit if your life is behind what you are praying about as just the life of Christ had been put behind this word then the scripture says where any two touching and agreeing on anything I yell here in this any agreement means we're on the same page we on the same page Jesus gave his life and I'm giving mine we on the same page God is in the midst of us coroner Amish under you and he would do exactly what he said the matter but he would do it fiddly and abundantly above all I can ask or fake who Jesus according to the power that worketh in me and what is that power that power is the world that has provoked me to put my life behind what I am asking God to do for me and through me it is the power of the word that makes me not giving God across your walk it's a part of me that makes me stop making excuses but not operating in the spirit of excellence and what God has called me to do it is a part of me that makes me crucify my flesh daily that is a part of me that causes me to tell my flesh you know and live a life unbothered by sexual aggravation because what I am praying for I wanted that bad that I'm willing to put my life behind it could have I shut better than the old side thank you Jesus my god that you don't want it that bad when you start playing them games with your own self you don't want it that bad you want to be comforted you don't want destiny you want to feel better but you don't want density because when you want destiny destiny does not wait for mine destiny does not wait for hand destiny is not waiting for feet destinies is waiting for a life and destiny will not be fulfilled in a body part it will not accept it because if that was acute then all Jesus had to do was let his hands go to the cross let his feet go to the close and keep the rest of him but the complete destiny in the divine plan of God is for a whole life not a fragmented one and that your decision that's your decision but I'm here to tell you that what has been spoken into you a divine revelation of what's on these pages is full of power that's why the Bible says we must agree with God quickly we're not which he's not talking of that snot talking about a mind that's not talking about a mere decision that's talking about a bloodline of gleaming that's talking about agree with the standard that God said he's going to take to destiny are you hearing in two thousand of word that God speaks is alive and full of power and I'm going to stop there making it active get to get your point you now on page move it in to page 54 that's what we're going to pick this up tomorrow going through this right here going to pick this up on page 64 this ain't no joke get your book go to the website WWE to bottom calm and order your copy air ourselves cowboy your transmission races [Music]
Channel: Dr. Juanita Bynum
Views: 26,478
Rating: 4.8603492 out of 5
Id: s342WLtU4Ck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 26sec (2906 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 15 2017
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