WHERE WE'VE BEEN... Italy Vespa Tour

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it has been an entire month since we've uploaded a vlog and we are really sorry [Music] for the last month we have been in our favorite part of Italy hosting four weeks of Vespa tours before this all got started we thought we were still gonna be able to post two or three videos a week and the channel would kind of keep moving along like it always does little did we know how much energy running a Vespa tour would require we had no clue that we wouldn't be able to update you for a month or we totally would have shot a video before this whole thing began since it's been an entire month we felt like we needed to fill you in on everything that we've been doing instead of just posting the next vlog like nothing happened so in this video we're gonna tell you everything that we did in the tour but first we need to back way up and explain how this Vespa tour even came to be a year ago exactly Bob and Jeana invited us to their farm here in Italy we agreed to come for about five days and that turned into three weeks because we completely fell in love with this part of the world the people the food the beauty and we'd always talked about doing some kind of group to her but it it never felt right until we came here when we talked about hosting a tour we had always talked about the fact that we wanted it to be something that you couldn't do on your own in this area of Italy that we're in now is very rural and you really have to have connections to have the true experience kind of like we do with our friends Bob and Gina when we came here that let us use their Vespa driving around the countryside they took us to all of their favorite restaurants and they just gave us this like true local experience and basically what the tour was was us wanting to share that experience with other people shortly after we left here the first time last July we could not stop thinking about planning a Vespa tour in this part of the world so we called bob and gina and we asked them if they would be willing to help us plan a Vespa tour the next step was seeing if anybody was actually crazy enough to come on a tour that to people who had never planned the tour together put together so I sent out an email to our email list asking if anybody would be interested in coming and the response was overwhelming so much so that we sold out our first tour in 45 minutes keep in mind at this point it was all just an idea so of course the next logical thing to do is open up three more trips reviewing so by the end of it we had sold four weeks of Vespa tours with just this very rough idea of bringing people to Italy putting them in a villa and having them go around on Vespas with us as the tour guides so the next step was to come back to Italy and plan out this Vespa tour that everybody signed up for it consisted of a lot of research trying off the local wines trying all of the local foods driving on avec it was very rough work so flash forward to July 1st the first group of crazy people was about to arrive here in Italy she's gotta get all the stuff out of cars this goes here it's all I cannot believe this moment is finally here Nate involved in Jena just left to go pick up our first guest returned I can't believe it here's our villa she's a beaut I just can't wait to meet everyone I'm so curious who these people are who signed up for this trip that wasn't even planned yet group number one actually still kind of present that is pretty much the only vlogging that we did the whole trip we had no idea how much time and energy it would take to host a Vespa tour and we could have logged but we felt like since people came all the way to Italy we needed to make sure they had all of our energy so they could have the best time possible so we want to give you a taste of what the tour was like and since we don't have any footage of our own three of the people who came on this tour have been nice enough to let us borrow the footage so thank you Jerome Dylan and Trevor for letting us borrow your footage so on the first day after everybody arrived to the villa I spent the rest of the day teaching people how to drive Vespas [Music] it turns out only five of the 45 people who signed up for the tour had driven a to will motorized vehicle before so this whole teaching process was a little more interesting than I anticipated it'd be a little scary however by the end of every week everybody had this new skill and could go out on their own so it was really cool to see on the first day the majority of the people were just like hanging on to their handlebars for dear life and then by the end everybody was just loving cruising through the countryside so after a couple practice rides to get everybody comfortable for the rest of the week we returned back to the villa for a delicious dinner cooked by our friends and excellent chefs Stefano and [Music] [Music] and then they cried all together you don't like all this we started the first night off strong with delicious carbonara with tiramisu and of course paired with some local wines from the car they too was all about writing Vespas through the countryside and exploring the medieval hill towns that make this region of Italy so beautiful the best part about this day to me is driving through all of the endless sunflower fields it felt like a dream [Music] they can fight the scene as the gas station [Music] we rewarded ourselves after a long morning drive with some pre-lunch gelato well by lunch at our favorite restaurant in repattern so neh the snail [Music] next we walked off all of our pizza walking around the beautiful town of Reba transonic [Music] now with less than a minute so does the one incident then we went back to the villa and started our daily ritual of laying by full until dinnertime [Music] that evening was one of my favorite nights had the entire tour one of our good friends and expert Nokia makers Micheli came over and taught everyone how to make delicious Nokia from scratch [Music] the farm your child in the story but exactly practical whatever you can get off is good for it does include a finger crazy day three was a beach day so we drove down to our favorite spot on the beach and then went to lunch at this little hole-in-the-wall restaurant where they serve the best fried calamari in the world that loads of foreigner like do but you need to be basically amigo and that we're doing a blog takeover right now Tripp won the best doors that he had forever Elizabeth call Murray oh my god so what was your favorite thing here [Music] that evening we had dinner in the most picturesque location that you've ever seen it was this beautiful restaurant where the table spilled out into the square of this medieval town it really looked like something out of a movie set and of course there were like 18 courses so we were there until 12:30 at night when we were planning this trip our local friend who is helping us asked what time we wanted the bus to pick us up for dinner I said ah maybe 10 o'clock and he was like no way 12:00 or 1:00 I didn't think it was possible to dinner that long but apparently it is on day 4 we drove into the mountains to a family cheese farm where we got to meet the cows and [Applause] [Music] it's very after that we drove into one of the biggest towns in the region it is so beautiful so we just walked the cobblestone streets visited some churches and took so many pictures in the square and of course we stuffed ourselves with more pasta after that we got back on the scooters and just tried not to fall into a food come out on our way back to the villa this was our longest day of driving so we had two hours back to the villa where that night we had a beautiful dinner of a caprese salad made with the fresh mozzarella that we had seen created right in front of our eyes at the cheese farm on day five we drove to the beautiful town of Oviedo where we tasted wine from one of the largest wine producers in the region [Music] each wine was paired with a different lunch course and it was all delish obviously Oh pita is also known for this dying art of a traditional lace-making so after lunch we walked around and saw oh they keep little lady too early like this week that afternoon we headed back to the villa early to continue our tradition of hanging out by the pool until dinnertime dinner that evening was a fantastic seafood pasta once again made by our friends Stefano if you haven't figured it out by now the two are pretty much revolved around wine delicious food Vespas medieval hill towns on day six we did something a little bit different we made the last full day of the tour of free day we really encourage everybody to go out on their own on the best of us and spread their wings and have their own adventures we've been on a lot of tours in the past and one of the biggest things that we feel like is missing is the sense of self-discovery so normally when you go on a tour you're just following the tour guide and you're not actually discovering anything for yourself and we feel like this is a really important part of travel so now that everybody was comfortable on their Vespas we encouraged them to go out get lost and have an adventure so some people went down to the beach other people went to a local market and other people just went in search of delicious to auto and the different hill towns Friday night was super bittersweet because it was my favorite night of the whole tour but it was also our last night all together so we started by meeting back up at the most picturesque tasting room in all of them arcade but we're heading over to the island James Bond [Music] [Music] [Music] Bob had spent the entire day making pizza dough from scratch so everybody could make their own pizza and then cook it in the wood-burning oven it was pretty much the fanciest pizza party that you've ever been to Sun is setting over all of the vineyards in the valley it is so beautiful they had music playing everybody was drinking wine we were having a photo shoot it was just so much fun [Music] we on the other side are their own this is insane [Music] [Music] the two you can do with my hand like the Italians I don't know how to do that that's how it does it you can put it down on the bottom and you can kind of like shake it off or you can do the pull the tablecloth out from underneath all the glasses so I like the shape of the garden I wouldn't pick some fresh rosemary oh you look like you've worked at a pizza place before I really thank you really yeah I'm gonna tell you that pizza Roland [Music] no pizza for Wow look at the grand finale of the trip was getting everyone to sing karaoke so at the very beginning of the week we told everybody on Friday night we're singing karaoke at least half the people said there was no way we were getting a microphone in their hand but I'm happy to say that we had a 100% success rate everybody that came on the tour ended up singing it wasn't good but it was a lot of fun starring [Music] [Music] [Music] whoa [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] day seven was always super sad we would take everybody back to the trainer of the bus station we get the villa ready for the next week sleep for as many hours as possible and then do it all again three more weeks and around so it was pretty much our routine for the entire month of July we were going nonstop from 8 a.m. to midnight almost every single day it was an intense month and by the end we were both completely exhausted so much so that Garrett slept till 1:30 p.m. the day after the tour ended I woke up and seriously thought Nate had changed all of our clocks I didn't wake up once we had no idea how tiring hosting a month of tours would be but it was so rewarding in so many ways that we didn't even expect we knew that we would get to meet a lot of cool people from around the country but we had no idea the relationships that we would build with them because we really went through a lot together especially learning how to drive the best buzz and spinning every second of every day together but another thing we didn't expect was how cool it would be to watch other people become friends with each other even after they left Italy so that was really cool to see this has just been so different from what we spent the last two years doing normally we're sharing our passion for travel with thousands of people online but there's only so much of a relationship that you can create on the computer so it was so much fun to be able to share our passion in person and be able to create relationships that truly go both ways I really feel like we left this tour with tons of new friends that will keep in touch with for a long time so a huge thank you to everybody who was crazy enough to sign up for this door before we had any idea what we were doing another part of the tour that was just so rewarding was seeing all of the local people who were part of our tour come together and just be so passionate and proud to show off their home to us and our groups they totally embraced us even though we couldn't speak Italian to the majority of them they just made this trip so much better than we ever could have imagined so I feel like we need to do like thank you to all the people who made our Vespa Tory dreams come true like Bob and Gina we could not have done it without you Pietro Monica Stefano Enza me Kelly so at this point some of you are probably wondering if we're ever gonna do a tour like this again and the answer is probably yes but no so yes we will probably do another tour no it probably will not include Vespas there will never be another Vespa Tory like this one I felt like I was way too responsible for people's lives this past month as people were learning to drive Vespas down the curvy roads with the crazy Italian drivers coming around the curves way too fast I count ourselves lucky just one trip to the air so we don't know what the next tour is gonna be but if you want to be the first to get all the information about it will leave a link in the description below where you can sign up to be on the VIP list you you just get the emails first this one turned out pretty good so sign up if you're you don't I had fun I think other people have fun once again we are super sorry for leaving you hanging for a whole month we promise we'll never do that again without updating you first but hopefully now you have a better understanding of why we haven't uploaded anything so after today our video schedule is going to go back to posting every other day or at least trying to but we are pretty far behind we still need to share with you our travels through Egypt Turkey and Sweden so the next video that you see here on the channel will be our travels through Egypt feels good to be back that's easy [Music] superb like a much better idea when they were on the internet this is the real hero I don't know if it's quite tight enough it's a picture of video this is a video we could do a picture though we found a very scary friend in one of the bedrooms in Villa where there is he's mad you need to get rid of him before he gets rid of you yeah oh my god she's uncurling his tail what do we do life behind the let the gram behind the scene behind the scenes but Kuhn oh yeah say hey guys you guys are in 4k right now I can't see anything [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Kara and Nate
Views: 615,558
Rating: 4.9333153 out of 5
Keywords: vespa tour, vespa tour italy, vespa tour kara and nate, aviation, couple vlog, daily vlog, full time travel, husband and wife, husband and wife travel, husband and wife vlog, kara and nate, kara and nate vlog, travel, travel couple, travel duo, travel vlog, travel vlogger, vlog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 0sec (1560 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 10 2018
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