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[Music] [Music] larger than Texas California and Montana combined filled with vast open spaces mountains forests and incredible wildlife it's the entire reason we bought an RV in the first place before we can attempt to explore the very limited road accessible portion of Alaska we still have to get there first looking at a map you realize there's only about two or three routes to even drive to Alaska the Alcon or Alaska highway was constructed in World War two as a way to connect Alaska to the lower 48 and it's still the primary route to navigate through Canada's rural British Columbia and Yukon Territories a big part of the Alaska RV adventure is just making it up the 1,700 mile route [Music] it's awful Stefan it works Road with over driven on and at the end of the day I'm just like Wow there is nothing nothing out here things this is putting into perspective what we got the Alaska Highway is going to look like Jackson I think that's it yeah this is so level this is the most level oh we're here work so hungry that was a chowder would like two extra hours yeah slide out I just wanted to show this is what I wanted to show oh we had a couple casualties in the terrible constriction there's some water you ain't Camargo it's pepper second birthday number two every July 29 and a half right you every year could you tell we're having an ice cream parlor themed birthday [Music] Oh [Music] you know we chose this way because you just you don't want to miss sights like this I'm gonna no you can kind of go up coastline there's the Marine Highway but like you would miss things like this 1 2 3 beaver sorry I need to stop and take a photo beaver we picked up some jujubes and it was two Canadian dollars for this like smaller bag or three Canadian dollars for just like like three pound bag of jujubes for a dollar for so the problem now is only through the hands of jujubes in the back [Music] this is Maggie's this isn't really nice sitting over in this seat I hope that we see a whole lot more of that coming up in the future here doing all the currency conversions and leaders together we're we're paying four dollars and thirty cents US per gallon here and where are we for Fort Nelson [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's totally up there that's the thing it says I'm supposed to go left up here sure do that oh I've seen that thing in people's youtubes what that big red building pump asserted that we're doing is a bigger things further look at all the RVs oh my god this is not the main thing oh this is it boom it just like that we're at mile zero and Dawson Creek look at this sweetie come on here's how ridiculous it looks you get a picture in front of inside we're literally on the side of the road the traffic will be by in the rate but we got it and it looks great let's see you in Alaska no we'll see you in now [Applause] [Music] [Applause] buzzer beater made it here okay my favorite time to be on camera in my face Oh God I just ran into a batch I don't know if you screw up bench over there it is cooler here it is warmer over there it is hot and that's the riveting content going I'm here at the end [Music] [Music] if you're an RVer you know who keep your daydream is and two months ago they posted a riddle of where they put their sign in this sign forest okay so we want to follow keep your daydreams riddle to give ourselves something to do right Watson Lake sign for us riddle okay this is from their YouTube episode Vesper has a population of 541 look for the moose crossing and you're almost done nice rhyming guys just fine Spring City before you frown the KY d sign is just the little ways down so let's go solve their riddle since we don't have a sign to put up here I think there's something like a million signs here should we have like a competition to see who can find it first okay there's also a hint walking in circles looking for a clue find the buoy and put it above you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this place is massive and if the road wasn't right here you you could totally get lost in here this is way bigger than I expected I think my strategy is to just look for a buoy one time we ran into keep your danger at a park in Phoenix and I don't actually watch any travel YouTube i watch our movie YouTube so I didn't know who you guys were and Finny got very very starstruck and tongue-tied when you guys walked over and introduced yourself so if you ever see this just know that usually she's a little more articulate and she talks but uh she was she was tongue-tied and flustered that day [Music] I just looked at the riddle again the Moose cross I got oh yeah I was so distracted by the cute moose that's where I needed to be where was that who's Vesper well that was a very nice clear this is a huge sign okay I stopped looking for the sign it's any smart husband knows and sometimes it's better to let your wife when these things we've been here for like 20 minutes yeah I'm just gonna stand under Spring City and see what comes to me okay Spring City oh my gosh wait I just saw it holding this I was gonna say it's not behind it you found it it's incredible good job that's really nice I think one of their subscribers made that for that it's really cool look if you ever come to the sign forest sorry you don't have anything to look for for us but uh come and check out keep a daydream sign right here under spring city [Music] [Applause] Wow the drive from this sign for us and Watson lake over to Whitehorse has been great too not as crazy as the Rocky Mountain day but so come out we saw snow - through mountains pretty here so that was it that sign that's the big moment of truth and the decision group to go the top of the world highway or not and come through the Haines Junction and destruction Bay for us without a doubt our main goal is just to get to Alaska we know and care about like the crazy roads or what I mean if there was like another BAMF up there or something we would go see it but we're not trying to drag this out any longer or see how crappy the roads can get the very very low point for us so yep if it says Fairbanks this way we are going this way like I said earlier this is way more scenic than I was anticipating how but why cuz if I was gonna be like really boring [Music] [Music] there's babies up there look how big that one is look at that thing like right to the left of the OOP oh my god those people just people do not know um these people have obviously not been to Yellowstone and don't know about bison safety oh my god go back to your car oh no they're not cows oh my god is that an iPad I knew it [Music] when an epic way to finish a great day we have this awesome boondocking spot next to late we made it all the way to destruction bay from watson lake what's not expecting that to happen champion right here nice job I think that was nine hours of driving but we really didn't suffer very long today we even did our first mid-drive drivers change which isn't the safest thing in the world but if you're gonna go pro at driving in a class you got to do it swap it up potty back in the drive you see go go go these are the things that you can do in the Yukon all right how about a nighttime beach walk pepper needs to go to the beach also since it's 7:30 we could have lunch now baby [Music] it's 25 after 11 and I know we've all seen people on TV whatever who've gone up to Alaska or I mean even further north in Alaska where it's 24 hours of daylight it's absolutely insane to be out at 20 after 11 and it's this bright you know it's probably a little pixelated because it's on my iPhone camera but just you can go outside and see perfectly fine it's really really screwing up our sleep schedule I love it though it's great [Music] no more joking around we're coming up on another border crossing so we're preparing ourselves I'll take care of this and I'm gonna take some notes so that we're fully prepared to answer questions to get back into our native country we've been in Canada for 17 days we entered at what is that place called cerebro's we have seven beers that was he's gone one lemon we're going back into the UI I don't care they're not gonna like be like you can't come back really because it seems like you border crossings are more like a job interview or they're going to be like we need to inspect your vehicle [Music] we adopted for us for me at least it sound like whoo dude Alaska I'm like well let's see if we get in here maybe won't sit out here for dummies no way they're gonna probably throw me a ticker-tape parade it's kind of crazy going through a border crossing to come back into our own country but this is the destination and it's so different from the lower 48 we've got their money so many border crossings not on this trip but you know you're always going to something dude Alaska is something so new for us it's just crazy that as a u.s. sis and to come through this border it's gonna be like welcome home we go to Alaska there's no other country on earth that has so much diversity in it's a biography so it's really neat to be able to go to places like Alaska or Hawaii or Florida or Maine and it was just so much fun is it Utah where Utah that's a lot of different things you get to experience all that then one country so even if you don't have a passport just make sure you get out and explore the u.s. and then also get a passport see shout out to t-mobile I am so often trashed in the u.s. is not that great t-mobile saved our thoughts in northern Canada we haven't seen our good old friends AT&T slash Rogers and a long time since we got north of BAM we have only had t-mobile wishes on the valve network up here and just when we get into town Zoe's just screwing it in fast internet but ATT where yet not in northern Canada AT&T on our main phones have said no service it hasn't love just been like slow or anything it has said no service since we left BAM t-mobile even when we come through just little tiny places with like one little gas station it'll pop on for like three bars of LTE for a minute and then we're good what would we have done without t-mobile I would have been stranded strategy of having instead of like colored eggs in one oh this is the border yeah and t-mobile worked out okay are we ready well what else is this is the border oh it's an airport this is hardly the corner okay we must be leaving Canada by Canada you know I have an ulcer okay I have peppers rabies vaccine I have a list of things that we have in the car we have both of our patties boring on juist customs 30 meters were did we miss it was it that bill to get to go in first thirty miles this is just no-man's land they're not gonna do us where are we Ella we made it back into the u.s. yes whatever that was another crappy border experience it was like we were waiting for the light to turn green and it didn't it was kind of like flashing between green and red so like Tim stock plus we didn't know if we were too tall for the thing and then the guy who has having a terrible day like steps out of the booth and he's like like okay well it says stop so and then he's like where you coming from we were like maybe I'm so nervous that these cos Tim always is like absolutely the worst answer to all the questions he's like Canada but that was a stupid question I don't know wait where I slept last night with like fight for the budget I don't know there was a gravel turnout about four hundred and seventy kilometers back do you mean the last time we got gas where there was cell signal he's I quit where was the beginning of your trip like I don't know freakin Florida like what when when did we where did we enter Canada when was the last time we were in the States how long were you can't I don't know those are Murphy more appropriate questions I know what I have anxiety on these things is like yeah the worst experience you are setting the time hi I'm saying the talk because I think I've been pulled away you laughed and you're like Jared oh I shall watch a stupid question just because he's a border guard well the last time that happened we spent two weeks in northern Montana davenpod on board yes didn't care like the species well I don't know yeah our pet alligator is in the past okay doofy Oh someone's getting pulled over already well welcome back to the USA [Music] [Applause] [Applause] why ride the Dalton before doing it myself all I'd heard is that it's overrated only the first half of the 414 mile ride is even scenic and bad road conditions can make the trip and grueling mass on top of that the rubes desolate except for truckers who aren't exactly excited to be sharing the road with yet another idiot on a bike sign me up I went in this ride relatively unprepared and very much underdressed playing a video game on hard mode to up the ante even more the motor rental place suggested four days for the ride I insisted I could do it in three so here we are at the very beginning of things paying over $1,000 for rental to spend the next three days being pretty miserable it was time to prove if I wasn't gonna be smart about this I was at least gonna have to be tough when you're doing something as serious as the Dalton you want specialty equipment for example snowboarding pants nobody's gonna be impressed I left to go to last year [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is actually at the start of the road and in the past hours since I first checked in I've learned one very important lesson this helmet is gonna be really uncomfortable like check this out this isn't gonna be as easy as I thought I didn't know there was gonna be a pretty sign just on the way I thought there was the only sign [Music] before we get properly started and into this thing I thought I should grab a few seconds here first thing prep for this really decided last night that I was gonna do this today I imagine there's a lot of people out there who prepare for this for weeks and have great like list everything they want to pack everything they want to do this was as simple as getting the motorcycle and just throwing stuff into the boxes on it and whatever didn't fit in there strap it on top so I don't have an awesome meal plan I do have an entire bin right there full of a lot of candy bars and nuts I lucked out that they had a jacket that I could use for this Drive that is awesome this is my first time on a BMW bike I've been really excited to try riding the GS for a really long time it's got 22,000 miles on it and I'm sure most of those are dalton it's been running really good and I think it'll be pretty comfortable I don't know what would be really comfortable for this long help got me drive though the plan for today I have to drive up to the Yukon River there is a little spot there called a Yukon River crossing and I'm getting gassed there I'm getting gas because then the next spot to get gas is at Coldfoot I hope to have a nice little dinner up at Coldfoot and get gas there and then I am going to head north to the south side of the pass near the Brooks Mountains I should really know all this stuff by heart I don't I did buy some bear spray before I left today I don't know if that's gonna do anything if I really need it but I guess it makes me feel better I'm all high spirits now and could not be more excited to be doing this I have an awesome wife she was nothing but supportive of this whole thing she didn't understand it but she's like I get it want to do it go [Music] this is Yukon crossing here and the first stop for gas the owners of the rental company said that I would have to be careful with the throttle not be a throttle jockey go easy on it because I was going to be needing every bit of gas to get between well you can't up to Coldfoot and then Coldfoot to Deadhorse and actually if I haven't mentioned already I do have two extra gallons of gas and I'll need those to get from Coldfoot up to Deadhorse [Music] I don't know what the hell happened immediately after he leaving the Yukon River stop there the road one from something I was going like 65 on the gravel to just this muddy slippery I'm having a problem in first gear going 10 on it's just I [Music] well finis I made it to that stupid sign I wanted to go to and you're really smart for not wanting to do this all the sudden sense hitting like writing into the Arctic Circle the mosquitoes are coming out now a quick time out for useful information too if you want to drive up here definitely get a rental car that is supposed to be on the road we've seen YouTube videos where people drive their RVs up here unless you have like a truck camper I won't drive an RV up here the road is great and then all the sudden just it's like the end of the world and it's just the greatness stops and then it's just super rough the potholes are epic they give Chicago a run for their money but it wouldn't be a problem to get up here at all in a truck or small SUV I would bring extra an extra tie here though [Music] this is beautiful cold foot behind me this field my home for tonight and somehow it ended up being freezing so there's no bugs but and when I have to deal with sleeping in the tent I did not pack wisely for this trip either [Music] [Music] hello and welcome to a very special segment of a show I like to call let's try not to freeze and my buddy Jim right here here's my willfully inadequate sleeping bag by the way please notice you can still see me okay obviously it was a little better with the lighting before but it is 10:00 to midnight still this bright well I'm gonna get back to hanging out with Jim I'll see you tomorrow morning they survived they did it the biggest problem here that's the noise from the trucks rolling in and out of here all the time there's also really cooked but I took hand warmers and stuck them in my sock and it was it was cold time to get up you see what else Coldfoot has to offer me quick shout out of course it was fin easy yes back means I didn't think I'd need him she just knows [Music] [Music] here's something that's tough about doing any of this it's really hard to just stay in the moment all the time knowing that I have to film all this stuff I'm nice and warm for breakfast I had a bunch of coffee I know it's time to drone but that means literally finding the place to pull over dealing with this luggage bag that's not that easy to open to begin with taking the drone out setting it all up and even doing something like pulling out the camera who knows if the helmet is like muffling my voice or if the audio is bad or anything every time you're just like driving for more than 10 minutes all I can think about is like should I set up for another shot should I get this did I get this do I need to do it again could it be better kind of takes you out at the moment a little bit but I know I'm not gonna want to do this on the drive back if I make it to Deadhorse so now's the time [Music] I lost my sleeping bag and the tent off the back of the scooter scooter motorcycle I feel like an idiot right now I still had my straps and everything so I can get back going here but God that just sucks I drove pretty far back like 15 minutes with another rider who's going by I didn't see anything I don't know what to do [Music] they're just unreal I feel like a spaceman right now that discovered the worst kind of alien I can hear them hitting my helmet like raindrops on a roof plus I know for a fact that it's 46 degrees based on the thermometer how are these bugs still up here it's it's so cold right now it's got by far the MVP of this trip the hand warmers on this thing I don't think this is to be possible today without the hand warmers they are that good and that important uh just the morale of this expedition the other thing is I just put the fuel cell into the motorcycle like this is it I whatever way I go now I have to like stick with it I can't think about it again we're going to Deadhorse [Music] [Music] this is it I'm here this is Deadhorse I was too cold to even like record coming in from outside or just the dead horse camps I know it's at like that last 45 minutes I was just kind of in a trance like trying to maintain focus trying to stay safe the roads were terrible and I am just chilled to the core I'm almost out of jokes now just that last bit was just gonna warm up now and then I'll give you a tour of a $219 hotel room dead horse camp goes with a 1970s dorm room decor stuff I will be getting a roommate possibly I have my own light above my bed there's places to hang clothes and that's it that's the hotel room the bathrooms are down the hall plenty of hot water well well worth the two hundred and nineteen dollars though I went from thinking that was a joke to just a static to uh pay and get a room and be warm and just like I can't believe what a beating took our road the past couple days well I still have enter any energy at all let's look real quick this is a food fin help me pack truth it's still left over and I'm driving home tomorrow bars bars bars lunch a tuna and chickens I hate ice cream god I can't even talk right hey there's our buddy Jim from the last night a ceremonial Bud Light Lime for tomorrow drink for my buddies pound and a half of heavily salted cured with walnuts two more hots some pretty much the only vegetable you can take with you that's not gonna fall apart on the bike besides that for the last night here it's make sure that everything is done by the radiator drying for tomorrow so I'm not miserable and then just charging a bunch of electronics there's no keys for the doors here it's on the honor system when you close the door that means nobody can come in well you can lock it from the inside but you don't have a key to your room I'm like slap-happy I need to go to bed I'm dying here I just wanted to do this because I can't do it in the morning but speaking of the morning [Music] you just get some petrol this morning what's your swiped in here [Music] well aside from the fuel station here and those buildings that's dead horse it isn't Disneyland up here Mickey wasn't here to greet me when I showed up and nobody's gonna be waving when I say goodbye I was gonna wait and record a voiceover later but I mean this is the feelings on this whole thing I'm so glad I did this I don't ever need to do this again glad I didn't turn back and go back to Coldfoot it's just nice to have this checked off the list and the Dalton it wasn't there weren't like explosions there were scorpions jumping at me or bears trying to maul me it's a hard road to drive depending on conditions it's a test of endurance and this is really cheesy but it's like one of those last wild hard things out there to really test yourself against I know there's harder routes longer routes but I mean this is something I'm not gonna forget doing but it's something I just will never need to go do again I have likely a 14-hour drive home today the last two days have taken me a lot longer to get here because I've been recording so I won't be recording on the way home unless something epic happens but uh it's time to hit the road that's all I can say let's get at it [Music] well well well here we are house this is Deadhorse this is the end of the line I have one last special treat for you guys today this might be the only Bud Light Lime within 500 miles of here this is all for you guys 7:00 a.m. beer this is his north of the wall as it gets in the u.s. winter is coming it's gonna be a lot of powder out there I have never been more excited to be in a rainy cold destination the drive-in to Valdez was stunningly beautiful we've only been here for three hours and we've already had pad thai in the harbor and I'm sitting here in the front seat of the RV looking at a sea otter in our spot for the next four nights [Music] while DS is a beautiful port town nestled among fjords on Prince William Sound you probably know it as the primary location affected by the Exxon Valdez oil tanker spill in the 80s it was the perfect spot for us to hide out for a week between Tim's crazy Dalton adventure and the arrival of Tim's parents the following week in Anchorage it was so nice to finally be next to the ocean after being in an RV for months driving through the center of North America we finally reached the coast this finally felt like the RV experience we have been looking for we had all the comforts of home as well as adventure and beautiful views right outside our door Valdez is a very very small town with only a few restaurants at Best Western Hotel and loads of RV parks somehow we managed to call the same day and get a spot right on the water at the Bear Paw RV resort we had to move spots due to availability after a few days in town but there was not really a bad RV spot around everywhere you look we are surrounded by mountains waterfalls and bald eagles it was really nice here catching up on work the fact that Valdez is one of the wettest places in North America meant we spent a lot of time inside we didn't do much blogging hence the abnormal amount of voiceover in this episode but we want to show what Valdez has to offer as it was one of our favorite places in the state [Music] it's popular to take a day cruise out to the nearby Columbia glacier we opted out mostly because we were using this week to work and it was a little long to leave pepper at home we did love all of the other things in town our favorite was the Salomon Gulch fish hatchery every year this hatchery releases approximately 230 million pink salmon and two million coho salmon to the fish later returned to the hatchery by entering the facility using a fish ladder which carry the fish from Prince William Sound upstream this process is known as ocean ranching and it occurs every year the amount of fish here was just astounding this of course made the entire area a popular destination for other wildlife [Music] just up the road at other river inlets is a popular place to spot our favorite animal right off the side of the road [Music] [Laughter] there's only one Road in and out of all these so you definitely won't miss Bridal Veil Falls and the glacier right here on your way out unless of course we'll be riding the ferry on the Alaska Marine Highway which can take you down to southeast Alaska or up closer to Anchorage [Music] after our wonderful week in Valdez it was time to head back to Anchorage and get ready for Tim's parents to arrive we also ended up meeting up with a couple who had found us through our New Zealand videos fortunately for us they happen to be the owners of double shovel cider company in Anchorage and we're wonderful hosts for the evening step one insider making source local apples [Music] at this time double shovel is a non harvest host yet but there is one harvest host in Anchorage we would definitely recommend checking that out because surprisingly enough downtown Anchorage had the worst RV options we've seen the entire trip anyways another big thanks to Galen and Morgan who made our visit to Anchorage very memorable or not if you know what I mean circling in on our last days in central Alaska what cat what part of Alaska is this you know those like Alaska part of Alaska [Music] today we ventured a Seward with two more people in tow on our way back from Valdez we swung through Anchorage to pick up my parents and we got the opportunity to wait it probably the coolest Airport cell phone pick up life we've ever seen Seward lies in the Kenai Peninsula and should definitely be a stop on your Alaskan road trip even the drive here from the airport is listed as one of the most beautiful tribes in the country we have not yet found a more RV friendly City than Seward Alaska how is it oceanfront and there's all these RVs like as far as the eye can see it's fantastic here [Music] for $40 you can park Oceanside with water and electric or if you're more budget minded you can still just dry camp same cruise ship view $20 great day exploring seaward for one day tomorrow is our big tour day so it's an early night to bed we're hoping for good weather [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] main reason we're here is my number one Alaska bucket list item kayaking to a glacier we're heading out on a ferry to a remote island inside the Kenai Fjords National Park where our wilderness guides keep their kayaks all ready just on the ferry ride we were visited by sea otters harbor seals bald eagles puffins and we're surrounded by ice glaciers and lush temperate rainforests yes rain forests in Alaska how do we know all this well this is our wilderness guide Norris we booked a full day trip with kayak adventures worldwide and while we were sharing the ferry with other groups it was just Norris and the four of us that were gonna be off exploring the glacier well we were quite lucky with Norris he was immediately on board for our shenanigans so we just handed over the camera and said okay you're in charge of YouTube today so we don't do the work anyway no if I lose everything [Music] today in the most remote wilderness of Alaska believe Seward and head south one source word dude - laughs kisses roughest waves get the scene in this territory we're taking a different route do you need appropriate gear we have this Smokey the Bear shirt from Target don't forget your snowboarding hoodie my mother-in-law gave me this jacket her Christmas and then followed by a cortex raid protective layer brand-new from aria get the kayaks on this island in the middle of the party welcome to sea kayaking 101 step 1 find someone like Norris to help you out step 2 remove snacks from pocket place on kayaks step 3 apply sea skirt correct direction it would be this way not the other way where I began [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes it was cold it was wet but it was one of the most incredible places we have ever been it was time to paddle back to kayak Island and be picked up by the ferry and was some time to kill we decided to interview a wilderness expert on how to stay bare aware in the park hot-off-the-press wilderness guide loris here to tell us about varus spray and bare harmonicas Norris in the past I have seen that bear spray is not that that great you know you have to be and then pretty ideal conditions to use this so I've come up with the bear Monica which is a harmonica for bears so basically when you are hiking you can use your bear Monica pull it out whenever you'd like and make exceptional music while you're hiking this is huge because bears do not like that music and tend to stay away what genre of music do bears most dislike usually the R&B rap kind of thing they'll stay away from that yeah okay and then would you recommend taking harmonica lessons on a normal harmonica before using the bear harmonica absolutely I start with the C and then progressed to you know more complicated F note that yeah you want to progress in your para maana cos skills before you really get into the bear Monica thanks so much for your great food wet tired hungry and cold we laughed on the way back and we applauded Tim's parents who hadn't hardly been with us for 24 hours before we threw them into one of the most challenging days of the trip yes willing to be hurt another day No [Music] we're gonna be heading out on the kayak soon but first we're going to be heading out on the kayak soon but first the commercial break from bear Monica don't see you name it your bear scare your bear with the bear Monica this video is not in any way sponsored by kayak adventures worldwide nor do we receive this trip for free this was just a serendipitous day with a great guide and company at the end of our trip each participant selects an eco friendly nonprofit to donate to it was great out of all the guided adventures and tour companies we've taken throughout our travels this was by far the best experience we just hope you give them a look if you're visiting Alaska homer is known for being the end of the road the five miles out into the ocean on the homework spit is the farthest west connective road goes in North America after driving all the way to Alaska from Florida we were beyond excited to arrive Homer is a unique Alaskan town and has been called the cosmic hamlet by the sea and a sort of Key West in a parka it's also the halibut fishing capital of the world where the limit is to fish but halibut in these waters can weigh up to 400 pounds [Music] [Applause] we left in the early morning on a charter boat to head out far from shore out to the deep shelves for the halibut like to hang it wasn't long however before we realized just what the day was going to be like our captain rolled his eyes and let us know we were lucky he was out with us on opening day of moose-hunting season maybe luck along with $325 a person okay the day began with six of us watching a very hands-off training on thumb on the spool this gold levers gonna go down you can let it out pretty fast and you'll feel a hit bottom this bottom click it up you're gonna move it just a little bit forward of that mark just a little bit forward to your gonna reel up a little cloud stays bouncing again okay and we went wrong I guess [Music] [Music] and then we had one maybe [Music] [Music] you guys have one minute at each other I think all right do you want to talk about the snag situation today okay so don't stick don't go on starboard and the drift is to the left and you just practice and really after five to twelve times catching each other's lines and dismantling tangles the captain decided we should try our luck elsewhere there's gonna be some titles on this opening because he can't hear anything you're saying [Music] we arrived to find the largest waves we've ever been out in [Music] pop Gary Oh is it worth losing the camera over yes hey we've already lost one camera fishing what's another wait wide leg position is this the turducken this is at reduction this is a nice herring coming out the mouth the salmon with a very nice circle hook in place hoping for a fish to go like this [Music] it wasn't exactly the whoo take a picture with your fish crowd off it went into the bin but Debbie and I decided it called for a bit more celebrating well this time from here to here is a fillet from here in two years of life you flip it over you get Tim's new confidence after catching the only fish had him hard talkin the rest of the boat no that's just how small he is going I think I lost somebody think he's 2 or 3 pounds and I don't think even has a tail I think it might just be the head that is the quintessential under I'm bringing her what emotions are you feeling disappointment total disappointment your reason I caught that fish was my fate [Music] not now okay so it was a bit of a slow start to the day on the last day of the halibut fishing season but by the end of it Bob had another fish up in the boat and even Tim caught a second one we had the captain warmed up we continued to enjoy the beautiful coastline on the sunniest day we had in Alaska and looked forward to the 40 pounds of fish we were about to bring home [Music] I'll tell you what that's hard holding that Raju in there nope there's no way I can real yeah whatever [Music] on our way back to shore we even got a quick hello from a passing by friend [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] we are busy busy no time to rest coming straight back from hell that fishing we need to oh where is it tis I sit out here Fanny Fanning the barbecue I think they turned out great let's eat that smells so good we're cooking it so fast and then we need to go eat it and enjoy it and then all of her stuff is in the wash to dry because then we are going on a bear tour tomorrow we were originally scheduled to go halibut fishing yesterday but I got pushed to today because the seas were that's fine that's why we scheduled several days here in case anything needed to get moved around but that means that now we only have a few hours between halibut fishing today enjoying our dinner of halibut and then bear viewing tomorrow it's a whirlwind this is our final Alaska roadtrip episode it worked out that we saved our favorite experience for last though because today we booked a trip to Katmai National Park to check out the bears at Brooks Falls [Music] the only way to get to Katmai park is by boat or plane since our little scoop scoop doesn't fly we booked a seaplane out a homer for an incredible flight out to the park [Music] brooks falls is going to push being bare aware to the limit so let's just drive this already tired joke into the ground already how not to be bear aware here we find a social media obsessed tourists focused on selfies with their coffee oblivious to mortal danger silly tourists your bear spray is tucked away you've invited certain death bear aware requires alertness discipline and a quick draw if you get in a pinch so remember stay alert stay alive stay bear aware no animals were harmed in the making of this video bear spray is not allowed to Katmai National Park we are there to observe the Bears not spray the Bears this is give to eat inside these fences and then now we're leaving the safe fenced-in picnic area to go be bear bear what are we going to do today there's I'm for the record I lost my shirt so my dad lat mean his I'm also better way okay we're going from for sure safety in here seconds later they're viewing except for the bear is sleeping on the trail so they've stopped this large group of people and we're waiting for the Bears nap I mean can it be like hours [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] after seeing a thousand pound grizzly only minutes after arriving we knew our safety briefing was no joke so as we went off in search of the cultural center we followed instructions and were as noisy as possible if we have the bear Monica we wouldn't have come up with all these things that we need to say all the time just keep rambling I understand the bear Monica better now you just like just oh yeah start playing right there seeing the nice Sun all matted down yes I love that we're going for our own tour it's so serious there's bars on the window this looks like this is where beers walk up frog alright we're safe alright so they live down in the ground interesting okay this is interesting [Music] safely back from the cultural center our next challenge was to cross the river Park Rangers patrol the bridge so that foot traffic doesn't interfere with bears swimming by in the water across the bridge because they're back [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is bridge crossing take to the goal of crossing the bridge is to follow the path over to Brooks Falls you know the famous Alaska photo of bears catching salmon in the waterfall that's where we're headed seconds about an hour to go a half mile we have entered the baird chamber the bear safe chamber guess the bear chamber be out oh my god that's so legit [Music] you know your bear where when you're telling everyone your bear alert thank you to my father-in-law who printed these out for all four of us to wear here [Music] [Music] my favorite summer is can't get up the waterfalls over on the viewing platform here it's like oh like everybody here is Rudy for the salmon like yeah the Bears a little bit like also it is so warm great thank you whether we appreciate it I wearing long underwear patina and I have loses all layers of clothing we've all shed to take a break from the crowd and the beating Sun we found a bear safe platform at the mouth of the river all to ourselves [Music] without a question this is the best thing that we've done can you see through the water in the camera and hope well you could also see the bear right here this is the coolest thing that we have done it's expensive but it's worth it Phoenix lights bears National Park entrances I'm walking super fast because they yell at you if you don't because you have to be very aware so happy we want to do this also I should mention we pay for the stuff that we do I used to like look at you to think that people just have to do cool stuff for freaks they make videos for it here but between the awesome seaplane flight the Falls and our favorite apex predators we kind of hoped for a better day out of Katmai this was the ultimate way to wrap up six weeks in Alaska vacation time with my parents and getting to share this entire North American RV series with you guys can't wait to show you what we've got lined up next Happy New Year next Sunday make the journey back from Alaska with us and follow our adventure back across the US to sell the RV [Music] you [Music]
Channel: TIM and FIN
Views: 950,013
Rating: 4.7637029 out of 5
Keywords: drive to alaska, rving through alaska, rving to alaska, rv alaska, rv alaska documentary, alaska documentary, alaska rv documentary, rv in alaska, alaska rv road trip, rv alaska youtube, rv alaska highway, rv alaska series, rv the alaska highway, driving to alaska, alaska highway, rv life in alaska, rving the road to alaska, rving to alaska youtube, rving to alaska 2019, alaska travel documentary, alaska, alaska travel, alaska travel video, alaska travel guide
Id: qBxRjP1qWCI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 38sec (4478 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 22 2019
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