UKRAINIAN FOOD IS...(secret underground restaurant)

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[Applause] [Laughter] [Music] we're Karen Nate we've been traveling the world full-time for the last three and a half years and we've had the opportunity to sample local cuisine in over 90 countries Wow most of it has been incredibly delicious some of it has been interesting I never thought I would be eating lamb vegetables and a few just weren't for us do I have to eat the head we're currently at our 94th country of Ukraine in the capital city of Kiev and today we are going to be trying as much Ukrainian food as our stomachs can possibly handle we have created a list of 11 traditional Ukrainian dishes that we have to try to make right see how far we can make it through the list because we've heard that cuisine here is very heavy we are starting today's DIY food tour at a restaurant that has become our go-to this week while we have been in cube and we have lovingly referred to it as Grandma's house for multiple reasons as soon as you walk in the front door it smells like grandma's cooking you can see into the kitchen and you can literally watch Ukrainian grandmothers making dough by hand and what would be in your grandmother's house that she decorated in the 80s and hasn't updated it pretty sure we could just get all 11 things on our list at this restaurant we have narrowed it down to four things on our lens starting with okra Scott I have no idea if I'm saying that correctly I'm gonna go ahead and apologize in advance for mispronouncing all other things on this list so this is what they call a summer shoe from Russia but it's very popular in the summer in Ukraine because it's cold and yoga based it tastes like soup salad like it literally tastes like I'm eating a salad in soup corn I go like all the things that ass out has onions little chunks of chicken celery cucumber and dill and then it's like the dressing it's just so there are a lot of variations of dumplings in this part of the world they're all called different things that they're all very similar we just ordered bar and which might be the national dish in Ukraine not positive up here it is so we got some Bahraini feet stuffed with cabbage and mushrooms topped with caramelized onion and these beautiful chunks of fried pork and the cranium rails just made them in the kitchen it's seriously the best thing I've put in my mouth since we've been here we actually had these in Poland as well but they call them pierogi they're they're pretty much the same thing so I like to make the perfect bite with a little bit of that salty chewy crispy bacon with so the caroline's onions for like the sweetness and then mix with the Joey hand made with grandma's love dough with the savory veggies on the inside can you see any salivating like I wasn't talking where's the best combination let's chill grab another type of dumplings that we've seen on almost every menu is the police these were originally in Russia and it was a way for them to store meat in the winter so they would actually make them raw put the meat in the middle and then they would put him in the snow so he have some chicken paninis we have some Siberian please and we've ordered them fried so they have a nice crispy outside and like a lot of dishes that we've encountered here in Ukraine it comes with a side of sour cream they put on top what the mystery Polly me eating beginning it doesn't matter what's in the middle cold sour cream with the warm crispy dumplings you just can't go our last dish is the famous borscht soup we had this for the first time on the trans-siberian railway so it's something that I've always associated with Russia but apparently it actually originated here in Ukraine so we had to try in the country where it originated a very first part of this dish that it was a suit with a beet root broth and it's just like everything just turns red in the dish it doesn't look very appetizing it didn't sound very appetizing to me but it's something that I've come to love there's tons of onions beans potatoes some kind of meat good sausage yes one sausage thank you we've come right around the corner to try one of Kiev's most famous street foods from what I understand it's like a mix between a corn dog and a hot dog but it smells like a doughnut it's a yeast roll that has a hot dog put inside and then it's all deep-fried into one steaming patty first bite tasted like a sugarless doughnut it seriously tastes like a sugarless doughnut stuffed with an American hot dog I feel like like the drinking culture is pretty big here like there's like a lot of vodka and this seems like exactly what you'd want after a night of drinking a lot of shots upon just a guess I don't know from experience I really like the breath the sour yeast dough it's very increasing see yours do you want it uh-huh okay and I can say okay nice to meet you nice to meet you what just happened I actually I was like oh this is funny he's giving me a thumbs up and then he had like a hammer in his hand I'm not take take that target Oh Oh God good thing you don't like hot dog city where he tried anyway I think about favorite part of the whole interaction was he forced his hurt the girl that was with him she thought I'd talk I don't know how he didn't just hand him the mic that I tried to him that he like [Music] [Applause] we just came right across the street to this restaurant that so many people told us to come to because everything is 1 euro none of this stuff is actually on our list of things to eat today but it was all one euro and they only had 5 things on the menu so we ordered 4 out of the 5 things because the best thing was hotdogs which we just had we were kind of scared the guy with the hammer was going to come in just kidding but it really is a random menu it kind of has an appletini there's apple cider apple brandy apple pie and oysters no idea where these came from and it's their dollar and why not it's Russian language what's wash it down this this is good it's like adult apple juice I don't think you really come here this is like the best food ever I think it's more just like a cheap cool vine barrels as the tables next we were going in search of Kiev chicken and we've heard that the best spot to get it is in po deal which is like old Kiev and it's probably at least a 20 minute walk away which is probably a good thing we need to walk off some calories and it feels amazing it appraises there's a party in the street civilian things like the best days ever to being here [Music] [Music] [Laughter] I'm gonna cut it open if she don't meat was really hot when she set it on the table and then all this beautiful beautiful melted butter just but all this is called the chicken kids and from what we understand they take a chicken fillet they pound it out they roll it in cold water and then they separate with dill rolled up and fry it how beautiful is that that is so good fried to perfection the dill and the bottom ends I'm so savoring I really wish you two had all the butter still in there I hate that but it's still really good we're very sorry really I'm not the first one who's made a mess like this that makes me feel better part of my sadness was how I disappointed our way just was gonna be when she saw the I'm gonna continue zipping and enjoy it so I think I may have discovered my new favorite food here in Kiev it's called sir Nietzsche and its cottage cheese pancakes what I really love about it is you can either order savory or sweet so like a lot of things here in Ukraine it comes to the side of sour cream but it also comes with a side of jam and that's my favorite way to go wrong for the double dip here just imagine a cheesecake without the crust and then sticky in the pan and frying it on both sides until there's just a little bit crispy and then dousing it a challenge that's what I'm eating right now and it's incredible who would put sour cream on I would I worked off those calories just doing this for you well we started this adventure at lunchtime now getting dark we're not there or list yet not throwing in the towel yet though it's the US and I guess I like getting sad crap just walking right now this is a very heavy quizzing pretty sure our next stop is the most popular place in town look at this line okay well I was really long and then I made friends with this really nice lady in her husband and her said we're gonna stay with them she said we would evaluate 40 minutes with than ever to turns out you can't actually order the drink that we came here for when you're sitting at the table so now I'm standing downstairs and the husband oh I speak Ukrainian and we're trying our drinks so he fills her all the way up to the top and apparently you have to you have to drink it out so you can put the cherries in it is that right probably miss cares out here and I have to do both [Music] okay this restaurant is so cool we just can't wear for this traditional cherry liqueur that we heard something we had no idea or the upstairs is this really cool restaurant Oh place no summer where they draw a plate with a fork on the table sauce which is a piece of paper some of everybody has these bids and they've also drawn some older things done and you just see the curb and our new friend is donated is this letter try the roof those are the moments that you just can't land poor so I'm just clueless there's all these people I'm like are you in line are you in line I read like huh huh like nobody knows what I'm saying and then this angel came up to me and she said are you asking who's last in line and I was like yes and she said go over there tell him your name they write it on a piece of paper and like oh I don't know but oh like you put your name on a list turns out you only have to do that if you were eating yes there were two separate lines you're in the food line and then there's like the bar lie where you get the drink that was like the whole reason we came to the rest that's mistake I've ever made because we have by the time we finished dinner last night with our new friends the last two places that we really wanted to go or close but we saw three things left on the list so now it is dinner time our stomachs are a lot more empty we're gonna finish what we started we're not quitters [Music] so this place has also been one of our go-to small opening Kiev we've been calling it the Ukrainian MacDonald because it's a chain and we've seen them on every street it seems like it's called who's at the Hudson and it is so cheap this entire tray of food was like five dollars its cafeteria style let's use point to what you want and the not bad and the reason we came here is because this is on our list it's called knowledge leafy and it's like a great fairly great the third thing here we think but instead of holding it like a normal crepe they rolled up looks like it has caramel and chocolate drizzled on top and it's filled with something I don't no idea what that us and believe it or not it is served with a side of sour cream even though sweet great this is a really fair I don't like sweets lessons chocklit the billing is like really fruity but like really whoa but bizarre room like weirdly works so our last stop on this entire food tour we think is located somewhere in the small but it's a speakeasy and we've heard it's located on a secret floor and you need a password and the password is Ukrainian so we're gonna have to do some fragmentation it's not how it looks at all more Tessie Tessie appropriate around the Seeger floor Wow you keep on fighting and you're gonna win or keep struggling yes exactly Wow Wow I feel really awkward I don't know where to get him like everybody knows what's going on ever me this is much fancier than I expected I thought we were coming into a dark dungeon we've been instructed to sit down at the bar this far because you can find no job for Anelka Wow I feel like it's really obvious that we're new here this is like the best when a lead or go to the wall with all the hands there's 72 hands which are the 72 years that Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union and then once you walk past that door you're in free Ukraine this shows about a bunch of stuff on the wall show it's the kitchen everything here is Ukrainian like no foreign foods or drinks so just this cool all thrilling upstairs and now we're back in the room now I just have to have there the last two items on the notebook okay so they didn't have deroun II but they did have Solow and they had this entire platter of local needs so Solow is pretty much just pork fat which sounds extremely unhealthy but apparently here in Ukraine they actually think it has a lot of health benefits a little skeptical about that but our waitress told me she said if you eat solo by itself it's like 50% so what you do is you take the bread and then you smear some horseradish on top of it she was like it's like Ukrainian wasabi and then you stick the Solow on top and you just eat it all as one cohesive unit ah oh it burns so bad I have no clue it's all that it's like all it takes is horseradish I shouldn't know it was a heavy heavy survey horse - it tastes kind of like like salty bacon like that's the closest thing I can compare to like bacon with a really weird texture not bad okay we've heard that the only way to wash down your solo is with what the waitress said this was the best in all of Ukraine sorry scheme the beats key food mom good mom Wow that felt like the most appropriate way to end the Ukrainian food talks [Music] so close and something else that you've never seen before a and make your own garlic bread so this jar is just butter a ton of garlic and dill and then we think it was dinner it's really gonna be so in there like five minutes [Music] without ordered earlier I was like one hot dog just like no sausage it's like the most American hot dog I've ever stayed pretty sure an egg stop Hey when we when we first watch that she's like where you from and we're like American cheese like then we're your best friend she felt like we're famous I can't believe how strong that was Ukrainian by even step even after the dumplings the bread the meat everything we've had and I still feel it don't you wonder if that's why it's good like that's a sign the longer burns a better nose [Music]
Channel: Kara and Nate
Views: 1,252,284
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ukraine, kyiv, kiev, ukranian food, what to eat in ukraine, what do to in ukraine, what to eat in kyiv, what to eat in kiev, kyiv food, kyiv restaurants, best food in kyiv, food tour, food video, diy food tour, speak easy, speak easy restaurants, kyiv speak easy, travel, travel vlog, travel video, travel food video, travel couple, couple vlog, full time travel, travel vlogger, husband and wife vlog, secret underground restaurant, kyiv ukraine, ukraine travel vlog
Id: tMzVtSVe2Gg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 27sec (1167 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 17 2019
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