BIOHAZARD | Romhack Competition 2021 | Finale

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all right two keys all right what are we dealing with here anything don't look like annoying ass keyhunters all right um i wonder if we should just head back now unless that door is unlocked but even so i have to go all the way back around because that gate let's just try to go up here all right well let's see what's up i'm sorry but i have to say it i have to say what i mean that's what i'm saying it's unlocked but i can't get there i literally just said that and what do you know huh what have you already played the game no all right lol whoosh you mean swoosh guys thanks just not want to die [Music] yes this is blind i currently cannot see [Music] i mean i don't know you guys cheated not me [Music] if i'm gonna softlock doing this the creators can tell me i assume not though because they already um said that they assumed i would get power bombs early with the green uh with a gate glitch mert thanks for the primer what's up [Music] oh okay this is nice that's worth that's worth the cheat 100 worth of cheat all right i don't think there's gonna be anything else here that isn't no major glitch super metroid ms whoosh oh it's he was joking got him again okay so at this point i'm supposed to have wave i'm sure hey andy thanks for the 63 months what's up [Music] um yeah grab the tan of copenhagen start packing that dip in my lips okay i don't know if i want to [Music] i almost want to go down then up that elevator in the middle which would bring me [Music] oh it's zenny's doing dread 100 he's gonna get 155. oh yeah and what are you gonna get chicken tendees for being a good boy that's nice all right uh poi to the drunk thanks for tier one that was on called four oats okay i love chicken tenders so yes it was uncalled for i shouldn't joke about chicken tendies um some good chicken tenders though none of that nasty ass uh tyson's chicken with like gristle just pure gristle the gristle makes you a man well then i'd rather uh not be whatever that is bristle-built character [Music] okay let's switch up here do you get ad revenue from twitch uh yes wait so this does connect it's just okay i'll put a dip into two rooms but no more that's unlocked now that's why i couldn't do it i just want to see if there's something i can do here now because i want to go back to that uh door that was locked [Music] maybe i'm just gonna go left i already have a good amount of items i don't know i just need uh gravity which who the hell knows where that is other than chat's cousin because they they know where gravity is for sure why did it shake [Music] i'll call billy mitchell if you want you're gonna call billy mitchell oh yeah what are you gonna ask him where gravity is yeah yeah biohazard is the name of that is that a key [Music] [Music] hmm i think it was a key yeah it looked like a key spray so i think how do we get there now can i wrap around maybe i should go to the right and then up and see if i can get there from that sloped room no i just came from here the um the soundtrack has some like sound glitchy kind of aspects to it that's what you mean uh this is a rom hack i don't know if i want to be upside down right now like clearly there is a reason that i need to be upside down at some point oh i could have gotten it that way like there's got to be some different [ __ ] to this because well first of all the color of the map is different i don't know how big of a role that plays is the background difference soon yep this is for the australian viewers i feel like maybe i need to use this in order to get a key at some point i don't know [Music] um [Music] i want to see how much i can do while i'm upside down like does this open up now or something oh god it's confusing dude oh [Music] okay i said to beat it but they did lock all this stuff oh yeah wait a minute i already got this missile but it comes back [Music] oh god i'm so confused i guess hmm i don't know how this works yeah there's a little bit of uh some graphical glitches and stuff which is understandable this is a kind of unique you know i wanna i wanna see how much i can do while i'm upside down because it seems like they've blocked off the areas where you're not supposed to go which okay and that's one of them okay all right i feel like it is because the colors are different for one um and the missile came back but you can only do so much while you're upside down so okay so let's go down the middle the main area here and then try that locked door uh aka thanks for the two months i didn't already do that oh no sorry 12 months sorry that thanks for the measly two months man all right so where am i going now with this um see if i can do anything else and then i just gotta go to the the bottom portion [Music] is this something [Music] well as of now it is uh just nomia [Music] is this a um this is like an acronym for something else because um the creator's name is also an acronym for gentlemen or an anagram sorry um down and down [Music] i should this is water i think i think we're coming up on the water area which i've already been told that there are no suitless um there's nothing that you need to do in this that uh requires you to do suitless so i'm not going to bother until we get gravity [Music] upper part up left um no unless you're talking about this this is water area as well this whole left area is water is already accidentally bugged out into that save room i wasn't supposed to be there but that's all water stuff well i don't think it is because the creator said that there are no mandatory suitless areas though um that tells me that there are also um uh that gravity will not be in an area with water that did not open up [ __ ] got to do it from the back side how do i want to approach this then because i don't want to do any water areas what haven't i done maybe i should go all the way right and then do like the final portions i should try like fill in the rest of the areas on the right side here i need gravity that's like the main thing right now that i can progress so we just need to find gravity i don't want to do the water area until i get gravity because i was already told by the developer or the creators that um there are no suitless areas required oh we already killed ridley gravity is in a room with water but not in the water area okay there you go so that was the water area that's fine [Music] okay well then that that is also kind of confusing because the water area i assume is the area that changes the music with that theme you know you're telling me a shrimp fried that rice yes [Music] try watching the apple tree it works for newton [Music] um i as far as i know i could not travel to the left uh upside down [Music] okay so this was still the final area though i don't want to be here yet oh this is a whole different area actually so yeah i'm out of here this is the uh final area i'm pretty sure [Music] honestly i think the the glitched out music sound is a part of just like the actual design you know there by design [Music] it's time to find my cousin bobby sue gonna have a miller or two [Music] all right so let's stop fiddling around and i'm going to attack this i mean we can try the left if it's in a water room like when i entered that water room i was told there are no um areas that require suitless [Music] so i'm torn and this is why i almost don't because this is this this is a bit much because this i can do that of course with speed but i don't think this is necessary i feel like this requires something that is not intended [Music] you [ __ ] [Music] stop messing it up this looks sequence break you know this looks sequence breaky that was just [Music] just wall jump oats you can't wall jump underwater i could have just i could have just done a shine spark yeah well it's wall jump anyways okay i mean may as well it's easy enough to escape um i wonder if i need ice maybe maybe this is maybe gravity is over here but i need ice because i need to like freeze those pancakes make the jumps gravity oh the water area yes [Music] don't fight the boss without gravity all right sounds good oh is this where i got stuck last time or this is okay not stuck but wait when did i last save right up there okay we're good i don't think i'm supposed to be here let's go [Music] all right sounds good thanks for the heads up i just don't think i'm supposed to be here [ __ ] like i just kind of just want to leave i want to do unless gravity is i don't think gravity's in this area okay uh horse-sized duck thank you very much for these six months oh i don't know if i want to use advanced tech here but i can try and then if i um [Music] you're [ __ ] serious yo [ __ ] off okay oh am i supposed to do the oh no i might have to do a crystal flash i need to do a crystal flash i'm just going to reset i don't really feel like doing that [Music] i shouldn't need to [Music] i can't do a quick kill i'm just kind of afraid to be honest with you oh god yeah i'm just gonna grapple jump this is not the proper way to do this i should have done an angle all right [Music] [ __ ] [Music] washed up i don't need to do that i clearly could not go up yeah i don't have to do sueliss but then the chat was confusing me saying like oh well gravity is in a water area but i still don't think i need to do this [Music] see it was all worth it yeah hold on me [Music] foreign yes again [Music] my turtle hard to say if this is gonna work [Music] uh i do understand i'm not supposed to be doing this yet so obviously this is not part of my critique all right um i mean to a degree because this is easy enough to accidentally just do [Music] demon did you just get here because you clearly haven't listened to any of the like top uh talking back and forth about how this even became a thing so shut up [Music] no i'm not gonna slash him this is not looking good right here foreign [Music] this isn't going to work i built them just naked let me see how close i can get without doing any of that okay i might be able to do this probably just a double spj yikes i mean yikes let's go key [Music] no gravity needed baby yeah just be frame perfect yeah this game can be very broken yes all right now the only issue is i have to escape greg well i have spring ball i can just do a spring ball jump instead of doing the grapple [ __ ] uh talk to timbo uh what's up i thought you subbed for a second i was gonna thank you but uh you just that high so all right let's go i don't have to do this okay i'm not gonna do that that's just gonna be annoying [Music] i messed this up i have spring ball i do i need to turn it off no sub no greeting that's right diddly duck that's why i just ignored your message you didn't go did you you idiot hey oats i messing this up no no we're good [Music] easy every time all right yeah i'm not supposed to be here yet so let's get out of hey oh it's just uh flap your arms dude and just swim on up i don't think i want to go up unless gravity is up there which it could be i mean i can do this all [Music] no i don't think so the issue that i have currently is so this is extremely easy to get here without gravity but if gravity isn't necessary i'm kind of confused okay wait no because so it's really easy to soft lock this area because you can just uh store a shine spark and then just um enter this water area and then soft lock is if you don't know how to spring ball jump you're gonna soft lock it drag on but you can easily just um [Music] you can easily do this i got rid of it yeah daniel what are you gonna do about it just to piss you off i'm gonna save over here yeah i know i should not be here i i know i get it but i mean i'm already here besides the chat was trying to confuse me i don't think i'm supposed to be here is the thing because if you go here you you have the potential as a casual player to soft lock at dragon because you can easily just like gravity jump up to this area or um which is not that big of a deal but you are here yeah i am [Music] their messages are deleted because they're sacrificing themselves they're not getting banned or anything all right what's over here if i can't progress here i'll just you know oh so why don't you just leave because i'm already here i'm gonna see what i can do here easy enough to see if i can like snag a quick nice item there might be something here this would also be a soft lock uh would it not maybe it's not a soft lock entirely can i get through here okay no you can't okay i mean it might not be a soft lock like there might be a way out of the uh other area but i was warned that i have to do a difficult trick poof like if i find gravity i'd be surprised at its location but i'd also be pretty happy that i decided to come over here you know [Music] yes other sneezing compilation there's some people are into that weird [ __ ] ice [Music] so this okay so i think the generalized well because let me see here the general idea is you need to get ice before you progress but you can it's just for fun but you can still progress and then get soft lock a dragon without ice i don't think there's like any technical things you need to do to get the drag on hmm [Music] do [Music] all right all right all right pretty cool all right do we get something for this now or what find out lasmers i'll take it and it looks like we can keep going right no i don't yeah gravity would be kind of weird to be there maybe maybe not got plasma yeah pretty pretty uh buffs together [Music] yes i am scoring the roms you uh you the community will be scoring as well but i am scoring privately i don't want to create any bias does who say something in chat that doesn't get deleted who the hell is that okay so that's what this is i see yeah cool okay we're making good progress regardless okay all right so what am i thinking about here killed ridley yeah charge didn't work sometimes i noticed that in some hacks we could maybe try to go up and then left we have that however that is water i could try the other water area like it might try to push you into the top water area first um so we can just try that real quick go up here which would then allow you to get um [Music] gravity and then go down nice brother that's cool [Music] yeah now we're just destroying everything well that seems to be the final area so i don't know about that go up um yeah this is on a pbm that's where i normally do all my speed runs for metroid just on an old school [Music] yep turn it off okay how do i do this um what's the best way to get there just up left and just keep traveling left we picking off some natties and your sister later give some natty eyes so i'm afraid i might need to go like north here but because you can come over here when you get super missiles so [Music] it's uh kind of like standard it feels like like i should just know to come here after supers if if i did see this area previously it is a very open area they take one wrong turn and um you know you could be doing something else for a while so it's over here seems pretty obvious um i'd say it's uh it's really just depending on like what door you enter because there's a lot of doors it's it's a very um not maze-like hack but there's a lot to it um let's go [Music] uh we're getting who out of here um no that's something entirely different we have to go oh [Music] uh any breakfast red uh no not necessarily just doing rom hacks for the competition all right so we can try to go i guess just go back left everything's gonna be released after the contest oh yeah this is a banger for sure i'm just trying to explore everything here oh [Music] okay okay i see i don't want to go down there i think gravity is over here if i had to guess i think we're very close could be wrong but my uh my gravity alarms are ringing oh we have one more key what's this let's try okay [Music] don't let him don't don't i'm gonna check this one first got his ass whoa [Music] is this intended okay i think the lmao what uh i am playing the proper version right i must be like if you say you fixed it yeah i'm just gonna get out of here all right um let's just keep exploring this area yeah dude i'm sorry but you're banned i was giving you some um convenience but yeah dude not anymore i don't know where i want to go oh the the fix with full release yeah that's fine i'm not like taking points away for [ __ ] like that it's it's not easy like finding everything i i don't care about that kind of stuff okay so this is just the top we've already been here maybe left [Music] we've already been here uh this went yeah i want to see what's to the left here i still think gravity is in this area i could be wrong but or somewhere around these parts and which door to take i should just take the door as it comes so oh [ __ ] i think there's an item up here i bet i bet you do i'll check to the right and then i kind of want to go back left and see what's over here i don't feel like i'm traversing this very well i don't know because i don't know which door like i it's like a lot of loops involved i think i've already been here or unless [Music] yeah just go the right way or yeah all the ways at once yes i mean i'm certainly going to be exploring everything so the map is staying updated it's a fully functioning map thank god i already been here was that right or my gravity senses tingling with this area down here i know that i might have locked myself out if i i'm wrong but this seems like a gravity area what do you know folks what do you know as of now i need wave i'm assuming i'd probably oh it was right there [Music] okay qualities i know where gravity is all right i think i'm gonna let you guys listen to this banger i'm gonna take a little break it's been three hours um i'm going to pause the timer um no i'm not stuck um i'll be right back go grab a uh snack yourself and uh yeah i'll be right back i heard the music sounds like other games which ones i'm curious to know which ones you guys think i drew inspiration from um this sounds this sounds like something to me i'm trying to remember what i thought of initially [Music] yeah timer yeah um i'm liking this hack so far i just need to see where the heck i'm going whoa okay don't do that um so i need wave um i think i'm in the right vicinity if i'm not right vicinity you can tell me but i think i'm in the general area i'm supposed to be the only reason i would think that i'm not is if i need to go get wave in an entirely different like sector or something which is a possibility for sure how would you know ryu i saw what already my brother played it your brother didn't play shitshow wave beam okay i know we're away babies then um i wonder if there's any progression to be had here then but i know i need weight beam at least and that'll open up a lot of stuff for me um so let's finish this out finish at least filling this area up a little bit okay um i can go down bubbly was over here to the right um let's go let's go to the right let's go upright last super [Music] i keep freezing them on accident all right i want to make sure that i fill in most of this area to the right um it's very little that i missed over here so i don't [Music] might be close to one of my favorite tracks as well just this part right here little break i still need to talk to you um [Music] what i still need to talk to you about the music making process for snes um i know there was a lot of resources posted i just never followed up on any of that because i was doing our stuff this time be cool though i assume i can just get samples and it's just however you um you probably just need to resample them or something you just the whole process eat your samples you put them into your like stuff your your like your folder for your sound fonts and stuff and then you just work with that base with whatever kind of stuff they have with um on the snazz i don't know really no idea all right see you scouting uh all right let's just get out here go to the right down i don't want to do that to be honest [Music] i think this is bubbly [Music] oh she meant something else oh thank you it's an egg salad sandwich extra worms i must have just missed something i'm gonna look to the left of ridley first i might need to go up though i think to the top left with screw attack i could be wrong but don't need to go back down yes this reminded me of ninja turtles for some reason this soundtrack hopefully that's not offensive uh pvm oh this is locked okay yeah i'm offended can i not go back i might be screwed i saw an opening all right so this is not an option clearly [Music] yes it's not like this is bubbly either the only thing i remember from bubbly is like when you come down the elevator and those like bubbles bubble mountain i mean hopefully that's the gist of what you were saying could be wrong um i kind of just want to check around ridley then i guess i mean i could have totally just missed it right before ridley or riddler's this is a super metroid but this is a rom hack um oh this is a biohazard it's for a rom hack contest that i started a while ago all right so let's check over here um all these hacks will be available to play uh once i'm done okay so nothing this was absolutely nothing [Music] um over there was an e tank i don't think there's gonna be anything over there yeah it stops right there um so let's just go left i'm just gonna try to fill in i guess the map tiles and then um i know there's a lot of doors that i probably haven't entered [Music] oh that's the uh that's the idea is there's a lot of um i'm gonna save the like different types of like space pirates are mutated essentially like to different degrees [Music] no i don't think there's anything down from here the map doesn't even go any further down so i don't think so [Music] um i guess i'm just gonna try left i'm worried that i'm leaving stuff maybe it's that big area underneath the elevator over there which if it is i don't think i can get back to that point [Music] i'm a little bit concerned i'm not gonna go there looks like one of those elevator setups at the bottom oh did it stole the box wait let me see here oh yeah i don't know what you're talking about [Music] all right so let's keep going just left from here even though this isn't the hint i was given because you said bubbly um sorry for looking at the map so much i just need to see how this connects okay where was screw attack so i got a key [Music] screw attack was i remember being all hype about it oh you can give me a hint here i i just can't remember it was screwattack uh north or south like which portion i feel like it was here okay okay so kind of close to here however that was we're pretty close wist okay sweet wheast it is dude um where the hell was pyrex again uh i know we're close i think we can get to there from here i think [Music] hopefully [Music] i don't have all the keys yet yes so it was to the right it was with those enemies that killed me i remember i got bombs i got uh spring ball and then i came over here and then i went south into this door and then to the right past the uh other fellers here past these ones all right cool this is this is yeah oh is this is this separated from oh i didn't know there was two different areas because i remember earlier you said everything's connected to where there is no like separations or whatever so i figured the only separation was the core pyrex core so then i need to go back this way okay all right see ya the non-baby metroid i mean i did i did miss this you've not found the map room but it's over here okay okay yeah i see i see how you did it all right it's all right i'll um that's all the hints i need that's fine um thank you for the 19 months so this was [Music] i mean if we're going right [Music] then it would be over here [Music] he said fire fire area on the right side of the map so this is this is all i got you know left to the far right elevator okay that area all right all right no more hints i got this i know i know you don't want me to get lost and like frustrated i'm not frustrated or anything like i'm the playthrough is fine it's just i need to find the next item that's all i know there's probably like an urge to like tell me like oh i don't want you know oats to be a dumb ass and get lost and then frustrate and then like you know don't worry about that oh i am enjoying it so far it is good i'll find it this is a very good hack like this well i don't want to create bias but um this this does exceed my expectations honestly blue savior thanks for the five gifted subs downhill from heroes no i'm i'm sure there's gonna be a lot of awesome hacks and it's not like it's not the aesthetic's awesome the music is awesome it's not like these are the only things i'm gonna judge you know it's not like this is just because this is a good hack doesn't mean it's an automatic winner because the next hack doesn't look as pretty or something or you know yeah thank you blue savior [Music] how did i miss this before i spilled egg all over my [ __ ] dude i'm pulling an emmet that [ __ ] just eats greasy ass pizza and just just gets grease in his controllers all the time [Music] how do you miss it you gate glitch the wave flock on the screw attack oh oh that's what i did oh oh that's right about that all right okay cool progress so let's go back and get gravity i'm just gonna go to the right [Music] seven heard smashing hell yeah dude that's faster than average oh no this is screw attack i don't want to go this way i want to go down [Music] yeah i tend to do that a lot um that that is my bad because i was supposed to go get wave before i went uh went and did a screw attack yeah um i'm really glad that there's at least a decent amount of um contestants i was worried that not a lot of people would be able to finish in time [Music] uh [Music] yeah there's nine of them [Music] good [ __ ] 5 000 prize pool paying 50 to the winner 25 percent second place and then i pocket the rest no uh then 25 to uh community choice which cannot be the same as my choice my two choices yes it can dude if i see fog three it better have mother brain as like a a humidifier because i'm going to be pissed off yes because clearly when i said no hack when it said when it didn't have a time on there whenever what every other hack had a time 5 est and then no hack had no time i understand it's hard to put together two and two but you did your best friday all right hmm been i haven't been over here yet okay i traveled a little far but we're gonna make it work because this does seem like the progress that is expected i guess [Music] one more bite egg salad is one of those things that you open up your container of egg salad sandwich or egg salad and it smells like someone literally [ __ ] their pants and you're like ready to gag you're like oh it's egg salad yummy scrumptious i love egg salad but if you open it up and you don't know someone has egg salad you're like yo someone just [ __ ] [ __ ] their pants that's what happened downstairs raquel was downstairs and she's like and then she realized there's egg salad sandwich and she's like oh i thought you actually [ __ ] your pants yeah this is going good crack here speaking of which um uh i don't want to go down this way wait could i make it to the left yeah i could just go left down right how did i get there before i i wonder if that top i don't think that top room connects so left let's go left i'm trying to remember how i got there before hold on i think it's this one um i was i was saying uh i was trying to remember when you're going to be in the area but uh you can uh message me all that stuff because it's kind of coming up quick only 15 more days before christmas flying by this year it's crazy all right yeah we'll uh we'll do some stuff what did i get you guys the streams because you wanted to avoid dread spoilers wait really i know i haven't seen a lot of faces but people haven't played dread already and it's been like two months [Music] foreign okay i gotcha okay gravity suit on the way this curious is 1.5 average constant viewers enough to make a decent living irl um it's not so much about the viewers it's just like your community and how much they support the channel like i've been full-time for a while and it really just depends you know like there are people that get way more viewers than me but have less subs because they play a game maybe more cater to younger children or something and they don't have money but if you're an adult you have like five bucks you know all right gravity suit thank you are you vincent cheers here is your pay for the day thank you all right so let's go i want to get down to that elevator um [Music] i'm gonna make her remake another account and subview done with trolling plus caleb banned me plus ratio plus yeah i'm glad to hear your reforms buddy thank god i went this way that's the last key oh yeah that's a [ __ ] for sure i've banned epo leave a couple times absolute [ __ ] all right so we're going to the basement so i just need to get down to that elevator and then we're on the home stretch i do want to do the water area though all right i believe you you're refined uh reformed that's all right you're deformed [Music] are you vincent cheers making real a content sub to you done with to rolling plus caleb and me in reforms now thank you for 200 i'm glad [ __ ] no i i need to change the text speech because i can't understand the uh the amount given for one and uh other than that it is a little bit difficult to understand what the message is and that's why i like the text speech because i can just listen to the message if i'm like focusing on the game no i mean learning 1 through 10 would be easy enough but i'm not going to do japanese because i i really won't know wahili okay okay i'm just trying to explore a little bit here because i haven't been here yet and um other than that i um i'm ready to go to the last area also i don't know why my um alert thing isn't working i got some pocky oh yeah these are so good strawberry oh thank you very good to tip the cdi strawberry um i can just keep going left i guess i'm pretty sure that'll me there eventually i'm sure left and right just keep zigzagging uh does this connect me or is that um well i kind of want to go to the left that elevator jasper thanks for the 21. how's it going i'm starting to see names come back to the stream sorry that i haven't been playing as much as super metroid people are coming back it's like the bears out of hibernation [Music] yep i mean i've pretty much already done the entire water area unless there's more items that i can collect which clearly there are because of the e-tanks but yeah i've been good just been uh enjoying the dread here's a fun grind not like we're done with the grind but i'm definitely not gonna go back to speedrunning sm anytime soon that's for damn sure sorry [Music] you don't cure you don't cure yourself from a burnout in two months like a severe burnout all right that's not how it works all right does this connect i don't think i can get over there from there i guess we'll just go back down well i mean it takes it can potentially take years or like never uh never recover from your burnouts it's just awful i i love the game it's just yeah it just is what it is okay so clearly okay i i cannot go this way i i cannot go this way um this is the only option let's just go back [Music] yeah it can destroy a lot of things for a long time i like the mechanic that's neat [Music] um all right so what's the fastest way to our objective and i want to see what that item is down there and go to the right down see if i can get there if not it's fine i'd probably it's probably just a missile or any tank yeah it's just from like speedrunning super metroid like the the grind speed runs just like too much i don't think i ever really want to get a ground like that again i mean maybe but oh this hack has been pretty great yeah it's really just i didn't i didn't have the um opportunity to be super active with this one and um i would i would like to do another one of the future but i'll probably wait a bit thanks for the five because if i do another one i mean not if i probably will but i um i want to be a lot more active and i want to do a hack as well i would like to make my own hack okay this has got to connect right it looks like it connects maybe not oh it does yeah i would like to make my own i don't know if it's gonna work i've not been saying about mega rom hack for the last four years not sure if i would do it on stream potentially wait what brinstar why does that one room say brinstar zero out of ten all your points are gone i'm just kidding [Music] okay we're back here now but if you were to make an sm hack would it be possible to throw in similar mechanics from dread um i think you can do anything well not anything you have limitations but i think anything like that could potentially be possible yeah [Music] [Music] i don't know how you'd incorporate flash if yeah i should spend four years remaking sm and unreal just to have nintendo go oh yeah no sorry [Music] okay i think we go down [Music] like how good are you making it [Music] maybe not four years but [Music] oh yeah that's right edie [Music] playstation [Music] it would be cool to make a dread a down make with dread with like super metroid [Music] that would be really really awesome to see i'm sure people have already thought about it or they're already you know potentially trying to make something or think of the idea last shift would be a workaround that'd be interesting ypx you can do the same speed booster mechanics [ __ ] okay i don't know what just happened but all right i won't cheese it fine okay oh yeah the emmys would be difficult oh [ __ ] that's the end oh okay that's what was up there all right split explain the ending the ending explained is um this is really difficult to make in six months so like incredibly difficult um yeah i'll give like a small critique but i'm not gonna like score anything on on stream um yes uh what we'll do now is rate biohazard click on that link we're gonna use this scoring later on for the community pick um if you were here and you watched um and you have a general idea uh make sure to score it um try to think about it before you just click on something you have 15 minutes 15 minutes starting now so [Music] or compared to what you don't have to compare it to anything just like what you thought of the hack if you liked it you don't have to like go oh yeah it was cool but compared to dread i don't know you know just [Music] this is tough without knowing anything i know that and the thing is [Music] you will be biased later on see what everything what everyone is saying oh i have nothing to compare it to is because you you you want a biased you want to be biased with your opinion [Music] just whatever you thought of the hack if you if you liked it you know if you thought the gameplay was awesome [Music] um compared to super metroid yeah i don't know the um yes so the reason that we have to vote now is because later on um the uh uh people that maybe weren't here can just vote and go oh yeah worst hack you know hey hey all my buddies go to this and then vote you know vote it's the worst even though it was the best because my hack's next you know you are not no i am doing that i do not trust the community i'm sorry i did not trust the community to do an in-depth review i'm going to do the scoring off stream and all of these are weighted differently the theme is weighted differently than like the uh sound design for example i'm doing that so i don't create a bias in your guys's mind down the road and i don't want people to feel bad if i go oh this is like one out of whatever i don't really like it um keep in mind [Music] um i will say without um trying to uh change anyone's votes but um i did like the hack it was great i know six months is not a lot of time i'm pretty much just gonna save it at that i'm not gonna go into detail but i um i thought it was a overall really great hack and thank you so much for submitting and working on this
Channel: Oatsngoats
Views: 13,243
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Super Metroid, AGDQ, Kaizo, Awesome Games Done Quick, World Record, Oatsngoats, Rom Hack, Super Metroid Impossible, Twitch, Twitch Fails, Oats, SGDQ, Samus, metroid, metroid dread, dread, biohazard, mentlegen, smiley, romhack, competition, 2021, romhack competition, samus, sprites, custom music, metroidconstruction, part 2, p2
Id: roQvL1-dDuQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 47sec (6407 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 18 2021
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