[Full Session] Cannon's Class" ft. Dame Dash

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[Music] all right Jah once again classes in session and this is a very very special canons class because I'm super on it not only to have someone I consider a scholar a mentor but truly a friend and I've known quite some time and we're gonna get into it but definitely author cuz you know this is all about education here at canons class and I feel like this dude is beyond the professor this is me he has a doctor in the game doing everything from you know evading all the casualties of what urban street life could give you to by the time he was 25 years old running a 500 million dollar company CEO several times CEO even being one of his brands and labels but truly a curator of the culture a creator of the culture I don't know how to say it without just constantly going on in gassing but we know he's a legend the one and only Dane - we're going to talk about it all and we go talk we're gonna talk from the space usually when we do this we do this like you know college classes or whatever and we have framing questions and everything we gonna talk specifically all my framing questions come from your outstanding book culture vultures conversations with Dame - we're honored to have you here as well as Kenyatta Griggs over there okay okay over there in the cut in the corner who also had the conversations with you in this book I mean I read the book several times smart thing that you did with the book for a lot of these because this is where we break down Kenny's class we do it in small increments for cats who ain't always reading who who don't have the time or even sometimes the the spiritual capacity to sit down and be patient enough to sit there and read we break it down for them and what I feel like is dope about what y'all did with cultural vultures as well is how y'all broke it down in the audio form and how you talking over to beat some of the reasonable doubt tracks original tracks the daughter playing piano all that stuff was super ill so you don't we doing the same thing and I would like to say I was cut from the same cloth but I don't even know if my cloth level is up to that to that level yeah I'm inspiring but you know I did my research I got my Cantonese class notebook over here I kind of broke the book down so I got a lot of questions we got a lot of questions we don't get in the conversation cuz you know not only are we people that you know intellectually can go back and forth but we friends so we could talk to that [ __ ] too so so I know you're gonna say what you say I say what I say and I feel like there's gonna be a classic session of canons class we also going live right now too so we lit like that but uh I know this is not not that our intent is to go viral but I can definitely know it we don't drop some gems here today that people really gonna get to it and you know I know you just like me you look at that to talk about anything and know how to do it well so welcome man how you been first and foremost I'm good I'm good that's what's up so happy I'm living my dream there it is as we should and speaking of living your dream one of the things I'll just jump right into it that I've heard you say on many many times and even talking about the your ten rules to success is being fearless and and that how your entire business your entire life all you had to do was just live your truth and be fearless but for some reason cats didn't respect that and they hate it on that and I can set it up even though from two completely different aspects I feel like I'm gonna do that I'm fearless in a way I never gave a [ __ ] about what anybody had to say about me and I feel like I learned that from cats like you watching how you move but for whatever reason it becomes it turns into hate and cats can can hate on me I hate on you and we can beat some of the most hated why do you think that is just on just off top light that's I feel like that's why I relate with you so much because I see it to where you walk in the room and say whatever the [ __ ] you want to say and people get nervous by that but you never back down I mean you know I think the truth is most important and I think it's inexcusable not to tell it and I think if there's something on your mind on the truthful level hasn't grown up you should be able to articulate that and sometimes people don't like what you say but it doesn't mean it shouldn't be said right so you know nine times out of ten a man that's full of testosterone and somehing and in front of girls you know if you tell them how to improve himself or give them some instructive criticism they tend to take that as you're trying to make them look bad because they want to look better than you right at the end of the day if you you know like a you know you know a man that loves women and all that that that would be me yeah you said that and I definitely agree what you said that you know being them cats at school what it dudes who get all the girls get hated on the most that's part of the game it's like you don't get mad at to hate it's all part of it like you can't even recognize love without hate cuz you have nothing to compare it to right so I like to hate that means I know how much I'm loved right and what I'm saying so it's all equal you just have to it's a matter of ego yeah what I had to learn really young is when like you know there's just like I don't give a [ __ ] repellent that I got to buy when I was young yeah meaning I just was like go I there's nothing that's gonna make me feel funny because why should it who could judge me and it was like at a young age I had a lot like I had figured out how to make more money than most adults right it was hard for other people to tell me I was doing something wrong when I'm making more than you your father and everybody else talk your [ __ ] it just didn't logically make sense but also what I noticed would like people were just slaves the pattern yeah and like if everyone does one thing then everybody else wants to do it and I'm a god that never wants to and ever I never ever wanted to look like everybody else well my thing is I gotta stand up I gotta be different some Harlem [ __ ] you know it is cuz again like when you make money really young right it makes you really confident right times people mistake it as arrogance but like when you're in a circumstance where you have no choice but to grow up and it's very competitive it wasn't like I was the only young dude getting money right everybody that was in my age in a certain circle was getting money so it was normal right to conduct yourself like an adult and then you were kind of guided by adults right so I just got used to a different pattern really young and it was more of a freedom pattern came with the survival and wanting to be the best at it right and I guess I don't know things a little different like when I was young for some reason like compared to what I see the young kids today like I was like girl crazy yeah like it was just nutty to me like that was how I as a man and a young boy kind of made me look bigger and it was almost like a trophy to get as many girls like when I got dressed it was to get girls and I got money it was the good girls right and it's superficial but I'm young yeah but at the end of the day was like practice so that I know how to take care of my wife and take care of my kids and what I had to learn that the young ages love means and being a boss means loving people before you love yourself it's funny that you say that because as much as that as a simple concept as that is and you said you tapped into that as a young kid but if you think about Napoleon Hills Think and Grow Rich those are his concepts of the reason why when you think when you think about what rich actually means it's always it's that that sexual exchange and energy where dudes with the most testosterone who want to get the most chicks are usually going to be the most successful so it becomes this idea of yo there has to be something that's driving you the fact that we want the flies cause the ilis jewelry all that energy that we got that drives you would when I was young I used to work that extra or take that chance to buy those newest sneakers because someone knows had me a better car and I want I was competitive because I wanted the best girls yeah that's what it is wasn't for money I don't even care about money and those that's like that that drive that energy is what motivates a lot of the most successful men and we gonna tap into that too once we get into chakras and all that but that uncontrollable urge also comes with respect thanks cuz also you want to have to get the girl on the right terms right you don't want to cheat the girl you don't we some suckers though that's what a lot of people do to get the girls they pretend they're something they not right I have to overcompensate you make somebody else look bad like a guy like me that really is what they're pretending to be and then your mom perception is a loss is what you say yeah well any like because they a lot of cats got to pretend that they fly or pretend that they successful too and they see that they see pretending as a win but well they think other people thinking they won is a win right but when you don't win in your heart you don't feel like you want that the one should be when you have one by your standard but not someone else's because what people are generally like insecure and people generally look the other way they do things that are illogical and they all have their own set of problems so everyone considers a win different so why would I consider my win something that makes you happy I'm gonna consider my win something that makes me and my family and my kids and my girl happy right but I don't want to look like I'm rich to make you happy I can either be rich right so guys think they're rich because they might have monetary like like very very like temporary money that they could take care of themselves that's not rich rich is being able to take care of your kids kids right being able to make it with your generation or the generation before after you doesn't have to go to the same problems as you did right like you know people read the Bible sometimes I think they get the message a little misconstrue like you know the way Jesus went down was he sacrificed himself for his kids right right so his kids didn't have to feel his pain right right so I looked at that like number one if you're a good guy you're getting hung up on the cross but number two you got to feel some pain so that the people you love don't right and and it just happened from God on down I'm saying so I just think like my job is to go through the pain so my daughter right right and and this is one of my most proudest moments because you know my whole life I worked and worked and changed the course because when I worked and I didn't have enough well nothing to pass to my children I had to change everything because when my daughter hits hit 18 she said dad I'm gonna go to college cuz you know you know my parents want me to go to college right that's what the affluent do it it seems like she did it got went to private school the whole way did her ace the first semester was like girl you know I think I wanna because she just got signed by elite so for modeling congratulations and and and she's like and also she's about to take the helm of a mom's company right Roy and be the person the spokesperson the debt would develop and a bunch of things around her but at the end of the day she was like oh I think I want to go live life and learn that way yeah so you know and there's nothing wrong with that well bottom line is college is costing sixty thousand a year you know five thousand money college is a business I would rather take that sixty thousand and give her a salary or give it invested in her business for four years I can guide her like I don't know how to go really to school for someone else to teach you how to be how to live and and and have another boss or someone else teaching what they do I want her to understand how to run the companies so take everything that I've done and then her mom is done and take that to another level so how kids can take it to another level like the thing that we haven't as a culture been able to do is practice nepotism you haven't been able to pass offices but I'm proud when I walk in to my spot and I got different buildings and then I go into your spot yeah you gotta build it right we got our own companies yeah and our children could walk and do what they want and work just like they do for them and it's not a color thing it's a mentality thing we have to understand we're supposed to help each other we're supposed to push each other for we're supposed to evolve each other we're supposed to stick together we're supposed to why don't we Dane why don't people are insecure they think it's easier to pretend and to really do it is our culture and secure though human human nature is insecure everybody fights it's not just us to fight each other right the whole world fights each other our whole mentality is slavery right down to like the fact that we're a slave to a job we do everything the same way we all eat [ __ ] that we know we shouldn't even know so a financial system everybody's born in debt and it automatically reverses but it's programmed that way absolutely even all the houses the schools look the same if you don't dress the same if you don't say the same like pattern so the thing I don't I'm mad about in school cuz I went to school I didn't learn only thing I learned to school that I used and applied was math multiplication and division and reading other than that it did algebra is not gonna help me but you know what really helped me is learning how to love so why in school they don't cheat you out of love what the most important thing is to keep yourself healthy that's the most important thing so why did you cheat you how to [ __ ] farm right I don't teach you what new Tiger culture like that's the [ __ ] you need to learn and now moving forward what you need to learn is code you need to learn how to edit how to market cause it's a new day so why would I pay so much for old people that haven't done [ __ ] that I want to do to teach my kids how to [ __ ] be in debt that's it doesn't make any logical sense to me it goes back to that they're teaching employee mentalities when you're cultivating bosses they're programming programming programming employees so me I made a lot of money with the programming by accident cuz I was unconscious but once you become enlightened this responsibility which is why I changed my whole course right so now that's why I was like yo I got to start a television network because we don't control no information and that's important fact so [ __ ] programming we're doing D program yeah I have these major corporations run all the media right but I'm saying we're gonna get programming that makes people think different we want to be disruptive we want to teach we I like if I say some gangster [ __ ] imma say it but it's gonna be positive it's gonna be in light no be entertaining I'm gonna say it fly it's gonna be something that's gonna enrich your soul involve you make you better and that's what's having any culture that's what's happening now being awake cuz all the [ __ ] I don't know there's something in the air that just makes an illogical right and makes them hate people that they supposed to love yeah I'm done with that y'all gonna die soon pause no disrespect but everybody does yeah you're investing in the future yeah that's why years ago when I started to talk to the Internet and Kenyatta started to give out information it was for people that wanted it and know how to get it yeah and they were worth fifteen and twenty five and now those twenty five or those fifteen year olds are now 25 25 so they're ready for yeah because they're used to a different pattern right we had to kick out a different algorithm yeah so they gave us the Internet and we made that [ __ ] shake with knowledge that's what we want we want people to be better and everyone that doesn't and that's been [ __ ] that [ __ ] up like a Lyor Cohen funky masterful accountable not everyone looked the way people ain't looking the other way no more so that [ __ ] you it was alright a couple years ago I was crazy right I went from the bad guy to the good guy just from being consistent about being positive yeah and you think about it back then I was getting bombed on for being positive right for trying to give us self-awareness of what we're worth they were disrespecting me and everything around me and try every way they could to make me look uncredible and was that because they couldn't control you it's cuz they I kept taking their girls and was also waking people up right it was making people not get wrong but what about that corporate infrastructure that you just felt like didn't understand you or you just wasn't trying to - it was infrastructure was there to exploit me right it was there to make me fluff up course pay a lot of people have low margins so everyone get paid but me right all my profit went to salaries for people that didn't do [ __ ] right and I wasn't with all that there's that famous scene it I don't know if y'all ever seen it online we might show a clip of it but that to me it was just classic and people play it all the time where you walk up in the Def Jam and everybody's in there and they had a marketing meeting about Joe artists without you and you got Nair body face from Kevin Liles everybody but I saw it and understood it so much because you dropped some gems just even in that and the anger and all that but you're saying yo Def Jam you're not better than me that's what you say at that at that time you're like what makes you think your group of people and this one we're better than a group of people that I have working with me on my team and I think but you know what's crazy about that meeting if you look at that that thing in my heart I had no idea that Jay said that meeting right but he said that media right so I was actually thinking like a with it and so they like years late everybody come back like you know your man set that meeting up right oh so then so basically a lot of people got yelled at for no reason but so what y'all should have been doing it anyway but either way obviously that's something else that we all want to talk about and tap into because one thing like cold of the streets obviously everything that you you just been talking about all the way to universal law when individuals come together and build something but at some point the the success breaks it apart is that something where you feel I know you're very very comfortable in the space that you are now but if there is one thing that you could change in that process of creating a dynasty but then that dynasty not lasting as long as we all would have liked it to last here's a question on a nice level yeah yeah when Rockefeller went sideways we had jay-z Kanye West right we had Cameron we had Dipset we had dwells we had state property yeah baby Seagal movies movies clothing line vodka so when did what made it go defunct what was the funk about it because somebody else wanted all for themselves right that's what happens right I mean that's it I was there but could there have been a conversation could that have been like you get this you get like is there a way what's going on right like I was like what the [ __ ] is going on right like I really cuz I had so much trust in my brother and the Brotherhood that I would have and everything that I know now right I would have never thought this [ __ ] was going on I didn't believe it like ten years later I'd be like world like so self reflection well I came have done differently I I don't think I would have done anything different cuz wherever I'm at right now I'm in a great place right daughter's right and she's healthy and I got everything I want right so I'm sucking you still good like I'm better than good like I have a hundred million dollar companies and people were saying a broke for the last [ __ ] ten years I love that you talk about that in the book - why do people say you broke cuz that perception of me winning would make everyone knows that's not winning that's pretending they're winning make it like oh you know you could be independent you don't have to slave out you didn't have to sell your brothers out and you can still have independent looks at as unsuccessful in corporate look that's assess corporate if independent is successful corporate is unsuccessful right so we're all doing it ourselves we're with corporate exploit right so there's a certain and your you've been there you know what it is see what I like about you is like they gave you in there yeah but you're still doing your own thing right right so you can't do your own independent you wear a turban you know so I'm not I could never say cuz I got three television shows you know like you don't know I'm executive producer gonna prop is going into its fourth fifth season yeah but at the same time I'm I always take that platform and do my own thing I have a place for my kid to go fact and I'm not gonna have to sell out but we could work together but you have to make the narrative your way right you know like I said you got a school I got a school to you know we know this education that's not getting taught right so as far as corporate goals yeah they pick a certain amount of people that have a slot that say yes sir no sir right and those people from our culture don't let nobody else in because there's only a couple of slots there right so even when I [ __ ] with Netflix it'd be like they only [ __ ] with one black person right go through that black person to get the Netflix that's [ __ ] yeah why cuz they want to control us why else it's not like a so that gatekeeper [ __ ] is real I mean the if it's their house [ __ ] it they could do what they want our problem is we don't build our own house and that's what we got to do so you see every time I see you or less well let's link up absolutely cuz that's the only way we're gonna win cuz that's how they did it right and I'm not mad at then when I say they other cultures link up and they make it when nobody else comes in unless it's on their terms that's what you do with your house absolutely we got to start building our own house building on somebody that's African proverbs right there I mean that's logic yeah like what are the gangsters do right they all Lucky Luciano got all our gangster Jewish [ __ ] yeah whoa look Italians yeah said look we gotta wipe all the [ __ ] to the side gotta get money for that the Italians killed a Italians and the Jews killed a Jews that wasn't with it and then they got money together that was all illegal [ __ ] right let's take it legal yeah all cultures that are about that life need to get together and anybody else that's not get them the [ __ ] out of here and then we gotta control and that's what we did with hip-hop well some of the vultures as you call them are trying to control scene I've seen it's Battuta my money I've seen a lotta we did I've seen definitely I've seen a lot of people that were wait there or in the street and tougher in the street getting office room and active every week and it's so interesting that I had this conversation with snoop at one point where people don't cuz you make the the Mafia reference now what the American Mafia was to culture we all kind of were fascinated we loved it all the way from Scarface Al Capone all the way to the Goodfellas to Gaudi and all of that but if you understand what hip-hop has done its superseded anything the Mafia has ever done from financially is become a billion-dollar industry it's coaching is probably never illegal right that's so but that's what I'm saying the fact that now like you guys are truly the new mafia bosses when I talk about it in a way when you talk about the story of hip-hop and what on and even down to the violence down to the people that we lost let me tell you a Boston that since I'm gonna tell you out is just something that look like bosses so there was the Frank Sinatra's right right I mean the real cash so some of us acting like bosses right but some of us really all right I was looking like bosses right but some of us really are negative you a boss where's your office and it better be yours you better be paying the rent right see some piano let me see you pay some [ __ ] employees you ain't collect no bread no ahead 30 is all of that type [ __ ] right if you were boss you know about pain and all that you know about paying people before yourself right all that you know about every time you start a new business like when you make a movie and and we make movies it take to get the money back [ __ ] years about how the [ __ ] is like everyone knows like this kid puts his own money up even for his own movie a man of his own yeah but he broke yeah you know I broke because I got money in equity in businesses like I don't want to drop records I dropped I dropped businesses you understand I'm saying like I so companies like [ __ ] sell records that's my game I play a different game right so when they say how many records you saw how many such companies I saw so I sell companies out there's men that don't sell companies their whole life don't know what y'all sell records tell companies and I do who bars that's true and every time I sell when that means I started from scratch I'm ready to be broke I had this to feel some pain cause I had to lose sustain look [ __ ] up and then go sell and make me some bread pay off some bills and start again there it is then you flipped cuz I learnt that from the street like yo I can buy something for $20 and sell it for 40 right you know if I break it down I buy some 40 break it down something right that's just what I did I made a record company so that I could do a clothing company or clothing company so I could do a television network right flip flip flip next I'm gonna flip fourth and you don't keep going you is it's hard to keep a real boss down now nobody never been down here's the thing they can make you look a certain way right but bottom line is yeah I don't know man I like when I do my Instagram I'm not outside I'm in the house I'm in my office hey I'm not trying to front I'm not posing like my actual life looks like a [ __ ] movie right so at any time I've never had a problem I ran around the world and opened up galleries all over the world like I got DD 172 in Tribeca Pop Minton and Louis I I got one in Burbank one in Hong Kong Hong Kong yeah no one ever wants to talk about that right all the cultural things I'm the DNA of what I want the culture to be at some and I want us to be tasteful rawness to be evolved right I want us to deal with things like men not emotion I want us to really be rich not look rich I want us to be friends I want us to stick together I want to take care of our kids I wanted to take care of women I want that to be cool I want selling out to be suckers [ __ ] I want looking the other way to be suckers [ __ ] you know when treating women bad there be suckers [ __ ] right [ __ ] with little girls to be suckers [ __ ] I don't want people to be [ __ ] with people even though they do do [ __ ] up [ __ ] look another way got to stop you got to be accountable why is it scared to have them conversations day why I don't even know what that is the only thing I fear is fear so you asking me about a concept I don't understand that's not that's no bueno that's not even wanna tell people will hide and just follow when you speak people like when you speak boss you don't understand fear what language is that fear what does that mean right you know I'm saying what is that you got to translate that to me all right what is that I'm never on the source boss here like if you a boss fear doesn't even come into it just like back in the day when you looked at the Bible or you looked read any religion everything come out the sky right right everything is bigger lightning bolts and all that right it wasn't a word faylene's back then right it was God right but if it came down right now I think we'd be calling them God we'd be calling aliens right right it's just a perspective of word to call thing how you define in the Bible that says thou shalt not kill right right right they don't sell say thou shalt not kill humans right right but the most religious people be killing the [ __ ] out of [ __ ] little baby animals like frying them up and and there's an optional but there's an option do you have an option yeah but we don't have to eat and kill something to survive anymore right you gotta kill no rabbits to stay warm right there's an option yeah it might have been excusable back then right I think consciously just because there's been a pattern of it's all right to like cut your teeth into like flesh and meat and do all over to me all over to me you gonna kill something because I got dogs right yeah but chickens and pigs and cows are just as smart as though this is smart just decide to make a choice of you dog lover dogmeat that's disgusting right right only cuz a pattern why is not discussing when we do that to a chicken that's disgusting or to a pig everything they got feelings yeah and then I should gotta move around right trusting a lot of people to move dead meat around right flies and rats like [ __ ] has a tolerance for rat hair right and doodoo all right and puss right if you eaten at Nobu and you see some dude next to Kobe beef you eating it or not but it's on the beef it's already in there cuz you used to eat that [ __ ] you [ __ ] is good it's good no number one cause of cancer is fool me yeah why would people still do it it's more dangerous to eat a cheeseburger than smoke a cigarette patterns pattern brainwash brainwash you know you killing yourself but you're gonna do it anyway how could it make you feel comfortable of be feeling uncomfortable be so fool you can't move yeah people gluttony and and the reason why is because think about this I mean this is some logic [ __ ] right if the industries that run the world are like power right guns right and fool right so if we all became vegetarians like half the billionaires ain't gonna be billionaires well let's just break it down you could grow your own food even it's free right you can't just grow a cow yeah not have a facility can't do it right so if you now self-sufficient on your food that goes out right now to test the thing everybody knows you could pour energy from the air years ago they doubted that yeah they don't want you to know so what if you could get free energy gas goes out electric goes out that's the power shift completely right now if we stop killing each other and we all know war save the economy right wait a guns who buying guns right so it's in corporates best centers for us to keep shooting each other keep penis boy and he [ __ ] fool right and to keep us dependent on power that we don't need and keep us medicated and didn't keep us like the cheapest brainwash the medias with the pattern yeah and then use one of us because you know the thing about flexing her cuz you want us right he just really protecting it dig dig a little deeper where did the beef start that was weird where did the issue start with flex like cuz I'm still I saw last question yeah you heard me talking about that man business knocking about mine so he just came out of nowhere III would say that I might have smashed one of his girls or something but I haven't seen him with no do you I'm saying so I can't say that I don't know what he mad at right really it seems obvious that he's protecting his boss now think about it like that really is a [ __ ] about it like this right in the street right if I'm on your block right then that means I got a do and so what you tell me to sell right I got a laugh at your jokes to be on that block right I got a do whatever you tell me I got to come out there at the beetle rule and every time you do something I gotta defend you yeah because soldiers and generous he's hustling on that man block right well that coaches block but that's what's a good like connected to the or I think it's the YouTube I don't know really what it is I'm like I think about I don't you just you just felt like he just shot at you for the whole culture business and this man came out of pocket and I used to be cool bro that's know him yeah but I've always had to school him right again you in this room today right but you going other places right he got to be in that room every day at a certain time for the last 30 years right don't you think that would drive you cuckoo if you had to be in the same room for the last 30 years before is the culture we can't he's 50 broke he's run listen I know you're doing let me ask a question talk do you think that it's fair that flex has had the same exact slot he's 50 years old wait and he's his his demographic is 15 or 25 why should a 50 year old man be talking in judging 15 or 25 year olds I don't think he should judge them but out it's commendable that he has had him dig that long that would be like you still the collodion the mick all that all that would still be at all that the same exact thing right but you know dyeing your hair pretending you how old would you say it's called that's senior it's called can you break ladies listen listen I will consider here I respect no no no for the coaches I see what you're doing I'm asking you a question right right I'm listening let's talk it would you want to work in the same exact spot no but I'm not but I'm getting all different right and this is logic we meant right right so you know you want to do what's best for your family FASS the best for your family to stay and be okay if you want to provide right so he being his family that way so you don't think listen listen you'd like that TV show let me forehead oh but he still had to go back to work that day and I'm not judging the man for that I don't get off-topic yeah yeah what I'm saying is the people that he worked for obviously don't respect them because they haven't even made him a program director they haven't evolved them if you work at a radio like me I'm not thinking I'm gonna work at a radio station for a hundred years I'd have to own my own radio station right right who wants the salary all they like right you could take a check right people get it misconstrued I don't think people shouldn't work we don't have a job I think once you do that you gotta invest in your dreams but I think as leading by example yeah you don't think of 50 year old should be talking to 50 year olds right you think it's fair and evolve what you're saying I'm just saying it's not fair it's just it's like a ringer it's like the old man in the club I remember laughing at these guys right but I'm also saying if you are gonna do that every time you pick up a mic is for people to fight yeah yeah and especially speaking on the altar for where it is then when they talk to each other I hear what you say that's not the way that's not a proper reflection of men right that's not a proper reflection of our culture and he's speaking on another man's business for another man yeah it's all bad see that's it to me and I think with what you think about it this is how I think you're coming from a concept you can't be swinging I'm not I'm going all the way in I think even like what shirley chisholm back in the day when they talked about her being the first black woman in Congress to be unbought and unbossed that's that's the definition of luck size choice no but that's what I'm saying like there's some people who can live that life cannot be unborn but some people some people got to be employees day being you're being everybody can't be unbought and unbossed you're trying to say flex can't be a boss that's now what I'm saying it's what you say Slade before you mean flex some people I'm afraid of some people can poke friends I refer to [ __ ] individually I don't do something I gotta say I respect flex for what he's done though okay I get questions somebody talked out of policy about me i'ma say done respect what are you doing so okay you know see I'm saying all right that was ten years ago now so you he's just doing it for the pageant you're not really doing what a couple respected division of culture okay I don't respect can agree with me I don't respect I don't respect speaking on other man's business that you don't know nothing about right I don't respect speaking of someone that's not - isn't that what we le we have these conversations oh yeah these platinum we speak we have our opinion you don't have a problem in business right when you I don't talk about your pockets bro right I'll talk about your dealings and pause no disrespect but I right I'm not getting the like bad way like gay in the like the old-school way yeah not like sexual but like yo you doing that right another man radio right and you're not telling the truth right then I can't respect he was making love [ __ ] like this [ __ ] got on the radio said I was taking pills right everybody knows right so what's that [ __ ] is that yeah you on your health bar but even still you gonna sitting you got number one you protected another man right ain't got nothing to do with you this ain't your fight why you lying on another me why you in it it's another culture just so happens they do be cutting you checks and all that and you're both 70 and fifty years old trying to monetize 15 or 25 years old but you think it's alright that they're paying dudes at YouTube to be dysfunctional like when you have a beef they pay you to do it like I've seen this happen yeah yeah that's that's crazy I sue brother they don't do that with rock and roll right why they don't get like why would somebody be fighting for what would flex fight for someone that ain't never for form in his life yeah that doesn't make sense but the deterioration of our code my point is if you got a million people well you got a Mike some people might be influenced by that yeah that's just that like it it stifles our trajectory right moving forward we're not trying to move back so division is not right I'm a boss my beef is Whitley all right the reason why that's what they always traditionally do they throw some lame Tuco and be the sacrificial and his been that for a long time I won't let it yeah why is it that if I want to have a conversation with me oh I've done asked Colt amount in the whole nine hey why you two ain't paying him to have a conversation with me it would be highly televised right right people will want to see it but let one of us gun beefing all that type [ __ ] like the bottom line is I know leo right I think what he did he never helped nobody in the coachee separated a lot of good business right and you know what he does he all know what he does I don't know why anybody was ever scared him he's a lame he's not smart you would see when he gets up Mike he's goofy that's what he just does he pretends and no one from it even or are you giving them too much power like no no no no no I'm bringing an awareness so we know like if if dudes a child molester I want everybody you know a child less arrested right right I care about all kids right so my coach I care about my whole culture I see him unless the whole [ __ ] culture right I've personally seen him do he still does it right and not only did he do it the old way now he's at you too but he got a job it's just a job his job to [ __ ] our culture like that's one you gave me the bouncer in the club for don't he doesn't affect right I'm just so why are you giving him someone's image no no no you're wrong I think it's time for us to address the elephant in the room the energy I'm giving is the awareness day they've been exploiting my culture that's the energy on backs like the thing is like I said people don't like what they hear but they still need to hear it right so yeah I've seen what's been going on culturally he's the one just logically speaking why would that guy that's not from my culture never put out rock and roll right why he have a job with his own culture right I know that game right so I'm like yo bro you're sent here to but y'all got money together you know what I'm saying y'all keep backing like that man cut a check he work for someone so he didn't get you nothing they got we were partners why y'all keep giving him that even Freddy straight even flex saying that J wouldn't have been nothing without Leo he just took all of everything we did and gave it to that man Wow and said he'd be and disrespect my Geronimo was cool right like what the [ __ ] right well how did can you say that unless somebody told you to you gonna say that all the work we did all that fighting I did everything is Leora right he did nothing pretender this [ __ ] he was doing that with or without me ain't gonna do it I think - you brought it to the light you made me your famous a lot of these kids know Hui I don't want a famous for what he is a [ __ ] scumbag someone that I want he has been very humbled when let me ask you couldn't seen leo one of the last time you see me will do radio interviews yeah when you see them out on a Saturday he out there looking like he going like him and flex looking like cocoon yeah you know he don't want to work on a Saturday night at a Surratt concert and take pictures with red alert right 97 right all of them is supposed to be BLS right now and again I talked about him the more yeah that's good moving on so no let's go all the way cuz I want to go back to the book and chapter one and I think I want to get to the reasonable cloud now it says life after corporate wealth but even just so people understand what you built and between you Biggs J and all that stuff with that first album y'all hustle together before Def Jam and all that and then taking it all the way to where you did it where you actually had to remove yourself from this corporate infrastructure that we talked about that's so frustrating what was that process like and what did you learn from that process knowing that that that as we call it clout that you actually have you have you probably have and have gained and maintained more clout than anybody that I can think of in in the game we was like certified solid do things your way how did how how would you teach the next generation about that process I would say look at me and use me as an example um like you've seen that people have tried every way they can to discredit everything about me from my pocket set my girls to everything you know I'm saying to my family like everything everything and you see that when I'm actually doing things that are good people try to say I'm doing things that are bad but at the end of the day I haven't had to come outside right I haven't had to come out of pocket and do something that was kind of like you know against what my morals and my principles are I've been able to maintain being my own boss sustain a certain kind of lifestyle and all because my work is good so if your work is good and you're honorable it doesn't matter what's going you got to keep your head down and move forward because all the negativity is all a test to see if it will distract you right but like again if you know it's raining outside and somebody tells you it's not you like you I don't care what you say I'm bringing an umbrella right I don't care what you say you could call me a clown all right stuff I already know because I have this thing where I look to my future right I don't look like you know how it starts I want to know how it's gonna finish right so I'm always doing that right and I always see what I want my life to be and I make sure it's that right and then I art detect that and then no like it be people that have no plan that aren't doing anything are the most distracting right I don't ones that speak the loudest cuz if you're doing something you don't have time to be worried about somebody else right you don't have time for jealousy if you're doing some you too tired doing what you're doing right so if you're sitting around thinking that means you should be doing some action right so that's your fault so then the over conversation comes for blaming somebody else for the reasons why you don't want to move you know what I'm saying like it's just like that's why I said I don't have time to be worried because I'm always like if I feel someone's giving me anxiety I'll go fix it right or else if I let it rest in me you internalize it it causes like sickness and cancer yeah so that's another thing is you know I laugh a lot yeah you know I'm saying you know me I don't my everyday is therapy because I hold nothing yeah and what people have to understand is if you hold it in when you go to therapy you're gonna have to get dark before you get light anyway that's therapy yeah so the reason why I get dark real fast so I could get my Lightroom luggage right you know I mean like when people ask me questions I'm gonna answer it yeah dressed in a little bit of all but yeah just in that moment you ask you about flexi I got like you know engaged force and we move off the office port and I would love to have a real conversation so we wouldn't have to deal with things like negative people be afraid to get in the same room with me for some reason I'm saying why is that though that's the truth and you don't understand fear anyway not only that like you know when I know the truth I get real you know fly with it yeah you talk about the book too where you talk about one of your weapons was laughter ultimate yeah and and knowing how to have fun and and you were hit people they you might get violent you might get loud but ultimately you laughing at them in they face and that's what you're doing to a lot of these culture vultures now so were you putting them on Front Street you laughing and they don't know what they don't they don't have a defense for other than to try to tear down your name and they've been trying to find pictures I mean it's full funny and they're making [ __ ] up now I mean that type of she scares me yeah because it's like yo was hard to play fair with people that cheat so let's talk about in your book you talk about you know women you know what I mean like everybody cheats when they when they trying to win like that I don't but still I don't win but the the culture actually is so my question ultimately would say I try not to yeah relationships and especially cuz you've signed a lot of artists you've made a lot of millionaires you made a lot of people wealthy on different levels none of them gave me a dollar but and why what is it about these relationships that haven't been sustained especially the relationships that have to do with money in monetary situation but you don't have you guys sit up here 20 years later let me let me think about if someone does something first of all someone can't stab you in the back from it's funny right so when they doing something that they don't like that they know they enemies can't betray they commit they make distance right so basically I never have the issue with nobody right how could anyone have an issue with me and everybody that I'm put on is rich right so why are you mad at me right cuz you robbed me right I'll come nobody addresses the elephant in the room so you're all everybody you everybody asked me what happened with Jay we're having with Jake Jane let me said a word about this right fj right you asked a weapon right you asked bings what happened right let them tell you cuz you know when I say it I'm just talking about why nobody want to talk about it right I'm even going beyond I'm not talking about even from ideas okay like I like like what Kevin Hart why won't Kevin Hart post my [ __ ] on IG what cuz I tease them Indiana loves that's Kevin Hart love you babe why won't you know I mean like but see you speak your mind like you talk about you and I don't course $1 to help each other out there but you and I we have a relational we've never had a problem with tonal talk yeah and but I've been listening to movie was in the weapons but exactly we'd be able to like the cannons we've worked we work together we Douce things together but we've always been solid and real with one another we can have intense conversations and beside but why all men could but a lot of them like you said a lot of these other cats in there now you may know how to do it don't start to stop calling them in really yeah you get what about all that what about all these artists that you sign early on that a bitter now because they not at a level where you are levels what I have to do with that they feel like you should ask from from one box to another boss I need I need help information how to deal with that when I got all of these artists any man that blames another man for his [ __ ] present is a woman you don't blame another man for what a woman has estrogen right so they could be a little more emotional available so if you want act like a woman you have a vagina right that's all I'm now have no time for no man with no vaginas but you don't call that man and in no disrespect politically correct I'm just saying men are supposed or adults supposed to deal with things a certain way so what are some of your most solid relationships to this day that have sustained weight ain't tell my man or my whole crew from the best out have you see my movies about my og right look hip hop motivated girl so many people you and Clark's still solid like just because people aren't together every day that's information that we want to know like y'all bro it's the same reason a lot of the mother Kali's on me let me ask you a question what dudes are you talking about specifically he's not talking about no by specifically I'm just saying sure what about the tools that a better who's better I don't know that's what we asked you this is why you're assuming a better because I know as someone in a situation as well I'm really it's you know human nature you know what it is I'm seeking information because I know I'm in a situation with cats who who didn't make the entire journey with me looking at me talking sideways talking crazy go get that can I don't it'll make your life a lot and not work because I was always taught that relationships less important their money no that's not real relationships should be based not money should be based on that person being solid being honorable hundred pollination ship in this business is always based on how good you doing me and you know if your mother the minute that Wilin out got off the air right and the turbine went to the side and [ __ ] up no one's [ __ ] with that fax all fat no matter how nice you are right and how good you don't matter that's what I know this is what I know from the street if your work is good you ain't got to promote it people will stand on line and you can tell them that you're not taking singles well I'm saying I get out of it you if your work is good right people will come to you right it doesn't matter how you I see people act really nice okay have really terrible work right and get it right I see back people act really terrible and have great work right and no one says [ __ ] so then that slow look at look at the situation now look at Weinstein right look at our Kelly right everybody was looking the other way right that's it as well yeah so then you got to ask yourself that question right why are you still with listen to Holmes music and you still know [ __ ] right why are you still going to homies movie in your new [ __ ] right we all knew it I flipped on all of them right all of I would make movies none in this [ __ ] even down to that fiesta stupid everybody talking about I wasn't no see mommy right I was like oh I'm not getting no single homie right carry it you don't see it y'all looking for you never find it that was conscious right but I didn't like I said you got to think about something like um if we built something and a lot of people are affected well I agree with some I can't everything go down right but I can't make my personal stance right and I did that now that everybody's talking about it now anybody acting like oh it goes back to those patterns that you saw it was popular so cuz last [ __ ] was the King Army and we was praising them and it wasn't they've had this conversation everybody not announcing it now now P now to cause Nick Hornby look we had at one time you got the concert took a picture how let go you caught me I'll say you know who my daughter's bro home yeah you gotta take that down so that was before all this right I'm like bro you got daughters man you know whom he did them but y'all worked no not you got you I saw what some women in rock don't with me in no no no ain't no Rockefeller on that bro really go look at the record interesting come on you got to think about son think about this even I worked with him right and unfortunately I've had to speak on many occasions and you know I've so why did you work with and you question did what about a [ __ ] marrying a 14 year old is all right any day it's never all right used to work with him I'll tell you the reason why one this is the question is we got to get to it now honestly I always went to the idea of knowing who rob is I feel like there's mental illness that we have not discussed we want to tal this man it's not my question no I'm gonna tell you why cuz when I had to have the conversation with them because one it was during that time where I got a direct answer but because you try to act like you I work together with there's money that job got tell me show me show me show me the money so the tours you made no money dollar not I didn't want no parts of that nothing none of it look check my records go into my file bro go look ain't it ain't the not-guilty song wait you're gonna hate that song with Jay in our chili . in a courtroom I'm in it I mean I'm gonna kill that on there just cuz you ate in the mean this your label are you wrong you suck so is that okay was there any dissension between you and Jay because of course not they made a song together called not guilty during that time that was kind of a singing I ain't doing that you did no that's not you keep saying I do cuz someone I know dude that's crazy partner he's not my partner my partner played me you called him my partner no Martin we talk of anyone cut to two thousand two thousand one two thousand right whatever to early 2000 once we got cooler homegirl right I knew everything right right and that's when you stop [ __ ] one and that's that so before all of us I don't even really follow that situation right right once I got well homey right homegirl right and I was like yo out of respect I can't [ __ ] with P right there's not understood so I didn't make no money win right just cuz he made my he make money with a lot of people I can make money with right so he got all this money and I'm broke right that's what they pay but when it comes down to [ __ ] with him some of that right that's the only time I break bread all sudden I got it when the bad people because I'm not [ __ ] with it right so like I told you everything home he did I wasn't winning so I couldn't do everything listen when you have a label right and you have a lot of people there's a lot of things people do that you don't [ __ ] with but for the honeybees what if i morally don't like it I won't take no money from it so those projects my name's not on best of both worlds right my name I never went to a concert no video no you don't have no video with me in this picture probably why I wasn't successful exactly karmically but we talking about me right now yeah so what I'm saying is you got to remember you got to ask me how do you deal with that when someone you respect does some [ __ ] that you don't [ __ ] with it all right when someone that you've been making money with and that people's bills are getting paid and all that what you're supposed to do all I could do is my own and make sure I didn't [ __ ] with that and everyone around me knew that so yeah it's me and you cool and you know that I got a girl that your man raped it's crazy right and you go and I tell you when you like you gonna still work with them what you gonna feel now that so what'd you think I felt exactly so I'm human broke I had to look the other way right all these years so publicly that man did a a record wasn't gonna break my girl that he liked as well right right and and then went on a tour with him and and and understand what I'm saying Wow but nobody that's and no respect damn not in the video they main at that concert day meaning none of that [ __ ] there now Damon a fiesta video something I'm not even next to this never and I just I had to do it you know I mean like why did you have to do it because that was my artists not to say at that time I didn't know where I didn't it wasn't like per like this I remember having a conversation with alia and I was like oh you know tell me what happened she was like she just couldn't write and she said leave it alone don't cause no but you want me to just leave it alone right nothing it causes me too much pain right so I can't bring no awareness to it I can't do nothing right I just gotta wear it right well I don't agree with somebody I'm working with it's doing I can't publicly help my man right really housing my man if he's still doing he's still doing but then if I do that I'll [ __ ] up beans money can money Kayne money everybody money so now what I'm gonna do so I'm gonna just say look I'm gonna take a silent protest right y'all realize it later you may be I didn't say nothing I just didn't show up right so you're mad at me for that you're asking questions for that look under the hood right Carrie don't affiliate me with that all those decisions that were made were not my decisions that's his career right I got nothing to do with that I'm a man obviously I went another way right so you asking me what are you doing somebody does that you get the [ __ ] out of Dodge and you start a whole new brand right who let everybody think you're broke right cuz you don't want the book shot and none of that combo so when we say that was some of the beginning of just y'all not seeing eye to eye on ideas like that the way you just put it that you broke it down so you a man well how are you would have felt that I would have felt exactly how you felt right so didn't want to say like I don't have to go advertiser y'all she use your logic of course he was [ __ ] tight right I'm a sucker something I had to wear that Wow everybody was looking like I don't wanna poor today so business-wise and even into tap into because I felt like I do gave me an honest answer I gotta give you an honest answer as well and I'm revealing some stuff at just as you did early on during that time as we know the record label I was signed to Jive all of that or Kelly was one of the major producers from over there at the time he was sizzling from everything from B to cage he was just writing records they put me in the studio and I actually had this con cuz this was going on he got arrested at the ignition video in Miami I'm in the video this is when I'm like what is going this is when it's all being revealed and like I didn't understand it never saw the tape all of that type of stuff and I had a personal conversation and I'm at and he tells me man don't believe none of that that ain't what it is I'm like alright but I'm here I'm torn I don't know what to do in this situation because because I don't know I don't know the situation at the time I did not know this I didn't know the severity of the situation I didn't see the tape and at the time telling I'm telling this is when it first popped off this is now a bit as it got later I'm telling you as a young man you try come on give me you an honest answer I'm telling you this politically correct no I'm giving you the real so when we told bro bro bro so so then we get down man Chicago we work in all of this type of stuff and I'm already like I'm now I'm aware I'm like I don't see I'm looking for little girls I'm looking like I'm trying to figure this out from what I see there's four at the time I don't see nothing out of pocket so as we make the records and all of that stuff it goes that it's everything's clear he's not getting J y'all coming out a record all right all of said is everybody everybody stepping in the name of love I'm like oh okay we good now I know you personally weren't because we were all question was the entire industry what I'm saying is if you hadn't dude [ __ ] with a 15 year old why would you still work with him for several did that ain't the only one that's not the only person that I heard I it was speculation if somebody speculates that someone's [ __ ] with kids if that was the case there's are probably a lot of people in this industry not talking about a lot of people so much that's right no I'm saying there's a lot of people I can't [ __ ] with from executives all the way down just like when I found out about Harvey Weinstein ain't [ __ ] with him no more period when you find out that I own a club with him that's what I'm saying do you know riding like him [ __ ] all of the [ __ ] I didn't like how he treated my culture I didn't [ __ ] him cuz he was just a scumbag child their movie hot dog you knew he was a scumbag did my why didn't I learned it through the movie I never made a nothing out of it now now I'll never do today in case and we knew I just got there got my first movie I ever made in my life I learned on the set how he was and I punished him and I left and I never made another movie with him and I just teased them every time I saw him after that so we all clubs together like socialista [ __ ] like that and I'd be like yo I'll [ __ ] with him all the time people you could look up your mind as I speak that much but then you still do it wasn't popular did not I didn't do no business with him don't make me do something I didn't after I found out I did not wit up a movie I made with him after that right but you got you guys are still a club Oh meaning like does that be on the club that we all didn't you never put the money up that's why don't [ __ ] with me trust me we still argue all the time and there's a feeling republic i was setting on him every time i'm basket I've been in no situation everybody was saying it was popular right what habits was on the radio saying I was bucking for that just blaze was like looking yell do all of you wanna see now look at him right people was doing I always make that [ __ ] convenient I know he is always my money or I did something homey was a bad thing but I think I should to do any when is good right that don't make no sense bottom line is people look the other way for whatever reason the great bottom line baby line but I don't and a lot of people don't know how and you know what learning a lesson from Dame - speaking out and not looking the other way is something that's extremely solid and as a young person I didn't understand that no but at the time and now so with everybody my only question is as we're being so judgmental we're not saying you know that man is sick that man needs help nobody's gonna [ __ ] about that if that was your daughter that nigga's not sick he's dead and what I don't want to go in the parent and that's my daughter right hundred hundred go do that time for that one hundred percent I'm right there with so why is it only like maybe the reason why I was like that was cause it was close to me right maybe that could be the reason but you still were in close price ed I didn't know all that [ __ ] till I knew alia one side earlier right and I did not even before that you've never seen me with this dude right were you talking about like cuz he would am I'm with him you don't see no picture of me with him he was Steve Stoute I don't [ __ ] with him right although you really are I don't [ __ ] with so why do I keep saying this right right put that [ __ ] on there anyway I find it offensive I understand [ __ ] what my character like that I've never [ __ ] we do period if I'm in the same club as which one me punch him in his face no I just left him alone right did the main thing I did the boss [ __ ] stay over there that's fine because my girl said leave it alone I left it alone you left it at home add that where anybody that knows do happen to my girl that [ __ ] with me should not be [ __ ] with homie period and I felt that way and Ivan essentia now the entire world feels the same way that you feel and is it one of those things were you looking like I've been trying to tell you absolutely always Walden to being able to get off of him right and never never didn't by always was disrespectful to me and my girl and just the women I always thought it was that was violation I don't care what nobody say and I just say what I want to say as you but you've always done that my opinion that's my thing I could say when I want how I want and any man that defends another man you get snow burn don't even speak to me if you're talking about another [ __ ] to me bring it right carry it like don't defend another let that man defend himself that's that I have no respect for nobody that offends another man I had no respect for that so you do that you think you feel tough you feel good you're clown right in my vibration pause can I ask this one question totally separate but semi-related then it just goes back early on and what age was Foxy Brown sign it but that's Foxy Brown dude applause I wasn't oh now I'm the boss I would I've always giving you the credit as a buff saying this bro I didn't sign Foxy Brown I'm just do with Foxy Brown I have to do with Foxy Brown because the first time I ever heard don't beat around the bush foxy was like 16 that's all say it seems like you got a question for Jay ask him even all y'all keep asking me questions I wanna ask him cuz he ain't here ask him I got [ __ ] to do with that and I don't even know nothing about that and you mommy I know I said I said what you playing kocha voices is amazing just say this my man is so much one of my mentors one of the people are auditioning you trying to get me to go deep Rob deter can you say that foxy was 16 when she got shot why you say that just now just curious because as uh someone in the culture and a fan of what y'all did in which I'll create a long answer I gotta get a log when I first was introduced to who foxy was I thought there was something between foxy and J I would say she was there I only can ask the people on you my man we closed he was there I was just ice all I was asking it would be so uh out of my character this people in love a man business so we not gonna do that cuz we don't want you to speak out of character i reaiiy value who you are too much to allow you to do that cuz you always been silent that was gangster [Music] just and be very careful out there we see a lot of things in this game and a lot of people don't speak on it real cats like damn - and Nick Cannon will speak on it yeah so man Real Talk I appreciate everything that we've done here today culture vultures is a classic if you don't know about it we touched on all of the topics I think we address the elephant in the room we did you asked me a question in the answer and you answered it so I just appreciate when you show this yeah you asking the question as opposed to me just answering because people think I just be volunteering [ __ ] yeah now we go the whole thing is gonna be opened this isn't this is an educational conversation when I talk to people I only put people in that seat that I can learn from money and that's what this Candy's class is all about and I've learned stuff from you for years from I am well I'm not gonna get too deep because even there's even more personal things but this man has pulled me to the side and and saved me from making some decisions personally business-wise and this conversation real quick I gotta have this conversation real [ __ ] night at the Met Gala we used to say one of the most amazing nights I figured of my life I'm about to make one of the most life-changing decisions of my life like and I'm looking to propose to somebody I got that I've never bought a diamond ring in my life this somebody I look up to one of my big homies I show him I'll show nobody else we had tuxedos on I'm gonna do this tonight he looked at me in my eye first of all he laughed at my man and I'm like what I still go through with it all in all night major nighttime fit but I'm still in my backup my mom really private jets to fly la Rosa's petals time squared I'm in the back of my mind tell me know if I would have listened to this man I would have saved hundreds of thousands of dollars a lot of emotion and he there was a reason why and you don't like to put nobody business out there but from that day forward and we had the conversation his men later on cuz we work together do movies and all that and and he was just so when I was a little upset because he could've gave me he coulda gave me the more reasons why I shouldn't go into it but he was like but from that point on I always looked up to him because he always kept his Salah with me even in a moment like that to where he's like from one man to another man he's always giving me good advice and he's one of the people in his industry whether you feel like he rubs you the wrong way or not he's always gonna speak his truth always speak his mind and if you tap into where his energy is truly coming from and understand universal law he's only trying to give love and goodness he does it in a very unadulterated way in a very unapologetic way but it's always solid it's made it's meant to be disruptive who would listen right and I say things nice people think they don't say they don't listen and and people people I've had in my life that come from the same cloth in the same culture Dick Gregory who his you know God rest his soul his definitely he talked to me that way but I think I still go see Dick Gregory I was like my mother used to make me and that's like I'd you remind me of him in such a way to where you don't care what people say about you you gonna speak your truth and you speak from everything from a health standpoint you speak from everything from how black people should move and a lot of people call him crazy a lot of people tried to say he was broke a lot of people try to speak on him and that same fashion where I feel like he's gone down as one of the greats I know you'll go down as one of the Great's as well but that's people people don't respect yes but also you know I think people should give you props because you know you're doing a lot of things behind the scenes that people don't know in a very executive level right I'm saying I appreciate this old you know I respect that because again you become to my spot and I kind of yours yeah and we can compare buildings yeah it's big and we will but we do it on our own terms there it is I'm saying and you know about that movie what's that movie that we did together weapons a real movies son we went to Sundance we did it we gonna continue to work together cuz we do it on all we put up our own bread and we make our own films and we tell our own stories and that's what we got to continue to do so if you don't got the book culture vultures make sure you get that it's an audio book shots out to my man Kenyatta over there as well the book is powerful and then there's other things that you guys got going as well that you know I feel that's the secret to balling DVD all of those things that you're putting together it's man it's for the culture and it's moving us forward so I appreciate that the television network is what I'm really excited about yeah because we got a name for you or DD TV there it is and there's name - Studios which is the streaming service right and it's all original programming it's scripted non-scripted docu-series shows and I feel like white or black I'm the first one to ever launch a television network 24 hours with a hundred percent new programs all that licensing and it's completely owned is debt-free you know and you got my word I want to support it 100% definite no we need to do a show yeah and we need to figure out and know so we got to link up and do movies you know yeah and I like that I walked away you got you know you got editing Bay's and one move one woman's movies one moombas TV and that's exactly where I'm at with this and so we on the same sheet of paper yeah but we're together and other people like us that are pushing things forward and taking matters into our own hand and educating our people if we link it we're gonna change the narrative and the vibration and the pattern will be different and will be used to the hustla for love as opposed to money there it is that's the best way to end it right there my big homie right here Dame -
Channel: Nick Cannon
Views: 1,760,340
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nick Cannon, Hip Hop, Music, Rap, Dame Dash, Surviving R Kelly, Wildnout, podcast, Cannon's Class, Aaliyah, Foxy Brown, Jay Z, Jordan Crafton, jdc films
Id: B8iV4ZaSFjE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 15sec (4275 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 10 2019
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