How to Live at Ease l Sadhguru - Inner Engineering

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uh you spoke about becoming a salt doll and plunging into the ocean but what is that state like when you are a salt doll but you're not yet plunged what is can you describe that state what it is ah can somebody run to the kitchen and get a spoonful of salt [Music] put it in his mouth he will know how it feels [Music] salt is good only if in a small quantity it mixes with something only if it mixes if you found this big ball of salt in your sambar if it mixes then only it's good it's merged if not with the samandar at least with sambar only when it merges with something it is good if it sticks out salt is bad you know you know so that's how life will feel if you stick out that's how it feels most people on this planet do not know a moment of absolute ease forget about blissfulness forget about ecstasy forget about anything else they do not know what is ease it's the most basic thing a lot of other creatures know this you see a dog is eaten well totally at ease human beings do not know what is ease most people do not know what it is that's why they have so much disease to Simply Be able to sit here just to Simply sit now it's going on all the time that's how life will be [Music] because you're too full of salt [Music] these terms are used in so many different ways when we say salt it's their sense in a way if you taste salt of the earth it means the essence of it you've taken so when we say your result doll or if you become one it is the essence the essence of your personality right now is just your ideas your emotions your opinions a bundle of prejudices that you carry this is what the essence of your personality and this may be hugely fired by the karmic influence memory this is what makes you who you are so this is your sort the essence of your personality is just what you remember of yesterday or the previous moment we just wipe out your memory from all levels not just from your mind including your body if you wipe out all memory [Music] there will be no such thing as a person anywhere if there is no person there is just life if there is just life if you sit here just as a piece of life you will throb as life if you throw up as life you will instantly experience that life is happening in tandem with the whole existence never separately because it cannot exist separately never ever has it happened separately always one with everything it is only your personality which is happening separately that is the salt your ideas your opinions your philosophies your ideologies when you complicate your ideas ideas it becomes an ideology your emotions it suggests another expression of the same thing your prejudices another expression of the same thing essentially you are investing in your memory or essentially you invest in that which is dead you're an Undertaker your business is with the Dead all the time your life is about what is over everything that you are is about what is already over so because you're an Undertaker you will live in a certain jumpy condition it once happened Shankar and pillai went to New York City got into your taxi and the taxi driver was driving to a certain destination being an Indian who's just landed in America he wants to talk to everybody else [Music] so taxi driver he started talking talking talking and then Taxi Driver also opened up and then when the destination came nearby he wanted him to stop so he put his hand in that small opening and touched him on the shoulder I want to stop here the taxi driver jumped out of his skin and lost control over the car and went and hit a tree and went up the tree and stopped like this and shankaran pillai had a bleeding nose and he said what what did I do why did you just jump like this I just wanted you to stop you don't understand last 32 years I've been driving a Hersey [Music] never ever my customers ever did this that is you know he's been working for an Undertaker so his customers are always dead and today when the customer touches him on the shoulder he lost it and most human beings are living like this they're jumpy about everything the jumpy about everything because they're living with the Dead if you live with us today you are living with the dead please understand look at this carefully everything that you are your personality is crafted from that which is dead your eyes are colored with that which is dead from what happened yesterday you look at everybody so you're living with the Dead and in case something alive happens you will be jumpy you will jump out of your skin you will see when we initiate people something comes alive little bit people are jumpy what's happening you're coming alive [Music] you've been dead for a long time it's called raising the dead [Music] you have said dog creation has done its job now it's your job to live the life it's not it's rather than looking up but you have also said uh upasana you should be a side role not painful but these two things are contrary foreign how was this [Music] now for the statement is right no contradiction about that have you done your job no so the other part is also right at the same time I'm saying be no persona your role in the existence is so small everything that happens to you largely is being done to you are you spinning the planet [Music] could you live if it did not spin you live are you managing the atmosphere now you're spoiling it but you're not managing are you making your heartbeat [Music] are you breathing everything that's vital to life is happening isn't it your business is just to become receptive to the Bounty of life to know life in his fullest way [Music] if you're willing to be Blissful joyful do something worthwhile about yourself or you're willing to do something worthwhile about 10 people around you we will take care of your living goals all you have to do is to home Mr creation isn't it big enough to bow down to powder just a creation on top of that you want one more thing isn't creation itself big enough to power and I'm asking isn't the mountain beginning to cut home I find even the tree and and begin after bow down because not one of them can we figure all your intelligence you can't figure a leaf upon this tree one leaf so Justice your intelligence of everything that is happening when you can't figure anything what do you do [Music] stay in your personal because anyway your role is so minor in this existence but tomorrow morning if you evaporate no problem only if you leave your mess here and no problem but if you simply evaporated no problem for anybody isn't it so your role in your own life is so minor so very minor everything is being done to you test everything so how can you be the hero when you have a two bit role If You Think You Are a Hero you're making a serious mistake isn't it that's all I'm talking about I am not talking about doing any great spiritual sadhana but if you're if you live in truth that is the southern what else to stop the lies that you're creating that is all the sudden searching for truth knowing truth does not mean you have to go in search of it somewhere it's not hiding behind the mountain it's on this side you know right now this part of the planet is dark so we'll go looking on the other side no it's here truth means just this whatever there is is truthful whatever you have made up is a lie that's all there is isn't it [Music] and you being a hero in this existence is you're rubbish it's got nothing to do with reality so if you understand that you understand you have a very minor role in the existence not just in the making of existence in your own life even if something as simple as breath or heartbeat is left in your hand you will be a complete mess within a minute [Music] yes or no so I'm not saying anything new not a teaching just reminding you the reality of what your life is and that's all living in truth means that you're not made up anything you're not writing your own story you're you're trying to live life you live life you can only live it the way it is only if you make up a story you can make your own story isn't you are doing fiction you can make it up the way you want if you're living life you can live life only the way it is there is no other way to live so do not think it's some kind of a teaching that's how life is just live it don't make up any story make up a story which is not true and believe it is true [Music] when your script comes to an end then you'll be at loss because there's nothing if you go with reality it is on whether you're alive or dead it's own you being with it is the safest way to be best way to be that's the only way you can experience life otherwise you will experience the treasury of your own words nothing else what being on the path of the Divine means is that you don't have your own nonsense anymore where does your nonsense come from a bit from your parents a bit from the society in which you live rest you cook it up yes so [Music] a bit from your genetics a bit from the external impressions using these two things you cook up the rest what comes from external situations is all too much fragmented bits and pieces maybe this information is useful for your survival it is [Music] what comes from your genes my child's Darwin told you we were a monkey so if you say my genetics decide who I am the Monkey Business the monkey business will not end ever because even now your DNA is only one point two three percent different from that of a chimpanzee your evolution is only that much so the more you depend on your genetics the more of a monkey you become I say a monkey because if you go by your genetics you become cyclical if you travel like this one moment if you're not alert you will go off at a tangent [Music] you go like this you may slow down you may hasten you don't go anywhere so being on the path of the Divine means first thing to become free from your genetics it is in this context we say Shiva is that means he has no parentage he dropped it he cleaned his mother and father out of him no father no mother just just because genetics means repetition repetition means cyclical nature cyclical nature means you're going in circles you're not going anywhere so [Music] this eye business and all you reading bits and pieces of vedanta please stop that don't read all this stuff me and my Consciousness and my witness and where is the witness witnessing the witness witness witness Witness you can go on endlessly witness Witnesses the witness and witness and witness witness witness what is the witness Witness [Music] this is just a mental game ignorant people acting like they know this is what happens philosophies will flourish philosophy is the more philosophical as societies are the more philosophical a human being is the more he's clearly declaring to the world that he is a pretender what he does not know I know he acts like it knows simple practical people they know they don't know and they're proud that they don't know that's a problem but at least they know they don't know so do not get into this trap of intellectualizing the existence very confidently you use this word existence but do you know what is existence does anybody know what is existence does anybody know nobody knows so when we talk when you use words of them of whose meaning we do not know that's called rubbish isn't it but maybe socially very valuable rubbish because it confuses somebody if you can confuse a few people they may believe you're intelligent really [Music] want to be perceived as intellectual you just have to confuse a few people you don't have to bring Clarity to anybody the work the spirituality or the spiritual work is about bringing clarity division confusion we do only when people have deep conclusions people have conclusions in their mind which they believe is everything then we confuse them a bit so that their conclusions get loosened up [Music] when the meghalaya State Lottery is still on [Music] a lot okay at that time in 1984. we changed the date what's the problem after all we made up the dates we can use it the way we want it not now 1984. he won a lottery [Music] and people gathered press gather and everybody said wow we won a lottery [Music] 56 crores you heard those days isn't it so how did you get this lucky number so shankaran pillai said I had three consecutive nights I had a dream in the dream it said number eight number eight number eight three times three times it appeared eight eight eight then I thought three times eight is thirty-two and I went for the 32 ticket and I got it and people said well three times eight is not 32 it is 24. he said what does it matter I won the last lottery [Applause] I'm telling you existence does not fit into your logic it's not logically correct not logically correct that means what's wrong that means what's wrong that means your logic is too limited isn't it no existence is not correct why is it not fitting into my logic this is the argument of a Madman isn't it [Music] this is the way it is if your logic doesn't fit into it there's a problem with your hand and not with the existence [Music] they say ignorance is bliss why ignorance is bliss till life bites your head off till then it is bliss do one thing you climb the tallest building in Bombay just be ignorant of the gravitational forces just jump you will see it will be so blissful till you hit the ground till then it's really Blissful actually have you ever done any skydiving you must do you go 25 or 20 000 feet up in the air and just jump off it's just fantastic but it is just that the Earth is rushing at you if that one little ball is not there it's just fantastic you know so ignorance is bliss till you get smashed in that small period it's wonderful what's there to believe or disbelieve in it if you're ignorant and you try to do things will life get you or no will life get you or no then why are you asking me such questions don't have enough experience to know if you're ignorant about something and enter that Spear of life is going to get you yes or no first of all stop trying to live by slogans why are you trying to live by slogans [Music] just live out of your awareness and intelligence not out of a slogan isn't it if you go by slogans slogans are for crowds who have no intelligence just to make them believe something and do a specific Act but not for life you cannot handle life with the slogan isn't it [Music] it is just like you don't want to apply yourself to your life you want to just pass life without involvement why are you seeking a slogan or a formula or advice or a philosophy in your life simply because you are unwilling to apply yourself to every little thing in your life please tell me is this shall I do it this way or that way there is no despair that way look at every situation carefully every moment of your life carefully if you want to live well isn't it isn't it so do you know electricity will kill you if you're ignorant of it [Music] if you stick your finger into that one will it make you blissful yes huh then why do you ask such a question obviously not you know everybody knows but they can't give up their slogans somewhere there is a hope that I can live here without applying myself no without involvement there is no life without involvement there cannot be life and it's good people who do not know involvement will not know life [Music] because if you think this life is not worth involving into you should not be alive actually [Music] yes such a phenomenal life if you are seeing how to avoid involvement actually you should not be alive you should disgrace to your creator that you're unwilling to involve yourself
Channel: Sadhguru - Inner Engineering
Views: 101,145
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Keywords: Sadhguru, sadhguru 2020, wisdom, sadhguru interview, sadhguru quotes, sadhguru meditation, sadguru speech in english, sadhguru latest, sadhguru videos, sadhguru jaggi vasudev, sadguru, sadguru speeches, satguru, sadhguru english, #sadhguru, guru, spiritual master, indian yogi, sadhguru 2021, sadhguru 2022, Sadhguru 2023, How to Live at Ease l Sadhguru - Inner Engineering, Inner Engineering, Ease, How to Live at Ease
Id: kA4XL01RhkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 55sec (1675 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 08 2023
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