Astrologers speechless: THIS is what's coming!

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a very special astrological configuration is unfolding on May the 18th six planets are in an unusual alignment indicating something very special is brewing stay tuned for more details but first a warm warm welcome here on my YouTube channel and if you would like to receive a weekly energy update about what's important for you in the upcoming week sign up for my free newsletter where I share this information with you every week you find the link below this video in the description box and if you are also interested in learning viic astrology check out my free astrological Workshop where I will show you what the planets and the houses mean and and how to decode your own horoscope on May the 18th and this energy update does not just apply only on that one day these energies are building very strongly now and they will remain very active for several days afterward rahu the north note of the Moon and planet Mars are me meeting exactly at 19° in the sign of Pisces mass is always a trigger that sets events in motion Mass represents action but also often accidents and conflicts and rahu the north note amplifies those energies creating a really highly explosive energy cocktail when they meet exactly and in this video I will give you more information what this energy really means and we will take a look at the few country horoscopes to better understand how these energies can unfold in the sign of Pisces the last and very intense solar eclipse happened and now this event URS very close to the degree of the eclipse it will happen at 19° and the eclipse occurred at 25° it is always of great significance when a planet in transit moves near the degree of the last Eclipse especially when the planet is Mars but this conjunction of Mars and and rahu is not only special for that reason at the same time Venus and Uranus are both in the sign of Aries almost exactly together in the nakshatra critica at 29° and also at the same time the Sun and Jupiter are nearly exact at 3° in the sign of t so we have six planets all in a very exact conjunction on the same day and such special energies always indicate special events it's a bit like with us humans too when we sit too close to each other it usually doesn't work out well and we start to feel uncomfortable set planet Saturn is not directly involved but is also in the mix as Saturn has its third aspect directly on Uranus and Venus what do these energies mean for us there are two major topics being triggered on the world stage but of course it's also important to look at your personal heart horoscope to see what this mean for you and I will share more information what this special energy mean for you in my membership and what I want to say beforehand is that planets don't determine your life or what happens to you I'm talking about the qualities of the planets but what we make what we make out of these energies and how we express them is always up to us however the more conscious you are the more you will Master challenges in your life in a positive way and they will make you stronger because that's the most important reason why you are here as a soul on Earth to master challenges and understand the energies to realign your life in a better way and if you are even more interested in astrology feel free to check out my new workshop on viic astrology where you will learn more about what the planets and the houses mean and how astrology can help you to understand yourself better and discover your inner true potential but now let's come back one of these two major topics unfortunately is the topic of War Mass represents passion but also aggression and weapons and War and rahu is like pouring oil into the fire of Mars and it will expand those energies and then we all also have kuu who is kuu kou is the Thousand note of the Moon and when kou comes in connection with Mars like here because Kato is in the opposite House of rahu ketu is in the sign of Virgo this can also mean terrorist attacks and the background could very likely be religious reasons because the sign of Pisces is strongly associated with this subject especially with rahu rahu represents the foreign the unknown but what does it mean when Uranus and Venus are coming together exactly at the same time Uranus brings the element of unexpected and sudden changes oranu stands for rebellion and Revolution for electricity often from out of nowhere and at the same time Venus is not really powerful because she's very close to the Sun and thus her Positive Vibes of love and compassion appreciation and diplomacy cannot be propably seen and felt Uranus and Venus are in the nakshatra critica a nakshatra of the Sun and this brings entric actions critica is really critical and with this nakshatra one tends to see differences rather than what connects together and then we also have Jupiter and the sun in the sign of Taurus they are also coming coming together in an exact conjunction both are actually very shiny planets but Jupiter cannot bring its wisdom and positive vibes properly because in this exact conjunction Jupiter Jupiter's qualities are overshadowed by the Sun and all of this is happening at the same time the energies speak a clear language that things will be critical during this time period but how the energies play out that is up to all of us to decide and especially your own Consciousness determines what experiences you make essentially everything we experience serves us us life serves us and it's up to you how to ride the waves the second topic triggered on a collective level with these energies is the topic of natural disasters especially earthquakes but also particularly the activity of volcanos and the activity of the Sun which we are currently experiencing intensely with those beautiful aoras we can see this means we may experience such events more frequently in the near future and even the shift of the poles of the sun could be activated by these Energies we have already been experiencing The increased activity of our planet since the last solar eclipse so it could also be related to a major volcanic eruption or earthquake although it doesn't have to be but it is one option which could happen but now let's look which countries could be mostly affected by these energies on May the 18th and like I told you it must not happen exactly on this day it could also happen at a time span before or after the United States is at the Forefront for the USA it is the fourth house in the horoscope where rahu and Mars meet and the fourth house is our motherland our ground our homeland and like I told you rahu and Mar can bring up fights and really terrorist attacks that's not easy and for you personal it's also important to check your horoscope this means there can be some Act of terrorism and also because of racism mainly racism and we see what's now happening in the USA the split is growing bigger and bigger between different opinions and the people really act out of aggression that's not really good so this is one thing that could happen but also we have to look on the opposite House of the fourth house and this is the 10th house and the 10th house there is kou and mass will be in opposition so this means it can also bring up some attack to a leader because the 10th house stands for the leader of a country and this is not easy maybe there could be something happening that takes the leader out of its position or also a terrorist attack we will see and hope that nothing bad will happen this is really only possibilities it must not happen that's really important but the issues of racism and religious belief systems is really active at this time with this energies let's hope that it's that it's only leads to Peaceful demonstrations for the country Ukraine this Energy Mix activates the planet Jupiter and also Mercury and Venus and the Sun and all of those planets are located in the horoscope of the Ukraine in the E house and this activates all the topics of the eighth house and the Eighth House stands for big Transformations for ups and downs and for really change change that can happen and this can also mean regarding who covers the country because the sun stands for the leader of a country and we see in the country Ukraine this is really an important topic right now and there could be change in leadership for Israel for Israel it is the seventh house and also check my May update where I spoke about the whole month of May and there I also spoke about Israel and for Israel it is the seventh house but also the sign of Aries the eighth house and also the the ninth house the sign of Taurus they are all particular activated by these energies and the sun in Israel's horoscope is in the sign of Taurus where Jupiter and the sun will come together in transit just 2° apart from the Sun in the horoscope in the birth horoscope here too it could mean that a change in leadership is imminent and also a confrontation about what is right how to lead what is the right direction and also the opponents can be very strong because rahu and Mars will meet in the seventh house in the sign of Pisces and these represents our opponents and this means that our opponents are really activated and maybe aggressive and maybe also planning or acting out on terrorist attack and it is also the sign of Pisces is connected with churches and temples and also hospitals so that's really not a good good energy I hope they are really careful especially at this time zone in the country horoscope of Taiwan Taiwan is really also very activated because there it's also Pisces is the seventh house and this represents opponents mainly China maybe and who could be very strong and especially this can mean an attack over water because Pisces is connected to the ocean to the Sea and in this horoscope this can bring up opponents that can fight from the water from the ocean from ships and in the horoscope of Taiwan planet Mars is in the sign of Taurus really very near Jupiter and sun when they are there at 3° coming together and Mars is the ruler of the eighth house and the eighth house like I told you symbol symbolize change and big transformation really big transformation big ups and downs for Iran the rahu Mas conjunction occurs in the sign of Pisces in the n house and the Sun is very close to this rahu Mas conjunction the sun is at 17° and the conjunction is at 19° which also involves the ninth house stands for our religious religious leadership of the country and this could mean the risk of an attack could also be very high of violence against a religious leader this could mean the risk of an attack is really high but also that violence May emanate from this party towards others I know that many people do not like to deal with this type of predictions and I can understand that we should focus on the positive things in our lives but at the same time I believe we are here to face challenges and become increasingly aware of how we can read energies to better understand ourselves and others Maybe videos like these can demonstrate the potential and power of viic astrology to bring us closer to understand connections and motives and only through understanding can we truly create change in our lives these major energetic shifts we are experiencing right now really they show us we are part of a big transformation and we must also understand that fear is a part of us of of our energy the external World reflects our own inner fears and it is worth to start to feel them because behind every fear lies a gift when we face the fear we can only generate those feelings within ourselves due to our own negative beliefs often confronting challenge helps us become aware of what we truly want and that's part of the current times and especially the year 2024 no matter how rocky the path seems and how great the chaos is in the end everyone will reach where he wants to be so please feel free to share this video and thank you so much and I love you
Channel: Silvia Suryodaya 💗
Views: 69,945
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Keywords: vedic astrology, vedic astrology 2024, may, energyupdate, astrology for self development, nitin kashyap, aries, cancer, joni patry vedic astrology, daily predictions, birth chart, aries tarot, horoscope for today, vedic astrology basics, forecasting, kapiel raaj, taurus, aquarius, learn vedic astrology, astrology
Id: jzvuVSkuDXo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 14sec (1274 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2024
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