When You Die Certain Forces Will Enter The Body! | Death | Karma | Occult| Sadhguru | Adiyogi

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I know people who have no reason to lie about it and they will not such people have actually seen a burning body getting up and walking they've set fire to it it's burning but it gets up and walks up to 5 to 7 minutes it's behaving as if it's alive and then Falls dead exhausts itself dying slowly torturous or no so it can be torturous so we want him to live quickly after he dies first thing is to tie the toes together you notice from the lower end of the body it will start eming life it wants to live they will try to draw energy when they try to draw energy certain forces will enter the body you can exit the body in such a way that you exit completely you gather everything and leave if you live like that then we will give you a burial if it was guaranteed if you come to Kashi you will attain to MTI doesn't matter what kind of a lousy creature you have been all your life I was not privileged to know ran personally but in the last year that I've gotten to know Anita she's shared so much about him and his spirit and we've shared her experience of Ryan's passing and um closer to um the end of his time here and it was very similar for me with my father and we've shared a lot of those experiences and for me it was bittersweet and there was so much Sweetness in that those last days and I'm wondering if you can talk a little bit about that transition for us and how we can I don't want to say do it better but how we can experience it with a new perspective because it's something that really shifted how I see it and experience your own or somebody else's my not my own well I mean probably both but really being being here after someone passes and going through that with him uh I want you to listen to this carefully because uh this could be easily misunderstood because when someone loses someone who de to to them it's like a piece of their life has been taken away and it goes through various processes of grief loss cherishing many things that they were variety of things not all of it can be articulated but at the same time we are not the first people to be born on this planet nor are we going to be the first to die on this planet in our lives whether we are going to get educated or not we don't know when we are born whether we going to get married or not we do not know whether we going to Bear children or not we do not know whether we going to do this that and so many things in the world or not we do not know but we know one thing that we going to die yes or no that's one certainty isn't it though it is such an obvious thing we are not able to come to terms with it somebody was asking me sguru how do snakes die where do they die because we don't see ever dead snake unless it's killed by somebody they're asking this question in a tropical country and I think it's relevant in California also where there are actually millions of snakes but they quiet lives they don't show themselves too often unless you step into their terrain somewhere they don't show themselves they're just there so where do they die this is something very wonderful particularly cobas when they want to die when they know they should die they will withdraw find one perch somewhere and go sit there and they won't eat for over 18 to 20 days they will not eat anything and sit in the same place and they'll die there at one time out of misplaced compassion I have brought down these cobras because I knew where they would be sitting I would pick them up bring them and try to force feed them try to put some food into them and do something about it but do what you want they won't accept a little bit of food if you leave them again they go and sit in the same place and they will die there quietly I'm saying a crawling creature has that much awareness knows how long this body should be on and when it should go similarly your life and every other life has this Consciousness as to when it should exist exit this body either because we broke the body in some way or because simply the necessary intensity in the body doesn't exist anymore to sustain life so we must understand when I say when I use certain words do not understand it in normal sense when I say a a life decides when to leave it's not like you think about it and you decide not that kind of decision in in its own way not with thought many decisions about who you are is not decided by your thought it's simply made isn't it like that a life decides when to leave as long as it's here we will do everything to preserve it and to hold it and keep it with us because we cherish and value that life but once it leaves we must respect that because that life has chosen to leave now when I say life I'm not talking about the person I'm not talking about the personality I'm not talking about variety of thoughts and emotions and activities that person was involved in you as a person never want to leave because you want to be an endless psychological drama but life wants to live at a certain time whether you like it you don't like it life wants to leave because it doesn't want to be trapped in the physical form that you have gathered forever it doesn't want it enjoys the physical form only to a certain length of time after that even if everything is well many lives leave you will see this particularly in India yogis will decide when to leave when they're very healthy and well they sit down and they leave other people think why he was healthy why should he leave so you want to get sick and die do you want to suffer in the hospital for 3 years and then only leave is that the only way to go please listen to this carefully because this is a situation I I'm not trying to trample on anything but I want you to listen to this carefully is it true that the final thing that you do in your life is death hello yes so the last thing that you do in your life is it not very important that you do it gracefully yes huh yes you you're all from Los Angeles you must do it in style isn't it at least gracefully is it also not important that other Lives who are around us when their time comes we must facilitate that they must be able to leave gracefully not make them a victim of medical industry that's going on around us hello yes tell me what purpose does it serve if you stretch a life which is about to exit now for another 3 months with all kinds of supports 3 months you stretched it in pain and misery what does it mean it just means that you ignorant about the nature of life and you want to cling to something that you know and you don't want to know anything that you do not know it's very important we know the person we know this person and this person and this person that's fine we have enjoyed their personalities but you have not touched the nature of their life because unless you touch the nature of your life you cannot touch the nature of another life so the most important thing we need to do is we don't have to talk about death prepare for death nothing is needed what we need to do is beyond this body which we have gathered which you agreed to agreed with me that you accumulated this Beyond this mind which is also an accumulation of Impressions and information beyond your accumulations if you sit here right now and experience the life that you are you will have absolutely no issue with any aspect of life which includes death death is not another thing that death is an ongoing thing right now all of us are dying slowly one day it'll be complete you think it's going to suddenly happen one day it is already on isn't it hello is it not on it is on in every one of us should we not conduct this process see you can call call this right now I can say I'm living another way of s saying it is I'm dying I'm dying right now we want to stretch it as much as we can but to know this experientially not trying to figure this intellectually is most important because intellectually if you figure you will always be one against the other because this is the nature of intellect that intellect cannot perceive anything without creating two so you have created life and death there's no such thing as life and death life and death is one package isn't it hello yes it's one package as we are living as we are also dying right now the question is how gracefully you do it if you learn to do this moment absolutely gracefully you will also conduct that moment absolutely gracefully that is not a different kind of moment that's the same moment in the yogic science it goes like this every inhalation you born every exhalation you die when you were born as a little infant the first thing that you did was inhalation isn't it what do you think is the last thing you will do exhalation isn't it right now when you sit here inhalation exhalation inhalation exhalation inhalation exhalation next inhalation did not happen and suddenly a big man is gone poof yes or no yes that's how fragile it is I want you to see this every moment it's happening if this exhalation which went out if it doesn't come back this one is gone how many things a man can do but at the same time just see how fragile this is this is you're yo-yoing with your life every moment if you don't know how to pull it back it will go away but it doesn't feel like that right now I'm real I'm not going die today a whole lot of people thought so before you and me we must understand mortality is the fundamental reality of our existence if you do not come to terms with this one thing believe me you don't know any other aspect of life in reality you know only the drama because this is the most fundamental nature of our existence that we are mortal when we are born it is declared that we going to die isn't it how long is the only question I bless you with a very long life thank you very much for being here when somebody [Music] dies or when somebody is certified dead by your doctor he's not completely [Music] dead death happens slowly if you're not already aware of this that's this lady she should know pastor's daughter anybody Undertaker son or daughter nobody you may already know most of you that after a person dies up to 11 days for sure most of the time up to 14 days fingernails grow hair grows you know this how many of you are already aware of this yeah so uh because death is happening slowly step by step it's going is not yet complete the withdrawal of life process from this lump of Earth happens step by step for all practical P purposes when it is immobile lungs have stopped heart has stopped so they'll declare you dead but not yet so it is by using this that still the life process is still continuing you can rekindle that and activate the system It Is by using this that the tantrics have dead bodies [Music] walking and it's not very uncommon it's quite common and sometimes you know they will be working upon this when The Cremation is on there have been many instances I have not personally seen but I know people who have no reason to lie about it and they will not such [Music] people have actually seen a burning body getting up and walking they have set fire to it it's burning but it gets up and walks because at that moment when the burning begins from outside the life process Retreats and there's a concentrated spaces where life is happening more intensely at that moment they make use of that and rekindle the system in such a way that suddenly it gets up and walks up to 5 to 7 minutes it's behaving as if it's alive and then Falls dead exhaust itself so it's based on this that when somebody dies there are rituals in India up to 14 days the various kinds of rituals unfortunately these rituals have mostly lost there the knowledge behind that the power behind that has been lost and people are just doing things like for livelihood somebody's doing it or just for the sake of doing they're doing it very few people truly understand the significance of what it is because life energies recede slowly they' have gotten so deep into this every cell in the body it doesn't just go poof like this functionally it may die but totally it does not die it dies slowly so we want to hasten the process we don't want somebody to Die slow slowly dying slowly can be torturous isn't it dying slowly is torturous or no so it can be torturous so we want him to live quickly after he dies first thing is to tie the toes together you know this you still do it or no tie the toes together because if you do not tie the toes together from the lower end of the body it will start eming life it wants to live because all the cells in the body are not dead they still making an effort to live they will try to draw energy when they try to draw energy certain forces will enter the body so you don't want that to happen to your loved one so the moment he dies you tie the toes now no external support he will go much more quickly and the next thing is you wash him up with water because when you wash the dead even if you're alive if somebody tries to give you a bath they'll pour water on your face you will feel like you're being waterboarded when you were a child when your mother gave bath to you because we never use showers and things they poured water she always held it like this for you so that the water doesn't come here and you don't feel water boarded but somebody else was giving a b to you they just ped children are doing like this yes or no so if you just pour water over the face this dead guy gets water boarded if any little activity is happening it'll all cease so to live gracefully and to die gracefully is very important death is not some strange subject that we should not talk about it is right here progressing for all of us isn't it slowly maturing your death is maturing one day it'll be complete let it be long time after but right now it is maturing isn't it so if you understand life very well absolutely well you can exit the body in such a way that you exit completely you gather everything and leave if you live like that then we will give you a [Music] barrier we don't burn your body because uh we don't want to waste the wood on you you have completely exited there is no hurry we can keep you for a day or two and then bury you so I'm saying this is a culture where we understood life and death absolutely well and dealt with it as it should be dealt with within the first 14 days you can do a lot of service to the dead that culture grew that science grew in a big way in this country but then got corrupted so what was a a very wonderful science became Commerce and commerce became corruption so today if you're somebody in your house dies you go to those people who claim they will do something they will say your grandfather wants to drink milk give a cow not one lit of milk a cow your grandfather it's raining your grandfather needs umbrella give an umbrella your grandfather ising walking through thny Parts he needs Footwear see whatever you may know or you may not know about your grandfather one thing you know is he left his body here and went once he's left his body here umbrella clothing footwear not open yes but unfortunately it's become like this so we are right now in the process of training people to do these kind of services but you should never make it your profession just as a service if you are willing to offer we can train you to do these things properly and it's a very important thing to do in life it's a very important aspect when somebody has lost his body he's completely helpless he needs help and he can be helped but not with contaminated corrupt hands somebody who cares somebody who has the necessary sense about it if you want to go through something like that such trainings it's available we even starting our own cremation RIS in Kor we have Isa sudu you know this you don't know or you know where to die at least now and uh if some of you train for this you can deliver that service and it's a very significant service people don't understand the value of it in today's world the modern world they don't understand the value of it but it is extremely valuable to do that because most people do not choose to live in a great manner they have an aspiration at least they want to die in a great way that little aspiration brought millions of people to Kashi to die so the last phase of their life people came because they did not live gloriously they have a dream of dying gloriously at least hope dying gloriously means death leading not just to disposal of body but death leading to an ultimate Liberation it was guaranteed if you come to Kashi you will attain to MTI it doesn't matter what kind of a lousy creature you have been all your life so all the lousy creatures started coming because they lived badly and they want to die gloriously only the the population of the lousy m multiply it then Shiva said the place is becoming lousy with so many lousy people the place itself will become lousy so he said there needs to be some check so he established what is called today as B yatana what yatana means yatana means ultimate suffering it's something that happens to you in hell he will make it happen to you here last 40 seconds of one's life if one is either conscious or if he's in a consecrated space this will distinctly happen to every human being for whatever reason one may be dying whether one is dying of old age or disease the last 40 seconds many lifetimes of accumulated Karma will play out in Fast Forward at that moment these 40 seconds only if you lived a life of ignorance if you lived a life of unawareness lifetimes of unawareness these 40 seconds if you can maintain some sense of awareness he said all the many accumulated lifetimes of karma you will drop it you will go through an intense face for 40 seconds only and you will be clean and you dissolve essentially spirituality means putting your life fast forward you may suffer much more because everything is happening at a fast pace what you would have stretched for 10 years is happening let's say in one month so the amount of intensity of suffering that you go through is Big there may be moments of ecstasy and joy but there is so much suffering because things are happening rapidly within you so at least towards the end of your life you want to haste in the process so all this is because of a powerful consecrated space consecrated space means one thing is just this it's concentrated life that means life becomes so concentrated that it burns karmic fuel at a tremendous Pace after some time once you get used to it there is no more yat just once simp essentially you are at a higher left so that is a purpose of every consecrated space Kashi is significant because of the enormity of the way they built it the Aesthetics the beauty of it in those times they say there wasn't another city on the planet which was that beautiful all these things put together it became a big draw I mean they created the atmosphere to get the people's [Music] Focus so Kashi is not all pleasure and Beauty it is a place where people go into most intense form of suffering because he puts life on such a super fast forward lifetimes of things burn in one moment the field of occult practices has been shaped by many individuals throughout history each contributing to its evolution in different ways Gerald Gardner Gerald Gardner often referred to as the father of modern witchcraft or vikka was instrumental in Revival and popularization of pagan spirituality in the 20th century born into a British family with an interest in the occult his encounters with the occult in the British colonial territories and his claims of initiation into a surviving witch koven in England lay the foundation of his later work in promoting vika witchcraft today and the meaning of Witchcraft introduced wicen rituals beliefs and principles to wider audience he emphasized the worship of nature reverence for the elements and the celebration of seasonal festivals all of which are Central tenants of weekend spirituality Gardner's efforts played a crucial IAL role in bringing witchcraft out of obscurity and into the public Consciousness inspiring countless individuals to explore and embrace earth based spirituality despite controversy and skepticism surrounding his claims of ancient lineage and initiation Gardner influence of modern Pagan and wcan Ms cannot be overstated his dedication to preserving and promoting Pagan Traditions paved the way for the emergence of diverse and vibrant communities of practitioners worldwide Mandy Palmer Hall was a prolic author lecturer and a scholar of historicism whose work has left an indelible mark on the study and understanding of ult philosophy and mysticism from a young age Hall displayed a keen interest in ancient wisdom traditions and esoteric symbolism his Magnum opers the secret teachings of all ages remains a comprehensive Encyclopedia of esoteric knowledge exploring topics ranging from ancient mystery Traditions to the symbolism of Freemasonry throughout his life Hall lectured extensively on a wide range of esoteric subjects earning a reputation as one of the foremost authorities on Western esoterism his lectures attracted a diverse audience including intellectuals Scholars and Seekers of spiritual wisdom Hall's ability to distill complex esoteric Concepts into accessible and engaging narratives made him a belowed figure in the world of ult studies in addition to his written works and lectures Hall founded the philosophical research Society in Los Angels California and dissemination of esoteric knowledge the organization continues to serve as a center for academic research and public education in the fields of philosophy mysticism and comparative religion Israel regardi Israel regi was a key figure in the dissemination and preservation of alist Crowley's teachings and the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn after serving as Crow's personal secretary and student RI published edited editions of crowy Works including the Golden Dawn and the Tree of Life which helped to make Crowley's teachings more accessible to wider audience regard his writings not only introduced crowy and occultism to a new generation but also provided valuable insights into the Practical applications of ceremonial magic and hermetic philosophy his works such as the middle pillar and the Art of true healing remain foundational text in the field of modern Western esoterism offering clear and concise instructions for aspiring practitioners of the magical Arts Beyond his contributions as an author and editor rard played a pivotal role in preserving the legacy of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn the influential magical Society founded in the late 19th century his meticulous documentation of the ERS rituals and teachings ensured that future generations of occultists would have access to its Rich tradition of ceremonial magic and Spiritual Development Papas Papas was a prominent French occultist physician and author who made significant contributions to the Revival of Western esoterism in the late 19th and early 20th centuries as a co-founder of the cabalistic order of the Rose cross and the martinist order Papas played a central role in promoting the study and practice of occult and mystical teachings his writings which Encompass topics such as kabala tarot and ceremonial magic help to popularize esoteric knowledge and provide practical guidance for aspiring occultists his Works including the tarot of the Bohemians and the cabalistic taret remain influential text in the field of Western esoterism offering insights into the symbolic language of the taret and its applications in spiritual and mystical practice in addition to his contributions as an author and occultist Papas was a dedicated teacher and Mentor who inspired generations of seekers to explore the hidden mysteries of the universe his legacy endures through the organizations he founded which continue to perpetuate his teachings and ideals and through countless individuals whose lives have been enriched by his wisdom and guidance in conclusion these individuals represent a diverse array of backgrounds and contributions to the field of occultism their writings teachings and Legacies continue to inspire and inform contemporary Seekers of esoteric wisdom sh shaping the landscape of modern Western esoterism and enriching the lives of countless individuals on the path of spiritual Discovery and self-realization
Channel: Adiyogi
Views: 32,747
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Keywords: adiyogi, sadhguru, isha, sadhguru on karma, sadhguru karma, sadhguru about karma, sadhguru talk on karma, karma sadhguru, adiyogi karma, sadhguru occult, sadhguru on occult, sadhguru about occult, occult sadhguru, occult by sadhguru, sadhguru past life, sadhguru karma occult, sadhguru occult karma, sadhguru death, sadhguru on death, sadhguru talk on death, death sadhguru, death by sadhguru, adiyogi channel, adiyogi death, adiyogi occult, occult, karma, death
Id: XhO71WwtGmU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 26sec (2006 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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