i forced megalodon sharks to evolve and this happened

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alright so we're checking out the only game where a 60-foot long Megalodon can kick a field goal with a 747 killing 100 people it's GTA 5 I'm not gonna lie that plane went a lot farther than I thought it was gonna go before it came crashing down to the ground so I downloaded a bunch more mods that allow me to do stuff like this and thus today I have a plan not only am i a Megalodon which is basically just a really angry pissed-off shark that's full of McDonald's and cocaine but I've also installed a man-eater mod that allows me to go absolutely ballistic and kill people I've also filled the water with additional mega tones because why not my goal today though is to recreate the one thing that I have seen in every viral picture from like ten years ago which is the one where the Megalodon is jumping out of the water and attacking a helicopter then I'm gonna flood the entire city with like the giant tsunami flood and then I want to see how bad I can screw up things underwater as the Megalodon in an entire underwater city you see had a god damn jet skier these are my waters now but it shoots it like a shot you'll notice two people swimming together they're having a good time until all of a sudden apparently they get penetrated by a shark so hard that they levitate 30 feet off the ground you know whatever oh hey there's only enough food here for one Megalodon I love how the Megalodon is just breakdancing is there something stuck in my teeth I can never tell while I go ahead and repaint the water over here I needed an appropriate target so Aquaman hears like that one voice of reason like when your crazy friend just wants to fight everyone that's the Megalodon the Megalodon is like I think that guy just called me an [ __ ] and Aquaman's like I don't think he did I don't think he was even talking about you all right this is actually a pretty decent distance over here you shut your mouth Aquaman you don't know me hell did it go okay things catch a lot more height than I previously anticipated something just exploded I don't think that was my fault can I borrow your boat real quick dammit it's right you know this works if at first you don't succeed just get closer maybe closer wasn't the right option there maybe I should've just done it this way to begin with I love how I know when to go preview this footage over here to see what the hell happened to the boat there's another random Megalodon just chilling on the beach he's like I'm just trying to use the Sun to bleach out my teeth this is unfortunate okay real quick have you ever wondered whether or not Aquaman could fly I think I think he's gonna be okay I looked at this from another angle and I need to mention something real quick while this shark is over here just slang the hell out of everyone on the beach what do you think the lifeguards are doing they're running over people from property destroying everything seconds later okay I've managed to piss off the police you know by ruining lives I just found out you can like put the ships inside of your mouth and then fire them halfway across the entire board truck PD pull over okay real quick how much do you have to get paid to be on the police force and shoot it something with a fin that's bigger than your boat okay I definitely think I can get to those helicopters hold on so close this shark is catching way too much air okay I think I can see one right there right there I gotta play this back in slow motion hold on so half of guys over here and half of them is over there which half gets the medical benefits oh there's a plane a full plane please show up on my angry shark radar welcome to the shot in life I always wanted finally my dream is coming true he didn't really buy it he friggin knows but the thing it's outer space so this is what it's like to be that cop that moment when the shark can pick his teeth with your gun just trying to get a good representation of distance on just how far oh I didn't know that I did a full barrel roll after I ended the lives of like four people in one bite do you see anything wrong with this picture how about now hey guys listen I'm stuck on land can you get a little bit closer yep right about there perfect thank you I'm like slowly manipulating my way over to the police cars I'm almost there I just touched it this thing's more deadly on land than it is in the water just getting my iron for the day one of the things that you can do is spawn a bunch of the megalodons as bodyguards I have no idea what this will do on land but I'm willing to give it a shot I just learned that they cannot breathe air like me so they're all dead there we go hold on I need to get like 20 of these here it's just a little bedlam there's the Sharks just flying out of the water swarming every police vehicle that comes in watch this boat okay it's like 10 of the Megalodon if that helicopter just got blasted even I got thrown into the tea there will be no survivors that was a double bow there's one guy in the air alright boys we got a helicopter coming in you know what to do this is possibly the most amazing thing I've ever done in gta5 can I get can I get more than just megalodons hold on there's like a couple over here you've got Ken and Barbie driving their friggin jet ski in the middle of an absolute massacre this is everything I thought it would be I think the best part about this is that I really don't have to do any work because all of my shark buddies are beating the [ __ ] out of everyone for me some people are probably like what are those fireworks over there and then they see that and they're like yeah I'm going home I'm pretty sure that one Megalodon just reached the moon even the dolphin got a kill I'm so proud of him see that plane coming down right before the airport I kind of wondered if we would be able to take a plane out of the sky okay I'm gonna try and make this happen we're gonna try and drop the shark directly on top of the plane don't mind me just a flying shark you know how it goes did I just crash the game what the hell did I bite in midair it's like it was going for the airplane and I destroyed the entire fabric of the game I've never done this before I have completely frozen the game and yet for some reason the police sirens are still blaring in the background I'll never give up come here baby what the hell oh my god I tackled the plane with the show [Laughter] there's Aquaman piloting the one plane he's like we're friends right no this is what happens when you operate a plane in my airspace I would have mentioned something real quick when I destroyed that plane I broke the game in such a glorious way that now my field of view is like a million percent you better say no to pollution I think I have the plane in my mouth I'm not really sure we might have to see on the recording I can hear it it's definitely all around me I just don't know what the hell is happening right now I think I just forced the plane to come into a landing do you still hear it but you can't see this I think I know and I'm breaking this game in ways I never thought possible I need to find out what the hell just happened so the shark legit falls directly on the plane and I think he took the pilot right out of his chair I just kind of wanted to see if taking a plane out was possible in the first place so I kind of let this one just kind of roll over me it's not looking too good for our shark here oh no mind on the plus side the plane is gonna come down nice and soft [Music] I'm sure everyone's fine okay this is it Aquaman has now made it so that the Sharks can enjoy the feasting of the entirety of the populous some people have already luckily drowned but apparently when you're getting swole you don't mean to breathe okay I'm just real quick I'm just giving Aquaman a whole fleet of angry sharks here come on more we need more and more if we're gonna do this we're gonna do this all the way okay now that we have a stupid amount of sharks just their very presence is killing people guys guys leave me leave me alone I'm and this reversible I need I need this to get round stop elastic Nate you're destroying the whole city just following me Jesus okay if I just do it this way I can get my entire of shark goons to follow me around and they are just slaughtering everything they come across the police have shown up but considering this is a Waterworld now I feel like we may have a clear advantage when sharks come rocketing out of the water like this you should probably just go home I have no idea how these sharks manage to follow me into the downtown area just I'm swimming by destroys light posts okay that is the most epic jump a shark has ever done oh that's cool one of the Sharks actually ended up buying an office it what of the business I want to see if I can force the Sharks to try a huge jump there it is it's a new record from the site okay one last thing I need to do I want to spawn like 50 of these Megalodon zé's allies but then like 50 of them as enemies these guys are rappelling down into the megalodons are you friggin insane I have spawned so many megalodons they're all killers and violent and everything else so they're all just attacking each other and everything they can get their jaws on and it is causing an absolute glitch fest I through a whole bunch of Aquaman in here even they cannot quell the insanity well now that we're at four FPS and there is legitimately a shark stuck inside of a building and Aquaman is getting slaughtered by his own brethren I think I can safely say that we screwed the game up enough today well one shark is just straight-up flying he's completely disregarding gravity excellent safe I see much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 2,124,502
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Simulation Games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, simulator, simulator funny moments, funny moments, gta v, gta 5, gta 5 mods, gta v ragdolls, gta 5 ragdoll, gta 5 siren head, gta 5 siren head mod, gta v siren head, gta v siren head mod, siren head gta 5, siren head mod, siren head, sirenhead, funny gta 5 moments, gta 5 tsunami, gta 5 aquaman, aquaman, aquaman gta 5 mod, aquaman in gta v, aquaman gta v, graystillplays gta 5, megalodon, megalodon gta 5, sharks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 42sec (702 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 05 2020
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