When you remove the earths core with a nuclear explosion

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all right so we're checking out the only game that ends the torturing of the slow heat death of the universe by adding a fast forward button it's solar smash solar smash added some new things and solar smash is going to continue to add to my death count i think i i've killed more people now in video gaming because of this game than all of my previous years of video gaming combined so first things first they made it so now you can have 100 nukes coming at the planet because honestly 50 was rookie numbers of course and they added something that we will no doubt use to break the game because any time something that messes with the physics is added it completely shuts down everything else it is a fast forward button so now to attempt to erase the core of the earth which i still truly haven't been successful in yet and allowing everyone to continue to survive somehow we have the reset button the planet button the slow down button and the fast forward button god damn it there has to be a way to allow everyone to experience truhar yes yes i know there's a cthulhu but some people would enjoy this we can fast forward him now though hold on real quick did you did y'all hear cthulhu and fast forward i got a real quick it just sounds like someone stuck inside of a cardboard box trying to get out oh this is weird i didn't mean to do this but i made a pair of eyes on the planet it's like sonic the hedgehog guys hold on just one more time just one more time okay tell me that doesn't sound like someone being smothered by a pillow cthulhu the pillow lord i feel so bad cthulhu went from the dark lord to the download get it down pillow i feel like i can end up doing a lot more damage and fast forward for some reason all right now if i'm really careful maybe i can give this guy a set of teeth hold on come on i need that baby tooth to come in shove your way in there do it do it there we go full set of teeth and now to go ahead and set these off with cthulu except he's trapped inside of someone's refrigerator oh this is interesting the fast forward actually allows you to use these without completely crashing the game how is this planet still alive all right hold on let me just i'm just getting rid of some of this crap that's sitting here doing nothing all right here's the plan i'm gonna go ahead and send off like 500 nukes once they get inside of the planet here i'm gonna reset the planet so they go off inside of it go my hundred nukes go all right now you wait from the side oh this actually looks amazing from the side go my jellyfish tentacles all right wait for it to get in the middle okay good not yet not yet not yet now okay i've got good news and bad news the good news is that probably worked the bad news is i'm now down to like six fps and i completely liquefied the other half of the planet who took most of the damage you and i both know who it was it was africa i think one of the big problems here though is that the nukes just don't do enough damage to the inside i have to use these nukes all right fast forward do an army of slowly suffocating cthulhu's there now it just it sounds like 50 people inside of a bunch of refrigerators being hauled away to be sold cthulhu slavery okay yeah that looks perfect right there okay let me see if i can at least get 10 of these now in fast forward without crashing the game before 10 was pretty much the maximum if we're gonna erase the entire core of the earth though i've got to figure out a way to do this okay do this grab cthulhu with a mouth full of marshmallows stick him into the middle here what the hell you were supposed to appear on this side damn it i swear to god you missed again that was interesting when i spawned cthulhu it turned it into slow-mo oh i think i lost a couple of these oh maybe i didn't this may turn things really really badly really quickly wow well [ __ ] all right you know what let's just use the moon okay i'm pretty sure that worked flawlessly and we still have full fps all right now the only way to really see how much of the core got removed is you have to cut the earth completely and i guess we can cut it in half in fast motion a few moments later okay so we actually did a huge amount of damage to the core of the earth we haven't completely removed it yet and the problem is by cutting it in half i destroy the planet kill everyone so no one gets to enjoy it so i have to find a way to show the core of the earth missing but without killing everyone on the plus side though if we remove the core of the earth it'll be like a diet planet for the space worm he comes in he's like oh so locale okay the space where i'm on super fast forward sounds like a freaking pigeon listen i just realized something and this is something i should have been trying from the beginning because i have a feeling that the fast and slow motion do something weird to the damage that happens when you reset the earth i think i have a way for us to do a ton of damage to the earth and still have it survive obviously we glitched the earth that one time with cthulhu when he took like 300 million people out of the planet and somehow kept them alive while alive in a world of entire torment the problem is i'm only trying to do one thing in the middle of the planet i need to do like everything in the middle okay so here's the plan gonna first make a hole in the middle of the planet this is actually gonna be a lot like mini golfing just just follow me here how the hell did i only kill one million people oh i nuked hawaii interestingly hawaii was found to be like one of the happiest states in the entire united states was found all right that should be right about the halfway area now i need to only use stuff that i know can work on a backstop all right so we're gonna use like 20 of these now i need something else that moves really slowly the meteor doesn't do enough damage these freaking missiles go all over the place this could probably work because there's a delay but i have to learn the delay actually the moon is perfect i just have to do more surgery and widen this hole without hitting this thing i made in the middle god it's like playing operation i'm trying to figure out what's moon sized uh yeah that should do it i didn't even do anything and the game just broke this game is desperately trying to stop me from doing what i want to do i don't care what it takes i'm gonna do it all right maybe i'll just start the hole with this so i know it's the right size how many eggs do i have to break to make this work about uh seven billion eggs okay perfect do this real fast slow things down start the moon now the moon's gonna take forever to get down there okay good now right when the moon's getting down there we also ignite the black hole this thing is useless to me i don't know what happened but uh it lost all of its virility now wait for it wait for it wait for it wait for it wait for it wait for it wait for it wait for it now holy sweet baby jesus i'm liking the fact that six billion people have died yet the earth is completely fine okay i found the new key i just have to make it so that i keep everyone alive i had to use the grand theft auto trick which is to say reduce the graphics down to nothing it's the only way to make the stuff blow up in the middle and not destroy the entire game okay keep someone alive keep showing all yes okay now hopefully i can turn the graphics back on jesus i don't think i could take anything else away from the planet there's nothing left to do i feel like i've been unintentionally abusing hawaii a lot i know i know africa's over here like really i don't think i've centered on florida yet so i'm gonna make this the site of our impact real quick well it's not really an impact it's happening inside it's more like giving the planet violent diarrhea i'm just trying to clean out the innards it's like a planetary enema if you will i feel like with the fast forward button [Music] i'm just able shh that wasn't supposed to happen i was gonna say i feel like i'm able to explode a lot more of these things and keep the game running which is true okay florida can you do us both a favor real quick and like not randomly explode i mean i need you to explode just explode when i tell you to okay excellent okay now you can explode that worked surprisingly well until i did that last laser hit i like how there's this one bomb left this one little like ultima nuke it's been left here by its family there's no place i belong anymore here you can blow up too buddy there you go okay here's the plan put a hole in the earth knowing now that we can keep fps up if we do this in fast motion i'm gonna put um a hundred of these in there you know what let's start with 50 because i have a feeling i'm gonna regret this okay i think i'm gonna try and ignite this with the planet killer we'll do this in fast motion and then not yet not yet not yet now well that was weird you know what we're gonna do this with a black hole why not oh god this was a bad idea what the hell happened what what happened i i shot it i shot the earth with the planet destroyer but it didn't actually do anything it didn't do anything at all the planet didn't blow up the bombs didn't blow up what the hell what am i paying you for it's the olympus damn planet destroyer in all the land okay let's try this okay that worked everyone still died but it definitely worked how much of the middle of the planet did i get rid of oh god get rid of the entire middle of the planet and i just need to keep it alive somehow okay we've got the right idea and it looks like we can have way more of these than we used to be able to have so you know what i will put 100 in here oh what i need i need one more one more oh okay this is a lot harder than you would think because the problem is sometimes they smash into one another and they start a chain reaction of blowing up but i've got a hundred of these things now tied together i've got this area okay it's big plan is and slow things down i'm going to release a moon the second the moon starts everything exploding in the chain reaction we're going to go ahead and reset the board now oh the corona of sadness oh i threw down an extra moon and there's a lot of dust coming out of the earth oh that moon just killed two billion people okay i've done it i ended up killing six billion people but there's still 1.4 billion people that can witness the horror okay now i just have to figure out a way to crack the earth open to expose the missing core oh i just killed another billion people all right another 200 million people will stop dying on me there it is oh it's so beautiful it's like being a dentist and screwing up a cavity oh yeah we didn't really need the middle of the earth anyway who lives there nobody actually where are people left oh the bottom half of australia you bunch of survivors oh hey part of africa oh sorry part of africa is still good too that is like a perfect earth coring cracked open like a florida coconut and 200 million people get to enjoy it considering halloween is right around the corner i have a feeling everyone knew that this was coming this guy's like do i have something stuck in my teeth okay i found a planet that's way better at being cored than earth it's mars because the core of mars sucks ass look at how clean it is it's like i gave mars an enema and there's still 1.4 billion people left martians are way better to torture than earthlings all right let me see if i can get the explosion of the entire core on film because obviously i'm able to get it looking great i just want to be able to do it for everyone with full fps all right so you put like a you know a heatball first you gotta fast forward this put a whole slew of these in there gotta kind of move them around okay that should be a pretty good amount this this this now okay i think i got it perfectly this time now there's only 53 million people left but i got it so that the explosion happened and the entire planet has stayed together so it doesn't even have an impact hole all right so now what you got to do is just put a tiny little hole inside uh like let's open up our pinata here it's like cutting out a cancerous tumor from mars i cut a big piece out because it's way easier to see even though this looked like someone stabbed mars on the subway and took its wallet but inside this gash you can see there's like nothing inside 53 million people on planet mars should be able to repopulate it you guys got a lot of work ahead of you i'm so happy it wasn't easy i made like a little quarter slot over here like an arcade machine but i managed to do it on earth and i've got one billion people left to see it let me open this entire area this is gonna be prime real estate for these billion people come on property values on the edge of the planet have to be sky high i've i've actually cored out what looks like a dorito because of how red it is yeah here let me uh it's illuminati earth perfect well folks we did it we finally removed the entire core of the planet and allowed people to enjoy it this means i'm putting cthulhu on a diet oh hold on you got to do it in the fast motion because it sounds amazing there it is hey folks hope you enjoyed this episode of solar smash otherwise known as the place that abducts cthulhu and throws it into a potato sack until the next time stay foxy much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 1,576,802
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: graystillplays, gray still plays, universe sandbox, universe sandbox 2 gameplay, universe sandbox 2 gameplay pc, ways the world could end, greystillplays, universe sandbox 2, black holes, dime sized black hole, dime sized black holes, smallest black hole, smallest black hole ever, smallest black hole possible, simulation games, god games, black hole on earth, 1mm black hole, 1mm black hole on earth, nuking the center of the earth, when you nuke the center of the earth
Id: a0fwN42nHLA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 35sec (815 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 07 2020
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