World's Largest Goldfish! - Feed and Grow Fish Gameplay

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hey everybody I'm blitz welcome back to feed and grow fish and we had no update today no big update we didn't get any SuperDuper awesome fish but I wanted to try something out that we tried a long time ago album at multiplayer mode allows us to play with with herbivores right well alpha Maps the ocean map and it allows us to play with the herbivores in the game so if we go here we can turn on the herbivores down there and also spawn spots and spawns bosses so that means the giant Megalodon shark is gonna be in here but we can select fish and we can play with the goldfish now there's no special abilities there's nothing fun really about him other than that he's a goldfish and I just want to see how viable it is to play with this guy forget to see we'll have to check out how fast we level up because it could be quite difficult yes oh there's a big shark and do sharks like the eagle fish look at that googly eyed little bug what okay we're gonna try it we're gonna try just eating and jumping oh he did he does no damage - no oh look it up tiny he is he small is so small but eventually in six years we're gonna eat this thing EEP maybe Oh big shirk ah broke it up yes one two okay we do have experience turned up pretty high that's good experience rate being high is very important to leveling up this guy because he takes forever and a weekend to do it but when we when we break up these things it goes pretty quickly cuz these things are pretty awesome I like that I like eating the starfish cuz the starfish they break up pretty quick and they're worth quite a bit experience look at that level three already and we might be doing one damage nope only 0.7 oh this is not gonna go well this is not gonna go well at all okay ready one more and one more arretez now bro you hear the little crunch when it breaks there we go got it fifteen level for mad we're the world's best goldfish ever the world's best goldfish oceans goldfish can't even live in oceans hey we're doing one damage nice look at all that money money sweet xp for me we're getting better at this game look at this three chops and it breaks it up that's the stuff champions medal if we could just hang out here in the and eat little things all day long like this I'll just eat him up see three chops and it's good 1.3 damage notes were doubled or damaged - ooh is another couple starfish I haven't even been bothered with one other fish for a long time with 1.5 damage very very nice let's see what this one looks like yep still 1.5 this should level up to level 8 yeah do we get do we do higher damage now there's another starfish right over here just haven't even really seen a fish oh there's no sharks 1.7 nice so let's level up let's try to get to level 20 before I try to do anything exciting I didn't notice one thing that's kind of broken I said check back at level 20 check out our our money score up there money is getting up 5 each time with the goldfish I wonder if that's a special trait the secret goldfish trade or something that allows us to get a lot of money from eating just anything I don't know I don't know that one spread everywhere chromes hey hey got it okay we're gonna go after our first other fish there's a blue blue oh I got him I hit him 1.9 damage he's getting messed up come here blue come here Lou you're my boy blue you're my boy oh I got him oh that carnivorous blue fish no the carnivorous goldfish destroys a little blue Oh 50x feet look at this we gotta bust this one up boom boom boom again not all hundred XP for each of those that's awesome leap giant shark attack oh he's not coming after me that's good I wanted to check this out it look like there's some dead stuff up here we get it we could eat to carry on all day long oh yes this is the way this is the way to level up super quick just by eating dead things Wow good and we'll eat that one and we'll eat that one great news for us there's oh there's some more food over here we owe past it there we go two of them it looks like something's dead right over here look at this that's that's funny it's a clownfish LOL that mean that not literally oh nice 200 xp for that we are getting big and what's this thing what is that thing was that another goldfish it looks like it we got if it's a goldfish we got a booster to the surface and then we can eat up yeah yeah that's just stuff and that that Megalodon has been getting busy over here killing everything to make it look down down in the water that's the goal see if the goldfish can eat a Megalodon I kind of doubt it we don't want to get eaten by the Megillah oh is that him holy so big that's awesome hey I want to jump on this thing no bad octopus that is mine octopus oh I'm eating octopus Oh No made that first hey come back here octopus I was gonna eat you hey I want to eat you I'm gonna eat I want to eat your life the whole yes yes give me all day give me all that food give me that one too give me give me that one you got to keep our eye out for the Megalodon because he keeps traps like this oh okay he's stuck in the hole we're gonna go get this big food down here hole look at the look at the giant puffer - oh shoot oh no don't you bite me yeah yeah yeah oh no okay Oh Edie Megalodon it may clear - help help no don't help me oh I think I got him I think I'm gonna eat him I gotta pull this guy isn't that is for damage now yeah I need to get away from the Megalodon oh we're actually becoming quite powerful I killed it nice get up here get over the water I am it breaks apart very nice oh that's a lot of meat fifty two hundred how much is this thing worth oh that's a lot of XP oh we're doing so good the question is can I just vacuumed these things up yet oh I can oh that's fantastic that that's the way to do it now we stay away from predators and we just swallow all of the little little I don't know what are they called merchants they kind of look like cotton candy I'll just call them cotton candy and the star beans starfish things jelly beans where's the jelly beans there needs to be jellyfish in this game like in in what is that game nope well there's jellyfish in mope and in deeper okay oh look at that giant buy Bose oh here come here I want you in my life and I'm in my belly man it's gonna take forever look how big he is look how big that guy is oh man so that's the that's the deal when you have the XP rights turned up everything grows bigger than you just really quickly oh look at this a trilobite attack oh yeah check both boom nice yeah yeah come on trilobite get dead I'm gonna eat those quick thank you just so I can do a little more damage nope not quite would you died try the bite try the bite I took a bite out of this trans bite took me 11 11 bites to kill it after it was already kind of dead their armor goo that wonder just telling about how about I about one of these things hey yo oh man so much good stuff to eat here how about this guy come on crab I shouldn't attack the crab I don't like attacking the crabs I love this the way this guy looks isn't that cool it doesn't look like a real goldfish but I just I just love it it's pretty big now level 26 what are how big we can get him that we can just swallow these little guys whole - can't we oh yes that's great oh there's a lot of them over here I'm so slow now I don't like that when you do get bigger in the game you starts throwing down so you can't really catch up with other things like these other fish kind of ambush them wait for him to turn into you and then you go swallow oh it stopped come on come here you get my mouthful get my mouth oh oh can I get the big one oh I think I got the big one I've always followed a ball nice and I'll go after the zebra ah oho I do ten damage now yeah this works a lot better than when we first started give me those odo come back here nice I think I killed it I did killed it great news for me great news for me Oh a big meat chunk 400 XP it look like look at this look at this this is what we needed in our belly whoo so many fish so many fishy fish I'm gonna swallow you where are you there you is and I'm gonna go down here and I'm gonna swallow all of you Mary knows who I swallowed an octopus - where are these guys coming from did I find their spawning nest or something oh is that giant Bobo's kid he's even bigger now stay away from him get away from Wow oh that thing's huge oh I got him totally do not want one of these guys to inflate on me cuz those things do a lot of damage go 125 ok well there's another one is this responding hole oh it is yes I'll do this for hours aha I have broken the game you might have thought I was joking I was I was not joking I fully intended on coming here and eating things look at that 20 levels worth others to spawning at a tab now he it's been it's been over 20 levels of just swallowing these things whole it's only been like two minutes pretty easy pretty straight and simple to level up on this I did see a giant there's a giant fish that looks dead over there you see that all the meat I think that's a bunch of meat let's go take a look at it again it's level 62 oh there's like five them ledges fun Wow okay no wonder what is going on here huh so all of them on the map must die and then it just spawns everything at once that's kind of cool that's the way to level up for sure I just wanted to go check out all this meat check that out look at that big meat stockpile down here this is gonna be a lot of XP watch this movie company gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp don't pick up Go Go Go pick up Go Go i watches those over a thousand XP per that is awesome I'm gonna go down here oh there's a dead one I'm gonna I'm gonna eat whatever that damn thing is where's the where's the giant fish that's the thing I'm concerned of I don't know so let's just explore down here we're gonna eat some eat some things oh there they go oh come here get my face yes and then you yes so that's that's good stuff I might I might just want to go back cuz he's this guy is not nimble at all it's very slow very slowly the gulping animation so I might just want to sit here for a little bit oh there aren't any more here they're gone they have disappeared Oh No okay I guess they don't want us to do that anymore holy the sighs that Barracuda oh I actually have to bite it ah 52 damage 53 Wow that's oh there's the shark okay shark hey I'm staying away sorry mr. shark I didn't mean anything I'll stay out of your background area Wow is that by Bose again should we attempt it we're not tempted ah 55 how much oh he's running away he's not even gonna attempt to attack us yes he's already down he's already down let's bring you to the surface oh I can't oh I have him in my mouth we're shaking him shaking him like a dog shakes a dog toy oh oh oh there it goes ooh how much experience is that big piece I think it was like 2,000 look it was a big number so that was the guy we've been afraid of since day one and now we are the one to be afraid of no no the other way around they're the one to be afraid of us speaking of things to be afraid of that thing still is gigantic that is one mega mega mega super Megalodon I don't know if I will because if we had the great white before I don't know if I like this whole wafer kind of it our own shark fin going on here yes I'm gonna eat all the McClellan's Jarbidge we can go and eat just little sharks we can just swallow regular sharks now that is awesome and it would about that guy oh they're good free meat I didn't know that was there it's like going to McDonald's on free McDonald's day they never exist because they don't want to have free McDonald's can you believe that if I owned a McDonald's I would have free McDonald's everyday for myself but not not for people that would buy it does it be done I need to own a McDonald's wouldn't that be neat like all have to be meals every day all day that's all you'd eat all you play with or the toys nevermind that would be too cool a shark is gigantic I got to stay away from him I've been just eating everything down here because he hasn't been in his house this worked oh is that another I think I just saw another goldfish it is it's another giant goldfish I'm gonna eat you oh I ate him 1,700 experience nice all the little guys in my mouth whole everything gonna get eaten in stuff that's my song for today I just made it up oh look what just came out of the is that a king a king crab there I was he gonna try to eat me I'm gonna try to eat him oh wow I was sixty-two damage of peace a giant crab that we can't swallow that's awesome am gonna eat two other things around here though oh he's not dead yet okay ready get set go oh there it comes yes oh so much experience look at all those levels coming in 89 now that's amazing okay I gotta to get to about like 300 before I even attempt to kill that big shark I have no idea where you went I have no clue right now I guess we're just gonna go down in this trench I hope I hope it'll work there we go yeah that's cool it's gonna be a time when I'm not gonna be able to maneuver anymore so we're getting so big we're just it's like a vacuum cleaner hose ooh I could just wiggle my way in sort of I don't want to get stuck I guess there's like the Otto Otto would get unstuck tool that if you're too big it just teleport see over the map you know what I really want to be in this game I really want to play as that guy right over it right arm in front of me there the the octopus I think that'd be so much fun to be the little octopus swimming around making a commotion being all the octopus things that you can do this is I can't talk today you don't make any sense I'm gonna eat that big zebrafish all right zebra your time is gone your time is now turned in my time I wonder what happened to the big Megalodon though this is usually his territory I got him yes and get him out of there so I can eat all of his luscious gooey birds yeah I got it now this one I did he just spawned is this their spawn point no we have just crested level 100 it's gonna be 102 if I can get my little mouth into here oh yes there's a lot of Blues in there those aren't that good at being eaten though so we got a slight problem I just got a phone call if you guys remembered if you've been watching my other videos lately we're trying to sell our house and they want to come look at our house in 22 minutes so I this game as you might know it has no pause functionality so I've got about 10 more minutes to level up as fast as we can and then we're gonna try to eat that giant shark over there that's the goal anyway I don't know if it's gonna work because I I got to get a little bit of stuff ready gotta clean up the little bit downstairs I did I actually you'd be proud of me I actually cleaned for like a couple hours yesterday and I made the house all ready just in case we had a showing and guess what we have one in 22 minutes I wish they would give me a little more time than that well that's okay because we have a Barracuda to eat and better better better oh nice nice oh yes that's awesome so much food on it oh and you can get into my mouth hole and then down there that's great too and look at all of these sweet all those big by BOCES I'm we're big by Bose get your face it good what is happening come here I watch you I picked you out of the depths of the ocean you know eat your I'll eat your I will eat you that's that's the way you talk when you want to eat something that's when I go to like when I go to a restaurant I look at the menu and say I want this on my plate and it's usually like a chunk of cow say I want to steak on my plate I'm gonna eat you and then they're like sir you're weird and I'm like yeah just kidding I'll take I'll take chicken strips he's on me sure he's on me maybe not maybe not so I think what I might want to do is I just want to kind of camp over on this thing again because I feel like I feel like I level up the fastest when I was just sitting right here and I might have to wait for him to spawn but they should spawn pretty quickly there they go I knew it I knew it would happen eventually as soon as something as soon as one of these diet this is the respond point once they go on the map and they die they can motor here so I got to do this I'm gonna do this for about five minutes and we'll go try to eat the big guy after that cuz this is the fastest way I can live look oh this is nice so I'm gonna go clean and I have my phone resting on my mouse oh there's the Megillah this might not work very well but my phone is resting on my mouse I'm gonna go clean let it record we'll see what happens I might come back in ten minutes and this might be different that Megalodon is gigantic this is not gonna go well for us all right now back just remove that look at this down here a giant trilobite you know you start getting big in this game when things start shaking Oh 225 damage now PO 223 this thing is huge this is a giant charla bite is he dead yet oh he is let's bring them to the surface and all there's more meat all look at all that meat wow that is awesome I didn't know the trilobite is good well I guess anything can get that big okay so 173 I wish get up to level 200 I just don't have time today man I was hoping I guess I guess what's more important here playing a video game or trying to sell our house to move closer to family such a such a bad thing I just it's level 200 I guess if we kill we kill the Megalodon if we can find the Megalodon if we kill the Megalodon we could probably hit level 123 oh there he is right there oh he's so big there's a lot of guys over here - look at her shadow look how big our shadow is or a gigantic fish well that was kind of a cool screenshot yeah that how that is that's kind of cool I like that how about this way oh we got a bite on her belly wow so gigantic all right so there's a giant mantis shrimp - that guy would really really hurt I bet okay so the deal is we do not want to get checked on by them by the great white okay he doesn't care about us this is what happens when you leave everything alone for a little bit it kind of grow up okay we're going in we're going in Amanda because I have to not because I want to I wish I could be double this size because he's gonna hit for over 200 of time oh don't come at me bro don't don't attack me bro okay we're gonna take his tail on there we go 200 we didn't seem to care whoa what's going on now oh oh yeah get him 300 oh I'm destroying him 300 yes yes yes yes come on tight guy Megalodon die Megalodon die Megalodon yes oh I did it I did it I did it I ate him I ate all there's another one oh I've gone his spawn point oh yes oh okay this is good this is good look at all that look at that's a level over a level each time over 5000 experience on on each one that's the way to level up we're just following so all over in the Megalodon hole do you think out of all the things that I played in this game a goldfish Oh - 18 - 19 how much time I have four minutes left I got four minutes Oh what do you do we need to go for four minutes to see how big we can get it's kind of funny below me there's a shark to the left and then right right below me is a puffball that just popped up it died that shark killed it and it puffed up right as a diet and we just passed level or were about to pass level 300 oh man that was only about a minute I got I literally have two minutes left I got a gideon as big as we can I wanted to get out of this map level 300 we're doing it though this is this is the way to go in this game look at the giant goldfish oh it's so big it's so Ellen and you get when you get when you start getting big in this game the screen just starts shaking like crazy too because the game can't figure out where you are and where to put you so it's pretty funny I love it there it goes there it goes and we just passed level 400 oh look at all the meat on the surface - I can't do much more guys so I'm gonna have to end the video with that we just got absolutely gigantic at us - eating everything in the map it is awesome oh look at that it's like a shop vac going up and cleaning all the intimate at the sushi bar that's exactly what we're doing but it's still faster just to swallow the Megalodon spawn and everything else I really wanted to get super big but unfortunately that is all the time I guess we are super big I wanted to try to get out of this map but I don't have time today anyway guys thank you for watching if you enjoyed the video please do let me know I will be back - and more feed-in girl fish because they really enjoy this game so keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time byes is the big fish I [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 1,735,220
Rating: 4.8439503 out of 5
Keywords: feed and grow fish, feed and grow fish gameplay, feed and grow fish goliath, Feed and grow goliath, feed and grow fish update, feed and grow, fish, feed and grow gameplay, fish feed and grow, giant fish, feed and grow shark, shark, gameplay, funny, FGFS01, goldfish, largest goldfish
Id: oe5c3bgD_ro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 43sec (1303 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 02 2017
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