What would 10,000 endermans build over time?

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Endermans are the only mobs in Minecraft they can pick up and place down blocks so what will happen if I leave the PC running for a year so I've changed Ender's code so that they can pick up and place down blocks extremely fast I can make it faster but as of right now they are still pretty fast so I'm going to spawn a bunch of Endermans and make them hold Stone items constantly so let's see what they can build yeah as you see we already have the Ender's building pretty fast they're pretty much like spam clicking look at that man look at that man I'm going to make more ender to see what happens okay so we got 1,000 Endermans and they're building really freaking fast look at that what is this I'm going to make them teleport more often are you even teleporting oh oh my gosh they're teleporting so many times so it's been about like 3 minutes and this is simulating about like an hour of progress because a modified the code so that they're extremely fast and as you see they're building something like it's really getting interesting so just like these fast Endermans if you're thinking of getting a fast PC but also cost effective go and check out star Forge premium quality and impeccable attention to detail White Glove service at an accessible price point they offer several different PCS for different purposes Horizon PCS are for everyday Gamers affordable and fast Horizon 2 has the best value with the same part on Amazon the price is already way over the listed price on starforge with that starforge also offers 2 years warranty on all of their product Navigator they're perfect if you're looking to bring gaming to the next level and lastly Voyager the top of the top studio for streamers it'll be able to handle anything you throw at it they also have custom limited edition PCS and my favorite has to be the low key small but extremely powerful with a 4070 Star Force offers custom cases and plate lights so if you want to build your on PC luckily they have something for you as well so if you want to enance your gaming experience go and check out on Star Force in the description down below thank you StarForce for sponsoring today's video and let's get back to Ender's building structures in Minecraft so this is a fast forwarded side view video and you're going to be seeing a quite a few Clips like this throughout this entire video so as you see it looks like the Endermans are building up and deleting the blocks underneath it but that's because I am in spectator mode and they're actually almost completely filling up the bottom portion as the time goes by the spikes are growing at a faster Pace compared to the bottom field portion and also it is getting slower overall this was a simulation of a couple days worth of leaving the PC on now I'm going to show you guys what this entire thing looks like without the walls on the side and this is what they've built so far so as we go down below here it's almost perfect I don't know what the heck this is but let's go inside and see what what it looks like and as you see there's not that many holes and as you go above here it's really spiky so this is what would happen if Endermans are constantly supplied with blocks but what would happen if Endermans can pick up and place down any blocks it looks like the Enderman are now picking up air wait I have an idea I have a really bad idea okay I have a really bad idea with this no AI one B someone TP okay almost almost waa no way just did that my guy bro it's like I'm not going to get violated no bro I'm stronger than you my guy yeah I'm so stupid I'm sorry stop you can you can stop now I did fix the Ender's code and guess what it does now it just place down nonstop hold on let me just play some more and see what happens holy crap what are you doing my guy so this is probably as fast I can ever get the Enderman to place on blocks so let's go and see what the Enderman can do with this uh weird looking shape honestly I have no idea how this thing got into my worldall So currently these Endermans only play some blocks extremely fast and they just place down the blocks wherever they used to be so that's why there's no progress so I'm going to go make them teleport even faster than before and uh let's see what oh my gosh that is extremely fast oh wow wa what did you you go my man bro what are you doing my man oh so uh I'm going to have to make like a boundary so they don't teleport way too much all right cool cool cool cool cool cool cool oh there we go there it is it's destroying this house yes I think it works so much I'm going to be summoning a bunch of Enderman here and see what happen yes what the heck how did they oh they can pick up water now by the way I made this I don't know why I made this but I made Water pushable by piston and you can generate water infinitely because there's a thing called infinite water stores like that this entire world may get filled with water it's been about like a minute and the village looks pretty chaotic what are you doing my guy that looks so wrong poor Enderman ah you suck man so this time I'm going to make sure there's no water all right Enderman so every single second simulates about like an hour in real life so it has been about like what like 4 days already it looks atrocious wa hold up we got lava leak from here what are you doing my guy get out of here whoa how did you get here wait how the heck do we have infinite lava source how is this possible h ah can we destroy all the lava I think we did but we have fire so it looks like the Endermans are picking up the fire fire blocks and putting them at a random place okay so we're in the Minecraft Overworld and we're going to be seeing what happens if I just leave them for like a couple years in real lifetime wo Iron Golem you must go so like if I want the tree to disappeared I can either break them or spawn a bunch of Endermen and you will slowly disappear look at him yes and just like that we have completely removed the tree uh like right now there we go it's completely gone yeah there we go I'm going to put this on a block here and see how long it lasts it's like zero seconds that's it yeah so it has been about like 5 minutes and look at all the damage that all the Enderman has caed that is insane so it's been about like 10 minutes and the village houses are pretty much gone so I left Minecraft running for about 5 hours which is equivalent to about one or two years in real life give or take as you see the Endermans are building a bunch of pillars for some reason and I suspected that was due to my mistake originally Endermans can teleport anywhere in between 32 blocks above or below but I've shifted the entire thing up bars by 16 blocks that was because the Endermans kept teleporting into the caves which in turn made almost no progress on the ground after about a year of simulated time the growth has slowed down except for a couple more pillars emerging from the ground in about 2 years of simulated time nothing much was happening anymore whenever the Endermans were making a new pillar they were getting their blocks from nearby previously built pillars again this is them building up but sped up so I decided to try this again but this time I made the Ender's teleportation range back to vanilla for some reason I was still able to see some pillars getting built up but it was significantly slower this time just for a bonus clip this is a house getting demolished in the span of 2 years in the same map after about 3 to 4 years they ran out of blocks from the surface and started building the pillars with the blocks they found underground hence the stone and deep sleep blocks I kept the experiment going until the 10th year and I found out the pillars were still growing but their sizes were not getting any longer and that was due to the entire Minecraft world getting shifted higher and higher as the Endermen were able to find blocks from the caves let's watch this again and you'll be a to clearly tell this is what the aftermath looks like after 10 years of Enderman destructions so wherever there's water it's almost untouched and you can even see the stair blocks from the village houses that's wild my God this is what it looks like from the top view this is also probably from the village house now let me show you guys something really interesting so this is the highest layer where all the pillars are and then there's a ground level guess what there's another level below this look at this like I don't know how this is is possible but they somehow dug this and if I go down below even further you guys can see everything is just chaotic like what the heck we got grass growing on here and yeah this is what the underground looks like I don't know what the heck this is this probably from the end and we can even see this pillars even underground now this is a weird part I didn't set a y limit but anything below -40 is almost completely untouched and then I get curious what happens if I let the vanilla Enderman the job the ones you can only pick up these plocks well the result was pretty underwhelming because nothing much was happening some pillars were being built with the limited amount of blocks I can pick up but that was pretty much about it but what happens if the Enderman are placing in a desert biome with sand blocks you know sand blocks can fall down with gravity yeah let's see what happens if I do that so if I spawned Endermans in a desert flat world nothing will happen because the Enderman cannot pick up blocks that are flush to the surface so I made a little hole in the middle the progress was really slow way slower than what you have seen before I suspected there was due to the Enderman having a limited supply of sand so I dug a gigantic hole expecting the pillars to form up however something quite opposite happened the hole began to fill up with sand the Enderman were still trying to build pillars but they were taking the support blocks causing them to fall and get shorter so no pillars were being built instead instead they were just moving blocks around randomly evening out the surface this is what the entire thing looks like after about a year of simulated time the hole is almost completely gone lastly I decided to try something that you guys probably have never thought of so I made the Enderman more likely to pick up blocks on the right side and more likely to put down blocks on the left side and expected a mountain shape or a triangle shape to form but since I only made the Ender be B to pick up what they're supposed to pick up such as grass blocks uh dirt blocks and sand blocks they hit a wall they couldn't pick up any stone blocks or deep slate blocks so I quickly changed the code and now you can see the entire left side rising and the right side getting dug up at this point I had to respawn Endermans as they were despawning so about a year of simulated time the T looks just like what I expect it to look like now let's assess the damage and we have a lava that is coming out from here and I'm guessing it is from the blacksmith and we got water here and that is probably from the farm so as you see where the Ender were messing around the caves are definitely enlarged now on the other side it is way taller holy crap that is extremely tall so let's go down below and see what it looks like so to my surprise there were a lot of caves but that is probably because the Endermans cannot fit in those caves so lastly do not forget to check out star Forge because I promise you they have a PC suited just for you and also please leave a like if you've enjoyed it because this video literally took 36 freaking hours just in simulation
Channel: Element X
Views: 1,449,305
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, enderman
Id: LLss-7SPQ-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 13sec (733 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2024
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