When You Accidentally Reenact World War 3 in World Box

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oh do you remember that one time where we populated the entire United States full of humans who made up their own cities and villages specifically so I could nuke him oh yes it was glorious Oh world Fox what a wonderful game you are Wow i nuked it so hard like the entire country disappeared that was awesome Hey look global warming finally happened and pretty much the Eternity of the United States got flooded by a high sea levels amazing we might as well just finish the job over at it right I just nuked the world so hard that the world disappeared it's kind of like what Elon Musk wants to do to Mars right nuke the polar ice cap so much that it causes a global warming amazing look no more America so now on America's gun we might as well try it to this blank empty world I'm kidding no look it's Europe I mean we already destroy one partial continent minds will destroy multiple more except this one's gigantic it's literally huge that's time to bust out the old auto clicker and have some fun so I'm thinking we're gonna try Wow why is the Scandinavian countries like bigger than all of Russia those things are huge that's kind of the wrong projection I think anyway this map is so cool I don't know idea how they did it but it looks just amazing and I know that there is no way to make the world good cuz like I can't put in orcs in deep into England here and the people in England be like why'd you make those orcs and then you put in dwarves over here in Spain and everyone's like hey we're not George so I'm just gonna do it and then whatever happens wherever the orcs and the elves end up then it's not really gonna be a joke I'm not I'm not being discriminatory against anyone I'm just gonna put in a thousand of everyone including bears we have to load up Iceland full of bears alright so maybe 500 bears is enough for Iceland they're all gonna die of starvation anyway so it doesn't matter I'll give them one rabbit hey poor little bunny rabbit oh you got mauled maybe I'll give him another one cuz that's kind of funny attack bears yay I feel like we need to put a sheep maybe just sheep in England Scotland this is Scotland I don't know my you cave very much I feel like that's a good amount of sheep perfect so there are some world rules different kingdoms won't attack each other that's no fun peaceful monsters oh no things hunger yeah food to survive they grow trees by themselves kings of expansion that sounds good I could make it peaceful but that's not fun we like watching the dwarves attack the elves because the elves are dying is funny I a 1,000 humans similar in the Scandinavian country of finless Sweden land and they made a beautiful city they're just literally been the city over themselves also it's named bouffier and you notice there's 999 people because steve would make all old circum self i don't really know why Steve left to go make his own city but he's probably gonna get eaten by orcs sometime in the future I kind of like the sound effects that the orcs make 1000 orcs except the orcs don't very have very good expansion probably gonna starve to death speaking of starving to death has any humans oh yeah one one has been lost in to the ways of lacking food huh maybe they'll spread out eventually and make another city oh speaking of which they did expansion wow that's a big move like all the way across Europe now let's really elves are gonna live over here in Spain tada I just love the sound effects I should do them for games I should make sound effects for games it's a big great day for MIT lets GOP an empire tada thousand people okay and the dwarves have settled themselves into life now hey whoa I didn't expect the orcs to go all the way up in here and something at all he died okay somebody was here anyway so I wish I could have got the mod that worked to make it like a thousand times faster but we'll go five times and I'll give it like an hour and see what happens and only 200 people are alive up here that was maybe a bad idea and now that the orcs are all dying out of starvation bros oh great this isn't going as planned just do what I do and I try to make civilization work and everyone ends up starving to death I guess I didn't really look closely at the map but there's literally no food on it so maybe we should rain down some berry bushes from above all blood says let there be berry bushes and we will populate the world with bushes of the berries now the food will be plentiful except where the dorms live there they forgot to eat your up scone pretty good right about now there's some interesting things happening like page top orcs way down here just showed up people are probably gonna starve to death or there's three of them now we're worthy orcs weird where are you oh here they are there's one there on there there's swimmin oh this portable now you know I was thinking it might be a little bit faster for world domination if we just turned off hunger yeah nobody needs food anymore I mean I should have done that to begin with and everyone don't have a thousand people it would have been great gotta love the orcs oh man they're just running they're burning all over here oh we got another city - wow the orcs have called ated most of North Africa now and the elves already beat the garbage out of the dorms perfect that was that was exactly what we needed these guys have decided to already go into the iron age that's awesome that's could be a strong one I did put in a few minerals and resources so I figured they need them till I get destroyed by the humans then they don't need them anymore goodbye [ __ ] muammar okay so everything's gonna be peaceful for just for just a hot minute we'll turn that off in the future don't you worry and the Sheep of migrated they no longer like this island anymore how are our bears doing bears probably all dead no Hey look they got lots of bunnies to eat and I put something like a zombie let's make a singular zombie I'll in there and here that'll be fun Oh dwarves have populated England nicely Ireland Scotland Wales whatever that one is there's this naked dude that's just he's just swimming across the ocean like literally he's out here way out in he's way out here in the Atlantic just swimming to Iceland he must be a Viking are you a person are you an elf which is the blue color I don't remember you didn't go to zombie island we wouldn't want that to happen to your life dude I promise you this is not gonna end well even the rabbits are larger than you yeah this island is not for human human population and he's gonna he's run it he's running oh he's going I thought he was gonna make it all the way to Greenland and yes this is Scotland this is Ireland down here I figured out the difference now thanks to the Oracle of Google so I've let the game run for about 15 minutes you're not too terribly long I wanted to show you the stats for a second here we almost are backed up to the 4000 people we started with there's a big scary bear up top and the 51 houses have been destroyed that's because it wasn't a peaceful place but check out a beefy eye here it is the biggest village which is kind of interesting because this one says there's 172 people but I look at the stats and it says biggest village is 84 so that must be like the amount of space it takes up is 84 bigs that's kind of cool anyway the humans of the biggest city and also this green civilization that's humans - so humans are pretty strong also look at everyone migrating over here Ribera land everyone wanted to make a bear country so the humans actually settled it and then the elves are coming in destroying the Bears which is kind of against the rules they did it anyway he can buy bears actually I want to know how many people have died here on Zombie Island not too many there's just a big swimming across the like the entire ocean I don't think that's how the Vikings invaded the rest of North America it seems like once they get here they just kind of turn around and swim back home I don't understand it I dunno what's it turned off peaceful this everyone's just gonna go crazy it'll be awesome you know by dropping rocks from space you think it would injure the the cities but no they actually like it may throw that's not the road they flourish I was gonna say flourish but that's not I don't even know what that is I really really really really just want to turn on civil war mode so everyone just attacks everyone I think that would be fun so I want to do it in a little bit Oh game go faster Mort is there 500 times that's what we need I have literally no idea what's going on right here like not a single clue why everyone is going just in a swimming pool they're just swimming I am why why are you doing that and then Bear Island up here got populated pretty well - and the game is it's pretty like you're not gonna lie so I think it's time I think it's time for the war to break out would be the first war is broken out in Europe man well here we go and and this one and him peaceful forever peace ok ready 3 2 1 then please don't crash please don't crash it's not crashing I hope I hear war breaking out I hear what happening yeah I have no idea what's coming yeah I have let's go and check like over here is there something happening if you look at all these little seats the Alps there's too many Alps there's way too many Alps oh oh here's some humans coming in to protect yay little humans do your thing yes destroy the Alps this might be bad you might have to send a volcano on the elves some multiple volcanoes on the helps like in every elvish city Oh No the blue people the blue man group here they've been they've been destroyed by the Alps oh the orcs are attacking though and the elves are driving the orcs back oh oh this is not good why don't we let the elves win like no joke they've pretty much single-handedly destroyed most people and then the zombie island has just turned into bloodshed island maybe that's it maybe the elves are just some beats Caleb Kelly me humans and orcs oh there's two of them together it would be a shame for something to happen to a most Saburo oh no oh no this is like Pompeii oh look at the little elves they're jumping in the lava yeah their town Capitol died oh they're still running into the lava oh no elf countries literally on fire wow I didn't think the volcano would start the entire world on fire but it's kind of awesome that it will oh no the orcs are gonna die the orc capital this dude's just like this just my child arc arc I like grass and then his house burns down and he's alone and homeless then he runs through fire it's like hey guys I miss you where are my friends at oh you actually joined another colony without dying I'm surprised with that this is a good blaze to look at this thing it's taking on a lot of countryside help seem did not mind it too much though kind of fits their personality alright so my standards have dropped a lot let's volcano eyes every city over 150 starting with that one and it will go over here to yoga sis and iya pasta free world Aldi and then a apostrophe a cadonia and then this one because it's close and I don't really care wait what did they break the volcano or is it right down there I can't tell that's probably the volcano since is still spreading fire and lava all the infertile bagans up here you're you do it you do tree or you that should that should hurt the elves a little bit Boop and another one here good that's what elves deserve fire Wow so these cities pretty much got destroyed entirely there's still some green stuff here probably grass now he's fun and games until a major city burns down and then the elves run in and lend themselves on fire well those are humans yes destroy everything humans I have know that one died he was dumb oh look at all the baby elves they're so cute when they get packed to death Oh No gam-gam human why are you just running around aimlessly that was stupid huh the blue Capitol move down here what happened to it did it get burned up nope the elves just destroyed it he's dirty elves these dirty elves you know it'll surely do the trick if we turn hunger back on now the elves don't know how to live you guys have told me this multiple multiple times to strike a lightning in the heart of a volcano yes oh that's fantastic whoa more more volcano juice yeah most of Europe's now infested with volcanoes Wow no joke that was awesome I need to do that over here do this one do this one now ready it's it go yay actually that's kind of where volcanoes normally are aren't they and might as well at this one too and this one spraying volcano juice everywhere and now we'll do a tornado oh my word look at that oh that's fantastic I have exploded 12 million pixels that was pretty good yeah that looks painful there's a lot of volcano stuff happening here I love it okay so I think that hunger thing really killed the amount of people here except the orcs they're actually doing pretty good go turn hunger off just feeling the urge to spawn in a tornado I'm not sure why but we'll do it I wonder if you can what happens to be a lightning blasted tornado nothing can I have force push a tornado oh I can't use the Force Luke use the Force why is there a person over here I'm gonna force push you into vault and do it there you go and into the tornado and into the tornado yay whatever body of water this is is gonna be filled up with these things steaming geysers I'm not sure what they do but they look cool so I wanted to put some in there and over here too because there's an elf making a bath why did it break elf legs bathing in hot guys are juice all right it's time to napalm bomb every elver city over a hundred people because they didn't learn the first time so yes that was a good one oh look at a ball sizzling I'll then die though man I need something better than napalm bomb let's do just regular bombs how does that work oh oh yes that was a little too painful we need another volunteer for an antimatter bomb you will be the perfect city congratulations [Music] a black hole dumb and it didn't really do much hmm what a meteorite does that do anything a little bit meteorites will work for a little time being hello goodbye would be a shame if the lightning brought something upon the volcanoes yeah that's just a few demons yeah it'll work good here comes Santa Claus here comes Santa Claus dropping bombs all day this is why I keep my chimney locked on you or Christmas Eve like I don't even have a chimney no oh no not that not this city oh no kill do humans feel like it'd be a good thing if we just carpet bomb the entire map with Santa's oh that's quite satisfying goodbye Europe never knew that Santa would be your end this is really allowed by the way my ears it feels like a Wars going on how's it doing though it looks like it is eradicating a few delves which is good news it's gonna take out any cities up here maybe two sixteen how do we let the orcs live that much oh wow oh wow yay achievement D locked it was fun I'm really feeling bad about it though we almost need to like water it so it turns green again but others just spots on the map oh never mind it was a demon I was gonna say I love other spots on the map there's just too hot and they keep making fight I didn't realize demons that were walking around destroying everything like this dude down here Oh get him elf boy I'm kidding die oh it killed him that wasn't nice you Elfie look at this there's two elves chasing the human that are being chased for like ten demon oh they got the human dials good job demon bros actually I don't think we should be cheering the demons on that's kind of creepy these guys too like super powerful and they just destroyed the volcano you never volcano back so my question is can I summon enough lightning strikes in the middle of the ocean to summon a volcano and the answer seems to be no you can't I do it on land like maybe oh oh you kid I drilled down to the core of the earth using nothing about the power of lightning wow that was actually very powerful and the demons have burned Europe up again hmm hyper nukes we're gonna be playing with the Tsar Bomba today hello Tsar Bomba would you like to nuke lavake know what happens if you do oh yes that looks a little painful Wow we nuked it so hard does the water is the water whoa okay it is freezing I guess molten lava freezes right that's how it turns into rock I guess we're just gonna nuke all the volcanoes okay massive explosions and that one and that one good good we do not any volcanoes in our city so are they all gonna get quenched no it's all over the fire gonna get quenched oh the water gonna be able to get through here maybe not better nuke it now the water can get through there I'll better know oh no that's someone to dragon or a hundred of them that was maybe a mistake I probably should have done that he's dragging snow what's up let's go up here and destroy all the elves good work people good work I've been taking that perfect just leave the humans alone it's kind of what I wish in this game that you could actually like programs things to destroy certain things like leave all the human people all alone and just eat the elbe they're tasty and they taste like fruit snack all right dragons I'm sorry and nope dumb and come on nope time Oh yep there you go for you guys just destroy that elvish City and then I'll kill you too did I get them all oh I definitely didn't get them all there's way too many dragons left so another question I have is can you death-ray a city into out of existence so oh-oh-oh-oh does it melt them doesn't Oh does hahahaha yes now if I hit that with lightning what happens aim Oh splattering I'm sorry I didn't mean to I'm so sorry I didn't mean to I'll put all the fire alright now I promise wait a second the sheep have entirely migrated from up here in England down in here that's awesome Oh still a dragon line I thought I killed them all yay I almost feel bad for what I did so I've got to put grass everywhere again does that look better Europe is perfect yeah no joke I'm not a your apologist but I'm pretty sure that's how it's supposed to look right and it still looks like the elves have way way way more population than anyone else so mission failed [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 642,100
Rating: 4.8254843 out of 5
Keywords: blitz, world box, worldbox, worldbox game, world, box, world box gameplay, Simulation Games, simulator, tycoon funny, simulator funny moments, funny clips, funny moments, game of life, life simulator, life sim, life simulator game, god game, god tycoon, world simulator, planet simulator, planet simulation, history simulator, worlds, alternate world, alternate worlds, alternate history, world creation, history game, worldbox god simulator, super worldbox, worldbox pc, WBS01
Id: 7nkPBv-2yfw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 4sec (1084 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 16 2019
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