When waterslides evolve into impossible shapes

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-All right, we're checking out the only game or the best waterpark you can go to is the one where you yeet your friends into the concrete, it's Aquapark.io. This is a game where the real value of success or failure is in just how many people you can murder and how quickly you can get to the bottom of the Aquapark. However, there's more to it than that, you can also get different upgrades, and the upgrades that you get continue to stack and get more and more ridiculous. Notice how the main thing that this game cares about is how many people you've killed and you see right here, we can buy things such as more speed, and more push force. Well, because I'm a psychopath, we're going to go ahead and max all of this out and if it doesn't let me max it out, I'm going to go and go until we get stupid. The entire purpose of this game is to throw people to their death, I decided to name my character King Yeeton, it's like Triton, except the only thing he's good at is murdering other people. I love how even if you don't succeed, even if you don't make it to the end, the game is like, "Well, you killed one person, so you know what? I'll call that success." Now, unfortunately, we're having to deal with boulders and things in our way. The fact that you can increase your push force is also amazing because I'm wondering just how strong the push force gets, like can I eventually just yeet people out of the entire stratosphere? Now you have boosters right here too. I went from a booster straight into a rock, you don't need to get into first to continue to win the game either and you can see, first place one kill right behind Razor and MaD Dawg. I would look at their names kind of sideways, I'm sure they're looking at my name and being like, "Really?" Okay, now we can get offline rewards. I'd rather just have more speed and more push force, that's right, do the jumping jacks and just kind of dab really quickly, that's my workout routine. Oh, you can get various power-ups such as rubber duck. Launches ducks that kill enemies, I will gladly pay part of my lifespan for this, I have three rubber ducks. All right, how do I use my rubber ducks? Do I need to do anything or--? Yes, I definitely need to hit people harder. They're not fliying far enough when I yeet them out of the pool. Is this guy's name Slaughter? I got a power-up, it's freeze. Sometimes you got to yeet yourself, there's not always someone around to be yeeted, you understand. Third place, oh my god I can't land- Oh no, I took his holy land is- nevermind, everything's like, [?] rocks. Yay, thanks for the boost, get the power-up what could it be? Giant [laughs] I just sent someone to their death. I lost my first place because of that but I don't even care, I am not sad about that at all. I was beaten by alcohol, that's so legitimate for me. Let's keep the push force going up. You know what? I'll even watch some of these to get more upgrades, yes, I sat through a lot of that to get level 10 Speed. How fast is level 10 speed? Do I get level 10 speed or is everyone a little bit faster? Do I even need to be in the water? There's a waterpark but you don't really need to touch the water, do you? Oh my God, what just happened? I did like a full 360, oh my god, my speed has no boundaries, that is insane. How did someone keep up with me? At first, I thought murder was the most important thing you can do but now obviously it's just shooting your body off of the waterpark. Just go Gray, just go and hope it works out, man. Yes, perfect. First place. Oh god, I just yeeted myself in the wrong direction. [groans] I don't want to get to yeet. I feel like I just did the voice of my dad telling me, "Son, every young man must yeet at some point in their lives." Okay, well my dad wasn't that wrong, I got second. Also, I have to mention to you, the waterparks are getting ridiculous, each time, each level, it gets crazier and crazier, I'm at the temple. Okay. Yes, more push force. You can eat opponents with a shark? Oh, my god. Well, that didn't seem fair, but whatever, I guess I am comfortably in first. I don't even think I need to do anything, I'll take this boost, I guess. Oh, well, I was comfortably in first. Well, I was still kind of comfortably at first, but I had to cause violence real quick, you see right there? I couldn't stop that from happening, it had to happen and so I got first with six kills, six. Oh, yes give me all the landing bonuses, I'll even take double rewards. More push force please. In fact, I'll watch some ads for it, I've got level 10 push force now. In fact, give me a different creature. All right, and the unlock is, this is legendary. It is okay, I don't know what these gliders are but I kind of want those too. I get a free one here and the first one's free, I get a pinwheel attached to my back and the first buoy is free too and it's a duck. Where's my pinwheel at? Well, everyone has buoys now. All right, let's just murder that guy just because he was in the way, I couldn't help myself, all right, it had to happen. Oh there's gliders in the air. If you get them, I guess you can glide even further or something. I have no idea. My pinwheel starts whenever I launch myself, and now I get an upgrade and it's a freeze. That's awesome. Let's go ahead and yeet ourselves off of here so that we can just circumvent most of the board and go straight into first place. From now on, anytime I see an upgrade, I've got to get it because it's always something amazing. Right now. Giant. Right there. I could just go straight through all the rocks. There goes another murder, most foul. Hopefully, no one catches on that I'm the one that did it, and first place with the big boost. Yes. Man, King Yeeton is running out of opposition because none of them are surviving. I'm going to get this up to 20, I think/ I've already maxed out my speed at this point. What is this? These are boosts again? How about shock? Nice and smooth. Nice and slow. Yes, I may have pushed that person to their death, but that was kind of- Okay, that was the second person. There's the third person I may have pushed to their death. This was an inevitability, okay? It's not really my fault. Well, I'm getting a lot of boost here. Oh, my God. I'm in first now. Not through skill of any kind, just straight through death. I've murdered almost everyone else at this point, except for Cool Chris. Never mind, Cool Chris is gone now too. [laughs] Oh my God. Seven kills on this [?]. Okay, I need to land this. I need to land this. Yes [laughs]. Oh, we're getting first. It's going to be first. Yes. There might only be one other person left with us. Okay. There's a few others that- No, no one else survived. One guy made it to the end. Oh, here, finally is a third person. I'm going to get a couple more of these because I can afford it. Let's do become giants and one more there. All right, now, if you notice, I've turned over a new leaf. I haven't had to murder one single person yet. How about that? In fact, I'm in last place. I think I'm going to go ahead and jump, then land this, immediately go to six. I need to get this boost. I want to get rid of my first human being. Whoa. What happened there? Oh, well, I'm bouncing all over the place. I went from first to last. The other way. All right, maybe this upgrade it's really good. The upgrade is shock. Yes. Death to all the nonbelievers. None of you will survive the calling. Oh, everyone already completed the board. That's why no one got shocked. I feel kind of bad. I came in 13th place and I only killed one person. Somehow I get a huge amount of reward, though. I'm going to start as a shark again. Starting as a shark is really, really unfair now because of how fast I am. I'm pretty sure I killed six people off the bat almost instantaneously. Give me that boost. All right, don't give me the boost. That's fine too. Give me this boost. How about that? Oh, God, I'm glad I landed that. Oh, the boost. Oh, God, please land this, Gray. 38 landing. All right. So far, so good. We're in first place, which isn't true. We're definitely not in first place. There's someone ahead of us. I need to slow down so I can get that boost. There we go. Giants. All right. I don't know how that guy survives my giant powers and sticks the landing into a second landing. Okay, second place isn't bad. Seven kills. It's not really about getting first, remember, the thing that I get first in is murdering people, and that's what really counts in sports. All right, now we're at the city. Let's upgrade the push force a little bit. I got the money for it. Can I afford, freeze your opponents a little bit longer? I decided to spin for another skin as well, because I was tired of being an endangered species. I'm almost kind of another endangered species. God, this tiger is hideous. I'm sure it'll be fine. We're starting inside of an office building. That's interesting. That's one murder right off the bat. It does end in a legitimate city too. Let's see what my upgrade is here. Shock. How close do you have to be to shock people, I wonder? In fact, I think I can make this jump and circumvent like ten people. I did. I went straight to four. Then we can get this upgrade over here. All right, well, do you know what? I gave up the upgrade so I could finish off a human being. That's fine too. This upgrade. Oh, now we're first. Here we go. Here we go. Here we go. This is turning out really good. Dodge and give me that. I want to drink it. Oh, it's so delicious. Giant. Oh, my God. Flying as a giant is a little bit unsettling because you can't really see where you're going. Stop. Stop that. Did he get it, or did he die? I got it. I got the first place. He was right there. He had me dead to rights. Well, he just had me dead at that point. Kind of makes sense that a tiger would be yeeting everyone. USA you all. Let's do more push force and yes, more freeze, for sure. I'm going to start as a shark again just because I love that. That's right. I'm a city-dwelling shark now. The only thing you can't do as a shark is you can't go back and forth, you know what I mean? Like, you can't twist to the left or to the right. You have to just go. Sharks don't really dodge. They just do whatever they want. They just go in a straight line and hope things work out for them. Let's do a big jump here. We'll hit a couple of rocks because I don't have a big enough headache yet. Big landing. Let's jump all the way down here now. Perfect. In fact, let's go out here. I could almost get rid of this entire board in one shot. Is anyone even [?] slow, wow, there is someone slightly close to me. Ah, no. I had it. I had it and then I went flying. I'm on fire as I enterthe pool, King Yeeton, got beaten by HellCat. Although again, I won on the kills except for Esquire, but I want to play, so more freeze. Do I eventually get to go to the moon or something? I feel like this is the kind of game where it would eventually put you on the moon. I think I'm going to go ahead and do a jump here. What happened there? Oh my God. I have the glider. I have the glider. I'm just gliding to this. When does the glider end? Do I just win? Do I have to do anything? I almost missed the pool. [laughs] The glider glides so much that you almost just missed the entire pool. [laughs] It's more of a death trap than anything else. Speaking of death traps. I didn't shove anyone to the concrete that time. makes me feel sad. Okay, there we go. I was about to say, I need to break this streak of not actually sending anyone to their deaths in a while. This is very, very unfortunate. Something-- I can't have that. Got to get more upgrades. Freeze. That worked out fantastic. Out of the way everyone. Oh, you insta kill people while they're frozen as well. That's amazing. What? I can land this. Yes. What could you be, a giant? That was the perfect thing to get right there because I don't get boosted up into the air. 'Oh God. Now we're going to get giant again and again. Giant just lasts forever because of what we are right now. First place, six kills on that one. Mouth of Mexico [laughs]. All right, I'm going to go ahead and do it. I'm going to increase the push force all the way up. Okay. Push force is maxed out. I haven't actually had to push anyone yet. Really? I'm just flying past half of the entirety of the board. Probably do it again too. Well, I don't know if I have enough speed to do it again. How about now? Yes, now, this is good. Here we go. Beautifull landing. Perfect. Plus 21 coins for that landing actually. Now the upgrade is giant. I can land down here. Get past everyone. We're in first place again. Oh, never mind. We're in second. I'm going to kill the UK now because I'm pretty sure they're the ones that got past me. Oh, it was Germany. All right, so now we unlocked winter. Not really closer to the moon. Just feels like it. Okay, so I can upgrade, more giant because every time I get giant, it's incredible. I decided to go for the Shark Boost too. I wish I could upgrade the shark boost. Wow, everyone stayed in the middle. Oh, that was just awful. I got nine kills. I'm in fourth place. Sort of. I'm in fourth place because there's no one left to race against and the upgrade is giant. I'm pretty much-getting giant almost all the time now. There we go. There's another murder. I love how it straight-up says kill as well. It doesn't say like, "Oh, you've got to go into first place.'' It straight-up says, "You just murdered someone. Good job." Last upgrade is once again giant. This is a long water slide, man. There's plenty of times for people to get in the way. Nevermind. I'm going for all the kills. I'm going for all the kills. Who's lived? Who's lived? Yes. I think there's one person left. There's like Mad Dawg. That's it. There are sharks in this pool, who is doing the safety measures on this park? I love it. The marine biologist comes in, he checks the water level and he's like, ''Yes, sharks are happy.'' 15 people died. More giant, please. Okay, so now let me see how many I can do without the shark because the shark gives me a big advantage in the beginning. Now we're going to get, yes, here we go. Boom, boom. Just knocked three, four, or five people straight off the water slide. We'll never see or hear from them again. Oh, oh, you know what? Actually yes, this is perfect. That's not exactly what I wanted to do, but it worked out quite well. The Star Lord over there just got yeeted to his death. Whoever that was just got yeeted to their death. We've got Sting right behind me. They're from the USA though, so they're kinda like my brethren. I don't want to get boosted up in the air. I want this upgrade. The upgrade is giant. I couldn't get a second upgrade apparently. You don't want to mess with the giant, man. You do not want to mess with the giant. I got third, but I got first in everyone's heart because I murdered the most people. Oh wow. I need more money to get the next giant. Yes, we'll get more money then. What they really need to do is they really need to bring the murders up in price. Ah, I tell you, murders these days aren't worth what they used to be. I'm going to try and get past almost the entire board so we can get first place and get first place and get big money. That person almost sent me to my death right there. I almost got sent to my death again right there. Oh, this is what happens, man. This is what happens when I don't go only for death. I come in eighth place with no kills, no more Mr. Nice guy, Captain Mighty from Canada. We're going for the shark. Straight off the bat. None of these weak kills. Oh, the shark can freeze people? I had no idea. I didn't know that you could get power-ups as the shark. That's amazing. If there's one thing I could say it's you definitely don't want to get those boosts up in the air because you may have to do like a full 360 and you might not be in the right spot to do the 360. I need an upgrade. I need an upgrade for a giant or something because right now we only have seven Kills. You really need to get into the double digits to be honest with you. Okay, so there's giant. That's going to get us closer. That's eight kills now, that's perfect. Oh, yes. I got second place out of all that. Nine kills in second place. Aero, I was beaten by another American, however, they're not a, they're not as bloodthirsty as I am. Now, we can afford it. Oh, I can afford this too. I grizzly, let me be the first to say I'm sorry. You are the first person going home in a body bag. You came here to have fun and you ended up getting murdered. I'm so sorry. Wow. Right into another upgrade. Oh, it was a second freeze. Oh, we're up in the air. I've got a lot of kills, but, oh, man, I got put way behind. I need something amazing here. Let's freeze again. Oh, well, that was great. That gave me seven kills total. Another upgrade, giant. While I'm flying, that got another kill, so we're up to nine. Can I get, can I get the double-digit kills? That's what I'm looking for right now. Giant, but I'm flying in the air. I'm flying and I'm boosted, but I'm only in fourth place from all this. Ended up taking me a long time to get to the bottom. I spent so much of my time killing people. I got fourth and fifth. I've bugged out the game somehow. I've done so well that I've gotten in two places at once. [laughs] I don't even know what this means. Does this means I got 18 kills? Asia. All right, I decided to become a shark again. This makes total sense. Don't ask me how. I guess it would make more sense if maybe I was in Australia or Florida or something. I'll gladly take a little bit of personal agony to get to upgrade. It is well, well worth it. We're in first right now mostly because we've killed eight people. I don't want to go that far because I want this next upgrade. Giant. There we go. Got another kill for that. Right now we get a boost into an upgrade into giant, flying straight through the tower over here. There's no one left for me to murder, and we're going to get first place into the koi pond. The koi are probably afraid of me because I smell like death. PoPPy Coffee. I did the shark upgrade again. Six kills right off the bat for the shark. That is amazing. Okay, so shark. Oh, wow, shark is just murdering everyone that's even slightly close to my position. I had no idea. I legitimately did not know it was that OP. Okay, so now freeze, but I got sent into the air, so I didn't take anyone out with it. Big jump. I think I can land this right at the end and pretty much finish this. Only seven kills, but that's-- Whoa, almost got overtaken right at the end there by Canada. I should have known. More giant. I'm doing something insane right now. I think I have managed to figure out how to jump the entire board. I got first by jumping the whole, the entire course. Yes, I know how to beat this board now almost instantaneously. I can jump every time and get in first place just to see what the next board is like. Okay, so that brought me to Pirates. All right. It doesn't look very piratey. It just kind of looks like a bunch of guys in bathing suits. I think I can land this. I think I can land this. Perfect. Don't mind me just doing the shark over here. Everyone's in the middle. They brought this upon themselves. Woo. An upgrade, and freeze. Yes. I hadn't gotten a big string of kills in a long time. Can I get like giant again? Yes, there's giant. I have no idea how that one guy like Don Slab or whatever his name is, managed to survive my giant prowess. See that guy did not, that is 10 kills. That is double-digit kills. That's what you're always looking for in life to words to live by Gracestillplays. See, it works out. It puts you in first place because there's no one left. You win by default basically. Again, I can absolutely jump this entire board, coming in first all the time. It's not because I'm good, it's because I'm a cheater. All right, so now we can upgrade more giant and sticks the landing. We have now upgraded to pirates and sharks. I want this glider. Yes. Now I get to do whatever I want. If I want to just glide to the end and get an easy win, I can. Watch. How come there's no sharks in the pirate pool? I feel like there should be sharks in the pirate pool. I'm going to do the entire board just to see what it's like. Because I know I can just jump and go through the entire board that way but I feel it's better if I get the opportunity to see what the board legitimately looks like. There's plenty of upgrades to get, which means everyone dies, literally everyone. I think I may have murdered 70% of my opposition right now. It's not like they're going to end up beating me anyway. We're going to come in first regardless. It's more of a matter of how badly are we going to beat them or I should say whether or not they're going to survive in the end. See, there was a guy there but then I became giant and shoved him out of the way for 14 kill. Give me the- oh, give me the bonuses." Finally, max giant. I found another really good way to make a ton of money. You just have to do crazy landings. You jump, land it, you go immediately into a second jump, you land that one, go immediately into a third jump, big distance. Watch this. Landed. No problem. It's probably more lucrative to just go for the kills but you can definitely get some decent bonuses. 151 landing bonus. All right, freezes almost getting towards max. Welcome to Candyland. It's called Pirates Night but for some reason, it looked like-- Oh, my God. Look at my kill total. Look like a bunch of donuts for some reason. I really don't know why. It smells like murder. 11 kills. No big deal. Pretty typical at the Graystillplays channel. Who's left? How is there someone in front of me? Where are you? Did you already make it to the end? Oh, you must have circumvented the entire board. You've learned from me, have you? Suck it. All right, freeze is continuing to go up. We're almost there. That was a cannonball flying across the screen as all the ducks. Go my murderous ducks. I've never gotten the murder ducks. Oh, murder ducks are incredible. These ducks have been educated with only one purpose in mind, the one-ton slaughter. Oh, Candyland is next. Freeze's maxed. I want to get past this last board really quick so that we can see what the Candyland looks like because we're about to unlock it. Cool Crusher, I'm sorry, I just cheated my way past you. That's how it goes, man. Oh, it changes. There it is, Candyland. Finally, it's not a sugar overdose or diabetes killing people. It's me. I'm about to jump and fall into a gigantic pool of soft-serve ice cream or something. We're now in the forest, whatever that means. It's like people are throwing tree limbs at me or something. What happens in the forest? I'm really in the middle of the mountains? Oh wow. We really are. Freeze. Big waterfall. That was a prime place to put this water park and you guys didn't do it. Now I just wanted to know what the final level is. We now have forest fog. It's just more forrest, is-- It's the same map. It's just giving it different things. I guess it is different. I went ahead and got the glider so I can take a look around me and see if it is not the same map. It doesn't look like it. Okay, now we're in the fall. This part is pretty long. Oh yes. Oh, there's plenty of whodunnit murders that can happen on the-- Well, I guess everyone knows who did it. It's me all the time. There's plenty of instances for murder on this board that you can get into. Oh, that guy I just landed in front of me. Landed in front of me like he was going to win. He is not. He's going to die. I am indeed in first place. I have a crown on my head and I am gigantic. I am also killing absolutely everyone. I have no idea how this just happened. We are in Hollywood. I am water parking through an open road. There are fireworks everywhere. You can see the Hollywood sign. I'm pretty sure I just saw Godzilla for some reason. I don't know what he has to do with any of this, but he's definitely there, going to try and pass me. It's just going to hurt. Right now we're on the set of SpongeBob. How many levels did they make in this game? Do I get the jump inside of a giant octopus? That would be amazing. I got the ducks. All the ducks are causing havoc. Someone just jumped to their death. Well, they didn't really jump to their death. They were pushed to their death. You know what I mean. Whatever, tomato, tomato. What's wrong? You don't want to pass me? Poor guy saw the other three people die. He's like, "I don't know." That's okay. I think I can jump my way into first place here. Yes, get wrecked. Octopus, I love you. Octopus is yeeting [?] Welcome to the most patriotic board. I really don't know what the special part of this board is. It's just big. I'm going to go ahead and just go around it. First place. I am now in Indiana Jones in the Temple of Doom. I'm just an extra at this point. I'm pretty sure I'm wanted for a murder all around the world. There literally is not a country where I have not ruined lives. I am now in a board, there's a helicopter in this board. Look at it. Still coming in first all the time. I'm still going. I'm still winning. Finally, I have grinded all of the levels. I have seen them. I am at level 387 or something. It's madness. As I land in the middle of Valhalla, that means we have a winner. I found the real value to go into the waterpark. It's killing everyone around you and if [?] you just have to [?] episode of Aquapark.io until next time, see if I'll receive much love.
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 749,976
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simulation games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, simulator, and this happened, gameplay, ios, android, game, android gameplay, android games, ios games, best android games, best games, top games, mobile games, best mobile games, android best games, all levels, max levels, aquapark.io gameplay, aquapark.io noob vs pro vs hacker, aquapark.io game, aquapark.io 2, aquapark io, aquapark.io android, aquapark, aquapark.io apk, aquaparkio, aquapark.io hack
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 24sec (1524 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 12 2023
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