When you break every bone by jumping to 300,000 feet

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All right. We're checking out the only game where the best way to use a motorcycle is as an instrument of destruction. It's ramp bike jumping. Oh, yes. You thought a motorcycle was there to get you to Starbucks? No. Now it's to cause your girlfriend to faceplant into the ground and then twist her entire torso into a pretzel. Are both of these people dead? It looks like they're both dead. Now, as always, there's lots of bonuses for us to upgrade so that we can get stupider and stupider motorcycles. These boards always eventually have you jumping into space. It's usually either space or-- oh my God. Okay, well, wow, things progressively got completely insane. Welcome to Death Valley where we're going to put a girl on a motorscooter and see how well that works out for her. I want to keep her skin on her body, so I'm going to go ahead and upgrade those a bit more. We can get some more gold upgrades and snap it. Obviously, nothing could go wrong here. Big jump, looking good, and she keeps her skin on her body until she gets clothesline by the rest of the bridge. What was that? What was that that just fell off her? I think that was her handlebars. Now we're on scooter try to decapitate her effectively. How come all the motorcycles in this game end up betraying the rider? Oh, come on train. Let me have this. Let me have this. Let me have this. Through the trees. Oh my gosh. Oh, yes. Oh, the barrel rolls are really cranking up to my-- oh my god. Let's do a couple more upgrades into the gold vaults, and 26 on the engine and the booze-- Oh, I've messed that up. I'm sure it'll be fine. We've got tons of booze. We'll probably make it. Can you make it? The answer is yes. Head first as a matter of fact. Her skull just redecorated this entire landing area, and it got us tremendous money. Is that an incredibly slow-moving bird? Also, am I on a Tron bike? Okay, question number one. Can I hit this bird? Oh, the bird is way over there. Oh my god. It's a waterpark. Oh, okay. Oh, yes, just keep barrel rolling up through the palm tree. Why not? Big jump. A couple more barrel rolls and sticks the landing. That should be a lot of money. I'm going to bring this up. Yes, we'll go ahead and throw these up to 36. What do you wave into? Oh, okay. Oh, this is looking great. This is the perfect run right here. Oh, hold on. Bounce. Bounce it. Bounce it. Bounced the bike. Safe landing. The bike bounced out of there but it totally counted. Jump the car. I have a skateboard. Oh my god. He's got a rocket on his skateboard. I love that the skateboard can do barrel rolls for some reason. I'm not even wearing any protective gear. I'm sure there's a better way for this. Oh, there we go. There's a better way for this jump to go down, and through the ramp. All the skateboard has to do is make it. Obviously, the kid has no value. The game doesn't even care about what happened to him. He's gone a mile behind us. Let's go ahead and put some more jet fuel inside of the skin skateboard. He's not even on it. Just one foot is on the skateboard. It's just his heel on the backside. Big jump and the perfect landing. Yes, like any great stunt motorcyclist, I've ended up on Mars. I do have the Tron bike so it makes sense. Am I going to end up hitting-- Oh, I'm launching off of some space rock. That's fantastic. There was a rocket. I bounced off an alien spaceship. Oh, cool. The gravity is very low here. It's legitimately low, so we're kind of just floating through the asteroid belt. Fantastic. What is this? Is that another rocket that couldn't make it out of the atmosphere? Well, the lack of atmosphere? Yes, let's just drag our way around. 1,500 meters. This is going to be a big point total. Yes, it is. Hold on. Just real fast. I'm going to go as fast as possible. I need to see if I can hit this rocket. Go, go, go. Oh, it's right there. You can almost touch the rocket as it blasts off. That's amazing. And land. We're going to go ahead and rest right here. Some good beachfront property. Just buy some more gold vaults. Remind me. All right. We're going to boost to the very, very end right now. That should be enough. It's got to be. Hang on. Hang on, baby. Oh, it's a [?]. I'm going to boost a little bit more, because we can ricochet off the backboard here. We can slam-dunk this off the back. Perfect. Oh, God. I just got planted like an onion. This is not a motorcycle at all. It's a plane. I feel like this is somewhat unfair. Oh, it is shooting its guns while we're doing this. Oh-oh. Hold on, I need to go under that. Oh. It's fine. We're okay. We're okay. We don't need wings. We're gone. Oh, wow. Oh, yes. Oh, we're getting big money. Wow, we're just leaving the entire board. When we finally he hit the ground, like 10 minutes from now, we're going to have a mountain of cash. Look at the distance, 4,000 meters. Bloop, off the ground. Oh my God. Come on. Yes, this was fair. This is totally fair. You know what? I'm going to put it all in there. The reason why is because the thing that scares me the most is what we just did, I feel like it's not that hard to do if I had to, and I could do it again, but I'll go ahead and land this perfectly right there. Yes, look at that. That's was a textbook military landing. You may say to yourself, "Great, you just beat this board. Why are you back on it?" Real fast, I do want to be able to get myself infinite money, you know. I went into this board and I said to myself, "Yes, three million coins is good enough." Also, we're tripling up test dummies. That's awesome. All right, let's bring this all the way up to 61 basically immediately, and now we're jumping shipping containers. I love it. Oh, what do you know? Wind turbines, my best friends, and I missed it. I can't believe that. Usually, me and wind turbines are very close. By very close, I mean they typically end up murdering me and my two brothers. Oh, yes. Oh, wind turbine I really want you to sever part of my skin. Is it that far? The ending? Is it way over there? All right, obviously, I have not upgraded even slightly enough. There, let's try that. Now what kind of speed are we dealing with? I love that we're already past the maximum speed for this motorcycle. It's not even close anymore. This board is a legitimate jump. This is nuts. I think it's all the way over here. I could just barely see it in the distance. America, it would be a shame if it's suddenly started falling down from the sky and decided to crush me and my family. Actually, I wonder if having the two extra people out on the bike is too much weight. I may need to trade this for something else. Tron bike, going back to it. Is my guy inside of the Tron bike? Oh, God. That was awful. All right, level 101 on the boost. Here's my plan. We're going to bounce this, bike's going to go flying, but then I've get extra boost and that was-- Because I saved the extra boost, that got the bike to the end. Oh, yes. Dude on a chopper. He's got a ton of upgrades. That is the smallest ramp in the history of using a ramp to shoot a bike somewhere. Where am I going? Okay. All right. This looks good. Oh, nice wall. That's fantastic. Oh, never mind. That is a terrible wall. That is a really strong wall. Wow. Luckily, because I failed the last board so many times, I have a ton of money for upgrades. That slide, I don't know what to call it, a slide ramp? It gives me claustrophobia. I feel like I'm going to die just looking at it. Okay, so we're going to get over the wall. Perfect. Now, there's another wall. That's fine. We just ricocheted way off that. My motorcycle is flipping one billion times, and somehow, we have to make it into the tiniest bullseye at the end of this tunnel that's 5,000 meters. All right, more upgrades. Realistically, I have to try and just jump everything I can because the second I hit one of these walls, man, it just takes all of your momentum away. Although, I think that my body-- I don't know if you saw. I think that my body got shot like a rail gun. What sort of ghost rider thing is this motorcycle doing? I don't think that the plane is really the vehicle to do this with because it's wide, so I would really have to aim this impeccably well to be able to-- Oh, that hurt real bad. You know what? I have an idea. Give me a second. I wanted to go completely off the board, and I did, and it gave me 1.2 million coins. Well, I have some money for boosts. We are coming in hot. I have a mountain of boost. We're coming in at like light speed over here. Oh, the yeetus. Oh, the yeetus is strong with this one. Oh, God. Yes, yes, this is going to work. Yes. Oh, by using the boost to tilt myself downward, we totally made it, yes. It's been a while. I know you retired since you fractured most of your spine, but your back. I need you to win this. Oh, whoa, whoa. Okay. All right. Okay. Oh, now I remember why you were retired. What are you doing? You know what? Sure, just keep doing that. That looks great. Now you can land right on the smiley face. Look, there's two islands for the eyes and there's one little mouth, and then now we're getting eaten by the island. Great. I am literally backflipping up this entire mountain. This is probably not the best way to go about trying to beat this, but it was amazing because I had gotten like a hundred backflips. Just slowly getting mutilated by my own scooter. That's just great. Hey, there barrel rolls. How are you doing? Haven't seen you in a little while. She failed me. We're going back to the couple. Maybe they can do it. Why does everyone like to do back flips here? I love how the camera's like, "Hey, Grey, would this make your job easier?" No. No, it wouldn't. Thanks for asking, though. Tron bike, you're doing great. Oh, yes. Oh, this is new personal best. Here we go. I wish I didn't have to do this board. Just flipping, nonstop flipping. My guy is probably having a brain aneurysm at this point. The flips have slowed down. This is good. Where is the end? Because I got a grand total of nowhere. I'm going to have to put a ton of upgrades into this. Four upgrades. Okay. I lost my character a while back, but it's okay because the motorcycle is facing the direction I need it to face, see right here, so I can get it boosted. I need it to continue to flip, though, because the flip itself is slowing way, way, way down, and that's a problem. Oh, there goes a tree. Got to keep the momentum. There it is. Oh, that is delicious. That's a wall. That is a wall right there. You know what, though? Going to keep-- I just want to see if I can see the top of this thing. Where is it at? Oh my God. Finally, that's-- Oh no, it's even higher than that. What is this board? We're not messing around anymore. I'm bringing out the plane. I am bringing out the plane. Now, what I need from this thing is for it to lean ever so slightly forward, if at all humanly possible. Yes. Perfect. Do that. Do that. You're doing it great. We're still going up. Still going up. There's, of course, wind turbines up here because why wouldn't there be? Obviously, this is going to be the most-- I hope I don't have to go inside that tiny cable. Whoa, the balloon right there. Okay. Here it is. Okay. We can do this. Now, there is some jet stream current up here, of course. Now, we just have to-- just got to dance it. You got to dance it over there. Oh, perfect. Just like that. Yes. Just dance a jig right on over to the land of death. Perfect. A little bit down, and then we're going to go up. I love how it's not even ramp jumping anymore. At this point now, we're just trying to find different astrological bodies. Oh, hold on. Hold on. Let me get the furthest possible, right on the bullseye just about-- There we go. Perfect. All the way to the end. Beautiful. All right, let's get some upgrades. Go ahead and do our jump. Where am I-- Oh, my God. I know this is going to sound crazy, but I finally know how to beat this. Here's what we're going to do. We're going to smash into this. This is going to start us moving. Now, what I need is for this plane to be spinning insanely like this. I can pulse the jet and get us toward where I need to go. Now, what we're going to do is land this on the side of the mountain, there. Every time we ricochet off the mountain, I need it to ricochet us in a specific direction. Not this way. This way, right here. Then what I need is for the nose of the plane to bounce the other direction. We're going to do this. I have almost infinite jet fuel at this point. The problem is getting this thing to the end. Spin it, spin it. We're going to keep going. This looks like a good bounce. Yes. Drag it, drag it, drag it all the way out. There's the ship. We've got a good bounce. We've dragged it out. Problem is, I don't have any motion. Here's what we're going to do. I'm going to let this hit the ground and hope it bounces. That's a good bounce right there. Not too much. I don't want to hit the water. Don't hit the water. Not the water, not the water, not the water. Okay, good. Oh, God. This is such a mess. We're going to keep doing flips. It's fine. We're going to do flips onto this iceberg. Now, we're going to take this bounce. Bounce. Perfect. Yes. Right here. It's pointed us forward slightly. Right here. Uh-huh, here. Oh, yes. Oh, this is happening. This is happening right now. No, I don't want to go behind it. I want to go over to the left. I know this sounds crazy. We have to bounce this again. There. How's that bounce? That bounce is bad. How about this bounce? This bounce right here. Are you ready? Are you ready? Here we-- Yes, we have a winner. Oh my God. Yes. I went from ramping bikes into space, into ramping my sanity into space. Hey, folks, hope you enjoyed this episode of Bike Ramp Jumping. Till the next time, stay foxy and much love.
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 600,091
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simulation games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, simulator, and this happened, gameplay, ios, android, game, android gameplay, android games, ios games, best android games, best games, top games, mobile games, best mobile games, android best games, ramp bike jumping, ramp bike jumping game, bike jumping, plane jumping, bmx, stunts, bike jump, motocross, ramp bike jumping gameplay
Id: 0IBC3uxotvw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 6sec (846 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 16 2023
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