When Someone Tried To Challenge The Expert (AskReddit)

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what's the time you've heard someone speaking about something you're knowledgeable in and thought to yourself this person has no idea what they are talking about well I wouldn't describe myself and knowledgeable about this I'm an advanced novice at best but I've been learning Japanese for a couple of years I have decent tourists Japanese and can read Japanese at about the level of a Japanese seven-year-old well just before Christmas a new guy started at work total complete and utter Wiebe he insists he's a fluent Japanese speaker but the thing is he totally isn't I think he knows maybe 10 Japanese words but every single day he's like well as they say in Japan and then he'll talk absolute gibberish like literally just string vaguely Japanese sounding syllables strung together like well as they say in Japan Kai Choji kou no ni Nakata it's totally meaningless and when he does use an actual Japanese it's totally out of context he spilled his drink once and exclaimed our shush in WA doko desuka literal translation ah where is your hometown I didn't call him out on it basically because it's just flat-out hilarious but what was really hilarious is that one of my best friends is Japanese and she dropped by work one day to ask if I wanted to go to lunch with her and I couldn't resist she walked up to my desk said hello I responded in Japanese we had a quick chat in my very basic broken Japanese and that you looked at me like he'd just shat his pants I noticed he was very reluctant to talk about his extensive knowledge of Japanese after that ever been to a car meet I'm a mechanical engineer specializing in automotive design I'm also a woman I could not begin to explain all of the stupid [ __ ] I've been told over the years I've had people claim to have built a turbo system that I personally built for my car I'm an electrical engineer and overheard a guy in a model shop buying a radio-controlled car for his kid he didn't know whether to buy the fast charger or the slow charger the difference is that with a fast charger you get your charge but pay the price and reduce battery life that is it causes more damage the bullshitting salesman managed to sell both to him with an assurance that the fast charger will make the car run for five minutes but the slow charger will make it run for half an hour when did you see a pint bottle that could hold a gallon if you dribbled the water in slowly I'm a teacher and once whilst observing another teachers lesson it became painfully clear that they did not have a clue what they were talking about luckily I guess I shared the class with him so in my next lesson I just taught it properly misconceptions about what computer programming can do are rampant since technology has become such an integral part of everything people tend to spew nonsense about it it used to kind of butt me but there's nothing practical to be done really might as well enjoy the notion that coding is magic and player law last year I saw a couple of articles about an eating disorder called off it which isn't that well-known everyone in the comment sections were suddenly experts on this thing they'd never even heard of saying that it's people's own fault for having this disorder or that it's not a real thing there were a lot of vast gnash well thanks I'm cured moments too some people have no sympathy at all and can't even be bothered researching something for two minutes to find out that it's actually a serious thing my job is technical and all the managers aren't but every so often they'll try to explain something during a meeting that I have painstakingly explained to them and they'll fail miserably I won't ever correct them unless their mistake would have any bearing whatsoever which it won't normally tourists who have most likely never fished telling me a longtime fisherman how to fish example random lady I think you're using the wrong bait I'm not using bait I'm using a lure B how would you know what type of fish I'm even targeting a freshman English major giving his thoughts on the philosophical significance of quantum mechanics and how his understanding of it was sufficient to argue with science majors who just crunched the and there I was with my agent vectors and wavefunctions I'm American but I lived in Africa for years it's always interesting to begin conversations with people who think they know everything but they just sound stupid one of my favorites is did they speak African there no contrary to popular opinion African is not a language oh so they spoke English no English is not the only dang language I'm in the process of buying a house so I'm following the inspector around I'm paying four hundred and fifty dollars for the inspection I'm gonna make sure this guy does the job and he starts mansplaining to me what a good solder joint looks like on these copper pipes he explained several reasons why they a good solder joints before I stopped him I teach soldiering among other manufacture skills he has no clue he thinks he knows what he's looking at but he doesn't understand the science behind it he tried the same thing with some wire bundles I teach cabling too he didn't have a very good day I feel like I got my money's worth covered conspiracy theorists talking about polymerase chain reaction covered conspiracy theorists talking about anything related to molecular biology anti GMO people talking about moss causing cancer and no most of them don't differentiate between glyphosate the pesticide or glyphosate resistant plants most health-related will tbh because it's generally so ignorant of basic science it's usually pop culture stuff when I worked retail the chairs theme song was on our rotation the amount of times I heard this conversation person one oh-h-h I know this song isn't it on a TV show person two it's the friends theme song person one yay that's it while I die inside I work in industrial safety liaison with OSHA and I'm a certified level three trainer on seven classifications of powered industrial vehicles 25 years I love it when managers at plants and construction sites try to tell me make up OSHA rules they think the little lady couldn't possibly know what she's talking about until I shut them down for violations their faces a priceless oh I have a perfect example one of my family members was going on and on about this new radiation shield sticker they got for their phone like what you know nothing about phones and radiation clearly it was a circular sticker that covered about 10% of the funds back that said radiation shield around the edge of the sticker in an intimidating font they pay $10 for it I suppose when people talk about auto-tune they ll say things like I hate Bill English or something all their songs are just auto-tuned garbage there are so many things wrong with that firstly a singers ability is not only quantified by their ability to sing on pitch as a matter of fact there are a lot of famous records with some seriously off pitch singing secondly auto-tune isn't just to make good sing button it's typically for minor adjustments to bring the pitch from mostly there to perfect the difference between a track when auto-tune is turned on vs off can often be imperceptible thirdly basically every single artist uses it these days it's an industry standard I overheard one of my friends talking about how the recently launched StarLink satellites causes cancer I casually walked over and gave them a whole scientific breakdown of what StarLink is what they do the goal of the mission and why there is no way in hell they could cause any kind of cancer I really hope I got through to him we were watching a Chinese movie in history class and this kid was like oh I speak Chinese I'm fluent and so the class asked him to translate a few sentences and he could turns out he was looking at the subtitles so I asked him do you really speak Chinese but in Chinese BC I speak Chinese and all he said was ching chong every time I'm on Reddit and see anyone talking about the US economy PPP loans the stock market or tax law as a CPA you should just never listen to anything anyone has to say about any of the stuff I listed on reddit almost every comment I see is ridiculously wrong and they are just making [ __ ] up so it can fit the reddit hive minds narrative I mean damn some of the stuff I see people spout off on here that gets thousands of up votes is ridiculous this one dude my friend knows is so wrong about so many things I can only tolerate him in small doses he probably doesn't realize my degrees and fields of study specifically focus on the stuff he knows the few times I've called him out in it he gets angry loud and tells me how he's read this super obscure source that's in another language based on the number of times he's claimed this he can read at least seven different languages though he has taken no classes training etc when I've asked him for sources he says he doesn't have access to them right now and can't provide a name for them I've just given up trying to reason with him and just avoid him at all costs we are boost talking about Japan literally anything they say I lived in Japan for a little over three years and I know for a fact ten times over that they would be made fun of over there their behaviors cringe as hell and makes me embarrassed on their behalf as they have no shame for themselves I'm an astrophysicist my sub field for about five years was gravitational physics especially with black holes I'm also a woman some men seem to mistake their testicles for degrees in stem this includes one friend who gave me his detailed idea about a gun that could shoot black holes which would swallow up adversaries and then immediately evaporate after I explained why that wouldn't work he said I'd probably be a pretty good astrophysicist because I think about this kind of thing oh Jesus one is easy people talking about chemical and sensory components of wine but more like regurgitating BS they heard somewhere source I have a university degree in winner making owner winner II in California and have been making wine professionally for 25 years okay so I teach kids who don't fit into mainstream school most of the time it's a one-to-one session but have occasionally been involved in a group lesson my role in these lessons is to assist and it's frowned upon to take lead in said lessons as it would throw the lead teacher off a dude was teaching music and set me down to record the instrument I was playing and said play something over the track for a second I have been playing in live and studio situations for about 12 years and haver degree in music tech so I know how it goes but I thought he was just setting the levels he started the track and when the relevant section came up all noise cut out that I played regardless I said okay yeah sounds good can we run it with the track and then he did same thing cropped up no music and not even a click I just played purely by memory of what the chord progression and timing was he said cool sounds great and I was kind of confused because he basically put me in blind I asked to listen back and then told him I couldn't hear the track when I was playing and he just said yeah that's okay man that's how we'll do it before that point he told the kid I may not be the best teacher but I'm a good musician I think both of those points are debatable I didn't say anything because I figured it would throw him off the thing I recorded was quite sloppy for obvious reasons that I figured I didn't have anything to prove to this kid and any mistakes would have just reflected worse on the lead teacher I'm in the mental health field and yeah a whole lot of people have opinions on mental health that are vaguely related to reality at best the subfield of addiction is even worse because in the US the government actively ignores the science behind it and encourages others to to old guns or just guns in general and I don't mean anti-gun people people who own guns but don't bother to educate themselves about them just because you own a gun doesn't make you a gun guy just like owning a car doesn't make you a car guy roller coasters at amusement parks people think the weirdest things about roller coasters no you're not going to fall off no it's not going to fly off the tracks no the trains can't collide with each other no your restraint can't just come open during the ride unless you are extremely overweight extremely tall too short or have a pre-existing conditions as back heart or neck problems this ride is perfectly safe lots of quit your BS moments - no nobody died on this ride out of all of the 600-plus rollercoasters currently operating in North America maybe 15 have killed somebody in the last 40 years there's a reason when talking about these things we call each specific one the wrapped or incident or the minted under accidents no single ride ever experiences two deadly accidents in fact most of these rides are still standing the ones that are removed usually had other issues that went beyond whatever caused the accident see son of Beast the vast majority of means meant parks and amusement park chains take safety extremely seriously especially Disney universal and scene affair Six Flags can vary but they're large and mid-sized parks are very well run as well whenever a serious issue occurs it doesn't even have to kill someone an investigation is launched and in the case of a mechanical failure all rides of that type are shut down and inspected for similar issues there is an annual safety conference attended by all right manufacturers where standards are updated and improved it is an every company's best interest that their rights are as safe as possible a lot of people trick themselves into thinking that riding a roller coaster is somehow risky I know it's more scary that way but hear me out the fun of a roller coaster doesn't come from being scared it comes from the adrenaline rush whipping through tight turns and steep drops going from zero to 120 miles per hour in four seconds and then ascending 400 feet into the air and looking down on the entire park before plummeting back down even if you know you will be ok nobody can do that without getting an adrenalin rush it comes from experiencing things you never could in day-to-day life the only other vehicle that can pull negative g-forces are airplanes without riding a roller coaster you will never feel what it's like to be subjected to two three or even four times the force of gravity even if you booked a flight on one of SpaceX's rockets you still won't be accelerating as fast as many roller coasters you are open and exposed on a roller coaster in a way unlike any other vehicle you can watch scenery flyby not quite close enough to touch that's where the fun comes from roller coasters don't stop being fun after you stop being afraid of them if anything they become more fun you can stop worrying and just enjoy the ride that's my rant if you want to learn about some of the basic safety mechanisms find coaster buts videos about roller coaster safety if you want to learn more in depth about specific accidents look up GP to enthusiasts on YouTube he does a good job covering why incidents occurred how they could have been prevented and how the industry changed as a result PS the most dangerous thing at an amusement park is the Sun stay hydrated and wear sunscreen far more people get a ride in the cute little amusement park ambulance because they got heat sickness than any other injury [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: ToadFilms
Views: 49,740
Rating: 4.9078813 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, emkay, ToadFilms, GioFilms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 1sec (1021 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 20 2020
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