Meet Your Second Wife - SNL
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Channel: Saturday Night Live
Views: 29,387,248
Rating: 4.8625116 out of 5
Keywords: SNL, Saturday Night Live, Season 41, Episode 1692, Amy Poehler, Tina Fey, Your Second Wife, Bobby Moynihan, Taran Killam, Kenan Thompson, Aidy Bryant, Leslie Jones, second wife, jeopardy parody, date game parody, Helen Walsh, 2nd wife, in the future, future
Id: MJEAGd1bQuc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 7sec (307 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2015
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Brilliant. So funny. No character work or topical references needed! Just a hilarious concept and great reaction shots.
Nice one SNL.
Met my husband when I was 16 and he was 23. He got married. Then divorced. We got married when I was 29. Just sent him this.
It had an ending. Something the has been missing from most sketches on SNL for years.
Not available in my country, is there a mirror?
The delivery on that final reveal was incredible.
"I know I shouldn't...but they are so fun!" I love Lil' Baby Aidy
Bobby's reaction was priceless. One of the more underrated, particularly with reactions, in this generation.
They should do a skit where the people who over analyze SNL are thrown out of a plane without a parachute.
That was the funniest, ballsiest, smartest thing I've seen out of SNL in a long time. The fact that the audience was uncomfortable with laughing at the first reveal sort of summed that up.