When Ricky Carmichael Lapped The Entire Field

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This is awesome for several reasons. Lapping the entire field is amazing. Chad reed in this video is cool as he grew up riding in the suburb I work in. And this makes me feel better about the amount of times I stacked it at a motocross park after heavy rain lol

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Newie30 📅︎︎ Jul 19 2021 🗫︎ replies
and villaman is french so he's used to riding in the mud those guys are great they ride the mud all the time over there that's that's been villains he's still doing the jumps someone needs to hit this kid on the head tell him to chill out well things are different than they were a few minutes ago as so some fans are doing their imitation of an otter aaron bates to explain what happened when we saw these guys last it was completely dry conditions well take a look at this it's an absolute mess a downpour came down these guys are dealing with probably a foot of mud as you can see they're digging out a hole trying to get themselves some traction to get a good start i asked a couple of the mechanics what they did in order to get prepared in such a short amount of time they said basically it's a chinese fire drill change things such as grips some of them change some tires some hand guards little things like that add a couple of extra tear offs these guys are in store for a tough ride as the gate drops and everybody sort of eases out on the clutches here the whole shot award is going to go to a hero this time around and around the outside it is ricky carmichael carmichael got it you know these these guys goggles are done after one straight away and there's james stewart in second position right now of course carmichael winning motor number one stewart the runner-up so if they reverse it'll be stewart the overall winner but if ricky carmichael stays out in front he will earn yet again an overall here at spring creek these guys are having to figure it out as they go and it's uh it's tricky but you can see carmichael look how clean he is no mud on his number plate his goggles are perfect so he's got such an advantage now even james any times he gets up close to him if he does uh he's going to be ruining his goggles let's see those ruts on the inside full of water right there that's the kind of stuff ricky's great at looking ahead going okay those are those are full of water i need to go wide and he finds the line and just runs it carmichael out in front with james stewart in second position and wow what a mess i mean if it was a chinese fire drill now it's a crap shoot you know carmichael's not particularly a great mud rider in fact his his first big pro mud race was at high point in 1997 and and he did terrible he uh he still kind of laughs about that race i think one of the only guys he beat was me maybe the only mud rider worse than him back then taking your goggles off is like the biggest no-no but at a certain point if you just can't see through your goggles you don't have any choice so preparation guys will run extenders on their visors they'll take a goggle lens and tape it to the end of their visor to be able to block more mud and and protect their goggles guys will run hand guards you see carmichael's got the hand guards on if it does start to rain or if mud's getting splashed up those hand guards are going to block mud from hitting his grips which obviously that's that's your main contact point on the bike you've got to keep your grips dry and clean and yeah if you fall you're sticking your grip right in the mud take a look at this when you thought luck was bad it just got a whole lot rougher for chad reed seems always pulled over on the very first lap getting his mechanics to hammer a new set of goggles new set of gloves he can barely hold on to the grips top block here at millville for chad reed ricky carmichael carmichael coming up behind reed who stopped to get fresh gloves and goggles and now he's stuck in the mud stewart's insect stewart in second position just creeping down the hill we're used to seeing james going way faster than that as he comes up behind chad reed's bike that's stuck in the mud and now stewart is gonna join him so the the number two and number three motocross riders in the world have just sort of parked it together and can only look on in frustration how over it are those two guys they're just like dude i don't know i'm stuck what are you doing yeah i'm stuck too this sucks well just now ricky carmichael has just avoided almost all of those problems now he's looking a little more like everybody else and and and quite a bit like the loop monster in fact look at this what a comedy here comes villaman he manages to shoot through a gap that has also now collected jason thomas on the 31. goldman gets a standing o for that move he just did a one-hander pumped his fist for getting through a little muddy section that's funny yep the thrill of victory well you take it where you can where is james stewart don't go in there do not go in there so stewart trying to find some way to get moving and ricky carmichael's lead is just growing and growing what a mess look at this hey we need some circus music absolutely just sound effects you know oh this is too funny stewart's getting some help and they can't even stand the bike up oh i hate to laugh at the misfortune of others but you know what this is slapstick i've never been so happy to not be racing motorcycles in my life i've never been so happy to have never taken up racing motorcycles at least off see look at him wiping the grips that's going to be problems that is not legal to get outside assistance you can see kypo that's their suspension technician yeah but so so the officials are going to add insult to injury i mean what could they possibly do to penalize somebody more than mother nature has already done that appears to be ricky carmichael only because he's taking his hand off the bar every once in a while it could be brad majewski though we don't know there it is oh yeah from the back you can tell it is ricky carmichael in the number four makita suzuki white flag david villaman who was in second place crossed just in front of the leader carmichael at that moment carmichael broke another ama motocross record ricky carmichael comes down the hill past david villaman who's running second right now so carmichael has lapped the entire field here in millville there is no joy in millville today for anybody but ricky carmichael and he's showing plenty of it he's got to be pretty happy out there not only having fun but winning big laps the field wow that just happened dreb do you understand that wow he just lapped second place that's ridiculous and his lap times are so much faster over 20 seconds quicker than the second place rider carmichael is just on another planet here at millville today he's so smooth he looks like he's just totally comfortable like he's been a mud rider in his entire life and he's obviously made improvements maybe his mom forces him to go ride when it's muddy now that's part of the deal can you make mud out of florida sand well i guess if you try hard enough well millville is kind of sandy and that looks like mud to me that's uh definitely mud i'm going to say the jury is going to be unanimous about this this is mud this is mud and when he lands there's some more mud wow everybody looks like the whoop monster that's riding out there today ricky carmichael just on the look here it's still going on in that part of the racetrack at least when you come down these hills it is so slimy they've got one line they're all running but it's totally greasy he's 33 36 seconds slower in moto 2 than in moto number one but he's over 20 seconds faster than the next fastest rider in this moto that is something from another world well he's just having fun out there and if with a an entire one lap lead you would have to imagine that something completely impossible would have to happen in order for him to lose a one lap lead look at this oh i hate to make analogies about it being looking like a war zone but it certainly looks like a disaster area that's for sure yeah there's one dry person in millville today and it's not ricky carmichael but he doesn't seem to mind one bit he's shaking his head like he doesn't even understand what's going on out there you can't believe it ricky carmichael is going to win again but what a difference a year makes certainly not the kind of natural drama that we're seeing here somebody's got a smoker there mud and water all over the exhaust header probably making some steam carmichael just trying to make the last lap happen here even if he falls over he could take a nap and still win [Applause] perhaps for the final time at millville they're seeing ricky carmichael on a muddy day mother nature has dealt uh it's dealt out her very very worst and ricky carmichael has taken it all he's going to stop and enjoy this one well he got a little air with the front wheel over the finish jump and he sets another record lapping second place fans waiting at the podium for the awards and james stewart has been uh deducted a position for getting this outside help so indeed the officials have added insult to the injury he probably is just about just happy enough so with that he will drop one spot down the standings and here are the results of the moto with ricky carmichael david villaman in second who got lapped just as we came back from commercial and k-dub moves up to third overall i was struggling you know and they were pulling pulling all the tricks out of the bag trying to get me to where i felt good and the first motto i was just really tight rode really really bad i think the worst i've rode all season here's our overall results with carmichael volemen and windham moving into third position overall stewart down into fourth and uh chad reed as we mentioned tenth overall what was going through your head when you saw rc come and laugh you knowing that you were in second place and he had nobody left to laugh yeah you know that's why i love coming here i'd be ashamed but you know that's ricky is unreal so especially with this you know those conditions and when he passed me on the last lap i saw he was he was riding like almost he was driving you know he was uh i was doing my own race you know i was happy to be second kind of a little shame to get a lap down but i was actually happy i was getting tired so i well it's hard to believe he had absolutely nobody left on the track to the lap ricky i'm gonna call it straight out ten years ago you absolutely sucked in the mud and now take a look at this for sure i was terrible in the mud and uh you know what just the hard work of uh eldon baker and me you know gave me a lot of strength upper body and the whole body actually and uh you know i can't say enough for makita suzuki we were like fire drilling between motors and we prepared our bike for the worst conditions and they were gnarly this is the first time that you've ever been able to accomplish such an accolade such as this with nobody else to pass what's the feeling overall what's the emotion going through you i just wanted to do it like man i've never done that and i just saw as a motocross racer do that would be unbelievable so i just kept driving driving and was able to do it and uh just super super pumped man congratulations thank you you
Channel: 441 Motocross
Views: 863,639
Rating: 4.9440336 out of 5
Keywords: motocross, supercross, dirtbikes, racing, crashes, wrecks
Id: ux6p5QRyzDQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 8sec (668 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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