2021 AMA Motocross Hangtown 250 Moto 2 HD

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jeff all right focus on the start jet lawrence has got to get out of the gate better than he did the first moto and if you're justin cooper you have to believe that you can win this but the craziest thing lawrence has chosen to line up next to cooper cooper had the gate pick from qualifying a motor one okay justin cooper is a great starter lawrence has been good but struggled especially earlier today no way i would have lined up right uh to the right which is the outside of justin cooper but here we go man on man last motor of the year title on the line cooper is he gonna move over he sure does and shuts lawrence down cooper on the inside whole shot he's gonna be one of the husqvarna riders well neither one of them gets the whole shot oh it's for reason it is for ease into the lead cooper almost got knocked down he's into second so mission accomplished he got the jump and he shut lawrence down under the gate that's totally legal in motocross 75 time after pool is there as well in third okay couple of pro circuit kawasaki riders in fourth and fifth with shimoda and fortner jett lawrence your points leader has got his work cut out for him and he cannot make any of the mistakes that he made in moto one he is fast enough to finish seventh or better in this moto okay i think he was about ten meanwhile your leader there is ruiz the 241 then master pool's actually slipped by cooper who's on a 32 kawasaki is battling there's the 18 of lawrence so i'm going to say that's about top 10 right now he's got his brother on his right side on the inside and that's also another honda the 39 cars of mumford yup track is going to be dry and hard packing spots it's going to be wet and hard packed and slippery in spot this is a really difficult race course it's so easy to make mistakes oh he gets slammed and almost boxed out by mumford all getting roosted by the suzuki rider right in front of him i believe that's the 90 of schwartz he has to finish seventh in this motto if cooper wins but cooper's not leading he's back in third right now so much on the line for jett lawrence here 18 year old out of australia he's got to keep cool one of the front runners in the class he tucked the front he crashed that is going to be one last quick rider that lawrence will have to deal with he's got to use his head there's still so much racing left to go and he tries to get by following the 115 the orange red bull ktm there is the 18 of lawrence and it is just traffic jam early in this one you and i were both surprised to see oh no he goes down he tucks the front end he i believe he tapped the back of volin okay so three four riders just slipped by that is three crashes for lawrence here on championship day you've got to imagine that pressure is a part of this picture okay watch what happens see volin on the right there on the ktm they both come into the same line and volun checks up just a little bit lawrence has to check up just a little bit and gets the front tire i mean we're talking four inch difference here of just trying not to get into the back of him and goes down maybe he was aiming for that new inside rut right there bottom line is the honda once again down on the ground and lawrence has to pick himself back up oh and that puts him that's going to put him about 11th right now is what uh no sorry 13th and meanwhile justin cooper making it happen he's got around time masterful for a second and he has varies in his sights okay he's brand new to this factory bike he's never won a moto he's never been in the podium you've got to figure that cooper is looking for a way around and then he's going to run and hide here comes around the outside oh cooper's got to be careful way off the side of the track but he takes the lead okay cooper has got himself a clear track now he needs to focus everything he has on winning this moto and making no mistakes let's not discount the ride that varies is putting in here on that white and black rock star huss martin what a great start for the young rider great opportunity that he's taken advantage of here with rockstar hussman yeah he was a privateer on the road with his dad he got a phone call as they were driving back from our race in indiana to california for our next round and they called and said you want to ride our bike obviously he's taking it cool thing about this team is that they actually let him keep his old suspension on the bike it actually helped him test and improve it he's running his suspension not the factory team stuff well by old you mean his uh the current spec that he was running yeah okay his private tier bike suspension instead of him having to use their parts if it ends like this justin cooper will be the 250 national motocross champion but there are 25 minutes and two laps to go cooper is in a max point situation here he can score 25 in this motor when he cannot get in there are bonus points or anything like that in motocross it is up to hunter and jett lawrence working together in traffic to try to work their way forward okay jason the pressure is not just on jet lawrence the pressure is on justin cooper the difference is whether or not mentally you can stay engaged in the moment justin cooper can't start thinking about the championship he has to think about the immediate moment that is in front of him for the next 25 minutes plus two laps he can't worry about what's behind him what is happening with uh jett lawrence makes no difference to justin cooper so i said that the lawrence brothers are running information hunter has now yielded the jet so jet in the white jersey hunter his older brother in the aqua he's got around him i believe that is tenth place he needs to finish seventh in this moto right now with cooper out front and those positions are right there in front of him he's going for the pass okay jett lawrence is completely capable especially where he's at right now of riding up into a top seven position but remember what happened in moto 1 not just his own mistake but also mistakes by other riders and by not getting the whole shot this is what you have to deal with levi kitchen he's the 147 and teammate to cooper jet really sent it down that hill they almost collided he's got to deal with mumford as well no room can't make the pass let's see there's a little bottleneck right here mumford goes out to block uh the kitchen oh that's two riders in one turn great move by jett lawrence right now you can tell he's being really smart he's being patient and letting it come to him those were two of the easiest passes he's gonna make all day long next ahead of him is ty masterpool who has been so brilliant as a profiteer on the aeo gas gas ride inside the top ten multiple motors here late in the year lawrence has to be careful dealing with master pull he saw on the first lap run into the back of someone usually you're the one that goes down the next pass puts him in the position jason this could be it right here long way to go as he's looking for the opening on master pool lords to the inside oh back end stepped out is it enough to make this pass yes lawrence locks it down that might be enough for the title oh little squirrely cross ruts coming out of that turn oh kitchen got run into came into the back of master pool went down that would have been one of the allies for cooper one of the teammates kitchen tips over so as they come across the finish line that's going to put jett lawrence in seventh exactly the position he needs to lock up this title but still more than 20 minutes plus two laps the young australian rider has got to stay present he has to limit the mistakes he this is it the biggest moment of his professional motocross career he's got a little over 20 minutes to try to stay in the top seven and wrap up this title next riders in line for him schwartz and volund if it's a natural pace it takes him to them he's gonna have to make more passes and then try to avoid the contact that has been a big problem throughout his race day there is voland up ahead okay if you're lawrence right now you take some deep breaths you look ahead you uh analyze on who the writers are in front of you you know their personalities their their tendencies right and so now you're mentally putting together the strategy to how to how to finish off this moto okay you're also thinking about lines on the track what's working what is not working and then of course as you're going past lap riders you're thinking okay you have to be patient okay no more mistakes there's been enough of them here in the first moto and the start of this second motion for it battle up front you just saw ahead of him schwartz and volun really duking it out gonna be shimoda fourth fourthner third verees second cooper leads now jeff you had two different titles in this series come down to the last moto the last round how difficult is it to not think of the big picture and just think lap by lap turn by turn and try to ride like you would in practice well the best place to be in is win and you're in when and you win the title oh he gets a little squirrely right there too this is a really difficult place to be in because you start thinking okay do i have the points you're your mechanic is putting the messages uh as he's going to go through the mechanics area here mechanics going to take and hold the sign board out letting him know what position he's in the win and you win the title is such a great place to be because there's no nothing else to think about right now lawrence has to not get ahead of it okay don't think too much just do right i know people would say oh it's a good position he doesn't need to go all out and push to win the race but this is not what these guys are used to they don't ride at 90 ever so you you feel almost cooper's in a better spot points wise no but cooper's just going and riding like it usually does it's i just don't want to discount how difficult it is and mentally taxing it is on jet lawrence right now in the position we still have so much racing left to go and he's closing on the pack in front of him that volun and schwartz group meanwhile fortner has taken second place away from veriz and that's a thick pack right here we actually saw justin cooper going downhill in this section there you can see the leader and then look at this group yeah just as they came into that top turn i noticed volan kicked up one of those yellow track markers and it kicked up just as jett lawrence goes by that's what i'm talking about any little mistake like gets in there and kicks the front wheel and loses traction boom he would be out of position to win the title look at this battle incredible battle two kawasaki riders fortner and shimoda just side by side all the way around the track then schwartz and boland and verees right in there i mean these riders are really going at it second third fourth fifth sixth and then you get to lawrence here in seventh clinging to the title he would get it it would actually be i believe a tie he has the tiebreaker he will have more moto wins by one over cooper if it ends like this it's just too close for comfort for anyone associated with hrc honda and the lawrence family and of course his legion of fans uh not just here in america but back in australia so he's closing on it would be very's next in order that's two laps in a row that he's got a little sideways up that step up can jet lawrence hang on can he ride in the moment can he avoid the pressure the drama it has been a very rough day for him he came in with a huge points lead 23. nearly one whole motto there's his uh mechanic yeah so he's got one 21.7 that tells him that he's at a 221.7 so that's his lap time and then hit your marks it's like don't make any mistakes just focus breeze is coming back to lawrence pretty quickly right now that's going to be another point in getting him out of that tie break situation i know but he's got to be a little nervous when he has to make the pass on someone because we've seen the downsides a couple of times today when you're trying to make moves usually you can make the pass clean but spider makes a mistake in your side by side jason what were you doing when you were 18 i mean think about think about yes yeah he's 18 and he's on the cusp 17 minutes plus two laps and he's going to be the 250 pro motocross champion yeah he just turned 18 this is like a high school freshman or a high school senior uh you're just having a good time he has all the weight of the world on his shoulders at 18 years old right now as he tries to get around breeze and build up a little bit of a cushion in the point standings and it's been so long since honda has won this title yeah 2011 10 years or sorry 2010 actually with trey canard so we're going 11 years deep here it is down to the inside he makes the move on varies so he would have the title with a tie now he'd have a one point lead win the title by a point if it ends like this well he's got schwartz right in front of him starting to come together for jet now but we are still in the first half of this moto justin cooper 6.1 seconds up on this group that you see right here the kawasaki rider of shimoda forkner well and jason this track started out earlier today in qualifying practice completely smooth very nice track prep by the crew really tacky fast i believe the fast lap time was well yeah right right now the fastest lap that anyone turned this time around was cooper at a 221 the track is 10 seconds slower so what some thought would be an easy track in this final moto it is really difficult also one thing for me personally that always made it tough is late in the day all these shadows here's the moves trying to get his lines just like he did in moto one he got schwartz in the same section of the track and he waves to him again on the same jump like he did in moto one thank you i know who's buying donuts at the end dylan schwartz is going to get him a free donut at the end of this because he did not make it difficult for jett lawrence so jett lawrence up to fifth that would give him a two-point advantage in the standings in our final motor of the year as justin cooper continues to lead [Music] [Applause] and more traffic up ahead let's see if he goes after volund i have to admit it's a pretty good ride actually all the pressure on his shoulders he's just trying to not make mistakes but he's still his speed is taking him up toward the podium positions here second place is just at the top of the hill yeah such a tight battle there between shimoda forkner and volun and now lawrence has has clawed his way into the conversation for the podium he looks a lot better than he did a few laps ago here starting to flow around this racetrack vol going after forkner forkner goes wide volan's got him and this could be a pass oh fortner swerves across the track he wanted to get to the outside yeah wow taking the long way around is faulkner there and it looks like he's going to give up the spot to lawrence [Music] almost getting together that was close so another spot for jet lawrence that was a bad lap there for fortner he lost position to both volin and another one to lawrence so it's getting better for lawrence now a little more room in the points to play with at one point he was clinging to it he's gonna win the title with a tie any other mistake he would have lost ground now if he lost a position or two for whatever reason he would still have the crown lawrence right now is about 10 and a half seconds off of the lead last time around jett lawrence turned to 222 which was the same as a cooper who's up front but it was shimoda with the fastest lap uh last time feed off the pegs there for jett lawrence coming out of that right hander goes back into the attack so we can reset the order as they come through the line here coopers lead six seconds on shimoda volund up to third looking for a podium here at his home race the first year pro and fourth place is jet lawrence and closing on volun doesn't need any additional positions to win this title just has to stay focused keep the honda 250 on two wheels ntt indycar series laguna sica it's so fun to watch any form of racing there that'll be next sunday at three o'clock on nbc indycars diving down the corkscrew not too far from here northern california we are at hangtown prairie city ohv the honda people are cheering their man jet lawrence who has made it much more nerve-wracking than we expected to be he's been a nail-biter all day a whole bunch of crashes a whole bunch of problems he has ratcheted it back up he's moved into the number four position that would give him the title by my estimates by about three points justin cooper who's second in the series looking to go 1-1 in the two motors today score maximum points but time might be up for cooper well a really famous quote that we all give from the greatest champion ever in ama lucas oil pro motocross ricky carmichael he's said so many times you win your championships on your bad days your tough days how how do you manage those tough days for lawrence after four straight moto wins you thought okay he has the potential to come in and dominate this last race but moto 1 started out horribly two times on the ground moto 2 has been much the same very very difficult and jett lawrence has found a way to put him in the position and possibly win this title with 10 minutes and two laps to go yeah we're under the final 15 minutes of the season you could save 15 or more on your insurance with a 15-minute phone call to geico the old geico honda team the vestiges of that that team shut down at the end of last year hunter and jet lawrence were on that squad they were absorbed into the factory honda hrc unit a lot of the staff members came over there as well they are trying to win the title and honda's return for the factory effort to this class now second place shimoda has been caught by volan so volun really rallying here at his home race track yeah bowling family residence about 15 minutes from here he certainly put plenty of laps in here at prairie city hangtown national she's been around since the 70s we've got a great battle here i i i expected bowling to be strong today but this is the end of the second moto last race of the championship and look how okay we talked about though you talked about the corkscrew at laguna seca the road race coming up it's like we have our own little corkscrew here on this first hillside here at prairie city so volun looking for a first ever moto podium he's in third already he wants to take second away from shimoda and the volun family absolutely legends here both his dad talon and his uncle tyson former pros and race winners at the highest level oh i raced against both of them they were tough yep so the fans here they've been screaming the volun name from these fences for a long long time now it's max second generation rider looking to take second away from shimoda the rider out of japan shimoda has been so strong the last couple of rounds of this series really serving notice that he could run for race wins in 2022 as we go back to jet lawrence looking to put the finishing touches on this championship with nine minutes and two laps remaining well he has had a tough day i mean so mentally taxing especially for somebody of his age and maturity but i mean he has found a way to stabilize every everything's just starting to get the blue flag going past some lap riders right now but found his focus 10 minutes plus two laps to go and he'll be your 250 champion he cannot afford to make any more mistakes i can tell you that his brother hunter also very fun to talk to great personality on both of them and he always talks about how it usually goes to lawrence way it's never the easy way so they left australia to go to europe to really cut their racing teeth they found that in past in the past a lot of the australians who spent some time in europe seemed to do better in the united states with that additional bit of experience they did not try to come straight to america it was a hard scrabble existence not making any money moving halfway across the world they made enough of a name for themselves in europe to get good rides here in america we're watching lawrence from two angles here as he tries to finish this off uh but it really looked like everything was coming together for jet with the four straight moto wins coming into this well it ended up being the lawrence way the hard way again today two crashes in moto one and another one here in moto two but he is on the verge of pulling this out by the slimmest of margins yeah he's just gone through what has now shaped up to be the really the most difficult part of the track there the those off-camera left and right we'll show you some of the incidents from earlier first a bad start in moto one that put him way back and then had two crashes early and had to come from about last place he's able to rally into the top ten but several times throughout the day we were in the position where justin cooper would have won the title if the race had ended this is the first lap of our first race earlier yeah jett lawrence just uh gets a little sideways through this little rhythm section and then also the rider goes down and in front of him he has to slam on the brakes almost goes over the bars this is moto 2 early in moto 2 set himself back once again but he's kept his cool trusted his training and his speed and all of his preparation and now he's worked his way up into the number four position which right now is good enough to win the title if he can get it done we have certainly seen today in hangtone that anything can happen and we felt when you look at the personality the carefree spirit of jet lawrence that maybe he would be immune to pressure no one is at this level it has certainly been a rough race day for him but he is in position to take this title jett lawrence less than 10 minutes away from his first ever professional championship [Music] well then we go up front here and find our leader justin cooper who's really having just a fantastic day just a lonely ride up front about 7.2 seconds in the lead doing everything that he needs to do and if i'm his mechanic the team manager and every i'm not showing justin cooper anything if he chooses to try to find and spot who's in second third fourth fifth all of that let him do that but keep him focused on the checkered flag that's all he can do is try to win this motive well we now know what happened to justin cooper he had the points lead midway through the year and jet lawrence was struggling and at washougal he crashed he's not been the same rider since he's kept the cards close to the vest he finally told you this morning jeff yeah breaking news that's what i do well it's the writer to writer okay camaraderie and trust uh i bet you asked him two weeks ago he would have given me the same swerve as everyone else he didn't want to say he was hurt no and yeah and and and so that is a little bit of gamesmanship you don't want to show any weakness let your competition know what's going on uh it's also you know you don't want to talk about it you just want to you know focus on what you have to get done but he's also not made any excuses for it either could he easily been in the press and here with our nbc and math tv broadcast he hasn't done that and uh you you really have to respect how he's gone about that yep all he's done is say i need to give it my own i need to be better and we're on the verge of looking back at a few key moments throughout the year that could have swung this title in either direction with how close the points are going to end up final moments of the 2021 lucas oil pro motocross championship justin cooper is looking to leave a winner max points today 1-1 scores and it was almost enough to take the points lead and the title away from jet lawrence jet lawrence is clinging to it back there and forth it would be enough to keep cooper from getting this title well and let's think back months before this championship started the final round of monster energy super crosstalk caught on nbc justin cooper was the rider that was in the final race of the championship having to manage a bad start and just get into position to win the title and if i'm not uh mistaken it was jett lawrence that was winning right now the tables have turned between the two title combatants and uh justin cooper's out front trying to win the race and lawrence is having to manage the championship by riding through the pack what a difference here in the last five months but they have been the two best 250 riders of 2021 yeah when you balance it out colt nichols won a super cross title as well but nickels not up there in motocross and then missed the last couple rounds with injury and cooper is going to come oh so close and it started with this a motorsport hole shot replay will show it he not only gets to jump but he moves over on lawrence which shoves lawrence into the middle of the pack and meanwhile though that's going to be joshua reese start of the year the 241 on the rockstar energy husqvarna takes that motosport.com whole shot and cooper cooper was close to it and even through the second turn it looked like cooper might try to uh go around the outside and and take the lead early didn't but he has the lead now a little over two minutes plus two laps to go lawrence has made the move on vol that'll get him to third in the moto he needed to finish seventh throughout the title so it has come together for him the first ten minutes quite shaky but he has found his pace now taking the podium spot away from volund if you go go ahead no i was just saying this is such a difficult time of the day when you get into these really deep ruts that's when some of the shadows are starting to form and wherever those lines are dark even from the trees right here this is where it gets difficult for the riders and jet laurence you have got to stay focused razor sharp concentration you are on the cusp of the most successful biggest day of your life and of your motocross career let's see how lawrence picked off bowling for the number three position from our parts unlimited drone it's gonna go the long way around stays low over this tabletop finds a smooth line way on the left here the outside then becomes the inside and makes the pass on young max molar well they're both young at this point i guess yeah they're about the same i think bola might have just turned 19 and lawrence is 18. if you go through jett lawrence's instagram you and i did the deep dive this week scrolling down to the bottom it is quite heartwarming to see at one point you see him have a send-off party with his elementary school friends from australia when he was about to head to europe and at that point it was really his brother hunter i think that was the better prospect only because jet was so young but jett did put himself on the map at one point when he won the world championship to the junior cup and a 65 cc motorcycle went to europe won that world cup a couple years later they decided to embark on an european adventure but to see that he was just a regular kid in elementary school in australia leaving for europe packing his bags with his brothers his parents head to europe they're on the radar but i gotta say it wasn't like people five years ago the united states were saying we have to get the lawrence brothers i give a lot of credit actually their agent lucas myrtle he was shopping and saying these kids will be here someday and they will be good so think about he's in grade school right yeah i mean only the biggest dreamers would say oh yeah this is possible 99.9 percent of people out there why would a a young kid from australia become this big motocross champion right yeah like what's the chances right but jett and his family they have big dreams big aspirations and up to this point they are right on the cusp of living those dreams becoming a pro motocross champion racing with some of the best motocross riders in the world here in america well what we have seen in this sport as of late there was a time where certain riders were coming through and winning at every level especially you think ricky carmichael and james stewart they just wanted every displacement class every age and they just kept on winning it has not come easy for really anyone since then and now a lot of teams trainers and coaches believe you have to sprinkle a little grit a little adversity in there and to come from australia go through europe and then get to the united states that is adversity that is great so they've seen both sides of it it has not been eight years old signed to a contract making money we're gonna make your life easy it has not been like that for the lawrence family maybe that pays off in moments like this two lap board is out jason he's backed it way down now meanwhile justin cooper is revealed to you jeff emmick racing with a broken thumb the last couple of weeks he still rode well but it wasn't well enough to stop jet lawrence from winning motos and taking the points lead away well he's gonna end it on a high note though yeah and this is what's part of this championship and why the lucas oil pro motocross championship is so coveted why it's so difficult okay it's 12 races 24 motors okay in keeping yourself healthy not getting sick keeping the bike on two wheels all that is so important it's such a big part of this and justin cooper finishing this championship still got a lap and a half to go trying to finish this championship off but you gotta wonder like what a momentum swing it was when he crashed on his own with just a couple laps to go at washougal uh how it changed the face uh of this uh championship he he was going to win the race that day lawrence was struggling he was gonna win the overall yeah he's gonna win the overall uh lawrence was struggling cooper was stretching the points lead yeah two laps to go a crash in an area you don't normally see people crash no no horsepower hill we now know led to a thumb injury he's still got a couple other moto wins but he was just never quite as sharp especially in the second motos and then once jet got the momentum he stomped on it and that's what allowed him to build that point sleeve that he really needed today he needed every point yeah but a nice way to round this finish this championship off taking a look over his left shoulder trying to see where the riders are at like i said it if i was on the monster energy yamaha team i would not let him know where jet was at all i i would just keep him focused keep him in the moment right now and go out and win the race win the motors you know i'm thinking the irony here justin cooper has been incredibly consistent throughout his career he will have a podium 12 out of 12. in the races this year he is over 50 for his career in motocross's podium rate but what he said all year is i need to be more than just a podium guy i need to be a guy that gets one once he's finally going to do it in the final race and it's going to be one of the more disappointing days of his career because he's probably going to end up second in the series but he finally does get the 1-1 that he wanted so badly yeah i mean he he knew and and you really had the feeling that whoever could notch that first 1-1 was going to set themselves apart jett lawrence was the writer to do that well this is it jason we're on the final lap cooper is doing everything that he could possibly do today to put himself in the position and with just a lap to go can jet lawrence who right now runs in third finish this moto off to give himself the title and we'll give you the coverage of both the parts unlimited drone will show you the 18 of lawrence looking to bring it home has to stay error-free as cooper on the bottom is headed to his second race win of the year the key stat though is we said 12 podiums in 12 rounds normally you do that that's enough for a title he's going to come up a few marks short he's going to gain 17 points on jet lawrence today but he was down 23 when we began racing here at hang town so we're gonna come up six points short of the title well difficult track there are so many little small edges and and bumps square edges out there that can that can force you into a mistake but if if you're the top screen they're the number 18 of jet lawrence this is the longest lap of your career justin cooper bounces back three subpar races while dealing with injury lost the points lead found himself with a huge deficit he rode brilliantly today looking for the first 1-1 of his career and he will bring it home we don't know as you said if the team has even informed him of where the points are he probably doesn't know what the situation is he never saw really jet lawrence at all today all he can do is win races he did his part but it appears he's going to come up a few points short and meanwhile the jet lawrence fans are just a few moments away from a jubilant celebration here it is justin cooper gets the 1-1 he wanted cooper wins hank town and now the count begins just one turn away you can hear the celebratory red lawrence is the 2021 lucas oil pro bono cross champion [Applause] and the celebration the brass there from honda and his mechanic kristen ducharme a graduate of the pro sm sx mx tech school and there the two riders embrace they kept it clean all year cooper and lawrence shimoda was buddies with lawrence there to congratulate him as well and there's the fans and what a great shot jason i mean those three really have been the standout riders all season long yeah shimoda really came on strong as of late and you don't even see i think it's almost more shock or just an emotional relief there's his brother hunter and now i think it's starting to sink in the first few moments i think it was just emotional exhaustion he went through the ringer today earned this title you were here [Music] [Music] yeah see the congratulations from family and uh team members down here great to see that uh people like shane drew johnny o'mara the entire honda crew down there making sure they get a little closer proud [Music] wow [Applause] two wins in a row the series finale at this track last year and jet lawrence wins the opener for 2021 for the first time since the last weekend of maine our series opener chet lawrence has won the overall takes it at unidilla motor number one and ironman raceway belongs to jet lawrence he needed the 1-1 he gets the 1-1 jet lawrence has taken the points lead and the race win and jett lawrence wins again at fox raceway [Music] young jett lawrence is already one of the most popular riders in motocross and supercross but now he has proven his championship bonafides a now fighting season back and forth all year he has claimed the number one play let's send it to ashley well the crowd has fired up here to celebrate with jet lawrence on this championship but i'm going to introduce you guys to mike pelletier the ama director of racing congratulations on an amazing season on behalf of the ama and mx sports pro racing it gives me great pleasure to present you with the 2021 lucas oil pro motocross championship 250 number one play thank you let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] an emotional roller coaster of a day for jett lawrence as he comes in to this championship jet you're holding that number one play plate how does it feel it feels so great because oh my gosh i rode so bad today i i and cooper wrote awesome i had a a great year he's uh i loved racing him and he always keeps you on your toes especially with those starts but um no i just got to thank the whole crew who got me here i can't thank them enough um my manager lucas my whole family my brother and and all of hrc because without them i wouldn't be here and and there's even people in uh in europe that uh helped me get here so i i love them all but uh i know it's a very special day for me but and i know it's a very special day for you guys so uh people had to go through that 9 11. um i'm very sorry and the survivors i i hope you guys recovered well and i wish you guys all the best so yeah congratulations i'd like to present to you your 2021 250 lucas oil pro motorcross champion yeah even uh lived at ken rockson's house in germany roxanne's dad helped coach him when he was in europe they have made their way to the united states the lawrence brothers factory honda has themselves another champion [Music] and then it is back to work it's back to the grind after that so looking forward to completely cancel these riders and then guess what until we see the meals upon us gonna see some new rides gonna see some uh guys get new colors out there to get some new uh contracts going on all kinds of stuff about to happen here in the off-season but in just a couple months we'll be right back to the action one more time so um down hey wow the carson city motorsports hangtown classic is brought to you by geico motorcycle 15 minutes could save you 15 or more on motorcycle insurance and by lucas oil keep that engine alive and honda already celebrating with champagne of their own jen embraced with his mechanic christian they have wrapped up the title valent effort today to keep the championship hopes alive for justin cooper he will win the race and finish second of the series here's ashley and he's been the most consistent rider on the podium each and every round justin you've been after this one one all season long in the end it wasn't enough for the championship but what do you take out of the season as a whole yeah you said it right there on the podium every weekend overall it's a big accomplishment for me and uh yeah i just i gave it all i had this is what i had to do but uh yeah i i think everyone has seen the slump i've had the last few weekends and that uh watch google crash ended up having a fracture in my thumb so was trying to keep that a little quiet and uh you know trying to protect myself in this championship and we did give it all we had no excuses jeff put in a lot of hard work this year and i i don't think anyone really realizes how long and hard this championship is physically and mentally so huge congrats to that team and uh jet they had an awesome season and yeah i'm proud of myself we were able to rebound and maybe a little bit too late but we we tried our butt off the whole season that's what counts so proud of myself proud of the whole team for sticking behind me uh you know giving me all the tools i need to succeed like this and yeah it was a great season bittersweet my first one one of the year and we came up a little bit short but we gave it all we had and that's that's uh what matters to me so just gotta get up to the whole team monster energy star racing yamaha toyota of escondido thor parts unlimited alpine star belle 100 dunlop my girlfriend my family rhino power cci knee braces uh big shout out to my mechanic jelly he's uh it's his birthday today uh never forget uh this whole uh 911 thing it's uh i'm from new york so it's really really close to me and uh yeah it's all in all a great day um yeah happy birthday mechanic again glad to get the one one for him he's he's tried his butt off it's all been a long season on all of us and uh thank you all the fans this year for rooting us on you guys are what make the sport so great and yeah let's uh let's have a vacation well congratulations on a solid season justin cooper finishes 1-1 on the season and for a guy who really hadn't been able to ride much the last month he certainly was strong at the finale how about that's our champions jett lawrence of the 250 class and on the right dylan ferrandis in the 450 class that's cool to the victors goes goes the spoils right now and i think
Channel: MOTOHighlights
Views: 199,236
Rating: 4.8321276 out of 5
Keywords: motocross, supercross, sx, nationals, round, raceway, ride day, winner, highlights, dirt bike, ama motocross, pro motocross, ama motocross 2021, ride a dirt bike, motocross motivation, motocross 2021, motocross battle, lucas oil motocross 2021, lucas oil motocross, 2021 motocross prep, moto 1, 450 moto 1, 450 moto, budds creek 2021, budds creek mx, budds creek, budds creek motocross park, budds creek pro national, budds creek national, 250 moto 1, 250 moto, CRASH, QUAD, Round 12
Id: gA50z-011RU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 10sec (2890 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 11 2021
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