Red Bull Imagination Competition: Big Wrecks and Huge Sends (2021) Ep 3

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everyone here is some like 12 of the best guys in the world at what we do let's go things got a lot more intense today you're out of your mind we're out here in k-dubs kingdom they're calling it this because kdub's famous for all of his transfers the biggest thing is just getting their lines down and remembering uh their their line because it's going to be a challenge for these guys to be able to remember where they're going honestly because this place is so big with so many options and so many big jumps that you don't want to come up short this place is gnarly this year like so gnarly everywhere you turn you have a jump you can hit back and to get to the other side the boys are feeling comfortable and confident we like that there must be a hundred plus hundred plus jumps out here and we got some of the best free riders ever i'm stoked to be here here durham tell us what you think that was good that was perfect that's his bad leg too damn it that hurt bro i case that thing hard it's squared too hey at least you look good doing it yeah thanks [Music] yeah what was this one this wasn't 90 was it from there to there i thought was it 93 this one there is 95. but can you judge off distance because that don't mean anything to me [Music] as thick as the turn [Music] we're in the kda playground just kind of picking it apart trying to hit all the new jobs we're cruising there's dudes flying everywhere right now [Music] i felt like rc is prime with the best whip i didn't think was coming back yeah they're gonna look at that big dog right now yeah tyler so dialed yeah glad i'm watching just second out of that thing when you land like yeah i love moto talk [Music] plenty of hang time here goes cole for his first time hitting it yeah when you see him getting bucked you're like i'm gonna go grab the shovels real quick go ride and i'll finish this go ride with them hit that thing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] savage i knew i saw you straight jumping the way you did i'm like he's flipping last year i waited to the last day to do a backflip and this year i'm like i just want to get familiar with everything so i can try to put together a good run strategizing a little bit but it's all fun this jumps perfect for flips we need to get biermann in the pit now [Music] [Music] [Applause] where's the you press record right here oh i nailed it nailed it yeah he's gonna do it again [Music] man we've been riding a lot of dirt bikes and ready to go chill so sick right especially all lit up so dope let's just go over the fun box and then cut around who wants the leads it probably put me in the middle whatever let's just alterney [Music] [Music] it's almost overwhelming because it's like how how creative do you want to get [Music] this year looks way funner than last year everyone here is some like 12 of the best guys in the world at what we do [Music] yes [Music] i just saw it from way back there i was like yeah [Music] [Applause] oh that was sweet what do you think we call our knife yeah my ankle's just real sore well we got nothing to prove tonight [Music] what is this like day four practice i think tomorrow's the contest so today uh since there's like a hundred different jumps out here we've only hit each jump like a few times i'm gonna go out and kind of start playing my run and just kind of get dialed in on each individual jump i got about one two three four like four and a half five jumps that i need to get down set like really only like three big ones that i haven't hit yet that like i'll just make raha or somebody tow me into oh i'm good i don't need to it would be pretty sick if you could jump this thing and then somehow i was just talking about that would actually i feel like you can yeah you can't you just like you're gonna click third and just go just boys are doing some last minute testing and piecing of their lines together yeah josh so as you can tell this is the last day before contest everyone's starting to dial in their lines i think with like all the dudes that you have here this year too like every single person is so creative and so good at other different aspects of this course like so you get to see everything that's possible here [Music] judging it this year honestly for me i'm just looking for like an overall impression every jump that you hit how good your timing was like how smooth everything was and like just literally overall impression for me that's that's what i always look for like if you do a run that makes me feel like i want to go ride like i'm like that's when i'm impressed josh i got 100 bucks on whoever teased that shark fin up first this is one of the only ones that hasn't been hit yet and i think they just need to come out here and they just need to handle this thing just get it done get it out of the way and you'll know and it'll piece so many more of your lines together if you can get this feature done [Music] [Applause] all right you don't have me nothing i owe you like a thousand for all the jumps you towed me into 100 bucks i'm a man of my wow i just saw this transfer from a distance hill just finally hit this and it's probably i think it's 110 feet down this hill and opening up the course even more look at him trying to snake my line it ties in nice with his though so i'll share it that's so fun seeing everybody's ideas hey radio to them tell him ask josh what do you think i feel like this one like i don't know if you'd even get the speed very good you think we got it i think if you can carry enough speed right here across this loose stuff and get your angle dialed in yes i think you got it got this right [Music] so that's how it's done folks there you are with the general ryan seif showing all the freeride boys how it's done that's the bourbon drop it's got her done made it happen that's cool [Music] yeah dude dude it's not as bad as it looks huh so this is one of the options crossing over from kdub's kingdom back into the front side where the big dogs in the jib section are dialed back across the road wow [Music] what the hell all right yeah how did it stall you all right sipes superman over here dude that was so gnarly good holy i can't believe you're all right like just barely two no dirt's hard yeah did you see it okay i'm all right i think it feels all right yeah because i just hit that burn one third like kind of hard and i went pretty far yeah the berm the berm one and then i think i'm just gonna hit it third on it [Music] the backside was so scary looking coming over that thing i thought i was casey i greased it whenever you're lining up for these kind of jumps you're thinking like all right like 20 seconds from now it could be stoked or i could be like really messed up it's about everything you got to hit it coming off of that scrubber pretty fun and then i was able to link it into my whole run so that was cool i'm ready for uh comp day at least on this section colby nice work bro i already know tv would have would have no problem hitting it first that was that was the that was one of them i was like i gotta get that thing so so far tyler's hit every jump first how hard and third you hit that thing like and hard card just landed on it yeah like third on it yeah here we go yeah that looks pretty sick dude that looks like a video game boys are hitting this thing i don't know how big it is but it's pretty big here comes sealy evil can evil himself first time was pretty sketchy he already admitted to me he didn't even plan on hitting it and just went for it because he had a good line now these dudes are trying to trick this bad dog the boys are using their imagination holy that is gnarly dude that thing is so sick that is not a small jump hey guys it's time to talk about the competition tomorrow that's gonna be quite simple we'll have two session one in the morning one in the afternoon you guys are gonna go in a defined order and five minutes of rolling time that's that's it you can choose any line you want the track will belong to you yeah don't look at not only one only one it's not beer tickets okay guys now look at your starting order damn number one [Laughter] hey i am number one be here i'm double one right now you're getting the worst score i'm gonna come back no one's ever 100 ready right but yeah morning of the comp all these dudes focus right now is insane like no one's even looking at each other and really talking to each other they're just like okay here we go [Music] it's competition day we thought we had everything figured out tyler found another big line i'm in the zone i uh took yesterday off and everyone else got to do some runs so i'm now trying to piece everything together this morning try to get it done biermann was eyeing this thing up as of late last night and i think he's at least 110 feet i think he's a little out of his mind can you go 160 in second gear terrifying [Music] huge [Music] i don't know if i'm gonna do that one again contest getting ready to go down um got the judges up here rebel imagination kansas biermann's imagination is really jacked up i feel bad for his parents at the same time i gotta thank his parents for this kid but let's get ready to go down it's gonna be pretty damn good let it happen captain yep the vibes i don't things got a lot more intense today it was all fun and games but now for me it's still fun and games so uh i'm seeing my competition they're starting to get kind of rigid kind of stiff you know like a like an old tree branch it's gonna be real hard to to pick a winner here because everybody's doing something gnarly that's really in their own little realm colby raha first ride of the day i'm the first guy to go so like whatever i do other people could try to copy it or one-up me or whatever that was bad magnitude on his scale is up he's big yeah i have no idea what i'm going to do yet my thing is the short steep stuff such a surreal experience can't believe i'm riding this place something straight out of a video game [Music] well i'm not going to probably do too many tricks but uh i'm going to try to just it's some pretty big transfers got a couple creative lines coming backwards off some stuff landed on the side of some stuff just keep an eye out for some mini flips that's what i'm good at keep your eye out for some wheelies keep your eye out for some donuts i'm gonna do some donuts out there baby my favorite jumper out here i think is the jump over the trees i thought that was gonna be one of the scariest jumps out here but that was the least scariest jump out here so it really says a lot about all these jumps i do like the moon booter this one's actually this one's one of my favorite jumps over here the old fishbowl without walking this yourself you will never understand how gnarly all this stuff is i'm just gonna try to flow flow really hard you know have some style out there and i mean it's gnarly what am i supposed to do i'm gonna go have a good run try to hit everything smooth that was sick this is the pinnacle of free riding i was asked earlier what's better than this and the only answer i had was imagination 3.0 next year probably step down downhill all the way down do a 270 around the turn land on the left square the corner hit the berm after it to the downside of the shark fan landing you know tyler's obviously hurting that's gonna hinder him slightly it's an open course and you gotta put it all together i know i'm gonna excel in some sections but i'm gonna get my ass kicked and others and i'm obviously not doing tricks so it's gonna be super interesting to see how it all plays out he's definitely going to go big and toss but i think it's going to come down to an axel colby they've got that same tossy style but i think the judges are going to score a couple tricks and they're in their favor everyone's riding the same thing so it's going to be challenging to do a five minute run and do everything perfect over all these insane huge jumps so my goal is just to get through the whole chorus and link the whole thing together and look good while doing it and do some cool tricks let's give it up one more time for axel hodges [Applause] we are ready i'm getting my judging panel sorted out we got uh line creativity magnitude style and flow and individual innovation there what we're judging people on so whoever sticks it the best is going to be the overall winner i better get going that was sick to start off with [Music] that was bigger than the first one when he did it just held that thing [Music] oh yeah that was dope that was big dude i feel like he's right there with raha but i'm not sure if he's right in front of him or literally like one point behind him dude he's not gonna walk tomorrow [Music] you're out of your mind [Music] [Applause] that was psycho i was gnarly [Music] overall like axel uses the whole course but the two huge gnarly things he stepped it up he did way better because he got lost a couple times like he was like cruising around coming up short you know what i mean like i don't think raha's run was as flawless as axel's first run with everything dialed in it honestly now he's gonna flip this thing yep perfect that was big dick he held it forever [Music] [Music] good job buddy thank you no joke five minutes ain't easy the sport took a whole new level this week in my opinion and uh to have everyone walk away in one piece is like makes it all worth it what is wrong with you that was the sickest thing i've ever seen on the quarter five that was so sick good job and you handled this dude you're a savage good job man oh we're done here imagination 2.0 final run i was like i gotta do something i was gonna flip that first double but i did count everyone stepped up their game and just seeing you guys push and take this to the next level this is this is how we grow this sport and this is this is how we keep it going in third place my counterpart tyler behrman [Applause] second place throwing down a gnarly second run throwing down some unprecedented stuff we got to give it to colby roja [Music] [Applause] they're all three pushing each other but standing on the top we've got axel hodges today [Applause] we're out that's a wrap for red bull imagination 2.0 what do you think [Applause] you
Channel: Red Bull Motorsports
Views: 208,874
Rating: 4.963933 out of 5
Keywords: red bull, red bull motorsports, motorsports, motorsports videos, redbull, axell hodges, x games, dirt bikes, red bull imagination, red bull imagination 2.0, motocross, skate, gta 5, trick, dirt bike videos, dirt bike riding, tyler bereman, tyler bereman whip, whip, x games 2021, x games skateboarding, snowboarding, 2 stroke vs 4 stroke, dirt bike sounds, motorcycle, moto madness, session, sports, events, ryan sipes, slay, axell hodges crash, axell hodges real moto, robbie maddison
Id: Ljmpx3HcR6Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 4sec (1444 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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