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All right. We're checking out the only game where the thing that you find at the end of the pot of gold is pain. It's Happy Wheels. Not only can you win by getting the pot of gold, my editor's on here. Also, uh, besides the fact that I'm dancing all over yeety in order to get to just playing bad, I have to mention, why is there a landmine chilling out underneath my feet? All right, let me get another lucky charm refill here. Yeet. I want that shout out. [chuckles] Minor. Come on. I feel like that's better than bad. Ooh, yeet. It's just the average yeet, but you gotta start somewhere. [laughs] Into the holy hole. Oh, man, I can get the holy hole quite easily nowadays. Wow. Really? I feel like that should count for something. Come on, baby. What? The leaning tower of sadness. Yeah-- Really? Hey, Zach, I did it. All right now that I ca- now that I've gotten that outta the way. Into the col-- All right. Resting on the colon. That's good. Yeah. Come on, baby. Ah, Happy Wheels addict. Very good. There we go. Now we're in the colon. I'm getting that pot of gold. I don't care what it takes. I almost got the four-leaf clover. Really? How am I constantly able to disappoint myself? That's like a special skill. The pot of gold is gonna be a real demonic entity to attempt to beat as well, because I've got double spinning pink death. Oh, cool. Look at it-look at it. It's right there-it's right there. Oh, yeet reaper. I got the full king, the full-- I still can't get the pot of gold, but I got the full king. This is the greatest. I want my shout-out. Okay. I've gotten everything I want. All that I need now is the pot of gold. Come on- or don't. That's fine too. I mean, I'm gonna-- All right. The pot of gold is mine, an end to sadness. Time has come for Reginald run. Dad, I see the portal, but it's across a lava pit. Run over my clones to get there. You got it, son. But before I do this-- Oh, there's a-- [screams] I am so happy that there was lava to jump into. Minecraft, go-- Woo. Uh. [laughs] I won? It's called epic rope swing. This is a wall or? All right. I'm dead. Okay. So rope swing, jump, grab-- Oh yes, no. Hmm, I wonder if I can save this. All right, Nixon. I need your help here, brother. Oh, this is happening. Come on, baby. Come on, you can do this-you can do this. Oh yeah. Yeah, there it is. There it is. Okay. Now, ready and boop. Come on, baby. Get those legs up. Get the legs up. [grunts] Yes. Uh, oh. Oh, God. Ooh. Whoa. I'm-I'm incredible. Uh. Hmm. All right, let's straighten the arms out. There we go. And get ready for the yeetiest. Oh, that's fine, that is fine. We still have one arm left and that's a cannon to get into-uh, oh, I'm dead. Oh no, I'm fine. Fine. I thought it was gonna sever my body. Ah, please be a winning platform. Yeah. This is called adventure part one. I think I saw something. Me too. What was that? Did you see that just then? I'm pretty sure that was a rocket. I want to check out daycare first, though. Oh, it's a real daycare. Well, now I feel bad. It's never actual daycare. All right, Tom. Well, I mean, good luck. All right. I think I saw-- There's that rocket again. I think I saw something there. Go check it out. Okay. All right. Be careful, from here there are a lot of traps. Okay. Is there gonna be like some harpoons or-oh, it's slow. All right, so all you have to do, watch this. Okay. Oh, I screwed this up. Come on, baby. Traps. I'm going way too fast. The problem is I don't have any patience. All right. Now, slow down. All right. So now you gotta get over this hump, but you need enough speed to get the back tire over. There, perfect. [laughs] Oh, oh my God. [screams] Oh, boy. Gimme one of those boards. All right. Now I know that I could leave my child at daycare, but honestly he needs to see this. This is the path. He's fine. This is the path to becoming a man. Okay, new plan. We're gonna flutter over the gigantic wrecking ball because apparently, I can't just drop down. All right, yeetily deet over this. Perfect. All right. Boom. Got it. Oh, wow. Uh, oh, did I just go across the entire board? I feel like I'm dead now. Yep. And a lot of traps you say, you weren't kidding. All right. Up here. Wow, I survived. Full speed ahead. All right, now slow down. Slow-slow-slow-slow-slow-slow-slow. I just want to get here as fast as possible, okay. Hi, I'm in daycare. There, I did it. Oh no no no, no, no, no, no, I'm gonna-I'm gonna go off the board. I gotta jump backwards somehow. No. The hardest part about completing this board is staying on it. All right, I'm getting good at this part, though. Wait for it, and then-- Welcome to the ultra demon board. All right, I-I actually have an idea-I have an idea, here's what we're gonna do. Okay slow, slow, slow, slow, there. Look at that. Perfect. Oh, oh no you need to do a ball throw to win. So it's like a ball fall technically. Um, hmm, son. [laughs] I need you like-to let-Okay, I-I need you to let go, kid. Oh no, my bicycle's in the way. This is a problem. Hm. Uh, well, mm, get rid of this leg. I need to pull this bike out. Come on. Now my leg is stuck. Can't come out. Come on. No. [laughs] I don't know if I can fit inside this other little area. It looks really thin. Oh, oh, I'm kind of pulling the bike out. Come on, bike. We can do this together. I will use every bit of yoga that I know to make this work. This is the pelvic butt thrust right here. You can see it's working quite well, and by working quite well, it's doing absolutely nothing. All right, the biggest hole I can find is over here. If I can't fit through this one-- Hold on, I gotta get rid my son. That sounded really bad. I just need to move him out of the way, okay. All right. Now, if-if I can't get through this hole. I don't think we're gonna make it. I am the hole master. I am the hole master. Oh-oh, maybe I am the hole master. I used everything I can think of, I can't fit through this hole. All right. New plan. Bike, stay in here. I'm doing this alone. Okay, I'm doing it minus a foot. Yes. Goodbye, son. I'll catch you on the flip side. All right, and slide, yes, good. All right, now that I-- No, oh, that was almost bad. All right. Come on, baby. Come on. There it is. Oh, yeah. Here-- Oh, no. Man, there's a lot of traps on this thing, like areas where if you get stuck, you're done. Squeeze through here. Perfect. And this. All right, am I supposed to-- Oh, I did it. Thank God I didn't go over to the left. There's nothing here. This is called Escape Box 1. Oh, it's a rotating escape box with a coin. All right, is it possible? Of course it is. Watch. Wait for it. And, boop, there goes that. Now, all right, I already know what I'm gonna do here. Watch this. Drop, boop and-- Oh. So that looked bad, but I'm still alive. This, boop, kick that out. And I gotta grab on the tip. There it is. Perfect. Got it. This is called Tank Man 2. Press space. Okay. Oh. Oh, what a janky monster. Oh yeah. Oh, this thing runs like a dream. Look at it go. Yeah, off the ramp, over the tables, over the old men. [laughs] All right, through the junk. Nice. I- whoa, I can't believe that the tracks are still in one piece. [laughs] I can climb stairs. Yeah. Uh, oh, we're going upside-down. That was bad. Oh, no. Honey, I flipped the tank. Oh, wait, never mind. It's fine. Yeah. Epic speed. Ow. Getting over hills is not this thing's strong suit. Oh, come on, baby. We're doing it. Yeah. This is called caves and cliffs. Well, son-- Oh, there's ha-ha. Here we go. Oh. I thought there was gonna at least be something hidden. I guess we have to see the caves and cliffs, son. Oh, whoa-whoa. Why would anyone come here on purpose? Oh, I'm sill alive. Ah, rampy thing. Sweet. And-- Okay. So I have to time the yeeter. Yeet. Perfect. Okay, that doesn't look safe. Hold on. How are you supposed to [chuckles] oh, no-no. I have no idea how to beat that part. Trial and error, boys. Here we go. Oh-oh, no. Okay. I think the plan is you have to stay like all the way on the-- Mm, all the way on the left. This log is really getting in my way. Okay. Here-here. Ow. Yeetus. Perfect. Oh, no-no-no-no-no-no-no. All right. So, here? Yeah. Oh, the rocket's trying to murder me. Hey, it's the win. That rocket came outta nowhere and tried to behead me and my child. This is called the Chad dropper. Noob dropper, Chad dropper, what's what happens in the noob dropper? Oh-oh, you lied to me. There is no-- Woah, there's swords. All right, I guess it's only a Chad dropper. Here we go. Okay. Oh, yeah. Oh, that's nice and smooth. All right. And-ow. Where are your legs? Well, funny story. All right, let me get through here, and up the ramp. Nice. Now I had to get rid of my Segway because it was betraying me. Worry not, though. Now I know you're saying to yourself, "Grey, looks like you're screwed." Contraire. All right. Watch this. Up. Okay. And-- Yeet. Nope. Perfect. Okay. Now then. Oh, no, it's incredibly hard to flip with no legs. I hadn't thought about this. All right, I can still do it. It's just-just a little bit more annoying. Here we go. All right. Now then, outta the way foot, I have no more use for you. Ah. Ah ha, actually I lied, foot, I do have a use for you. And ah, wait for it. Oh God, no-no-no-no-no-no. Ow, I won. Yes. Also I saw there was a super secret win, I think. Hmm. Oh, hold on. Wait for it. Jump. Yeah. Right here. Okay. So there's an actual like spike fall as well. Perfect. Ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow. Yeah. Secret win. This is called trailer park bash. What did they say? "Son, where's the-" something? Hold on. Ah, triggered. Where's the door. [chuckles] I would add one, but the neighbor's kids stole your tools. Wait, how did we get inside? Break out. Find Emma. I am coming. Hold on. Ah, here we go. Coming, Emma, I want those tools. Although, before I check out the tools. Hmm. Oh, there's nothing back this way. Oh, I love it. There's actually like a little rubber ducky and it has like weight to it. Ooh. Ah, over the flotation device, off of the random lady. Well now she's gonna drown to death. Oh, I'm sorry. This is bad. I'm in the pool. Can I get out or is this like a-- Oh, it's so sticky. No, my son. Oh, okay. Let's try that again. Off the rubber duck, off whatever that is, through the lady. Oh, look at this artwork. Honey, is that you yelling out there? I fixed the wobbly table with one of my relics from the army. Oh, It's a-[laughs] it's a landmine. Ow, my arm, why? Okay. Here's what-here's what we're gonna do. [chuckles] Oh God, this is so bad. Uh-uh, there. Okay. Whoa. I'm gonna tell you, if there's one thing I absolutely love it is like Google Images, clip art background right here. That is glorious. If I stand right here, am I gonna get hit by a car? Joseph, is that you telling- is that you yelling over there? Can you help me find my baby? That rascal has been hard to find ever since I went blind. Oh, the kid's just swinging from a painting. I- oh, huh, I would've felt really bad if I ended up killing this guy, but luckily I didn't hit him hard enough. Now I hit him hard enough. I got your child by the way. Oh, the painting is dying and-and yeetily deet onto the tram-- Whoa. Hey Chris, I took my dad's wallet to copy your treehouse. Ha. Uh, I feel kinda weird, beating up a little girl. So, uh, go get her, Tom. Look. I had to do it until I actually won, okay. What? Thank God. Good thing I've covered my-- [screams] Did I win? Yay. Well, I think that this tells us that all that Home Depot does is cause violence. Hey folks, hope you enjoyed this episode of Happy Wheels. Till next time, stay foxy. Much love.
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 1,125,480
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Simulation Games, graystillplays, simulator, and this happened, tycoon funny, simulator funny moments, funny clips, funny moments, bad life choices game, funny simulator, simulation games, mobile game, stickman game, stickman games, happy wheels, happy wheels funny, happy wheels gameplay, happy wheels 2020, happy wheels banned levels, bottle flip, space, happy wheels space, hw space, hw, indie, impossible happy wheels
Id: v3USw0ztJ6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 15sec (915 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 13 2022
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