When natural hair hair a lot of shrinkage | how to know if it’s healthy or growing

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and i hope everybody is having an amazing day so today's video is going to talk a little bit about shrinkage it's also going to talk a little bit about caring for natural hair that has a lot of shrinkage how do you know if it's growing how do you know anything about your hair at certain points because what we say shrinkage is real um my client here is the perfect example of when we say shrinkage is real why because i'm going to push the camera back and i want you guys to see where her hair is right now this is where it's partially blown out so it's not strength um a hundred percent but when you grab her hair and stretch it out she is down here now is that all healthy hair growth is it is it is it no it is not why because she knows that she needs a very very very very good trim secondly how do you know when the hair is growing you don't stretch it out you don't blow it out you don't soak it out so you can't really tell if it's growing or not because the shrinkage itself is not going to really show that so today we're going to do a silk press on her we're gonna do a trim maybe flash cut on her for you to see exactly where we are but i wanted you guys to see that this is actually normal you guys i can't make this up [Music] [Music] so so another reason why i wanted to make this video because a lot of you think that just blow drying your hair is going to tell you where your hair really is i just blew her hair up but did this really define exactly what um what needs to be trimmed what needs to be kept no i can see the line because i'm trained with the natural eye but the average person can't tell what needs to be trimmed and what should say so this is another reason why i say silking out the hair is imperative to understanding your hair it's imperative to understanding where the hair is in the process what's healthy and what's not so you guys will see what i mean in just a moment so i'm using what we call the tension method to blow her out this method is also really good if you have children and then i'm using our elite haircare paddle brush to finish out the logo [Music] so so [Music] you guys can see where he is right now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so we're about 60 blow dried just gonna use a clip to separate her hair all right so we're going to do this section here [Music] [Music] take a breath start at the end [Music] last section so what i'm going to do is i'm going to split this section in two because the crown is always the most complicated to get to in regards to where it is on the head and for a short people that's normal so i'm going to split it it's already kind of split into so i'm going to start with this one and then we'll do the other piece [Music] okay [Music] so yeah related to what i'm doing anything outside of that [Music] all right so we are done with the blow dryer which was probably the most lengthy part any questions so far all right so what we're going to do is as you guys can tell she has a full head of hair lots and lots of hair most stylists will get intimidated by hair of her type or her length this is actually real normal for me so what i'm going to do is put a little bit of frizz tamer and shine serum you guys see it's about a quarter size [Music] they're asking stuff about your hair you can't read that all right chris tamer and shine serum is on the hair we're going to use our baby lips prima iron okay and we're going to soak her out first now she does have what we call fine textured hair that doesn't mean because she has a full head of hair her hair can't be fine textured it is fine textured based on the amount of strands per square inch of the head and the feel of the hair so pressing out the hair is going to allow you to see the growth in your hair it's also going to be the best way for you to be able to get a proper trim or cut i hate to see the stylist who merely blow the hair out and then they're doing a full-on trim from just a blowout where technically yes you can see it but i feel like the hair should be bone straight so that you can see everything at the same time so if you guys have any questions in regards to what i'm doing today to her hair you definitely can ask what temperature is the iron i can see that whole question it's at 460. but keep in mind it's at 460 but i'm taking larger sections of hair i'm not doing baby sections of hair now would you use this temperature at home for your silk out no because you're going to be doing it way more often than what i'm doing right now it's after the fact there's nothing wrong with silking out the hair for purpose of this nature for you to then go back to your your texture this is just going to help you elongate the hair slightly this is going to tell you where the hair is what the hair needs what the hair doesn't need this is how you should be trimming your hair on a normal basis those texture trims [Music] this is the babyliss prima 3100 or 3300. you know you mentioned it before but they're saying can you turn without a willow nope so the question is can you trim without a blowout yeah i mean let me not say no of course you can trim with whatever you want is it going to be considered a true trim is the hair going to be 100 trimmed in the right direction i don't feel so because i feel like you can't you can't control what strands are going to revert while you are trying to stretch that hair out so it'll come out somewhat like piano keys and that's not how i like my trims so i do not trim without a blowout i don't cut without a blowout unless you're going to tell me that you're going to wear like a tapered cut other than that no but it's that stylish preference so right now she has two levels of heat protection she has two levels of heat protection our leave-in conditioning spray also has heat protectant properties and then our first tamer and shine serum also has heat protectant properties which is one of the silicone glaze so looking at her ends right now i can tell where her trim line is she has about three inches of trim line now how did you know you needed to trim tell me what the characteristics were at that time when you were like i can't do this anymore so i can physically see the split ends okay combing through it there were like a lot of knots and it was breaking off okay so when you comb through your hair number one could you feel it in the texture from the root to the end there's a big difference in texture right so i'm gonna say that your roots felt nice and silky and your ends felt nice and dry dry yes they're all the same family okay so those are the characteristics of when the hair definitely needs a trim you'll notice a difference between the hair that just came out and the hair at the ends the hair at the ends is typically more dry and brittle it doesn't do anything they just they always look frizzy it never looks polished no matter what you do to your hair even if you're doing a wash and go by midday you can tell the difference between that healthy hair and the hair that needs a trim or cut am i right yes there we go and then you notice that it tangles more am i right when we were just detangling her in the wash process as soon as i got to the area that was split the hair would tangle that's normal because split ends mat on each other they matte up they do their own thing they even feel different in the iron as i'm silking the hair just combing through i can feel the split ends combing through her hair so that is one thing that i tell people do not sleep on your trim you don't know what a trim can do for the hair your hair will love you and you'll notice that it grows a lot better any questions how often should we trim my hair all right so for my faithful youtube family how often do i recommend trimming natural hair and just kind of read some of the answers what is the trim schedule for natural hair i've been talking about this for two years so i know all my faith for youtube subscribers they know someone wrote eight to twelve weeks eight to twelve weeks who wrote that s p wilson s p lawson one of my faithful youtube subscribers is correct every eight to twelve weeks so that is really every three to four months okay i mean you can say two to four you can say three to four a happy medium is three to four months so once every quarter no different from your finances same thing with your hair now what's the trim schedule for relaxed hair because everybody's not on the same schedule so what is the trim schedule for relaxed here they say six to eight with relaxing six to ten weeks with relaxer every six to ten weeks not everybody gets a relaxer at week eight some people can go to week ten but it's six to ten weeks with a relaxer typically when you do your retouch relaxer is when you get your trim so if you guys notice where i'm getting stuck those are split ends i don't have to really tell you where the splits are your hair tells you where it is any other questions no so i need everybody to type this in the chat so that we're all on one accord natural eight to 12 weeks relaxed six to ten weeks i need everybody to type that in the chat natural eight to 12 weeks relax six to ten weeks when you type something or write something your brain retains it better if you're not getting your hair trimmed on this schedule you're technically setting yourself up for a haircut but now you guys are seeing her hair stretched out this is how you can tell if your hair is growing or not when you leave it in the shrink state and you're hoping that that shrinkage changes overnight that is going to tell you nothing because as it grows the shrinkage will grow with it you start noticing it just looks the same it never changes it's like a sponge think about a sponge when you wet a sponge it's kind of in the reverse though when you wet a sponge it absorbs that water and it gets bigger and bigger and bigger but the shape of the sponge never changes it just keeps absorbing whatever you put in there and the sponge doesn't get any bigger than what it started with okay same thing with hair if your hair has shrinkage no matter how much it grows it's going to take years when i say years years for you to notice a difference in the length of your hair you might notice the fullness but you won't notice the length let's see shrinkage is real how often should a relaxer be done six to ten weeks no different from what i just said about the trim skin same thing i'm not doing any type of hair care questions so if it's not related to what i'm doing you'll have to save it for a q a or book a hair on it now i will tell you guys the shampoo and conditioner that i use on her hair today i actually use hydra strength on her today i use hydra strength on her hair today why because number one her hair already felt heavy so i didn't want to add more weight to the hair number two i wanted it to be a little more silky than anything else so i used the hydra straight because i knew that this was going to be her first press and i wanted it to be a lot silkier than it normally would be and then of course i used our hydration therapy hydration and strength therapy leave-in spray and then our first tamer and shine serum i know this has nothing to do with the video do you know what porosity i have i wouldn't be able to tell that test but she asked a good question so her question is by just looking at her hair can i tell what her porosity is um you can let me stay this way you can kind of go off of the characteristics of the hair to determine your porosity so if you know porosity low porosity hair does not absorb moisture it always feels very dry when it does absorb anything it almost dissipates so it feels like you did nothing high porosity hair absorbs everything that it touches and it's always heavy just by just the sweat from your body um you know using a heavy shampoo using a heavy oil on the hair it'll absorb it and it will stay so the hair will feel stringy but the best way to tell your ferocity is to do what we call a porosity test it doesn't require a dermatologist it doesn't require anything but a room temperature glass of water and a couple strands of hair from your brush that's it you will be so surprised how much you can learn from a room temperature glass of water and couple strands of hair that is going to set you up to know what products you need what products you don't need what your hair craves what it doesn't crave what you should use and what you shouldn't use have you done one before no you should do one just do it at home you literally get a clear glass of water i'm gonna give you guys the jewels again because everybody asks me how do you do a ferocity test you get a clear glass with some room temperature water just regular water from the top you take a couple strands of hair okay so i can take these strands in the comb okay take a couple strands of hair put the water on the counter you take the strands of hair and you drop it in the water you allow the water to absorb it for about 30 seconds to a minute if it sinks to the bottom it's high porosity because it's soaked up the water if it floats on the top it's low porosity because it didn't absorb the water if it hovers in the middle of the glass that's called normal to medium which is very rare normal to medium porosity that means that you have an equal balance of both okay that's how you know sydney is whatever products you want to well no so your ferocity is going to determine what products you need okay so the ferocity tells you if you're high porosity you don't need moisture because you absorb everything yes you need strength because it's weak because it's absorbing everything right if it's low porosity you know that it's very very dry because it's not absorbing anything so you need more moisture when it's low porosity so then you want to focus on good moisture products then if it's normal or medium you need an equal balance of both okay any other questions on here that was a good question no thank you but by the feel of your hair it feels low just by watching whatever i put on it like i put the first tamer and shine serum on it if it was high porosity it would have soaked it up and it would look strong like strawy when i'm soaking you because i can differentiate the strand it's not soaking it up it's just literally just sitting on the outside of the hair so i know within hours it's going to dissipate okay let's see what they're talking about once a year i see a lot of people go natural and they think that it's like a maintenance free you don't have to do anything it's just invincible kind of hair it's actually the most susceptible to damage it's the easiest to damage because it's virgin you didn't do anything to it so now everything you do to it matters and you spend more time trying to nourish it than anything else a lot of people skip out on their trims they skip out on normal maintenance brushing it every day combing it every day stimulating that growth i just want to do a wash and go and just go and i never have to do anything and then when it messed up it's oh yeah i just finger detangle no you need to brush it you need to comb it that's what hair is for and anything that has to come out is going to come out no matter what you do no matter i'm going to use your hair as an example when you do this you think that little buckshot that's at the end of that hair is not going to have to come out at some point it will so honestly it's better you be extremely rough on your hair so you know your hair can tolerate everything then being extra gentle and you're leaving behind things that needed to come out anyway that's like trying to stop yourself from from vomiting knowing that you have to get whatever it is out am i right when you have the vomit whatever's in your body it has to come up yes okay no different from your hair the more you try to stop it the more it's going to come out so thank you for the information you're welcome so my client decided when i was like i'm not going to do a video she's like you're not most people are like yes she was like you're not she wanted this video i'm like okay i'm doing it it's nice to see somebody's like no no do it i want to be able to watch it for the rest of my life i want to be able to say listen this is where my hair was a year ago look at my hair right now so if you guys are liking what you see put a thumbs up put a thumbs up for me by closing out your chat and just going to hit that thumbs up button if you like what you guys are seeing all right so we're going to finish up the front so you guys see it didn't take me long to do her first did it take long no it probably takes you 10 times the amount of time at home 10 times all day yeah i give up you're watching tv you're telling yourself listen i'm about to do a whole wash day and that whole wash day becomes your entire sunday i yeah because it needs it right you know when it needs it all right so this is the last piece to silk out and then we're going to put on the cutting vest because i want you guys to see exactly where she is and see exactly what i see you'll know there's a big difference all right so we're going to put on the cutting vest this vest is basically a guideline for you to keep your lines straight diagonal whatever you want them to be that's what this vest is made for so you put it up to the neck just like that okay there's the hair so i'm going to move you guys back so you can see what i'm cutting yep she has beautiful hair but can you tell if you can tell the difference between the healthy hair and the split ends by just looking at it right now put a one in the chat if you can tell without any anything you can see where the hair needs to be cut put a one in the top and this is how i like to use this this cutting vest because it really shows you exactly where everything is all right tilt forward for me just like that okay so her cut line is gonna be about right here that's her cut line okay that was about three inches of hair some people be like oh my gosh oh my gosh not knowing that you're hindering the growth more than helping now when you look at her hair now you'll see a huge difference and the fullness of her hair [Music] that is as close to the healthiest length that she will get to unless we cut it into a complete bob which i'm not gonna do she still has some splitting but i'm gonna go through and clean it up as best possible but tell me does it put a two in the chat if it looks a lot better right now it looks a lot fuller it looks more even it looks healthier than those little jackety hairs that we ordered onto just like a little boyfriend you get rid of and you're still holding on and it's still there and you think that something's just going to miraculously change for me all right so we're going to go through we're leaving the length i know you guys can't see but i can see i don't have to cut it but i don't really want like layers it's not going to blue it's considered more long long layers but not layers if that makes sense that's the only way i can get to the splits okay sorry and as soon as you said that i dropped all right so from here she says she doesn't want layers so we're not really giving her layers we're just going through and keeping it at a 90 degree angle of where everything is that needs to be trimmed so it's not going to give her a layering effect it's going to literally take off those split ends and areas that it needed to come off from and remember when you're trimming you always trim the head as if it was an orange any questions so far other than wow that's so easy wow wow you just cut it all off what kind of brush do you use on natural hair i use my paddle brush on my natural clients anything else so this right here definitely comes off you want it framed in your face even keep it going straight i can i can hear it i don't care anyone hear that again popcorn my popcorn it doesn't sound like popcorn that's the goal i tried to go in and like dust my ends i was like no there was no it didn't work out did it i knew it watching all those youtube videos on how to trim your own hair all right you guys so her trim is now done we're going to take this off the bulk of the work is done you guys that is true good hair right there that's good hair it's trimmed it's moisturized it's not too heavy it has an equal balance it is in the right place that is what you call good hair or healthy hair since everybody likes to say what good hair is good hair or healthy hair is hair that has an equal balance it's trimmed and it's in this healthiest state that it could possibly be in now could her hair be slightly healthier more than most definitely because we just started today so now she's on track for her trim schedule no different from when you clean your teeth when you take your bath everything requires maintenance and if she sticks with the maintenance then she won't have to do anything else do you advise one to do their own trim no do i advise anyone to do their own trim absolutely not your hands cannot reach certain areas on the body you can't even scratch your own back properly so who told you that you could trim it yourself am i lying can you scratch the middle of your back does your hand go all the way to the mid section of your back so how can you trim your own hair do you know that wrap you just did with the the person and the curls is it too late to add that you want the curls yes it won't be as tight as hers though okay so we're gonna do some curls i'll show you guys how to do it in large sections because our hair is already soaked i'm going to take the iron and you're just going to go really slow because her hair is really long just like that let me bring you closer i know you guys are like wait wait wait what what just like that so i take large sections okay nice and slow hold it [Music] just like that you want to wrap it and wear it out are you going to wear it out so i don't have to wrap it because i already still do so it's kind of different from hers where i did it when she was still now in her straight in her textured state yours is already soaked so it's gonna relax already okay the slower you go the better the curl and i like to curl and hold now if you're not used to this then you can use a curling iron so we use the hydra strength shampoo and conditioner we use the hydration therapy leave-in spray for the leave-in conditioner and then we use the frizz tamer and shine serum as our heat protectant our shine enhancer and our frisbard so what you guys see me doing is basically it's gonna come out more like a wavy slash loose curly kind of thing i used to do a lot of roller setting i stopped doing roller sets for a long time i was able to achieve the same concept with a roller set that i would with my flat iron now don't get me wrong is roller setting healthier absolutely but i don't want my clients in here all day either so i've learned how to adapt but i've been doing roller sets for so long i was an assistant i would do like 20 roller sets a day you couldn't get don't come in here asking from the roller set please i don't even bring rollers anymore i'm making my duty to make sure that i don't have a roller in tight but no i used to do roller sets the stylist that i was an assistant to that is all she did roller sets and blowouts my fingers were numb by the end of the night oh hot on time yes you are very talented miss crystal thank you this is the fastest that i ever got my hair done see you know i'll be here all day we got lines we have lives honey we have things to do i need to go buy groceries i won't be here all day you can stay all right so we're going to curl our last piece if you like being in the salon all day i am not the stylist for you please don't keep me company i'm good all right those nice loose curls can you see your girls nice and bouncy look at that looking like what bundles you have in what bundles are in your hair can you see okay i love it you love it you love it or you love it how does it feel it smells really nice i'm glad you like all right let me put a little bit of hairspray on the hairline here just put a little bit of hairspray on our hairline just to kind of hold those little flyaways but that's all we need all right we're here i'm going to work after this let's go what'd you say all right so guys i hope you guys enjoyed today's live so you guys can see i'm just gonna pull it to the back really quick and have you shake your hair for me shake it for me there we go oh you see how the hair moves right here has movement has a nice wave to it nice and bouncy that elasticity has been restored that's the purpose but i hope you guys enjoyed today's video i'll see you guys in the next video and don't forget to hit the subscribe button if you're new to my channel and turn on that notification bell so you know when i'm on live bye bye
Channel: Elite Hair Care USA
Views: 125,796
Rating: 4.8693304 out of 5
Id: tvT7ZBYopcc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 24sec (2964 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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