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today we are at polka dot this is where we were before and this is seven so we are actually a little past seven hi family oh this is kind of close hi family welcome back to the channel thank you so much for coming back today's video is going to be all about rice water but more specifically the young women recipe of rice water for those of you guys who don't know the young women are Asian women who have very very long hair if not the longest hair in the world and they credit all of it to rice water and they have a very very specific recipe to grow their hair I just want to know what all the craze is about does it work is it gonna grow my hair longer is it gonna make my hair thicker what is it gonna do to my hair I'm curious to know so I decided to try it out so I'm gonna follow their recipe step by step just to see if I have my different results if you want to go through this process with me then continue to watch for those of you who are new to my channel my name is Marcie and in this channel I talk about nursing lifestyle beauty I do a little bit of vlogging I talk about natural hair I'll talk about feminine hygiene and I just do a little bit of everything so if you would like to join my family please go ahead and hit that subscribe button down below and also hit the bun notification button so you never miss another video for me again so a few youtubers have been trying out the y'all we new recipe so I just wanted to try it out as well and show you guys what my results are as you guys know rice water is like the holy grail for hair growth and I've been trying it I love it I know that it works because it has worked for me so the rice water is pretty simple to prepare but the young women do it a little differently so first thing first this is my hair my hair shrinks a lot y'all but this is basically what it looks like so I'm wearing a polka dot shirt right now and I just want to measure cuz last time I did this I didn't really measure and also today I try to find a like a shirt that has stripes but I couldn't find a me and I also don't have a measuring tape so I'm just gonna measure it the best way I can just to see if there's gonna be any difference so this is my hair so I got it from the back here this I'm gonna bring it all the way down like so and I'm gonna measure it so right now I'm gonna count the polka dot I'm not counting all of this I'm just counting from the polka dot so there's six polka dots from the top so one two three four five six and it's right past the six polka dots so the seventh one is down here and the sixth one is right here so I want to say it's at the six polka dot so that is our measurement and that is what we're gonna be going by so first thing first I'm gonna show you guys exactly how they got women make their rice water so with that being said let's get into it okay family let's make some young women rice water so first thing first we have our rice here we have our Bowl here and all you have to do is pour your rice into your bowl you don't need specific measurements for this but just get as much as you can and make sure you're not wasting rice so then what you're gonna do is you're gonna rinse off your rice to get all the products off your rice so you're gonna do this by just rubbing the rice between your fingers just to make sure you get all the products out and also to get the first layer of this white water off then we're gonna drain everything off so once we do that then we're gonna add more water to our rice this time we're not gonna drain it out we're gonna do the same process again this is how the y'all women say they do it they take the rice and rub it between their fingers or between their hands like this just to get all the nutrients from the rice into the water so you want to do this for a few minutes I would say about five to ten minutes I did it for about five minutes and then once that is done you're gonna get your pot I'm sorry my pot is not beautiful but I just used this little pot for purposes like this anyways now we're gonna dream the water off the rice into the pot we're not gonna put the rice in this time just the water from the rice so then we're gonna put our rice away the next step is to change the smell so the y'all women use a special food called pomelo red pill to get rid of the smell that we also don't have and this fruit is in the citrus family so the next best thing we have is orange so I'm just gonna use my orange pill to help me get rid of the smell so [Music] now I have all the pills of my orange I'm gonna set the orange aside to eat it later so now I'm just gonna add all my orange pills to my rice water and set it on the stove let it boil for about 8 to 10 minutes I used 10 minutes so this is what our rice water looks like boiling so it's been about 10 minutes and this is what our orange pills look like they look pretty cooked to me so I'm just gonna go ahead and transfer our rice water so this is the mason jar we're gonna be using again it doesn't have to be a mason jar just use anything you have that can still pretty good so all I'm gonna do is I'm going to transfer our rice water to the mason jar and also add all of our orange peels to it [Music] the yacht women use some kind of fancy herb but I don't have that all I have on hand is some essential oil and this is lavender so I'm just gonna put a few drops into our rice water to again help with the smell so then I'm gonna seal it up pretty good and set it in a cool dark area so again some people say you can form mint for one week they got women say up to a month but I'm just gonna do it for about a week so is one week later as you can see the rice water is not as cloudy anymore it looks more orange than cloudy but that is because the rice has actually settled to the bottom so all you have to do is shake it up when you go to use it so then what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna open up my rice water this is what it looks like up close it doesn't smell too bad it does still have the rice water smell if you know what I'm talking about but it's not as bad the lavender oil and the orange pill definitely helped so I'm just gonna take out all the orange peel from our rice water and then I'm gonna transfer it to my spray bottle [Music] okay family so we are back with our rice water I'm excited to do this I have my handy-dandy rice water here as you can see the rice settled to the bottom right there so when that happens all you have to do is shake it up like so and then spray it onto your hair so that y'all women the way they do it is they get a bucket or a bowl and they put the rice water in it and kind of like put it onto their hair or get their hair into it you guys know that I have natural hair and my hair curls up a lot and natural hair is a little different in terms of dealing with hair so just to make the process a little easier I'm gonna use my spray bottle spray it onto my hair let it sit for about 10 to 20 minutes that y'all women say that they do 30 minutes so I'm gonna do 20 minutes because I have a whole bunch of stuff to do and I don't have time to wait forever alright I have my detangling brush here but first I'm just going to section it off so that is easy to work with I'm gonna make about let's say 5 sections so I have 5 sections as you can see I'm gonna grab my rice water I'm gonna shake it up and then I'm gonna start to spray so this is what I'm doing I'm just spraying it on I'm gonna make sure to get my roots okay so this is how saturated my hair is I'm gonna take my detangling brush [Music] okay so this one is detangled I'm gonna go ahead and twist it up you can leave your hair open when you wash it but if I just personally like to do it like this just because it saves me a lot of time and it also helps me not um you know just pull and tug and manipulate my hair too much so that's why I like to do it like this okay so I'm gonna grab my spray shake it up again okay my hair is detangled this is how much rice water I have left so I'm just gonna spray it on my scalp okay so I'm just gonna use a regular plastic bag to tie my hair up wait for about 20 minutes and then I'll go ahead and wash it out I'm gonna add a fun net to it just to reinforce it okay family so it's been about 20 minutes so I'm gonna go ahead and wash my hair out this is what my hair looks like it just feels really really good it smells like rice water I don't know if it's just me but I don't like the smell of rice water but again the lavender and the orange peel definitely does help so I'm gonna be using my favorite duo the cream of nature argan oil sulfate free shampoo and conditioner [Music] so this is the bucket I'm gonna be using so all I'm gonna do is I'm gonna first rinse my hair out and then I'm gonna take my shampoo apply it to my hair making sure I get the ends of my hair get the scalp just making sure to really really wash my hair and you can repeat this process as many times as you want just to make sure that the rights water is completely out of your hair and then after that I'm gonna use my conditioner to do the same process I'm gonna get my roots I'm gonna get my ends making sure to get that rights water smell out of my hair and then I'm gonna thoroughly rinse my hair out so apparently the young women use fresh river water for this but as you all know I live in America and I am nowhere close to fresh river water so I'm gonna use the next thing I have which is tap water I'm not gonna stress myself out looking for distilled water or filtered water or any kind of fancy water so then after that while my hair is still wet I'm just gonna take a little bit of my all apply it to my scalp so that way my hair dries it's not super dry to the point where it starts to break so yes I'm just gonna apply it all over my hair all over my scalp and then I'm gonna braid my hair because it is nighttime I'm just gonna braid it tuck it in put my bow net back on take my shower and then go to bed and then let my hair be for about two weeks so today we are at polka dot let's see so we are at one two three four five six this is where we were before and this is seven so we are actually a little past seven right there but I'm gonna say seven so guys that at work you guys know that my hair shrinks a lot I stretch it out and it goes right back and the funny thing is this side of my head shrinks a lot more than this side so this is my regular hair this is how my hair regularly looks so this side when I sketch it out so it goes pretty far like that and then the back is even longer as you guys know the back of your hair or at least the back of my hair is usually longer than the front same thing and now look same thing this side actually just shrinks a whole lot more so let me actually measure both sides when I bring you down is the exact same length the back as well that's where we are but yeah I don't know guys then it grow is it longer I have to wear the same shirt because I want it to measure it so you guys can see I think it grew a little bit but I feel like my hair or everyone's hair grows a little bit after a while so I'm not sure do I credit the y'all women's rights water do I credit it to juice regular hair growth I don't know I would have to use that recipe for a long time to see but honestly I am pretty satisfied with the result if not for anything my hair feels very soft and as you can see my hair is thick but it looks really good so I don't know if I'm gonna completely change my recipe so the y'all would use recipe but I actually do like it so I think I'm gonna do that once in a while like I said the only way to really know if this recipe really really worked is to do it a few times you know just try it out maybe for about two months and see if there's any difference but I'm absolutely satisfied with the current results and this is what it looks like let me show you guys the back so this is the back of my hair as I told you guys the back of my hair shrinks a lot more so this is what it looks like and then I'm gonna take a piece of it and stretch it out so you guys can see so this is where it is so yeah guys that is how everything is looking I am super excited to see if you guys are gonna try this out and if you do try it out leave a comment down below or leave a comment in my next video so that I can see if it worked for you guys I'm also going to be doing a giveaway which I'm super excited about this giveaway is not hair related but it's for girls so I promised you guys that I was gonna do a few giveaways this month and I'm keeping my promise I also have the part two to my Q&A coming up so don't miss that so the giveaway is gonna be of this right here this is a set of six lipgloss from Victoria's Secret this is what it looks like so these are all lipgloss from Victoria's Secret and it's a whole pack I know that Mother's Day was this month it was also nurse this week and I just wanted to do something for my sisters out there so like I said I have a few more giveaways coming out but this one is definitely your second one because if you missed it I get another giveaway with some other youtubers but this one is just me I'm doing this by myself so the only rules to enter and win the giveaway is to follow this channel follow my vlog channel follow me on Instagram and comment in each place so you follow me on here and comment lipgloss and then go to my vlog channel subscribe to me and comment lipgloss and then go to my Instagram follow me there and comment lipgloss the giveaway is gonna be over within 24 hours of this video going up and I'm gonna use an app to randomly select a comment from all three of those places to randomly choose a winner if you don't win this one don't worry there's a few more coming out and I'm excited to share it as we go so that is it for today's video guys thank you guys so much for watching I love you guys I appreciate you guys I'm so grateful guys I'm super grateful to you guys only God will help me show my appreciation thank you guys to give so much for your love and support and I'll see you guys in my next one [Music]
Channel: Mercy Gono BSN, RN
Views: 6,477,165
Rating: 4.8955665 out of 5
Keywords: rice water for hair growth, yao women rice water hoe to grow longer hair, gif to grow your hair long, mercy Gono rice water, rice water for longer hair, rice water for thicker hair, how to grow natural hair, how to grow hair, rice water for massive hair growth, how to grow your hair long, how to have very long hair, how to have thick, how to spot hair thinning
Id: 0_VUd4UhdS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 18sec (1038 seconds)
Published: Thu May 21 2020
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