How to moisturize low porosity hair

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hey guys crystal here from a-z haircare USA so today's video is a continuation when not even a concentrate continuation a redo of the video that we attempted to do last week in regards to how to moisturize low porosity here I've been getting a lot of feedback from you guys and I know that the video was a little it was distorted it was breaking up our connection wasn't too great so I said I would come back and refill the video for you guys and of course I'm filming it live because I know all of my goddesses who are on the channel always want to be a part of the conversation so first things first if you're new to my channel or you just stumbled upon my channel please hit the subscribe button and please don't forget to thumbs up this video as you come in I am live and that does tell YouTube how good I am doing with the information that I'm giving out so let's get straight into it okay what is low porosity hair what is porosity a lot of people don't even know what that means so porosity basically measures the amount of moisture that the hair will absorb and or sometimes retain the porosity is broken into three categories low medium and high medium porosity I'm not gonna say it's uncommon but typically you're either low or high porosity low porosity means that you did not absorb moisture well or you absorb little to no moisture high porosity means that you absorb any and everything that touches the hair so in this video we're going to stay specifically on the topic of low porosity hair and how to better moisturize it okay low porosity hair typically falls in the realms of those who are natural sometimes maybe your medium or coarse textured you notice that as soon as you shampoo your hair it's extremely dry low porosity here also the it's almost unpenetrated if you think of a roof with the shingles a roof with shingles is the exact example of low porosity hair so it means that the shingles you know your roof is not supposed to leak your roof is not supposed to draw in moisture the shingles block the moisture out and stack one on top of the other very very tightly so that moisture or water cannot penetrate it it is the same thing when it comes on to low porosity here that cuticle has scales and those scales are one on top of the other and they are closed extremely tight extremely tight and the only way to get that cuticle open or to get moisture into that cuticle is to get it to open which is not the easiest thing to do when you are have it when you have on low porosity here so let's talk a little bit about low porosity hair characteristics first thing I did mention it is one of the porosity types that it does not absorb moisture it just doesn't it doesn't absorb anything honestly it doesn't absorb oil it doesn't absorb water and if it does the moment it absorbs it dries out and goes away okay it is also one of those hair types where it's typically a little more coarse medium to coarse it's very rare that you'll find low porosity very fine textured hair because they don't kind of go together but it's not saying that it can't happen but it's not as common as those who would have a medium to coarse type hair okay gray hair is somewhat about 70 or 75% of the time low porosity because it is one of the most resistant hair colors / types in the book so gray hair can sometimes resemble what we call Japanese hair Japanese hair is extremely resistant if you ever notice that hair is bone straight most of the time not all the time and it's you can actually count the queue you can count the strands of hair okay so gray hair does sometimes fall into the room of low porosity you can be salt and pepper and the salt part of the hair be low porosity and the pepper part of the hair behind porosity so it is a it is very common to have different porosity 'z in different parts of the head okay it is very common to have different porosity in different parts of the head oh thank you my miracle okay there so when it comes on to low porosity here what does it require for you to be able to moisturize it this is one of the things that a lot of people get misconceptions on because you go out and you buy xjk Y&L products you're telling yourself oh man my hair likes moisture so this is gonna help this is gonna help this is gonna help and this is gonna help because this is intense moisture this one right here says for low porosity hair this one right here says that it's going to penetrate it's a deep penetration moisturizer and you go you shampoo your hair you rinse it out you put the conditioner on wait about five minutes rinse it out and then your first complaint is it didn't even work well reason it didn't work is low porosity hair requires heat for the cuticle to open so for those of you who are low porosity there are certain tools that you definitely need to have at home and I've done a couple videos where I do talk about tools but I'm gonna talk a little bit about it now because we are talking about low porosity here tools that you definitely should have at home is a hood dryer hooded dryer the dryer that goes over the head those you can get from Walmart Target Amazon anywhere you can find them a beauty supply store a lot of places carry them Conair makes it golden hot makes it so many different companies make these hood dryers you can get it from almost anywhere and they're really cost effective they're usually between 50 and $30 I haven't seen them any higher price than that it doesn't require you to go and get a salon professional dryer you don't have to do that you just need one that you can sit on top of your table and you can use for your treatments okay this only works for treatments you do not need a hooded dryer for shampoo you only need it when you are trying to hydrate your low porosity hair or if you're trying to do a deep penetration treatment heat is typically required some people will say oh when I just put a processing cap on and I just walk around with it on my head for about 30 minutes and use my body heat while body heat is great for low porosity hair it's only gonna open the cuticle up to about an inch from your actual heat zone so your heat zone starts at the ski out and it will only open the cuticle up to about here from the heat zone that's just the natural heat that your body puts out okay just a natural aura of heat now if your heats on his way out here something's wrong with you typically your heat zone is from the scalp to about an inch up and then everything else is what we call freestanding or free end and those areas require the cuticle to be artificially open with or opened with artificial heat is what we call it okay artificial heat would mean the hooded dryer this is why I say it's something that is and it's it's a pertinent item to have at home if you are doing any sort of hair care this is one tool that I definitely stress that you have at home it's not something you're gonna use every single day but it is something that is required for your haircare journey especially for you guys that are low porosity okay especially for you guys that are low porosity now we're gonna go back into the product room for those of you that are low porosity the first thing you want to do is jump into heavy oils heavy oils heavy leave-in conditioners oh I keep leaving conditioner on my hair oh I use castor oil on my hair not knowing that all you're doing is building up product because you're not actually opening the cuticle and dropping in those nutrients those would be considered styling or after care products after moisture products when you need to moisturize your hair you can do one of two things a hydration treatment or a standard deep conditioning treatment okay hydration treatment can be done with what we call heat caps it can also be done with a hydration machine or a steamer if you guys have watched my previous videos I have a video that has a tabletop steamer that you can get from Amazon that will do a hydration treatment on your hair okay so you can also get the tabletop hydration machine for the head from Amazon Walmart wherever there's so many different places that you can get this from okay hold our nose they decided they wanted to come blow off our porch okay there we go so that is the only two ways that you can actually introduce moisture penetrating the actual cuticle is through either a hydration steam machine or a hooded dryer for those of you who like to process your conditioners with a processing cap and just body heat while it is doing the best that it can for anything about an inch away from the scalp if your hair is down your back the rest of that cuticle is not going to open so you'll notice that your scalp and the hair about an inch out which is like your new growth it will be in the healthiest fashion and everything else will be extremely dry because you're not actually opening that cuticle to drop that moisture in there closing it so that the moisture will stay in okay so let's talk product as I was saying earlier if you are going to be doing any sort of deep penetration treatment you definitely want to make sure that it is a product that is catered towards your hair texture and type if you are low porosity low for us to be here typically likes cream thick cream based conditioners nothing that you really the milky conditioners don't really help the watery conditioners they don't really help okay so if you are doing any type of deep penetration it should be a thick or thicker cream based conditioner like Moisture elt for us is a very heavy conditioner it is great for coarse textured hair it is also great for medium textured hair and it is 100% balm for low porosity because it is thick enough that it will coat the Strand once you open that cuticle it will soak what it needs in once you lock and close that cuticle with your cold water which I talked about the cold water rinse at this in a second it'll lock that moisture in and the rest you will rinse out okay for those of you who like to do the leave some conditioner in your hair after you've done everything that you use outside of that is going to build up on the cuticle so for those of you that like to use leave-in conditioner every single day the hair is not actually absorbing all of that leave-in conditioner it's just building layers on that's like putting lotion on a dirty body every single day and you're not rinsing it off you're not taking off a layer you're not doing your you're not being cleanse Li okay and I'm not saying that you're dirty but you're not being as cleanse Li as you should be okay so I'm gonna use this wig as an example okay so this is the Boheme unit about two or three days ago I used our hydration and strength leave-in spray on the wig okay this wig is gonna symbolise low porosity hair why because it has a cuticle that cannot be penetrated okay so I'm gonna show you guys okay on this wig I put some of our hydration and strength leave-in spray okay and I also put water on it today I decided to do the exact same thing and I went and I put water on it just to wet it down and before I went to put the leave-in spray on by me just doing this I could feel the leave-in spray that was on it from two days ago so now if I go and add more leave-in spray only thing that I'm doing is building up more products on the hair so that doesn't make any sense and I'm kind of glad that I had this on to show you guys because as I'm using the water I'm thinking I need to add more leave-in conditioner not remembering that I've already done that and the leave-in conditioner does not dissipate it's sitting on the hair invisible sitting like it's just sitting there and it's waiting to be activated great so that is something that's very important when you guys are using your leave-in conditioners leave-in conditioners should typically be used once maybe twice within a wash day it's not something that I recommend you use every single day reason being is it is going to build up on the cuticle like just now I just literally was messing with my hair and I can feel the leave-in conditioner on my fingers so imagine if your and conditioner on your hair every single day while it's dry and then it dries on top of dry hair that's not actually moisturizing you it's just building up product on you the first layer was the leave-in conditioner and every time you add water you're activating it again and again and again so a lot of you are going through so much product not knowing that you're over doing it not knowing that you're over doing it okay so back to the conditioners another thing that is very important when you have low porosity hair and you're trying to add moisture if you don't do it in the right form you basically are going backwards okay so I already gave you an example but I'm gonna give you the same example and I'm gonna add a step so your wash day has come you shampoo once with a very oily based shampoo okay I'm not gonna use a name I'm just gonna make a name up you use oily based shampoo one okay that's a high intense moisturizing shampoo you then go and you don't rinse that out properly because a lot of you don't believe in rinsing your hair properly you want to leave product in there you're telling yourself that you're doing something and it's going to help you when it's only doing the worst thing ever which is adding drying agents and leaving sulfates behind sulfates shouldn't be left behind unless there are a conditioner typically conditioners don't always carry sulfates okay so shampoos require sulfates and surfactants for it to suck okay so all those no sulfate free bad sulfate free but every shampoo requires a sulfate of some sort okay so you shampoo with this you leave a little bit behind you now go and add your conditioner you put your conditioner on you're walking around the house you're leaving it on for 35 minutes you decide well I want an intense moisturization so I am gonna go to sleep with it and then I'm gonna wake up tomorrow and I'm gonna rinse it out but when you wake up tomorrow excuse me when you wake up tomorrow your hair is not as wet as it was it's slightly damp it feels very very heavy because you left a product on that was only meant to stay on no more than 30 minutes in its maximum okay and then you go and rinse it off now you've done one of two things you've built up conditioner on the hair so now the hair is going to become an area where it's going to resist anything you put on it number two you have made the hair extremely heavy for no reason whatsoever I do I can't stress it enough that leave-in conditioner on the hair overnight is a no-no it is a absolute no-no yes the hair may feel great for that moment but it is going to be heavy for the remainder of the time until you get a lot of that product out ok so that does not help moisturize it just helps to build up the actual product on the cuticle you're not moisturizing because the moisture went away hours ago hours ago right now all you have is product on your hair and more product and more product and more product ok I am very big especially with my product line I did not want my products to be something that required a bunch of product for them to work the great thing about unique haircare USA products is a little goes a very long way and I made sure of that when my product was created I wanted to make sure that it was a very great value even being a luxury line a little goes a long way so quality of product also matters if you are going to invest $2 in your shampoo and $2 in your conditioner and wonder why your hair looks like this artificial plant that I have here don't wonder why ok because you only thought that 2 dollars was something of value for your hair no I'm not gonna say hey jump out of your means and go buy a thousand dollar conditioner because sometimes even those are horrible ok bye what's in your budget but don't skim something that you can you you see it as an importance but you want to skim and do the bare minimum that's very very common you want to skim and do the bare minimum of every day ok so we're gonna give a regimen about the wash day for moisturizing and then I'll talk after moisture care products ok every product that you guys hear me mention is going to be from my product line I'm sorry I have my own product line I don't discuss other product lines but of course if you're already using something that doesn't mean to throw it away donate it to someone or finish it out and then you move forward I'm big on that I'm not one of those people and say oh that's trash no now if it is trash throw it out but if it's something where you know it just does not work for you donate it to a homeless shelter or something where there's other women who can't afford to do stuff like this but you can definitely pay it forward okay so we are gonna start on a true wash day for low porosity hair so I hope everybody has a pin in a piece of paper to write this information down get a pen get a piece of paper I'll give you guys a whole 30 seconds that's Jeffrey okay so now that everybody has a pen and a piece of paper we are going to start our wash day regimen so first things first if you have a situation of like dermatitis dandruff dry scalp I definitely suggest you start with our scalp exfoliation treatment that is a pretreatment it is a oil-based pretreatment that you are able to use on the scalp to help cleanse the scalp and create a healthy environment for your hair care regimen okay so the scalp exfoliation treatment is balm for that okay so scalp exfoliation treatment is a great pretreatment or if you have one of our serums which is the goddess serum the growth elixir or the super regrowth I'm gonna show you guys how you can use those as they are creating cocktails for you to moisturize this low porosity hair on your wash day if you guys hear me say it it's on your wash day okay so you've done the scalp exfoliation treatment or you can do a hot oil treatment okay hot oil treatment is done by basically adding taking a carrier oil such as almond oil castor oil jojoba oil shea butter if you guys know me I'm not big on shea butter though let's just stick with almond oil castor oil or jojoba oil those are the most common and those are the easiest to get and then you will take some of your goddess hair repair serum or your goddess super growth serum or your growth elixir and you will take let's say you had a cup of you really don't even need that much of a cup I'd say 1/2 a cup of carrier oil to about 2 to 3 tablespoons of your serum and you're gonna mix those together ok and then you will go to your microwave warm that up for about 20 to 30 seconds it needs to be warm to attempt that you can withstand you don't want it to make it hot we're not drinking tea we're doing a hot oil treatment ok your hair at this moment should be dry it should not be wet oil and water does not mix if you do a hot oil treatment on wet hair all you're doing is creating an environment for something that you cannot get out and it makes the hair heavy so this hot oil treatment is going to be done on your hair when it is dry in its dirty State okay you'll use your squeeze bottle apply your oil put a processing cap on and you can sit under your hooded dryer for 15 minutes if you notice I didn't say go and process all on its own you need to sit under a hooded dryer with the warm oil on the scalp for 15 minutes when you put the warm oil on it already started to open the scalp and open the cuticle and then when you add the dryer heat to it you are now telling your hair and your scalp hey I need you to absorb as much as you can and then I'm going to rinse the excess out you do not do a hot oil treatment and a scalp exfoliation treatment in the same day they are too heavy and they do not go together okay so we have done a pre treatment so that is over there okay now it is time for wash day you've done either a hot oil treatment or you've done a scalp exfoliation treatment so you're going to use a very cheap shampoo which honestly I would say use our herbal detox shampoo because it is it is a detox shampoo and you are going to put some in your hands and emulsify it the dry hair okay this is how you extract excess oil you do not put water on a oily head it is only going to lock the oil in more once again oil in water does not mix and then you're gonna create an environment when you can't get that much oil out okay so you are going to now detox and use your detox shampoo which is the herbal detox shampoo with organic charcoal in it and you are going to use that while the hair is dry you can also use don dis detergent that's another way to do it because you're just using this to extract the excess oil it is not to clean the hair it is not to clean the Scout it is not gonna hurt the hair the goal is to remove this excess oil before you go in with your actual wash day it's very important that you follow those steps the way I said it if you are doing a hot oil treatment or scalp exfoliation treatment I'm repeating it for those of you that are writing it down you want to make sure that you dry shampoo the hair with your regular shampoo before you wet the hair down and start the actual shampoo service okay alright now you're going to rinse out that shampoo and the oil that's in the hair okay and you're gonna rinse that with warm water do not use cool water warm water if you use a lot of oil you can use cool water because cool water solidifies it solidifies oils so it makes it where the oil washes out even easier okay alright once we've done all of our pretreatment we're gonna put that to the side now it is now time for the official wash day so on your official wash day if you're low porosity you are using one of one of three shampoos okay either you're strengthening today so you're using your hair repair and world shampoo and conditioner you're doing a moisture I'm saying I said that wrong you're doing one of two types of shampoo either you're moisturizing or you're strengthening strengthening is going to be done with the hair repair and growth shampoo and conditioner if you will need moisturizing this is where it breaks down okay Moisture alt of course is ideal for any one of our low porosity clients but okay yeah but if you have medium to fine textured hair and you don't want too much of a heavy shampoo and conditioner you can use Hydra strength or if moisture LT is not available you can use Hydra strength I just drink is an amazing shampoo and conditioner it is perfect for relaxed hair but it is also absolutely amazing for natural hair it smells great if it's nice and looks it feels nice and silky on the hair it's not too heavy on the hair now if your hair is absolutely dry like mist net like miss Celie you're going to need to get you a moisture LT and it just wait till it comes because moisture LT is going to be your go-to if your head is like a brillo pad some people were blessed with that texture some weren't okay so you are going to Francis I am actually saving this live so you'll get to go back and watch this live 1,300 times it will be saved so you guys don't have to worry if you miss a step it's going to be saved the moment I'm done okay now you once you've done the first shampoo with whatever shampoo you're using whether it be moisture LT Hydra strength in a new shampoo we have our herbal detox shampoo then you are able to do a second shampoo I typically recommend you do two shampoos on your wash day that does not include a dry shampoo if the hair is dirty you're gonna take a step back and you'll cleanse again and then do your moisture or strength shampoo if the hair is not so dirty then you can skip the detox which is the herbal detox shampoo and go straight into your moisture or you're strengthening shampoo and do it twice if you are detoxing you would do detox once and then your treatment shampoo the second time treatment shampoos is hair repair and growth moisture LT Hydra strength whatever shampoo those are treatment shampoos those are your luxury shampoos they are not twenty-something dollars for no reason they're not twenty-something dollars for you use one bottle on your entire head in one wash day a little goes a long way can a hot oil treatment be done the same day absolutely it actually should be done the same day because you have to shampoo the hair after that okay so once you've done your two shampoos whether it be your cleansing and your treatment or to treatment shampoos your now are going to go into the deep conditioning phase before you get to deep conditioning please ensure that you've rinsed out all the shampoo out of your hair a lot of you like to leave product behind that is not a good thing rinse it all out Shampoo is shampoo conditioner is conditioner I don't leave either or in the hair unless it says it's a leave-in conditioner okay okay cool so now we're onto the conditioner once you choose which conditioner you're going to be using for that day for your deep-penetration conditioner let me step back if you're doing a protein on the same day which is also great because you need to hydrate before hydrate after you'll do your protein in place of your regular conditioner so if you're doing a protein you do the protein treatment and then you use the replenishing conditioner and it comes with the protein treatment to rehydrate and soften the hair and at that point it is going to help hydrate the hair and you will just leave it on for the 15 minutes under a dryer that's protein if you're not doing a protein treatment that day and you're just doing moisturizing you will then go ahead and put your moisturizing conditioner on the hair you can take your wide tooth comb and if your hair is easy to detangle because if you follow my instructions you detangle it before you started then you'll go ahead detangle it again rope twist it or you can leave it in its afro which I don't always recommend put your processing cap on and you will sit under your hooded dryer for 15 to 20 minutes that's all it takes the cuticle will open at moment I think about minute 9 to 11 if I'm not mistaken and then from 11 to 15 or 11 to 20 is when it is depositing all the goodness that it can absorb from that conditioner after you have completed your conditioner you should be rinsing the conditioner out with cool to cold water cool to cold water why do you need cool the cold water cool to cold water closes the cuticle so the worst thing you can do is you open the cuticle up you put in all this goodness and then it stays open so everything you put in drops out that's what happens with high porosity hair instead you close the cuticle again and typically low porosity hair is going to snap shut anyway and it also adds that luster and that shine that your hair is lacking at the end low porosity hair is typically very dull because it doesn't absorb any type of oil it doesn't absorb any type of luster it has no luster to it so if you close the cuticle and you use cold water it locks in that shine it locks in that conditioner it leaves all its goodness behind and it makes the hair feel nice and strong okay so once you've rinsed out all of that conditioner with the cold water yes I know it's cold yes I know you're like oh I don't like cold water it doesn't matter the hair requires it you give it what it needs and then you will end with your leave-in conditioner for low porosity I stress a cream-based or if we do not have cream base because it's sometimes out of stock because that product that product line once your alt goes like this the moment we put it in it goes out you can also use our hydration and strength leave in therapy spray it's a milk so it's not just a water base it's a milk Sosa cream water base and you can spray that on as your leave-in conditioner and you have completed your wash day okay so I hope you guys wrote that part down wash day is now complete let's talk after care after care moisturizers so now you've completed your wash today Saturday today is Tuesday you put your your goddess curl definer on and you're wanting it to be ready okay you put your scare me you put your curl definer on and now you're wanting to add that luster you don't want the hair to feel exceptionally dry well you have all the products in your arsenal already you have your goddess serum or your growth elixir or your super growth create a cocktail create a cocktail how do you create a cocktail you take your goddess serum or your growth elixir or your super growth along with a very small amount of carrier oil and you can mix that with your leave-in conditioner rub it up if you notice I'm multiplying in my hand and then you apply it to the hair when you apply it to the hair at that point you don't need anymore products for the rest of the week the only thing you can place on the hair for the rest of the week is a little bit of gloss spray or a little bit of frizz tamer and shine serum but every time you add some water to that hair you're activating that that product that you put on there and that goes back to the lesson that I was teaching you guys in the beginning about adding more products to the hair over and over and over and over and over in Florida I'm glad you asked that question she said can you use the growth balm absolutely the growth balm is a stealth based balm okay anything you put at the scalp level if you put it on at the right time the hair will absorb it it will distribute it throughout the hair so you can use the growth balm as added moisture for the scalp and then whatever remains you can add just a small amount on the hair if you're going to use the growth balm don't add any goddess serum don't create that cocktail if you are in times where let's say you're treating a situation where you know you have a scalp issue or you have bald spots or patches or that kind of thing that's different those oils are made for that but you can also cocktail them to aid and repairing the hair itself - I told you our products are able to be mixed to create customized cocktails for each individual persons head so no one's cocktail is gonna be the same and there's no right or wrong to the cocktail that you create okay so yes the growth balm can be used okay and somebody said yes yes yes don't sleep on high just drink shampoo and conditioner it's the bomb yes I'm gonna let me read some of you guys's questions really quick if the deep conditioner is sealed in properly how long does it stay in the strands so dawn if you're low porosity honestly it'll stay there until the next wash day but keep in mind everyone's absorption and everyone's dissipation or dissipate rate is going to be different okay you have to know the signs of when your hair needs something if you don't know how to understand what your hair needs something you have them to watch up my videos enough the hair speaks to you the hair tells you when it needs something oh man it's breaking off man it probably needs a trim or it needs some protein Wow every time I do this I feel like my hair feels like string like a brillo pad that means you're not hydrating enough did you notice I said hey hydrating enough hydrating enough man my hair smells it probably needs to be washed your hair talks to you it tells you things it tells you things that you need to pay attention to okay cool I'm gonna read some more questions really quick I use the goddess serum on my scalp once a week which is perfect can I add the serum to the leave-in Vivian you can but I would say to add it to the hair and not to the leave-in because the oil and water don't mix and it's just gonna sit at the top and all its gonna do is still distribute it in separates so it's better you put it on the hair and then go through with your leave-in conditioner do you use the growth bomb on the scalp every day no Lucretia I don't I probably say every 2 to 3 days you don't want to put too much on there because it's just building up now if you are a one who has very very dry scalp you can do it every other day will the cuticle open up after blow-drying Maria no the cuticle doesn't open after blow-drying it actually is quite it's I don't know I wanna say it doesn't open because it is a form of heat but it's not heat where you're trying to allow the hair to absorb something so no I wouldn't say it is to achieve it's one on the bed will you do a lesson for higher porosity here yes I will soon stupid question how often do you wash your hair Kathy that's not a super question I stick to the week to two weeks I do every week because I have a short cut but if your natural or relaxed I'd say every two weeks ok so I hope everybody got a good amount of information from this video as promised I said I would come on and redo the video because I know it was breaking up the other day and so many people wanted this information but they didn't know if I was gonna do it or not so definitely you guys you'll be able to go back and watch this video because I know I do speak slightly fast sometimes because I have a lot of information and I want to get out in a short time but you definitely will be able to go back and watch this video and for you guys who are on the video because I know some of you who don't have our products that may want our products if you use code YouTube why o UT ube you'll save an additional 15% off your purchase some of the products that I mentioned are in stock some of them are not in stock if it is not in stock just go ahead and create that it's a little link there that says notify me when available and put your cell phone number in there and it will send you a text one minute after I actually upload it to the sites as being available and it will give you a link to go ahead and be able to purchase it because the way our products work they never stay on the show which god is good I'm thankful I'm thankful I'm thankful and I'm more thankful okay so as I said thank you guys for watching this video please don't forget to subscribe to my channel if you're new and please don't forget to thumbs up my video comment down below and let me know what your regimen is what is your watch day if you're using our products how are you using them and give us some reviews on how well they're doing for you okay thanks guys for watching
Channel: Elite Hair Care USA
Views: 19,061
Rating: 4.9432096 out of 5
Id: nAWaHYkdh0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 13sec (2173 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 23 2020
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