When It Comes Around | Full Romantic Drama Movie | WORLD MOVIE CENTRAL

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("Heavy on my Mind" by Sosha Oshaye) (humming) ♪ Here we go ♪ ♪ Lately ♪ ♪ I've been thinking ♪ ♪ Thinking about things I used to do ♪ ♪ Wondering ♪ ♪ Will I ever ♪ ♪ How will I ever get over you ♪ (playful classical music) - Tell me you're not tryin' to sneak out on me. - Toni, baby, no. I would never-- - Monique. My name is Monique, remember? - Right, Monique, Toni, same thing. - No, you know what? (laughing) God, why do I keep fallin' for this? Clarice told me you were gonna be that kind of guy. She warned me about you. - No, look, I'm just goin' to get you a latte, all right? Yeah, I'll get you next time. - Next time? There's not gonna be a next time. - Well, have a nice life. - So you weren't gonna pay for my Uber, you cheap bastard? - Girl, I'mma Cash App you. Holla. (humming) (upbeat music) - Hey, Dexter, how you doing? - Good morning, how are you? - Hey, Dexty. I'm free Friday night. - Are you? - Mm-hmm. - Well, if my grandmother didn't have her baby shower Friday, I'd be there. Morning, Doris. - Kiss my ass, Dexter, and then it would be a great morning. - You need Oprah's life class. - And you need an upper colonic 'cause you so full of shit. - [Dexter] You love me. - You wish. Thank you for callin'. - Mm. (upbeat music) - I mean, I just wanna know, man. I'm gettin' sick of all this anticipation, man. Just let me know, did you hit the pound game? - Randall, man, please find a seat. Stop being immature. - Oh, man. Look, like, you don't wanna know. - There are bigger issues to be dealin' with today. Willis just called for a meeting at nine o'clock. - Probably 'bout Brad. - Man, forget about Brad, man. Let's talk about the broad, man. Is she better than the contortionist from Modesto? - Enough, man. Just answer the middle school questions. (stammers) Spare us the details. - Who's that? (Randall gasps) - Oh. - Oh, damn. - Oh, nice. Wait a minute, goddamn, she flexible. What the? Is that legal? Is that legal? - [Dexter] That's all you get. - Oh, god, please teach me. (people chattering) - [Man] I mean, I just. - [Man] I'm 2%. - (clears throat) Good morning. (clears throat) Good morning! - Shut your traps and listen up! - Good morning. - Morning. - Good morning. - I know a lot of you have been speculating about Brad, wondering where he is, what's happening. - Getting his assed axed, that's what's happening. - Well, I have some exciting news for you. Brad has departed. He sliced one too many drives down the next fairway, so we had to let him go. - He was our best point guard, too. - But I've got some exciting news for you. Brad's replacement will be here tomorrow. Jerry's a great team player who knows how to negotiate the rough. - Hold up, but does Jerry know how to play basketball? I mean, the three on three tournament is coming up now. You know what I'm saying? Now look, we're playing your brother again, and I ain't trying to be getting beat up on again by your brother's team. - Jerry played NCAA hoops for UT. - Oh, that's what I'm talking about. Yeah. - Now, I'm hoping that you all will give Jerry a big, warm welcome tomorrow. - [Man] Yes, sir. - Ha ha. - Fellas, we might be all right. Anybody who can play ball for UT can ball. - Mm, so we actually might have a chance to win the championship this year. - Guys, we should be more concerned if this new guy can contribute meaningfully to the company 'cause we are struggling. - Guys, we should see if this guy can contribute meaning, man, forget all of that, man. As long as this Jerry dude can play basketball, that's good enough for me. - He got a point, he got a point. That's a smart man. - Meaningful, what's wrong with you? (cheerful, playful music) - Hey, Auntie. - Ooh, hey Nephew. (laughs) Oh, how was your day? Mm, how'd the big business meeting go? - Business meeting, my ass. The only business he was doing-- - Hey, watch your mouth. - Oh, don't think I wasn't alive during the '70s. We had a lot of meeting. - You need to watch your mouth too. What you working on, kiddo? - Math. - Oh no, math. You can keep that, there you go, right there. - Thanks. - I speak English, not math. - Lisa called last night. - Oh, shoot. I forgot something. - I made an excuse for you, said you were out of town again. - [Dexter] Yeah, thanks big head. - She's too good for you. You need to stop stringing her along. Either work it out or let her go. She deserves that. - Mm-hmm, thank you, Iyanla. - This is the last time I'm making excuses for you. - Sophie, when you become a full grown adult, you'll understand that these things are not so black and white. They get complicated, all right? - Why complicate something that simple? - Sounds like math. Lisa. Hey, what's up, babe? Yeah, yeah, no, I was in, um, (snapping) - D.C. - D.C. I was in D.C. Yeah, I was meeting that guy I told you about. Mm-hmm, yeah. So, I was thinking I wanna take you to this Italian place over on 17th tomorrow night. Sound good? (mellow music) - Dexter? - Hey, Dexter. - Are you free Tuesday night, Dex? - Tuesday, Tuesday. You know, I have a root canal. Yeah, you know I got a sweet tooth. Why you being so nice? - The boss wants to see you, and I hope that he rakes ass over the coals like you deserve. - That's the Doris I know. - And that's the Dexter I know. (tense music) - [Willis] I do a lot of cab race to the track. - Really? - Whose bike is that? Hey, Dexter. Just wanted to introduce you to Jerry. - Oh, all right. Well, okay. Well, send him in. - Her. Jerry. - This is Jerry, hey, Jerry. - [Jerry] Hi. - Is that short for Geraldine? You don't look like a Geraldine, you still got all your teeth. - We're in a war, gentlemen. Two blue chip quarterbacks has just been added to the draft, and we need to sign at least one of them, so as an added incentive whoever makes a hole in one and signs one of these hot properties will get a new Porsche and $100,000 bonus. - Thank you. - Well. - Well, you know what, you don't have a thing to worry about because I will make that happen. - Ha! (claps) That's the spirit. That's what I'm talking about, that's initiative. See, my father started this company - [All] With $16. - That he made selling wood on the streets. Now, that's initiative. You just don't find that grit, you don't find those levels of those guts anymore. Everybody just wants a hole in one. Now, who wouldn't want a little go-getter like this one in your foursome? (Dexter chuckles) - Yep. - [Randall] Whoo! - Who does she think she is? Did you see that? Did you see her? Coming in here, trying to shine on me? Who does she think I am? I am the Dextinator. Who got the firm record, 11 first rounders, right? 100 million in contracts, who? Who's got the record? - The Dextinator, that's who. - That's who. - Mm-hmm. - Dexter, if I might say something. What she said, that's sort of the thing you usually say. - Exactly, exactly. That is my job. I'm the one that comes in here being all cocky and shit. - Mm-hm. - The wind is his theme music. (laughs) Listen, man, I just thought of something. What the hell was all that shit about playing basketball at UT, man? - The Tennessee women's program have won eight national titles. - That is a girl's team. She is a girl. - Nah, son. She a grown ass woman. I'ma tune in and follow her. She bad. - She is bad. She bad as hell. - Mm, mm, mm. - I can't let her looks distract me. - Oh whoa, whoa, whoa, speaking of distractions. Can you hit that? - What kind of question is that? Can I hit that, huh? Can a bear shit in the woods? - Mm. - Mm? Is the Pope Catholic? Does Michael Jackson change color? - Hey, look, man, I don't know about all that. Yes or no? - Is that a challenge? - What? (laughs) Bam! Huh, huh? That's that blue phase bitch, so what's up? I need that old Dex back. (laughs) I'ma need proof man, just like the last one. - You'll get your proof. - The fate of this company rests on us signing one of them quarterbacks, and you two are betting on something as trivial as premarital sex. - Trivial? Are you crazy? - Nah, nah, nah, he's got a point. This is trivial. She posed a challenge. - Mm, so what are you thinking? - Go for double. - Hmm. So you saying get the girl and sign the quarterback? - You in on this, Chris? (sighing) Go and reach in that tight ass suit. (Chris and Randall chuckle) - 100 legal tender that you can sign one of 'em quarterbacks before Jerry does. - Yeah. - Okay, all right. And considering your track record and stats, I'm willing to take that risk for a little bit of some capital gain. - You got a way of making fun shit sound not fun. - It's called a bet, gentlemen. - Then say that, man. I'm sick of this, man. I'm tired of you boys going to junior Yale college, man. - I'd never be at a junior college. - [Randall] Okay. - Don't ever disrespect me like that. - Yeah, man, you went to Starvard thinking it was Harvard. Yeah, I saw you. I saw your papers. - [Chris] Ooh wee, that coffee is good. (mellow music) ♪ He doesn't love me the way you used to ♪ ♪ And his head don't smell the same, the same way ♪ ♪ Lately I've been thinking 'bout it ♪ ♪ Could I really do without it ♪ ♪ Got me sitting here just doubting ♪ ♪ Should I stay or go back to you ♪ - Hey sweetheart. - Roses as a sign of guilt? - A sign of affection. ♪ Alright, alright, alright ♪ - Can I come in? - Yeah. - Come on, say it. Lisa, say it. - I've had enough, Dexter. - No, no. You say how are you? And I say perfect. And then you say perfect for me. It's our thing, come on, babe. - It's not enough, Dexter. You really think that apologies and flowers is gonna make up for standing me up again? - No, no, I didn't stand you up. I told you, I was out of town. - And your phone just stopped working, right? - No, you know the reception in New York is splotchy. It's all over the place when you get between those buildings. - [Lisa] I thought you said you were in D.C. (dramatic music) - When I travel a lot, New York, D.C., L.A., it all feels the same. - God, enough, Dexter. Enough! I'm done, I can't. - Come on, let me fix you, not water. Let me fix you a real drink. Let's go get something to eat, all right? You like food. We'll get some food, some drinks, we'll feel good, right? - Stop. God, Dexter. (sighs) I don't think you understand how serious I am. Most of my friends are married, Dexter. They have kids. And here I am just sitting on a shelf waiting for you to grow up. I mean, yeah, we were on a break, but Jesus, I haven't even been with anyone. (sighs) - Look, you are tense. Let me, I'm just gonna find you, uh, where's your liquor? - See, this is exactly what I'm talking about. This is you. We're done here. - No, no, no. - Just get out. - We're not, we're not. You said we were one a break, all right? - Jesus. - We are working out the kinks right now, but we're still playing for the same team. - You're not on my team. And that is the problem. We were supposed to take this time to clear our minds, to have some space, to reset, but you, you can't just stick it in everything that moves. Where is your heart, Dexter? That's what I thought. (dramatic music) - Lisa. You're up late. - All this, you know. You and Lisa kiss and make up? - Yeah, but it's complicated. - She's a good woman, Dexy. I don't get it. - Whose side are you on? - Her side, of course. We women gotta stick together. - I don't know what to do with her. We've been together since high school. I feel like I got some parts of me that still wanna see the world. You know, I got some things left to do. She wants to get too serious too fast and I just. Why am I even talking to you? This is probably beyond your years. - Love doesn't worry about years or age or anything. That's why it's straight from God. It's love. No conditions, no limits. - This is serious. She said I have to stop my antics. - Well, stop your antics. - You got any other ideas? - [Sophie] No. - Wake up, Auntie. (playful music) (chuckling) (playful music) Well, check out the fitness queen. (Jerry laughs) Good morning. - Good morning. - How are you? - I'm good. Just finished, about to take a shower, start my day. You know, I just had to get centered and find my space first. - Get centered? - Mm-hmm. - Yeah, that makes sense. Getting centered is really good, especially when you're about to share information like how you plan on signing Stuart and Rodriguez. (Jerry chuckling) - And why would I help you with that? Why would I share that with you? - Well, because I thought I could help you out. I've got some experience around here. - Oh, so you would help me? - Absolutely. - And why would you do that, Dexter? - Because when you win, we all win. - [Jerry] How do you figure that? - Because helping you helps us all. - Oh, really? How do you figure that? - Well, you know, they already know me around here. I'm pretty established, so I don't really need the accolades and help. I'm here to help you. - Hmm. Like Matthews last year? - Exactly. See, everybody thought he was going with a bigger agency last year, but when I got my foot in the door, it was all over it. - Hmm, so how'd you do it? What was your secret? - I thought he said he was gonna find out how she worked. - Mm. - Bait the hook, let it dangle. - And the hook was? - I did my research. Found his weakness. - Which was what? - His momma. - Hmm. - See, before she passed on, God rest her soul, she worked at a local bakery, so I sent him a batch of muffins, and I figured that the smell would remind him of home. I attached a note that said, She would be so proud. He melted. Sometimes it's not always about the money, you know? It's about the personal connection. Who's gonna answer the phone at four a.m. after a late night brawl or a DUI? - That is really smart. Okay, big shot, tell me another one. - You don't wanna hear another one. - Yes, I do. - She's working him over pretty good, isn't she? But if it was me, I'd probably be telling her anything. Skid marks in my drawers, zits I popped, fat women I slept with just 'cause I felt sorry for myself, anything, give her my soul. - Hmm. So what do you think with Stuart? - Stuart, easy. - Easy? - Easy. (Jerry chuckles) It's all about the knowledge. - Hmm. - See, with Stuart, his secret is his momma. Many times the black woman is the head of household 'cause they had to be. Stuart's no different, so it when it comes to signing that young man, his momma holds the key. - Well, I'm thinking since we're gonna be working very closely together, how do we work the momma? - Hey! - Well, that was-- Hey. (Chris clears throat) - Guys. - Uh, yeah. - I'm busy. - Nah, but you're late for you meeting. - Mm-hmm. - I ain't late for no meeting. - Dawg, yes you are, man. You got a meeting at 6:30. - No, no, I'm at the meeting I need to be at. - No, no, we got to get to the meeting. - I don't have a meeting. - No, we got to get him a new shirt. It's about to pop. - What meeting? What meeting? Really? - Have a seat. - I had her in the palm of my hands. See, you guys don't understand. I had her right where I wanted her. I was just about to tell her-- - Tell her exactly how you was going to sign Stuart. - I was? - Man, she was working you over like Tyson on a heavy bag. - Mm-hmm. - Damn. - I'm sure that's what it looked like to your untrained ears, but you just came in too soon, all right? I was just baiting the hook. I was about to reel her in. - Is that right? You was baiting the hook? - You were about to reel her in, huh? - Reel her ass in. - Yeah, it looked more like she was trolling you, boss. For the record, I probably would've did the same thing. She something good. But you know better. (mellow music) ♪ Yeah yeah yeah ♪ - [Dexter] Nobody want to bring it in, though. - [Chris] Here you go, man. Way to go. - Oh, okay. - [Dexter] Ooh, nice shot. - Uh, uh, uh, bring it. - You not coming this way, uh. - Whoo! - So, y'all think we can win this year? - We got everything we need. Three of us and somebody coming off the bench. - Yes, sir. (Dexter chuckling) (upbeat music) - Hey, guys. - What the hell is she doing here? Come on. - Willis told me about this tournament. Said that you guys normally play his brother in the finals, said that we really need to win this, right? - We? Ain't no we, sweetheart. We got the we. (Randal and Chris chuckling) - Why not? 'Cause you know I can play, right? - Yeah, you can, she can, I heard you can play in the powderpuff leagues. - [Randall] Ooh. - See, this is a man's sport here. I don't want you to bruise that pretty little face up. Now, if you really want to help us out, feel free to cheerlead. You can stand right there, and when you spell my name use the big D. (men laughing) ♪ My shooters know what to do ♪ (singing gibberish) ♪ When I send a man after you ♪ - Nice little trick shot, but what you gonna do when somebody got defense? ♪ My shooters know what to do ♪ ♪ When I send a man after you ♪ (men shouting) ♪ My shooters know what to do ♪ ♪ When I send a man after you ♪ - Oh, she ain't got no range. Oh. - So, when's our next practice? ♪ Guarantee they gon' come through ♪ ♪ And do what they have to do ♪ - Well, looky here. If it ain't the dime store Casanova. (Doris laughs) - Get thee behind me, Satan. I got a meeting with Willis today. - Well, he ain't ready yet. And you know what, if you ever talk to me like that again I will beat your ass with this phone, somebody in here gonna film it, and it's gonna go viral. (phone thudding) You are so sleazy. - You need your medication. - Doesn't matter. You are just sleazy. I can see that look on your face. You already got your sights, your thirsty little sights, on that new girl, Jerry, don't you? - None of your business. - Oh yes, it is my business, and let me tell you something. You are way, way out of your league on this one. You'd have a better chance with Mother Theresa. - I'd have had Mother Theresa too, but she already died. - Yeah, just like your old ass act. (laughs) - Dexter. What you doing standing around here? It's tee off time. - Well, time to shuffle on off to wherever y'all go. - You just stand there and breathe fire, how about that? - That's all right. Have it your way. (groans) Sorry. Ooh, that boy. (knocking at door) - See, if we're gonna make it into the clubhouse and keep a leading attack, I need you to be thinking. Birdie, even eagle. - You mean, we need to sign Stuart or Rodriguez? - Hmm, when you line it up for a putt on the ninth hole, you don't go running back for a shot on the first hole, okay? You're a pro, Dexter. You don't go playing around in the bunker when we're shooting for the big win. - Oh, you mean Jerry. - Right, see keep your driver in your bag until we're on the 19th hole and we're ordering drinks. - Yes. Yeah, I got you. Yeah, I'll keep my big club in my bag until we're in the clubhouse with the little birdie. - Somebody's listening around here. I like you. I like you. - [Dexter] Hey. - Hi. - I wanted to apologize for yesterday, and the way I behaved. And I was harsh, and I'm sorry. - I accept your apology, but honestly I should be apologizing. I was the one that busted into your practice. - I was a little shocked to see you run in there. (Jerry laughs) And I just want to put this information out here 'cause I don't like fake news being out there, but I was a little under the weather. Ordinarily, I don't play like that. I'm usually knocking 'em down from half court. - Oh, okay. - I taught Steph Curry his jump shot. - Oh, did you? - He used to have a little hitch, but we worked it out. Your boy was a little slow, but we got him going. - Oh, you're funny. (laughs) - Can I ask you a question? - [Jerry] Yeah. - Sports agent? - [Jerry] Yeah. Why? - My dad. He was my coach in high school, and he actually played semi-pro in Europe. - That sounds cool. You two close? - We were. I was always his little girl. We'd watch every Pistons game together, just me and him. He spoiled me rotten. (Jerry laughs) - So, nothing's changed. - (laughs) You're funny. But yeah, everything changed when he went overseas. It was like basketball was all we had in common. It was the topic if every conversation, so I don't know. Other than that he was pretty distant. - Was that hurtful? - No, not really. I mean, I did everything that I could to make him proud of me, you know what I mean? I mean, and I got my scholarship to UT, but I was still kind of a disappointment to him when I didn't make it to the WNBA. (Jerry laughs) I mean, I made it to training camp. - Really? Yeah, that's further than most got, right? - Yeah. - Yes. - I just still feel like a disappointment to him, so I just feel like I got to be an agent, not for him, for me. I'm just so tired of being so close to the top, but just not quite, you know - You're gonna be just fine. You got everything it takes. - You think so? - Absolutely, definitely. - Can I make it up to you? Can I take you to dinner? - You want to take me to dinner? - Yeah. I feel like if we're gonna be working so closely together we should get to know each other better. - Sounds good. - [Jerry] Yeah? - Yeah. - [Randall] Man, she invited you to dinner? You about to hit it. - [Chris] Wait, she invited you? - [Dexter] Exactly. I told you, she can't get enough of the Dext-inator. - Wait, wait, wait, wait, are you sure about this? - What you mean? - What's there to be sure about? I mean, he sold her the dream, now she wants him to be her sexual nightmare in a good way. - [Chris] I don't know, man. - What you mean you don't know? - I mean, hasn't it occurred to you that she's very eager, perhaps a little too eager? Maybe she's got her own agenda. Maybe, now wait a minute, just maybe, she might be setting you up for something. - Or maybe, you don't know how I get down. I told you, I got this in the bag. You just pay attention. - Woo-hoo! - All right, it is possible, you know. (upbeat music) ♪ Hey I say freedom ♪ - You look incredible. - Thank you. - It's a rally nice place here. - Yeah, I figured I'd treat you. This is sort of a Hollywood hot spot. - Oh, maybe we'll run into Wesley Snipes. - Who? - You don't know-- - Anyways, I figured that if we're gonna try to sign Rodriguez and Stuart that we should learn to work closely together. - Yes. The closer the better. - [Jerry] Mm-hmm, and make sure that all the pieces fit right together. - Yes, the pieces. They should fit the way pieces fit. - Exactly. (both laugh) - [Jerry] Hmm. (tense music) - This must be it. Is this it? Oh, you wannabe player. Okay. I guess you forgot that your phone's on my account. Amateur night. I'm gonna show you amateur night. You want to play? Let's play. - I'm going to really enjoy working under you, Dexter. - Oh, under me? Yes. Let's toast to that. ♪ So boss and stay floss ♪ ♪ So boss and stay floss ♪ - I'll show you a player. (host mumbling angrily) Get off of me. Get off of me. You know what? Get off of me. Get off of me. Don't touch me. Dexter! - One of yours? - No, no, no, no, I'm fine. Yes, we should keep it right here. - You know what, Dexter? You're full of shit. - [Host] Can you please keep it down? - Yeah, that's what you are. - So, so-- Hello? - So what are you getting? - Dexter, I see you! I see your ass. - Dex? Is your name Dexter? - [Lisa] Be a man, Dexter. - [Dexter] It's probably another Dexter. - She's looking right at you. - Yeah. - Huh, yep. - Oh, she must be the girlfriend Doris told me about. - She told you? - I must admit she has an urban charm. - We're on a break. - Which hoe is this? Number five, number four? Come on, Dexter. - You know she loves you. - She might need her man. Let me go check on her. - Please. - Asshole. - Oh, wow. - [Dexter] Hang on, hang on, hang on. Lisa, Lisa, Lisa. - No, we are done, Dexter. We're done. (door slams) (somber electronic music) - So, I apologize for earlier. Lisa and I have a rather complicated situation-ship. (Jerry laughs) - That's what you call it? I have to admit, it does make a girl curious as to what you might have done to make a woman act so crazy. Well, see you at the office. (Dexter sighs) - Shit. (sighing) Hey. - What the hell are you doing here? - Look, I'm sorry. Can I come in? - Hell no. - Lisa? - What? - I don't know what to say, I'm sorry. - You were on a date with another woman. Why? Why do you make me so crazy? I was tracking you. This isn't me, Dex. - It wasn't a date. - I know what a date looks like, and that was a date. - Listen, I know what it looked like, but I'm gonna tell you right now Jerry is a colleague. We're working together on something. - Oh, okay, okay, so you work together? Is that supposed to comfort me? 'Cause she looks like she popped out of a magazine cover, okay? - Yeah. - Yeah, you like that? - Yeah, I mean, no. Hey, what's gonna make you feel better right now? - You just won't change, Dexter. See, your problem is that you say things that you think people want to hear. God, I love you. I really do, but I can't do this anymore. I guess you finally got what you wanted, your freedom. - Lisa. - So, you are free to go. - Lisa. - Get out. Get out. (somber music) - You're home early. - Yeah. (sighs) I went out to dinner with a colleague named Jerry, and guess who showed up? - Lisa? She bumrushed you, huh? - Did she? - (sighs) Do you still love her? You got to stop stringing her along. Women, we have deep feelings, you know? - (chuckles) What you know about deep feelings? You still a baby. - I've been here before, or did you forget? - You know, you are a very cool-headed, well-centered young lady. - Stop. - I wish mom could see you. - You miss her, don't you? (dramatic music) - Yeah. - Me too, Dexter. - It's kinda like I'm losing her face. Like I can't even remember what she looked like anymore. It's strange. - Well, she's still in here. - And all this stuff with Lisa, putting her through all this. I think it's time to move on. - [Amina] Mm, move on, my ass, mm. - I thought you were asleep. - (sighs) There's a lot that you don't know. Simplify your life, son. Stop making things so complicated. Sometimes in life you've got to have the strength to make a decision and suffer the consequences right or wrong. Not deciding is still deciding. - Is that something you learned in the '70s? - '70s, '80s, '90s, 100s, it doesn't matter. This is not what you're trying to decide to eat for dinner. This is somebody's life that you're fooling with. Time she can't get back ever. Stop trying to put a foot on each side of the fence. Get off that fence. I promise you, it'll be the right decision. - How come you're still alone? - Oh, uh uh. I believe in God's timing. - Well, his watch must be broke. (laughing) - Clock's ticking, you pray on it son. Oh. (Amina laughs) - Clock is ticking. Clock is ticking. - Mm-hmm. - So, see Marcus what I'm trying to tell you is that signing with us gives you a more of personal touch. - Mm, personal touch, I like that. - Yeah, see if you sign with a bigger agency you're gonna get passed around from rep to rep. You sign with me, I handle you personally. You call Christmas morning, it doesn't matter what day, what time, I pick up first ring. - Oh, you can handle me any time. It's always Christmas over here. (laughs) - I know it's a big decision, all right? Take your time, make sure it's exactly what you want. - Mm, I know exactly what I want. - Oh. (clears throat) Good. - Marcus, why don't you go and get us some tea? - Yes, ma'am. - I can help you with that. - No, no, no, no, no, no. You sit your pretty ass right there. So, how come that girl keeps calling me from your agency? - What girl? - I don't know. - Jerry, was her name Jerry? - Yeah, I guess. - Yeah, no don't worry about her. She just gets everything warmed up for me. - Mm, well, I am warmed up and ready to go. (laughs) - How's Marcus feeling about all this right now? - Oh, Marcus don't think, honey. I make all the decisions. - So, you make the decisions. - It's simple, honey. Mama gets what mama wants, and everybody gets what they want, everybody's happy. - Hey, so I left you some paperwork, so you can look it over, make your mind up. You guys can talk about it and get with me very soon. - Sounds good. - Okay. - Okay, all right. Let me just, pleasure, I'll show myself out. - Sure. What do you think? - Don't you two have your own damn offices? - Hey, hey, hey. Just the man we been waiting for. So, did you smash? Did you tap that ass? - That's not what matters here. Are you working with her or against her to sign Stuart and Rodriguez? - We are taking it slow. - What? Did my ears just deceive me? Did Dexter, player extraordinaire, just say he's taking it slow? Mm mm mm. Nurse! Nurse! - Look, everything is not a rush, okay? You can't rush it all. - You can't? - No. This girl, man, she's different. - So, what you're saying is you can't crack it? - You're admitting defeat? - No. What I'm saying is I need to change my strategy, that's all. - (claps) That's smart, so what you got in mind? - In mind? My strategy is... You know, I ordinarily would use my full court press and overwhelm her with my charm. - Mm. (Chris laughs) - Well man, you might need to recharge that charm 'cause brother, you are losing your power. - Your own office. - [Randall] Mm-hm. - You're welcome. (smacks lips) (sighs) - [Randall] Raw. - Morning. - Good morning, Mr. Loverman. (laughing) So, what'd it cost you? Some Luby's, Tiffany's? - She won't take my calls. - Oh. - I feel awful. - Mm, why don't you come over to my house for dinner? Help you feel better. - Your house for dinner? Okay. - Yeah, Friday, eight o'clock? - Yeah. - Okay. - Sounds fun. - Hopefully, no crazy people will come barging in this time. - (laughs) Yeah. ♪ Gimme all the keys to your body ♪ ♪ I won't speed, I'mma take my time ♪ ♪ I'll drive that body slow, go ♪ (knocking) ♪ I know you like it when I go slow ♪ - Well, hello. - Hey. - Thank you, that's sweet. (Jerry laughs) - I am looking forward to seeing how well we fit together. - Me too. Come on in. (Jerry lightly chuckles) Dexter, these are my parents. - Oh, your parents. - Yes. - What a surprise. A pleasant surprise. You must be so proud of your daughter going from basketball star to being an agent at the prestigious Willis Firm. - Basketball is a gift from God. As I've matured, I've learned to focus only on the divine things, the internity things. - (laughs) Praise the Lord! Yes! - You don't say? - So FYI, I told my parents that I have a boyfriend, (clears throat) you being that boyfriend. They're paranoid because I'm not married. They think I'm a lesbian. - That'll be an interesting visual. - I promise, I will make it worth your while. Thank you. - Oh, boy. - Here you go, sweetie. - Thank you. - Well, you know, Jerry, you really went all out tonight. This looks great. - Thank you. - Son, it's the Lord that provides for us. - Well, shout out to the holy one, huh? - [Martha] Yes, praise his name. - Amen, Amen. So, Jerry tells me here that you two are dating. - Mm-hmm, mm-hmm, yep. - And just what are your intentions towards my daughter? - Tonight? (Martha gasps) My intentions are to have a deep and meaningful relationship. - And have you two had sexual intercourse yet? - Daddy! - Oh, oh no! - Have you? - We most certainly have not. - Oh, praise your name. Thank you for that God. - But you have thought about it, haven't you? Martha, let us pray over these young people. - Yes. - So, that they may remain righteous in the Lord's eyes. - [Martha] Yes, hallelujah. - Dear Lord, give these young people the strength to avoid the evils of fornication. - [Martha] Yes, oh yes, Lord. (speaking gibberish) And let this young man keep his mind on you and not on my daughter's body. Hallelujah and thank you, Jesus. Hallelujah, amen. ♪ Sometimes my mind is on and the Lord running through ♪ ♪ I'll be there if you need me ♪ ♪ I'll be always safe with you ♪ - Now, I done told you before, Mr. Arnold, I don't want none of that money. I'm perfectly comfortable here with my niece and nephew, now don't come around here like I'm gonna change my mind. - Ms. Amina, Ms. Amina, make my job easy for once. I need you to sign this, so I can wire this money to you. Now, your husband's estate belongs to you, and it's a pretty penny I must say. - Well, you take those pretty pennies, and you go right on down the road like I said. I'm just fine. (ball clatters) - Sir, you wanted to talk to us? - Yeah, Major's made a hole in one. He signed Rodriguez. We need to sign Stuart. The clock is ticking. Went back nine, and we're down by two shots, and our drive is in the bunker, so what are you gonna do? - Well sir, I was thinking that I could visit the Stuarts-- - I'm gonna sink that putt, sir. - I like that. - Yeah, I'm gonna put it where the sun don't shine. - Initiative, I like that, I like that. See, if we don't land at least one of these matches, there are gonna be some budget cuts. (playful music) (sighs) - Hey, Mama Stuart. Yeah, your voice is sexy too. You got plans tomorrow night? Yeah, we should. Yeah, I'll text you the place. (upbeat electronic music) ♪ Used to ride around and sling that Mona Lisa, Mona Lisa ♪ ♪ Used to keep it and throwing like a preacher ♪ - Oh. Mm. I just love rose. Mm. Strawberry? Come on. Come on, come on. - Oh, well I'm not a baby. Watch it, watch it, okay. - Mm. - Mm mm. (moaning) - I just love sucking a strawberry. - I can see that. So, about Marcus-- - Mm-mm, slow down. We got to seal the deal first before we can discuss details. - Seal the deal? - Mm-hmm. - That's a lot of oil on that leg. - Mm, you like it? (laughs) - Don't you think we should go somewhere a little more private first before we seal the deal? - (gasps) Dexter. Are you hitting on me? - No? No, I thought you-- - What, you thought I wasn't ready? Baby, I've been ready. (laughs) - Can you bring the check please? - This shit is already taken care of. Let's get out of here. (laughs) Ooh, one more of these. (laughing) Oh yeah! (moans) Oh, you are sealing the deal, the deal. Oh, the deal is, oh, (moans) signed, signed, sealed, delivered! Oh, oh! Oh yeah! (moaning) - What you doing up, kiddo? - I was waiting for you. You look like shit, come sit. (Dexter sighs) - You ever do something you really didn't want to do? - I guess so. I try not to. - I seem to keep doing it. I seem to keep doing it. - That's because you don't know what you believe in. - I don't? - Look, I love you, Dex, but you have a hard time thinking of others. - When'd you get so wise? - I have a lot of experience. - Experience from where? - I spent a lifetime watching you screw up. - That's cold, even for you. - Cold but true. - Cold but true. - Hey Dex, can you take Auntie Amina to the insurance office on Thursday? - You know I don't like doing that stuff, come on. Can't you do it? - I have an exam. - All right, if I have to. - What you looking so pleased about? - I don't know. Maybe because that deal with Marcus is just about in the bag. - Yeah right, and I'm built like RiRi. - I don't know what you got under that shirt. Fellas, yes. I hope you guys have your hundreds ready 'cause you know, it's about that time. - Mm, time for what? - Oh, you already know. That deal? Just about to close. - Well, what about the other part of that deal? The other half, I mean. - Oh, that one. Don't you worry. I'm gonna go close that right now. - Oh? - Mm. - Don't wait up. - I sure won't. - (laughs) All right. - Just gonna close the door. - Mm-hmm. If he don't hit it raw, the deal's off. - Hey Dexter, do you have a moment? - Yeah. - Do you mind? - You okay, what's wrong? - So, I don't know if you know this, but technically I'm still on probation here, and I just found out that if I don't land Stuart I'll lose my job. - Oh, wow. Yeah, that sucks. I wish there was something I could do. - Well, maybe you can help me. Do you remember when you said that we were a team and we would work together and that you could possibly help me land a client? - Yeah? - I was just wondering if that offer still stood. - Oh, I don't know. (dramatic electronic music) Yeah. Yeah, I could do something. We can figure something. I'll talk to Willis. ♪ Oh baby, yeah ♪ ♪ They say I'm not ready ♪ - I got all kind of ideas. ♪ And I don't know a thing about love ♪ ♪ I'm not saying that I'm ready ♪ - Yes. We will save your job. I got ideas brewing. I'm working on it right now. - [Jerry] (laughs) Thank you. - No, thank you. - Did I hear we have good news? - Yes, yes. I am happy to announce that Jerry has just negotiated a deal to sign Marcus Stuart. - Jerry, is that true? Everyone, everyone listen up. We have a new office star. Jerry just signed Marcus Stuart. (applauding) That's what I'm talking about, her initiative. Get back to work. - Thank you. ♪ Don't know my heart ♪ ♪ Don't know what I'm made of ♪ ♪ I'm young but it's still ♪ ♪ It's called love, it's called love, love ♪ ♪ And it's what I want ♪ - I did the right thing. ♪ It's called love ♪ - Raw. ♪ It's called love, love ♪ Raw. ♪ And it's what I want ♪ ♪ Drip, drip mash the whip on a Sunday ♪ ♪ Not tell a five, baptized, what you want to drink ♪ ♪ Drip drip ♪ - So, what the hell is that all about? - Man, you still ain't bang Jerry, and you gave her Stuart? (sighs) You bugging out, man. - I'm playing a long game here. - Yeah, the long long long game. - I like to think I traded up. - So, you traded up Stuart just so you can get better chances with Jerry? Can't be. - Forget it, man. ♪ Catch you in the drop top ♪ ♪ Spray you with the system ♪ - This girl, she's like, she makes me feel special, she's energetic. Something about her, man. She's just special. I can't put my finger on it. - I'd put my finger in it, make it stink, fuck it. - You need counseling. - Bare back. - I can't even look at you right now 'cause you are not you. You have completely lost yourself in this woman. - Mm-hmm, in this one. Seems like somebody got their priorities right. - You'll see, man. ♪ In the line getting real cake ♪ ♪ 415s in the trunk ♪ - It's all right here, ready to go. That's how we do it. - Why is her name on the contract? I thought I would be dealing with you, directly. - You are, nothing's changed, but she's new with the company, and it looks good for her name to be on there. It's kinda like throwing her a bone. - Well, you can throw me a bone anytime. Okay well, you know, let me just have my lawyer look at this, let me have it for a couple of days and. - Sounds good to me. - Okay, well I think we're done here. - Okay. - What about performance bonuses? - Oh, that's all in section five. - Not for Marcus, for him. Yeah, I want to make sure he's performing, and I also want to make sure he's giving me that personal attention he's always blabbing about. - You know what? You don't have a thing to worry about. I will make sure that he's available to you whenever you need him. - [Dexter] Jerry? - That's what I want to hear. - All right. Thank you. - Thank you. - We'll see you soon. You didn't. - Did you get everything? - Bye. - You didn't. - Did what? No. - Oh my god, you did. - I did not. - Yes, you did. - I did no such thing. Wow, you gave it up all for little old me. Way to take one for the team, Dex. (Jerry giggles) - I didn't say I did it. ♪ Mm mm, tell me who's gonna love you like this ♪ ♪ I'll make you a little ♪ - So, I think it's about the time. What do you think? - Time for what? - For me to do what I've been wanting to do since the day we met. - Oh yeah? - [Jerry] Mm-hm. My place or yours? - I was thinking here. (both laugh) What, you scared? - No. - Let me ask you something. Why a hundred? Why not two, three, 400? - A hundred what? - To sleep with me, to bang me? Why not two, $300, why $100? You have a bet with you, Chris, Randall. - You know about that bet? - Oh, I know about the bet. I've known about the bet. Does Willis know about the bet? - No, Willis does not know about the bet. - Why? - Nothing, it wasn't... Look, the bet wasn't my idea-- - Oh, it looked like it was your idea. - Well, I went along with it. - You never, you don't want to bang me? - I did, I did. - You don't want to get Stuart? You didn't want 100 bucks? - I did, I did. Yes, I bet $100 that I would sign Stuart. Yes, I bet $100 that I would have sex with you, but I gave you Stuart. I don't care about the bet. - Oh, so what? Now you care about me? - Yes. - (sighs) What a joke. Does Lisa know you care about me? What would she say if she knew about this bet? - We're on a break. - So, you're sticking to that story. So now what? You don't get Stuart 'cause you gave him to me. You don't get me, now what? - Yeah, well if I don't get you, why you still here? - Did you get that? - Excuse me, what is that? - [Jerry] This ladies and gentlemen is Mr. Dexter Bradshaw, one of the star agents at the Willis Agency. - What you recording, Jerry? - Oh, I'm not recording anything. You're in my livestream. Say hi to everybody. My audience, where are you going? - It's not funny. - You don't want them to know that you bet that you could screw me at the Willis Agency? - It's not funny. - It's not funny, is it? - All right, it's not funny. - No, it's not funny, is it? It's not funny at all. - You're not funny. - Yep. - You can pay the tab too. - I sure will with that Stuart contract money. I think I hurt his feelings. ♪ I don't give a damn what you see on Instagram ♪ ♪ Big is not respond on a photograph ♪ ♪ And there's a broken somebody behind these clothes ♪ ♪ And before I ♪ - Oh, there he is, the strikeout king. I can tell you ain't hit that yet. You know you're losing. ♪ It would make me so happy to tell you ♪ ♪ I'm not happy ♪ ♪ You know this is crazy ♪ ♪ Well maybe ♪ - [Man] Only the names. (phone ringing) - Hey boss, what's up? - Oh, easy does it. Dexter, hey, hey, hey. How about Jerry landing that big deal with Stuart? - Yeah, how about that? - Let me just jump straight to the tee time. You're fired. (laughs) - What? - Yes, you heard me. You're like a steel driver in a bag of titanium beauties. Oh, hold on girl, don't shake it, don't do that. Straight up, straight up. See, if Jerry can land the big deals we don't need you anymore. - No, you think that-- - Oh honey, I like that. Easy, easy. Don't grip it like-- - What? - Nothing. Don't grip it. I got to go. - No, no, no, no, no. - I like, I like, see that. See, here's how we do. We visualize. You just pretend like the balls are there and you swing. You visualize, swing. That's what I'm. ♪ Who-ooh can I run to ♪ ♪ Who do I call when I need someone ♪ ♪ Who can I run to ♪ ♪ There's no one ♪ ♪ So if it ain't about my money ♪ ♪ I don't really care, yeah ♪ ♪ No no, no, ah yeah ♪ - Lisa. It's Dexter. Miss you. ♪ A brand new day ♪ ♪ Even if they take 'em now is anybody real, yeah ♪ ♪ Is anybody real ♪ ♪ I am hurting, I'm alone and ♪ - I messed up. I'm sorry. I hope you get this and you respond, okay? Call me. ♪ Who do I call when I need someone ♪ ♪ Who am I to call ♪ ♪ I am hurting, I'm alone and ♪ ♪ I go through so much alone ♪ ♪ But who can I run to ♪ ♪ Who do I call when I need someone ♪ - Wow, you look like shit. (grunting) - That means a lot coming from you. Where's Sophie? - At school. Now get up now, you're supposed to take me to the insurance office. - Mm-mm, mm-mm, not today. Any other day, but not today auntie, okay? - Now stop your whining, and let's go. I been waiting weeks for this appointment. I'm not gonna be late because of you, not late because of you. - Okay, okay, okay, five minutes. - Okay, five minutes. Five minutes, five minutes, five minutes. (Dexter sighs) Your mother. She was absolutely stunning. She was so beautiful. I painted that for you and Sophie. Don't let the ugly parts of you take over the beautiful parts because the beautiful parts, they're extraordinary. Don't make that mistake. - Let's go, son. (dramatic music) What are you looking so miserable about? Come on now, it can't be that bad. - Yeah actually, it is. - Lisa dumped you? You lost your job? Mm. - I lost it all. Lisa, job, everything. - That's pretty good going. (Amina sighs) Remember when I fell off that horse in '98, and the doctor told me I was paralyzed? I thought I had lost it all. Then my husband died, and I thought I'd lost more. Then my dearest sister, your mother, and I thought, "What more, God?" And I had to learn to sing, to dance, to paint, every day regardless, and I had to be grateful for that time that we did have together, and be grateful for the blessed time that I have left. I'm sorry, son. - I started with Lisa so young. I never got to explore. I know she was the one for me, And I just, I think I messed it up. I thought I knew women. - You're kidding, you don't know shit about women. You think that every woman is like mom, and you have to punish them for it. - She left us, Auntie, right after your accident. She just walked out. We were just kids. - Honey, your mother was an addict. That means she had no willpower over her addictions. She didn't leave, she was sick. She needed help. In some ways, we failed her, but honey, she's in a better place now. - That's a hard one to swallow. We were just kids. - Well, I promised to take care of you kids, and that's what I have done. That's the end of the story, but let me tell you something. She, back in the day, she was beautiful. She was something, Hourglass figure, something to see. - I've really lost everything. (Amina laughs) - What? You got to be kidding me. You've lost everything? No. You have everything. - Really? So, what do I do? - You don't mope, you don't quit, you come up with a plan, you figure out a way to win. Now come on, get me over to this business office. I got some stuff I got to handle. Come on, now. - All right, all right. - Ms. Williams, Probate gave us the green light a long time ago, and I've been coming to your house for over a year. So, can you please sign these documents, so we can get this money? It's over $900,000. Your husband worked hard. - No thanks. I don't want any of that money. Too many people got hurt. I want my hands clean when I go see my Lord. - Yes, your husband was a tobacco executive, but that's perfectly legal. - Legal and right, that's two different things. Where do I sign? I want this money to be donated immediately to cancer research. I don't even want to look at it. - Right there. Forgive me, but I've never seen this type of character in a woman. - Are you flirting with me? - Not officially, but I do believe in God's timing. - [Randall] We gotta hurry up. We can't dance in the parking lot. - Oh geez, man. - Oh, what's up, man? - Yo. - Thanks for coming, man. - I can't believe Willis fired you, man. That's some bull. - Is that even legal? You might need to check up on that. - Don't worry about none of that, all right? I've got a plan. I'm gonna need your help, though. Let me holla' at you, okay, all right? Now, I just need a little information, so we can get this thing locked up. (comical music) - Brag on. - Doris, Doris, Doris. - Hey hey hey. - My beautiful queen. (sniffs) You smell radiant. - What is that, TCB? - It's Burberry. - What the hell is wrong with y'all, and what do you want? - We just want to know if Stuart signed them contracts yet. We know you know. - (laughs) Do not tell me that you two came over here by request of that little skirt chasing Dexter to try to get information from me? - (chuckles) Well, actually-- - (laughs) Yes, you did. That's what you came over here for, to get some info from me, right? You listen to me. Now, the last thing I heard, they was due over at the Stuart's attorney's office. - Damn it. - Wait a minute, if you hate Dexter so much, why you helping us out? - Who the hell said I hate Dexter? I like Dexter, I just like messing with him. I really kinda miss him, and he certainly would be a great replacement for that pit bull in lipstick. - Mm, pit bull in lipstick. Walk her every night. - Go on, go on. - He missed his medication. Thank you so much. - Y'all better hurry up. Thank you. - You are beautiful. - You owe me a date. - [Chris] Good looking out. - Good looking out. Get out of here. - Give us the lipstick? I'm just, I'm out. - You are a mess. Oh, gosh. (mellow music) ♪ Can I roam black city ♪ - I can't believe he canned you. You know, my father started this business by receiving dollars selling wood on the street. When he died, me and my twin brother, we couldn't get along, so he started his and I started mine, and as you can see my way was the right way. Y'all just running some little Pee Wee league over there. - What if I had a chance for you to get over on the Pee Wee league? - If you gave me a chance to get over on my brother? I'm all ears. - I think I can still sign Stuart. If so, will you give me a job here? - You're kidding me, right? If you give me a chance to outrustle my brother and pin his little head on the canvas, not only would I give you a job, I'll give you a blow-- - Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, wait. Just the job will be fine. - It's a wrestling move. You don't wrestle? You go stretch. - I'll leave. - Come on. ♪ City ♪ (mellow R&B music) ♪ Can I roam black city ♪ - Hey, is Lisa here? - She just left, and she's mad at you. - Yeah, I know. Back door? - You don't deserve her. - [Dexter] Lisa? - [Lisa] Don't you dare. - Lisa, I messed up. - Yeah, you can say that again. It is all over the internet. My grandma even called me. - I messed up a lot of times, okay? I'm sorry, all right? I'm working to be better, all right? And I am doing everything that I can to be the kind of man that you deserve. - Oh, see now you're in a fantasy land. You know what? (Lisa sighs) - I'm sorry. I know I messed up. I didn't even expect you to take me back, okay? but for what it's worth, I do love you. I do. (dramatic music) - It ain't worth much. - That's all I got. ♪ I marched to every beat of your drum ♪ ♪ Puppetmaster got my strings attached ♪ ♪ I jumped when you didn't have to ask ♪ ♪ I need you but we always seem so slow ♪ - If I can have this by the end of the day tomorrow, that would be great. (phone ringing) (sighs) This is Jerry Williams. - Hey, I got some information I think you might be interested in. - Okay, so what is it then? - Well, maybe you want to be interested in the fact that Dexter is on his way over to the Stuarts' house right now to snatch Marcus right from under your nasty little nose. - Wait, what? Are you serious? Hello? End of day. - Well, I didn't expect to see you here again. - I owe you and your son an apology. - You don't have anything to apologize for. - But I do. When I was here before, I was only thinking of myself, and what it would mean to sign your son. That was wrong. I'm asking for another chance. - Well, you already have my vote, you know what. - But for all the wrong reasons. I want you to sign with me now, but this time I want you sign with me 'cause I'm the best person for the job, and I can give you everything that a young man needs at the start of his professional career, honesty and integrity. - And a nice package. (laughs) - A nice package of talent. (laughing) - Look, when you have a child, a baby, you'd do anything for 'em. You do what you have to do, but I know you'll do right by my baby. - I will. The terms are exactly as before. The only difference is my name is on it, and feel free to send it over to your attorney if you want to take a look. - Yeah. - Give me a pen. What do you think, Marcus? - I think it's a deal. (laughing) - I think you sign there. - All right. - And I think we'll make a great team. - Yes, we will. - Oh, come here. (laughing) - Thanks, man. - Congratulations. - Yeah, Marcus. - Hey. (laughing) - You want some coffee? - Yeah, yeah, let's do coffee. - You play video games, man? - Do I play games? - Oh, no, no, no. - You ready to get whooped? - You might win this live football game, but you not gonna win at no video games. - Man, come on. - Oh, please. - You finna get it. - Let's take it to the couch. - Let's get it, let's get it. - Challenge! (laughing) - [Jerry] Hey, lover boy. (somber music) - Wow. - So, I wanted to apologize for the other night. - There's no need. ♪ But I won't speed, I'm gon' take my time ♪ - Take care, Jerry. - What? Wait, what are you doing? ♪ People out going places and I don't sleep ♪ - The right thing for once. - What does that? - Bye, Jerry. - Are you freaking kidding me, right now? (engine revving) Wait, are, are you crazy? You are not leaving me out here, Dexter. Are you kidding me? He's not leaving me, he's coming back. He better come back. Dexter! - All right, man. That's what I'm talking about. - Marcus Stuart, signed, sealed, and delivered. - Excellent. All right, girl, that's what I'm talking about. - I'll take the corner office. - Is that all you got? That's all you got? ♪ Yeah you ♪ ♪ But I got you, and you got me ♪ ♪ And that's the lie that you can't see ♪ ♪ So full of hatred, reason me ♪ ♪ Go on and live your life peacefully ♪ ♪ I'll play the pipes, I'll take the fall ♪ ♪ Exchange my life for it all ♪ ♪ It just wasn't worth it ♪ ♪ I hate it all ♪ - Sophie, Sophie, why did you drag me all the way down here? What is it? - 'Cause he's really changed. - Oh gosh. - It's like something clicked. - He changed his number, no more random chicks. He's even going to Pilates. He's donating his time three days a week. Lisa, this rock bottom thing, it changed him. (dramatic music) - And remember, don't let the ugly parts of you outshine the beautiful ones. - Thanks a lot, Dexter. You don't know how much this means to me. - Billy, Billy, here. Everything that you need to get your life back on track is right there in that folder. You got this. Okay? I'm proud of you, man. - Hey. - Hey. ♪ Drip, drip mash the whip on a Sunday ♪ ♪ Not tell a five, baptized, what you want to drink ♪ ♪ Drip crip guy, hold you down ♪ - You left me on the side of the road in my underwear, Dexter. Payback's a bitch. Ready to get your ass whooped? - Bring it. (players yelling) ♪ Stand up on the roof ♪ ♪ Bust it loose, get the Holy Ghost ♪ ♪ To the heat, take a shot, keep the rolly on ♪ ♪ Jesus peace across the tee ♪ ♪ Four four fully on my jeans ♪ (players cheering) ♪ Put me over, I can't stop ♪ ♪ I gotta do the race ♪ ♪ Miss me with that sucker shh ♪ ♪ Heard you went for ducky shh ♪ ♪ Catch you in that drop, drop ♪ ♪ Spray you with that sucker ♪ ♪ Cash rules everything around me, around me ♪ - What are y'all doing? ♪ Now I'm drowning ♪ - What are you calling a time out for? - If you would pass to us occasionally instead of trying to beat Dexter single handed, we actually might win this thing. - Right, they're keying in on you. All you got to do is drive up the lane, kick it out, and one of us'll be open. - Are you guys done crying, or you guys wanna play ball? 'Cause you know I don't need y'all, right? ♪ That's brilliant, yeah ♪ ♪ Rolling woods like a freak ♪ - Man, check ball. - Damn, I'd still hit it. ♪ Mash the whip on a Sunday ♪ ♪ Not tell a five, baptized, what you want to drink ♪ - [Jerry] Foul. - Foul? That was all ball. - I call a foul on the last play. - Man, that was all ball. - I call a foul. - But that wasn't foul. - [Jerry] Whose team are you on? - You guys know the rules. You should have called foul on the last play. - Thank you. - This ain't right. - [Woman] Whoo, go Dexty. - [Man] You got this. ♪ Who the, who the fact ♪ - I hope you get what you want. - I always do. ♪ I just killed her, though ♪ ♪ Inside peanut butter, outside banana bread ♪ ♪ Light skin, Gina type, tease her 'bout her apple head ♪ ♪ If the skin's smooth, I'mma eat her ♪ - [Man] All right, all right! (cheering and applauding) Come on, come on! ♪ Yo, it's your birthday ♪ ♪ I remember mama couldn't do it for my birthday ♪ ♪ Now I'm making up for lost times every Thursday ♪ (cheering and applauding) - We won. - All good. - All good. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - All good. - My man. - (sighs) Come on. Why are you guys celebrating with him? If it's not about winning then what's it about? - [Dexter] You'll figure it out. - You guys are a bunch of crybabies. - Fellas, let's do a toast. - A toast to what? - To losing games. - And losing bets. (Chris laughs) - Two toasts. - I was hoping you'd forget about that. - That's right 'cause you lost and you won. - Yeah, yeah, I don't think I'd forget anything when it comes to that blue faced, bitch. - Right. - There we go. - Mm-hmm. - Best $100 I ever spent. - Blue faced bitch. - What you want? - One and one over here as well. - No, no, no. You bet that I wouldn't sign the athlete. I did. - But at another agency. - Doesn't matter. I signed, Jerry didn't. That's what the bet was for, so this right here is mine. Matter of fact, matter of fact, you owe me. - Wow, wow. - I owe you? - Right, am I right though, but am I right though? - He got you, he got you. - I owe you a separate toast right over here with my man, Randall. - Cheaters. - Cheaters, exactly. - Really? - Mm-hm. - You know what? I think we're gonna be all right. - I gotta tell y'all something I ain't wanna tell y'all about. I snuck into her office. I went up to her chair, and I smelled her seat, man. It was a odor. It was amazing. It was amazing. I love her, man. I love her. - [Dexter] Baby, I wanna do something I haven't done before. I want to be really, I want to be really, really honest with you. - Okay. - I came by here looking for you. And I saw you hugging this other guy. - Wait, what what other guy? I haven't been with another guy. I was here Tuesday. I saw you outside hugging the guy. Tuesday. (chuckles) That was my cousin Eddie. He was here for the play-offs. What are you talking about? - Real or not, in that moment, I realized something. - What? - I realized how selfish I've been, how much I've concentrated on what I need and what I want. I wasn't looking around at others. I took your example, and I started focusing on others. And how much helping other people, listening to other people, realizing the magic around me, added to my own happiness. - Mm! You were trending on Twitter. - I know. - What was I supposed to tell my grandma, huh? - And I looked at us, and I looked at you. I looked at your love and how it's always been, how patient, how kind. I realized in that moment that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. (sighing) (soft moaning) (dramatic music) - Well, I am definitely okay with taking it slow. And if things keep going like this, then who knows what the future holds for us. - Who knows. - I love, Dexter. (chuckles) - I love you, too. (dramatic classical music) ♪ Drip, drip mash the whip on a Sunday ♪ ♪ Not tell a five, baptized, what you want to drink ♪ ♪ Drip crip guy, hold me down ♪ ♪ Pray for me, bae ♪ ♪ Oh, white tie at the altar ♪ ♪ Six bad bags in the line getting real cake ♪ ♪ Six bad bags in the line getting real cake ♪ ♪ 415s in the trunk, make the wheels shake ♪ ♪ Stand up on the roof, bust it loose ♪ ♪ Get the Holy Ghost ♪ ♪ To the heat, take a shot, keep the rolly on ♪ ♪ Jesus piece across the tee ♪ ♪ 44 fully on my jeans ♪ ♪ 44 put me over, I can't stop ♪ ♪ I gotta do the race ♪ ♪ Miss me with that sucker ♪ - Wow, that's pretty impressive. - Yes, point guard. I've been grooming him for two years. He is a slam dunk for a number one draft pick in a few years. - Hmm. So, do you like seafood? - Uh, yeah. - Good to know. ♪ Yeah, all my gas is 92, that's premium ♪ ♪ Yeah, rolling woods like a flu ♪ ♪ Bring the, in ♪ ♪ Yeah, drip drip, mash the whip on a Sunday ♪ ♪ Not tell a five, baptized, what you want to drink ♪ ♪ Drip crip guy, hold me down ♪ ♪ Pray for me, bae ♪ ♪ Oh, white tie at the altar ♪ ♪ Break your real cake ♪ ♪ Six bad bags in the line getting real cake ♪ ♪ 415s in the trunk, make the wheels shake ♪ ♪ Stand up on the roof, bust it loose ♪ ♪ Get the Holy Ghost ♪ ♪ To the heat, take a shot, keep the rolly on ♪ ♪ All I ever wanted was a baby blue six four ♪ ♪ Lotta in, golds on it like the pit's row ♪ ♪ Who the, who the fat, I see peeping through my window ♪ ♪ Blip blip blip, get a towel ♪ ♪ I just killed her, though ♪ ♪ Inside peanut butter, outside banana bread ♪ ♪ Light skinned, Gina type ♪ ♪ Tease her 'bout her apple head ♪ ♪ If the skin's smooth, I'mma eat her on the first day ♪ ♪ Make that (record scratching) ♪ (rustling) (energy warbling)
Channel: World Movie Central
Views: 1,139,903
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Independant Moveis, International Films, Watch free full movies, film festivals, foreign film winners, full drama movies, full free movies on youtube, indi films, international movies, world cinema, urban, drama, romance, romantic, romance movies, romantic movies, drama movies, african american movies, african american cinema, urban movies, tyler perry, when it comes around, love, Denyce Lawton, Brad James, Jackée Harry, Dan Garcia, urban cinema, romcom, romantic comedy
Id: hA2aw3aMkPo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 3sec (5403 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 19 2022
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