Throwback Holiday | Heartwarming and Tender Romantic Comedy Starring Jennifer Freeman

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(upbeat R&B music) ♪ Throwback, throwback ♪ ♪ Holiday ♪ - Mom, look at me! You need to do something! My skirt is way too big, it needs to be taken in more. - Sidney, just calm down okay? You're gonna have to wait until after we finish breakfast. - But mom, I told you my winter season pep rally is today and our squad is wearing Santa skirts. I have to look fierce. - Okay. This is an easy fix, all I have to do is take it up in the back, okay? But you're gonna have to wait until after we eat breakfast. - No, that's not okay! - Morning, Syd. Give daddy a kiss. - Bye daddy. - Bye sweetheart. See you. Gotta go. - But what about breakfast? - No time, gonna be late. - Hey. I'm gonna go to the store today. Do you want me to pick up some sexy lingerie? - Whatever you want, baby. Besides, it's gonna be another late night. I gotta take clients out for dinner and drinks. - But that's the third time this week. - It's Christmas, and like you, everybody's in a festive mood. What am I supposed to do? - Well you were supposed to take some days off so you could help decorate the house for the holidays. - I'm sorry honey, I requested time off, but they denied it. - But you asked months ago. - Yeah, but other people asked before me, so what am I supposed to say? - You were supposed to say I need to spend some time with my wife and my kids. - Jacqueline, I can't do that. I'm Senior VP now. And besides, you know I don't get into this whole holiday fanfare. It's just something for the young ones to put us deeper in debt. - But Daniel, you know how much the holidays mean to me. Especially after my mother passed. - I know, I'm sorry. I miss your mom too. But as much as I miss her, I still have to make sure I take care of her daughter right? Hey, let me do that. Please? And plus, the more money I make, the more money you get to use to remodel the house like you always wanted to. - Well actually, I was thinking about going back to school so I could take the MCAT like I always wanted. That way I could help out with the bills. Then you wouldn't have to work so much. - Honey, for someone at your age? The kids and I need you here. And plus I don't mind taking care of us. - Yeah, but the kids are getting older. - Let's not fix it if it's not broken. All right? - Yeah. - Because you keep everything running so smoothly here. - Know what, you're right. What was I thinking? It's nice to know I'm still needed. - You are, okay? (car honks) Right now I gotta be the company man and hold onto this job, okay? - Yeah, you hold onto something all right. - What you say? Look, I gotta go, carpool's here, okay? I'll text you if I'm running late. Bonjour! Bonjour, Marie. - Bonjour. You look great. - You look good. - I got something for you. You gonna love this. (laughter) Oh you look so cute! - [Daniel] I do? - Yes, you look so cute. (phone buzzes) Hold on one second. One second. Bonjour Claude. (speaking in foreign language) We got it! We got it! - All right, let's go. - Okay. - Jacqueline. Jacqueline! Do you hear me calling you? - Excuse me, Justin Grant! You will not call me Jacqueline, you will address me by my well deserved title which is mother. - Whatever. Breakfast is burning, mother. - Thank you. - Oh, and just so you know, dad told me I could call you Jacqueline because I'm almost a teenager anyways. - I guess so, since you act just like your father. - And just like him, I'm outta here. - Mom, I'm ready! - Yeah, I got it right here, okay? Don't you kids know how to say please? - Please! - Okay. - Could you also hurry up please? I'm gonna be late for school. - Yes, darling daughter. (phone buzzes) Oh, hey Rosie. Yeah, I'm just pinning up Sydney's skirt really quick. Yeah, can you pick me up in a couple of hours? Okay. All right, bye. Okay, all right, there. All good. - Thank you. See, I know how to say that too. See ya. (church bells ringing) - Look, all I'm saying Jacks is you deserve better than him. And you need to beat your kids' ass. All that whole listening to him and I don't wanna spank my kids thing? That's white folks talk. - Yeah, but they're teenagers. I mean it's kinda late to start spanking them now. And believe me, if I could do it over again, I would raise them like my mom raised me. And as for Daniel, you just don't like him anymore. - Yup, that may be true. But that's only because he's been treating you the way he's been treating you these past few years. Look sweetie, I really just want you to be happy. I don't know, just, you don't seem happy anymore. - Yeah, I know, but what am I supposed to do? Rosie, look at me. Look! Yeah, I'm in my 30s. I mean... I've got too many years into Daniel to give up now. - Sweetie, I really hope that you don't think that I'm going to be more sympathetic towards you because of these crappy reasons you just gave me. So what? You need to realize who you are. I mean you are Jacqueline Anderson. - Yeah. I was once upon a time. - No, you are. In high school you were the head cheerleader, and a badass. I mean you were headed to Harvard Medical School. Not to mention all the boys were into you. - No, actually that was you. - No, sweetie. All the boys wanted you screaming. I gotta admit, I was easy. This is cute. Our team is vicious, yeah our team is tough! Yeah, The Mighty Warriors, don't take no stuff! So get B-A-C-K, get back! Yeah, see, that is the part of you that you have to remember. - What happened to the life that I wanted? The one where I had a thriving medical practice and I married a great man? Just forget it, you wouldn't understand. - I'm sorry, did you forget that I was married young and dumb too? I was a straight out of college bride, I just decided that I wasn't gonna be Tommy's door mat anymore. And look at me now. I may be single, and alone yet again, but baby still fly. - Baby is still fly. But you've always been strong though. It's different. - Jacks, we've always been a team. Double trouble, ain't nothing changed. You just gotta take control of your life and decide that you wanna make it what it is you want it to be. It's not too late. - You really think I can? - Oh girl please, I know you can. (dramatic atmosphere music) Holidays got you thinking about your mama hmm? - Yeah. I miss her. Thanksgiving and Christmas are the hardest, you know? - Yeah. But I mean, you gotta know she's here in spirit too. - Yeah, I know. I just wish she was here with me sometimes too. - I'm here. And I'm also really hungry. Let's go. - Think I almost did all the shopping. - I still have more to do unfortunately. - Oh thank you. God bless you and have a merry Christmas! Oh, and Jesus is the reason for the season. - Yes he is. - May all your prayers come to pass, and all of your wishes in life come true. - Thank you. - She was a weird one. - Well she seems sweet and intuitive. My mom used to look at me like that when she knew I needed her. It's kinda comforting. - Girl, I guess. - You know what I mean? - Yeah, absolutely necessary. - Miss? Your bags. - Oh, thank you. - You're welcome. Excuse me. I don't wanna sound corny, but you look awfully familiar, do I know you? - No. I don't think so. I'm married, so-- - Well that's not what the gentleman asked, now is it? - No, it's okay. You ladies have a great day. - You know what, now that you mention it, you do look awfully familiar to me. - He does? - Rosalyn Ross. - Rosalyn, a pleasure. - Oh, and this is Jacqueline. - Jacqueline. Jacqueline Anderson. - Yeah, well that's my maiden name, but I'm married, so it's Grant now. - It's Tucker, it's Aaron Tucker. We went to Jameson High School together. - That was ages ago! - Yeah, it was ages ago. Wait, you're Rosie right? - Right! Wow! - Let me be a gentlemen and set you ladies up with a table. - Oh no, we gotta get going-- - We would absolutely love that. - Ashley, can you give these ladies my usual? - Wow. - That's really nice, you didn't have to do that. - But we appreciate that you did. - Well you ladies have a lovely day. Actually, I have the day off, and I don't have any plans right now. Would you two care to join me for a cup of coffee? - No, I-- - Sure, because we were about to do the exact same thing, so we might as well sit at the same table. - Great, awesome, let me take those. - What a gentleman. - Well thank you. - And here I thought chivalry was dead. - I can't believe you. - What? - The what is that I'm married, Roselyn. - Oh my god, a little flirting never hurt anybody. Plus it'll do your ego some good, sweetie. - Okay, I don't need an ego boost. I'm very married and not interested. - I do have to admit, I remember all the fine guys from high school and he does not look familiar. - Probably because he wasn't on any of the sports teams. - Yeah, you're probably right. If he didn't play basketball or football, he wasn't in my ballpark. - Literally. - So Aaron, how'd you recognize Jackie? - The truth? - Yeah. - Yeah. - Took me a minute to realize it was her, but I always had the biggest crush on you. - Get outta here. - No seriously, you were always the girl, woman, that I wish I ended up with. (nervous laugh) - Wow. I mean I'm sorry, I really don't remember you. - No, it's totally my fault. I mean back then I was so shy that I wouldn't even speak to you. I was introduced to you many times and you never remembered me. - I wouldn't do that. - Jackie would absolutely do that. - (nervous laugh) What? - Yeah, people would introduce us again and they'd say hi, do you know Aaron Tucker, and you'd say nope, and then they'd just introduce you to me all over again. - Oh my god, that's terrible. - Unofficially, I think that I was officially introduced to you at least a hundred times. - Oh my god, I cannot believe I did that. - But I always forgave you because I just wanted you to remember the next time. - You know what, remember I told you I had to get the... My sisters have been far more nice than they have been naughty this year, so they got a few extra things coming, so I'm just gonna go really quickly and grab that. - Are you sure you didn't want me to come, we drove together. - No, no, stay and catch up. I'll be back, really. Adios. - Okay. Well I'm sorry Roslyn had to leave. - I'm not. (giggles) - Okay, so even after all of that, you still wish I was the girl you ended up with? - Yeah, I mean I had hoped. I guess things don't always end up as planned huh? - Wow. Yeah, well that's life right? - I mean now listen, I'm married to a beautiful woman, and I think she loves nice things a little bit more than she loves me, but that's okay. And we don't have any kids, but I have a great job that pays a lot, I'm an engineer, I travel all the time, I'm really healthy, but yeah, things are (mumbles). And my wife not so subtlety let me know that she wants to have "Santa" give her a new Bentley this year to upgrade her from the Bentley I got her last year. - Wow. And I thought my family's lists were outrageous. I'm embarrassed to say that me and my husband have had issues. My kids are spoiled rotten, and I just don't seem to have a life anymore. I mean I used to be so... I don't know. But not this. - Well forgive me for saying this, but even with all that, you still got it going on. - Forgiven. - So. If you could go back to high school, if you could just do it all over again, would you? - What, like a do-over? My senior year was one of the worst years in my life. I mean that was the year that my mom passed away during the holidays, and I got pregnant. Then I got married before I was really ready to. It was just a really bad year. - I'm sorry. I remember when they told the school that your mom passed away on the PA system and to keep your family in all of our prayers. - Yeah. Everyone was really kind to me. Someone even put a bouquet of flowers next to my locker that said sorry to hear about your mom, but keep-- - Keep your head up. Keep your head up. Wow. You remember that huh? - You did that? - I just wanted to get you some flowers and put a smile on your face, even just for a brief moment. - You did. Thank you. - You didn't answer my question. If you could go back, if you could do it all over knowing what you know now, would you? - Would we be friends? - Heck yeah. - Then yeah. I think it'd be worth the trip. - Crazy, so I realized I had already bought the gifts. What I miss? - Oh. I have to go pick up my daughter from the pep rally. I completely forgot. - Well listen, don't worry about this, this is my treat, and I wouldn't have it any other way. - Thank you. And it was really nice getting to know you, Aaron Tucker. See, I'm gonna remember this time. And hopefully I'll see you around someday. - Yeah, I mean if we wish really hard about it, then maybe we will. All right, happy holidays to you, ladies. It's been my pleasure. (dramatic atmosphere music) - Mom! Mom! You okay? - Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry about that. - Yeah, you're totally spacing. All right, let's go. Unlock the door. - Who have you become? ♪ Sitting here missing you ♪ ♪ And I know that you miss me too ♪ ♪ As I look to the sky ♪ ♪ I can't help but cry ♪ ♪ Thinking how could you leave me so soon ♪ ♪ Funny I thought I saw you today ♪ ♪ When I reached out my hand, you flew away ♪ ♪ It was so real to me ♪ ♪ Clearly just in my dream ♪ ♪ Though it somehow was easing my pain ♪ ♪ Now I'd rather just not be away ♪ ♪ If I had one Christmas wish ♪ ♪ I would wish for just one gift ♪ ♪ That I could just close my eyes ♪ ♪ And go back in time ♪ - Oh god, how I wish my life could have a do-over. ♪ Having just one more holiday ♪ ♪ To spend with ♪ ♪ You ♪ - Come on Jackie, before someone catch me trying to get to second base, let's go. - Oh my god, what, but Daniel. - What? Come on! - This can't be happening. I'm back in high school? - Look, I'm starvin' like Marvin, let's go! - Wow. I'm back in high school. - What's wrong? Come on, let's go. Come on come on come on come on come on. Yo! Babe, fine a seat? Thanks. - Rosie. - I have to show you something. Are you ready? It's a little crazy, but look. - Oh. - What do you think? - I completely forgot you got that thing. - What are you talking about? I just got this last night. - I need to talk to you. - You don't like it. - Rosie. - Yeah. - Do you know who I am? - Of course I know who you are. You're my best friend, Jacqueline Anderson. Daniel Grant's girlfriend. Head cheerleader. Is there something else I should know? - Are you sure you don't remember anything else? - Okay, you just need to get with the 411. - Are you really you? - What? - Okay, I know who I really am. But I need to know if you know who you really are. - Were you sniffing glue in class today again? - No! Nothing is wrong with me! I mean I guess something is wrong with me, but... I guess I'm just not feeling like my usual stuff. - Well you should start to feel like your old self because Kimberly's going to. She's all over your man, so let's go get Daniel. Okay? - Daniel. My man. - Okay. Let's go. Jackie! - Nerd! (laughs) Look at the bars. - He got the Kid and Play! - Man, leave him alone. - Just back up, homie! - Back up man, relax. Come on, man. - Daniel, stop it! - We're just joking with him, man. - It's not funny! - It is funny, everybody else is laughing. - Jackie, what are you doing? - I'm helping him. - Yeah, but helping this scrub is hurting your rep. - I don't care. - Where you going? - Are you okay? - Ew, don't touch me! - Nice work, baby. We were messing with him, but you got him to run away. Wait, what's wrong? - We as a country must not only question great politics of our appointed officials like Bill Clinton, we must deal with his indiscretions as well. - Wait until you see what happens when Donald Trump becomes president. - Miss Anderson, that's just an exploratory committee for the 2000 election. - Oh, but he comes back around again. Some people get so mad after two terms into our first black president Barack Obama, who is great by the way. - Black president? - Yes, that they vote the Donald right in. And his indiscretions make Bill Clinton's look like a Boy Scout. - Obama? The Donald? That's... Again, just an exploratory committee guys, but way to think outside the box. - It really does happen. - Right, winter break is coming up guys, so remember, prepare those essays, I think we have about two weeks. (bell rings) - I'll walk with you. - Daniel, I just kinda wanna walk by myself. It's just been a long day. - I'll say. (mumbles) put up with that ultra geeky nerd. - He's not a nerd. - He is a nerd, and why are you defending him? - I'm not, and what's it to you anyway? - If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were feeling him. - I barely even know him, Daniel. - Just keep it that way. Hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on. Tell you a secret? My brother said he might be able to get us a hotel room tonight at the winter ball. What do you think? - Look, can we just talk about this later? I just have a lot of stuff I have to catch up on. - All right, cool, let's talk about it later. Love you. Talk to you later. - Roselyn. - Hi. What's wrong with you? - Sorry, it's just been a crazy day. - Tell me about it, I've been ready to bounce since first period. - Saw you give Rick your number. - Actually I got Rick's number. Of course I did. Tim was just so last period. Are you going home? - Yeah I guess so. Wait a minute. Rosie, I'm going home. - Yeah, that's what you just said. - Rosie, I'm going home! - Are you okay? - I'm gonna go home! My mom. - Yeah, I'm sure your mom will be waiting at home for you just like she is every other day. - She's waiting for me? I'm going home! - I'll call you later. - [Jacqueline] Home! - She's lost it. (uplifting atmosphere music) - Oh, I'm sorry. Wait a minute, you're the lady who I gave the money to back at the store. But how... Who are you? - I'm no one, and everyone. - Okay. Did you have something to do with me being back here? - This is not a dream. This is real. - What happened to my entire life? Am I stuck here forever? - That's entirely up to you, young lady. God gives you the opportunities to make whatever choice you wanna make in your life at any time. Which means you also have the power to change it. But take heed, because you must also accept the consequences of every choice. Because it will forever change your life. And your destiny. - But how will I know when to go back? - When you make the choice to become that person you feel you're meant to be, in that moment, you'll know it's time. - Mom? Mom? - I'm in the kitchen sweetie. Hey baby. - Mom! (laughs) - Okay, well somebody had a good day at school today. - I missed you so much. - Really, since this morning? - Yeah, but it seems like it's been forever. - Is everything okay? - Yeah. Everything's fine. - Okay, look, come into the kitchen 'cause I have something special for you. - Tea cakes? - I'm not saying, I don't know, just come. - Oh! Mmmm, I love these too. - I know. - They taste just like I remember. - Well of course they do because it's your grandmother's other famous recipe. Hey no no no no, you're gonna spoil your appetite for dinner. - Just one more. - All right, and that's it. - Okay. Mom? - Yeah? - You are so beautiful. - Okay, what's up with you? You must want something. - No, I don't want anything. Actually, I do want something. - I knew it, I knew it, come on spill it, spill it. - Mom. I just want you to promise me that no matter what happens in life, that we'll be as close as we are at this moment. Promise. - I promise. - Promise? - Baby, I promise. - I want you to promise me something else. - What? - That you'll go to the doctor. - Jacqueline, you know how I feel about the doctors, and besides honey, I'm fine. I mean why waste money on a doctor's visit? - Just promise me that you'll make an appointment and you'll go to the doctor. - Okay fine, I'll go. But now let's talk about you. So do you have a lot of homework tonight? Jacqueline, are you okay? - Yeah, sure. Why? - You just, I don't know, you seem very distant. - No. No I'm not, I'm not anymore. - All right sweetie, go do your homework. Girl get outta here, go do your homework. - Wow. I'm really a teenager again. Oh my god. Oh my god, I love this song. (hip hop music) Yeah, no wonder I never remembered his name. Oh my god. No way. (happy scream) - Girl, what in the world? (laughter) - I was just changing. - Look, I need you to take some cookies over to Mrs. Baker's for me okay? - Mrs. Baker! I remember how she loved your cookies. - Oh, I see you're feeling a bit nostalgic. - [Jacqueline] Yeah, I guess so. - You used to make me read this book to you every single night. - Well good thing for you I finally grew up and stopped believing in those silly fairytales. - You know, I don't mind the fact that you're growing up, or that you even no longer believe in fairytales. Just always remember the point of stories like these. - Yeah, the girl kisses the frog, he turns into a prince, and they live happily ever after. The end. - Yeah, but not exactly. The moral to this particular story is don't overlook something or someone based on external factors. Because underneath could be something wonderful. Sweetie, there's a difference between what you want and what you need. - I never thought of it that way. I always just saw the happy ending. - Well now that you're a little older you might wanna read this again. You might have a different take on it. - Maybe you're right. - Now hurry up, get those cookies to Mrs. Baker's for me please, 'cause you know how she can be. - Yes ma'am. - Oh thank you man, you too. - See you tomorrow. - See you tomorrow. What's the 411 cutie? Still coming to the game with me tomorrow night? - Yeah, I'm your girl right? - You know it. Where you heading? - Well I'm headed home. I came from dropping off some of my mom's cookies. She let me have a couple of them. - Can I have some? - Yeah. - Your mom's cookies are the bomb. - Yes they are. - Can't wait to have your cookies. - Is that the only reason why you're with me? - No, I was just joking. (mumbles). I'm with you because I wanna be with you. I love you, Jackie. - Really? - Really. - What about those other girls? - There is no other girls. When it comes to you, it's just you. Come on, let's get you home. Got a game tomorrow night. You know they can't start without me. - Thanks guys, thanks guys. You're my guys, you're my guys. Thanks, man. Sweet. Wait, hold on, we need those. (whistle blows) (cheering) (hip hop beat) - I promise you, they keep looking over here and it it is gonna be on like popcorn. - It's not even worth it, okay? Look, these girls won't even matter in 10 years. - No, it is important that they're talking about us, and they're probably talking about you, I told you she wants your man. - If he's mine he's mine, okay? And plus he already told me I'm the only one. - Yeah okay, what if he changes his mind? - Well then he's not the one for me. - Girl, you trippin'. Name one guy that can even come close to matching up to Daniel Grant? You cannot be serious. - What? - [Rosalyn] That dweeb you're looking at. - Okay, he's not a dweeb. And I wasn't really looking at him. - He's like the walking poster child for Dweeb University. - Aaron, don't look now, but Jacqueline Anderson is looking this way. - She's only looking this way because Daniel's over here. - Aaron, Daniel is over there. - Oh! She is looking over here! - Okay look, look, she was looking at you this whole time. I just wanna let you know, as your friend and confidant, and your comrade, that Jacqueline Anderson, she is the hottest girl in school, and she was checking you out! - Don't act too excited, okay? Just like, just be cool. Right, help me get this. Help me get these. (laughter) - Well I guess we all know why that just happened. - Aaron. - Why are you mistakenly talking to me? - Remember me? Me, you, and Roselyn had lunch the other day? - Huh? - Yeah, I guess our wish to come back to high school came true. - What wish? The only wish I have about high school is that I get out of here alive. - Wait a minute. Are you telling me you don't remember any of that? - Remember what? How do you even know my name anyway? - Well I guess because we go to high school together. - No. I mean you've never remembered my name before. We've done projects together and you never even remember me, I mean it's like I had to reintroduce myself to you-- - A hundred times. - Yeah. - Exactly. - Yeah, I'm sorry about that. - You're apologizing to me? - Yeah. That was rude of me, and I shouldn't have Are you okay? - What are you doing? - I don't understand. I just came out here to check on you to make sure you were okay. - What, are you part of some new geek outreach program or something? Just taking pity on geeks throughout the city? - You really shouldn't be that hard on yourself. I was just trying to be nice, that's all. - But why? - Why not? - Nerd alert! Nerd alert! Jackie, you know you missed Daniel's game winning shot right? - What you doing with my Jacqueline, homie? What you two talking about? - Nothing, nothing, I wasn't talking to her at all, I would never talk to your girlfriend. - Daniel, we weren't talking about anything. We just bumped into each other around the corner, that's all. - Okay, keep it that way, all right? 'Cause next time, you'll end up in a place you don't wanna be. Okay? - Yes sir. Listen, you guys, I'm just happy to be around you guys, all right? You guys are my guys. - Hey, Daniel, don't we have to go celebrate? - All right. - Yo, come on y'all, let's hit the cafe. - We outie 5,000. (laughter) Yo bro, it doesn't get any better than this, man. We are the champions. We are the champions. We are the champions! We are the champions! We are the champions! - Drinks for the champs, courtesy of my dad. Pizza's on the way. - Uh-uh. - Nothing else matters to you except winning huh? - Life's all about winning, Jackie. - What about me? Did you win me? - You're here aren't you? - You know what? I was here. - Wait, hold on, Jackie wait. - Jackie, wait. - Yo. - I don't know what's gotten into her lately, but I think she forgot how good she has it. - Well how do you plan on reminding her? My man. (laughter) - Yeah, man. - I ate like crap. Look, I mean all I'm saying is you've just been acting really weird lately. I mean last week it was you couldn't wait for your future with Daniel, and with college, and medical school, and marriage and kids, and now it's just like as if. - Well that was before I... - Before you... - What if you had the power to see into the future? - Like fortuneteller people? - Yeah, kinda like that. And then you saw the way your life turned out, and you didn't like it, so then you went back and made a few changes in order to have the future that you really wanted for yourself. - Okay, I'm confused, are you saying you don't want a future with Daniel anymore? - I don't know what I really want anymore. - Well whatever you decide, you know I got your back. - Thank you. Yeah, oh. Hey mom. - Hello girls. - Mom, you're taking antacids again? I thought you said you were gonna go to the doctor. - Baby it's nothing. - My dad takes those all the time. I mean he is like 300 pounds. - It's just a little heartburn, that's all. - No it's not, it's something more serious. - Look, I know you're planning on becoming a doctor, but you're not one yet. I'm gonna do it, I just haven't had time. I do it as soon as I figure out all this stock portfolio stuff. I'm eligible for my 401K and I'm just praying that with the stocks and the investments and this job that we'll finally get out of this debt. 'Cause Lord knows if I get one more bill. But enough about me. So what's going on with you ladies? - Well... Can we go to the Senior Victory Party this weekend? - Can you? - I mean may we go? Everyone's gonna be there. - So where is it? - It's at Mike Weaver's house. It's a hip hop 80s party. - Yeah, and his parents are gonna be monitoring it the whole time, and it's only until 11 o'clock. - Please? My parents said I could go if you said Jackie could go. - I guess if Mike's parents are gonna be there, then it's okay. (laughter) - Thank you! - Thank you so much, mom! - Oh Roselyn, do me a favor. Would you get that bag over there and hand it to Jackie please? - Mom! It's beautiful! - I thought that you might need something for the winter formal. Your father and I had our first dance together at our homecoming dance, and God rest his soul, I just, I don't know, I just saw it and I thought that it was pretty. - [Roselyn] You have to try this on. - Yes, can I? - Of course you can, go. - Hey, can you take this upstairs for me? - Yeah. - I'm gonna talk to my mom real quick. - Sweetie, is everything okay? - Yeah. Just wanna tell you that I love you. - Oh baby. I love you too. - And by the way, we learned in our Current Events class today, our teacher told us that there's a company whose stock is low, but he said is on the rise. - So what's it called? - It's called Amazon. You should probably buy a few shares, you know, when you start your 401K portfolio. - I've never heard of Amazon. - No one really has right now. Just trust me on this. - Okay, I will. And it's nice to see that you're learning actually something valuable in class. But look sweetie, go ahead and try on your new dress. Go. - Okay. (laughter) - Yo, I'm telling you. Well well well, look who just entered the lion's den. You ready to do this? - Yeah, ready like Rocksteady. - She's coming this way. Showtime. - What's popping ladies? - Hey guys. - Ready to have a good time? - You know we are. - Well let's get this party started right? (laughter) - You look nice. - Thank you. Oh guess what? - Chicken butt. - No seriously. My mom surprised me and bought me a dress for Winter Ball. - Really? Who you going with though? - Daniel, stop being silly. - No, but seriously, who you going with? - Hey. - Oh, Jack, you know Kimberly right? - You know that I know her. - Hey, I wanna dance. - Well if you'll excuse me. Ladies. - Can you believe that? - You girls okay? - Talk to the hand, Mike. Let's go. (hip hop music) What was that all about? - He's trying to make me jealous. - I'm ready to pull Kim's hair out. You know that's just tracks in the back of her head. - No, don't do anything, it's not her fault. This is all Daniel's doing. - Okay, so what do you wanna do? - Nothing. - Nothing? - Yeah. If me and Daniel are meant to be together, then we will. If not, then we're not. - I could handle that, I don't mind. - Don't do anything. - Excuse me. Roselyn, you wanna go dance? - Go on. - [Daniel] You have fun? - I had a good time. - Yeah? - How about you? - You good. (laughter) - Well I'm surprised to see you guys here. - Yeah, my mom made us. She's best friends with Mike's mom, so they made them invite us. - Can I play? - Yeah, sure, I mean you're already sitting down, yeah, you know how to play? - Well it's been a while, but yeah. Let's see. - Cool. (laughter) Now let me tell you, we're pretty good. - Yeah, we sure are. And the color is... Yellow! - Oooh, Uno! - [Aaron] Oh man, come on! Really? - [Daniel] I do my job. - [Kimberly] You always do a good job. (giggling) - Dan. - [Daniel] What up? - You will not believe this. - Did I mention I used to be a pro at this game? - Yeah, you beat us six times, I think we figured it out by now. (laughter) - Where you going? - Well it was fun while it lasted. - Yeah, it really was. - Don't tell me the game is over. - Yeah, it's over. I won. - You mean to tell me you let a girl beat you at a game of cards? (laughter) - Daniel. - I didn't let her beat me, man. She's really smart and she was able to finesse her own win if she wanted to, I mean your girl's playing cards with me, man. - Shut up! - Daniel! - I'm joking. - Hey man, you all right? - I didn't even touch him. I didn't even touch you. I didn't even touch you. Get up, come on. Come here, let me talk to you for a second. Let me talk to you for a second. - Get back, man! (crowd oooing) - [Partygoer] This gonna get good. - Yo, that's hilarious. (gasps and hollering) - [Jacqueline] What are you doing? - Relax, relax, I'm joking with him. - [Jacqueline] Daniel stop! - Get out of my way! (gasps) - Hey let's go. - [Jacqueline] Daniel stop it! Stop! Daniel stop it! - Knock it off! Stop it! Daniel leave, right now! Leave! This is over! Mike, this party is shut down. (groans and boos) - You okay? - It's okay, it's okay. - All right, I'll get you some ice. - Everybody, this party's shut down now! Let's go! (dramatic piano music) ♪ What I see in you ♪ ♪ Is someone who will be true ♪ - Hey. Looks like the swelling has gone down a lot. Guess that ice really does work huh? - Haven't you done enough? - Wait a minute, are you blaming me for what happened back there? - Look, Daniel may have bullied me in the past, but this time he tried to kill me. That never happened until you started talking to me. So do the math. - That's not fair. I cannot be responsible for Daniel's behavior. Yeah, I have started talking to you recently, but-- - Yeah, why is that? - Why is what? - Why have you started looking at me and making smiley faces when we cross rooms and stuff? - Well-- - What? - Just forget it, you wouldn't understand. - You're probably right, but I just got finished getting my butt kicked in your name, so let's give it a try. - Aaron. Aaron. Do you like me? - What? - Honestly. Do you like me? - I don't understand what that has to do with anything. - It has to do with a lot, and don't ask me how I know, but I do, and since I do know, I just thought it'd be really nice to get to know you. - I know, but Jacqueline, you're the most popular girl in school. And you date the most popular guy in school. Why would you talk to just a nerd like me? - Popularity only means that people know your name. It doesn't mean that they really know who you are. I think you are a really nice guy. And I have a feeling that you're gonna grow up to be a really great man. You're a little shy. - Ouch. - (laughs) But you're really cute. - Can I drop you off at home? Not like drop you like on your head, but give you a ride in my car safely, but then we go together and then I make sure you have your seatbelt on, and I don't drive too fast 'cause I don't want you-- - Yes Aaron. You can drop me off at home. All right, let me go tell Rosie. - I'm so sorry for yelling at you back there. I shouldn't have done that. - It's okay. You were angry. - No no, but I shouldn't have done that, I'm a gentleman. (chuckles) - Well thanks for dropping me off. - It's my pleasure. Oh Jacqueline, can I tell you something? - Sure, what's up? - You were so right back there. I've had a crush on you since the first time I ever saw you. You just seem so untouchable now. - Well now you know that I'm not. - Yes! Worth it. - Come on, let's go. - Can I talk to you for a second? - It's okay. I'll catch up with you later. Daniel, I have nothing to say to you, okay? And besides, it looks like you're busy talking to someone else. - Her? Please, Jackie. You know she doesn't mean anything to me. - Really? I can't tell. - Jackie, I'm sorry. I really am. I just, I got a little jealous when I saw you having a good time with that dweeb. - His name is Aaron. - Whatever. Jackie, come on. - What? - I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry. Can we just kiss and makeup like we always do? Besides, the winter ball's a few weeks away. - Wow. I used to think that you were the perfect guy for me. Now I'm not so sure. I have to get to class. - Come on Kim, let's go. (gentle atmosphere music) (laughter) - Roselyn, what's cracking? - Nothing. - Definitely nothing with you. - Jackie. - He is not the one. - Stop. - Anyways. How about after school we get out of here and get into something? - He's only asking you out because he heard that you're easy. - How do you know that? - Trust me, I know how this goes. - Is that true? You only trying to chill with me because you wanna see if the rumors are true? - I mean that may have been true at first, but after we kicked it the other night, I got to know the real you, and I dig it. - Really? - Really. - Come on Rosie, you're not really believing him are you? - You know what Jackie, maybe you don't know everything that you think you do. I really never thought you'd be jealous of me. - Jealous? - Yeah. - Go do what you want. - Let's get out of here and get some pizza or something. - Okay. - Make sure I got some cash. - You don't have cash? - I got some cash, look. We good. I got the money, come on. - I thought for sure Miss Brewer was gonna get a hold of my note. - Yeah, that was so close. - Excuse me. Do either of you have any change you could spare an old lady? - Oh yeah, here's some change. I wish it was dollars. - Bless your heart. Change is good. Funny thing about change. If nothing changes, nothing changes. - Weird, but okay. - No. I totally get it. - So since you actually ate my note, I never got your answer to my question. - What question? - Jacqueline Anderson, will you go to winter ball with me? - Yes Aaron, I will be your date. - Okay good. - Wow, I can't believe I'm actually going to a dance without Daniel. - If you still wanna be with him, you should probably go with him. - No. No, I mean I think it's weird, but it's a good kind of weird. Things change. I actually already have my dress, so all you have to do is get a matching tie for your tux. - What's color's your dress? - Red. - Red? - Yeah, my mom bought it for me the other night. - Red huh? Never saw my person as a person who would wear red, it's such a bold color. - Mom, it's beautiful! - You could just do it all over again, would you? - A do-over? - I remember when they told the school that your mom passed away on the PA system and to keep your family in all of our prayers. Jackie, Jackie, you okay? - Huh? - You okay? - No, hey, look, I'm really sorry, but I just remembered I have to go home. - Wait, is everything okay? - I'll call you later! Mom! Mom. - Baby, I need my antacids, I just ran out. - Mom, we need to get you to the doctor. - No, it's just a little heartburn. - No, let's have the doctor tell you that. I'm gonna call 911. Hello? Yeah, my mom is having a heart attack. Yeah yeah, that's my address. Okay, okay thank you. Mom, it's gonna be okay, it's gonna be okay. (dramatic atmosphere music) - I came as soon as Mrs. Baker told me what happened to your mom. - Thank you for the flowers. They're beautiful. - I am so sorry, we came as soon as we could. - Thank you, Rosie. - Look, I'm sorry about everything, I know you were just trying to look out. - I know, it's okay. - Well has there been anymore news? - No, and I haven't heard anything in hours. The nurse said she was gonna come and say something soon, but-- - Well I'm sure everything's gonna be all right. - I hope so. - Jacqueline Anderson? - Yeah, that's me. - Dr. Collins. Your mom's out of surgery, she had a heart attack and needed an emergency bypass. - Is she okay? - Yes, she's gonna be just fine. It's good you called an ambulance. Her arteries were so clogged, she may not have made it to the end of the month. - Well can I see her? - You can once anesthesia wears off. I will come back and get you once she's awake. (heart monitor beeping) - Jackie. - Yes. I'm here. - I feel like I've been hit by a mac truck. - The doctor says you'll be able to go home in a couple of weeks. - That's right. The surgery was successful and you should heal nicely. You're very lucky to have this little lady right here. - Yes. I am. - Your mother should live a long and healthy life thanks to your quick action. Congratulations, Jacqueline. You're a hero. You really saved your mother's life. - Thank you, baby girl. Thank you. - No mom. Thank you. - Baby, you saved me. Why are you thanking me? - Because this time, you'll be around to see me off for winter ball, prom, and graduation. - This time? - I mean... You'll just be here for all of that. And I'm very thankful. - Thank you. - I love you. - I love you too. ♪ Mama you raised me right ♪ ♪ I remember the talks we had late at night ♪ ♪ You said it's up to me to find my destiny ♪ ♪ But it won't come without pain or strife ♪ ♪ Lordy knows I missed you in my life ♪ ♪ If I had one Christmas wish ♪ - Jackie. All right, I deserved that. I've been a real jerk lately. - Well I'm glad you're big enough to admit it. - I am. I'm truly sorry. Is everything okay with your mom? I was gonna come by, but... - Everything's good. Thanks for asking. - Forgive me for being so wack. - Sure, I forgive you. - Great. So now that everything's cool, I was wondering if you would give me the honor of taking you to the winter ball with me. - Well I'm kinda already going with someone else. - You what? - Ready? - Yeah. - She's not done talking. - Yes I am. I'm ready, Aaron. - Yo, you good man? - Nah bro, come on, man. - Dan! Ladies! Mike Weaver, what's up? ♪ If I could do it all over again ♪ ♪ I'd never grow up and leave you ♪ ♪ If I could have one more Christmas with you ♪ ♪ Just to be a little girl like I used to ♪ ♪ If I had one Christmas with you ♪ - Hey Jackie, you know it's not too late to go to ball with me. I can handle two dates at once. (laughter) - I really still can't believe I'm going to prom with Jason Sykes. I mean he actually is a nice guy. - Well I guess I was all wrong. But I did tell you if you gave them a chance then they will like you for more than, you know, just your-- - Hey, I already said you were right. It's just weird, you know, like I'm going out with him and he's actually getting to know the real me, instead of me just... - Jumping his bones? - Okay. (laughter) - Yeah. - Okay. So... This Aaron thing. You like him like him? - Yeah. I do. He's a very nice guy. - No, I mean I see that, I just, I'm just having a really hard time seeing the two of you together. - Why? Because he's a dweeb, a dork, a geek? - Well all of those work actually. - Hey listen Rosie, you might not get this right now, but maybe you will in 10 or 20 years, but Daniel is only popular because he's cute and he's captain of the basketball team. But that's it. - And in my book that's all that you need. - But that's not all I need. Hey, looks and popularity are fine, but I want someone who's genuine and who will continue to improve with age, and will always treat me like a princess. - I mean I guess I get what you're saying. - Yeah, well look at it like this. There's a prince inside every frog. All it takes is for the right girl to kiss him, and for the prince to be revealed. - Yeah, or what if you kiss him and all you get are warts? - What if you get warts from dating the entire football team? - I don't think I've gotten those yet. - Are you sure? - Yeah, I checked yesterday. - Ew. - [Cheerleaders] Our team is vicious, vicious! Our team is tough, tough! The Mighty Jaguars don't take no stuff! So get B-A-C-K, get back! (cheering) - Girl, we did that! - We killed it! (laughter) - Daniel and I are wearing the baddest shade of winter blue to the ball. - And how y'all getting there? - Oh his dad is renting a limo so we can arrive in style. And the best part is he's getting us a room. - At a hotel. (laughter) - You're right. And then after that he's giving me his class ring. - Well that would be hard to do since I still have it. - Oh. Well I guess that means he doesn't plan on you having it for long. - I'm gonna go snatch her hair. - No, it's okay. It's not worth it! Okay mom, are you ready? - I sure am, come on, hurry up! Oh my god. (giggles) Oh look at my baby, you look more beautiful than I could ever imagine. - Really? - Really. Just turn around, let me see, turn around. Oh sweetie, you are going to be the belle of the ball. I only wish that I could've helped you a little bit more tonight. - Mom, you did! You bought me this dress. - I know. Oh, Jackie, hand me that jewelry box on the mantle. Okay. These are your grandmother's pearls. And I want you to wear them tonight. - Mom, I can't. - You can and you will. Come here. Last time I wore these was at your father's funeral, and I don't want my daughter to have to wait until I pass away before she wears them. You should be able to wear these for every special occasion in your life, sweetie. Starting tonight. - Thanks mom. You'll never know how much these moments have meant to me. - And thanks to you we have so many special moments to look forward to. Oh sweetie. - I love you. - I love you too, baby. (knocking) Oh, that's your date. He's here. - Wow. You look banging. - Thanks. You look pretty fly yourself. - Go on. - You two give me a second to take a look at you together. Oh look at you two, you two look so handsome. Baby get my camera. - The house looks great. - Thank you. Okay. Smile. - Oh, this is for you. - Do you wanna put it on me? - Yeah Aaron, you gotta put it on her. - Of course. Left side, right side, heart side. - Ow. Ow! - Jacqueline, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. - It's okay. - Aaron, sweetie, it's also a wrist corsage. Just put it on her wrist. - Right, right. - All right, magic. - All right young lady, your curfew is still midnight tonight. - Mom, it's the winter ball. - I know exactly. - Okay. - Okay, okay. 1 AM and that's it. - Thanks mom! - Thanks, Mrs. Anderson. - You guys have fun. - Shall we, Jacqueline? - We shall. (hip hop music) - Oh hey Roselyn. You came to the ball alone too? - No. Well not on purpose. Jason Sykes ditched me at the last minute for his ex-girlfriend, said at least by the end of the night he's get some. - So I guess he "Syked" you out huh? - Don't do that. I guess this is where you say I told you so. - What pleasure would I get out of saying that? - You just, you told me about him, and I didn't listen. - Yeah, well sometimes in life we have to learn things for ourselves. You're still my best friend. I love you. - I guess I love you too. - You guess? (laughs) You better. - This sucks being by myself. - It's okay, you look amazing. - Girl. You see what he's missing out on? - I do, I do. - Um, hey Roselyn, if you don't mind, I really would like for you to be my date for tonight. I mean what do you got to lose? It's just me and you. - He's the one. - Absolutely nothing. - Let's go get something to drink. - Okay everyone! We about to do something real special for you tonight. Music! ♪ Throwback, throwback ♪ ♪ Holiday ♪ ♪ Throwback, throwback ♪ ♪ Holiday ♪ ♪ Throwback, throwback ♪ ♪ Holiday ♪ - That is my jam! Wow, you were awesome over there. - Thank you, I can't believe I remembered all of that. - Yeah. I'm thirsty, you want to get some punch? - Yeah, I'd love some. - All right, I'll be right back. - Okay. - I can't wait 'till the hotel later. - Can you hold on one second? - Yeah. - Okay. May I have this dance? - Why Daniel? - Don't do that. Come on, for old time's sake? Jackie, I'm sorry. I really am. I wanna make this right. - What's done is done, Daniel. - But I don't want us to be done. I want us back together. I miss you. - How can you miss me when you've been hanging out with Kimberly? - I was only doing that because I was mad at you. You know that. - So you decided to get back at me by getting with another girl? - You're right. I'm sorry, I was childish. But I do miss you and I'm done with Kim. Okay? I need you to be my girlfriend. Let me make it right, please. - Hey, I have-- - Get lost, dipstick! - Daniel! - Hey, is there a problem? - What are you guys gonna do? I'm gonna get jumped by the nerd patrol? - Paul, Paul, listen, I got this, this is between me and Daniel, all right? - Right, it's between me and you. - Daniel, stop it! - No no no no, you think she really likes you? Look at you and look at me. She's only with you because she wants to make me jealous. - Well if that's true, then she accomplished her goal didn't she? (gasps) - Daniel! - Jackie, I'm sorry. I don't want anything to come between us anymore. I'm done with the games. I even got the hotel room we talked about. Okay? I love you, come with me. Please. What are you doing? What's wrong? - [Beggar] God gives you the opportunity to choose the life you want to live at any time. Which means that you have the power to change it. The quality of your life today, and in the future, is a direct result of the choices you make today and going forward. But take heed. You must be willing to accept the consequences of every choice because it will forever change your life. And your destiny. You understand? - You know what, I'm doing what I should have done a long time ago. I'm making a different choice. - But Jackie-- - Daniel, I may have dated you for all the wrong reasons, but I'm breaking up with you for all the right reasons. Because you're a shallow, self-absorbed prick who wouldn't know a good thing if it slapped him in the face. Speaking of which. (gasps) I won't be needing this anymore. Good luck. You're gonna need it. - You okay? (gasps) - Dude, you just gonna let that happen? (gasps) (dramatic piano music) - Thank you. I had a really good time tonight. - So did I, I had a lot of fun. I'm glad. Well I guess I'll get going. - Wait a minute. What time is it? - It's 10 minutes to midnight. - Come sit down. I have some time left, I wanna tell you something. - Look, I know that what Daniel said is true to you and everyone else-- - No, no it's not. Okay, maybe before I wouldn't have given you a second thought, but I had to learn the hard way that you shouldn't be with someone just because everybody else wants you to be with them. You should be with someone because you wanna be with them. - And how does this relate to me? - I wanna be with you, Aaron. - For real? - For real. - Jacqueline, you're exactly the person that I always secretly wished I would end up with one day. - Well sometimes wishes come true when you choose to believe. Wait, what time is it now? - It's 11:59. Oh look, a shooting star! - Quick, let's make a wish. - I mean mine already came true. - Let's make one together. Let's wish that things would always be like this. - Okay. On three. - One. - Two. - Two. - Three. - Three. - It's hot out here! (laughter) My glasses are fogging up. - Oh my gosh. ♪ If I had one Christmas wish ♪ ♪ I would wish for just one gift ♪ ♪ That I could just close my eyes ♪ ♪ And go back in time ♪ ♪ It would be such a dream come true ♪ - Miss Tucker, is that you? - Aaron. - I love saying that. - Aaron? How did you... What are you doing here? - I'm making our annual Christmas breakfast of course. Come here. - What was that for? - Can I kiss my beautiful wife under the mistletoe? And I got something special for you. Here. Now I know we normally exchange gifts when everyone gets here, but I'm so proud of you and I couldn't wait. And now that we own the building, I thought this would complete the opening of your medical practice. - Wow. My own medical practice? - And don't you worry, Santa has more gifts for you under the tree. Jackie, what's wrong sweetheart? - Nothing. Nothing. Everything's absolutely perfect. - Mom, dad, enough with all that mushy stuff! - Get over here potato head, I'll show you some mushy stuff, Sydney. - Sydney! - Yes mom? Are you okay? - Yes, you just, you look so beautiful today. - She always looks beautiful. (phone buzzes) Hey babe, your phone's ringing. Look at all this stuff that daddy made. - Hey. - Girl, I'm so sorry, we are running so behind, you know how it goes. - Like always, but it's well worth it for my queen. - Is that Paul from high school? - Is this a trick question? - Course it is silly. - So you two are... - We're what? - Together? - We're married, and pregnant again. Girl, when I tell you I feel like a pig, I cannot wait 'till this baby comes out. - I am waiting on Paul Jr. - Wow. - Sweetie, are you okay? Are you pregnant again? - No. No, you just look very very happy. - I am happy. I'm married to a man that loves me for me. Anyway, we're gonna get going, so we will see you soon. Bye. - Bye. - Wow. - [Aaron] Hey Justine, Christian, come on, these flat breads aren't gonna eat themselves! - Justine, if you don't leave those presents alone, Santa's gonna come and take all of yours back. - Mom? - Grandma, do you want me to handle it? - No it's all right Christian because somebody's gonna want nana to give them some milk and cookies tonight, and I think we're just gonna have to eat them all by ourselves. - Mom! - Well merry Christmas to you too. - You're here with us. - Yeah, of course I am, I always spend the holidays with you, sweetie. Jackie, are you okay baby? - Yes. I'm better than okay. I'm just so happy that you're here. - Mom, we found this under the Christmas tree. - Wow. This brings back so many great memories. How about I read this to the two of you guys tonight? - Yeah! - Yeah! - All right, take this up to the room. - Dad, I think there's something wrong with mom today. She might be getting a little early case of the old timers. - That's what happens when you don't take your vitamins. Grab some stuff, let's go. Here, take this. Knock yourself out. - Oh wait a minute, get the remote, hurry up! The financial report's on, I gotta hear this! Come on, turn it up, turn it up. - Amazon has risen 2.6 percentage points. And here's a gem, if you had invested in Amazon 15 years ago, when stocks split multiple times, your investment would have been worth well over a million dollars. (shrieks) (laughter) - Son in law, you outdid yourself this Christmas morning. - Christian, would you lead us in grace? - Sure. Grace. Let's eat! - You know what, I will say grace. Dear God, thank you for blessing us on this Christmas day with food before us to sustain us, a roof over our head to protect us, and with your spirit inside us to guide us. And thank you for allowing everyone at this table to be a part of my life, and for showing me that I made all of the right choices along the way. To end up exactly where I'm supposed to be. Thank you, Jesus. You are definitely the reason for the season. Amen. - Amen, all right. ♪ Throwback, throwback ♪ ♪ Holiday ♪ ♪ Throwback, throwback ♪ ♪ Holiday ♪ ♪ Throwback, throwback ♪ ♪ If I had one Christmas wish ♪ ♪ I would wish for just one kiss ♪ ♪ Then I could just close my eyes ♪ ♪ Go back in time ♪ ♪ It would be such a dream come true ♪ ♪ Having just one more holiday ♪ ♪ To spend with ♪ - Right now I gotta be a company man and hold onto this job. - Yeah, you holding on to something all right. - Huh, what'd you say? - Daniel, wait. - Look, I gotta go, carpool's here, okay? I'mma text you if I'm running late, okay? - [Son] Breakfast is burning, mother. - [Daughter] Mom, I'm ready!
Channel: Deep C Digital
Views: 1,384,485
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Movies, Movie, Film, TV Series, theatrical film, motion picture, Deep C Digital Entertainment, Throwback Holiday Movie, Throwback Holiday Full Movie, Throwback Holiday Feature Film, Throwback Holiday, holiday, holiday movie, Jennifer Freeman, Robert Ri'chard, Rhyon Nicole Brown, Gabrielle Collins, Trey Haley, do-over, Throwback Holiday 2018 Full Movie
Id: aTWyEfVjcYM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 25sec (5305 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 28 2021
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