Merry Liddle Christmas | Starring Kelly Rowland | Full Movie | Lifetime

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[♪♪♪] [exhales deeply] ♪ Deck the halls with bough of holly ♪ ♪ Fa-la-la-la-la la-la-la-la ♪ ♪ 'Tis the season to be... ♪ Benson, start the car. <i> Starting the car.</i> ♪ Don we now our gay apparel ♪ ♪ Fa-la-la-la-la-la-la-la ♪ ♪ Troll the ancient yuletide carol ♪ ♪ Fa-la-la-la-la la-la-la-la... ♪ ♪ Fa-la-la-la-la la-la-la-la ♪ ♪ Fa-la-la-la-la la-la-la-la... ♪ ♪ Don we now our gay apparel ♪ ♪ Fa-la-la-la-la-la-la-la... ♪ Morning. ♪ Troll the ancient yuletide carol ♪ ♪ Fa-la-la-la-la la-la-la-la... ♪ [telephone ringing] Good morning. -Good morning. -Good morning. Guess what? We got another offer. -From who? -Queen of the Castle. [smack] I love Queen of the Castle. That's where I got all my furniture from. Mm. It gets better. They're launching a new tech division and they want you to run it. Are you kidding me? That's amazing! Yeah. Since you created an app to help busy families stay organized, they think you must have a big family of your own, and they want to capture you spending Christmas with them in your new home, all done up for the holidays. All right, I can do that. I can do-- Wait, c-capture how? What does that mean? They'd just shoot some video and possibly use it in the launch of their new tech division. They want to make sure you're a good fit for their brand. This could be huge for you. For us. You'd still be my CFO, right? Of course. I would love that. See? Everything in your life is all coming together. Well, almost everything. I promise, I'm going to get myself back out there one of these days. Just let me get through Christmas first. -Okay. -Speaking of-- I need to call my mom and convince her to let me host. Right. Good luck with that. Thanks, Naomi. Bye. [telephone rings] -Hello? -Hey, Mom. Oh, hi, baby girl. How are you? Can't wait to see you. <i> I've been giving it a lot of thought.</i> I would really love it if everyone came to my house for Christmas this year. But I always host. <i> I know you do,</i> but maybe it's time to pass the baton? That way, you can just relax and enjoy yourself for once. Cooking for my family<i> is</i> how I enjoy myself. <i> And honey, it makes me so happy,</i> <i> cooking everyone's favorite dishes</i> <i> and watching you all</i> sit around the table in the very same seats that you sat in when you were little girls, sharing stories and funny memories... <i> And we can still do all those things.</i> Just at my house. <i> Come on, Dad's retiring soon.</i> And, Mom, you deserve to put your feet up, too. I don't know, baby. I mean, it's a lot of work. <i> And a lot of mess,</i> <i> and we all know</i> how much that drives you crazy. -What-- What's going on? -She wants to host Christmas. Hey! Love it. <i>Let the hurricane make landfall</i> somewhere else this year. Your dad likes the idea. Please, Mom, let me do this. <i> Are you sure you can handle it?</i> Sticky children, a crying baby, <i> and who knows what kind of drama</i> your sister Kiara's gonna drag in with her this year. <i> I'm sure.</i> My dream home is finally finished and I'd love to share it with all of you. Okay. <i> But let me call your sisters and make sure</i> that they're on their best behavior. -I love you, Mom. -I love you, baby girl. Bye-bye. Oh. Let's do that. -[phone buzzing] -Oh. [laughs] Hey! <i> I just got off the phone with Mom.</i> Are you sure you want to do this? <i> Absolutely.</i> It's gonna be so much fun. I'm going through the menu right now. You're gonna help me out in the kitchen, right? <i> I mean, I'll help, but you know</i> Mom's still gonna want run the show. Oh, I know. <i> Jacquie, there's something important</i> <i> I want to talk to you about</i> and I really need you to listen. What is it? Everything doesn't have to be perfect. That's easy for you to say. <i> No, I'm not kidding.</i> We all just want to have a fun, chill Christmas together. <i> I know. Me too.</i> Okay, and try not to let Kiara get under your skin so much. <i> You know you two have very different personalities,</i> and you just got to accept her for who she is. I swear you tell me the same thing every year. And yet you two still go at each other like you did when we were kids. Well, that's because, whenever I'm around her, I'm suddenly 14 again-- she's borrowing my clothes without asking <i> and ruining them.</i> Yeah, I know, but this is the only holiday that we all get together, and I would really like it if we all just got along. I promise, I'm going to try. Okay. Now call that bratty little sister of ours and tell her the same thing. Jacquie. I'm just kidding. No, but seriously. All right. I love you. <i> Love you.</i> -Hey! -Hey, baby. Come here. Mm. How'd it go? It was okay. Just okay? Who was this with again? Barringford Investment Group. I'll keep my fingers crossed. Sure would be nice to go into the new year with a job lined up. [baby bawls] I'll go. [sighs quietly] Remember, Christmas is the time for giving. <i> Well, give me</i> anyone but Jacquie to host Christmas this year. [sighs] Remember when she hosted that big <i> birthday dinner where she served</i> 11-and-a-half small-plated courses, within 17 minutes of each other. You know it's always been important for her to celebrate things properly. Treena, it was her 33rd birthday. We're all looking forward to having this time together. It'll just be in a different place this year. I'm so stressed. I personally think it'll be fun having us all together under one roof. Fun? Or deadly? It'll give us all a chance to check out Jacquie's new house. Now, I know you're gonna want to see that. [sighs irately] Mm! What are you eating? Just a little dinner. <i> Look, you're right.</i> Jacquie can be a little overbearing at times. <i> You can be a handful, too, sometimes.</i> Now, watch it. And she is our sister, and she rarely asks us for anything, and she really wants us to do this. [sighs deeply] Fine. But can you say those very important words to me <i> -one more time?</i> -What? The part where you said I was right. You're right. <i> I love you.</i> Love you, too. [Jacquie] I want this to be perfect, guys. A couple more inches to the right. Right, yeah. Too much. Go back an inch. There you go. Perfect. Thank you! ♪ I got the best house in the neighborhood ♪ [♪♪♪] [shrieks] Benson, call Mom. <i> Calling Mom.</i> [cackles victoriously as phone rings] Hi, Jacquie. <i> Hi, Mom.</i> Do you think you could bring your angel for the tree? Great thinking, but, you know, Kiara has it. <i> Royce took it for a show'n'tell last year,</i> but I'll ask her to pack it. Okay, thanks. How is everything else going? It's still not too late to change your mind. Mom, I got this. You'll see. <i> I love you. I'll see you tomorrow then.</i> [doorbell chimes with grand tune] [chiming continues] Yay! You made it. Hi, Ava! Merry Christmas. Hi, Auntie J. Oh, my gosh. Look how tall you are! I've been eating all my vegetables. I can tell! My goodness. Hi, sis! It's so good to see you. It's so good to see you, too. -Come on in. -Oh, look at this place! It's amazing. Gosh. Do you need help with those? Nah, it's okay, I got this. Okay. Wow, your house is dope! Julian, thank you. Mom and Dad are right behind us. You guys, come in, make yourselves at home, and I will help out Mom and Dad. -All right. -Okay. [Marchelle] What did I do with that extra wrapping paper? Yes! Hi, Mom! Hi, Dad! Oh, hi, baby! Oh, you smell so good! Thank you. Hi! [chuckles] Hello. How was the drive? Long, long! I still don't know why you had to move so far away. Come on, I've told you a million times. If you want to work in tech, you gotta live in Silicon Valley. We just miss you, sweetheart. That's all. I miss y'all, too. Why'd you bring so much stuff for three days? Well, because we thought it would be nice to bring a little of our Christmas with us. Yeah. Mom, you didn't need to do that. I've already got everything we need, and it looks perfect. So, why don't you just leave these things out here, and we can just bring your clothes inside? -[Dad laughing] -Child, don't be ridiculous. And we can't have Christmas now without our "Ho! Ho! Ho!" countdown clock. Oh, but we can. Or our singing Santa door-greeter. Please tell me you didn't actually bring that thing. Of course, we did, the kids love it. You brought your Christmas albums? -Mm-hmm. -Yeah. I don't have a record player. Well, don't worry about it, because we brought ours. [Dad laughs] Hey, let's go see this house. [Marchelle] Yes! I cannot wait. [Wade] Hey, you got some sandwiches in here? [horn honks then blares] [Jacquie] Hey, Royce! Ohh! Hi, Auntie J. So good to see you, handsome. Hi. Oh... wow. [overlapping] Hey! [Kiara laughs] You brought your dog. We couldn't find anyone to take him for the holidays. Royce, go and take Louie V in the house. Make yourself comfortable. But, you know, your girl got him certified as an emotional support animal so he could travel in the main cabin with us. Of course you did, Kiara. Oh, my gosh, you're never gonna believe what happened. They lost my luggage! All of my clothes. My shoes! My makeup. My skincare products. All the gifts! What about Ma's Christmas angel? That too. -What? -I know. I'm so upset. And they said it never even made it onto the plane. And now they got this big winter storm named "Meghan" that's about to hit Chicago, so who knows when it's gonna get here. We can't have Christmas without Ma's angel. We can't have Christmas without my makeup and my clothes and my shoes. Wow, Jacquie, is it still all about you? Wow. [scoffs] Oh, my gosh, look at your house. Yes! Take me in. Show me around. This is fabulous! Oh, you gotta show me around! Come on, Jacquie, let's go. I can't wait! You probably don't even have any cool clothes in here, but we'll make it work. Oh, my God. Look at this. Oh, wow! This is fabulous. [thud] Oh, did you need some help? Oh! It's a smart home. Oh, really? Which means that all the appliances, security systems, lighting, and media are all connected to the Internet, but don't you worry, I'll show you how to work it. Oh, wow! -This is nice. -Hi, Auntie Kiara. Oh, is that my Ava? Ava! Look how big you are! -Sis! -Hey, girl. Oh, I've missed you. -You look fabulous. Yes. -Is this the baby? Thank you. You know, I try my best. Yeah, you do. -[laughter] -Yeah. Wait till you see the rest of the house. Come on! Oh... Well, I can't wait to see the rest of your home. Oh, wow! -What is she doing? -[Ava continues tumbling] You'll get used to it. She's on her hands more than her feet these days. You wanna pick her up? Oh, girl, I don't know what I'm doing. She's a baby, not a combustion engine. -Okay. -Yeah. -Okay. You're right. -There you go. I can do this. It's okay. It's okay. -Okay. -It's okay. This is your Auntie Jacquie. Hello. -How are you? -[baby fusses] Oh, I'd think she'd be happier with you. Come here. [baby cries] You really don't know how to talk to a baby, do you? Now, this is something else. I know, it's gorgeous. Is that your tree? Yes. Don't you just love it? Girl, that ain't no Christmas tree. Yes, it is. I was going for a gold-and-white motif. And, honey, where are all the family pictures? I haven't had a chance to put them up yet. Well, that's a project we can take on while we're here. Dad, you don't need to take on any new projects. You should just relax. Oh! What in the world? -Oh, that's my vacuum. -Watch out! Watch out! Ooh! And it just wanders around like that on its own? I have it pre-set to clean every day. Well, your dad was hoping to catch the end of the game, if that's okay. Sure, no problem. Here's the remote. I don't know what channel you want. It's got a couple games. -Okay. -I'll try to find one. Well, all right, baby girl. Come and show me around your kitchen, so I can see what I'm working with. Okay. And when are we going grocery shopping? I've already ordered everything online. Girl, you can't order groceries online. I mean, you have to be able to feel and touch, smell everything. Mom, it's fine. I've been ordering my groceries online for years. Lord, have mercy. I am so glad I brought half my kitchen with me. [bass thumping, music playing] Hey, how do you work this darn thing? Dad, please stop. Let me help you. [music blasting] Dad! Please, stop pressing buttons! What'd you say? [music and TV blaring] [♪♪♪] Just make it stop. Oh... Wow! [Kiara chuckling] Sis, you have done so well for yourself. Thank you. You've always been the smart one. Uh, you're smart, too. I just work the hardest. Are you calling me lazy? Not-- N-Not lazy. I could have sworn-- No, just a little lacking in focus and follow-through. That's not true. How's design school going? It did not go well. Why, what happened? Working full-time and going to school full-time... I thought I could do it, but it just left me no time for Royce. Hmm. So what are you doing now? I'm a personal shopper- slash-stylist. [Kiara chuckles] I figured if I'm gonna go shopping all the time, I might as well get paid for it, right? Well, you can make a really good living doing that. Girl, you'd be shocked how many women don't know how to dress themselves. [laughing] Like you, for instance. Excuse me? Look at all of these boring clothes! Boring? Ew. I love this shirt. Go away! [Kiara laughing] So, what your love life looking like, girl? -Not great. I've been out on a few dates. Any second dates? What are we gonna do with you? You have no idea how busy I am. Girl, bah. So, I'm gonna need to borrow a few things. You know, just until my suitcase shows up. Great, just like old times. Okay. You can borrow this, for starters. I'm not wearing that! Why not? It's super-comfortable. -Comfortable? -Yes. Why are you looking at me-- What? [laughs] It's just so good to see you. My sister! [doorbell chimes] Hi. You can just put that down right here, please. Thanks. Uh, where do I sign? Actually, I'm your neighbor. This package got delivered to me by mistake. Oh, that was so nice of you. Yeah, thanks so much for bringing it over. No problem. I'm Tyler, by the way. Jacquie. This is my sister, Treena. -Hi. -Hi. Yeah, I've seen you coming and going. I've been meaning to say hi to you for a while now. It's nice to finally meet you. You've got a beautiful home. Thanks. I'm so glad they finally finished that construction that kept me awake for the past year and a half. They started working at 8:00 a.m. Most productive people are already up by then. Oh! What she means is, thank you so much for dropping that off. No problem. See you around, neighbor. Yep. -Bye! -Bye. [door thuds] <i> What?</i> He was fine. And you were rude. -Was I? -Yes. You have no idea what he does for a living. I work nights all the time. I don't know, I guess I didn't really appreciate being made to feel guilty. I don't think that was his point. Out of my way, Ava Flava. Can I have a string cheese? Sorry, I don't have any string cheese. How about a nice piece of Stilton or brie instead? [Treena snickers] J, she's eight! Hang on. Benson, order string cheese. <i> Ordering string cheese.</i> Oh. Ha! [baby cries] Should I go, or do you want to? I got it, baby. I'm being paged. Auntie J, why do you need such a big house if you live all by yourself? Duh! So I can have enough bedrooms for all of you, of course. But where's your family? You are my family. Yeah. But, like, your real family. So you're not my real family? Yeah, but I mean, like, your husband- and your children. Good question. Where are they? I'm gonna go look for them right now. Family? I think I saw some yogurt in the fridge. [Jacquie] Family? Family! There you go. I'm gonna go check on Mommy and baby Hailey, okay? [chuckling] What's up, young king? Guess what? I can eat a whole piece of pizza without even using my hands. Weird flex, but okay. [laughs] Hey, Royce, check this out. It's magic. Benson, order a purple girl's BMX bike. <i> Ordering purple girl's BMX bike.</i> Benson, order a drone. <i> Ordering a drone.</i> Benson, order a $200 game gift card. <i> Ordering $200 gift card.</i> [smack] <i> Merry Christmas!o, ho!</i> So, why are you selling your company? Because the investors want their money back, and they're gonna do really well off this sale. Plus, it's an incredible opportunity for me. -Jacquie, that's amazing. -Thanks. I'm super-excited. Honestly, it's the best Christmas present ever. And that's why I need everything to look exactly the way it looks right now. At least until they've shot their video. Hey! Look what I brought to hang above the door. -[with dread] Oh, wow. -"Merry Liddle Christmas!" W-What's your last name? [laughter] Is your name Liddle? -What's your last name? -Liddle. It's Liddle, ain't it? It sure is. Your dad made this especially for you. See, this is exactly what I'm talking about. Baby girl, this is going on the outside of the house. There's already a nice big wreath on the door and lights all around the door frame. Well, I think it'll look great out there. [Treena] I do, too. Yeah. The Liddle house! The Liddle House! I like that. [all laughing] It's the Liddles! It's gonna be all right, baby. [laughing] Just making out. Our success turns them on. [laughing] Seriously! -Oh, my... -Look at this! [laughing] Don't you get lonely in this big house all by yourself? Yeah. No. The only thing I don't like about living alone is not having someone around who's handy. Oh, yeah, that is definitely Julian's department. We should get you on a dating app. I could help you with your profile! Forget it. I've tried a few times. It's horrible. You know you're not perfect? I never said I was. Okay. Let's just see what's out there. Okay. How old are you willing to go up to? [Treena] I'd say 50. -Mm-hmm. -50! I mean, you gotta widen the range of possibilities, girl. Who else is gonna come in and match with this? Seriously. Tick-tock. Get a move on, girl. Mm-hmm. Oh, what about him? He's pretty cute. Ew, no. Mr. Moustache? Come on, girls. He can shave the moustache. Okay. Well, how about him? He's 50 years old, "interested in dating women 21 to 35." That's me. Good luck with that, Grandpa. Hey! Check it out. Oh, my-- Isn't that your hot neighbor? That seems to be him. Oh, my God. He's single? Girl! Okay. "Divorced father of two amazing kids." Uh-huh. "Successful business owner." -I know that's right. -"Dog lover. Broccoli hater. I don't play games unless it's the board game variety, and then, watch out. I believe no one is perfect, but two people can be perfect for each other." -Aw. -Oh, my-- -He's a unicorn. -He is. That's my type! He is. -That's my type! -He is. What kind of person doesn't like broccoli? It's high in vitamins. Rich in fibre. I mean, it's a super-super-food. And not just that, but it's, like-- -I can't. -...Really good in smoothies. -I can't with her. -Have you had one? You need to stop blocking your blessings, okay? You better say "what's up?" to him before I do, because Imma gonna knock on his door my damn self, okay? Please. He's a dog lover! [♪♪♪] Hi, Tyler. I got an email from Barringford Investments. And? I didn't get it. Don't worry. Something better will come along. I don't know if my heart's still in it anymore. -In what? -Financial planning. It's the same thing every day. Checking investments, advising clients, but I've got nothing to show for my work, except for some broker fees and a caffeine addiction. But that's what you do. And you've made a great living at it. Yeah, I know. But... maybe I could change course and do something... different with my life. Like what? I'm not sure. But I'd love to find something that I'm good at, that I can feel proud of at the end of the day. I mean, I'd like that for you, too, but we can't live on my nurse's salary forever. I know. Look, look... it's Christmas, and I just want us to have a good time. So let's just forget about all this for now, if we can, all right? It's gonna be okay. Let's give a reach. [all exhaling] Ooh! Treena. Mm-hmm? It's too bad I already got your Christmas gift, because if I would've known, I would've just bought you a brand-new razor. [Jacquie sighs] That is so sweet of you. Mm. But I'm sure I'm gonna love whatever it is you've re-gifted me. Turn for breathing. [inhaling deeply] And let it go. [exhaling deeply] Ladies, yoga is supposed to be... relaxing and de-stressing. Can you imagine her without yoga? [Treena and Kiara crack up] Don't take this the wrong way, but, uh... everybody wants a real tree, so we're gonna go get one. You don't like the white one? Nobody likes the white one. Everything else is beautiful, baby. We're just missing that real Christmas tree smell, you know? But I had Christmas baking on the schedule for this morning. Oh, Jacquie... you don't really have a schedule, do you? Yes. You guys are only here for three days. I just wanted to get everything in. What is all this? I whipped up an egg-and-sausage casserole. You didn't see the plate of croissants and muffins I left out? Yeah-- I did, baby, but, you see, everybody prefers a hot breakfast to start their day. Those eggs were for baking, and the sausage was for my cornbread dressing. Great, now we have a reason to go to the store after all! Have a croissant. [takes a deep breath] [exhales intently] [Marchelle] Come on, Wade. Hurry up, honey, let's go. [Jacquie] You ready to go pick us out a good tree? [Marchelle] Listen, listen, listen! You guys, you guys... Look for the perfect tree. -Oh, are you ready? -Okay. Come on, let's go. -Come here, babe. -It's so exciting! Hey, sorry if it felt like we were ganging up on you yesterday. We just want you to find someone and be happy. I know, and I want that, too, but I'm just really focused on my career right now. Okay, enough about me. How are things with you, baby sister? Mm... It's been tough going back to work. I got two kids now, and a full-time job with crazy hours and lots of responsibilities. It's a lot to juggle, you know, and Julian's job situation's been stressful. Poor you. Yeah. That does sound like a lot on your plate. You know, I just wanna feel like my old self again. You know, just liking what I see in the mirror. I mean, catching Julian staring at me when he doesn't think I'm looking. But I'm just tired all the time, and that's not a good look. What are you talking about? You look incredible. Thanks. You know, I look at Mom and Dad... I just wish that our marriage could be more like theirs. From where I sit, I'd love to find what you and Julian have. And you will. You just gotta lighten up. [laughs] And open up your heart. You know? That's the only way you're ever gonna let anyone in. I know. We're all works in progress. Mm. What you all over here hugging about? Some more than others. What? Oh, I love this one! Oh, sweetheart, that is so-- Okay, guys, we are looking for a fir tree-- Fraser fir, Balsam fir, Douglas fir. How come? 'Cause those are the ones that smell the best, but only if they're freshly cut, right, Pop-Pop? That's right. That's my girl! Royce, help me out! What are we looking at, Royce? 12! I think this is our tree. Is that one tall enough, honey? I think it's tall enough. I think it's wide enough. I think this is our tree. What do you guys think, is this the one? -Yeah! -All right, high-five. -Yes! Yes, we did it! -Good stuff. Good stuff. Let's get a picture. -Get in close. -Okay, on three. One... two... Three! Big smiles! Yes! That's the way we do it. Okay, let's get the saw. Come on. We got it. [♪♪♪] [Marchelle] Let's see here... I'll take three of these. Two of these. I'll take three of the snowmen. Yes. All right. Oh, and you have fruitcake! I'll take a fruitcake. Okay. Here you go. Mom, why are you buying that? Because I didn't see it in Jacquie's kitchen. That's because people don't actually like fruitcake. You go do your own thing with your sisters and leave me alone. And we're gonna take the kids for hot chocolate. Well, fine. I'm still not eating any of your nasty fruitcake. Suit yourself. That's nasty! As a matter of fact, I'll take two. [laughter] Look, guys! Oh, my goodness! Oh, here we go. I'm gonna put on these reindeer ears. Do it. That is it. Oh, I've got the perfect prop for you. Oh. Oh! That is hysterical. Yas! Yas! That's very, like, Cindy Crawford. "Check me out, ladies." [♪♪♪] Oh, my God. [laughing] Wow! Those are nice moves. [laughter stops] That's embarrassing. Oh, no, no. In fact, I was kinda hoping for an encore. Mm-hmm. -Hi. -Hi! [Kiara] We'll just leave you two alone. Hi. Hi. Listen, I think maybe we got off on the wrong foot, and I'm sorry about that. No. I'm sorry. I was so rude, and I apologize. My sister reminded me that, you know, a lot of people work late and don't necessarily wake up at the crack of dawn, like I do. [laughs] Yeah, that's me. I rarely get home before midnight. Well, what do you do? Oh, I own a restaurant about a mile down the road. Actually, that's why I'm here. I'm hoping to find garland and holly for my tables. Hmm. Well, what kind of restaurant? It's called "Colette's Kitchen." I like to think of it as elevated comfort food. You should definitely stop by sometime. I'll cook for you. I'd love to. Who is Colette? That's my grandmother. She taught me everything I know about cooking. So, most of my recipes are really hers. How about one of these? Well, I'm not really a snow globe person. Really? 'Cause this snowman driving a convertible is kinda you. Huh... so you think. Ho, ho. Here we go. Yes! Hey. Oh! Ha. We're going to need this tree to look really nice. I got it. I got it. I got it. Really, Louie? Oh, Louie! Oh, Jacquie, I'm so sorry. Louie, Louie. He never does this at home. [Jacquie] My pillow! I'm so sorry. He doesn't like to be left home alone, you know? Okay. Okay. Louie. Now, that's a tree! -Ah! -Yes! Oh, honey. It really is beautiful, Daddy. Who wants to help decorate? -Me! -Me! It's not gonna be the same without your angel, Mom. If your grandmother has anything to do with it, that suitcase will arrive right in time for Christmas. That's right. There's not gonna be enough decorations. I'll just order some more. Benson-- [Marchelle] There is no need for that. I brought all of this stuff from home. Look at all the goodies Grandma brought. Mom, these don't go at all with my aesthetic! Yes, it does. Yes. Look at this. I made this one! This one's my favorite! [Julian] Let's find a good spot, okay? Here you go. -[Louie barking] -Ooh! Tag! You're it! [gasping] Oops. -My new rug! -Sorry. Where's Kiara? She always goes missing whenever there's family around to watch Royce. Okay, kids... let's go outside. Come on. Come on, here we go. [phone buzzing] [Marchelle] I'll get some baking soda and clean this mess up. Okay... Here's your ball. Thank you. I'm not supposed to talk to strangers. That's okay. Me neither. What's your name? [laughs] Thought you weren't supposed to talk to strangers. Well, considering we're neighbors, I guess we can make an exception. I'm Tyler. -And your name is? -Ava. That's a very nice name. How come you don't have any Christmas lights? I guess I wasn't feeling very Christmassy this year. -That's sad. -I love Christmas. -Maybe you're right. Maybe I should add a couple lights. We have an ugly fake tree that nobody wants. Would you like it? [laughing] How can I say "no" to that? -Bye! -See ya. Just like that. -Okay. -There you go. You all are so cute. Mm. Let me take a picture. Oh, no, I'm a total mess. Oh, stop it, baby, you're always beautiful. -I'm serious! Just take one of Ava. It's important to capture all of these precious moments, especially at Christmastime. Trust me, you'll thank me one day. I have just set the timer... here we go. [laughing] I can't believe you know how to do that! Why not? It's easy. All right, come on. -Okay. -Smile. [snap] Yes! Mwah! Grandma, what's your favorite Christmas memory? A long, long time ago... your Pop-Pop proposed to me on Christmas Eve. So that has got to be at the very top of my list. Yes! [laughing] Right, Boo? Yeah, mine too. [chuckling] My favorite was your first Christmas. We had you in this cute little Christmas onesie, and you spotted the cookies that we laid out for Santa, and even though you were only ten months old, you took your first steps over to that plate to grab one. [laughing] And she's still a little Cookie Monster. Just like her fa-- Hey! Those aren't done yet! Tastes ready to me. Grandma, can we make some extra cookies for Tyler? I think he's all alone. Oh, bless your heart, sweetie. Now, that is the spirit of Christmas. You see, the key to good construction is a solid foundation. But when can we eat it? When we're done. -You gotta be patient. -I'm bored. I'm gonna go play. Come on, Ava. Well, who's gonna help me with... -Here, I'll come help you, Dad. -Hurry up. [Julian laughs] You know, Dad... what are you gonna do with yourself now that you're not going to work every day? Ah... I'm gonna learn how to make gingerbread houses. And probably spend some more time with my grandkids. What would you say the secret to being married for 41 years is? [Marchelle] That there is no secret. It's not always easy. But we remember to always take time for each other. I mean, we talk, and we listen, and we try to remember that we are in this together, and so, we always try to support each other whenever we can. Right, baby? Mm. Yeah. [blows a kiss] That was beautiful, Mom. [alarm beeping] That'll be my cookies. They are ready! Here I come. Oh, these have got to be the best gingerbread cookies I have ever made! Mm. Now, you smell that? Now, that's what Christmas is supposed to smell like. If I do say so myself. Must be such a good feeling, driving past all the houses you built over the years. Some more than others, believe me. But, yeah, yeah, it's nice to be able to see the fruits of your labor. [Royce] What's wrong, Pop-Pop? You look a little sad. I do? Nah, I'm not sad. Well... maybe a tiny bit sad. How come? Because there's still a part of me that doesn't wanna retire. Why? My dad started my company a long, long time ago, and I just don't wanna have to say goodbye. But now you'll get to do lots more fun stuff, like, come and visit me. Yeah. [exhaling contentedly] Ah... Ahh, it feels good to get some fresh air. Yeah. Well, if you had a dog, you at least have to go out for walks four times a day. That's a good idea, sis, except for, I like my furniture better when it's not trashed. Are you calling my house dirty? I... I could've sworn you just said my house is dirty. I didn't say it was dirty, I'm just-- -Yes, you did. -No, I didn't. I just... Whoa. Well, Merry Christmas to me. It's obvious where Louie wants to go. Yeah. Well, let me let Louie V and I go find these men over here. -[laughing] -See ya later. [calls out] Hello! Hey. Thought that was you. You weren't kidding about the "see you around the neighborhood" thing. Well, I was hoping to run into you again. My sister wanted to bring her dog to the park. Yeah. And how's that going, by the way? First Christmas in my new house, I thought it'd be nice to invite my whole family. What was I thinking? Well, I don't know what's worse. A bunch of loud, messy, noisy people or a quiet house all to yourself. Oh, I'd take the latter any day. Ah, not me. It's a little too quiet at the moment for my liking. Do you have a minute? Yeah, of course. Okay. Where is your family? So... my kids... are with their mom for Christmas. Sorry. That must be hard. It's okay. We take turns with the holidays, and, honestly, the kids seem happier since our divorce. My mom always says "Every pot has its lid," but I don't know if that's true. I think it is. Yeah, but what if that pot boils over? The lid goes flying off, and then you're left with this big ol' mess, and it just... [laughs] So you're saying it's better not to cook at all? I... I don't-- I don't know what I'm saying. I'm so sorry. I'm so bad at this. At what? At flirting. Don't sell yourself short. I mean, you got your own thing going on. [barking] Oh! Louie! Oh! [thud] Oh! [Tyler] Jacquie! Ugh. You got a little dent there now. So it's no big deal then. You sure you're okay? You don't need me to call 911, or something? Oh, we good. We good. -Can you help me up? -You want me to walk you home? No, no, we're good. I got her. -Sis. -You okay? -Thank you. -You're welcome. -Thank you so much. -Okay,<i> bye.</i> -Did he do anything to you? -What is wrong with you? I leave you alone for just 30 seconds. We were flirting. Come on, baby. Get the dog before he tracks mud all over my house. Louie! Can someone get Louie? What is all this? It looks like somebody went on a shopping spree, and, for once, it was not on me. Treena? What's going on? -You tell me! -I don't know! You don't know anything about this? No. Is this some kind of joke? Well, if it is... joke's on you, J, because all of these are addressed to you. Oh, my gosh. I know these cookies from anywhere. This has Royce's greasy little hands written all over it. [laughing] And I think I know who his accomplice might've been. Oh, I can confirm this is definitely not mine. -Are you sure? -Yeah. I think it'd look really nice on you. And here's the video game that I told Royce he couldn't have. That sneaky little... Make it stop, please. -Oh, my goodness. -Thank you. -Yes, baby! -Really? That's a good boy. Yes, he is. He's just a widdle dirty! Yes, he is just a little dirty. So... what were you and that Mr. Tyler talking about? I don't know. Nothing special. You like him. I can tell. [giggles] You remember what Grandma used to say? What? Find someone that makes you smile, and never let them go. How did she cram so much wisdom into that tiny, little body of hers? I know, right? No fair. Louie gets to take a bubble bath in the fancy tub. Ava, do you know anything about those boxes out front? Yeah, they're from the magic Benson machine. You just say whatever you want out loud, and then, poof! just comes to your door. [both cracking up] What? I don't get it. -Oh! -[shrieking] Oh, Louie. Ava, can you please watch Louie while me and your auntie towel off? Thanks, baby. Oh, my gosh, I'm soaked. -Yeah, sorry. -Oh, he got us good. Uh-huh. Well, he did us a favor, 'cause I wasn't gonna wash your blouse anyway, so-- Oh, yes, you were, Miss Ma'am. -No, I wasn't. -Mm-hmm. Yes, you were. [Kiara laughs] So, what's your game plan with Tyler? I mean, I don't have one. I never do when it comes to guys. Well, there it is, that's your problem. Relationships don't just happen on their own, they take effort, just like everything else in your life. So what should I do? Are you... Are you really asking me for my advice? Sure, why not? It's just that, my whole life, you've never really asked my advice about anything. Now, Kiki, that is not true. Yes, it is. You've always made me feel like my ideas didn't matter. I'm so sorry, Kiki. I had no idea I made you feel that way. [Kiara sighs] For what it's worth... I really do value your opinion. Well, I really appreciate you saying that. [♪♪♪] [baby begins bawling] [crying] [bawling] What's going on in here? <i> Shh, shh, shh.</i> <i> Okay, let's calm you down.</i> <i> [Hailey fussing]</i> You hungry, too, huh? [Hailey coos and whines] Should we get a snack? [Hailey fusses] Okay, let's go get a snack. <i> You have so many people who love you.</i> I love you. Your auntie Kiara loves you. Your cousin Royce loves you. Your sister loves you. Your grandma and Pop-Pop love you. But most of all... your mom and dad really love you. <i> And let me tell you,</i> <i> you hit the jackpot with those two.</i> Sounds like she's really learned how to talk to a baby. <i> Don't get all smiley with me.</i> She's not half-bad. <i> -[Hailey babbles] -Yes, we do.</i> What's up? Just enjoying a little peace and quiet. You want me to leave you alone, then? Not at all. Have a seat. [gasps] Hang on a sec. These... are for you. Thank you. That's so sweet of you. Actually, it was Ava's idea. She is so worried about you being all alone for Christmas. Well, let her know I'm doing just fine. Actually, I'm... I'm better than fine. Beautiful night, isn't it? You were right. About what? About being bad at flirting. It's just nice that I'm not doing something embarrassing for once. I like the embarrassing moments. They're endearing. Yeah, but I'm usually Type A. But, around you, definitely Type D. What's the "D" stand for? "Dork." All right, I'd better not push my luck. I think I'd better call it a night before I find some new way to embarrass myself after all. All right. Okay. [sighs] -Goodnight. -Goodnight. Where are my keys? Did you leave 'em in the house? I guess I did. Benson, open the door. <i> Ho, ho, ho! Merry Christmas!</i> Benson! Open the door! <i> Ho, ho, ho...</i> Okay, now that's embarrassing. <i> ...Merry Christmas.</i> Oh, great, thanks. I don't get why we're doing all this cooking today. I told you, the film crew's coming over. So, we're pretending like today is Christmas? Some of these dishes we have to make a day ahead anyway, and we can still eat everything tomorrow. So, our Christmas dinner will be day-old leftovers? That ain't right. What is that? Oh, that's a nice red velvet cake for dessert. When did you have time to make it? I didn't. I ordered it. You ordered our Christmas desserts? Like, a bakery? Mm-hmm. What about my peach cobbler? I just thought that a fancy cake would look nicer on display, Mom. Oh, so... [darkly] So you're saying my cobbler is ugly? No, Ma. You know that's not what I'm trying to say. [Wade] Uh, Marchelle... we-we're gonna have that peach cobbler, right? Of course, we're gonna have peach cobbler, honey. I mean, what's the point of Christmas traditions if you're just going to ignore them all? Why can't I start a few traditions of my own? Because that's not how it works. You pass them down from generation to generation, and they become a part of your family's story. I mean, honey, they're what link us to our past, and connect us to our ancestors. [Ava] What you making, Grandma? My famous garlic mashed potatoes. Yum. Can I help? [Marchelle] Of course you can. It's so nice to have someone in the family taking an interest in the<i> old recipes.</i> [Jacquie mouths words] Royce, that's enough chocolate. Hey, that was my Santa. Nuh-uh. You already ate yours. -Did not. -Did too. Dad, can you please do me a favor? Can you take the kids... somewhere? Yeah, okay. Ava's art kit's right there, maybe they can make some more pictures for the fridge. Yeah. -Yeah! -[mouthing word] You'll come get us when the TV people come, right? It's not for TV, it's just someone shooting a video, but, yes, I'll let you know. [women chuckling] -[Royce] Come on, Louie. -[barking] [exhaling deeply] -And that connects there. -Okay. But, for real, are you sure Jacquie won't mind? Christmas is supposed to be warm, cozy, and cheerful, and this house is none of those things. It's just begging for a splash of color. I think so, too. You know, and I think she sees it all lit up, she'll probably even thank us. Okay... -Here we go. -Okay. Oh, yay. You did it! You brought Christmas to the ice palace. [electricity crackling] -[electric hiss] -Whoa! What? Oh, gosh. Uh... oh, uh.... Ooh, look what you did. [stammering] Don't try to fix it, now. [stammering] What's happening? Well, I don't know. I'm gonna go check it out. Watch the dog. Don't let the dog get in the paint. [barks] Louie, no! Stop! What's going on? The power just went off. Can you please check it for me, Dad? Of course. Of course. Louie, no. Whoa. Louie, please, no! Stop! Stop! Somebody, get him. [Royce] Louie! [Marchelle] Oh, my goodness. Louie, come back here! [Marchelle] Somebody get ahold of Louie! [knocking on door] -Hi, are you from TV? -Sort of. Come on in, we've been expecting you. Let's go. [Jacquie] Not on the couch. Anything but the couch! [quietly] Don't ask questions, just start shooting. Remember, we want to capture the real, unstaged moments. Outside with you! Outside! Come on, come on. [Ava] The TV people are here. Hey, watch this. There's so much stuff-- Be careful. Be caref-- [tree jingles] Oh, my gosh. Ava! -Oh, my God. =Oh, honey! Are you okay? I'm okay. Auntie J, sorry. It's okay. That's okay, we're just glad that you are all right. Get the paint. Get the paint. [Marchelle] You need to keep the gymnastics in the gym. Oh, God... [Treena] What did I tell you, baby? Hi. -Hi. -I'm Jacquie Liddle. You must be from Queen of the Castle. Sorry, you caught us at a-- [barking] ...particularly crazy moment. Uh, do you have to be filming any of this? Just ignore us. Act natural. Pretend like we're not even here. Oh, no, no, no, no, no. Please, if you could just come back another time... I insist. Okay. -[director laughs] -[Louie barks] [snaps] Where is Kiara? [crashing] [voice cracks] My vase! [Marchelle] Kiara! How long do you think we can hide up here for? Oh, I wasn't planning on going back down there. [both laughing] Oh, here. Merry Christmas. You're giving me my gift now? I think it's a good time. Ah... I thought you said your presents were in your suitcase. I picked up a few things yesterday... just in case. Thank you. [clink] -Merry Christmas. -Merry Christmas, sis. [overlapping] Mm! Mm, mm, mm. Well, sorry, sweetie, but it's beyond my level of expertise. Oh... no. Well, give it some time. It might reset itself. Maybe we can salvage this video with a turkey scene. Yes. Yes, we can. Mixer. Whatever I can do to help. -Okay. -Here. Thanks. [Marchelle] Honey! Can I borrow you for a sec? You're doing great. [laughing] I mean, maybe we should just create our own app. I mean, how hard can it be? I'm just as smart as Jacquie. She has a degree in computer engineering from M.I.T. So? [laughing] You make a good point. I try. So... how's life in Chicago? It's okay. You know, it's not easy being a single mom and doing it by myself. Yeah, I bet. But I try my best. But I second-guess myself all the time. I wonder if I'm messing up in some kind of way. I see how you are with Royce. You're doing just fine. Thanks. And I love the holidays. That he gets to spend time with you and Dad. But I'm always worried that he doesn't have enough good male role models in his life. I think you're worrying too much. Royce is a great kid, and that's all because of you. [sighs] Thanks, bro. You know I got you. Appreciate that, man. [clink] So, we put the oil in the pot, but we only fill it halfway. [Ava] Hey, Mommy, watch this! [Treena] Oh, Ava, baby. Ava. Don't you think that's enough gymnastics for today? Just five more minutes, please. Yeah, you look great. Just watch me for, like, five seconds. Oh, look at those toes. Yeah, aren't you getting tired, girl? [laughs] Okay, there we go. [flames whooshing] Okay, now what? Now we wait for the oil to heat up. -Right? -Yes. -Okay. -Okay. Let me go get the turkey. Hello! We're about to fry the turkey, if anyone wants to come watch. Dare we go back down there? Let's do it. Mm. I'm gonna wrap this back up again. You're gonna have to act surprised and a little bit more excited when you have to re-open it. [laughs] Okay. But, just so we're clear, it's going to look like you're giving me a half-drank bottle of Bailey's. Oh, this is as good gift, coming from me. I've done way worse. [both laughing] [oohing, overlapping] -Yes. -Okay. -Ready? -Hold on. Hold on. Let's take a selfie. [all] Ohh! [laughter] Okay. [snap] Okay. Dad, this thing's heavy. -Look at her! -Okay. All right, here we go. Okay, here we go. [sizzling] Oh. Okay. Oh... oh. Oh, whoa, whoa-- I don't think this is... Uh, uh, whoa, whoa, whoa! [all yelling] Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Back, back, back, back, back! Fire, fire, fire. [panic continues] Where's your fire extinguisher? I don't have one! You own every gadget under the sun, how do you not have one? -I don't know! -[shrieking] Whoa. Stay back. Stay back. I'll go get the water hose. No, no, no, it's a grease fire. Find some blankets. -Right here. Right here. -Here's a blanket. Here. This is out of control. We gotta get out of here. We gotta get out of here. Be careful, Julian. -Be careful. Oh. -Oh! My cashmere blanket! Are you still getting this? [screaming] -You all right? -I think it's out. You really saved the day. Are you okay? J, you okay? Are you kidding me? -Are you kidding me? -Come on, baby. Baby, it's gonna be okay. Don't "come on, baby" me. It's not gonna be okay! I thought about everything. I planned every little detail, and nothing has come out right. -It's okay, we can fix this. -We can't fix this! This isn't like one of your little messes where someone swoops in and rescues you from yourself. Oh, really? You! You and your stupid extra Christmas lights! And you! You and your dog! I mean, any normal person would ask permission before you just bring a dog. Jacquie, I'm so sorry. [coughing] Maybe there's still some meat on the inside that isn't burnt. [all shouting] Jacq... It wasn't supposed to be like this. -Oh, baby. -Jacquie, wait. [sighing] Ahh. Let's go talk to her. You guys get this cleaned up. [coughing] Well, you guys should start. [feigns coughing] -I'll go get some water. -Yeah. I don't know how we're gonna fix this. [chuckles] Wow. I... Wow. [Hailey babbles] You're the only one in this house I'm not mad at. No one appreciates how hard I worked to make everything look just right. No one respects my house. No one understands what a big opportunity this was for me. Except for you. [Hailey cries] [crying] Oh, my g... [Jacquie cries] <i> You all knew how much today meant to me,</i> <i> but you didn't care.</i> <i> You embarrassed me in front of the people I needed to impress.</i> [message whooshes] "Christmas is canceled." Wow, she is really mad. She has every right to be. She had a lot riding on that film shoot. Is Christmas really canceled? No, honey. Your aunt Jacquie just needs some time to cool off, that's all. So, what should we do? Let's just go outside for a walk. -That's a good idea. -Yeah. Come on, guys. -I'm gonna go grab Hailey. -All right. [sniffs] [exhales in disgust] What's going on? Hey. Uh, we're in time-out. All of you? We were very bad. [Treena] Jacquie just needs a moment. [Tyler] You want me to try talking to her? I could be like Switzerland. You can try. Okay. Hi, Tyler. Hello. Hey. <i> Ho, ho, ho! Merry Christmas.</i> [knocks] [exhales deeply] This was my first time hosting Christmas at my house, and I tried to make everything perfect. Instead, it turned out to be a total disaster. I mean, it's... It's not that bad. Look. They... broke my closet door. It just came off the hinges a little. I can fix it. Oh! Let's see. And voila. You fixed it. Yeah, 'cause it's just stuff. Doesn't really mean anything. That's what life is like. Little bit messy. Little bit chaotic. But that's okay. Imagine how dull things would be if everything was planned. -But I-- I like planned. -Yeah, but sometimes, the best things in life aren't planned. What is that on your shirt? The baby spat up on me. Pretty cute, huh? [laughs] [laughing harder] I'm sorry. It's not funny. It really is. It's not. Yeah. It's cute and funny. -It's funny. -Yeah. By just a hair. What are you doing right now? I'm having a nervous breakdown. I can see that. And what are you doing after? You want to help me out with something? Only if you take my family. And leave them somewhere. All right. [Jacquie laughing] -Okay. -All right. J, I'm so sorry about everything. I know. Me too, baby girl. It's okay. Everybody, just grab a box and come with me. Come on, let's go. [Marchelle] We can do that. ♪ Baby, I believe in dreams ♪ ♪ And the joy The season brings ♪ ♪ You and me ♪ ♪ There's a magic Around the world ♪ ♪ And my heart grows more With every smile ♪ ♪ Baby, honey, sugar ♪ ♪ You know I love you Even more at Christmas-time ♪ ♪ I will kiss you anywhere There's mistletoe everywhere ♪ ♪ Baby, honey, sugar ♪ ♪ You know I love you Even more at Christmas-time ♪ [♪♪♪] ♪ I love you even more At Christmas-time ♪ [♪♪♪] ♪ I love you even more At Christmas-time ♪ ♪ Time for family Time for giving ♪ ♪ Time for friends And reminiscing ♪ ♪ Time for hope And time for wishing... ♪ [Jacquie] Okay... <i> Ho, ho, ho! Merry Christmas.</i> [Wade] Marchelle, you going with them or are you coming with me? [Marchelle] No! I'm coming with you, honey. Oh? [Kiara] No, no, no, no, no. No, no, no, no, no, no! You can't show up looking like this. Why not? You look like you're going to the office. Girl, it is time to get Kiarafied. Okay. Come on, Jacquie, let me see what you're working with. Stop being so shy. [Kiara] Wow. [cackles] I don't like to admit this often, but, uh... you look good, girl. Thank you, sis. No, seriously, you look beautiful. Thanks to you. No, It's all you, J. I mean, you just gotta let that flame inside of you just light up a room every once in a while. You know? Let 'em know. Let's not talk about flames, at least for a while. -Good point. -Yeah. Let's go, girl. [♪♪♪] Come on, let's start giving gifts. Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas. Good helping, Dad. Merry Christmas. -Merry Christmas. -Enjoy. Merry Christmas. Cornbread or a biscuit? You look like you need-- You want some potatoes? [hushed exchange] Merry Christmas. Jacquie, for what it's worth, I think your house is beautiful, and I appreciate you inviting us. I know it hasn't been easy. Thank you guys so much for saying that. And I miss you, you know? I wish I got to see you more than once a year. I know, me too. I miss my sisters. -Oh! -I know! I miss you, too. Mm. -I love you. -I love you guys. Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas. -Mm. -[chuckling] Oh... Oh, my gosh, look at Mom. ♪ Joy to the World ♪ ♪ The Lord is come ♪ Oh... -Look at your mom. -No, that's your mama. Of course. If she's dancing like that, she's your mom. That's your mom. ♪ Let every heart Prepare Him room ♪ -You look amazing. -You do, too. Thanks for wearing that. ♪ ...Heaven and nature sing ♪ Aw. She's good. She missed her mama. Did you miss me? Your mama is the most beautiful. Yes, the most beautiful. ♪ And glories of His righteousness ♪ ♪ And wonders of His love ♪ ♪ Wonders of His love ♪ ♪ And wonders And wonders of His love ♪ She's singing like Grandma right now. ♪ Joy to the world The Lord is come ♪ ♪ Let Earth receive her King ♪ -Well, that was a fun evening. -Wasn't it? Can we get into Mom's moves, though? I know. Wasn't it crazy? She was, like, "Ah..." Well, I'm ready to go lay down now. I know you are. You'll wanna take those shoes off. Oh, my God, my suitcase! Oh, finally! Benson, open the door! -Is it open? -Yes. Okay, power's still out. That's okay, baby, this is exactly what candles are for. Definitely. You're right. Thank God, I bought enough of them. Yes, you did. Grandma said Pop-Pop proposed to her on Christmas Eve. When did Daddy propose to you? It was summertime... early evening. We were having a little picnic in the park. And you know what? Your daddy didn't waste any time. We had only been dating for three months before he asked me to marry him. Because he knew you were the one? I guess so. Your dad... he used to write me these terrible love poems. They were cheesy, embarrassing attempts at poetry. But I loved them anyways, 'cause I loved your dad. That's just between us, right? Right. That's my girl. We got this! Kiki, we got this. All right, let's go! Okay, we need to see. Oh. -Oh, okay. -Good luck. And... go. [together] Book. Seven words. First word. Monster. Cat... Monster cat? [Julian beating his chest] "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof." Okay, second word. Oh... Oh, honey, I don't know what that is you're doing, but I think you need to do it in private. [laughter] Treena... Dunce cap! The pope! What? Namaste. Time's up. Yes. "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe." Now, that is not how you do a "lion." I'll show you how to do a lion, okay? Here it goes. Arr! -Oh. -Girl. Right, Kiara, that was so much better. Miss Lioness, could you please tell me where the angel is? I've been asking for it all day. -Oh, the angel! -I need you to find the angel. I almost forgot. I almost forgot. Sorry, Mom. She was, like, "Arr!" Leave me alone. [all chuckling] Okay, who wants to put the angel on top of the tree? Me. Okay, be very careful. [collectively] Aw. Here you go. Be careful. All right, Ava Flava. Here we go. One... two... three. [♪♪♪] Let me get a picture. Aw! Good job. Good job, hey? My mother's angel. And she always said that it had magical powers. [Royce] Magic? How? Well, when I was a little girl, about your age, Ava... our house caught fire. Everybody got out safely, but there was a lot of damage. Even our Christmas tree got destroyed. Same for all of the presents underneath it. [chuckles] [tearing up] Everything except for that angel... which we found in the embers completely untouched. Wow. After that, we had no more gifts to give... but we had each other, safe and sound, and that is all that we needed. Just like us. Just like us. [all gasping] Oh! Oh... Daddy, did you do that? No, wasn't me. Well, I told you, it was magical. [all laughing] Wow. Come on, Royce, hurry up! Look, Santa came. This one's mine. Who do we have here? Wow, roller blades! Look at you two devouring all the gifts. Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas, buddy. Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas, Royce. Mwah! Who's that coming down the stairs? Oh, it's so beautiful. -Merry Christmas. -Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas. Baby! Oh! Oh, mwah. This is your first Christmas tree. This is your first Christmas tree. Merry Christmas. Good morning! -Merry Christmas. -Merry Christmas. ♪ Bells are ringing ♪ ♪ There's a magic In the air ♪ ♪ Singing for the joy And happiness ♪ ♪ Stars are bright ♪ ♪ Let us share A winter's night ♪ ♪ Merry Christmas... ♪ That's Granddad! ♪ ...Kids are smiling ♪ ♪ Making snowmen In the street... ♪ Maybe a motorcycle? ♪ ...People driving To be home with family ♪ ♪ The song's we know Playing on the radio ♪ ♪ Here's to Christmas! ♪ Mom! This is the best Christmas ever. Mm! See, it all turned out so nice. It did. Some lovely cinnamon buns. -Whoo! -Wow! Merry Christmas! Let's get this morning going. -Too much pineapple juice. -Oh, that's pineapple? Okay... [indistinct chatter] Thank you. She looks just like us, doesn't she? To the Liddles. Merry Christmas. [all] To the Liddles! -Merry Christmas. -Merry Christmas. -[all gasping] -[Royce] Did I do that? It's okay, Royce, I've got napkins. I'll just get you a new glass, okay? Merry Christmas. Is this from you? No, it's from Tyler. Come on, what does the card say? "I've been thinking a lot about it..." -And? -What else does it say? Is that it? -Hush! Let her read the card. -Okay. Thank you, Ma. "...And I think this will look perfect on your mantle." Oh. -Oh, that is so sweet. -Aw. [chuckling] I think somebody likes somebody. Yes, they do. I really love it. Well, I will cheers to that. Okay? You're gonna drink my present? Shh. Cheers. [Treena] It looks like it's already been drank. [Kiara] Hey. Whoa, whoa, whoa, look at you. You're looking good, too. Thank you. Speaking of... I still have one more gift for you. What is it? Open it. I wrote you a poem. [laughs] Can you read it to me? "Treena, from the moment I met you, you made my heart sing... And that is why I gave you my ring." [gasps playfully] "My desire for you grows every single day." [giggles] "Any time apart causes me dismay. Your smile is a gift I don't want to return. My love for you, a flame... that'll forever burn." Oh, Julian. That was... really, really awful. [laughing] What? But I loved it. Thank you. I have some good news, too. What? Barringford emailed back and offered me the job. I guess their first choice fell through. That's great news. Oh. Yeah. I start in the new year. Everything's gonna be just fine. What? I don't think you should take it. Why not? I think you should keep looking until you find something that makes you happy. Are you sure? Positive. We're a team, remember? I remember. Speaking of which... I have an idea I wanted to talk to you about. Okay. All right. Young ladies, listen up. Kiara, you're on cornbread dressing duty. Treena, you will be making your grandmother's green beans. And Miss Jacquie, you will be making my mac'n'cheese, and you had better make me proud. Yes, ma'am. [chuckles] And what are you making? What about me? Well, you see, I'm making my famous peach cobbler, because, you see, we are going to have the best Christmas dinner, with or without a turkey. -Yes! -So I say... let's get busy! -Yes! -Yas! [all cheering] -[together] Whoo! -[laughing] Benson, turn it up. [Marchelle] Turn it up, Benson! [♪♪♪] Where should we start? [♪♪♪] ♪ ...I throw a party But it's only for two ♪ ♪ We can jingle-bell us... ♪ ♪ I got the measure of you ♪ ♪ Honey, you know your love Is too good to miss ♪ ♪ Well, this year I have only one wish ♪ ♪ So hear me say it ♪ ♪ Get on your sleigh ♪ ♪ Don't think Santa would mind If you'd go borrow his ride ♪ ♪ Get on your sleigh ♪ ♪ Oh, your lips are delicious ♪ ♪ Give me kisses for Christmas ♪ ♪ The fire's burning and I filled up your glass... ♪ I'm gonna put my peach cobbler in. ♪ ...Won't you hurry Right here ♪ ♪ I'm in the mood for romance ♪ ♪ Mood for romance ♪ ♪ Come take me Under the mistletoe ♪ ♪ And let me know That this feeling will last ♪ [♪♪♪] [overlapping chatter, indistinct] [clinking spoon on glass] -That's good. -Yeah. Oh. I love you all, and I'm so happy that you're here with me for Christmas. And thank you for showing me that it's not the immaculate house with the perfect decorations that matter, but the people on the inside that count. Merry Christmas, everybody. [overlapping] Merry Christmas. [glasses clinking] There you go. Merry Christmas, everybody. -Cheers. -Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas. [phone buzzing] I knew we should've had a ham instead of a turkey. [overlapping chatter] [gasping] [indistinct chatter] We had an extra one at the restaurant. That is so sweet of you. Come on in. Look who I found! [family] Oh! We had an extra one at the restaurant. -Hey! -Oh, my. Thank you, Tyler! How thoughtful. Thank you for having me. -Merry Christmas. -Merry Christmas. We needed this turkey. Okay, now it's Christmas. Now it's Christmas! [laughter] [overlapping chatter] Merry Christmas, everybody. [overlapping] Merry Christmas. [Marchelle blowing kisses] Yes. Yes, yes, yes. I have to tell you, my three daughters, you did your mama proud with this mac'n'cheese. I shredded the cheese. Thank you very much. Did you hear that? Was someone recording? [laughter] Dad... -Mm-hmm? -Royce told us that you were sad about retiring. Yeah, I'm... [cutlery clacks on plate] Yeah, I'm a little sad. And my daddy opened Liddle Brother Construction 60 years ago. You know, just to close up shop like that just... I don't know, it feels like I'm just saying goodbye to him, too. Oh, baby. Pops... Mm-hmm? Treena and I were talking about it, and we wondered what you thought about us taking over. What about nursing? Oh, the shift-work hours are killing us. This way, Julian and I could spend a lot more time together. Plus, I've always wanted to work with my hands and actually create something real. And we didn't want you to have to say goodbye to Grandpa's company. You sure this is something you want to do? Yeah, we are sure. Absolutely. [Wade chuckles softly] Thank you. I love you. Well, cheers to that! [laughter] Cheers. [glasses clinking over chatter] You better get us some more wine. We do need more wine! [Kiara] We need more wine. And on that note... you beautiful people... I'm going to take a photo. Oh, Marchelle, let me take the picture. That way, you're in it, too. That's a good idea. -That's very nice. -Mm-hmm. Thank you. All right. Everybody say "Merry Christmas." [Liddles] Merry Christmas! Beautiful. Thank you. Okay, can we eat now? [laughter] Merry Christmas. We tried to hire ten cleaners, but only three were available. Thank you for doing that. Mm! It's the least we could do. Thank you so much for everything. Of course. Of course. [phone buzzing] Hold on, I've gotta take this. <i> Hey, I'm just saying goodbye to my family.</i> <i> Can I call you back later?</i> Check your email. Your "Queen of the Castle" video has totally gone viral. What are you talking about? That whole day was a total nightmare. <i> I saw that.</i> But they loved it! They thought everyone can relate to that type of holiday craziness and chaos. <i> They wanna go through with the deal</i> <i> and make you the face of their new digital division.</i> Oh, my God, that's amazing. I can't even believe it. Okay... can I call you back in a few minutes? Okay, call me back. I got the "Queen of the Castle" deal! -Yay. -Oh. Yes. Oh, sweetheart! I am so happy and proud of you. Thank you. But most of all, I want you to know that this is a Christmas we will never forget. I love you so much. [laughing] Oh... I love you. Thanks, Mom. You're gonna FaceTime me, Dad? [chuckles] How about I call you? Oh, deal. Oh, the angel! For the tree. No, no, no, no, honey. I want you to keep it. We'll be back next year, 'cause we got a whole lot of new family traditions to celebrate. Okay. -Mwah. -I love you. Oh, my nephew. I'm gonna miss you. Bye, bro. -See you soon? -Absolutely. All right. Bye, baby Hailey. Say "Bye, Auntie J." Let's walk. You can come visit me any time. I have to tell you something. What? I think we found him. Found who? I think we found your family. My family? Bye, Tyler! Bye, Ava! Safe drive home! Give me a hug. [Jacquie chuckles] Bye, sis! "Bye, sis." [Kiara cackles] Really? Mm-hmm! "Mm-hmm." Okay, so I am definitely going to hire you to be my fashion consultant. Oh. Well, it's never too late to be fly. [both laughing] One more thing. What? Remember when you asked me for my advice? I remember. Well, here it is. Figure out what you want, go after it, and then make it happen. No more sitting on the sidelines, sis. You got this. -Love you. -I love you. [♪♪♪] ♪ There's a magic Around the world ♪ ♪ And my heart grows more With every smile ♪ ♪ Baby, honey, sugar ♪ ♪ You know I love you Even more at Christmas-time ♪ ♪ I will kiss you anywhere There's mistletoe everywhere ♪ ♪ Baby, honey, sugar ♪ ♪ You know I love you Even more at Christmas-time ♪ [♪♪♪] She finally listened to me! Oh, my gosh. [Julian toots car horn] [laughs] That's embarrassing. Don't be embarrassed. I like this Jacquie. Let's get outta here, guys. -Jump in, -Leave them alone. I really like him. What do you-- What did you think? Looks like she's found him. ♪ Baby, I believe in dreams ♪ ♪ And the joy The season brings ♪ ♪ You and me ♪ ♪ There's a magic Around the world ♪ ♪ And my heart grows more With every smile ♪ ♪ Baby, honey, sugar ♪ ♪ You know I love you Even more at Christmas-time ♪
Channel: Lifetime
Views: 2,476,992
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lifetime, lifetime shows, mylifetime, free movie, holiday movies, Merry Liddle Christmas | Full Movie | Lifetime, Merry Liddle christmas, christmas films, christmas movie, christmas movies, merry liddle christmas, full movies on lifetime, holiday films, watch holiday films on lifetime, holidays, christmas, holiday feature films, holiday features, xmas, Christmas, Christmas cheer, christmas joy, lifetime holiday, lifetime christmas movie, lifetime film, lifetime movies, movies
Id: hcLwxormDzY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 40sec (5260 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 17 2023
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