"A Chestnut Family Christmas" | Full Movie | OWN For the Holidays | OWN

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[upbeat music playing] [Nina snoring] [alarm ringing] [jolly music playing] [Raymond] Ah, something smells good. Good morning. -Nina. -Hmm. -Hmm-mmm. -I know you didn't make -what I think you made. -I sure did, Mrs. J. My mother's famous beignets. -Hmm. -You really do spoil us. That's why you're the best cook we ever had. I'm gonna miss you when we leave. Things just aren't gonna be the same without you when we move to Los Angeles. Oh, I'm gonna miss you guys, too. Well, we don't move until the spring, so we still have a few more months of your cooking. And just wait until you see what I planned for your meal before you leave tonight. Hmm. [sniffs] You didn't tell her? -Tell me what? -[boy] Mom. Mom. Can't fix these. Oh, come here, baby. [chuckles] We decided to beat the traffic, so we're heading to the ski resort this morning. Ah. Sorry you went through all the trouble. Oh, no. It's fine. -Thank you, Mom. -You're welcome, baby. Hmm. This is delicious. [laughs] Your family is so lucky to have you to cook for them for Christmas. Mmm-hmm. You are going to see them? Yeah. That is definitely the plan. -Make sure you get some bacon. -Mmm-hmm. Yeah. Oh. What's this? Just some treats for the road. Have a merry Christmas, Nina. -You, too. -[chuckles] [door closes] [sighs] [upbeat music playing] [phone ringing] Hey, you should come over. -Hey. -Hey. Come in. Your homemade honey butter. I remember the first time I had it. You remember I used to put it on everything? -Mmm-hmm. -I tried to make it myself. [laughs] Yeah, that was an epic fail. But you had a few recipes of your own. My oodles of noodles? -Legendary. -Yes. Right? I used to season them. -Oh, the oregano? -The oregano, Tabasco. Oh, how could I forget the Tabasco? How could you forget about the Tabasco? [chuckles] So anyway, how have you been? You act like we don't text every other day. You know what I mean. Lately, I barely hear from you ever since you got back with... [snaps fingers] what's her name? You've known her name since college. Nessa and I are fine. Hmm. That's right. Vanessa. Well, I'm glad to hear that. Yeah. Oh, and how's, um... [snaps fingers] what's his name? Ha-ha. There is no him and you knew that. -Right. Right. -[sighs] Struggle is real on the dating scene for some of us. It's like every time I bite into it, it takes home. Oh, I love that. And speaking of home, when do you head back to D.C.? Hmm. About that, I'm not. Remember the head deacon position at the church I was telling you about? They offered me the position. [gasps] Oh, congrats. Deacon Butler in the building. Yeah, they want me to head up the annual Feed the Homeless Christmas brunch this year, and I'm excited, and I'm nervous. What are you nervous about? It's gotta be perfect. And it will be, my little perfectionist. Thanks. Oh, I'm so excited for you. I know how bad you wanted to go home for Christmas, what did Nessa say? Uh, she's cool. You know, I don't really think she wanted to spend the holidays away with my family anyway. Yeah, I bet. [dramatic music playing] What I meant was that she's busy running her family's foundation. That could be challenging and I can understand why she wouldn't wanna travel during her break. Okay. You don't have to explain to me. Okay. Church needs me here so it doesn't matter. Okay. At least you don't have to spend time listening to your family list their latest accomplishments like they're reading a eulogy. They're just your brothers, they're not that bad. Ha. You've only met them a few times. I swear, sometimes I feel like Cinderella and her evil stepsisters, except their blood and boys. Why are you so dramatic? You don't have siblings. Trust me. It's just a few days. And isn't your brother hosting at his Atlanta mansion? Of course he is. He insists on hosting every year so he could brag about how much money he makes and show off his latest toy, and then Jayson chimes in about how he's the man playing ball every season. Both of them go back and forth like I'm not even there. [sighs] It's a lot and I'm just not up for it this year. Yeah, that sucks. [phone buzzing] Huh, speak of the devil. Hey, Kyle. How's it going? Hey, sis. I've got Jayson on the line. Hey, big head. Hey, Jayson. Funny, I was just thinking about how I can't wait to see you both. [chuckles] [Kyle] About that, um, I'm not gonna be able to host this year. Really? Why not? [Kyle] You know me, always doing the most. I'm having the house remodeled and it's taking longer than expected. This place is a mess so, uh, we can't do it here. [Malcolm] Why are you so happy? He can't host. That's a good thing? [snaps fingers] Oh, man. You know how much I was looking forward to seeing you guys. You know how much I love Christmas in the A. But, hey, let's get the Zoom call or something. No, knucklehead, we're still trying to spend -the holiday together. -[Nina] Uh-huh. I don't understand. [Kyle] Yeah, that's why we're calling. We both figured we'd come and see you in the Windy City. What? I mean, um, uh, ooh, I don't know. [Jayson] Come on, sis. It'll be fun. It's about time we get a chance to see that dope house we keep hearing about. Well, I mean, I don't know. It's not really that dope. [Kyle] Look, Nina, I've already mentioned it to Rogue and she's really looking forward to it. Since the divorce, she's been really distant, so I need this Christmas to be special. Come on, sis. Sure. Looking forward to it. Thank you, sis. You're the best. See you soon. [grunting] [sighs] Okay. What happened? I'm hosting Christmas. You're what? I'm hosting Christmas. Oh, it even feels painful saying it out loud. Well, just call them back and tell them that you are not prepared to host in such short notice. I can't back down. That's what they'd expect me to do. Okay. I think you're forgetting something. What? Well, the fact that this is not your house. -I know. -I can't believe you kept up this charade for this long. Just tell the truth. Tell them that you quit your job at the law firm and you are a live-in cook for a wealthy family. What's the big deal? The big deal is that they're gonna look at me like I'm a big failure. Nina the underachiever, and I just can't take that. I just... I just... I just can't. [Malcolm sighs] Nina. Nina, look at me. [Malcolm sighs] You're just way too hard on yourself. You don't get it, Mal. What don't I get? After my mom passed, I felt like... my dad only noticed us if we were achieving something. You know, Kyle was the captain of the debate team and a valedictorian. Jayson was the All-American athlete. And then there was me, mostly... invisible. Come on, Nina. My dad would always brag about Kyle being this hotshot attorney. You know, that's why I went to law school. I thought that was the thing that would get him to notice me. As much as I love cooking, going to a culinary school just it didn't seem big enough. So what do I do? I realized after he dies that I don't have to live his dream anymore. So you quit your law practice which you hated to do something you love, cooking. That takes courage. Yeah. So courageous that I didn't even tell my brothers about it. I'm living a lie, Malcolm, it's not courageous. It's actually pathetic. Nina, stop, okay? It is not pathetic. You are a young woman trying to find your place in this world. There is nothing wrong with that. You just need to tell your family the truth. I think they'll understand. Oh. No, they won't. [chuckles] No, no, no. No, they won't. Success to them is all about money and accolades. I'll come clean eventually but not this Christmas. I'm gonna be jobless and homeless in a few weeks, I need a win here. This week needs to be perfect. No more underachieving Nina. I refuse to be the punch line. Okay. It's your life. Whatever you need, I'm here. What's this look? I don't like this look. You need... You need something. You need... I need you to stay here as my... fiance? -As your who? -Fiance. Did we eat the same thing or did you have rum in your beignet? Well, besides them thinking I'm a rich lawyer, I kinda told them I'm also engaged to you. Hold on. How do you "kinda" tell someone you're engaged? Well, one night we were all on the phone and we were talking about relationships, and they were going back and forth about their love lives, then it got to me and I just froze. I had a couple drinks, I didn't know what else to say, so I just told them I was engaged. Okay. But why me? Honestly, you were the first person I thought of. Actually, you were the only person I thought of. Well, I'm touched. But it's a hell no for me. Oh. Oh, I know it's crazy. No. This is insane. What is that? No. No. That look is not gonna work on me. It's not gonna happen. I'm tell... Look, I love you, homie, but this right here is not going down. I really hate you. -[claps] Yes. -No, don't, don't hug me. I did not say yes. But you didn't say no. I did. I literally just said no, like, two seconds ago. Well, you didn't say no again. N... I promise I will make it up to you. Whoa. I was planning on proposing to Nessa during Christmas. Oh, wow. Wow. That's definitely a twist. Well, our plan doesn't have to derail your proposal. There is no "our plan." Okay. In this fictitious world, who calls off this engagement? You can choose. See, that's how I know you're crazy. Where would I sleep? How long have we been engaged? How did I propose? And oh, what about this, what about my actual in real-life girlfriend? You know Christmas is like a week away, right? I know it's stupid. I just... [sighs] I just really need your help, Malcolm. I cannot believe I'm doing this. I'll do it. -Really? -Yes. No. Sure. I need you to do me a favor, though. Anything. First, I need some of those beignets to go. You got it. And second, I need you to volunteer at my church this Christmas Day brunch, having someone who knows their way around the kitchen would be a blessing. And I'm that someone. Good. Because I know they would love you and they would love your cooking. Sounds like a plan, captain. Hey, I could even make you and my girl Nessa an engagement cake. Too much? A bit. I'm sorry. Just a week, right? Just a week... hubby. I already regret this. Oh, look, it was our first fight as a couple. [chuckles] sisisisisisisisisisic playing] Thank you. Nope. Didn't need any help. Yup, got yours, too. Sorry. I'm tracking Kyle's fight. They get in this evening and I still have so much to do and then Jayson comes in in the morning. Oh, this is such a ridiculous idea. Well, you look nice. It's not too much? I'm going for the hotshot lawyer vibe. It's perfect. Okay. I'm just... Feeling a bit overwhelmed? -Mmm-hmm. -Okay. Well, listen. Don't, don't worry about it, you and I are in this together. Okay. I'm sorry. The last thing you need is for me to be rattled about a plan I created. I just know my brothers and they're gonna nitpick over everything. What's up with the furniture? What are you wearing? What's going on with your hair? And we still have to decorate. Well, the house is already decorated. Oh, no, no, no. Malcolm, we need to really decorate the house. But first, we need to pick up the food, get some more lights, take pictures of ourselves, make sure that we do... Oh. Hmm. -Right? -Oh, it's so good. -Hmm. -Yup. It's like an automatic stress reliever. Sprinkles, glazed, it doesn't matter, all works. I remember you'd be having issues and it didn't matter if it was dudes or books, it was kind of our thing. We could just ride around looking for doughnut shops all night. [chuckles] You know, the problems sucked, but at least it gave us the chance to hang out. It's true. You are the most consistent person in my life back then. Just felt reassuring having you there. I gotta admit, I was a little sad when you stopped having time for me. It was a hard sell trying to convince Nessa why I needed to leave my girlfriend to go hang out with my best friend. You didn't tell her that I was your best friend, did you? -Once. -Oh, no. She never let it go. No. And I think she was uncomfortable with our friendship, so I backed off to respect our relationship. I get it. I wasn't surprised when she reached out to connect with you last year. Yeah. I mean, it felt like the time apart helped us both grow. I'm so sorry to drag you into all this. Thank you, seriously. Don't mention it. Oh, wow, wow. We gotta go. We gotta go decorate our house for Christmas. Hmm, we're good. We're gonna be okay. Okay. Hey. No, no. I didn't need any help, thank you. I got it. [upbeat music playing] Kyle just sent me a text. They'll be here any minute. -Should I change? -[doorbell rings] Okay. All right. -Nina? -Huh? -You got this. -Mmm-hmm. Okay. All right. It's show time. -Okay. -Yeah. Yeah. -[doorbell ringing] -Coming. Hey, sis. Took you long enough to answer. No butler? Wait. Is that my little Roguey bear? -Hi, Aunt Nina. -Aunt Nina? Wow, that's formal. Sorry, auntie. Are you gonna ask us in? It's colder than the North Pole out here. Yes. My bad. Come on. Malcolm, you remember my brother Kyle and his daughter Rogue? Yes, I do. Good to see you again. -Hi. -[Malcolm] Hey. So, you two are getting married, huh? [chuckles] That's what they say. Auntie, can I use your bathroom? Yeah, of course. It's just there on the left. Thanks. Little sis, I must say this house is really nice. You two must be doing really well. Thank you. What is it that you do? I'm a community specialist for the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Community specialist? Hmm. He's also head deacon at the church. [chuckles] Head deacon? Cute. [phone buzzing] Oh, uh, excuse me. I have to take this. Please tell me y'all don't have joint bank accounts. Man, I've really missed you. Hey, babe. [Nessa] Well, hello there, stranger. I mean, I knew you said you was gonna be busy but I still thought you would at least check in on a sister. [Malcolm] Yeah, you're right. I apologize. The day just got away from me. [Nessa] I understand. I'm at your apartment. When are you coming over? [Malcolm] Soon, it won't be long. Um, I know this is a lot, I, uh... [Nessa] I just miss my baby, that's all. But I get that you're working hard. [Malcolm] Yeah. You know how I am when I'm committed to something and I'm really needed here. [grunts] Malcolm! Where are you? Right here, my love. You scared the crap out of me. -[doorbell dings] -Ooh! Okay. You just stay here, -I will go answer our door. -Thank you. All right, look, that's on you. I put the ball through the hoop, you do the dancing off the court. No, I don't wanna hear it. Just get it done. Hey, little bro. Lookie here, Ms. Big City Girl. Seems like you're doing pretty good. I manage. -Who were you talking to? -My agent. My contract's almost coming to an end, so it's time for them to show me the money. -Okay. -Is that my little brother sounding like Cuba Gooding Jr. here? Ah, you know it. -Hey, Uncle Jay. -Oh, hello there, young lady. Oh, looking like your mother. Thank God. And I see you're still overdressed as usual. [laughs] Always with the jokes, huh? But hey, just because you got a little muscle on you now, don't think I still can't take you down. -Oh, okay. All right. -[laughter] -Oh, um, did you see Malcolm? -You mean the... Oh, snap. I thought that brother was the help and I guess he did look familiar. What's that? He didn't believe you're engaged. -You guys really bet on that? -Hey, I believed you. Take that up with him. Where's Larry? We kind of decided to do our own family thing this year. Doesn't his family live like right over in Milwaukee? Yeah. Yup. Okay. Well, make sure you send him our love. I will. And he really wanted to be here but it just wasn't in the cards. -All good. I understand. -Yeah. So, let's see the ring. -[Nina] Huh? -Where's your ring? What ring? The thing you receive when someone proposes to you? Oh, you're talking about my engagement ring. Yeah. Yeah. What other ring would he be talking about? Yeah. What other ring would he be talking about? Duh. Yeah. [laughs] You know, as much money as I spent on this thing, you would think I invested in a tracking system that makes sure she didn't lose it. [laughs] He knows me so well. -So, how about a tour? -Yeah. -Hey, Rogue. -Hmm? Let's go see what being a corporate lawyer -can get you, honey. -Um, I'm actually gonna head back to my room, if that's okay. -You sure, princess? -Yeah. She's just... she's just tired. -Yeah. -Of you. -So how about that tour? -Great idea. Watch your step. [Nina] And this is our family room. This is where we relax, play games. And we look over there. This is a very important piece. It is actually from the set of Love Jones. [Jayson] Really? You know that's our movie. -Uh-huh. -Hmm. You know, I must admit, I never thought you'd cut it as a lawyer, -but I guess it paid off. -Yeah, sis. Not bad for someone who graduated last in her law school class. Well, thank you both for the vote of confidence. No. I just meant I always saw you as some kind of baker with all the treats you used to make, it just seemed to be your happy place. [Nina] Well, I do love baking. But I realized it wasn't very realistic having all this making cookies. -True. -And you're right about that. I guess that easy-bake oven dad got you was money down the drain. You're still playing basketball in Spain, right? Yeah. You still trying to make it to the NBA? You're not getting any younger. My agent says my name is coming up with some teams for a possible 10-day contract, which could lead to a longer contract if I do well, so... [Nina] Well, I'm really proud of you. I remember growing up, you always wanted to be a pro basketball player. Look at you now. Thanks. [dramatic music playing] -Hey, auntie. -Hey. Do you need any help? Well, dinner just went in the oven, but wanna help me decorate this? Cool. So, talk to me. What's going on? I didn't make the debate team. He says it's good training for future civil rights lawyers. Oh, Ro, I didn't know you wanted to be a civil rights lawyer. I don't but Dad seems obsessed with me following in his footsteps. How did he take it? I didn't tell him. Why not? You know how expensive private school is, the last thing I need is him thinking I'm wasting his money. But the thing is, I don't want any of it. What do you mean? I mean, the school is cool, it's just not me. I don't wanna be a lawyer. I actually really wanna go to Winston Art Academy for my art. Wow, Rogue, that's amazing. Doubt my dad would agree. You haven't told him? Lady, you have to. I mean, Winston's one of the best art schools in the country. Why wouldn't he be excited? I just know how happy he was when I got into the school I'm attending now. He always talks about me one day practicing law with him, so we can change our community together. Yeah, but, you know, you have to do what makes you happy. Hey, I remember when you were the only toddler in preschool drawing three dimensional figures, -I'm just saying. -[chuckles] I feel like the school is our only connection since I've been living with my mom. Hmm. I was actually excited when my mom agreed to me spending Christmas with him, but it seems like the only time we talk is when he wants to plan my life. Anyways, it's just a thought. I mean, look at your amazing house. I doubt my little pictures can get me anything like this. Yeah. Well, material things are nice, but it's more important to do something you love. [beeping] Shoot! What happened? Are you okay? Well, I guess we're going out to dinner. Princess, did you read the article on the top pre-law programs that I emailed you? No, not yet. You haven't touched any of your food, -do you want something else? -No. She just knows nothing is as good as her auntie's food. -You okay, bro? -Uh, yeah. My agent is just working to get me some tryouts -with a few teams. -That's great. [Malcolm] Yeah. Congrats. We'll see. Uh, before I forget, I have to post a photo of the two of you to celebrate your engagement. Uh, no, no. Let's not do that. You know I'm a private person. You barely talk about your life, you're not on social media. Well, that's because unlike you, I don't feel the need to post every accomplishment. [Jayson] Oh. I'm just not into social media, you know, I just wanna honor... Honor what? Honor? Oh, honor attorney-client privilege. Oh, well, yeah, of course. [Raina] Nina Chestnut? -Is that really you? -[laughter] -Raina? Raina Marshall. -Hi. So good to see you. Oh. Uh, family, this is Raina. Hi. We used to work at the law firm together. -This is my fiance, Malcolm. -Fiance? -This is my brother Jayson. -Hi. [Nina] My brother Kyle and my niece Rogue. Wait. Wow. Your brother is the Kyle Chestnut. You were on the cover of Legal Ledger. Your work on the Edwards case was so amazing. After all these years, I'm finally putting two and two together. It's just, wow. And Nina, I mean, who would have thought, right? Especially because I didn't... You know what, Raina? We haven't seen each other in a while. We're kind of doing the whole family Christmas thing. Right. I'm sorry. It was really nice meeting you all. I know you're probably really busy but if you have some time, I would love to pick your brain about an upcoming case I have. Sure. Uh, I'd like that. -Thank you. -Give me a call. And Nina, it was so good seeing you. I always wondered what happened to you, but I'm glad to see you're doing well. What did she mean by "what happened?" Oh, this looks delicious, thank you so much. Oh. [makes sound] So Malcolm, we never heard how you two came together. For real. I never thought anybody would be patient enough to deal with her. I need to hear the story. [chuckles] Story? -Yes. -Because we have one. And Nina tells it so well. Oh, baby, thank you. But you know how much I love when you tell it. -Oh, do you? -Uh-huh. Oh, that is so sweet. Yeah. But, um, you tell it so well, babe, -I insist. -Will somebody, please? Yeah. Well, um, you know that Malcolm and I have been friends since college. And, uh, well, look at the guy. [chuckles] I mean, he's handsome, he's charming, funny as hell most of the time. I remember sophomore year statistics, that class was literally killing me. And even though he didn't really have the time, he stayed up late nights with me explaining things over, and over, and over, and over. But he was always patient and made me feel so supported. You know, I don't think I ever thanked you for that. Anyway, as time went on, I saw the man he was growing into. We're kind of like Dwayne and Whitley. He's like strictly by the book and I'm always going off script. But I guess that's what made us jell. And over time, he swept me off my feet. And the rest is history. Aw, look at you two. That's really beautiful, you guys. Yeah. So, um, anyway, that's us. Right, babe? Yeah. Yeah, that's us. g]g]g] -Hey. -Hey. Did you have a chance to catch up with your parents? Yeah. Mom FaceTimed me and showed me Dad struggling with the same artificial tree he struggles with every year. -Aw, that's cute. -Mmm-hmm. Smells good. May I? Yeah. Go for it. Hey, thank you for putting up with me and my crazy family. They're not that bad. They're not that that bad. [laughter] -Yeah. -This is really good. Have some. Okay. Mmm. -Right? -Mmm. It just feels right having you here. Don't mind me, I'm just trying to get a piece of our gingerbread house, too. Yeah. No, we weren't doing anything anyway. Yeah, nothing. You guys can kiss in front of me, go ahead. We kiss all the time, right? We... Yeah, we kiss. [dramatic music playing] [phone vibrating] Uh, I need to take this. Okay. Hey. -Auntie? -Hmm. I really like him for you. [dramatic music playing] [screams] -What? It's me. -Sorry. -I'm just not used to this. -Yeah. Well, me too. Do you have your pants on? Oh, my gosh. -I am wearing briefs. -You call those briefs? Okay. I offered to sleep on the floor. No, no. It's fine. Just stay on your side. You stay on your side. Oh, trust, I am good over here. I am good over here. -Good. -Good. -Just good then. -Great. -Good night. -Good night. [snoring] Morning. Good morning. Didn't mean to wake you. I need to get down to the church breakfast-lunch. Yeah. Yeah, me either. Great. That would be a good introduction to the kitchen. There's nothing else updated. I need this brunch to go off without a hitch. Wait a minute. What aren't you telling me? When the head deacon position opened up at the church, there were some members who put their weight -behind another person. -Mmm-hmm. And this is the first event I'm in charge of, I wanna prove to them that I can do this and I can do even more for the church. Well, you always deliver on everything you say you'll do. It will be flawless. See? That is why I need you on my team. Well, I am on your team. How'd you sleep? -Good. You? -Good. Cool. Cool. [door closes] [lively music playing] I'm assuming you're here to serve? I pretty much know everybody that walks in this place, ma'am, especially the pretty ones. Well, aren't you kind? [chuckles] The name is Mr. Raymond. Some call me Billy Ray, I'm the head of security here but my primary focus is keeping smiles on everyone's face. Well, you're good at your job. I'm Nina. I'm looking for Mr. Butler. Oh, Mr. Malcolm. Oh, he's over in the kitchen, -right through those doors. -Great. Well, it was nice meeting you, Mr. Raymond. You as well, Ms. Nina. [lively music playing] Now, this I have to capture. I have no idea what I'm doing, one of my coworkers bailed on me, so I'm down a cook. No, you're not. Give me the apron. -Are you serious? -Yeah. Okay. Uh, I may not have everything you need, my chef was supposed to bring everything with him. You forget who you're dealing with. Some of my best dishes have been made using ingredients you never thought would fit. Okay. Great. Um, well, that's one problem solved. But I still don't have enough tables to seat everyone. I'm down more volunteers and I just have to figure some things out. And you will, Mr. Perfectionist, just remember your greatness. You were put in this position for a reason and you will win everyone over. So you go out there and you do what you do and let me do what I do. Thanks, coach. [upbeat music playing] And this is our last batch. Good, because they are going like crazy. This is incredible, Nina. Listen, when I say you put your foot in this... -Did I put my foot in it? -Both feet. [laughs] All right, Brother Malcolm, you take care of this one here, all right? Can't wait for Christmas brunch. -Me either. -All right. [laughs] Let me find out you like older men? Whatever. Mr. Raymond is a whole mood, though. -Definitely. -[laughs] We helped him find a home about two years ago and ever since then, he's been volunteering and just paying the generosity forward. He has a way of making people feel seen, like you did today. Oh, it was nothing. Nina, you literally made desserts for all these people from scratch. [chuckles] It's obvious you put your heart and soul into everything you do. Thank you. Nessa? Hey, you. What are you, uh, what are you doing here? I figured this was the only way to reach you, head deacon. [laughter] I bought this for you, too. -Thank you, babe. -Mmm-hmm. What's she doing here? -Uh, Nina? -Mmm-hmm. She's volunteering. I needed some help in the kitchen. Oh, how sweet. I bet she's a regular Betty Crocker. Hey, don't be like that. She's just a friend who came to help out. Babe, I'm starting to feel some type of way. I feel like you're putting me on the backburner. Okay. Well, you are right. I will do better. After this weekend, you have me, promise, okay? In fact, if you have some time right now, I could use some hands cleaning up. [laughs] No, thanks. Looks like you have enough help already. So hopefully, I'll see you later. -Hey, girl. -Hi. [chuckles] Your little pastries look great. Thank you. We should catch up. Mmm-hmm. I'll see you later. Can you put these in the kitchen? -Sure. No problem. -Thanks. What? Nothing. Isn't Nessa gonna stay and help out? Um, no, it's not really her thing. What isn't her thing, helping others? See, here you go. She helps out differently, okay? She may not have time to dedicate always, but she has donated other things like money and donations from her family's foundation. Okay, I guess. You spend more time worrying about your own family. -Excuse me? -I'm just saying. You're just saying what? You're sitting here worrying about Nessa, right? But what about your brothers? Nothing feels off about them to you? Are you being serious right now? -I'm concerned. -They probably have some stuff going on, but they'll share -when they're ready. -Like you? Wow. I'm just saying if they find out about this charade before you tell them, you might not have a relationship to get back to. You know what? You're right. Let me focus on my family. -Thanks for your concern. -Nina, I didn't... mean it like that. Oh, where are you headed? Last I checked, I was the older brother. And? And? If you really must know, I'm meeting up with your coworker Raina for a coffee. Since Rogue doesn't seem to wanna spend time with me. Raina? Coffee really with Raina? Yeah. Is that a problem? No, no, no, no, it's not a problem. Just like... Just like, what are you guys gonna talk about? You know, it's just like, kind of, weird, right? No. Weird is you asking what we plan -on talking about, weirdo. -Oh. She wants advice on the case. Don't worry, I'm sure she's not gonna tell me -all your little work secrets. -[laughing] [instrumental music playing] Hey, what are you guys doing? What's it look like we're doing? Hey, did Kyle mention to you how long he'd be out? What? No. Yeah. He didn't... He didn't tell me either. I'm just worried. Okay. [door closes] -[whistling] -Oh, hey, looks like someone had a good time. It was cool. She's actually a nice young lady. -Very smart. -I bet. Hey, princess. I was thinking, Christmas is in two days, maybe we can go shopping on Michigan Avenue tomorrow. You can pick out your presents and I can tell you about a great law internship I heard about today. I got to finish this project I'm working on. Nice try. Oh. [laughs] What? You got something to say, too? Only that you won't be winning any Father of the Year awards -anytime soon. -Shut up, Jayson. -You shut up. -No, you shut up. -Make me shut up, Kyle. -Stop. Why don't we all just go out and get some fresh air? I know a really cool place. What? No, I'm good, sis. Come on. No, you're not. None of us are. Come on. [indistinct chatter] Okay, sis. This is pretty cool. I told you. It's nice to get out of the house. Plus, we haven't argued in what, -the last 30 minutes? -Oh. [chuckles] -Hey, where's Malcolm? -Oh, he's still prepping the big Christmas Day brunch at church. He let me out early so I could hang out with you two. We're a good team. I told him I got his back just like he has mine. You two definitely have something special. I really admire that. You okay, sis? We need to talk. Uh-oh, anytime a woman says "we need to talk," you know it's about to get heavy. All right, drama queen, spill it. Ooh, you're pregnant. Um, definitely not that. Y'all breaking up? We would have to be together first for that to happen. Malcolm and I are just friends. We're not getting married. I lied about our relationship to impress you guys. I knew it. Give me my money back. All right. Chill. Why lie? Yeah. I don't get it. I didn't think you guys would, you never do. What's that supposed to mean? All my life, I feel like I've been chasing your footsteps and living in your shadows. Nina, that's not true. Success is just in your destiny. Mom and Dad were always so proud of you both. And then, there was me, just couldn't get it right. It felt worse after they passed. I don't know, I thought telling you I had a fiance would get you off my back. I never knew you felt like this. Yeah, sis. I'm sorry. I mean, looking back, we definitely had a competitive childhood, but... we never knew it was that bad for you. Oh, you think? He was valedictorian. You were all-pro, yada, yada, yada. It was so annoying. Oh, please, what about you? You could create any dish you put your mind to. It was the love and excitement you showed anytime you were able to make other people happy. Right. I mean, your motivations for helping others was never about you. Oh. [chuckles] I didn't know you guys felt that way about me. -Also, I'm... -And since we're in the spirit of sharing, I also have a confession. Oh, I can't wait to hear this. Not here. Let's... Let's go over here. [sighs] [Jayson] So what's up? [sighs] You've probably noticed I'm having some trouble connecting with Rogue. -We have. -We have. So much for my confession. Well, why do you think you're struggling with her? The divorce, it's tough, man. Lisa and I are trying to figure out this co-parent thing. It's just a lot. This is our first Christmas since the divorce. When she agreed to let me have Rogue for the holiday, I just wanted it to be perfect. And have you told this to Rogue? I haven't. You know, daughters really just want their father's time more than anything. And bro, you just came from a date while your daughter was at home. Date? That was honestly a professional meeting. I even talked to Raina about Rogue possibly coming up here to intern for her next summer. Okay. While that's a really nice gesture, you might wanna run that by Rogue. She's growing up. And truthfully, part of the reason you're struggling with her is that you're focused on what you want her to be instead of who she's becoming. You're right. What? We're over here spilling out our hearts. You got anything? Why can't this just be about y'all for once? -I'm good over here. -Mmm. All right. Well... if you must know, I can keep playing overseas, but the NBA has always been my dream. I feel like I'm running out of time to make it happen. What does Larry think? I mean, he just loves me, wants me to be more open with our relationship. Well, what's stopping you? Nina, there's only been one openly gay player in the NBA. I'd be the next. It's a lot of pressure for me to deal with. And you will overcome that. You've got us. And Larry is definitely your number one fan. [Kyle] Mmm-hmm. You know no matter what, -we've always got your back. -Yes. -[laughs] -Thanks, y'all. -This does feel good. -Yeah. [laughter] All right. Hold on. This is cute and all, but can we go back to this Malcolm thing for a minute? I mean, y'all really like nothing? I mean, I don't know. Y'all chemistry is undeniable. Exactly. You can't tell me there's no legit feelings there. Yeah. It's complicated. -He has a girlfriend. -Oh, you messy-messy. I know. [laughing] I really can't believe you were about to fight Santa. Look, I don't discriminate. Santa needed to check his tone. [chuckles] Alright, y'all, I'm tired and I'm gonna hit the gym early in the morning. -Bro. -All right. Good night, baby-boo. Good night. So, sis, are you still trying to hang? What's that? I don't know, this is your house. [upbeat music playing] -[Rogue] Oh, my God. -No, no, no. Sorry, sorry, don't stop. -You're killing it. -Don't gas me. I'm not. I'm serious. Keep going. I'll do it with you. Come on. -Okay. -[Nina] Yes. Okay. Okay. All right. -Start with your arms up. -Okay. Then we're gonna go right swing -and snap. -Okay. Yeah. And then left swing and snap. And then we're gonna roll back and then stop, and then go forward. -Oh, yeah. -[laughter] You know what, I've had a really long day and I'm exhausted. -I think I'm gonna tap out. -Okay. I said I think I'm gonna tap out. Hey, let's see what this daddy-daughter combo can do. Please, I know he's not gonna try. I mean, you ain't said nothing but a word. Show me the moves. -Really? -Yeah. I hope you don't think you got your rhythm from your mother's two left feet. -Okay. -All right, show me. All right, arms up and we're gonna swing right and snap. -[snaps] -Other side, swing and snap. Swing it over your shoulder and look. Yeah. [instrumental music playing] Hey. Hey. You look nice. Thank you. You know, it's silly but... something about Christmas Eve always makes me feel like regardless of how bad things are, this is the one day that can bring a fresh start. Nina, I'm sorry. I should have told you that last night, but I got in late and didn't wanna wake you. But I feel like we left things, kind of, weird at the church. And I did not mean to be in your business like that. I'm sorry, too. I didn't mean to be in your business either. I tried calling you last night to say I told my brothers about us or well, there being not an us. -Really? -Yeah. -How'd that go? -You know, not that bad. -I am proud of you. -Thank you. [chuckles] So, you know, now that they know, I understand if you don't wanna stay. I'm enjoying the company. Besides, Nessa is throwing her annual girlfriends Christmas Eve party tonight, so. You know, the engagement's off, but our friendship is still on, right? Of course. Good. So you told them everything? Well, I tried to but... Man, sis, you got it smelling like Mom's cooking up in here. -[Nina laughs] -Like, for real. -This looks so good, auntie. -Yay, I'm so glad. -Hey, I made those for you. -Thank you. -Me. -[laughs] Thank you. [dramatic music playing] -[Nina laughs] -Uh, Rudolph? Oh, God. I don't know what that is. [laughs] That looks like you sneaking in the door -with the comic books. -[Nina laughs] -Okay. -Whoa, I know, 101 Dalmatians. That's not even a Christmas movie. -What... -And time. -Time. -Come on, man. That was The Grinch. What type of Grinch was that, man? -I don't know. -All right, man. It's your turn. Uh-uh. You can't do that. You got to play the one on top. Let him play whatever he wants. It's not like we're gonna guess it anyway. -[phone beeps] -Excuse me? Especially not y'all. -What? -[Malcolm laughs] I see you two giving each other the eyes over there. -[Nina] Um... -[Kyle clears throat] Uh, I'll take it, guys. Ro, it turns out that your auntie isn't exactly getting married. What? Her and Malcolm are just friends. -Right, sis? -I'm sorry, I should've told you we're not engaged, but Malcolm and I are definitely friends. But you're together, though? -Well... -No, baby, they're not. Your aunt lied to you. Your aunt lied to all of us. Um, where's all of this energy coming from? I don't know, sis. I'm a little confused. Why did Raina just text me that you quit your job at the law firm a couple of years ago and hasn't heard from you since? [mellow music playing] What's up? Are you even practicing? Well, not exactly. What kind of half-assed moment did we all share -the other night then? -Okay. I was trying to tell you, but you interrupted me. Well, you didn't try very hard. Well, maybe if you guys would get off her back... Really, fake fiance? So what have you been doing all this time then? Okay. Uh, look, I can explain. I do live here. But I also work here. I am the live-in cook. This isn't even your place? Really, Nina, a cook? Uh, I'm not judging you, but why? Why what? A cook? What I'm saying is why lie to us? This is tough for me, okay? You guys are out there living the high life and I struggled a bit, okay? There you go. So basically telling the truth is optional with you. What else are you hiding? Really, Jayson, that's what we're doing? Why don't you tell them what's really going on with you and Larry? What is she talking about? After lunch, I heard him in the hallway begging Larry to call him back. Wow. So much for the happy couple. Before you start judging him, why don't you tell them what's really going on with us? Okay. I've just been having a little money trouble. Between the divorce, all the startup cost of having my own firm, some bad investments, I've just been really struggling. [mellow music playing] There were no renovations. I just didn't want you guys to know that we... I lost our home and we had to downsize. So there really is nothing -between you two? -No. We're just friends and he's about to marry a woman he knows is wrong for him. Okay. Oh, shoot. [dramatic music playing] -Malcolm, I didn't... -Oh, but you did. I'm sorry about what I said about you and Nessa, it just slipped out. It wasn't my place. You know what? You're right. It was not your place but this is not about me and Nessa. Just look around. You guys are pointing finger at each other and nobody's pointing it at themselves. And if you don't pull it together, you're gonna lose your family. As for me and Nessa, sure, we may not always see eye to eye, but she's a good person, she is an honest person, and at least she is not afraid of life. She sees what she wants and she makes a plan to get it. Look, I truly hope and pray you guys work things out, but I cannot be a part of this anymore. I can't help you if you won't help yourself. Have a nice Christmas, Nina. [mellow music playing] Malcolm, wait. Damn. Okay. So, uh, that was a lot. Um, why don't we pick this up on the patio? What, it's December. Right. The cold air will help us think. You're buggin'. I'm not going anywhere. The hell you ain't. Nina, who are these people? Oh, damn. Mr. and Mrs. Jones, I'm really sorry. I know this looks bad, like really bad, but I can explain. My brother, he couldn't host this year so I kind of decided to host Christmas this year. Well, Nina, all you had to do was ask. We would've said yes. We actually cut our trip short because Tyler sprained his ankle. Why is your picture on my wall? Nina, is that my old engagement ring? [playful music playing] It's not her ring. I'm really sorry, guys. [mellow music playing] All right, Mr. Chestnut. Here's your card. Thank you. And we have your family down here for two nights. Uh, we also have a complimentary Christmas breakfast tomorrow from 6:00 to 11:00. -All right. -Okay. Here are your room keys. Have yourself a Merry Christmas. Thank you. [sighs] Thank you. I literally have nowhere else to go. Yeah. Sorry to put you guys through this mess. You think? Dude, you could've stayed in Atlanta working on your fake renovations. Isn't it about time you beg Larry to take your call? What? So we're still doing this? I should've stayed with my mom. [mellow music playing] [sighs] I guess we can all use a little break from each other, huh? Say less. [mellow music playing] [Nina] Hey. Hey. Can I come in or... Yeah, yeah. Come on, Nina. [door closes] Oh, it's nice in here. And you got a new couch. Nessa picked it out. It looks good. Have a seat. [mellow music playing] [sighs] So what's up? I'm sorry. Like, really sorry. And I know I sound like a broken record at this point, but you were right. All of the secrets and the lies, it was a lot that I put you through. And you didn't have to do any of that for me. You're right. I didn't. But I did it and I accept your apology. That's all you want. When I left your place, I realized I was being a hypocrite, here I am telling you about lying to your family and I'm giving Nessa half-truths. So I told her everything. Wow. How'd that go? Not good, but I feel better. Truth isn't always pretty but it can be empowering. [sighs] In the spirit of honesty, do you really see yourself with her? I don't mean to cause any trouble, stir up any hate, I just want to know. Nina, this is not about Nessa. You don't see what I see when I look at you. You focus on the negative, that's what gained your attention, but it makes sense because it allows you to deflect from your own stuff. Nina, you're scared. That's why you treat baking like it's a hobby. The other day at the church, you were at your happiest. You don't like baking, you love it, but you'd rather run around trying to impress other people instead of living for your own happiness. Well, well, well, what's happening here? Nessa, I was just leaving. There's nothing going on. Oh, I know. After Malcolm told me about your little game of house, I knew you would come over here expressing your true feelings hoping to win him over. Nessa. But enough is enough. So if there's anything else you'd like to share with Malcolm, you could tell us right now. Thought so. Good night. c c c c c c c c c c c c c c pla] Oh. Wow, Rouge. That's beautiful. [Santa snoring] Oh, okay. I get it. You two wanna be alone. [Santa snores] Look, I messed up... I let you down, and now, we're spending Christmas with a snoring Santa and vending machine food. [chuckles] But why did you lie? [sighs] I got scared. I've been lying for so long trying to live up to the Chestnut family name, it just became easier to keep going. What about the advice you gave me? Oh, I meant all of that. True happiness comes from doing what you love. Your art, that's your love, it's your passion, and it makes you happy, right? So you stick with that and never settle for anything less. And if your dad or anyone has a problem with that, you tell them to come to me. [chuckles] But it starts with you sharing with him how you feel. [mellow music playing] Well, what about you? What makes you happy? Hmm. Baking. And Malcolm. Looks like we both have some sharing to do. Yeah. [laughter] Well, I am running low on my vending machine fix. Do you want anything? Oh, no. I'm good. Hey, you should show your dad your masterpiece. I know he'd love it. [snoring] Hi. May I help you? Hi. I'm with the Chestnut family. And I was wondering if there was a room we could use on Christmas day. Let me take a peek here. Well, I could let you use the game room for a few hours before it opens to the rest of the guests. Oh, you're the best. Would it happen to have a kitchen? It sure does. Oh, that's perfect. Thank you. [dramatic music playing] Merry Christmas. Come in. We don't have much time in here but I wanna make the most of it. Wow. I've lied to you guys for so long but I lost my way. But with the help of a very special young lady... I'm finding my way back. So, as Mom and Dad would want it, first let me simply say I'm sorry. Kyle, you are an amazing big brother and a devoted father with a beautiful daughter. And my big little brother, you're goofy, you rarely know what to say... Wait, is this an apology or a roast? [laughing] But you have one of the biggest hearts I've ever seen. I saw the post you made about Larry. It's gone viral. Wait. Really? Are you serious? I decided to turn my phone off and just enjoy Christmas... especially since Larry wasn't returning my calls. [Rogue] It's trending on all of the sports blogs. Everyone's really supportive. Wow. The NBA would be foolish not to take you, Jayson. And to my beautiful niece, you are blossoming into the most incredible young woman. Thank you for checking all of us respectfully and keeping it honest. I'm sorry I let you down but I'm even more thankful that you were the one to help me back up. Always speak your truth, okay? Okay. Uh, can we all eat? I feel like I'm on an episode of Good Times. [laughter] Dad? I didn't make the debate team. And I'm not going out for it next year. Art is my passion like how law is yours. I wanna show you something. You drew this? Princess, this is amazing. I wanna go to Winston Art Academy so I can focus on my art. I've already looked into scholarships and if I knock out this project for the application, I could get one. Thank you, Jesus. That would definitely help save daddy's pockets. [laughter] But seriously, baby girl, you have so much talent. I only wish I knew earlier. Don't ever feel like you can't share with me. I promise to be there for you in this journey. [clears throat] I just wanna say that you guys mean the world to me. I mean, we fight, we fuss, but we love. And if you can't be honest with the ones you're with, then you don't need to be with them. [Nina] All right now. Now, this is a Chestnut Family Christmas. -Cheers. -Cheers. Cheers. Well, family, I hate to cook and run, but I got to. Just where do you think you're going? I promised I'd help out at the church. And I have some unfinished business I need to tend to. [all] Malcolm. -We're going, too. -We are? -Excuse me? -You heard her. Well, who's gonna eat all this food? We can give it to the homeless. That's my baby. Yeah, or, or I could just stay and eat it. Just kidding. [laughter] [cheerful music playing] -Hey, Mr. Deacon. -Hi. Ow. Would you all please back up? There's some aprons, go make yourself useful. There's some food over there. You don't have to tell me twice. Didn't think you were gonna make it. We had a pact, didn't we? Yeah. But it, kind of, went out the window, didn't it? Do you not want me here? Fine. I'm fine. Thanks. You know what I mean. I saw your family come in. Glad to see everybody is still together. Yeah. There's a lot work to do, but we're starting the healing process by being honest. I have you to thank for that push. It's what friends are for, right? Saw you getting some props earlier. Yeah, that was the pastor. He was saying some of the parishioners thought today's event was a huge success. What did I tell you? Um, can we go somewhere and talk? -We're talking now. -Malcolm. Hey, can you? All right. Follow me. How intimate. What's up, Nina? I applied to culinary school. Really? Congratulations. I mean, that's, uh, that's great. [Nina] Yeah, I'm excited. Like, so excited. I'm really happy for you, Nina. Yeah. I mean, it's not like I have a job now, anyway. But you made me realize how much being a baker means to me. It really is my happy place. So, I just wanted to say thank you. Well, you don't have to thank me. [Nina] No, I'm serious. The tough love was really helpful and so necessary. As long as you know that love is real. So, is there anything else? I mean, that's great but I kinda have to get back in there. Okay. Cool, cool. I'm just gonna say it. I asked you about Nessa because I'm hoping that you'll tell me you don't wanna be with her anymore. Malcolm, in college, I was a mess. I'm still a mess. But over the last couple of days, being able to connect with you, it just showed me how much you mean to me. And I'm ready to be completely honest and start living life with a purpose and not be afraid of it, and I just can't help but picture you with me and not just as a friend. And I don't mean to be disrespectful to Nessa, I really don't. I just needed to say it. You don't have to say anything. I mean, you can or not. If you want... No. You know what? I'm gonna go. They haven't come back yet. You think they made up? I hope so. Everybody loves a happy ending. Larry. What are you doing here? You said if you couldn't have one, you didn't want the other. Well, I'm here. But how did you get here? Uncle Jay, I invited him. I hope that's okay. Thank you. [Rouge] Of course. I'm just sorry it took me so long to realize what's most important. Thank you for making me feel seen. We'll get through this together. Nessa and I broke up. Well, she broke up with me. Evidently, she felt there was always a wedge there. She said she's tired of competing in a race she knew she couldn't win, so, yeah, no proposal. I feel like this is my fault. I had my doubts. When I told you about proposing to Nessa, I was wondering if you were gonna tell me something to confirm I wasn't doing the right thing. So, how are you doing? Good. Really good. Well, that's a good thing then, right? I think so. When I thought about what Nessa said, I had to agree. She's beautiful, motivated, headstrong, all the things I want in the checklist but... But? Just because something is perfect doesn't mean it's right. A good friend once taught me that some of the best dishes were made by putting together things that don't seem to fit together. Everything you said earlier about us, did you mean it? That's only the beginning of what I feel for you. You always talk about how you're such a mess. And, yeah, that may be true... but when I look at you, I see someone who cares deeply about other people. I see a woman who is learning to face her fears and hold herself accountable. That's the woman that I fell in love with. The one who's shown me that everything doesn't have to be perfect, and that my oodles of noodles can still be bomb even without the oregano. [laughs] I guess. Will you kiss her already? For real. We don't have all day. [cheerful music playing]
Channel: OWN
Views: 2,165,199
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Oprah, Oprah Winfrey, Oprah Winfrey Network YouTube, Oprah Where Are They Now, Where Are They Now Oprah, Iyanla Fix My Life, full episodes, Super Soul Sunday, Oprah Winfrey Show, The Haves and The Have Nots, Have and Have Nots, If Loving You Is Wrong, Iyanla Vanzant, Livin Lozada, Oprah Life Class, how-to, season, episode
Id: 99YnJtIVgGQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 35sec (5015 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 11 2021
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