"A Christmas Fumble" | Full Movie | OWN For The Holidays | OWN

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[MUSIC PLAYING] (SINGING) We got that Christmas spirit. We got that Christmas spirit. We got that Christmas spirit. Woo. Can you feel it? You got the Christmas spirit. Better believe it. Yeah, we're gonna get with it. We get that festive feeling. Hands to the ceiling. Woo. You got the Christmas spirit. Mr. Evans, how long have you been sleeping with your secretary? Is the Playtime board going to fire you? No comment. Will you lose control of your family's toy company? No, no. I said, no comment. [MUSIC PLAYING] Nicole, this is crazy. Hi, Grant. I wish your driver would have taken my advice and brought you around the back. No, these protests are destroying my company. Fact is, who is responsible for destroying your company is a matter of opinion, which is why you hired me. Now if you do not want to look like the "Grinch Who Stole Christmas," please, let me do my job. Get everything in position. We're coming out. Wait, we're not going back out there, are we? Trust me. Come on, kids. [MUSIC PLAYING] Ready? [MUSIC PLAYING] Look, kids. Santa and his elves came by Playtime Toys to pass out Christmas presents. [MUSIC PLAYING] Go, go. Yes. Well, what are you waiting on, Santa? Aren't you gonna hand out the gifts? [MUSIC PLAYING] Here. Are you sure? Trust me. Just read what's on the card. [MUSIC PLAYING] Playtime Toys is proud to announce a $5 million partnership with St Michael's Children's Hospital. [MUSIC PLAYING] Hey, Carla, I'm headed up, and everything went great this morning. Thanks again for the hookup. All right, let's focus. Do we have everything prepared for my year in presentation? Copy that. Conference room is being set up as we speak. NICOLE BARNES (ON PHONE): Awesome. Do me a favor. Call the booker over at Good Morning Chicago. Let them know about this morning's event. In a few weeks, this whole scandal will be completely behind us, and Grant Evans will be ready to go back on that show. Getting a cheating CO back on top is a Christmas miracle. The queen of crisis management strikes again. Yeah, well, girl, this queen is ready to take her throne over at Hilton Lincoln. After today's presentation, I'm sure there'll be no doubt in Christian's mind that you're the one to lead the London office. I already started learning the words to "God Save the King." NICOLE BARNES (ON PHONE): "God Save the King?" No, we are team Meg and Harry. CARLA (ON PHONE): Standing a Buckingham Palace tour? I'm obsessed with the Royals even if the Duchess did bounce to LA. [MUSIC PLAYING] Oh, and I left the travel brochures on your desk. Great. Oh, I cannot wait till my holiday vacation in Turks and Caicos. I'm officially gonna transition from beast mode to feet in the sand sipping margaritas beach mode. [MUSIC PLAYING] All right, I'm headed up. See you in a minute. [MUSIC PLAYING] Welcome back to "Quarterback Confidential." I'm your host, Jordan Daniels, and my final thought for today is this. If Chicago wants to win, their quarterback is gonna have to read the defense a lot faster if he plans on elevating his team to new heights and chasing a Championship ring like this. But before we close out today's show, let's take a look at the sports ranker app and see what's trending right now in the world of sports. [MUSIC PLAYING] Code red. Can we run down? [MUSIC PLAYING] That's all we have for today. I'm Jordan Daniels. Tune in tomorrow as we count down the top five teams looking to duke it out for a Championship. And we're off the air. [MUSIC PLAYING] REPORTER: Former Drake College quarterback and current SportsLive network anchor, Jordan Daniels, is now under investigation for reportedly receiving improper benefits while attending Drake. A booster has come forward alleging they gave Daniels money while he was a student, and now one of his former teammates, Mark Greene, is also coming forward to corroborate the allegation. This report is blowing up on social media. Mark Greene was my backup in college. I don't know why he's doing this to me. Well, your backup is now front-and-center of your takedown. All the networks are covering, and everybody wants a comment from this guy. He runs a homeless shelter for crying out loud, and you can guess whose side everybody's lining up behind. I don't know why this is happening. College was over 15 years ago. The network is being bombarded with emails, and posts, and calls from angry football fans. They want you fired. I should have listened to my wife and retired to the beach last year. I could be sitting by the dock of the bay. Instead, I'm watching my star anchor's career implode. OK, Paxton. This is just a misunderstanding. Why don't you just put me back on the air and let me explain the situation? Are you crazy? You are officially radioactive. You are like Lance Armstrong after doping for the Tour de France. It's not that-- Like Tiger Woods after the divorce. Like Mike Tyson after the ear. The network doesn't want you on the air, and they don't want you addressing the media until they can figure it out. All right. OK. What about my contract? We were supposed to have a deal in place by Christmas. [MUSIC PLAYING] Well, I hate to be Scrooge on this, but the network says that contract negotiations are on hold until this matter can be resolved. This situation violates your morals clause. Morals clause? College was over 15 years ago. How could anything that happened back then still be a violation? Anything that threatens your integrity and standing in the sports world can be viewed as a violation of your morals clause. Paxton, you know me. You know where I come from. You know how hard I worked to go from the South Side to the pros without as much of a little hint of a scandal. [MUSIC PLAYING] I'm sorry, Jordan. All right. So what's gonna happen with my show? Well, KJ's gonna fill in until the matter can be dealt with. How are you gonna give KJ my show? He's been gunning for my chair, and with no contract, he's not gonna just be filling in. Come on, Paxton. No. Look, I'm the guy who brought you into SportsLive. We're not gonna go down without a fight. But we are gonna need some help if we're gonna save your TV career and get you that new contract by Christmas. [MUSIC PLAYING] GREG: Rick. Rick, like I said, this IPO's gonna to go through the roof. You've got nothing to worry about. You're in great hands with Ralston Edwards. We're gonna make a lot of money together. Do we have a deal? OK, talk to you tomorrow. Yes. What? I did it, babe. Your man is officially a God among men. That was Mason Dillinger. I'm taking his solar energy company public. The company's only two years old and already valued in the millions. That is great, baby. Congratulations. Great? No, no, no. This is epic. This is monumental. This is a $32 million feather in your man's cap. Yes, but baby, is this any different than the $20 million deal you did just last month? Or what you did last quarter? As the first Black managing director of the firm, there's no such thing as too many deals. NICOLE BARNES: OK. That's like asking LeBron James if he scores too many points. Did you just compare yourself to LeBron James? I guess I did. OK, King James of banking, can you please come over here and help me perfect this tree? I will. I promise. I just need to send this quick email. Baby, hurry up and send the email, because I want to do holiday stuff. Let's talk about our Christmas vacation. Why are we going to Turks and Caicos for Christmas? I don't see why we need to leave Chicago. What's Christmas without snow? Baby, you and I have been together for two years now, and we have never taken a real vacation. All we do is work around the clock. The only thing you make time for are your workouts. I'm starting to think you might have a little secret relationship with your spinning instructor. I can't lie, I am this close to leaving you for Tunde. Ha, ha. Very funny. Baby, I'm being serious. [MUSIC PLAYING] When is the last time we did anything fun? What are you talking about? I took you out for your birthday last month. Uh, no. Correction. You said you were taking me to Chez Loraine's for my birthday, but we ended up having drinks with your clients. Well, have you ever heard of two birds, one stone? Greg, do not make me create a PowerPoint presentation about why we need a getaway. Well, you know a brother loves a good deck. So you're just gonna keep playing? I'm sorry. Go ahead. Remember when we first started dating? We used to have so much fun together. We used to do wine tasting. We did karaoke even though you can't sing. We still had fun. We used to go to dinner without your clients, just you and I. I want to get back to that. Well, when are you telling Christian you're taking two weeks off? You know wannabe Idris Elba is gonna flip out. I bet he puts the kibosh on this whole thing. Leave his accent alone, please. And for your information, I've already finished all my work for the year. So you and I will be fa la la la la-ing in Turks and Caicos. You cannot be serious, Christian. You're the best person for this account, Nicole. You've never met a client whose worst nightmare couldn't be spun into a dream comeback. Remember how you handled the golfer scandal two years ago? You turned a major felony into a barely-noticeable misdemeanor, so he could keep his endorsements. I have worked nonstop this year. I am tired. I need a vacation. The blue waters of Turks and Caicos are calling my name. Wrap this up, and you can leave Christmas Eve. Right after you handle this last account. You're the best Hilton Lincoln has, and I'm confident if you pull this off, the board will make you partner. Remember, the board only names new partners every three years. Yes, and for the past seven years, I have worked 24/7, 365 for this company. And your diligence and commitment are reflected in your bonus. [MUSIC PLAYING] Thank you for the bonus, but I'm not cancelling my vacation. I have plans for Christmas. You haven't even reviewed the bloody file yet. How can you already say no? [MUSIC PLAYING] Hell nah. Uh-uh. Don't shoot the messenger. Christian told me to give it to you. Doesn't look like this guy's any more challenging than any of your other clients, and there aren't any hostages this time. Carla, I'm not taking that account. No. It looks like this Jordan Daniels guy really needs your help. [MUSIC PLAYING] What about my vacation? Huh? Not cancelling that. I'm not even pushing it back. I barely got Greg to agree to go on this vacation. He's finally leaving Chicago. The answer is no. No. It doesn't look like Christian's taking no for an answer. He's throwing in a sweetner. He told me that if you handle this account, you'll have access to the company jet, and he'll even cover your villa. [MUSIC PLAYING] Oh, you playing games. OK. I see you, Christian. Oh, you know I love a jet. No. No to everything. No. One of the things I admire the most about you is that you pride yourself on taking on the hardest cases and slaying the dragon. Look, boss, I hope I'm not overstepping, but why turn down this case? Because, Carla, I have never been asked to manage a crisis for an ex-boyfriend of mine. [MUSIC PLAYING] Look, Christian. I can't take this account. OK, no, that's a little aggressive. Christian, I can't take this account. OK, OK. You got it. You got it. I do not-- There she is. Meet our star crisis manager, Nicole Barnes. [MUSIC PLAYING] Nicole, meet Jordan Daniels. SportsLive VP, Paxton Briggs, and communications chief, Dawn Taylor. Hi. Pleasure to meet you, Jordan. You too, Nicole. [MUSIC PLAYING] Christian, can I talk to you privately for a moment? I was telling them how your recent accomplishments make you perfect to manage Jordan's situation. Let's cut to the chase. Jordan's image has taken a hit, and by extension, the SportsLive network. We have sports fans and viewers calling for his firing. And he's still the top-trending story on social media ahead of a celebrity divorce. And Drake College just announced that the board is gonna suspend me until they investigate. We've suspended Jordan from his show while we do damage control. Well, that's your first mistake. Excuse me? Suspending Jordan essentially says that you two agree he's done something wrong. So now everyone's just sharpening their pitchforks ready to come in for the kill. In my experience, you need to show network viewers that you're listening to their concerns. We had no choice but to remove Jordan off the air. JORDAN DANIELS: I don't want this situation to kill my Drake scholarship program, so what do you think we should have done, Nicole? [MUSIC PLAYING] Look, baby, I'm sorry about tonight. OK? I just had a splitting headache. I was counting on my girlfriend to sparkle and shine tonight to help me land the new client. You know, do our thing. Be Michelle to my Barack. - I know. I know. Look, why don't I make it up to you? Next week, we can schedule drinks with them, and I promise you, I will be First Lady fabulous. I'm gonna hold you to that. You can. [MUSIC PLAYING] That's our car. [PHONE VIBRATES] Wait. [MUSIC PLAYING] GREG: Babe, you coming? Give me a second. Hey. Great job with the SportsLive team. NICOLE BARNES (ON PHONE): Thank you. Look, Christian, now that I have outlined a few of my tactics to rebuild Jordan's career, can you please hand this account off to someone else? What about Mike? If I wanted Mike, I would have tapped him from the beginning. I need to tell you something about-- CHRISTIAN (ON PHONE): It has to be you, Nicole. You went to Drake. You have relationships there, and you have the most experience with our sports clients. If it's not you, then maybe you're not partner material. Perhaps Mike and the Seattle office will be our new partner. [MUSIC PLAYING] NICOLE BARNES: Mm-mm. No, ma'am. No. I know I said, surprise me, but this right here looks like a hard pass. Don't turn your nose up. To help us prepare for London, I went to Bringston's Market to get us some traditional British foods. Why did you do that? You would have been better off just getting recipes from "The Great British Baking Show." OK, well, more for me. So are you gonna spill the tea or what? What? Well, now that he's your client, tell me more about you and Jordan Daniels. I can't believe Christian. He told me no Jordan, no London. Really? [MUSIC PLAYING] So wait, did you tell him that you guys dated? Isn't it a conflict of interest? No, I have not told Christian, not yet. I can't. If he finds out, he can take me off of this account. I need to fix the situation with Jordan and secure partnership. So what's the deal? Pre-law nerds and hot jocks don't usually mix in the same social circles. We took the same art class sophomore year of college. Oh. Was he the new model for sketch art class? More details, please. Ew, no. Nasty. He was not. And it was the painting class, thank you very much. He was surprisingly good, too. I don't know. We both took the class as a stress reliever. Me from the pre-law track and him from the football field. And after a while, we realized we had more in common than we thought. Like what? Well, we're both from single-family homes without a lot of money. And we wanted to be successful, so we could take care of our families. I know Jordan. It wasn't just about fame and money. He wanted to do well, so that he can give back to the community. Well, you both checked those boxes. He had huge paydays in the league, and you take care of your dad. But the million dollar question is, why'd you two break up? I don't know. I guess we were just on two different paths. I was headed to law school, and he was headed to the pros. That doesn't sound like a deal-breaker to me. Sounds like an opportunity for a bigger rock on your finger. It's crazy you say that. He proposed to me on graduation day. Oh my god. OK, whoa. This story gets worse and worse. Let me get this straight. The finest hell football player about to sign a fat pro contract proposes to you, and you say something else other than hell yes? You know how athletes are. Groupies, on the road. I just-- no. I couldn't do it. I didn't want to get my heart broken. So instead of getting your heart broken by groupies that didn't even exist yet, you broke his heart? Damn, when you put it like that. I guess. Well, I haven't seen him since then until yesterday. So what are you gonna do now? I'm gonna do my job, and I'm gonna get this promotion. Jordan is the only thing that is standing in between me being named partner by Christmas Eve. [MUSIC PLAYING] You don't have to check. Don't worry, you're still beautiful. And you are still always late, I see. I would have been on-time if Mark Greene didn't organize a press conference from my office. Yeah, well, Jordan, your ex-teammate? He's gunning for you right now, and he is not gonna back down. Which is exactly why I asked you to meet me here and not at SportsLive. And you should have listened to me and taken the back exit. Still cocky, I see. No, I'm not cocky. Just right. Where are Paxton and Dawn? Let's get this meeting going. Dawn had an emergency to deal with. Paxton is overseeing my show, which is now being hosted by this clown, KJ Neely, since I got to deal with this mess. OK. Are you and KJ beefing? No, but he's been angling for his own show, and with me on the sidelines, he can make a move. So. So it sounds like I need to get you back in that chair as quickly as possible then. Here. What is this? That is a rollout of my media plan to repair your tarnished image, to neutralize Mark Greene, and to get that clown, KJ Neely, out of your chair. I need a plan to just be myself? Come on, Nicky. You know me. I've worked hard to create a life I can be proud of on and off the field. Jordan, you have to accept that your image? It's taken a hit with all of this controversy that's blanketing the press. Look, it's like when you get sacked. I don't get sacked. Denver's defense might disagree but OK. Oh. So you watched me play. It was a football analogy-- There you are. I'm sorry. Sir, no photos allowed. Absolutely no photos. Please turn the camera off. I'm sorry. Who are you? No, I'm sorry. Lacey, this is Nicole Barnes. LACEY JAMES: Oh, I'm sorry. --with Hilton and Lincoln. Nicole, this is Lacey James. My fiancee. Nice to meet you, Nicole. Jordan told me you're going to be working for us. Thank you. So I decided I'd pop over and introduce myself. I'm sorry, us? Yes, to deal with this whole silly controversy since we're in the middle of planning our wedding. We're a package deal. Right. The network engaged my services to represent Jordan, and repair his image, and clean up this situation. First, I would start by saying, I'm sorry but no unauthorized photos at all. So-- you said, Lacey? - Yeah. - Is it? It is? Your cameraman has to go, Lacey. [MUSIC PLAYING] You can wait in the car. [MUSIC PLAYING] Thank you. Sorry. You may not know this. I'm an entertainment reporter on "Hollywood Biz" planning my wedding. The fans love going behind the scenes of my life. Did you see the video I made supporting Jordan? My fans love Jordan. OK, listen. Your fans may love Jordan, but Jordan's fans are turning against him right now. I need to make sure that Jordan is seen as a local community hero. Not a rich celebrity in the middle of planning a lavish wedding. I have to be able to show my viewers what's going on leading up to the big day. Plus more fan engagement is what my boss expects. I don't get what the big deal is. OK, these are Jordan's favorables among his target audience. Now, these are them before the scandal hit. That's not bad. No, Jordan, that's great. Now these are your current favorable rankings after the scandal. 80% have unfollowed you on social media. 94% disapprove. Nicole, you gotta get me back on the air and before the end of the year. Or else the network is not gonna renew my contract, and KJ's gonna get my show. Listen, I have been under tighter deadlines than this. Have your agent send me over your contract. I'll look over it. I'll see if there's anything in there that can help us. OK. Will do. OK. And I will do whatever is necessary to support my man. Great. Now let's talk about something that is not in my media plan. What's that? Let's talk about you two calling off this wedding. [MUSIC PLAYING] No way. No way. We are not calling off my wedding because of some stupid scandal. We've already locked in the January date. Hold on. Can we just let her elaborate? Can you, please? Nicole? - Look, I'm sorry. I did not mean to completely cancel your wedding, but I am proposing you postpone it. Maybe a month, two? Just give us enough time to get beyond the scandal. We also need to talk about you two killing this reality show you're signed up for. Are you crazy? We can't kill the show or move the wedding. Our relationship doesn't have anything to do with Jordan's haters. Planning a wedding right now will not go over well with the fans. Your fans, Lacey, or yours. Jordan will come off as a rich, spoiled athlete who does not care and does whatever he wants. But we're supposed to sign the reality show contracts this week. Really? The network wants to announce our show before Christmas. This is not just a personal decision. This is about the business of both of our entertainment careers. OK. With that being said, what about all the negative press I've been receiving lately? That can't possibly be good for the show, right, Nicole? Actually, negative press is very attractive for reality show producers. So. [MUSIC PLAYING] Jordan. Baby, look at me. This show will help both of our careers. [MUSIC PLAYING] I don't mean to sound like the Grinch right now. But we have one focus, and that is Jordan. We need to do whatever we can do to make sure that you get a contract by the Christmas deadline, which is only three weeks away. We also need to make sure that Drake University does not kill your scholarship program. My fans love Jordan. The more I talk about him on air and post about him, the more they rally around him. Really? That has to help us somehow, right, Nicole? Yes, it could help. But it could also backfire, and things could get ugly. Look, you may be the expert fixer, but I know my fans. They won't make any trouble. Got it. Can we go to the plan, please? All righty. I was thinking we start with a job fair. Then do a massive Christmas tree giveaway. Then I'll set up a series of interviews, but they'll be local interviews and no ambush questions at all. My assistant, Carla, she's gonna take over your social media. I need everything streamlined, carefully curated, with the same exact message that you, Jordan Daniels, are an honest, hard-working, local hero that absolutely has not forgotten where he's come from. All I need to do is to remind them that that is the man we all fell in love with. [MUSIC PLAYING] Everything's going really well in there, boss. Great. Oh. Is that him? (SINGING) I'm gonna take you higher. [MUSIC PLAYING] I know this is completely unprofessional, but that man can tackle me anytime, anywhere. [MUSIC PLAYING] You're late. I'm five minutes early. Yes, and in my book, that's late. Won't happen again. Thank you. This is Carla, my assistant. Carla, meet Jordan Daniels. [MUSIC PLAYING] Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too. [MUSIC PLAYING] She's nice. Mm-hm, very nice. So I posted about this job fair on all social media platforms, so we have a really good turnout. What's this? Who gets a new job without a new suit? De Rossi designs was very happy to donate clothing for your job fair today. Another client, I presume? Yeah, and if I can clean up that CEO's image with the sweatshop shenanigans hitting the fan, then I can certainly do the same for you. Are you sure? You said you trust me, right? [MUSIC PLAYING] Merry Christmas, everybody. So who's ready to find a job? [MUSIC PLAYING] This was great. Planning a job fair to help people get jobs when they struggling to pay bills and get money for their kids for Christmas? That means a lot. Yeah, and you were awesome today. You were. Social media is eating this up. You know, you were right. You the best person for the job. I'm really good at getting people out of sticky situations. That's my thing. Yeah. It's never boring. You know, every single day is different. Most days, I love my job. What about today? [MUSIC PLAYING] [PHONE VIBRATES] [MUSIC PLAYING] I need to take this. Of course, yeah. Take that. I'ma head out anyway. I gotta go meet Lacey. OK. [MUSIC PLAYING] You always did clean up nice. Aw, Keith. Bespoke suits are my superpower. NICOLE BARNES: Hey, guys. Nicole? Oh my goodness, what are you doing here? You look amazing. You haven't changed a bit. Well, if there's anyone in here that's timeless, that is you, Keith, and you, Delvin. Yes, he is. I guess the love of a good man has kept me young. Well, love and hair color. Oh. So what are you doing at my brother's tuxedo fitting? What? Jordan didn't tell you? Tell us what? I work at Hilton Lincoln. The crisis management firm that was retained to get Jordan's job back and clean up his image? Wait. You're telling me my little brother's ex, his first love, is the person in charge of fixing his life? The universe got jokes. Does Lacey know all this? This is some messy mess right here. Don't do that. Delvin, don't do that. This is not messy mess. No, no, no. It's not, because there is nothing gonna on between Jordan and I anymore. And I am a professional, and I'm hired to do a job. Who are you trying to convince? Us or yourself, because you can forget about the two of us. I've seen you for, what, two seconds? And I'm not buying it. Well, I don't care who you're trying to convince. I always hoped you and my brother would get back together. No, that's not happening. He is my client, and I'm just trying to save his career. Uh-huh. Besides. Hello? He's engaged. Yeah, it's not because he wants to be. Oh. What do you mean, not because he wants to be? Don't look at me. You pour the tea, so you might as well spill it. [MUSIC PLAYING] Delvin? [MUSIC PLAYING] OK. So? So Jordan never officially proposed to Lacey. One day they went shopping. She drags them into a jewelry store, and while she's trying on engagement rings, she goes live on social media. Her fans started posting congratulations, and it just took off from there. Then the show producer sends out a press release announcing the engagement. She couldn't walk it back because of repercussions at work. She claims she had nothing to do with the release going out. Yeah, and I can claim that Michael B. Jordan said, he dumped his girlfriend for me, but that ain't happening either. When he told us what really happened, we told him he didn't have to go through with it. But he wouldn't listen. He claims they were already heading in that direction, but I like to think that he would have come to his senses before proposing to her if he had been left to his own devices. So is there anyone special in your life? Actually, I-- [MUSIC PLAYING] I see it all over your face. Don't let that woman jump the broom with your man. [MUSIC PLAYING] I'll be back. Jordan. Nicole. What you doing here? We need to talk. Where's Lacey? I don't know. She should be here any minute. Something wrong? Yes. I thought we agreed if you were not gonna postpone this wedding, then you would at least cut down on some of the posting? What are-- Look at this. This is undermining everything that we're working towards. I don't think Lacey's taking this seriously. Taking what seriously? [MUSIC PLAYING] What's up, baby? Taking what seriously? No-- remember when-- because you had said-- Can I talk to Lacey for a moment alone, please? Yes. Excuse me, I've got to finish my alterations. [MUSIC PLAYING] Fight for your man. Oh. Hey, girl. [MUSIC PLAYING] Lacey, I need us to be on the same page if I am going to be able to do my job. You're right. We do. Thank you. And part of my job is to promote my life to my fans, and that includes my relationship with Jordan. Even if that hurts Jordan's career? I would never do anything to hurt Jordan. I'm trying to help him. My producers want Jordan to participate in the filming of our wedding plans. Lacey, that would throw fuel on the fire that is already engulfing Jordan's career. Nicole, that is not your decision to make. Now, excuse me? I need to talk to my fiancee. [MUSIC PLAYING] Oh my god. Please change all the passwords to Jordan's social media accounts. I don't want him posting anything without my approval, OK? He does not need to be doing anything on his own. And I know Lacey thinks she's helping, but I don't want her to go on there and post something. You got it, boss. Thank you very much. Hey. Is everything OK? You tell me. No cameras. Please stop filming. No, turn that off. Who posted that? Lacey was live streaming as you were meeting with Jordan. What? I didn't realize she was live. Mark Greene's group shared it, and now he's posted a response. Mr. All-American has hired a new PR firm to help rebuild his image. And when he's not trying to spin the story around his betrayal of Badger fans, he's out shopping for his lavish wedding. This guy is not what you think he is. Follow the hashtag cancel Jordan Daniels. [MUSIC PLAYING] Jordan is not trending well on social media. I'm already getting calls from the network. You need to fix this. [MUSIC PLAYING] What? [MUSIC PLAYING] Oh, that's money. Oh, that's a touchdown. Hustle back. Jordan. Nicole, what you doing here? This is amazing. Hosting a football camp for the kids? Yeah. This right here will play so well on social media. I'm gonna call some reporters. - No, no, no. No press. This is perfect for your image. Yeah, I get that, but I used to do camps like this all the time when I had time. It's just not for social media. It's important to me. It's my way to keep in touch with the community. I get that, but see, this story is what they need to see. This is genuine. It is authentic. It's real. I get that, but it's not about me. It's about these kids. Now, you gonna stay there with your hair all prim and perfect? Or you gonna come get this work? Oh, you don't want none of this. OK, let's go. [MUSIC PLAYING] JORDAN DANIELS: You cheated. NICOLE BARNES: I got the ball. [MUSIC PLAYING] You started it. Let me go. I wasn't ready. My foot slipped. It's my team. [MUSIC PLAYING] Hey, babe. Say hi to my friend. [MUSIC PLAYING] Thank you. [MUSIC PLAYING] Hey. Do we have a meeting? I'm sorry. Carla didn't put anything on my schedule. No, but something in today's paper made me think we should talk. Yeah. I-- that's not what it looks like, Christian. Well, it's something, because the network is concerned that there's something going on between the two of you that could cloud your judgment. They want me to pull you off the account. What? No, they can't do that-- Relax. I told them I wouldn't pull you off the account, because you were the best we have. Thank you. But is there something going on between you and Jordan I need to know about? No, there is nothing going on between Jordan and I, but there is something that you should know. Jordan and I dated in college. What? I knew the two of you went to Drake, but why didn't you tell me? This is a conflict of interest, Nicole! I know. I know. Christian, I tried to tell you, OK? But by the time I had realized that Jordan was a client of ours, I didn't want you to take me off the contract. I didn't want you to think I couldn't handle it. I can. I have got this. OK? I promise. In two weeks, I will get him to sign a new contract, and I am finished. He can go off and marry Lacey. I promise. Please. See that you do, because the board is concerned as well. Don't give them a reason not to make you partner. Could this day get any worse? I'm afraid it can. Lacey Jones wants you to meet her for lunch. [MUSIC PLAYING] LACEY JAMES: Hey. Hey. Look, we need to work together to fix the situation because of that photo of you and Jordan. Lacey, I completely agree. There is absolutely nothing going on between Jordan and I. Jordan told me the same thing. He did? Yes, but the reason why I called you here is because I have some ideas I want to share. I can be helpful. Really? OK. I-- what do you mean? Helping me put that rumor of your relationship with Jordan to rest will help me and your client. OK. How do you propose we do that? By coming to my bridal shower Friday. We'll snap some pics together for social media, and everyone will see us together as friends. It's the smartest and fastest way to diffuse rumors. Easy peasy lemon squeezy. I must admit, your plan is not a bad idea. The lemon squeezy and all. I mean, we do both want what's best for Jordan, so-- Yes, we do. Here's the invitation. Wait, aren't you eating lunch? I would, but I have to shoot an interview with Lizzo in an hour. Don't forget to bring a gift. Toodles. [NOTIFICATION NOISE] Hey, baby. Hey. [MUSIC PLAYING] Greg, I can explain. Something you want to tell me about this guy? [MUSIC PLAYING] I knew Jordan in college. We dated for a few years. All you told me about college was that you were in a relationship, but it didn't work out after graduation. So what happened? Jordan went to the pros, and I went off to law school. But why didn't you tell me all of this when you found out your ex-boyfriend was gonna be your client? I didn't want you to get upset. Not to mention it was such a long time ago. I thought I could handle it. It's just two weeks. That's it, and then Jordan is out of our lives forever. So you still have feelings for this guy or what? You guys look pretty cozy in this picture. No, Greg, I do not have feelings for Jordan. He's my client. That's it. I promise. When I'm done clearing up his situation, you and I are off on vacation. Just me and you, Turks and Caicos. Give us time to get out of this rut we've been in. Be that fun and spontaneous couple that we used to be. [MUSIC PLAYING] Well, look. I know we haven't had much fun with our schedules lately. I miss being that couple, too. You do? Yeah. Good. Then let me finish this up. Then it's just us, I promise. No work, no clients, no scandals, no clothes. Just me and you. Still on the private jet? Yes, baby. You gonna get your private jet. Come here. You good? Yeah. I'm good. Come here. [MUSIC PLAYING] You better hope that frown doesn't freeze on your face. Mrs. Daniels, it is so good to see you. Oh, please. You're grown now. You call me Violet. How have you been? I'm good. I work here in Chicago now. I know. Keith told me. He said, you're working to help my son rebuild his career. Mm-hm. I can't thank you enough. Well, that's what I do. I'm in crisis management, so I fix problems. Then tell me why my son is going through with this wedding, when we both know he still loves you? I have tried to talk him out of it, but he just won't listen. Mama Viola, come take some pics with me. [MUSIC PLAYING] [DOORBELL RINGS] [MUSIC PLAYING] Hey, Carla. Hey. Come in. Sorry to bother you. But the venue contracts for Jordan's next charity event just came in, so I brought them over to you for your signature. Thank you. That was very kind, but you do not have to do that. [TV CHATTER] Oh, I'm sorry. It looks like I'm interrupting a romantic dinner. MAN: Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. As you can hear, you're not interrupting anything. Victoria's Secret is at it again. NICOLE BARNES: What do you mean? I'm getting married! NICOLE BARNES: A bachelorette party? Come on. Lacey, you've gotta be kidding me. Looks like pictures her friends are posting in real-time are already starting to trend, and they're tagging her and Jordan. [MUSIC PLAYING] Hey. One second. What you mean you're not gonna make it? LACEY JAMES (ON PHONE): I just finished my exclusive interview with John Legend, but now my producer wants me to go to his concert to get some behind-the-scenes footage. So I won't be able to make it. I'm sorry, babe. Nah, that's cool. I understand. I guess I'll see you tomorrow. Love you too. What you doing here? Well, my boss chewed me out over your fiance's antics. I need to talk to both of you. Well, actually-- OK, are we ready to get started? Um, no. We gonna have to cancel tonight. Lacey can't make it. I'm sorry, but you really need to practice. You've missed so many sessions. You'll never be ready for the wedding if you don't practice. You right, but I don't have a partner. So. What about her? Who, me? No. No. I don't dance. I have two left feet. That she does. Trust me. Oh? You're here already, and he needs a partner. Please? Come on, Nicole. Help a brother out. [MUSIC PLAYING] And here we go. And one, two, three. One, two, three. One, two, three. Guys, it's not a death march. Look into her eyes, Jordan. [MUSIC PLAYING] I bet you never thought you'd be doing this again? What? A wedding dance with my ex? No, this was not in my Christmas bingo. Watch your posture, Jordan. Hold her close. This is the woman you love, remember? [MUSIC PLAYING] I have to tell you, the two left feet? It got way better. You haven't stomped on my foot once yet. Whatever. [MUSIC PLAYING] [PHONE RINGS] I'm sorry. I need to take this but keep dancing. [MUSIC PLAYING] Remember when I taught you how to Chicago step, and you came home with me for Thanksgiving? Yeah. You still know how to do it? I think so. No, you don't. Oh. OK, hold on, wait. Let me see. One, two, three. [MUSIC PLAYING] Hey, let me see that spin. I see you. Look at Nicky with the bad feet. I see you. I remember a little bit. You know, this is nice. Us two working together again. I'm just trying to do my job, Jordan. [MUSIC PLAYING] You know this career of yours is not exactly what I imagined for you. Really? [MUSIC PLAYING] OK, so what exactly did you imagine for me? No, I'm just saying. Like your passion for helping people. I figured you'd be like some big-time Civil Rights attorney or something. Yeah, well, I ended up going the corporate route to help my dad, but I like to give back. I do a lot of pro bono work for charities that I love, so. So that's what-- what makes you way happier than helping guys like me fix their image, huh? Well, the guys that I normally help usually have done something wrong to get in trouble, but you? [MUSIC PLAYING] Yeah. We both know that story. Keep dancing, guys. One, two, three. One, two, three. [MUSIC PLAYING] But what about you? Huh? I mean, you always said that once you retired from the pros, gonna go back and help kids. No, you are a TV star now. I did not expect that. I guess both of our lives kind of took a different turn. [MUSIC PLAYING] Yeah, I guess they did, huh? [MUSIC PLAYING] When was the last time you've been back to Drake for homecoming? I haven't. [MUSIC PLAYING] You haven't been back to Drake for homecoming? No. You love your alma mater. Why would you not go back? [MUSIC PLAYING] Full transparency? [MUSIC PLAYING] I was afraid that I might run into you. [MUSIC PLAYING] Full transparency? Please? I only ever went back hoping I'd run into you. [MUSIC PLAYING] DANCE INSTRUCTOR: I am so sorry about that. So how are we doing here? I want to leave. Nicole. [MUSIC PLAYING] We called this meeting because with just one week before Jordan's contract expires, we're getting concerned that his favorables aren't improving quickly enough. Also the sanctions against the college could be announced any day. The social media bashing, led mostly by Mark Greene, continues to be a problem. Nicole, can you run down where we are with Jordan's plan? Sure, Christian. Dawn, Paxton, the trajectory is right on-target. Let's review what we've accomplished this week. First, we started with a Christmas tree giveaway, and it went great. Followed that up with a sports equipment donation at Shreveport Middle School. The coach posted that the gym flooded, and all the equipment got destroyed. And Jordan played Santa. Nice job, Nicole. Thank you. We're seeing a lot of positive posts go up, and the negative posters are backing down. What's going on with your meeting with the booster? Trust me, I am taking care of that. [NOTIFICATION RINGS] I'm sorry. What is it, Nicole? Drake College is suspending their partnership with Jordan's scholarship program. PAXTON BRIGGS: But Jordan started that program to help neighborhood kids get to college. He'll be devastated. Where are you going? To make sure that Drake College does not kill Jordan's scholarship. So the news is already out on social media. Drake College ends partnership with Jordan Daniels over booster scandal. They can't do this. This is about me. This is not about them kids. Jordan, the trustees at Drake think that they're protecting the school and the reputation of the football program. But what they're saying I did has nothing to do with the kids that my foundation sponsored. We're talking about tutors, mentoring, scholarships? Every year, we send at least 10 boys and girls to Drake College. This is bull, Nicole. [MUSIC PLAYING] Look, it might be time for us to tell everybody the truth. What? No. No, I'm not doing that. That we're not doing. No. Listen, you should not be taking the fall for all of this. Please-- stop! Stop pacing! Can you please let me help you, so that you do not lose all of this you've worked so hard for? What about everything you worked hard for? [MUSIC PLAYING] Did you paint this? Yeah, I did. Jordan Daniels original. OK. Yeah, I did about five years ago. I do one every year. Give it to the foundation, so they can auction it off at the gala. It's beautiful, Jordan. You still paint? Who, me? No. No, I don't have time. I work. You should. You're so talented. Remember that cute, young girl that thought the dumb jock couldn't possibly know anything about art? OK, I will admit I thought you were only taking that class for an easy A. OK. I was. I know you were. At first. At first. Coach thought it was a good idea. He was like, you know, it's a stress reliever, and I love to paint. So. You took the class to meet girls. Stop playing with me. I know-- I know you. Stop. - I did. - I know you. - But it didn't work. Every time I tried to talk to you, you wouldn't listen to nothing I was saying. You was all this Jordan, please. You're interrupting my work. Wait a minute, I do not sound like that. Stop. You sound exactly like that. Whatever. You weren't taking it seriously, just like now. That's your thing. I wasn't. I know. Until you told me that if I wanted to be an athlete and an artist, I should be more like Ernie Barnes and less like a class clown. Wait, I said that? OK, maybe I said-- Yes, you said that, and you hurt my little feelings, too. And I went right back to my dorm room, and I looked up Ernie Barnes. Yeah? But you came back the next day, and you told me everything about him. Yeah, you're right. Ernie was dope, too. He was a Pro Football legend and a great artist. He painted the iconic dynamite painting from "Good Time." Don't do that. Put your hands down. What's wrong with my-- You might be-- no, don't do that. You might be a Renaissance man, but you have never been good at impersonations ever. Look at that smile. [MUSIC PLAYING] You always made me feel like I could be more than a football player. I think you have your coach to thank for that. You know. I can thank you for other things. And what's that? Well-- [MUSIC PLAYING] --I could thank you for making me take that class, where I met my first love. [MUSIC PLAYING] Don't look away. Nicky. [MUSIC PLAYING] You really are the only person that ever believed in me off that field. [MUSIC PLAYING] Jordan, you are engaged. I know. Can I ask you a question? Of course. Anything. Why are you with her? I mean, I saw the video, so I know you didn't really propose. We talked about marriage a lot, and although I wasn't ready, when her team dropped the press release, I didn't have the heart to embarrass her by telling everybody what really happened. Of course you didn't. OK. Well, then, what about now? [MUSIC PLAYING] What about now? [MUSIC PLAYING] [DOOR CLOSES] Baby. Hey. I came as soon as I saw the news. Are you OK? Yeah-- They can't do this to you! No, I'm good. I'm good. Me and Nicole were just discussing how we were gonna make it right. - Yeah. How can you let this happen, Nicole? Lacey. Lacey. Look, while this might be a bit of a setback, we can still turn it around. I outlined my initiatives with Paxton and Dawn, so all I need to do now is get Mark Greene on our side. Why would we want to involve him? Because if we can turn Mark Greene, we turn an enemy into an ally. It's much more powerful than just hashtag and protesters going away. How are we gonna do that? By giving Mark Greene something that he does not yet know he needs. [MUSIC PLAYING] What do you mean you're not coming? I got 100 people coming for a holiday meal. Hi, Mr. Greene. Is everything OK? No. No, it's not. But what are y'all doing here? NICOLE BARNES: Well, Jordan and his family wanted to come by, and volunteer, and donate some food. So they brought some baskets. Thanks, but my caterer just cancelled last minute because of some emergency. I don't have anyone to cook or serve this Christmas meal. We haven't even started setting up the dining hall or decorating. That sounds terrible. My father started this shelter over 40 years ago, and we've never missed one holiday meal. Well, don't worry. You are not gonna start this year. I think I can help. Give me a second. Hey, guys. Hi, Mrs. Viola. Hey. What's up, Jordan? So Mr. Greene needs some help, and I think this is a great opportunity to help out Jordan's image. If you know what I mean? Go over there. So I hear you need some volunteers. And I hear you need a cook. And I heard you need a decorator. I don't know what to say. You don't got to say anything. Just let me back you up this time. Just put us to work. We normally have a lot more people help. Mark, don't worry about that. We got you. We're gonna make it work. Just lead the way. All right. Let's go. NICOLE BARNES: Hey, baby. I'm over here at Helping Hands off of 14, and we could really use your help serving some of this food. So can you give me a call or text me when you're on your way? All righty, let's put these on. Here you go, Keith. Here you go, Mrs. Daniels. And for you, I have a small, Lacey. Carla, no, Carla. Take a better angle. Oh, no, no. Carl, no social media. Jordan, that's the whole reason why we're here. I get that, Nicky, but can we just help them today and not me? Please? OK. You're the boss. Thanks. So you ready to get the kitchen up and running? You know it. Let's go. Everybody huddle up. Keith, I need you on the collards. Got it. I got the yams and the corn. Mama, I'm gonna need you on the mac and cheese and those dumplings. You got it, baby. Oh, Nicky. I need you to go to Big JB's Barbecue and order everything they got on the menu. Copy that, QB1. Hey, what about me? You and Carla help Delvin with moving tables, or decorating, or something. [MUSIC PLAYING] I need y'all to move, people, because we got about four hours to create a Christmas miracle for a lot of hungry people. All right? Teamwork makes the dream work. Let's get these hands in here. NICOLE BARNES: All right. One, two, three. Teamwork! All right. Woo. Crystal. Glad I got you. I need you to help me play Santa. [MUSIC PLAYING] All righty. So what do you think? I can't believe you did all this. Yeah, well, go ahead. Check it out. Where did all these presents come from? Man, nobody should spend Christmas without presents, so had my assistant do some shopping. Man, I can't believe you did all this for me. Don't worry about it. After all I-- Hey, hey, listen. I know how important Drake College is to you and the football team, so I just want you to know how important it is to me, too. You know? Why would you help me now? I grew up in a neighborhood just like this, so I know how important shelters are and what they mean to people. And there it is. I thought you forgot where you came from. Man, places like this kept me and my brother off the streets. That's the only reason why I am where I am today. I've never forgotten that. I don't know what I would have done today without you or your family. Hey, you won't never have to. All right, looks like it's time to let them in, guys. Hit it, DJ. Come on in. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays. Come on in. Come on in. Hi, Merry Christmas. [MUSIC PLAYING] MARK GREENE: There's a lot of people. There's a lot of people. You did it. We did it. [MUSIC PLAYING] You know this never would have been possible if you hadn't suggested we come here, right? Thanks for everything, Nicole. You're welcome. You're still cocky, I see. I'm not cocky, but I'm right. Oh, yeah. Right. Am I? Good job. It's good to see you two work so well together. Hope I-- Mama. Mrs. Daniels! Mama. Mama! Carla! Call the paramedics! Mrs. Daniels? Mama? Is she OK? Yeah, she forgot to take her blood pressure medication, so she fainted. They just want to keep her overnight to monitor. I'm so glad your mom's OK. She'll be all right. I was so worried. I know. Hey, Jordan? The doc wants to review your mom's medications with us. All right. I'll be back, guys. Thank goodness she's OK. I know what you're trying to do. I'm sorry? What do you mean? I know you want him back. Lacey, I am just doing my job. I see the way you look at him, but it's not gonna work. There's nothing going on between Jordan and I. If that's true, I guess you won't be seeing him anymore, right? What's that supposed to mean? Well, this was the last event in your plan, so now your work here is done. Stay away from my man. [MUSIC PLAYING] Greg! Hey, man. I didn't hear you come in. Did you not get my messages about meeting me at the shelter today? Oh, yeah. I meant to call you. You meant to call me? I needed you today, Greg. I'm sorry. I couldn't make it. I don't know what it is, but you cannot figure out how to put me first. Babe, I knew you would figure it out. You always do. OK, tell me. What was so important you couldn't make it? Well, Rick and some of the other guys from the office came over, and we were watching football all day. Football? I couldn't just up and leave them here after inviting them over. Would it have killed you to skip the games for one day? Huh? Hell, you could have brought them with you. I need all the help I could get. Greg, you have to start to put me first. [MUSIC PLAYING] For what? To help Jordan? I know he's your ex, and it's your job to help him rebuild his career. But he ain't nothing but a greedy player who got caught with his hand in the cookie jar. I'm surprised you didn't see him for who he really was in college. Jordan Daniels deserves whatever happens to him. So that's what you think about him? Yes. That he's just a greedy athlete that's out here buying flashy cars and jewelry? Damn straight! That booster said he took the money. Jordan did take that money. OK. He took the money for me. [MUSIC PLAYING] What are you talking about? My senior year of college. My dad got laid off from work. He could barely pay his bills, let alone pay my tuition. All of a sudden, I have a very hefty bill, no student loans, and if I didn't pay it, then I would be forced to withdraw from school. Jordan knew that. So he took the money from a booster and gave it to me, so I could pay my final bill and graduate from college. You've got to be kidding me. No, I'm not kidding you. And when Jordan got an agent, he knew what happened and said, if anyone ever found out, Jordan would be in trouble. He advised that we didn't date anymore, and Jordan didn't want that to happen. But I knew that if it got out, Jordan's entire career would be over, so I broke it off with him right before graduation. [MUSIC PLAYING] I can't believe this, Nicole. Yeah, well, we'll leave it. The man that you were bashing, Greg, was willing to give up everything for me. And I can't even get you to get off the couch. How could you keep this from me? And how do you know you're not gonna get dragged into this drama now? And then what? My clients aren't gonna be happy to see my girlfriend connected to this scandal. Why are you worried about all your clients? Come on. That's all you hear. Your clients. I told you all of that, and that's all you worried about? Nicole. You know what, Greg? I can't do this. Do what? For a long time, you and I have looked really good on paper, but face it. We are a pair of perfectly-matched resumes, but that's it. It's time. [MUSIC PLAYING] Time to pop the champagne. Champagne? Christian, it is 10 o'clock in the morning. I have told you a million times, if you're gonna drink in the morning, you have to at least mix it with orange juice. Well, hm, since it's 6:00 PM in London, and that's where you're meant to be going. What are you talking about? Cheers to you, partner. Paxton and Dawn called right after they saw this video Mark just posted. They're sending over Jordan's new contract. MARK GREENE: I want to apologize to Jordan Daniels and his entire family. Today, I had a chance to see who he really is. I'm calling off the protest. I'm encouraging all of you to reach out to SportsLive to reinstate Jordan and for Drake College to continue their partnership with his foundation. Regardless of what he may have done in the past, Jordan's a good man with a big heart. Wow. Nice. At first, I couldn't believe you didn't post anything on social media, but then I got it. You knew that Mark would see the act as more authentic if there wasn't any media attention. That's brilliant, Nicole. That's just the kind of maneuvering we need in London. You know me. I was ready to pull out all my social media stops, but he didn't want press. No coverage. What are you doing? Resignation? But the board just made you partner. You were going to head the London office. At that shelter, Jordan just wanted to do the right thing, and I think it's time I do the same. Christian, I have not been completely honest with you. I know I told you about Jordan and I, but it was not the whole truth. [MUSIC PLAYING] Why are we back here again? We don't have to serve any more meals, do we? No, we don't, Lacey. I just have some equipment I got to drop off to Mark. He got a ton of children in there, and I think they deserve some good equipment. You know I'm gonna be spending a lot more time here, right? Hey, man, what are you doing here? Got something for you. When we were here, you said the kids would use some pretty beat-up, old equipment. So I figured get them some new gear. Oh, man, but you've done so much already. But the kids are gonna love it. I was thinking I'd like to come spend some time with the kids. You know, set up a full-time football clinic, art camp. You know, man, when you took my starting spot in college and went pro, I hated you. I thought you were living my life. Well, and when that booster story came out? I thought it was my chance to get revenge. How did you know I took the money? That same booster told me back in college when he tried to give me money, and I turned him down. All right. I thought about turning you in, but I knew it'd be my word against the superstar athlete. Mark, there's some things you've got to know about why I took that money. Doesn't even matter, man. All that matters now is who you are. Now. I was wrong. I'm sorry. [MUSIC PLAYING] It's all love. [MUSIC PLAYING] Yo, enjoy, man. Give my best to the kids. You know, you're not gonna have any more time to spend here now that you're gonna be back on TV. You need to focus on what really matters. You know, you right. We need to talk. [MUSIC PLAYING] Hello, loves. I've got some news. I've called off my engagement. I'll always love Jordan, but he and I are just meant to be friends. And he couldn't be any happier for me, because-- drumroll. --I'm headed to LA to star in a new reality show. Deets coming soon. Smooches. As we head into the postseason, all eyes will be on San Francisco and Dallas, and, of course, the difference makers for both will be their quarterbacks. Let's take a look at their strengths and weaknesses. Now, before we close out this Christmas episode, let's take a look at the sports ranker app and see what's trending right now in the world of sports. Looks like I'm trending again. PAXTON BRIGGS: The only reason you're trending is because there's a video of Nicole that's trending. She's telling the whole world that she's the one that took the money from the booster and not you. We're running it now. NICOLE BARNES: I have spent my entire career keeping secrets for some of the most powerful people, and now it is time for me to come clean about a secret of my own. 15 years ago, I took money from a booster to pay my college tuition. Jordan Daniels took that money to help me. I apologize for any harm my actions may have caused, and I take full responsibility. I am so very sorry. [MUSIC PLAYING] That's all the time we have for today. I'm Jordan Daniels. Thanks for watching. Where is she? - I'll text it to you. Just go. Jordan? What are you doing here? Carla told me. But what about Lacey? I mean, I saw the video, but-- Lacey will be fine. My agent set her up with some producers in LA. She's gonna get her own show, so that's all she ever wanted, anyway. [MUSIC PLAYING] Nicky, when I first saw you in that conference room, I knew that I still loved you. I mean, I tried my hardest to get my feelings to go away, but there they were. And there you were helping me get my life back, and that's when I realized that you are my life, Nicky. [MUSIC PLAYING] Jordan, I have missed you so much. And I've tried to hide my feelings for you, but I can't. You don't have to, because I don't want to spend another day without you, Nicole. I don't want to spend another day without you, Jordan. Wait, what are you doing? [MUSIC PLAYING] You didn't think I was gonna let Christmas go by without getting you a present, did you? Jordan, you did not have to buy me a gift. Shh. [MUSIC PLAYING] After all these years, you saved the ring? Of course I did. [MUSIC PLAYING] We can call it our second chance, right? I like that. It's a fresh start. Yeah. For both of us. I love you, Nicole. I love you, Jordan. [MUSIC PLAYING] BOTH: Merry Christmas. [MUSIC PLAYING]
Channel: OWN
Views: 2,309,848
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Keywords: Oprah, Oprah Winfrey, Oprah Winfrey Network YouTube, Oprah Where Are They Now, Where Are They Now Oprah, Iyanla Fix My Life, full episodes, Super Soul Sunday, Oprah Winfrey Show, The Haves and The Have Nots, Have and Have Nots, If Loving You Is Wrong, Iyanla Vanzant, Livin Lozada, Oprah Life Class, how-to, season, episode, OWN For The Holidays, Full Movie, A Christmas Fumble, Christmas, christmas movies, holiday movies, own movies, crisis manager, sports anchor
Id: A8VcRbNcB80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 15sec (4995 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 18 2022
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