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hello hello hello hello we are on perfect god bless everybody this is prophet lovey elia and i welcome you all in the amazing presence of the lord jesus and i thank the lord that you're about to have an explosive time in the presence of the lord i want you to share this let somebody know that prophet is live and god is going to bless us in a special way i i'm so privileged to be here with all of you i thank the lord jesus for each and every one of you and um man prophetic school was amazing amen i've been recovering for a few days i even lost my voice because it was too much but uh i thank the lord that we are back now on the road and people are tremendously tremendously blessed i believe that people's lives were changed and impacted to the glory of the lord and i know that uh their lives will never be the same and uh i know that will impact the world for the glory of god amen you see every time you want to listen to a man of the spirit because to be a christian doesn't mean you're a man of the spirit to be a man of the spirit is a man that works closely with god the bible says those who are led by the spirit at the sons of god so in order for you to be led by the spirit you have to be a spiritual man not just a christian but a spiritual man a spiritual man and when you're going to listen to a spiritual man you have to understand something there is a lot of things that you thought this is the this is the issue with with prophets if you're going to listen to a prophet get ready for your theology to be messed up get ready for what you used to know to be in shambles not because they're going to change anything no nobody can change the scripture but the depth of what they're going to show you is something that you cannot see that only their office can reveal yeah yeah so when jesus came he was telling people uh he was telling people uh he he was telling people um uh what's it called he was changing water into wine let me give an example like that yeah the lord jesus changed water into wine and gave it to people in our wedding yeah literally changed water into wine and gave it to the people in a wedding yeah no priest should do that you're making people drunk as jesus but if they understood why he did it wow wow they will be okay wow but because they don't know that the wine was sweet not alcoholic they would have that prophet love is giving people wine this is we knew it's because you don't understand the things of the spirit yeah yeah but it takes total humility to say lord jesus help me by your spirit to learn if you ever see somebody walking with god and they can demonstrate god in a way that you can't yeah learn to listen because god did not teach you for a reason he allowed somebody to have something that you need so that you can be humbled so that you can grow in the way god wants you to grow yeah there are mysteries and secrets the bible says there are mysteries in god yeah the lord says seek me and you'll find me and i will show you things you do not know of so there are people that have those things that you do not know there are people who are functioning with it my brother fred louise the prophet god bless you so i want you to share this and i want you to be ready but i'm going to teach about hindrance to the kingdom wealth amen amen what is it what is he talking about what is god's mind concerning it trust me you want to listen to this a few times by the time i'm done but uh i want you to share this if you've shared whether you're on facebook you're on youtube i want you to push that like button as many times as you can and share this and i believe that the lord is going to bless you and increase you all those who are using super chat god bless you god multiply you the lord jesus increase you for all your sacrifice may the lord remember you completely you and your families in the name of the lord jesus amen youtube push that like button some that thumbs up as many times as you can we are over 300 people already and it's gonna go higher but let's match the likes uh with the thumbs up yeah so now listen to me clearly i'm gonna talk about hindrance to kingdom wealth now there's a teaching i did and i explained why the wicked prosper this is like a follow-up to that but it's going to go now to the side of god what prevents you from entering into the prosperity of god what is it that keeps you from kingdom wealth and there is a reason why it's called kingdom wealth so i want you to be ready i want you to get your your your pens your papers i want you to get your notebook yourself on be ready because this is going to be tremendous and the lord jesus will be glorified after this amen so i want you to comprehend something children of god i want you to understand something every kingdom has a system just like every country has a system every kingdom has a system and you have to understand that system and i want you to understand this will not be a message you know so i want you to be patient and listen every kingdom has a system has a set of laws that govern that kingdom there is a law that governs the nation and there there's a law that the citizens abide by now because we are in a kingdom you have to understand that the king is the one that is in charge it is the king that owns everything yeah i'll say that again it is the king that owns what everything let's look at some scriptures let's look at some scriptures and uh and then i'll be able to push this a little deeper and i know that the lord jesus is going to bless you amen i want you to go quickly to um i want you to go quickly to go to deuteronomy 10 14. you deuteronomy 10 14. amen behold yes the heaven and the heaven of heavens yes the lord's thy god listen to that behold what the heaven and the heaven of heavens is the lord's thy god okay now notice this there is the heaven and then there is the heaven of heavens i want you to pay attention there is the heaven and then there is the heaven of heavens so it's telling you that the realms of heaven themselves do you need something oh you need to go go go go go heaven itself heaven itself heaven itself has realms of higher heavens yeah so depending no matter what heaven you are in whether it's the lower heavens or the high heavens they all belong to god and what does that tell you it tells you that god is not in heaven he is manifested in heaven because he owns all of it it's all his uh-huh keep reading behold the heaven and the heaven of heavens is the lord's thy god the earth also with all that therein is okay and the earth and what with all that therein is so everything in the earth belongs to god everything that is in heaven belongs to god everything that belongs to the high heavens belong to god how do we know this the bible says jesus ascended above all heavens so notice what god is saying he's saying the heavens and the high heavens so he went from the highest point of the spiritual realm to the lowest sphere of creation they all belong to him and everything that is in them wow so everything belongs to who god let me give you another verse psalms 89 11 amen the heavens are thine the earth also is thine as for the world and the fullness thereof thou has founded them so everything that is in the world everything belongs to who god psalms 24 1. i just want to establish something so that you understand why you are hindered into entering in god's wealth titus papa a psalm of david the earth is the lord's and the fullness thereof the earth is the lord and the fullness thereof meaning everything that makes the earth the earth the gold the diamonds and everything that can be produced in the world belongs to who god the earth the planet itself and everything inside the planet belongs to god now the reason why you don't prosper [Music] before let me let me break it down first teach yourself let me let me break it down first and try to help facebook are you there i want you to share this as many times as you can many of you give but you don't prosper and you say what is wrong with i gave my money i gave this i gave this and nothing is working something is wrong yeah let me tell you a secret that you don't know that is very important for you to understand let me ask you a question son when you bought a cell phone what came with the cell phone you got a plan right yes and how do you take care of the plan you pay for it so you get bills because of your phone yes so every month you pay bills because of what your phone yes uh you have a car right at home how do you maintain the car you have bills that come with the car yes because you own it so you have what uh gas that you have to take care of insurance insurance uh some people have car notes that you have to take care of if you own a house uh there are bills that are attached to the house you have to pay for electricity you have to pray for water yeah you have maybe you need gardeners plumbing if anything goes wrong it is on you the things that the reason why you don't prosper is you because you own something wow whoever owns something is responsible for it i'll say one more time my god whoever owns something you become immediately responsible with it because what you own has bills that it creates so ownership creates bills ownership doesn't give you comfort ownership creates bills whenever you own something there's bills attached to it if you're in an apartment you pay rent but if anything breaks the managers to come and fix yeah if there are bugs the manager has to take care of because you don't own it yeah you simply rent it wow wow so everything you own everything you own every single thing you own has created bills for you wow if you look in the scriptures god never called you to own anything [Music] god called you to be a steward yes wow a manager of things he did not call you to own anything yeah great so when i say my money god is out of it when i say my house god is out of it now you are responsible because you are now taking ownership you are no longer a steward wow so it is not serving the kingdom of god so because it is the kingdom of god it's part of his kingdom he is responsible for it he must be responsible for the provision because it's his you are just looking after it but the moment something becomes yours you're responsible for it my god wow i feel like i'm talking to myself i feel like people can't hear me youtube are you there you to facebook keep sharing so your issue is your own things but you expect god to intervene in what you own yet god never called you to be an owner god called you to be a steward yes my daughter nephilim said jesus christ of woodland hills that is funny that's a good one i i feel like i'm speaking to myself i feel like i'm let's go quickly to to uh the book of luke let's go to luke chapter 15. hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah luke chapter 15 and we're going to read from verse 11. i'm gonna read this one luke 15 from verse 11. are you ready yes listen to what he says isn't what he says he says and he said this is jesus the lord speaking and he said a certain man had two sons yeah and the younger of them say to his father father give me the portion of goods that falleth to me meaning give me what i own and he divided unto him he's living so he cashed out of his father because if i come and tell you give me my inheritance first of all it's an evil thing to do because your father is still alive inheritance is given when the father has got me but the boy is saying give me what belongs to me yeah and his father said okay he gave it to him verse 13 and not many days after the young son gathered all together and took his journey into a far country and there wasted his substance with righteous living there he went and enjoyed life and spent everything that he had and when he had spent all there arose a mighty family in the land and he began to be in one now notice this when you own something you can finish it it will expire y'all are not listening to me when you own something it will expire yeah it has an expiration date but not only did it expire a farming followed after he was in luck wow after you own something and you waste it and notice the bible says wasted it yeah a famine always follows wow so the reason why you always have famines in your life seasons of up and down is because you own things wow when the resource runs out the your resource runs out a drought usually follows because a drought is the absence of resources so remember what i spoke about personal seasons and general season so his own personal season passed and the general season also responded he was in drought but notice this drought is not affecting his father's house yeah yeah wow yeah let me continue hallelujah verse 15 and he went and joined himself to a citizen of that country and he went and he sent him into his field feeds to feed swine so notice the moment your resources run out you enter into a drought you begin now to be a servant to people [Music] i feel like i'm talking to myself i'll hear you papa you enter what it's you enter into what is called a nine to five bondage you are just eating um hand to mouth there's nothing you have that can create something that can move you from the situation that you're in but it keeps you in that situation to the point that you just do it to stay alive yeah yeah there are so many people watching me right now you work to just stay alive if you don't work you cannot have a place to stay if you don't work you will not have food on your table if you don't work you have nothing you can't even take oh i'm just gonna go on vacation for three days even doing that is like calculated for you because you have to work to survive that's true wow i feel like i'm talking to myself you're speaking to us glory be to the lord jesus glory to the lord jesus i feel like i'm talking to myself only people in prophetic school know what i'm talking about facebook are you there let me see facebook let me see facebook keep sharing let somebody know that the prophet is live so what is causing you issues what is causing you issues is that you decided to own things and when you own something their responsibility that comes with owning something now watch this watch this so the man joined himself to a man who gave him work in his fee field to feed swine verse 16 and he would feign in and he would feign have filled his belly with the husk that the swine did eat and no man gave unto him so notice the bible says men will give unto your bosom yeah why are men giving unto your bosom because you are steward or something that god has produced so here is this man the bible is saying he was given a job yeah and that job was barely keeping him alive that he actually ate what the pigs were eating wow and the bible is specifically telling you no one gave unto him you're not listening to me no one gave him anything no one came to him and said ah here is uh uh fifty dollars here is even five dollars he is even one dollar nobody could give to him because men who give unto people are an extension of god's kingdom they are there to fuel the machine of god to keep the work of god going to keep you afloat so that the assignment of god can come to pass but here is a man that after having so much he wasted it not only did he waste it a famine came he had no ability to sustain himself he went to work for somebody that person made him work with pigs and when he was working with pigs he ate what the pigs were eating to fill his belly meaning what he was earning was not even enough yeah my god and after that you see him nobody is giving him anything yeah he is not getting any favor from anybody wow now watch this verse 17 and when he came to himself read this again and when he came to himself he said how many hired servants of my fathers have bred enough and to spare and i perish with hunger i want you to hear that again and when he came to himself meaning he was not himself he was possessed wow [Music] he was demon possessed let me explain to you whenever you see swine demons are very close wow but he was eating with swine it means that the spirit of the swine was in him wow i feel like i'm talking to myself for you to come to yourself it means deliverance happened yeah yeah yeah so all the time when he left his father's house when he went to the country he was possessed there was a demon that is leading him [Music] wow there was a demon that was controlling him yeah i feel like i'm talking to myself jesus you're speaking ownership is demonic wow listen i'm not saying don't buy a house you will understand what i'm saying so please pay attention i'm not saying i don't want to honor to or to to have a house to have this i will explain to you the mindset of heaven yes yeah so be patient you will understand the mindset of heaven but i want to tell you this when you claim ownership of things there is a demon in your life i feel like i'm talking too much teachers please keep sharing it please keep sharing facebook i want you to type i've shared i've shared and then i will continue let me see youtube youtube i want to see those likes match up to 400 and then i will continue so i'm waiting on you we are 210 so i want everybody that is watching keep clicking that so that i can give you this major key so that this ski can also benefit those who come later amen yeah amen [Music] i'm waiting for the likes on on youtube i'm waiting for the likes on youtube to get to 400. it's uh now i see people have clicked it to 252. i want to move to the next thing i want to keep going so i'm waiting for you to share lord jesus are you there people are you there we're here is somebody there facebook facebook are you there glory be to the living jesus glory to your living jesus when you want to own things when you want to own things is a sign a demon is in your life because it shows that the very mindset of heaven is not in you because you don't comprehend heavenly things wow so the bible is saying that he came to himself and he began to realize that the servants of his father the servants of his father had enough bread even to spare where were they getting the bread from because the father was responsible for them yeah they had meat that they could eat every day and even spare how was this possible because they didn't own anything they were stewards of everything so when he came back to himself he began to see clearly meaning for all those years that he left he was not himself wow well all those years it was not himself what is the mindset of heaven let me just make it plain and simple before i go on in scripture because i'm not going to be live for too long i just wanted to touch base with the people of god and teach you something that i believe that is going to prosper you and increase man amen amen understand this have you ever been have you ever noticed we are not called the adults of god we are not called the sinners of god the responsibles of god what are we called children a child somebody is responsible for you that is why the bible calls you child of god he doesn't call you teenager of god matured of god the bible says be spiritually mature yeah but he's not saying be a mature person to god you must always be a child what did jesus say he said like unless you are like a child you cannot inherit heaven meaning that you have to become somebody that somebody can be responsible for you people always think the chat like spirit means that uh i am i just believe everything god says no part of being a child is that you can be led you can be directed you can be shown the way somebody is responsible for you yeah yeah my son doesn't have to worry about bread doesn't have to worry about anything it is taken care of because he's a child of of prophet loving lovey is his dad yeah yeah i am the one who carries all that burden him he just has to wake up eat go to school do well in school come back home be a best the best child that he can be if he starts acting sneaky and things like he tries to be mature i will take resources from him punish him and make him go back to being a child why are you rushing wow that's good that's good that's good i feel like i'm talking to myself yeah teaching bob jesus the bible says god is your father if you ask him for bread he will not give you a stone he's telling you that god is the one who is responsible yeah mommy can i have bread it means you are a child yes i feel like i'm talking to myself yeah my son uh opposed to jt what's the problem he says i'm done [Music] the problem the problem is this now the problem is this now the problem is you are trying to be god you are trying to own i am not god you are not god yeah so the moment that i say this is my money okay be responsible for creating it be responsible for sustaining it be responsible for it a child becomes a steward of what his father has yeah god wants us to have a stewardship mentality that's what the bible says good well go well done good and faithful servant because we are stewards he doesn't say well done good child because god develops us from bringing children to stewards who are still being children um wow wow let me give you an example uh when did i uh buy this house in 2001 1918 this is the second december 2009. oh yeah 18 18. now i can say i own this house i bought it right but think about it this house was built in 1987. this house was built in 1997. yeah the one who built it was a steward he managed he took care of it one day he sold it to another person that person started he was a good steward maintained it sold it to another person that person maintained it sold it to another person the other person maintained it and sold it to me did they own it or were they stewards there were stewards the one who built it in 87 is probably dead now do you realize the clothes you wear the watch you wear the car you drive you leave it here you're not going with anything so how can you own it wow [Music] you don't own anything i don't own anything we are just to it yeah that's good that's deeper we manage something we pass it on to another person jesus you're helping do you realize we are only here let's say maximum let me make it maximum 100 years yeah the point is you have to pass it on whether you like it or not that is why you find the job was very wise notice this in the book of job it says that god told satan have you seen my servant job there's none like him satan said to god does he worship you for no reason he worships you because you have blessed him he has money he owns things he said okay take away everything when everything was taken what was job's prayer when his children died when he lost all the properties what did i what did he say naked did i come into this world and naked i will go back job was not tied to anything material because he knew he was just a steward wow god can never bless you with much if you're not a steward because the point of being a steward is you're given resources in order for it to serve the kingdom to build people to to to manage this to manage this and one day you pass it on to another and they manage it you are never called to own everything that's a lie yeah there is no day even in the next life listen to what jesus said jesus said in my father's house are many mentions it's not yours it's his father's so when we say it is my mention we are saying it in the sense of stewardship god prepared that listen to what jesus said he said i'm going to prepare a place for you he's preparing a place from his father's house not your house we don't go to heaven and say this is my house yes we say it but people in heaven understand that they have been blessed yeah in heaven you will never work you will serve the the there's no lazy people there's activities in heaven that we take care of for the kingdom of god but it's not labor it is we are managing what is our families yes bob we are managing our father's property yeah that's good listen to what the bible says he says let me let me show you something you're teaching bob let me show you something let me show you something lord jesus oh lord i hope somebody is learning yes papa lenny papa thank you papa this is good amen somebody type i must do it i must do it somebody type i am a good steward i am a good steward keep sharing whether you're on facebook keep sharing and keep liking please hit that like button on on facebook as many times as you can and also on youtube you bless somebody to see this message and it will bless the kingdom of heaven amen hallelujah hallelujah nebraska let me see youtube youtube are you there okay okay keep the likes going on youtube youtube keep the likes going we had 500 people watching let's keep hitting that like button uh-huh go ahead son bring you all the tides into the storehouse that there may be meat in my house and prove me now herewith said the lord of hosts if i will not open you the windows of heaven and pour out a blessing that there shall be no room enough to receive it now what is god pouring out our blessing one not many blessings god doesn't give you many blessings he gives you a blessing wow that is why i say the blessing of the lord not the blessings of the lord the blessing one now watch this try to understand what i'm going to say i will pour out a blessing that you will not have room enough to contain it meaning it was never for you there is nothing you can do to contain it it is supposed to flow wow wow so it means you are responsible to manage it that it flows in the right direction because it will overflow yeah somebody's not listening to me teaching [Music] this is powerful the blessing is supposed to overflow it was not meant to stay stagnant yeah it's supposed to make you somebody that can employ many people it's supposed to make you it creates you create orphanages it's supposed to bless you to make hospitals it's a because it's supposed to flow you are just managing the resource where it's going i you're pointing it in the direction it was never supposed to come and stay in your account the reason why your account is not inflating is not increasing it's not expanding it's not bursting it's because you have your money it's not god so it's not responsible [Music] so you're trying to pitch into what god wants it's your money so god is not responsible for you yes jesus needed to pay taxes jesus was now listen to this this is a very interesting thing i want you to understand this for all who think that jesus did not uh collect offerings and tithes i'm sorry you're foolish because the bible doesn't say that it says that they walked with a year worth of wages peter was not working john was not working none of the apostles were working where was the money coming from people were giving yeah so for them to come and tell jesus pay taxes jesus did not have a farm yeah he said the son of man is like a bird he has nowhere to stay it's just one day he's here tomorrow is there to the next day but why is the tax man coming to say jesus you need to pay yeah because money is coming in receiving he's receiving that is how they were able to feed people that is how he could maintain his apostles because remember some of them were married yeah peter had a wife you see jesus rebuking fever of peter's wife and she gives them tea yeah she goes in the kitchen and prepares for them after jesus heals her [Music] yeah but now watch this when they came to jesus and say hey pay taxes jesus sent peter to catch a fish and in the fish those coins to pay his taxes notice god was providing even tax money that what was given for the kingdom will not be interrupted the reason why you're fighting ah ah let me let me pay god let me pay god his tithe after i have paid my taxes so i take it out of the taxes after the taxes that's why god is not covering your taxes god is not blessing you to the point that when you pay taxes you're you're nothing even changed yeah because you you are blessed in plenty you are still fighting with the taxman trying to hide this [Music] oh jesus so the flow of what he had to do what he needed to do was never interrupt it yes father it's powerful pay taxes jesus did not say okay uh how much do we have judas because judas was the accountant and the problem was judas was even stealing money but jesus never even told him stop stealing the bible says that judas was stealing offerings when people gave uh ten thousand judas collected about four of it but it never interrupted anything they still had a year worth of wages wow so jesus was managing judas to maintain him so he can betray wow because he knew judas was not there for spiritual matters the bible literally says that does it don't say that fight the verse my son facebook are you there lema kuba yabakata lobredia a me casto ovante mega atovata lord jesus we worship you we worship you lord uncle judas was just ah doing some dangerous stuff is somebody catching what i'm saying yes yes papa it's powerful did you find it son i'm still looking so let me let me continue with the bible let's go back to luke this is why god's test of love and of stewardship comes when god tests you to give he takes he tests you to give why is it that when you give you get blessed it's because god wants you to be a steward whenever you give to him you're showing that what you have is not yours is his so he can keep a lot of it coming to you so that you can continue to manage so as long as you are in this world god will keep sending you millions billions because he knows you're a good steward first of all he will care for you and care for everybody else amen but the moment you make it your own god cuts it off wow do you know why some of these wealthy people they don't pray but they give give give god keeps the flow yeah because they're serving the interests of heaven when you feed the bible says whoever feeds a widow an orphan he did not say if a christian whoever [Music] wow so they are more into what god is doing than they even know that's why they are getting increased you you are christian you should know this you don't even know it my god yeah yeah now look at this verse 18 i will rise and go to my father and will say unto him father i have sinned against heaven and before thee notice he said i will go to my father now he has become his father all those days he forgot that he had a father because he had the ability some of you and god blesses you you buy limousine you buy lamborghini you buy this you buy the moment you have problems is when you're looking for god god my father you are criminal i feel like i'm talking to myself ah lord jesus you're talking to us is when you start looking for god god almighty i'm going through this i'm going through that that's why you find i love people who god has blessed that they don't even they consider themselves of no reputation it's easy for them to maintain what god has given them can you all hear me yes i feel like i'm turning into an american man i am american though [Music] are you getting what i'm saying yes to declare i am rich i am this i am that is not enough if you don't know this principle of stewardship number one lesson of stewardship is that it's not yours powerful god asked abraham for isaac give me your only son what did he say only because abraham never considered ishmael his so god never asked for ishmael because ishmael didn't carry the promise so god said your only son because to him that was the only one he could see the moment he gave it to god is a now i know you love me when he was about to give him why did god demand that because abram was not going to be a good steward of and become the father of many nations if he could not sacrifice his son wow wow god wants what you need the most what you love the most is what he wants because it proves stewardship watch this so he came back to himself he started to repent some of you to be honest with you you need to go on your knees and say after this life you need to say lord i'm gonna correct my ways i really am now i understand that all things are yours anyway the scripture says that the bible says david solomon in all his glory in all his glory he was not dressed better than the lilies of the valley god dressed him but god says it doesn't even compare to the lily of the valleys the birds of the air are fed how much more for you but you are not getting it because the birds of the air know that we belong to god you you think you belong to your own strength when the bible even tells you he gives you the power to make wealth even your strength to make money is not yours [Music] wow it's powerful my god listen when when the bible is saying that the wealth of the of the weekend is total for the righteous the righteous can never tap into that wealth unless you fix this you can't [Music] now watch this watch this verse 19 and i'm no more worthy to be called thy son make me as one of what thy hired servants he understood was supposed to be a steward he said now just make me like the ones who don't like bread yeah yeah so people thought when he's saying that i am one my father's servants don't like bread they thought it meant those who are working like servants it's not aren't we not called servants of god does it not say jesus made himself what a servant true sonship is in servanthood notice what elisha did elisha was a servant to elijah got the inheritance everyone wanted to be associated to elijah never got in anything nothing spiritual my god elisha got the full inheritance my god true sonship is in servanthood when we were growing up uh my my my my mother maybe or my father may be sitting here yeah and the remote is right next to say uh lovey yes you come give me the remote seriously you could have just raised your hand and grabbed it but servanthood if you can do that with no complain sure sure that you are servant so stop declaring i'm a billionaire unless you are servant jesus if you are given those billions one day you will die and leave it what did you do for god who did you pass it on to power notice the the illuminati is the the wicked people yeah they fight for immortality but they all die yeah yeah yeah anyone who tries to own the world new world all the this and that and that and that it's demonic it's very demonic we are not here to stay the bible says we are passing through you you are trying to build the house permanent indian state you'll be like the children of israel who stayed in the wilderness and all perished my god wow the bible says when they left egypt remember they left egypt with gold they were favored some pitched tents after the red sea yeah they all died the bible says they're all perished wow wow we are just what look at verse 20 and he arose and came to his father but when he was yet a great way of his father saw him and had compassion and run and fell on his neck and kissed him god is attracted by servants when he was his son at home his father never kissed him the moment his posture changed his father could come have compassion his father could kiss him even though he was filthy verse 21 and the son said unto him father i have sinned against heaven and in thy sight and i'm no more worthy to be called thy son but the father said to his servants bring forth the best robe and put it on him and put a ring on his hand and shoes on his feet meaning that his father was not giving him good clothes he was giving him the best what he never had even when he was in his father's house was given to you bring him the best shoes bring him the best clothes bring him the best you enter into god's best when you become a servant somebody type i'm entering into god's best enter into god somebody type i'm entering into god's best i am entering into god's best ah you're saying it like you have no energy i'm entering into god's best enter into god's best facebook are you there hmm his father began to throw him parties meaning he never had a party in his life none of them ever had a party in that house he started being celebrated why because only god celebrates servants only my god [Music] well done good and faithful servant enter into your reward god only celebrates servants because they have accomplished something wow wow but we think we are supposed to be a sun first notice what the bible says angels are sent to those who inherit salvation but god is not dying so what is that inheritance really it's management it's powerful so you can never you can never enter into god's best until you are servant that is why jesus said i no longer call you servants now i call you friends it is from servanthood that you become god's best friend moses who became god's friend because he was a servant samuel was god's friend because he was first a servant your relationship upgrades with god from the position of a servant not from the position of sonship my god my god my god so it is what makes you now god's best friend [Music] god is calling abraham shall i hide anything from my friend ever seeing he will become a great nation but before that abraham was a servant god never called him a friend wow but because of his faithfulness god said now you're my body you know when you do so well god opens up his heart now god can reveal secrets because your faithfulness proves that you can keep secrets you will not betray you god can open up and start telling you things now my records god can trust you with mysteries the bible says the mysteries of the kingdom ask for the children god can now open up secrets for you yeah wow it's powerful so as long as you are trying to be to be to be i feel like i'm talking to myself the moment you try to own things you it's a demon jesus christ it's a straight-up demon i'm telling you my god so the prodigal son is there's a party going on the brother comes back home people are enjoying eating celebrate it he called his father to this and he said father all these years i have served you you have never even given me anything even just a god to celebrate with my friends even just a cough to and celebrate you have never given me anything his father was shocked he said my son don't you know that everything i have is yours but he wanted a certificate that said the mention belongs to you it is signed over to you yeah this and this is signed over to you you own this yeah but he was supposed to be a steward he was trying to work his way to be an owner wow yet god is saying work so that you can become a steward because they're already yours you are managing for yourself my god wow notice when the sun comes back home at the father's house bread never runs out milk never runs out nothing ever runs out so there are christians who are trying to own something in the kingdom of god and don't don't understand that the kingdom belongs to the king if you understand that kingdom system is that the king is the one who owns everything he owns you and everything that is there yeah you don't own anything yeah yeah so if you have a good king the kingdom prospers you have a wicked king the kingdom collapse yeah wow that's deep i feel like i'm talking to myself people oh yeah bubba are you sure you're there yes so now listen to me what is your posture before god yes what position have you chosen to have before god how is it you're going to walk before god are you going to be a faithful servant notice all the servants that the lord gave them talents yeah he loved the ones that could multiply it for his benefit he gave them more he said because you multiple here is even more because you double here is even more god is turned on jesus but the one who hid it said lord i was afraid of you because god says you are evil in fact the bible says that he was thrown in outer darkness he was thrown in the fire my god some of people will go to hell some believers will go to hell because you never were a good steward wow my god if jesus is saying it it's true if the prodigal son could say that that was a sin it means it is a sin yeah wow wow when you allow the resources of god to go through you and serve his purpose you will never lack david was wealthy he died left it solomon was one of the wealthiest kings that has ever lived nobody was richer than solomon forget this african king they always say something musa that was considered the wealthiest he was not even close to solomon yeah the wealth of solomon was dangerous but solomon left it yeah we're not saying the african king wasn't wealthy he was definitely wealthy but wealthiest man on earth that's a lie yeah yeah job was the wealthiest and greatest man in the east left it wow today if you go in the middle east you don't even think job ever was there wow but you are trying to hold on to my ten thousand my hundred thousand my one million mind my mind mine and you're wondering why you're not increasing if god tells you give five dollars you feel like you're about to die by giving it that's why you can never have ten yeah it's good find a seed of 700 ah but you forget as long as you have that 700 you created bills [Music] wow my god yeah yeah wow deep hallelujah hallelujah if you understand just type i understand this revelation i understand i understand if you understand just type i understand if you understand just how prophet i got it facebook are you there hallelujah see people are getting it this is the reason why it's very important to understand the principles of heaven that is what makes you see some people god can never anoint because if god gives you a gift you think you own it see i teach prophetic school but every time i teach it sometimes i get very disguised i don't want to teach anymore because people don't value what is being given to them and they don't understand the value of what is being transferred to them so instead of them taking it seriously some people start ah prophet is this prophet it's discouraging but the reason why i am powerful the reason why god anointed me the reason why i walk with such a strong anointing and such a mighty spirit of god is because i share i tell you kingdom truths i give you keys that is why my reserve of revelation doesn't run out it's always plenty wow thank you lord that's good so god will always give me something to teach because my reserve is is is tremendous because the more i am giving the more i am giving you the truth of god yeah the more i am giving you the truth of god god is saying this is a good channel to channel my message let me keep giving him revelations wow that's good powerful that is why the spirit of revelation moves mightily on me can we prophesy yes can we heal the sick yes yeah yeah god has given us the grace to display all these things and talk about giving i am a deep giver yes dangerous true yes so the key is to understand that what god has given me it needs to serve his purpose also he's not angry at me having a house but if i buy a house and i can never help somebody to have a place to stay or to or to or to take a rest where they can receive water to his glory is not going to give me that and if i do have it it will create a lot of problems for me because i never gave it to him wow that's good there will always be one problem after another problem after another problem after another problem because you you are the owner yeah god is not my case always breaking down when did you offer to hey sister so and so i notice you take the bus brother son so i notice you take the bus do you want me to pick you up to go to church see if god will not bless you the problem is what god has given you've kept it for yourself wow that's good i thought but expecting god to increase you too much [Music] i only carry this kind of level of people is somebody understanding this truth yes bob so here is the problem now land learn that is why god puts this he says it like this love your neighbor as you love yourself meaning your love for yourself shall should transfer that stewardship of serving yourself should be the same level you serve other people yeah my god wow do unto others what do you love to do to yourself start doing it to others now you're being a steward of what you have even managed within your own life that's good but the moment y'all ain't listening the moment i received the moment you just yeah you've created a problem that's good you've created a major major major problem so again the question is this are you going to serve god with what you have in order for him to give you more [Music] imagine jesus is saying don't worry about what you're going to wear god can dress you yeah there's a promise that the lord jesus made unto me a few years ago before i started serving the lord jesus spoke to me he appeared to me and claudius knows this because that was the most trying time of my life and the lord appeared to me and he told me take care of what i'm giving you you will never know what it is to be in luck ever again in your life even the clothes you wear i will show you if you'll be a good steward watch what i would do revelation church is not my church that's why it's called the revelation church of jesus christ i'm just a steward my god revelation church is not my church i'm just an appointed steward of that church wow one day revelation church will pass on to others that are already being raised it's not my church i didn't even pioneer it wow even the name of the church jesus gave to me wow wow i never came up with it this was not uh let's brainstorm what would be a good name for the church there was nothing like that yeah my god my god nothing that's good as this everything how many times have i told you guys i'm doing this because if i don't raise people i have failed yeah yeah i want you the only way you prove that you have changed your heart is your ability to grab something and say lord i'm giving back what is yours anyway lord teach me to be a good steward forgive me for every time i made myself honor instead of stewart [Music] i want you to grab something with number five it could be 505 million 5 billion i want you to grab something that means something to you and you're going to offer a prayer to god that lord i'm going to be a good steward from now and forgive me for being honored and that's why all these bills have been coming and i'm not understanding why i am having such a hard time yet i'm working with you yet i love you i'm struggling lord this ought not to be today i change i want you to do it quickly and then we're going to pray but do it prayerfully never give without knowing why you're giving and the prayer that needs to follow it do it now in jesus name [Music] so [Music] every bird in every field every mountain i live here when i'm anxious lose my mind i can call you every time on [Music] [Music] you deserve nothing less of me lord i surrender on your ears so fill me full of your glory completely learn my path for me and lead me wherever you want me i'm yours [Music] so [Music] you give me grace once again cause without you god i am [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you're the answer [Music] you without you god i am [Music] glory [Music] wherever you want me [Applause] you deserve nothingness [Music] [Music] [Applause] me you are the same god now and forever you are the same god on how you reign oh lord you gave me beats like a river you are the same god you'll never change and when the whole world is lost in darkness i have your comfort i'm not afraid i will be singing from the mountains cause you're the same god you'll never change [Music] [Music] [Music] in [Music] you are my savior you are my father and my friend so here's a million [Music] hallelujah you'll never change [Music] [Music] hey [Music] god bless everybody god bless everyone all those who have given all those who are able to give god increase you this is why you have to understand the importance of sacrifice if god could not change his story without giving he had to give jesus it shows you the magnitude of giving he proved that he was god that he could provide salvation if he did not do that he is not proving that he's god to himself so i want us to pray now i want us to pray together i want us to pray together i want you to say lord jesus lord jesus thank you for the grace you have given me thank you for the grace you have given me to hear this word to hear this word that has purified me and sanctified me that has purified me and you lord jesus you said lord jesus you said my words are spirit in their life my words are spirits in their life you said that you have been made clean by the words that i have spoken unto the words that i have you unto you lord right now i change lord right now i change i change my thinking i change my thinking i change my reasoning i change my reasons i pray that lord my heart will completely change i pray that lord my heart will complete my mindset will shift my mind that i will understand that i am a steward that i will understand so that the promise that your patriarch spoke so that the promise that the patriots spoke that he has never seen the righteous forsaken they have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children beg for bread or their children beg for bread let it come to pass in my life in my life let it come to pass in my life in the name of the lord jesus today i repent of all my wrongdoing according to your word according to your word that says that says the servant of all is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven i choose to be great by being a servant i choose to be great by being a servant in the name of jesus jesus listen to me let this be a practice let it be something that you just do naturally in your church wherever you go let it be become a servant look for something to do for god with what you have with your talents with your finances whatever you serve god with you will sustain amen remember that whatever you serve god with you will sustain i bless you from the bottom of my spirit in the name of jesus i will see you tomorrow for service remember prophetic services tomorrow i just wanted to touch base and bless people because i took some time after prophetic school it was too much it was so blessed it was so blessed it was such a blessing it was a tremendous time before god and my own life changed and i know the lives of others were changed so i bless you god keep you in jesus name amen see you tomorrow amen [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Prophet Lovy
Views: 7,795
Rating: 4.9603958 out of 5
Keywords: pastor steven furtick, church, Jesus Christ, Love, Steven Furtick, TD Jakes, Revelation, gospel, religion, Lovy Longomba, Pastor, Prophet, Revelation Church, Los Angeles, Prophetic, Jesus, TB Joshua, Prophet Angel, Uebert Angel, Emmanuel Makandiwa, Myles Munroe, Benny Hinn, Kenneth Hagin, kathryn kuhlman, Deliverance, Spiritual, Prophet Passion, Passion Java, Alph Lukau, Billy Graham, steven furtick, god bless america, africa, prophet tb joshua, elevation church, relationship goals
Id: ylYWe0k5Hk0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 58sec (4738 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 20 2020
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