What's Your "Weird Classmate" Story?

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what is your sewed classmate story he ate his vocabulary book at a rate of one or two pages a day throughout the school year the teacher sent him to the office so many times but next class he was back at it again he was so determined i wish i'd asked why we had a guy at my high school who was a little socially inept he would walk through the hallway with a sharpened pencil extended in front of him like a spear and say make way make way mere mortals whenever he would walk to class he also got in trouble for looking up prn on the library computer of course actual prn sites were blocked so he researched pictures of roman and greek statutes of nude women improvise adapt the weird kid in my graduating class always walked around with a sketchbook in his hand he would draw graphic yet very realistic looking sketches of dicks and hentai during class and then somehow made them blend together into beautiful landscapes or works of art it was like playing where's waldo every time he showed you his sketches except with dicks other than that he was quite a funny dude to be around and everyone in our grade liked him last i heard he got accepted into a well-known art school in the states and is apparently flourishing there as an artist i hope he's still walking the halls with his dick book in hand and enjoying his little artistic life out there edit can i just say y'all are cracking me up at work with your comments i may not reply everyone but i'm definitely reading every comment a guy named aaron big stocky wild and brushed hair to his shoulders and a face full of freckles always brought his pet rat to school tried to crack open a coconut on his desk in the middle of snare when it came to choosing year 12 prefects he decided to give it a go part of applying is giving a speech in the performing arts auditorium to everyone so they'll vote for you this one kid was caught with a machete in his backpack this was around the time when people were dressed as clowns and creep people out so the kids excuse was that the machete would be used to suffice the clowns off he was expelled he was the son of one of our librarians he was a great above me and would come up to you and do which tea like say i'm going to punch you then he would kick you and run away he ended up murdering someone a couple years ago she thought she was a cat she crawled around on the floor meowed and purred teacher allowed this and i didn't really care because she was still normal besides the cat thing it got really weird when my friend suddenly screamed out fck followed by the girl going mew from under the table she bit his leg a fake she has no problems just likes being a cat what is it with people pretending to be animals this kid named alec used to walk around hissing at people randomly and throwing things down the hall in freshman year they found a hit list in his locker i somehow ended up on it even though i had never said a single word to him before smartest kid in the entire school never talked four years about six classes together not one word i tried my damn best best i could get was writing or typing on screen and computer classes people made fun of him but i could tell he was a super nice kid so i took up for him when i could travis if you see this hit me up we had a guy like that too named mike never talked people tried to say hi to him and he'd just smile and look away in four years of having classes with him the teachers never made him answer a question in class or put him on the spot for anything our final year of high school he came back a different person he got in with a group of guys with similar interests and then you couldn't shut him up was like night and day this kid brought a taser into my middle school when some kids wanted proof that it was real he tasted banana there was a super weird kid in my class who one day seemed to just disappear well apparently he got arrested for cutting a chicken's head off and using the throat and body like a fleshlight no one was surprised license and registration this is going to sound terrible but this was a small town class of 50 kids didn't realize until i was in college that the weird classmate just had fetal alcohol syndrome a girl i went to elementary school with used to think she was a dog she would act like a dog panting barking licking her arms etc we were all kids and it wasn't frequent enough for it to be weird but one day she comes up to me as we're putting away our backpacks on the hooks and sticks her tongue out to reveal a glob of her own hair on her tongue she then goes shhhh and walks away i will never forget this we actually became closer acquaintances in high school later on but i was too embarrassed to ever bring it up mostly for her edit till 90 of kids think they are a dog cat or t-rex at some point edit too this guy's at my school would literally do anything you dared him to do slap a kid with a slice of pizza done take a dump in the urinal no problem take his shirt off in the middle of the cafeteria pour milk on himself while screaming easy i talked to him a couple times in classes that i had with him and he actually seemed fairly normal he doesn't have any social media so idk how he is doing currently when i was in sixth grade one of the special education kids whipped his dick out in gym class and started jerking off like really jerking off kids were losing their shitty he actually managed to finish before the coaches could get to him i hired him as a temp worker a couple years after high school when i was overseeing a remodel of the retail store i was managing at the time my boss was pissed i hired a ret rd her words i stuck to my guns and let him sort stuff for a couple weeks he was a badass like faster than i was he never once whipped his dick out the last line is hilarious without context you're firing travis how he's never even whipped his dick out there was a boy in my sophomore bioclass who could lactate and by that i mean he could make some type of fluid come out of his nipples and would shoot it at people ash to superpowers dear god i have a great story i moved to a new state my sophomore year of high school i obviously didn't know anyone so i had no idea what kids were considered weird in my first couple of weeks the kid that sat behind me asked if i could get him a tissue a box of tissues was on a window ledge right beside me so i oblige and hand him one then i hear super loud nom nom nom nom and this guy straight up devours this tissue he just looked at me and smiled i looked around the room and everyone was staring at him this guy was playing games on his laptop instead of paying attention while the teacher was talking he minimized the window and left to go to the toilet or something can't remember his backgrounds were anime and changed every 10 seconds one of them was straight up hentai the juicy stuff liquid everywhere every student noticed in just before the teacher looked over at his screen it changed to something completely innocent he was my school's kevin i had just returned to public school after homeschooling for a few years moved a lot during that time first day in school and this skinny grade 10 boy walks up to me and puts his finger on my arm looking intently at me i brushed his hand away and he did it again followed up by saying i'm planting eggs in you nope nope nope kid i sat next to in math 11 spent the entirety of every single class with his left hand down the front of his pants just blatantly holding his dick in a room with 30 other people in it just trying to learn f king algebra later that year he killed himself edit i can't believe my highest upvoted comment ever has to do with public emsturbation and suicide there you have it kids hand on your dick makes ya kill yourself when i was a junior in high school there was this turd freshman names austin he thought he was a rebel austin had bad acne he would pop his pimples and eat it to gross everyone out he tried his best to make everyone hate him then he would cry after school to the teachers that no one liked him edit i hate that i still remember this but there was this one like weird nerdy kid in my eighth grade english class though whenever he applied chapstick take two trips around the lips and then like stick it in his mouth a little and wiggle it around this was like once an hour too and it just really creeped me out jeremy love chickens he would go on about the chickens on his farm depleted an entire tube of topical ointment every day would maliciously shank people he didn't like with mechanical pencils would inject graphite in himself with said mechanical pencils held his books like he was carrying logs with the smallest books on top he could sprint down the halls with these stacked books without dropping any and did so after he tripped an obese kid had an unsettlingly strong resemblance to the medic from team fortress 2. we had a guy at my school let's call him jay jay was a six feet five and 280 pounds of muscle at 18 years old starting linebacker averaging like four sacks and like 20 tackles a game a little one-man defense had multiple d1 and d2 offers one time his helmet was knocked off his head and he went and speared the runner anyways walked back to the sidelines covered in blood from a cut on his head with the most terrifying smile i've ever seen he was the most brutal athlete i've ever met fear was literally just not in his vocabulary jay turned down every school offer we even had a nfl recruiter scout whatever visit him my school had nfl ties from funding all he wanted to do was go to the marines and be a machine gunner and kill people he enlisted immediately upon graduating disappeared for a year and then returned home eventually committing suicide dude in my math class would jack off to gente on tumblr over his pants then again i could be the weird classmate for being the who would willingly observe lmao anime on the streets so far i'm 80 sure no one is describing me yet that's a relief kid kept him stir baiting in the back of he class everyone wanted him to stop nobody wanted to speak to him this kid in the class before us wore a black trench coat to school every day no exaggeration every day mind you i live in texas so it gets hot and when it gets hot trench coat boy gets stinky i actually don't know if we knew his name i just know the other boys in our class referred to him as stinky they cleaned the table he sat at with germix every day before class started in high school here was this kid with diabetes that would eat growth stuff at lunch like cookies and barbecue sauce and gummy worms and ranch etc just to growth people out then one day in a class i had with him he scooped up all the fruit flies from the windowsill and just ate them completely unprovoked then the very next day at lunch he took i think three bites out of a soda can swallowed each bite and everything was fine guess it didn't cut his insides on the way out and he was still coming to school and eating growth stuff and saying weird things as i type this i realized what a champion is a kid from my tuba section brought napalm to school because his friend made a bet with him later that same friend was paid eight dollars to report the kid and he ended up getting sent to alternate school edit for clarification okay gonna call him andy in middle school when we would read our textbooks andy would rip his hair out smell it and either eat it or sprinkle it in the textbook and he also had wretched b.o in between classes he would run down the hallway jumping in between people and when you saw him coming you would instinctively hold her breath one time in high school the entire school smelled like raw [ __ ] the entire morning everybody was talking about the smell finally teachers and the principal figure out it was andy no it wasn't his normal b.o but he hatched his pants and was sitting in it all morning dee sounds like his parents should have been reported to cps some people are mentally ill but a lot of kids act out by doing similar things when there's abuse and or neglect at home when i was 12 i had this friend and as i got older i found him to be more annoying and childish to the point where i really hated him then later i found out that he has a mental disorder that caused him to stop mentally aging at 11 or 12. i grew up in a small village in upstate ny in high school two weird kids ordered ninja equipment from a magazine they dressed in the outfits masks and all and began walking around town in broad daylight with swords on their backs they were hanging out near the local bar when someone reported them to the town cop the cop showed up and confiscated their weapons but told them you guys can keep your pajamas there was this girl in middle school my friends and i as the resident outcasts tried to be friends with because she obviously was too but she proved too weird even for us her favorite hobby was to draw yoshi as in the mario character prn like in the middle of class she'd be drawing detailed pictures of yoshi f king for a project where we had to make a product commercial she came to school in a pink bunny suit and beat the shti out of a box of tricks cereal and during our poetry unit she wrote a poem basically about stalking a guy she liked i'm watching you in the dark i'm watching you in the bushes i'm watching you from a distance always always watching as someone who is the weird kid i have a fear that i'm somewhere in here this kid that was great ahead of me got caught jerking off in science class when they watched the miracle of life video i occasionally run into him he denied it for years until recently which now his excuse was the teacher was hot i was in community college at the time taking a beginner's spanish class it was me an 18 year old man and six women in the class so it was pretty close-knit i sat next to a woman named stephanie who was probably around 55-60 she told me about how her ex-husband was involved in the russian mafia and that before she met him he had a child that was killed by the mafia when it was three she told me many other strange stories about her life throughout the semester towards the end of the semester i was hustling out of the building like i always did i heard a voice yelling my name behind me and to my surprise it was stephanie she asked me if i was busy after class and if i wanted to go out and get drinks with her it was 10 a.m fairly tame but still weird had a kid in choir with me back in the 2000s who would use the titch's computer every day before and after class to check how his ebay auctions were going did the whole buy things that were on ebay slightly undervalued and auction them right back again for a slightly higher price thing flipping kid ate puss from pimples and that sort of thing forgot to turn in his homework by the five-minute mark in class teacher wouldn't take it kid proceeded to then smash the table and scream why does life hate me comma kid 8 puss kid 8 pass 1s the other is decidedly less uncool in private christian high school my freshman year this kid who was kind of a loner weird had a rumor spread about him that he cut holes in the inside of his hoodie pockets like the middle pocket at the stomach in order to touch himself while clothes i didn't believe it until i saw him clearly jerking off in english class the teacher was decent looking for private christian school i guess i still feel sick about having seen it sat by a kid in math that dressed in dragon balls at merch and drew the characters all class smelled extremely strongly of pickles too after i failed math because of the nauseating scent of dill pickles some kid brought a cartana to school and got arrested update idk the kids name but i would assume it was a white kid who specializes in japanese culture while you were having pre-marital sx i was studying the blade my super weird silent chemistry partner during sophomore year shot and killed another student at school during my junior year so that was nuts i was the weird classmate in middle school i found a sparrow in the ground clearly sick jerking around i didn't know what to do but i wanted to help it so much that i picked it up it continued convulsing and died i felt so bad for it that i wanted to bury it but the others got wind that i had a dead bird in my pocket and told the teachers who pulled me out of class and scolded me making me throw it away i think they assumed i'd killed it still the sometimes the weird classmate had a reason for their actions i know i'm still weird for doing this but i was 12 and i felt really bad that i didn't know how to save it i just wanted it to be buried i guess i thought it would atone for the fact that i couldn't save it i'm not sure if he had a disorder or what but he definitely wasn't all up there he had his two or so friends and seemed okay most days once and a while he'd screech or do something random to try to get attention one time he came in begging for one of the dudes to kick him in the nuts i stopped talking to him after he snorted wassabi there was other shenanigans i'm sure i've forgotten his big event though he comes in class with a long jacket in florida f king heat i didn't see but supposedly just before class he flashed some girl in our class and runs out either way never saw him again this guy in my math class made a bet with this chick that if he emster bits and finishes during the class period she would do his hw for a month he didn't finish but he did give me a wave when i looked at him disgustingly he was super quiet all the time but he definitely wasn't a thinker when he blinked his eyes would do it at different times his voice was an odd tone of raspy and squeaky i think he skated on a very delicate line between special ed and regular classes our teacher in grade 8 asked the class what color p was when you get dehydrated he said green the whole class was dumbfounded i don't know where he is now but i hope he's well this super awkward dude in middle school went on an ass-slapping spree managed to hit and run on four girls before he was caught he got suspended for the rest of the year i've told this one before but here goes back in high school this popular blonde girl who looked like a more youthful tara reed had two churlish guys vying for her affections she convinced these two guys to fight shirtless on the school field for her entertainment in front of the blonde girl and a small crowd these two knuckleheads took their shirts off and had a surprisingly brutal fist fight one of them ended up so badly beating he went to hospital with a fractured eye socket swollen lip and bloodied nose both guys were suspended for a month the blonde skipped away into the sunset and as far as i'm aware never gave either of them so much as a kiss on the cheek for their troubles my freshman year of high school i took a class called foods during first period in my group was this one dumb skater kid who somehow managed to show up stoned at 7 30 am he got moved from my group to another after he sleepily waved a knife in my general direction mumbling something about shanking oh and this same group contained a girl who once misread the recipe for wantons and added a quarter cup of ginger instead of a quarter teaspoon quite the memorable experience had a kid who pretended band-aids were stickers and would cover herself in them we had a really smart kid scrawny and kind of quiet he could not stand to be wrong for the longest time if he got anything less than an a he would break down crying i feel confident enough to say it wasn't pressure from his parents because based on conversations with his brother they were pretty chill this kid also ate erasers he relaxed some around junior and senior year though thinking about it now i wonder if he might be on the autistic spectrum but was undiagnosed his brother on the other hand was just a super chill well-rounded guy friends with everyone in band on the football team model u.n there was a girl who would pick out her eyebrow hair and eat it with ketchup during class there was this one kid who was constantly stoned and one day he decided to come into class riding a unicycle then about 10 minutes into class he jumped out of the window that was about 10 feet off ground because he was thirsty sam in second grade he went to the bathroom came back with no shirt on said it flew off edit forgot to mention that we found the shirt on the monkey bars he definitely pissed on it there's a kid who went to my old school who was mainly known for not talking very much but hissing or making random animal sounds at people in the hallway the one specific memory i had of him was last year in art he was assigned to sit at the same table i was at the second day you could say i was the weird kid i'm not joking i was weird as fck makes me cringe to this day to be honest anyway i found a song from the simpsons dungeons and dragons episode about dungeons and dragons i sung it once and everybody and i mean everybody somehow heard about my rap and asked me to sing it each and every day and i did as they asked to please them obviously it got tired but people kept asking to sing it i couldn't say no because they'd beg me to sing it so i was forced to do it you may have been weird then but you can't cut it in this thread you
Channel: The Daily Show With Reddit
Views: 352
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, best of reddit, reddit story, reddit cringe, reddit funny, top posts, reddit best, r/, reddit top posts, askreddit top posts, reddit top post, best reddit stories, reddit posts, top reddit stories, funny reddit stories, funny stories, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit, daily show, the daily show with reddit, the daily show
Id: qP265qAy1Ys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 3sec (1503 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 27 2020
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