Became a Pilot, Crashed the Jumbo Jet - Flywings 2018 Flight Simulator

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all right so we're back with the only game that hasn't mastered grammar but somehow manages to charge 150 dollars in DLCs it's fly wings 2018 what do I say what do I say about this game that hasn't already been said in the description of it what's it say here fly wings 2018 flight simulator is the masterpiece of flight simulation fasten your seat belts and be ready for the most realistic and beautiful flight of your life so that gives you some idea but to really understand like when you start to look into the game description it says mission game mode is a real challenge and it is really amazing in this simulator ATC talks cool and addicting gameplay you are gonna love it who talks like that her own game of the description area good afternoon this is your captain speaking with just a little flight information just sit back and relax and enjoy the rest of the plane thank you for the flight information there's your there's your voice actor 10 out of 10 so far so it says you can see the Empire State Building and all these different monuments so we're gonna crash at an Airbus and or something apparently you could play as all sorts of different random items like this tiny ultralight never mind I've decided we're going to utilize this hideous beast in order to create havoc weather sad wind a lot alrighty so here we are it almost looked like it just dropped the asset directly on the landing strip which is fine I don't know if anyone ever been inside of a beluga excel before it's just legit I think they put a lot of effort in this part alrighty we're preparing for takeoff go ahead and throw the accelerators on to maximum it's got a little beluga whale face on it very cute what's what's up and down in this game right over here from the air traffic control tower you're going to notice as the storm clouds roll in a giant psychotic plane begins to make its way down the runway there's the there's the pilot right now taking off into the sky we're gonna go ahead and go straight up because why not I'm sure everything will be just fine I think you can retract the landing gear yeah it's working alright so here we are up in the air we're doing pretty good everything looks alright now supposedly you can simulate problems with the aircraft such as engine oil leak piston failure engine fire and engine damage sure let's go with an engine fire doesn't seem too bad it's not really flaming very much at all this is like the limb fost engine fire I've ever seen you know what's screwed we're gonna put everything on there we go alright now there's a little bit of a problem there's definitely some there's definitely some drag in the blue canal I probably should have gotten to the Empire State Building first before this happened you can see the city skyline over there in the distance I really don't know if we're gonna make it Tom Hanks simulator go okay I've got quite a bit fire right now a little bit more fire than I had previously anticipated go ahead and throw down the landing gear I'm sure everything will be just fine blending it takes like three minutes to come out of course we've got some really nice soft areas down here to land in this lovely industrial place a couple of residential homes if we can get right into the highway I think that would be the best possible landing this is the only time that you're ever going to see a beluga land in the highway okay maybe land wasn't the right terminology I made kind of out no it's fine we're good this is probably really freakish Oh oh did you see JPEGs the movie JPEGs that were the the populace what the hell but you can continue your flight at a safe point all you need to do is watch a 30 second video wait is this like an ad or is this like a a plane safety video it's a video of me it's down gray still plays we made it right there apparently the freakin audio resets every time you play so I have to mention something real quick because we had exploded before I got to appropriately show you guys this I thought that the vehicles and stuff were real 3d models it's just like tiny little animated flat images sliding along the ground this is it FedEx has gone postal what happens if you hit the if you hit the Statue of Liberty with like just the tip just the tip kind of curious what happens like well I have to watch a 30 second safety video of myself dying again or what's the deal the water effects glistening in the foreground okay plane goes right through the Statue of Liberty didn't expect that okay we're gonna smack that ass a little bit harder this time because apparently that that wasn't good enough so we'll drive the entire being right into so like a hot knife through butter the FedEx mobile can cut through anything Ron Popeil FedEx plane not even the Statue of Liberty can stop it all right now about a bridge this is straight out of Sully here pretty much do it that is this okay is this gonna hurt oh but if I go right through the bridge for the love of God is there any interaction negative oh it's such a silent death when you hit the ground it doesn't make any noise or anything you just catch on fire and everyone burns alive yep just gonna set it right down inside all all the buildings I think that counts as a landing right there did they do they forget to put the ground on top of the bridge and bring the landing gear out after we landed that that how that works is coming in for a nice slow water landing with part of the random building levitating in the air beautiful cirrus clouds in the background the cityscape of New York City and a FedEx Express jet just hydroplaning through the bank and that right there is a successful landing let's try something else supposedly the most difficult Airport in the world is located in Nepal so let's go ahead and take American Airlines over there everyone loves American Airlines what do you want they needed a volunteer right I was it it's a little dicey that they put the airport like right in front of this mountain but whatever I'm sure we'll be fine Jesus little bouncy okay I gave it Oh God all right yep it doesn't you could plant it we did it I don't know how but we're currently at an elevation of like 30,000 feet we seem to have run into the mountain and got launched in this space let's try this again this is why it's so difficult because you only have like 30 feet of runway space hold on maybe maybe I could turn this and go the different direction okay that's a negative the the plane is just nosedived into the pavement and it doesn't want to function at all like half of it exists right now inside of the cement what does this game say again amazing environment real physics station physics maybe I just picked the wrong Nepal Airport oh this one's just dirt we couldn't spring for some gravel or something a little bit blacktop alright this is worse than the other one maybe we'll be able to take off on this one though I won't get stuck inside of the inside of the cement every time you restart the game the audio goes back to being completely out of control there we go I wasn't the one that got the plane up in the air we just ramped off the mountain and that's how I got up here so this is the the interior of an American Airlines passenger beater mobile pretty comfortable you've got some great plush like alpaca skin seats over here oh Jesus hold on Oh cinematic view maybe we can get some maybe we I don't know maybe I can get some acrobatics going on or something like that I don't know what happens if you try and defy the abilities of these planes like if it'll just stall on its own or it'll tell you to go to hell so we're gonna go ahead and do a full loop over here we'll see if the plane is pissed off that we're doing this I think it's treating us pretty good so far going a good 90 miles an hour right now in a a dive just straight towards the ground we should be able to save this like it's no big deal because this game is real physics top-notch environments do a little bounce off the ground right there and back up in the sky um no casualties I mean not from not from crashing maybe from heart attacks okay is that uh is that a village in the side of a mountain we're landing there thinks turning radius is terrible but Baloo goat was better all right here we go right in this riverbed landing gears coming on down slow things up a little bit and now you just gotta kind of the way the game works just like ricochet off the ground a little bit you'll be fine right there perfect there you go real physics right there your offers I decided to check out one of the missions you get Google Translate as your instructor it's an incredibly popular general aviation aircraft that's often used for training okay I don't care tango uniform Sierra we got female Google Translate now for the instructor so I can't complete the mission because I can't go straight to the run area because my landing gear has melted into the runway I just noticed something when you look from the third-person you have legitimate people inside the cockpit well you know air quotes legitimate I'm gonna use that term loosely but when you go inside there's no one here so I decided to fly over here in Alaska it doesn't spawn you in the airport just spawn in the middle of the sky I think I may have broken the game more than I brake games typically because I can't even how about if I take up the landing gear well let me fly because now I would just be sitting on the ground nope you know what there I do like all that well you crash or anything negative I blame this on you two inside the cockpit yeah you too hold on watch your best flights moments we never got anywhere so let's see what it's like oh the music here's us looking at the at the Atlanta gear beautiful landing gear oh the music I don't know it's supposed to be doing this or if it's some sort of weird dubstep there's the landing gear retracting great literally and that's pretty much it at that boy Dave decide to kill itself maybe it's because I picked the wrong airport that's probably what it is let's uh let's try this one oh here we go see this looks fantastic oh yeah everything's looking great simulation speed what happens if you crank this all the way up oh you just fly really fast all right we're gonna go ahead and try and bring this down right on top of a sailboat it looked like they're having too much fun because they didn't purchase this game so I'm have to teach these guys a lesson I got the boats or 3d but the cars aren't we need to go slower I get the feeling they just put more work into Alaska than they did into New York because everything looks a little bit better here alright just gonna take a little bit off the top no big deal fact I may even land here cuz why not alright there we go perfect oh I got a full engulfed in this time come on baby get it get it no doesn't really work oh we're still we're still okay we we ricocheted off the ground and the vehicle is fine we're only going 30 miles an hour and right there folks that is real physics and a nice soft sad landing perfect brought it right down what you do if as an air traffic controller you saw this hold on I gotta know what are my flights best moments this time fishing I guess I took off in the middle of the sky oh god the music oh it's so good it's like a beating of my heart oh yeah right around here is where the framerate likes to crash that's one of the highlights and then the perfect 10 out of 10 landing fly wings 2018 what can I say no there's none of 2019 so yeah I don't really know what I just played do I need a second chance that's not the question the question is do I want a second chance answer is no okay if I still the next time stay foxy a much [Music]
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 2,273,050
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Simulation Games, graystillplays, gray still plays, flywings, flywings 2018, flywings 2018 hack, became a pilot, crashed the plane, plane crash, jumbo jet, jumbo jet crash, jet crash, jet plane, flight simulator, flight simulator 2018, flight simulator 2018 pc, flight simulator 2018 crash, flight simulator plane crash, air traffic control, becoming a pilot, jumbo jet plane, jumbo jet plane crash
Id: F7f4XT9zsYA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 57sec (777 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 30 2018
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