OSCARS And Falcon & The Winter Soldier Finale Review w/ SoldierKnowsBest & MovieFiles

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you guys see this and show a picture oh no no like that meant a whole different thing like yeah put your hands up hands up hello everybody thank you guys so much for joining us today um we have so much happening today we have beautiful guests everybody's dressed up everybody's dapper okay everybody's looking like they oh okay i see the arms jazzy no so uh jazz tweeted about how i have her looking like a politician i will say if you wore that i would vote for you okay just with the arms i would vote for you to me like she talk a good game but when she get in the office like what oh it's all switching making this different right you know like all y'all fired up i'm only gonna bring in my people all right and then she puts her feet on the desk it just puts one leg over the other like so that's how it's gonna be but yes um shout out to the wonderful people that we have today um we obviously have our regular party track gang um jazz charlie and dwayne we are joined by two guests today to we're gonna have a couple things we're doing today i'll get into that in a second but shout out to oh choir director yes i'll be like there you go all right so back to the podcast that was backstage y'all didn't see that that was that we did that separately um shout out to our special guest we have mark aka soldier knows best yo yo what's up soldier nose where's the clapping i didn't hear the question i clapped we don't hear it there it is and we have an awesome returning guest elliott aka movie files go ahead and make a clap for him clap thank you thank you um today we are going to be doing our party chat oscars which um a lot of people were a part of which i'm very very happy and grateful for everyone that was um a part of pr like uh suggesting nominees and everyone who voted i'm excited to announce the winners that's gonna be a lot of fun to do today um and then we're gonna talk a little bit about some movie stuff and then obviously the finale of falcon and the winter soldier oh my goodness what the heck is you what's all my bags don't worry sometimes you oh you're good you scare me [Laughter] i got a list of a lot of reasons to hit charlie the next time i see him oh you know yes i do remember a pumpkin song pumpkin song yeah oh that was that was another reason but that's another reason to beat you up all right that's another story for another day for everybody else okay so um first we'll start before we jump into anything we're going to start off with our icebreaker before we get into the oscars and all of that stuff right um oh wait no before that sorry mark go ahead and introduce yourself for everyone that doesn't know i'm sorry we're we're a little we're a little off the off the rails right there okay i'm not drunk i wish i was i need to catch up no yeah i i go by soldier those best uh i just do technology video videos on youtube and everywhere else so iphone stuff smartphone cameras any of that stuff i like to like to cover it so i'm out here st louis um been doing youtube for a little while now about 15 years and yeah just chilling yeah just nice thank you thank you and for i know elliot you've been on the channel before but for those who may not know you who are new or you know it's been a while since they've seen you go ahead and introduce yourself yeah i'm back for the sequels ladies and gentlemen i had such a fun time the first time i was on i had to come back it's gonna be a great discussion but yeah you guys can find me on youtube i'm actually in st louis too uh so we're at two st louie yeah if you guys like movie uh reviews tv reviews live discussions all that fun stuff sci-fi fantasy comedy comic book movies you name it we cover it on movie files so check me out their links are in the description box and i totally wasn't adding that while we were on the when they were doing their thing we're all over the place okay we're trying we're trying here um but yes definitely check them out and show them some love i'm excited they're they're great people i met um elliot obviously on here before he was um episode two i believe or three things two or three yeah i think it was three that might have been three it might have been yeah um and then yesterday i was on his podcast when um with him and a bunch of wonderful awesome people and we were discussing the family yeah and we talked about a bunch of stuff and it was great to have those conversations because we do it over here so it's cool to do it over there as well um and uh mark i met at a youtube thing and i was like his setup is freaking awesome okay like the every time we had it i was like man hmm i like his setup what is he doing what is he doing over there right how do i emulate emulate that obviously i haven't put anything into existence yet but you know that'll that'll come but i just know her next setup is gonna be mimicking yours basically all right copyright clean copyright claim i'm gonna have the yellow flag the yellow one video back there the same background and everything yes it'll say a manual copyright claim what my soldier knows best and i'll be like god darn he caught me um but yes uh oh okay this is actually a perfect icebreaker since we're gonna be talking about the oscars today the question today is who was your childhood actor or actress crush that's easy since that's easy for you charlie go ahead go first my first one all right what's um color prep yeah one on one okay but before her was uh again it was her and dr doolittle because like she's like nerdy looking i like as a key i love that but then i found hey panettiere and jeff also not late it didn't at that point it's like yeah i finished off with lauren london but then i want to expect nip so i was like it still hurt but mm-hmm okay all right anybody else who's ready who knows their childhood crap i'm trying to think bro yeah oh yeah i had a big crush on a raven i had a big crush oh i was like yes sir because they know i like a certain type and she hit that mold and i was like she get acted i was like yeah yeah i just love raven too i gotta go with myra for family matters my bad that was pg-13 i think it was you're right that's right yeah jazz you know what i think i got mine uh it was uh clueless what's up stacey dash i know she's like wacky now yeah listen back in the day come back home i'm trying to think like actor oh baba actor-wise no no because he was an actor like mike later he was an actor but when i was a kid um he was yeah he was kind of because he was all about the benjamins when we were kids mm-hmm yeah i know who my um childhood like celebrity crush well you know what i'll count this one because he's an actor now but he wasn't an actor then what did you say who did you say i said i said who let us know he said you you're trying to how many body shits mine is justin timberlake i was like he's an actor yes but he's an actor now you know and by the time i was in middle school i think he wasn't like in a disney channel movie but yeah he was like a dog too i think it was what it's called okay um when i was a kid i had like like my mom you know what's in your mother that you can't have no crushes you can't like nobody okay so i remember them j-14 the j-14 magazines and stuff like that like my friends would have and i would just go through their magazines and take the pictures of justin timberlake and i had like a folder okay this is kind of a little crazy because they're caressing that right like i remember those images too but like i had them in a folder like a manila file folder and i would just hide them like under my bed so my mom wouldn't find them but i had like a huge folder of like stuff with justin timberlake on it because i freaking love something that's that's a little crazy i mean celebrity crush i had to hide my i couldn't put the posters on the wall so it's it wasn't like oh i'm trying to hide this because i'm allowed to like him it was i had to hide this because i didn't want my mother to like find some new invention to beat me with okay so i was like let me hide this but if i could i would have had posters all over the wall right yeah everywhere i wouldn't say that i had a crush that i really didn't care but corbin blue was one of them i think i remember oh man everybody i liked uh michael b jordan when chronicle came out when chronicle came out the superhero thing that's a really good reason i like criminals yeah though but that's it he i remember having a crush on michael b jordan when he was on this canadian show it was like a canadian comedy show about these actors that work at like a um a production company they're all assistants but they're all working in la and they're all trying to become actors at the same time it was comedic so when i saw him again in chronicle i was like oh that's that guy from that canadian show you know but yes anyways we're old um bottom line we're old um because when you said your childhood crash was cord in blue i was like oh man that was but now you've heard me just look nice if i had to say a crush because i wasn't really crushing on like everybody else was i was like oh he looks kind of nice that's why i was like baby that's it he's cute um but yes uh that was that was y'all put your i i see a bunch of people put their um crushes someone said ryan reynolds like he's handsome i think he's handsome christina aguilera oh i thought he was saying this person was saying they're crushing it there's the person who put that has been putting subliminals to j-dog in every stream thank you for shining that light so i i didn't know okay oh some people said zendaya yeah i could give that give that i mean but i was a grown adult when she was yesterday we legally cannot put her on the list of our childhood childhood you don't know who zendaya is i'm looking her up but when you were a kid she was like okay right right right it didn't even exist right but i would be here too though and when she was a kid i was a full adult so i couldn't put her away yeah no but now all either kids are kids now zac efron would have been one of my other ones too high school musical was my ish okay i had clothes we didn't get we're not talking about me you got a lot of some of your questions uh christine i do have a lot of celebrities and a bunch of folders manila folders we're like we got her we got her like the news they busted is make sure you get all of them too i got like 10 of them down the toilet i look like it's drugs or something you'll never catch me all right so it's a shed light on this hug thing all right for mark and elliot and for those who are watching who don't know i and when i say hug i want to preface this that i do mean the actual word hug because i think hugs are important and i love hugging people but an idea i had was to make a hug calendar okay don't laugh okay with me and a bunch of like like football players or celebrities i say football players because i'm 411 okay and naturally they are big strong men i know this isn't helping myself no no it doesn't help in my case but i i just just put your hands dude firefighters policemen no it's sounding bad the more you go into these i legit mean a hug like have them hug me or like pick me up like a strong arms pick me up like a baby and hug me type of thing and i legit just mean hugs but them these heathens that i call friends they twist i hear that all the time someone said christina's going to jail i swear i've been hugged okay the folder is gone i got it i didn't get out of it it's taken it was taken someone took it i think they're worse whoever stole a picture of my or took my folder that's there some nice stuff here okay i just talked about mr a1 no no he doesn't i don't think i've ever told him that i had this folder you know now hopefully he's not watching him don't watch it right now i'll get a text like so what was this folder you said it was a schoolwork right you say these were mementos from your high school days they were baby i promise so um we're gonna get into our oscars um the point of doing the oscar the party chat oscar excuse me was that something that a a sentiment i've felt and you've seen it on the news and everything and i'm sure you felt it too where the people you see that are nominated aren't actors that you really relate to or care about you know or the movies that get nominated you're like wait why didn't this movie that might have been better or might have been watched by a bunch of people get chosen i remember there would be some years there would be blockbusters that would not be on the list of of the oscars and it's like why why is that the case when these movies like did millions of dollars in theaters and then some movie that maybe 10 theaters showed one which makes no sense so in regards to represent representing the stuff that we like i wanted us to do the party chat oscars i sent um the list to a bunch of people to submit nominations before we get into the winners i did promise charlie i would share his ballot okay dude he said like i wanted to share like i did all these guys saying well those are my answers you said yours weren't going to be i said i was going to show she didn't agree with him and i said those my answers listen so we gonna share his answers okay we share everyone's answers well no everyone else is going to be on the ballot so because there were a bunch of repeats but the oh just no just use that yeah all right then i guess i won't share charlie's i'm so confused we are prepared now right right the charlie cup all right so the the how i knew this was charlotte's is because the first question is who is you and he put ebony over mega man all right we gotta remind first we gotta come back charlie okay um for actor in a leading role he put robert englund i know that's how i also knew it was charlie because nightmare on elm street you've always talked about how that was the better um uh freddy right because he was well i have no argument i'm terrified of the movie so you know i'm not arguing that mm-hmm um do we have to open up a mind can't we go to this yes because we're gonna be going to everybody else's vote all right so actress he put tiffany bride of chucky um that's my baby anime tiffany [Laughter] animated feature film south park bigger longer and uncut go ahead put you can make that the the plot clap make a clap make it clap clap we don't hear [Applause] [Laughter] this would have counted if it was done in 2020 the he said dude that made training came out 2019. it came out in 2019 but train to busan was a great movie go ahead make it clap make it clap megan collapse yes we heard it we heard it best score he put bts mic drop okay it's actually gonna be 2021 but it works oh my goodness because the his cop-out is the not cop-out but his reasoning is that it is gonna be included in a movie that's coming out or yeah okay in 2021 go ahead make a clap make a clap best music score um visual effects he put that new mortal combat coming out because he filled this out before the movie came out put it in and that's what i want to see this listen to the grammys for real i'm gonna call him right best writing he put train to train to busan but again that was in 2019. again all right so make it 2020 so therefore it worked it carried over you carried them yes you carried them one so you carry it over we had that blip here last year right now yes it's 20 20 right now so that was charlie's answers um uh i think it made me laugh it definitely made me laugh i read it three times and then i called him because i was like i can't use this charlie okay i can't use it i heard my girls it was a couple it was a couple call his girl was there my husband was on the call we was all having this chat of suggestions and laughter all right so um let me hear your dwayne she said duane i think he went through some of the nominees that are there his were actual people that and things that came out last year my actual people that came out last year that came out last year okay yours didn't come out in 2020 okay 2020 uh yeah i didn't carry the one i didn't know about that rule so yeah see that's why that's why you know i'll let you get away with that when it's cool okay all right if i if there's any consolation there's people in the chat that agree with you especially about the bts thing yeah put a thumbs up all right so now getting into the oscars all right i'm excited all right go ahead make a clap make a clap make clap christina don't say it like that jesus oh [Applause] all right so for the nominees for acting in a leading role i feel like some music should have been playing at this moment right all right little stephanie oh yeah go ahead go ahead dwayne uh bah bah all right so for nominees for actor in a leading leading role we have chadwick boseman in mourinho's black bottom yeah [Applause] who stephen ewan he's from walking dead yes glenn from walking dead oh okay all right i know all right um jamie foxx in seoul [Applause] [Laughter] and our last nominee for actor in a leading role is chris hemsworth extraction christine those are all the nominees go ahead and make it hold on hold on chris now i'm fixing it okay all right and charlie charlie may i ask what it is you are doing when you're i'm googling everybody you name it okay you said hold on he said it wasn't true oh yeah i see who he is oh trash okay trash okay [Applause] all right and the winner on the party chat podcast snoop dogg from soul plane i'm playing go okay go i'm gonna play i'm done i'm done i'm done i'm done [Laughter] goes to chadwick boseman miranni's black bottom i feel like dance was biased but okay [Applause] no here we know chadwick was going i mean no i'm saying no [Applause] there you go yes so shout out to chadwick um rit yeah right peace definitely yes yes i miss him but let's continue i almost cried there for a second so let's continue all right actor in a supporting role our nominees are daniel kaluuya and judas and the black messiah mm-hmm oh that was good winston duke in spencer confidential and lakeith stanfield in judas and the black messiah the winner yeah two from the same movie the winner of actor in or sorry from the party chat oscars for actor in a supporting role goes to daniel kaluuya in judas in the black messiah [Applause] yeah we'll be like no dwayne we don't hear it okay okay okay there we go okay okay all right um for actress the nominees for actress in a leading role are vanessa kirby from pieces of a woman viola davis for marines black bottom oh that's my girl margot robbie from birds of prey and renee elise goldsberry for hamilton the winner by literally a difference of 0.6 percent because she was tied with somebody else but the winner is viola davis black bottom yes yes we don't hear it we don't hear it we don't hear you making a clap d we don't hear it we still don't hear it i think you have to talk i think that's what when you talk that's when they hear it talk impressive oh when i talk yeah okay like quiet it doesn't play it at all it's weird that's weird yeah hold on [Applause] so shout out to viola davis um which you know what would be cool in the future if i could like send them something you know make our own little award thing and send it to them that would be something that would be nice that would be super cool who would have picked viola davis who uh is a nominee who picked her oh everybody i definitely um to see uh you already know which one i said marco rolling yeah which she was the set she was 37 and viola was 37.6 percent i didn't see that um dwayne picked viola davis uh i'm going through uh let me see who else picked viola i saw her a couple times hmm was that jordan's pick was that when you get all of them i'm just saying like if you knew yeah yeah yeah you know oh uh um elliott and dwayne um it's something that i don't think we have to hide you know it's not a secret yeah no i don't know it would be interesting to see hear who picked who i think that's all i was just asking if you knew no problem but for actress in a supporting role our nominees are anna cathcart from to all the boys i loved before too wait in a cat cart yeah a cat cart oh cat like c c a t h c a r t all right go ahead go ahead then maria bakalava or bakalova from borat subsequent movie film is it real yeah and then olivia coleman from the father i don't know none of these people are that's fine that's fine the winner of the party chat postures at posca posters i did that you look at your friends the party chat posters is um aunt and a cath cart from to all the boys i loved before all the mornings okay i know that was i got to repeat it he's sitting there like like i got to repeat it with you so for animated film this part this one was interesting okay this was unanimous so of course this one all right the i don't know what everybody picked in this section though i don't know what everybody picked so the nominee and winner of the party chat posters animated film it was 100 voted um i heard it was good mm-hmm it was good it was good um so director the nominees for director for for the i've seen posters kind of trending in the chat here uh i love accidents that are good good accident um for the party chat posters director of the year um we have the nominees of david e talbert from jingle jangle we have emerald fennel who did promising young woman we have chloe zao who made no mad land we have lee isaac chung who made manari and we have kemp powers who made soul the winner of the party chat posters director kemp powers soul so shout out to him shout out to him for best score the nominees were soul tenet and black is king mm-hmm go ahead i thought that was just an album beyonce put out no she did a disney plus movie always other was just an app i didn't know it was a movie yeah it was like a it was a i don't think it feature length or a short film i don't know if it was that was a feature thing it was a little one hour okay yeah so the winner of the party chat oscars best score seoul so [Applause] um for visual effects there were two suggest or two nominees the nominees were tenet and no black is king oh [Laughter] black is king um so the winner of the party chat posters visual effects black is king black is king king queen bee i'm very surprised though i'm very surprised tennis didn't get that it was yeah and it was it was like ambitious yeah i voted for tenant i was in ten it was crazy um yeah that one had because uh just letting you guys know we had over 370 votes that people did and 32 percent went to tennant 67.8 percent went to black island okay okay okay all right so for the best writing we have yeah we just have two more two more categories and then we're done with the party chat posters um best writing the nominees are tenet hamilton one night in miami soul and trial of the chicago seven the winner so of the party chad posters best writing i feel like this is charlie's live reaction to the awesomeness he's like hey come on there you go charlie would you like to announce the winner i don't know the winner you do know the winner like a educated guest that's the winner the party chat postman's best writing goes to [Applause] okay all right what does someone win next i mean what's next so our final category for tonight all right we thank you lovely people for joining us for tonight we have fun here we have fun yeah we do have fun we do have fun okay this i'm sure i can 100 promise you that this was probably like a gazillion times more entertaining than the actual oscars are going to be too yes bro yeah yes yes 100 so g lyle said so what a surprise so the last court category for the party chat postures of 2021 okay first annual all right our first inaugural we'll we'll work on the title don't worry about it um for best film the nominees are hamilton minari don't say i'ma walk so i think he turned off his legs judas and the black messiah okay all right those are the nominees now the winner the winner of the 2021 party chat posters best film goes to hmm so i think you can't finish this dragon donating ten we had ten categories and i might eat the one so bro so right i might need the one i think this is a sign clearly i don't think i can break myself making me laugh is that when i filled out the nomination things i legit put soul for everything me too it was that he i'm like it's a great movie i got cancelled we had ten um categories and sold one five out of ten well they racked up yeah that was a close one that was yeah so it took it tonight pixar yeah they so i am actually interested to see how we help because i mean they had a lot more categories they didn't include on here like best documentary and best there's a bunch of other stuff right um but charlie but um uh i'm interested to see in the actual oscars like who sweeps or who takes it and what takes it mm-hmm and now compares to what we did today i think this was amazing and i thank you guys for being a part of this the first uh first annual friday chat posters oscars hashtag posters [Music] um one thing it is you know sunday beautiful sunday afternoon um something we're gonna do a little different right and i'll just need to for my for my beautiful guests to just you know be patient with me just for a second today's episode is sponsored by j cut productions all right hey yes shout out to j cut um if you don't know about j cut um awesome artists yeah super like a phenomenal artist to be honest yeah his art is dope i can't even count yeah he's done fan art work of a lot of creators he's also done some pop culture art pieces right now he started a kickstarter um to uh hold on let me like because i was supposed to put the link in here let me uh go yeah i've been meaning to donate to it i need to i might do while i'm on the computer now yeah and i put the link right here in the description box i'm also going to put this in the chat as well for all of you lovely people to check out right now he is doing a kickstarter because he is releasing an art book filled with illustrations of pop culture from several movies tv shows games and such and so much more um it's he says that the book should be perfect for you if you want to be on the couch you just want to look through some beautiful illustrations or maybe you have a waiting area you have a doctor's office or you have any particular office that has a lobby and has a coffee table or you're at home and you just want to put something that's beautiful a great centerpiece for people to draw the eyes to draw the eyes to this um this beautiful art piece i'm including some pictures here on the stream that you can see of the book you can donate as much as one dollar to help get his house off the ground yes anything counts even if you do one dollar his goal is for ten thousand dollars for 30 days and he needs our help so definitely check out the link in the description box below to show him some love um like i said you can donate one dollar he does have a bunch of different specials on there and i think that one of them includes you possibly being a part of the book i think one of the donation tiers is one at which you can donate and he can include you in the book itself so um definitely check it out link is in the description box below like i said show him some love tell him we said hi okay tell him the party chat podcast crew sent you and yes back on with the show i was that was that was that was good for my first uh uh thank you thank you so um before we get into the finale you guys are kind of having this conversation already okay before we got live but um a couple of things happened over the weekend i charlie didn't see invincible so we can't really go too much into invincible but i saw the i caught up on invincible i binged episode two to seven yeah over the weekend and my gosh okay oh my gosh all right that's that's all i'll say about invincible um you know until charlie gets to see the rest of it because i i think he'll like it i think you'll like it charlie it's pretty yeah i didn't know his thing look it up it's on amazon prime it's pretty it's pretty lit um but mortal kombat mortal kombat came out on friday so bad man i wanted reptile theme so bad they didn't use it i thought he was going to show up how many yeah he did i was like that's what my yeah he said no he did it right okay so i was right dwayne that was yeah i liked him yeah but i wanted his reptile thing is so iconic i was like man i wanted his theme so bad his name how does his theme go his is the uh uh i can't do it [Laughter] but yes okay so mortal kombat i watched her right after i watched the finale um and i know that it's got mixed reviews maybe or a lot of people hate it i don't i don't really know maybe mix and then they got mixed reviews yeah i loved it me i loved it yes it was campy there was some corn there was some cheese okay a lot of cheese i enjoyed it i had fun actually i enjoyed the movie but i can't cap it was a lot of cheesy lines i thought that was so cheesy like okay the whole vocalizing finishers thing when kano did it the one time i'm like okay we saw this in the trailer all right okay but when liu kane did it i was like all right bro this ain't for you yeah i hated that they announced it like flawless victory or fake talent they have yeah we know we like bro right we saw this out we were there you made the scene yeah obviously we know charlie loved it because he watched it twice but the rest of you guys how did you guys feel about mortal kombat the the kid in me loved it as a you know growing up with the games and uh you know comparing it to 95 and not comparing it to annihilation because the annihilation sucked but the love had a good time with it was a lot of fun scorpion and sub-zero i wish they were like the main plot of the film which they essentially were but they kind of you know at the beginning they were at the end but i wish they were like all throughout the film uh you know you only wanted hanzo that's all you wanted yeah yeah scorpion's my favorite character in the game so uh you know jay or i should say cole young wasn't uh my favorite i wish there was uh maybe less of him and more of a lieutenant and sub-zero and scorpion but i had fun with it but it was cheesy uh when you're looking at it you know in an analytical sense the script and the story kind of felt rushed at times like we were moving quickly i mean we were here with out of the world yeah because they were one of the things i hate what studios do is like to set up you know obviously they this is a big blockbuster film they want to have sequels but it was like almost two sequel focus of not focusing on the film at hand but we're going to set up this movie we're going to train for a tournament in the next movie we're going to have other characters in the next movie but and not really focusing on that film but nonetheless it was fun it was fun it has this flaws but it was fun yeah what they want about what you just said i wonder if i said i i think this is what i think the way reason happened the way because because at first it was only that one film but like as it was already announced that was coming out they had got and they got awarded he has to do more so i think that first film i think they tried to shove as much as they could there because you could see it like they tried to shove a lot in here but i think yeah i think it was once it was done the [ __ ] was like all right we got the okay to do four more so now it's probably like damn maybe we shouldn't do so much but overall i definitely enjoyed it okay jazz what do you think oh y'all get to be laughs um i thought i thought it was good i thought it was good but like y'all said like i could i could i don't i necessarily i it's like okay introducing a new character is cool right cole young is cool but i ain't feeling nothing about him i don't care about him right his family i'm like i can get back to scorpion was lit like their whole fee was lit the special effects on point cole young i'll care for him hopefully they write him better the second movie because as i was like this is a prequel i was like an hour 50 i was like this is this don't feel like it's enough i'm like like two hours and 30 to really you know i like jacks i like jacks i like i liked t-rex arms i was like i'll be sad too and uh i love kano kano carried the movies as soon as you key catch when he took his stuff off he was almost noobs i bought yeah yeah that i just like i got a little confused because that's because that's what he goes to so i'll say oh i see they're doing there they're kind of eating yeah yeah yeah and it's just like um raiden i i i i know i'm like but when when when his what was it who thought they still took i can't remember the name he got yeah i didn't really care for him i mean he's the gorgeous man right and he can fight he's clearly does have martial arts training but even his power up right i the whole what what that it looks like he's got a shirt a golden sweater absorbs and not even like exactly um executed because with black panther the kinetic energy what he receives he can put out right yeah you get punched by this big guy and when he punched him all he did was cut his lip a little bit if he punched him with equal strength yeah they did go wrong so dirty too they did himself yeah not supposed to be like easily taken down sometimes yeah they kill girls all the time all the damn times right yeah but yeah to do with this big man like this honestly i wanted his i know this sounds dark i want his family to die i was like i thought he did kill him when he came out right and then i got like so excited oh i think it was like when it changed in the first came i saw the black smoke coming i was like so i got like hell excited but it wasn't even it wasn't damn it it was like no smoke because i said the same thing to dwayne i was like oh it's about to get like turned up here like with him yeah because they're they're legit like nobody is that they're flying almost at marvel yeah they're legit like kind of like nobody's but the same time they're spotty the fact that they went like deep like that was kind of dope yeah but the pacing wasn't that pacing issues lack you like cole young i don't care for right it made me it maybe not like like i like the special effects i did y'all thing yo they look good they look trash especially when sub-zero when we uh first came down and you saw like what it would be like if it was in like in our world and you just see icicles in the middle of july i was like it's got to be july it has to it's always july and they came in and i was like damn i'm like okay and then they didn't they just messed it up they didn't even have a proper cave like they went to like a sandy area and then they went inside they didn't have like i would think it's a big ass you know temple that thing was like a door and they went to a door i'm like that was breaking the problem yeah yeah yeah they had a low budget yeah like later because if they make more moves i feel like later i'm gonna they're gonna make it so we love it because because usually when it comes to like anything new like it's sometimes anime do it's a lot of shows but sometimes when you get that first like when they introduce that new character first they usually make them like a p word and they make them a hell of like you just you hate this guy because then they start to grow you just like when i started uh my hero when i started demonstrating like they make it i was like oh my god they're so traditional born and grow on you blah blah hoping that's what they're going to do with cult i'm hoping that's what it's like i mean they got a warner brothers got hbo max give us maybe a cold show maybe before the next character yeah i think they made that did they make back i don't know if they made back their their money yet because it was like i think it's closed though i think they say they got 20. what did you think i i liked it i didn't love it like like like i said before like the scripts the the pacing the like you never jumped out of the plane before your hair just push them out just pull the cord all that stuff like i'm like but the special effects saved it man like sub-zero like that's i'm surprised at 50 million but well that's probably where everything went um but like like sub-zero like every time he came on the scene the fighting sequences was was was the best that i've seen like you know some of the best that i've seen just before is like a fighting movie like that so yeah like i i'm excited for the second one i'm excited for the next one coming after it and uh yeah but i would have liked that i've seen like scorpion sub-zero you know like in like a face-off movie with john travolta nicholas okay just those two like going at it you know fighting all over the place that would have been that would be cool but uh it was a good it was a good first attempt it's a good kind of revitalization of it so i'm looking forward to the next one yeah i am looking forward to it yeah i agree because i did have a lot of fun i did like um kano he was hilarious the whole time any time he was speaking you laughed and you enjoyed seeing him on the screen even though i was like oh isn't he back the other thing that was kind of stupid was the whole arcana thing where like okay i get like certain power ups like you get your fire power right laser eye and terminator arms does not make any sense or add up in regards to the arcana thing i thought that was kind of stupid what do you guys think about sonia she got her power damn she didn't even explain her no i think she was a throwaway character they didn't even know how to write her yeah i agree yeah i i never really care even though she was my main in 11 like i never really cared for her that much i think she had good like physicality when it came to the fighting like they that's when her personality that's when i cared i think that's when her charisma showed up when she was like in her fighting sequences but outside of that they were like you're not special you can't be part of the team you're not special gardener right constantly and then all of a sudden she has powers i was like what was the sense of even having that if you're not gonna ever prove herself where everybody's like you know what you are part of the team you are special it didn't have any payout so it was kind of mm-hmm i was like why are the people doing this because uh i'm glad one thing i am glad to use my my overall favorite character i was so glad to see good balls like thankful but i hate because it was i was telling you i was like they're going to change the story because he was in the movie how he was like kane those reasons like that in the real story kano was not the reason he's like that i was like i think yeah so i like the fact that they changed the story because in the original story everyone kind of dies so you really can't keep going that route too long we only last for so long so i was like yeah that definitely changed it but i like it jazz you wanted us to go to you last go ahead okay i agree with like like everything y'all was saying like i'm not saying that this is a bad movie i'm not saying that it's not a good movie this is not a good movie that's what i'm saying i'm saying like like with cole i've never seen i don't know if he acted in anything else but if i have to go off of this movie alone i'm like i'm not looking forward to cole being in anything honestly i did not care at all for his character and nor his family so when beat when bihan literally like throws them i'm thinking that they're dead because they having him like as like a whole savage this whole entire movie every time you see him like you feel like okay yeah it's gonna go down because sub-zero is on the screen then when it comes to his family somehow they live like that makes sense to rather i'm like they should be dead right now that's why i know they should have been i thought he did kendall i thought they said i thought they died then with molina i wanted to see more of her i saw more human teeth than i did the sharp teeth and then when i finally saw sharp teeth she was dead 30 seconds later um natara was there but then she only had like a minute of screen time this entire movie and then um it was just it was just a lot like the only one that i really think that they feel that he did good on was like hey know like if canada was not there i would be bored right now no well outside of the beginning and end everything in the beginning the beginning fight scene was got what made me hyped to see like the rest of this movie because in the trailer that's what we kind of saw it was like right lights name everything so i was like oh this movie's about to be lit it's going to be great and then we got kind of we kind of got rid of hanzo and then didn't have that like the rest of the movie like it was here and then like it went like they set the cone motor combat always always always always gets you there every motor combat trailer is sub-zero scorpion fight fine that that i'm expecting that's what they do every game that's how they get you bro because scorpion is edwin's favorite he said and then i feel like kung lao is getting overshadowed i feel like he's not getting the property deserves i'm sorry you know he had the most cheesy lines this he legit stood like for kung ma i got cold out when i watched like this he was with that dope ass fatal like like he was legit he didn't teleport out the ground he came i know he did it he came out is not getting spoke about at all bro like he did his thing to me i just wanted to get no i agree i think they did him dirty though yeah with him dirty with um raven it was like he was just there to introduce the plot because he really didn't help anybody he just kind of just set the stage and just kind of like watched while everybody watched it yeah that's what raymond does he's he's a god trainer he's not you're going to die he's not going to save you you better you got to get saved he did be this oh i can't really get involved thing well at least have him stand there he was literally like last minute man like okay end scene and he's like all right i'm here like he keeps popping up literally you're in the scene where he looking at a crystal ball or some [ __ ] something just observing yeah that would have been like okay he ain't he just more of these characters like honestly without coal but i mean i love everybody because i agree and don't agree i just got like a little taste and then that's it yeah i agree not don't agree i don't really care for call but i they need them if they want to change the story like because you need that basic character with no story that way when we do change it when people start questioning like well this is his story now right because they kind of wrote them back if it was just agreed i agree that too but if it was just one of the combat characters like all right we now we really don't need the same story or fans gonna be really mad so it's like by giving us this basic character it makes it easier to turn the story around like yeah but now we're following his life well let me let me rephrase another round more interesting right now i i don't care about it oh i agree he was like dude was dumb i mean i was like yeah he's supposed to be the audience we're supposed to be like through cole's perspective we're supposed to follow him but if you don't care for the character right the way i would have wrote them was like okay so they was like okay in the beginning they sent him in this fight ring it could have been a thing where he was good at one point something happened and because it almost felt like he was supposed to lose the fight like they was almost paying him to lose to lose yeah right and so it would have been like okay i have like you know he kind of lost his will to fight but they never it's like yes almost set it up to where he should be like diving these fights but he just loses and now this dude is supposed to be like this kick-ass now and i want him to know why why is it that he used to be good and now he's not like saying how did he had that because right now at one point yeah and you got to do this because of that to you know but no he just got folded he didn't go for the uppercut i'm like yeah what like come on bro i'm gonna wrote a better story than that hey it was many times when i first watched it i thought he was one of the mk characters first i'm like oh my god he's gonna be there but he got his weapons i was like oh he's gonna be mavado but he was like i was like that's when i was like all right i'm just confused i don't know who he is okay i guess he's just the new character did anybody laugh when kabul i'm sorry we could ball i saw you come come out get it and get his other thing oh he's wearing it he's so strong it's so soft [Laughter] get some popcorn [Laughter] yeah obviously i think that there are a lot of things that they could have done better and like character writing it was very weird it was very weird with like sonia and cole i do wish that they killed his his family but like the obviously the greatest scene is the beginning that's it even what's happening i wish that it killed his family but yeah like i was like okay listen i got rid of the folder of pictures guys i'm okay now okay all right they are we see right so that was just it's just pictures of his family dead now christine she got them all right next movie don't worry [Laughter] but like um yeah the opening scene was an amazing scene amazing scene i think the acting from like the scorpion i don't know the actor's name um but i've seen him do yeah it's like hondu something yeah yeah um he is i've seen him and he i'm such a big fan of him and everything that i see that he's in i'm like yes this is gonna be he's gonna be good i can't promise the thing is gonna be but he's gonna be good um he was even on a sci-fi show um that was he was a really great part of the sci-fi show if you ever get a chance to see it um but i was excited about that opening scene and then it just like as the story continued i was like but every time zero showed up as well that was terrifying like seeing the icicles to get over here like his line get over here i guess they might as well it didn't make sense because he spoke nothing but chinese the whole move i don't know how yeah yeah all of a sudden get over here in english how that fire that looked like florida fire i think he was important right oh my goodness but like yeah that was that i didn't even think of that i didn't even think that because he was speaking japanese the whole movie and then um um uh no they made them japanese they made them japanese yeah right he was scorpion was japanese and sub-zero was chinese because they even showed like japanese under yeah yeah they say chinese and japanese and japanese yeah and they said but what's he originally scorpion was originally chinese right was he originally chinese i don't know i can't i can't remember i don't i don't know about that okay yeah i don't know okay um but yeah i i enjoyed it i had fun yeah i enjoyed it i'm excited to see where i keep going yeah hopefully it's better but yeah they get better writers that's one of the ones from back then i it was one of them i didn't like but one of them i forgot which one it was but one of them was how many did you guys say where came out before this one you said what how many came out before this one oh it depends you got conquest action uh you have to yeah yeah yeah your actual movies that web series that was pretty good couple yeah that was actually years ago yeah okay okay if the sequel though better because this is a first-time director first time screenwriter give me a season director and someone that can actually write a script give me i mean juan was the executive producer let james wan direct the sequel as well as maybe write it as well and i think it'll be fire for the second one yeah whoever did the opening scene and then the interaction with sub-zero and um scorpion in the end keep them on and keep them on fix whoever else did everything else i just i hope the next day they better and they better try to introduce more the link way and the [ __ ] you like they're like my two favorite and loki i do want to see more of the black dragons i never care for special forces kind of boring they're all yeah special voices yeah but link way uh [ __ ] where are you i got to see more i just want if they're going to show like katana or like jane yeah they gotta show katana jay i don't know if they will they go like they have if you show molina like show yeah yeah we saw the statue yeah hopefully cinderella i love cindel but hopefully they'll show her yeah okay before we move past oh while we're on this topic i just wanna know who's everybody's favorite mother comic character like overall scorpion bro sorry it's like pikachu and pokemon and there's nothing wrong with pikachu it is not what i'm saying that's like picking pikachu pokemon it's like everybody know that listen right wolf how about that dwayne it's okay um mark what about you i mean now after the movie subzero man me i choose pikachu okay all right so there's wait didn't they have like a pokemon fighting game did that exist yeah uh pocket tournament uh yes it's a lot of i would play i would play a pokemon fighting game that's what i would want but they [Music] i would play that game i didn't play pokemon snap but pokemon snapped i'd play charlie all right so what when is pokemon snap coming out again on the 30th oh okay it's written on your wall right behind you stop camping like getting away yes okay yes i am waiting um was there anything else we wanted to that you guys had mentioned before we got into the episode was it that was it i think that was it right yeah oh yeah man but scarlett is dope scarlett is stoked okay i'll definitely read the chat read the chat oh sure okay so um the finale the finale of um falcon and the winner soldier i'm let's go i'm laughing because um normally since wanda vision i get a text on friday mornings or in the third hour of the of the week there you go mornings okay the witch's hour right everybody fishing hours at 3 00 pm in that somewhere within between 3 a.m and 4 a.m i get a text normally um from some lovely people all right and it'll be about the episode no spoilers of course but it'll be something about the episode but when this friday morning instead of a text about the finale i got a text about invincible that said a lot about how dwayne and jas felt about the finale i didn't say it was bad i said that you didn't say nothing at all let me go let me go i got so much critiques for that last episode please i i was like yeah um okay well hold on all right we'll we'll let our guests go first okay yeah let them yeah so so before you guys rip and tear because they did not say neary a word no you didn't say it wasn't bad then we saw invincible okay the levels of stuff that happened was very different so i agree okay stark differences but mark go ahead and um you tell us how you felt about the finale we're in a non-spoiler we got to do our non-spoiler setup so yeah non-spoilers so give me your rating like x x amount of falcons out of 10 and then like a couple of words to explain how you felt about the episode and everybody will do it and then we're gonna dive into spoilers i would say i would give it a i would give it a seven out of ten okay i'll give it a seven out of ten i think the dialogue towards the end of the episode bought it all home for me okay i think that the action was the visuals were good um but yeah there were some some things in there that we'll talk about in a second that just it could have it could have been so well done it could have been so much better but they just missed it on a couple of things okay all right charlie you for real ask me oh so i guess that's that's right i give i give it a seven out of ten okay any couple words to to see how you feel about it i didn't watch it i don't know i think she was gonna skip over me you know right now there wasn't confirmation you didn't you didn't say before hey i didn't see the episode you just asked if we're going to talk about the episode so i didn't know all right at michael's combat you know he no he's more popular i was literally going to give you a pass because charlie's been traveling but dwayne literally took that away because he did watch the movie so f you charlie all right dwayne oh uh i can actually give it an eight out of ten um i do i do have some gripes with the episode and start feel like there's stuff they could have done better okay elliott i'll go with a six a six out of ten because i think the uh the second half really like mark say kind of brings it home i think the second half of the episode was much more stronger than the first the first half was kind of like one division and yes this series uh already gave us action so we know it's gonna be action but i thought the action kind of didn't necessarily propel the story and kind of made some characteristics with some characters that we'll talk about later on like john walker and carly and all that stuff but once the show focuses on sam and bucky that's when it shows at his best especially isaiah bradley so and that's was you know second half really kind of focused on that so 6 out of 10 for me because it was something it had a lot of potential but unfortunately some of that uh you know the writing and the dialogue the character stuff didn't work for me especially the powerful owner right right yes sir yes charlie that question i just wonder are y'all like super duper critiquing this because i i even out there watching everything i've been reading people talking about everybody about how fire this last episode was we haven't heard that from none of y'all yet no hold on well not all of us have gotten to say anything oh i'll just ask you okay okay go ahead okay jazz i'll give it a 8 out of 10. i think it was good it's y'all know it's a certain group that i never cared for since yeah when something happened to that i didn't care either it was just like when it happened it happened and i was like all right bye that's it um for me i give it a 9 out of 10. i this i would say this series definitely had me on the had us on the opposites i've been giving um the episodes week to week better scoring than you guys whereas in one division it was the stark opposite where you guys are like nines and tens and i was like 2 and 5. you know so um i really liked it i do agree that there were some things that i the group you were gonna we're gonna talk about the group i didn't care about them the whole series and they didn't really give you a lot to care about um and they did some weird and wonky things with some characters you know as you know um and uh yeah i give even though that happened kind of touching back on what mark and elliot said that the ending like the speech at the end and all that stuff um i know some people might have his quarrels but i really liked it and i really enjoyed it and a lot of stuff that happened at the end of the episode outside of those last two clips were really really good and enjoyable so um i give it a nine out of ten um for me but uh that now let's uh get into our spoilers and talk about how we felt about it go ahead oh my god what don't worry about this spoiler spoiler spoiler you have been warned okay like in the chat that said wrong button oh my i was like oh dear i just felt so naughty no because i it is a oh my for me but yeah yeah right so um uh jazz you you seem to we'll start with you we'll start with you um what were you could talk about some of the pros and cons that you had um or do you want to go through the whole episode how do you wanna i'll kind of just go like pros and cons so like pro it's definitely the one thing that did make me happy was that isaiah bradley like shining moment like he finally got recognition and he got like a statue along with um like the pictures of his soldiers and everything the other black soldiers over there in the background i thought that was nice because like when he hugged him for finally not being like having his history erased and stuff i kind of felt that i was like oh that's that's that's that's sad because like like that like like history is erasing in real life like so like the fact that he's at least getting some acknowledgement is like crazy um i will say the flag smashers and carly especially i don't care i still don't care about her character i've never cared from day one or when she died like i don't i don't care then when she finally like got shot and she was just like oh i'm sorry like i'm just like go like go because i know i don't care like that they were never threatening to me whatsoever and plus i didn't think that they were intelligent either because the thing that i had a problem with no stupid okay because they're super soldiers right they have super storm they are not luke cage you are not bulletproof so in the first like few episodes when he said oh i'm gonna cause a distraction right that guy was stupid he didn't use any of that serum to do anything and just sat there and just got shot up the whole time i was like that's dumb why why and then in the end episode when carly wanted she just had to talk to bucky and then she used one of her flag smasher people in her group whatever to give the phone to bucky and then the person left after they gave the phone to him now bucky literally has your plans in his hands so how surprised when he sets you guys up later on to be like oh yeah meet me here and then y'all come there and then you're set up and you're caught now like that it just doesn't that's i forgot about that that follow-up yeah why would you leave the phone with the enemy like that you're fighting if it doesn't make any sense so it was just like her whole thing just didn't make sense to me like if you are at least smart and it tells you if your plan we kind of threatened like zemo zemo is very smart so i'm i'm scared when he comes on the screen because i don't know what he's going to do it's just like this carly like that's it so but i am glad that sam got you know his suit and his wakandan wings and everything so i'm glad to see that um and i'm glad that he kind of acknowledged like what kind of person that he's going to be because like in the last episode um isaiah was like no self-respecting black man would like you know take the shield or whatever and he basically made that speech to say like hey like i am like this is who i am like nobody's gonna dictate like what type of black person i'm gonna be like this is the person that i am and we can like i don't know make things better that's what i think it was good mm-hmm mark it seemed like you wanted to chime in there go ahead his suit is ugly i mean the colors the it looks like a walmart you know it's captain america's too it's just i i i have a big oh that was ugly um like i thought that you know john like i thought walker's suit was better like it just looks more like a next generation yeah all right captain america who isn't like super cartoony or whatever but um yeah so yeah i hate it suit but yeah like but i think what this episode did i you know the whole series for me was kind of like i think it was these the enemies and stuff were extra i think they were trying to make us really care more about bucky and sam which i do now like i really didn't i care too much for them as much as some other characters in the movies but i do care a lot more about them and i think like the real enemies were themselves like you know sam does he really feel like he can be captain in america does he feel like he he can do it be the first black captain america um and with bucky trying to overcome his past and in that in the last episode we found that you know at the those couple ending scenes with his speech and also bucky going to his therapist and like it's it felt like they they they came to that that solution of that but yeah like you said like the the other enemies i really they were just extras like i thought that the actual the actions the action sequences in the movie were great like it felt like i was just watching the marvel movies so the visuals were great but i always thought they were just extra to throw on to a good story with uh the two main characters so overall i really liked the series i thought it was great it made me care more about those two characters but um yeah i think it could have maybe used two more episodes maybe they could have a little bit more extra time to kind of flush things out and bring it all home but definitely still still really good really good start i would say with a suit i actually really like the suit i really like the suit um i was one of the few that liked the suit on elliot's podcast and it's funny that you said walmart mark because on elliot's chris said party city [Laughter] so uh i really enjoyed the suit i think that they could have done a better job of showing that it was from wakanda like we knew it came from wakanda and like the a missed opportunity was the truck falling down because he was on the front with his thrusters which we've seen him use thrusters before i think it would have been better if maybe he was on the other side of the truck and the wings came out and just like anchored or like spread and he could really pull you know something to kind of show the wakandan technology or something you know to kind of just give that opportunity and they didn't really take it so that part was missed and then also what we missed was the whole explanation um we normally get that with iron man and spiderman right in every iteration they have a new suit with new features and there's some explanation as to the new features we didn't get anything so it's like what was the point of having the wakandans do it if the suit's going to be exactly the same you could have just had torres who you gave the wings to we know that was a setup but you know we could have had tours be like hey just fix my old wings and let's let me use these versus i have this new suit so i do feel like they kind of miss the opportunity but i do agree that if it had more episodes that i think that the story would have been better fleshed out they should have done 10 like 10 episodes and really fleshed out a lot of these characters um but yeah uh dwayne go ahead what's your oh yeah i agree with you i agree i told jazz like i think jazz you like the suit right did you like it yeah i like the suit i like everybody that comes in this fire yeah i i i just thought it was too bulky i thought it was like too bulky i felt like you should have been more form-fitting yeah it was like baggy on his arms and on his chest plate i feel like it was more form-fitting it would be like okay this looks nice like a stealth suit like a stealth suit yeah if it fit like captain he needs to be more yeah like because he needs to be more aerodynamic he can fly you know he could fly he needs to be more aerodynamic on him and looking more i mean i guess it'll probably look better because they you know uh later on because you know they're gonna look like they're setting up the season two yeah they will yeah yeah they're gonna make it better and change it up but yeah i just felt like they got missed they missed opportunities and they i did agree with you christine that they should have had more episodes missed opportunity with elijah bradley having a flashback with winter soldier that fight would have been dope to see that would have been really good um uh they they skipped past knock it was it um nakajima uh the old man at the end i would have loved to see that conversation between them but they kind of just skipped past that it was like oh man that would that's you know what it really brought it home um carly nobody cared for her killed off backdrop uh butcher calls the power broker uh sharon carter was sharing caller all along i'm like and and everybody was like calling it but we were just like man it can't be it can't be that easy like it makes sense yeah it didn't make sense it's like okay that makes sense yeah so it's just like this is a lot that they could have done so much better and really brought that bad puppy home like it really could have been better honestly elliot what do you think i mean going off of that last point with sharon carter reveal which again they we talked about yesterday that they literally they've been telling us that she's been the power broker with the episode that she appeared in being called power broker and all the different stuff there but just logically speaking number one why would you allow zemo who you know is someone that wants to take out the winter soldiers and the referral why would you allow him to be in the same room with your scientist nigel and dies and why was sharon taking out her own men and it just didn't make sense logically and also zemo apparently knew who the power broker was i don't think he ever met them in person but it just didn't make sense to me it seems to me and maybe marvel will pick it up in another series another movie that the power broker mantra is just a name that you can kind of go by and there's other people like an organization that are power brokers uh and of course some people are thinking she might be a scroll or whatnot but i don't know the power broker reveal and sharon carter to me was just like a really missed opportunity to kind of really hone in on her frustrations of being forgotten about and being that her auntie was one of the creators of shield and the carter name means so much of the government but they just kind of dropped the ball with that character but positively speaking i will say again when the show focused on sam which i guess i still don't understand why he didn't take the shield i understand why he now is embracing captain america but i still don't understand why he was so reluctant and not taking the shield initially rather you know i can get him being like it doesn't he says to steve rogers in game you know does it feels like it's not mine he says it in this series and he feels like he made the right decision but i still don't know what why he didn't take the shield uh again i know why he is captain america now as isaiah bradley he can make his own path and all that stuff but i still don't think i understand essentially why he was so not taking it at first but again his story hit home bucky having this kind of redemption of sorts i assume that he's gonna we talked about the other day is he gonna go by winter soldier anymore is he gonna leave that to the pass and go by white wolf or go by bucky barnes for a while or you know recreate the what soldier means to him uh very similar to what captain america now means to sam uh but again yeah the flag smashers i know what the series was trying to do with the characters very similar to what like hayward was in one division the government and someone like we need to save the world from these avengers because we can't i mean wanda's kidnapping people and put them in a you know a whole town under hostage and the same things goes with carly the government has you know we've been keeping you know the economy and the world afloat but soon as the people come back we're forgotten about so i understand the message but this the execution was so poorly done i care i did i didn't care for the flags matches at all it would have been so much better if maybe damn's sister was one that mabel was forgotten about and maybe she was you know someone that was when sam was gone she lost her house and that would make more sense why sam would be against the government and maybe she was in integral in the flag smashers but i don't know that whole storyline was just really kind of poorly done to me but isaiah bradley everything they did with his character was just fantastic and and i hope we get more of carl umley and his son eli maybe having the serum and his blood you know passed down from generation generation we can get more of that story and how his granddad could maybe push him propel him to be the patriot and the young avengers or even sam maybe mentoring you know his uh his grandson and maybe him becoming an avenger so all this stuff was there but sharon carter power broker you know and all that stuff was just kind of poorly executed i agree i think that like with the flag smasher something that never it was something that never paid off i would say even like from the first episode we talked about this the flag smasher and captain lame lame right but at least captain lame lame they like in episode four and five gave him a lot of interest they gave him a lot of stock when they killed lamar and you know everything that happened right after that um then that they really took all that stock away in this episode when in that in that scene right at the same way the government took away his like his contentions and all that stuff they took away that from the story like right this episode of john walker was com the polar opposite of what we got from him last week right i'm like he was broke his arm for that shoe i wanted them to see we didn't get no crowd reaction like oh that's that's ex-cop or whatever i wanted to see him and while the [ __ ] going down john walker like i'm i want that damn shield back like you know i just made this for her right now i'm coming to get that shield and they actually fight in the middle of everything going on that would have been cold i would have loved to see that like he you know i'm captain america you've been saying it the whole time i'm not right i'm not gonna let you just become captain just all of us i didn't know i want that [ __ ] back i don't know why they didn't fight they shouldn't but instead he's best friends with bucky and they're joking and all that that was so they wanted to make him like an anti-hero but they still could have done it the same way like it could have been like okay he's fighting for that shield back but now the thing is falling and he decides no [ __ ] it i'm gonna go forget the shield i'm gonna go you know and then that would have been cool we would have been like all right well i'm i gotta rethink my mission like then that would have been perfect it would have had a flashback of him saying you make great decisions when at the heat of battle instead of trying to take that shield back he'd get the truck and pull them back and then that's when he realized well this is more important than me this title that would have been cold everybody would have been like yeah and if that had been the only thing because even if you think of like um winter soldier right where winter soldier saves steve at the end and then he's gone he just disappears that's where you have an inkling like oh there is some humanity there but you don't get much more until a follow-up a follow-up movie um whereas with john he's like in a courtroom trying like why was he trying on the uniform or why are they doing this at a courtroom that that made no sense to me this whole fashion try on fitting room thing um who is val to be someone for him to be like i'm back i'm back baby i'm back i think i think they was trying to show clout like that she's that powerful like she's you even though they said you we're going back to the same place that they said you couldn't do what you're going to do and guess what i'm going to give you that title back to show you like i i and they do they think but the real people with power are in behind closed doors i think that's why they did that right they should have done more for us to be like okay this is something serious versus who does chick that gave a blank business card and now we're in the courthouse trying clothes on i'm trying to give them a little leeway because they did do reshoots and on top of that we still haven't got black widow so we don't know what they could have took and out that would have made sense in this film i mean it's like this from this series it could have been like she could have been like on the phone talking to someone but they didn't put it in because of they don't want to spoil because i think they said she was supposed to be embarrassed but she is she's going to be invited so they're like yeah so they like really you can't really say anything because y'all trying to figure out what y'all doing on the movie and that connects to the show so they're like oh well we got to edit around it and now it's not going to make sense but now when we see the movie like we're probably going to be like oh now it makes sense and that's kind of the gift and curse of marvel they can they're everything so mapped out and even things if they get pushed back you can always still tie back to it and make you you know make you appreciate whatever they do so that is kind of like yeah the shorter than the stick in the show but then it pays off later in the film so it's kind of like a you know uh 22 you know uh catch 22 or whatever you were gonna say something mark oh no yeah no i'm just gonna say that's a good point you know i didn't take i'm not thinking about you know having them not having enough time maybe to do all the shooting that they wanted to in the factory in the pandemic but definitely i will say like i'm more interested to see uh falcon fight indoors and outdoors because like i love the way they utilize his wings and his gadgets and things like that and his hand-to-hand combat which uh definitely was missing from like the movie from the movies themselves but you know he just seems it's way more interesting to see that but like you said i would like to see more of an explanation of his new features and abilities of this of his suit um and uh yeah so that definitely has more of them to play with so we'll see yeah cause i think the most you got from him as a hero was from civil war because in civil war when they're all like fighting each other that's when you see the suit doing so many different things and him utilizing it more outside of the opening sequence in this series but outside of that you know he didn't really use his suit a lot or do a lot with the suit in this series besides the beginning and then the end oh i would love to see next time we see sam whether it's in the wakanda series or black panther 2 him talking to who probably made this suit it's probably sheri so having them them to have a conversation like hey how do you do this or do that what did you do that would be dope yeah that would be good yeah i do want the explanation um i want to know what's next for um bucky i know jaz you were saying this whole series he looked like a high school principal because that was tara it's a high school i'd like to go to because i'll tell you that this last season this last episode i was like i wanna uh you'll be getting in trouble all the time okay you know i wonder if they're going to touch on that and because like i did see that they said captain america four is gonna come out so i'm like is bucky gonna be in that or is it just gonna be sam or like who's gonna be in it like it's just sam or will bucky be there so i don't know i hope that he'll be involved in some capacity i i i don't want it to be about him i do feel like sam does need his his stepping stone but captain america he had black widow in winter soldier as his like running mate then in winter soldier he had um uh sorry uh and he had sam and then in civil war he had sam as his running man until he got winter soldiers so he did have a team pretty much a smaller team than the bigger team so and plus bucky's been in all three of captain america's films so even if he was a villain he was still in the film so i would imagine bucky uh is going to be in the captain america 4 movie that's true that's true um what is your like the speech because we didn't really we haven't really talked about the speech and like broke down the speech and how you guys felt i know uh mark you touched on it earlier um but for jazz how did you feel about that speech felt like the speech was like you know it was good it wasn't bad but i don't know like i felt like it was good like i felt like it was not really like a speech to them but like really like a speech to like the audience like everybody that's watching because it's like he even said like you know people are gonna cuz like even the ratings had because i brought the ratings of this episode to duane and um like i saw it like on rotten tomatoes whatever like all the other uh episodes had like 90 or 80 or whatever like that and this one had like 50 something percent and that's where that's the episode that it really focuses on sam and in the episode he literally says like you know people are going to hate him for taking up the the the captain america title and stuff like that and it's like actually happening in real life right now because people are not feeling it people are not feeling that um and i also thought that that would have been a good time to be named like you know captain falcon but guess they can't because the copyright rights they did throw that line in there though that line was in there the falcon wings and the shields it'll be perfect captain talking but whatever but um but uh i i thought that it was just talk to the audience like basically saying like you know like these people represent a bigger movement and the people that are actually getting affected by these things should be in the room when making these decisions and it's kind of like saying the same thing to like how like we look at our government right like it's the people that are affected by like whatever congress says or whatever they vote on or voting people governor things exactly like they're not there when these things are happening so that's what i thought that that whole speech was i thought it was like a parallel moment anyway somebody thought somebody said jazz out here waving their hands causing hex magic because oh yeah like one division right there that's wanda that's a prototype why didn't you tie to who jc bro let me learn this watch i don't know about all of that stuff i think the actor says and he won't be acting or nothing important rich people but i mean he is important and rich see [Laughter] i know one of the things i'm interested in how does the story play out in regards to a lot of you have shang chi coming in september you have um uh whatever is going on with spiderman i don't even like i had theories but then they said that those remember we saw the rumors of all the castings right and then it said that there were rumors so then it's like well are they there or are they not there you know because is that going to be a spider-verse type of situation and alternate realities and you know doctor strange is supposed to be mixed in um i'm interested to see how captain america might fit in with all of those things possibly that's a good point i think with cap even when you know steve rogers was in the world that's the more grounded reality stuff in the mcu so i think they're going to leave that to foul and also hawkeye later this year and you know we'll have our base for our space galactic stuff and we'll have our ground level stuff to deal with so i think that's where sam's going to occupy that is you know the ground level power broker kingpin norman osborne you know with this because this with the power broker i'll say this it does set up the armored wars with her whole post credit scene of like you know now i have all these prototype weapons in my hand so that kind of sets up rhodey who again would probably want his best friend's weapons to not be out there and collected on the weapons and even iron heart that plays through williams story how you know she creates things and stuff like that so i think with the weather it sets that up for like a ground level you know weapons over here thunderbolts maybe with zemo in jail oh yeah now us agent being on the road so i think the rounded level stuff is being set up in this show if usage had a show would you guys watch it oh yeah yeah i would yeah captain america captain lane captain captain america because it's like he made you not like his character which was what he did so like you made me not like his acting his acting was great yeah i don't in regards to the problems with this series that i had um because mind you i did enjoy the series right but the issues i had i do not blame the actors not at all i don't i don't think that the the girl that played carly i don't think it's her fault that we don't like carly i think it's writing and directing um with captain lame lame the reason that well the issues i may have with them i don't think it's the actor's fault i think it's writing and directing um the the power broker reveal huh that's writing and directing not to cut your christine but just to that point you brought up right up the right and directing does that make you nervous for captain america for because uh malcolm malcolm spells man i think is the writer's name he's the one that's gonna be writing the next captain america movie does that make you a little nervous um yeah he's gonna be the yeah because i i do want and i did say this yesterday i do want the russos to be involved right in some facet in regards to the story because they are the ones who made captain america and they even in the mcu like um end game and infinity war they shaped all the faces and it was such an amazing infinity war is not just a great superhero movie to me it's such an amazing cinematic piece the the the culmination of all of these stories all together infinity war was so freaking amazing so i would love for their magic to be involved in this i know yes we want to keep um our writer we want to keep um because i think somebody else is involved as well you said yeah one of the uh yeah one of the writers in the room yeah one of the other additional writers going to be writing the film too yeah with them and so i i i'm optimistic but also it will be a movie piece versus um the show i think the issue is disney because i know mark you said earlier that one of the things that you want to keep in mind is that they did have the pandemic and i only give that but so much because they with wanda wandavision it was set you know nine episodes x amount of minutes and episodes this show was set to have six episodes loki is going to have six episodes yesterday when we talked about secret invasion secret invasion is going to have six episodes it's this dynamic that disney has set up where they yeah if you're gonna have a high budget okay that you're gonna have to make a cut if it's gonna be x amount per episodes they want to keep the budget small because we're getting quality production production quality equality that was their promise with disney plus because they had shield of um marvel shield the show and shield the production quality was boote so they their promise for disney plus was hey we're gonna have movie um movie style or movie budget productions and because of that they're like hey we're gonna do six episodes so i think since it's gonna be a movie instead of a show then they probably won't try to do as many things they'll probably focus it they'll probably keep it a little bit more grounded we might have one or maybe two villains or anti-heroes versus like all of these other things five or six different paragraphs right like all of these things so as long as they don't pull a spiderman three i think we'll be okay like i i think we'll be okay and again i would love even if the russo brothers uh doesn't come up uh or direct uh it would be interesting to see who they do decide to pick because i know for especially with the political aspect of black captain america spike lee has said that he would like to direct a superhero movie in marvel and particularly a couple months ago i think he was saying that he had a uh he was attached to like luke cage back in the 90s so a spike lee marvel uh captain america film would be uh obviously yeah i was right john washington in that matter but i would love to see who they uh uh you know pick as a director if it isn't the russo brothers i would like whoever was involved with the luke cage show to be involved even though luke cage as a character um he wasn't my favorite uh but the world that was no it was the acting that was it was his acting yeah we did not like normal superheroes like just with normal powers i love that freaking show luke was so good and i loved the world i loved everything else i loved the villains the first mouth in the first season yeah enjoyable like view thing and then what was it shades shades i could see less of her but um in the series like luke cage wasn't the he was the show wasn't on his shoulders so whoever was involved in luke cage can really flux or flush out a world and make us enjoy the villain i want to enjoy a villain the last villain i enjoyed was thanos yeah that was good yeah i agree with right there that was i was all around because to me that's all around good show it was right right or even daredevil and like his villains daredevil and his villains like you enjoyed the villains you enjoyed seeing them and even when you saw i mean was phenomenal kingpin you enjoyed it you loved kids we got somebody every morning well i don't think he's coming back yeah i want to ask y'all a question though cause like okay where's where is sharon going to go to because shield is disbanded so obviously she's going to be going to sword and how that's going to affect the whole story especially nicholas cage has been announced to be a part of it no but yeah um that is interesting i want like i feel like he's going to be able to tell off the bat like knob chick you ain't all the right something right yeah some mate right with you if if if she does get involved in sword so then if she does because since she got since you said that i wonder if she might pop back up in secret invasion invasion since we're getting nick fury back i think yeah she has to because what other organization is she going with is she messing with people working what was she before because they said they were reinstating her before she was here no but still she was born she was she was a technically a cia undercover oh yeah associated with shield yeah but now yeah they said they want to reassign her back to her division so like yeah i assume that that's going to absorb into the sword and that's going to be you know all manipulated with maybe you know uh hydra is still in there and obviously you know what we're getting with sharon so it's going to be a whole mishka like good guys bad guys and secret of age is going to you know clear all that up i guess and also yeah too yep yeah that'll be pretty good but overall i love the series i'm excited to see what the what marvel has i mean i'm happy that they're coming back with a lot of stuff i will say now that we mentioned like daredevil and luke cage which i think were really good jessica james wasn't horrendous but iron fist would just stay oh yeah yeah the villain for the first season was great oh yes yes what was his name um i called purple guy what was his name uh he's not a purple guy yeah his power to be able to just talk to people and control them like and the craziness that he had these people doing was just like was really really good i think i hope those people aren't just sitting on the shelf somewhere disney the people that made the netflix marvel series not iron fist the thing we're thinking about uh get them involved have them i know there was rumors that the daredevil actor was going to be in spiderman please please you know intermingle them i want to see electra i want to see the hand involved i'm hoping and shang chi will get some hand stuff oh we can't forget about zemo zemo i guess what's next for him his yeah his journey and his arc is completed yeah alfred uh blew them up colby called him not alfred not alfred right the butler did it he blew the heat the buck did it in the parlor right i was like who's that because at first i didn't recognize who that was right right oh that's the butler right he blew him up oh wow he did it but then then if you think about it zemo was in jail from like a week ago how would he know the exact tank yeah and have the and the exact you know or not tank but truck and have his guy that that old man that could barely walk up some plane steps plant a bomb and all this other stuff the only thing i'll say is and she jokingly said it but val did say you know oh look for zemo i didn't have anything to do with that or maybe i did or maybe i did so maybe val did have some type of connections to that to him yeah because we never did find out how do you get that key card because i was like right because it's true because because because um sergeant barnes was like you know look what's in your book and i'm like he but did did he give it to him did he how did he right that was a weird scene that wasn't i was confused by that too yeah so i'm thinking val might have been like all right well you know i know what's going on yeah i'm tracking wedding red wing all right i'm gonna hand you this book and do what you do do you think that bucky was kind of working with her a little bit too i don't know it was weird because he was like look in the book i'm like when did he get a card or did he know that zemo had a card did he know like what his dude is i'm sure bucky and valve of cross path under him being the winner soldier obviously because she's you know in the comics she's uh madame hydra yeah so i think they've crossed paths at some point and maybe he remembers her just like he remembered in the very first episode when he went to that uh whoever that woman was that he won their car so he probably he probably knows val yeah yeah and i also think he they think he's a heat because she did have that black widow um you know mask on seven sharon carter had it so he could she could have been just like i'm the power broker as a male with the with the mask on everybody thinking it's this dude but it's actually her and that's why she's like you know trying to you know like that's like oh she's not the power broker because it's this dude cause i'm like who's this dude talking to the bars like that it's like random and she took it out i was like oh okay okay okay the magic we and then that did come up in the in on elliot's show um yesterday um his podcast about how she was complaining about how she can't come and see her father so it's like clearly you could have because you had the technologies the the black widow technology to you know have a different face and you came to the country you know so you could have seen your father a long time ago yeah yeah but um yeah was there anything else that you guys think i that we forgot or just just uh where's cap he's on the moon like where's the ring where is he yeah i want i want to see him in the movie and i don't want he doesn't have to be like a decision maker i want like a nice conversation maybe at the end it could be an end clip like a after credit scene where he goes to the lake house and he sits and has a conversation with him and talks to talks to him about you know yeah they think that a lot they got to understand because where's that shield what is that shoe like how what like how like is still like i'm still trying to figure out like if his shield was destroyed he went back in time and then didn't come back through the time machine but ends up in the and we're like knowing the exact time and date that they were at the time machine how what like like what's going on time travel time travel bro that's the answer here that is the answer that is the answer and they say it's funny too because they brought up in that news article with captain america for that there's a separate steve rogers story still going to be happening which i thought that was debunked by chris evans months ago that he wasn't coming of course you know he's not coming back but money talks so it'll be interesting to see what they do with steve because pandemic probably changed the minds oh yeah oh yeah if they continue to have him old men cap or if they go back in time and make him younger i mean they do have a time machine the uh the quantum ant-man stuff you can go into a quantum tunnel and come back out younger so listen they bring steve uh chris or chris evans back who's my favorite avenger i'm up for but i don't want that to take away from sam right for sure i want old old steve i don't want young stuff because then it would be like well let's just use young steve's make him cap again yeah so i want one thing i did love is at the closing credits it changed from falcon it says captain america that was emotional for me and then the speech was emotional and then also when he took when that moment with isaiah bradley was emotional yeah the gift yeah yeah so that's how we felt about the show make sure you let us know i know a lot of you guys were sharing a lot of information in the chat charlie was chatting it up with you guys all i kept seeing was this big gray block saying hey charlie with the check mark hey charlie with the game with me so somebody hacked your computer the power broker bro striker um but yes thank you guys so much for spending the time with us thank you for everyone who voted we had over 370 votes for um the party chat posters thank you so much i can take your suit off now being able yes sir you can take your suit off there you go boom put it back on boy that's like a superman clark kent moment right it's like oh charlie [Laughter] all of my brother chat is always funny oh youtube channel i'm sorry i was cracking them i'm sorry i know you just i saw you like having a full conversation with them um one we did have some donations um and with that did come with the question cash baby baby okay there's a lot of b's and y's here cash baby we just was like baby um asked and shout out to you for your donation um they asked wanda vision or falcon in the winter soldier which ending was better ending or series they said ending because since we were talking about the finale but you could do ending and series if that's a better thing for you i like the pondering faces i think these are my poses i think i think i think one of them had the better ending yeah and then falconers had the better series mm-hmm that's how i feel okay the ending for one division is better than ending for this but captain america was a better series than one okay i agree i agree um because i did cry i was actually even though this had me emotional i was bawling the last two episodes of wand division like that whole situation emotionally it was very it took me over the edge this one brought me close but that one took me over the edge so ending wise one division but series wise yes falcon i feel so much more meaty we didn't have 30 30 minute or 20 minute episodes because some things we're not there um yeah don't worry dwayne we won't talk about mephisto like we didn't have all of those issues that i had with one division but yes ending was better one division show wise falcon in the winter soldier i think i'm in the same boat and i would actually say too i think juan division since it only really focused on two characters of course we got other monica rambo and the twins but the series of it being wanda's journey her grief and what she even though she didn't have consequences for actions of you know the kidnapping all that but we at least saw that and what falcon won a soldier like i said i still feel like it was convoluted with with uh you know sam and not taking the shield and then taking it on and then i feel like sometimes they forgot about the characters because they had so many characters introduced so but i think overall the series was better with falcon winter soldier but one that had some the best character i think the the through line of that character development was still better for wander for me okay yeah i agree i agree charlie for what you remember because you did watch one division and you watched i think you're caught up except for last week's episode maybe the last two episodes but maybe maybe the last two episodes but yeah i know you saw one through four falcon in the winter soldier out of what you've seen which was better series wise monovision or falcon i uh so i out of both of them i i definitely would say i think one division did any better but i didn't see uh the the soldier yeah yeah i didn't see that in there so next [Laughter] okay so the next question is is loki does it have the chance to surpass both these i think shows loki is going to be better and the reason being it's a comedy so there's so much more that's forgivable in a comedy versus in a drama straightforward not dealing with grief or racism i think that it will be a better show and there's some like story wise if characters don't really get super fleshed out it's going to be forgivable when you're when you're laughing through it's a local show it's not loki and someone else yeah you know how can winter soldier one division it's low-key show so i think it has a potential i'm looking forward to owen wilson though because i i like yeah yeah yep expectations after one oh there's gonna be a cameo that's like the luke skywalker cameo i'm gonna be like shut your trap you lie i think we have a lot of surprises though i think there will be a lot of surprises it's gonna go into time travel so we're gonna probably see alternate versions of characters multiple loki's you know maybe gain the conqueror played by jonathan major so that's um they made like the reveal of power broker so obvious and captain america because like in one division everybody was theorizing if mephisto was really behind the scenes or who was controlling who and then captain america is like okay obviously she's power broker then it's like powerburger like it's such a difference i'm like the other thing it's because of one division and they made it so obvious and captain i definitely think they made some edits bro i think they were sitting there like yeah we know they did we know they did the x-men stuff that they took out of madrid the um uh and this the virus story the vaccine that they took out so i think that's possible i want them to do release of virus cut i know it sounds messed up but i do i would like to see how it would have been if they had kept those scenes and they i hope a year from now they'd be like all right this is the extended you know cut or if they did it this month that would have been perfect to do this month like give us a week break and then be like all right this is the extended cut of what would have and make it vengeable i would be like all right like we don't want to you they should be kind of [ __ ] like you know dude y'all you know what people said about you know the pandemic we just wanna we we know and we're we feel you but we also wanna show y'all what it what other things here at marvel and everybody wanna make it like an hour of zemo dancing so i'm sure yeah yeah exactly exactly yeah i i do want the virus cut i'm not going to lie because it wasn't you made this you wrote this before the pin it's not like you were like hey let me write covet into this show you had your own thing so anybody that i won't i won't downtuck anybody that would have gotten offended but i don't think the show should get cancelled or boycotted because they had a made-up disease that just happened to you know wrong time i agree yeah this is bad timing right um cece donated and said you all look amazing i also want to say that you're not in you're not dressed up anymore you don't count too much also wanted to say that um i love and appreciate this podcast everything you guys do even outside of this podcast is such an inspiration keep up the great and hard work shout out to you cece thank you so much uh jerry donated and just said soul in all capital letters and obviously that was because of the posters and we had a last donation asking how everyone's doing and saying hope we are okay thank you so much for asking how we're doing and hoping we're okay you guys okay you guys good i'm good i'm i'm ready going great okay charlie on another planet wow stuck in my head but yes um we here on the posters we will probably take like a little break you know we're not going to be back next week with anything unless there's some game show that pops up witchcock please give us a little break um we have loki in june and then there's some gummy summer gaming stuff happening with all these things so just stay tuned to what we're doing here on the podcast um we will keep you updated trust and believe or you'll get a surprise like hey today we're going to be live and you know just stay tuned that's how we roll um i do want to say thank you to all of the wonderful guests that we had on this series this was the first series that we did where we had guests on so shout out to you go ahead yeah there you go that was the best one this whole episode i loved it i loved it so um shout out to jacques aka um cousteau who came through jacques slade um shout out to elliott shout out to chris from tate's take shout out to christology who came through um love you boo shout out to mark who's joining us today as well soldier knows best we really appreciate everybody that came together this series was a lot of fun to do with everybody and we made some new relationships with a lot of people that i'm i'm really excited to have everybody back on in future future shows that come on if they you know if y'all still think we're cool and want to come back you know that's cool you know up to you if y'all think we clean somebody's probably like oh i'm not answering that dm she better not message me why can't i master julian anymore why is he not answering no um thank you guys so much um before we leave today um because we will go on our little breaks and hiatus um i want everybody to say where they can be found and then if you have anything any series that you're working on or you know whether it's gaming or tech or movies or whatever it is that you're doing since you know they'll need they'll need to be fed on the content mm-hmm okay a little asmr in my ear okay [Laughter] so starting with our wonderful guest we'll start with you mark where can everyone find you uh just on youtube soldier knows best and then underneath my videos you can find my twitter facebook all that stuff um and yeah stuff coming up just more tech stuff microsoft surface laptop iphone stuff apple stuff um so yeah and hopefully you know soon i'll launch a vr channel too so that'll help me okay oh wait hold on i want to ask you again what's up right right right this is our rep i've been playing at top golf a lot lately um that would be the valve index but i don't play it too much but quest is just the best all around okay yeah um i do want to ask are you gonna play like scary games and stuff like that or just like the i i should i should i mean i'll if i curious to play scary games it would be fun resident evil 4 is coming out with the vr you should do it i'll do it okay i'm not playing it so i need everybody else to play america elliot where can the people find you yeah no well first and foremost again it's uh it's a pleasure to be back on the podcast this is definitely a party and i would love to be invited again because you guys are awesome uh but yeah you guys can find me here on youtube at movie files again movie reviews with galore this week we got um you know i was without remorse with michael b jordan i got a review for that coming later this week invincible as we talked about episode eight the finale uh and of course all the different tv shows i watched too so check me out there again sci-fi superhero stuff horror films you name it comedies oh yeah i love you from there for that part yes sir so yeah guys you can find me there on uh on youtube at movie files but again it is such an honor and a privilege to be here with you all and i had a great time and again it's a party over here at the party podcast i would love to to come back in the future thank you amazing thank you and then oh okay there we go charlie charlie go ahead charlie how's this what's your favorite horror movie uh halloween 1978 john comforter michael myers is my guy man the shape is [Applause] like a summer summerween we got summer games but what we could do is in october each week watch a scary movie and and then also have donations to cover my therapy that i will need each week as well those movies when i tell you they effed me up they effed me up and i mean daymares not nightmares daymares like moments at work like them i don't you sure wasn't the drug the greatest christian for like 30 days right after the movie i was like god please the greatest the greatest christians demonic ones the ones who like super chris like christian like like how carrie was like the one was like i love it because it's like they just turn it all around saying oh my gosh they'd be like so into like christianity to the point where they just make it demonic like yo yeah it's it'll be like so that you hear it guys in october we'll have uh party chatoween okay where it'll be scary movies each week we'll watch when it'll be kind of like a movie club we'll have you guys can curate i'll leave that to you guys like y'all to charlie dwayne jackson we got something to choose the movies because i'm not choosing that my scary movie would be oh i thought it would be called the actual scary i like that that's a good idea but yes um but oh yeah everybody else to close up we will like jump into conversations because of all these great things that you guys are talking about yeah uh since you were asking about movies what would be where can the people find you and what do you got coming up or cooking so basically uh you find me on twitter youtube everything hey charlie or you can find me on my gaming channel where i upload every day oh i'm touchy you do what was funny what [Laughter] yes okay and then uh duane where can the people find you what do you got you follow me um twitter youtube uh instagram at uh duane king with the y not an i and just yeah yeah yeah yeah charlie yeah let people know because they always spell the wrong but not yet dwayne king with the why not i everywhere twitter youtube all that stuff and next uh doing game play starting may 1st we're going to uh return to cuphead with jazz jazzy guns over there and um it's going to be a fun time awesome awesome can you repeat that last part because everybody keeps asking me may 1st we cannot play dark deception until a new chapter exists y'all stop asking she said you heard it here jazzy where can the people find you and what do you got coming up i got uh nothing coming up except for like uh let's see oh i'm doing horror game plays again so i i got i was looking everywhere for this one specific game and i finally got it i had to get off amazon and it came today so i'm gonna do that very soon oh when you had to order that must be scary oh yeah yeah because i couldn't play okay i could say what it is yeah all right yeah yeah yeah right right exclusive exclusive world for me and i'm playing the silent hill collection okay that's good because i wanted to play it on pc but then it was like they didn't have any set of movies then i tried to look on playstation and then they had it on ps now and that sucks so i'm not gonna do that so i had to get a physical copy and i'm gonna play that on the xbox series x so i'm going to do that and then um the may 1st i will be playing cuphead with wayne and also live streaming the resident evil demo because i haven't touched it yet oh yeah i'm just playing on the game i haven't touched them on purpose where can we find uh mr mr cutie bear bear back there does he have a name it's just teddy oh teddy teddy was ready because i keep laying on him so like he's gonna lose a little bit of stuffing so like wait yeah you know that's all he's missing is a bear and it's a beer in his hand it's not like working i think he i think you need a girl bear i mean he might need a pen to be actually i'm just saying oh my lord i haven't why specifically a panda why not like a black bear or a brown bear like white panda you might like them all you might like me [Laughter] you can find me i christine okay um you can find us here on the party chat podcast and we'll take like a a couple weeks break like i said and i would like to do another live q a um fan line day because that was a that was fun a lot of fun clips from that so i would love to do that again but i will wait a couple weeks give us a little break um that was the funniest one ever like we were laughing so hard we were laughing um uh you can find me i christine christine games on youtube i christine my react slash reviewish channel um you can also find me on twitter and instagram under the same name um i'm hoping to get into returnal when that comes out i will be doing the um resident evil demo hopefully if it doesn't happen don't be too sad about it okay right now listen i was gonna try the other one but i didn't realize it was just for that one day okay just like the other one that came out two days ago i didn't know it was just one day yep so i will try to do that um and yeah that's that's what i have cooking i don't think anything else but yes oh oh among us when they drop the 15 map craziness that will be man i'm not going to drop it while i'm out of town man i want to play hella bad you better get a laptop right i got my mac but everybody i know got max i got max i'm using imac my family got max it was like you could do that family the best buy i'm quite sure i'm quite sure it's a market now i'm gonna find a way to play my mac you could also do it on your phone and then just you know oh the switch yeah oh i can't do it look at her yeah look at her right however you say that [Laughter] [Music] so to i have to tickle so we gotta add this thank you guys so much for joining us and we're out
Channel: PartyChat Podcast
Views: 10,039
Rating: 4.9543724 out of 5
Keywords: partychat podcast, partychat, party chat, jazzyguns, dwayne and jazz, dwayne kyng, hey charlie, xheycharliex, gaming podcast, podcast, all black podcast, black gamers, black female gamers, black male gamers, aychristene, aychristenegames, video game podcast, let's play, wandavision, wandavision review, wandavision reaction, wandavision explained, marvel, wandavision episode 2, wandavision easter eggs, disney plus, vision, wandavision disney plus, mcu, ladykaylee, vishawn, lewanda
Id: pyQxvPdgOjQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 134min 19sec (8059 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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