What's your Ferro-rod made out of?

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[Music] [Music] [Music] although they're thanks for joining me on another video as you've guessed this is all about cerium and that's in feresten earring rods we all know what ferrous IRA's look like we've all probably used them but I don't think many people have seen cerium and it's a and its raw form so I bought some it's quite expensive furs and on if the camera is going to pick it up what's up I'll bring you in for a closer look it's quite expensive it's one pound per gram so I've got 10 grams here plus postage and packaging which was a couple of quid very tiny amount really so I'll bring you closer in let's let's open this pack it up okay so this is what it looks like in the bag and it does have a little bit of oil in in with it because once this is exposed to oxygen it will start to oxidize not straightaway don't think what it will oxidize you know it's so I've mainly brought this piece of paper Sydney lights and find this white rock appear actually but I brought the piece of paper up so we can so we can have a proper look at it so I'm just going to open it up as you can see it's quite oily yes I think there's three pieces in here so there's another piece that last bit out it's as a tiniest of pieces okay so what is Syria well basically it's on the periodic table is number is 58 atomic number is 58 now I've heard a rumor and it can be caught with a knife so let's have a go at that so yeah you can cut it with a knife if I did it a bit longer probably yeah probably get through that just click in it right so yeah it's number 58 on the periodic table it's clusters a rare earth element it is a metal some of its uses are for as well as in these guys some of its uses are you can find cerium in a catalytic converter on a car they use it for self-cleaning ovens it can be used in its oxidized form for polishing mirrors like a strongly astronomical mirrors in telescopes that kind of thing it can be used to polish glass it can also be used to change the color of glass apparently it changes the color of glass to yellow there's some process that does that so yeah this basically it's what's in our in our rods that we use you know in our Ferro cerium rods okay so we've got cerium in our ferrule cerium rods so what does the word ferrule sodium actually mean what does it mean towards well basically the ferrule bit is iron there's two methyls that will give off sparks one is cerium and the other one is iron so when they make ferrocene rods they put iron in them as well as cerium the other type of ferrocene rods I mean ferrocerium is a generic name for all ferrocene rods all striking rods they also put magnesium in some farah rods now this one this probably got magnesium in it because i've not used it that much but it's quite worn where is the bigger one and it's not just because it's bigger the bigger one is hardly any wearing on it so the pharisee reham bit the first indian word means iron and cerium so we've just seen cerium now don't think and get a spark off it but we'll ever go in a minute off its raw state okay so what is actually happening when we strike a ferrocerium rod basically as we scrape down the rod the rod in this case is is ferrocerium so it's a Ferro rod it does contain high amounts of iron in it the reason I can tell that is because the way that the spots are coming off is giving lots of little sparks not really any globules so I know that this is heavy and I in with I am being quite a dense metal in comparison I brought one here which is a magnesium heavy Ferro rod because it's got magnesium all the way around it so I've suspect that this rod is magnesium and as you can see is it's quite worn where's the camera so it's quite worn this one wears away quite easy magnesium heavy Ferro rods wear quicker than the iron counterparts so let's try this as you can see it is giving off more sparks and quite globular eight wants to leave it wants to leave particles behind whereas this one just wants to give you lots of sparks so what's happening when we do that is as we scrape it's actually lift in my newts particles I mean these these these sparks are measured in nanometers so as we scrape down it's giving off its scraping some of that ferrocerium out of the iron because obviously the ferrocene rod isn't coated with cerium it's the manufacturing processes it's within the metal so as you scrape down down it your your bringing my newts power particles of that cerium off now I'm just going to these are coated in oil a little bit so let's see if we can get a spark off there just you see that just getting a spark off and it's raw form try and bring up to the camera so yeah I mean that is like this rock that I'm using here although this is limestone it's a rock and it's a metal you know it's an element that's an element there's a methyl naturally-occurring metal like I am which is also on the periodic table so I mean I'm not suggesting you use this in a survival situation a little piece like this this is just for demonstration purposes it came off then but yeah you can now I wasn't expecting that so that's a that's a surprise to me so there we go that's that's his cerium so I brought this little magnifier with me and I'll just place that over the camera lens of the phone lens should I say let's take a closer look so that's what it looks like apparently when this is oxidized it goes black alright so there we have it guys some of you some some people may know about this kind of stuff some people may not a couple of examples here there's other there's other metals called mish metals that they use as well didn't really want to go into that too much but take the a common kind of lighter Zippo or one of these we all call it a Flint that's in one of these which is actually wrong it's a mishmash well there's a reason why they can sell these for you know fire for a quid it's because it's mish metal inside it's it's not it's not true cerium it's not Flint they look at the price you know telegram it's going to be expensive lighter so what what the use is mish metals so it's a mixture of magnesium iron cerium and they put all the stuff in there that helps it helps it makes packs so I hope you found it educational if not skip and watch another video so I just thought I'd do this little video scene as though the cerium arrived you of the day I dunno I've still got this challenge today that's been set babe by an x-ray Zulu playing on doing that on this Friday so hopefully fingers crossed everything goes well for that so that's that's it guys thanks for watching folks coming along on the journey with me may have learnt something may not may be a load of useless information to yet but I thought it was you know nice to nice to find out about these things I'm quite inquisitive like that I like to know how things work so I'm going to leave it there guys thanks for watching please like and subscribe do all the usual stuff and I'll see you all on the next video guys Cheers [Music] [Music] 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Channel: Andy Outdoors
Views: 7,436
Rating: 4.891892 out of 5
Keywords: Cerium, What is Cerium, How is Cerium used, Bushcraft ferro rod, How a Ferro rod works, how a ferrocerium rod works, best ferro rod video, bushcraft for beginners, ferro rod, ferrocerium rods, andyoutdoors, cerium 58, uses for cerium, use for cerium, bushcraft ferro rods explained, ferro rods, bushcraft fire lighting
Id: ZpeMS5_XJGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 53sec (713 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 20 2019
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