Ferro Rod Comparison: Premium vs Budget - Nathan 4071 vs Bayite

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hey there everybody Eric from our limitless coming at you today with another video no in today's video I've been out here gathering some fat wood so if you're interested in seeing how I got to this point do me a favor take a look back at one of my prior videos for the details but at this point moving forward I am going to take a look at a couple of beautiful products that are gonna help me use this fat wood and really get it lit on fire now in another one of my prior videos one of the most polarizing that I have is on this six inch by 1/2 inch Bay I Ferro rod now the reason why it's so polarizing well a couple things one is I was simply doing a demonstration of this versus some other options and people didn't really like that they were complaining about my technique they were complaining about the oldest fire rod and how I wasted my money and how there's so many better options out there and I threw my money away but more than any other comment what I continually hear about is the quality of the fire rods from Nathan forty seventy one now if you're not familiar with Nathan forty seventy one he does have a YouTube channel and he also sells his products off eBay now I do have a number of things to cover but before we get into it do me a favor stay tuned [Music] so Nathan 40 71 again producing this fire rod and also striker now this striker had a very sharp tip so you'll see I just put a little end cap on it to protect my pockets and things from this stabbing through them but as you look here just these nice wood handles on here well epoxy to both the striker and also the Ferro rod but these are not quite a matching set well that brings me to just a little bit of a story so as I mentioned with the number of people saying that I should get my hands on one of these Nathan 40 71 Ferro rods they're the best composite to the best material they strike the best you can't go wrong you wasted your money on the bay I fell rod well with that I reached out to Nathan 40 71 to ask him for his advice in that email I said look I'm looking to purchase a matching set of a striker and a Ferro rod do you have any suggestions would you be willing to make one for me where can I get my hands on one I was really hoping to do a great review and put this whole thing together but my response from Nathan was a little underwhelming he says the following thank you for your interest in my Ferro rods the fact is that most Ferro rods are alike it's your technique on striking the Ferro rod and preparation of your tinder that will give the best results now I had mentioned that I was a YouTube host and he says the following crazy Russian hacker featured a video with my one-inch diameter Ferro rod the video has 2.3 million views I pretty backed up with making handles as far as you asking me to make a top notch handle I'm barely learning the wood lathe sorry I don't do social media well no response on how to find his products no response on whether or not he'd be interested in trying to help me get a matching set so naturally by the end of it I bought what I could off eBay these do not I'm not thrilled about that I wish he could have been a little more helpful but if you really listen to what he says well what you're really telling me is that when it's all said and done this Ferro rod is no different from this Ferro rod now according to all of you who have been giving me a really hard time over the past few years over me wasting my money on this I can tell you I have struck this time and time and time again I've started fire after fire after fire pretty much with these I haven't had too much of a difficult time so now moving forward is this gonna do any better is this gonna provide a better quality spark well there's only one way to tell and for me to keep this in a controlled situation we are only going to use the Nathan forty seventy one striker now this will be a good test to see how this striker performs we're gonna use both of these to get some fat wood started but the first thing I need to do is process down that fat wood and get it ready to take a spark okay so first in order for me to get prepared the first thing I'm gonna do is get my fat wood in I would say shape and order to actually process it down now the pieces that I found while I was out here working are fairly small however they should be good enough for this test now what I'm gonna do is get myself a good clean edge here of the actual fat wood that I can scrape and get some fluff and I'm gonna use this wildlife hatchet here just to get down to the meat of it then I think what I'm probably gonna do is use that Nathan forty seventy one scraper use that to actually get me the fluff all right so I don't want to lose too much meat I need a handle here so just being careful I get that edge I can get some nice fluff right there fluff this down now it is kind of moist on this log which if I'm careful and I pick a dry spot won't be a problem but it's good because it's wet out here and the last thing I want to do is start a fire that I can't put out so I mean everything's kind of damp it's been raining for the past a little while but this should be a good test so I'm gonna take a couple other pieces I need two tests one for each one of the fire rods so I mean I can't really do this and only process once so I need to be a little bit careful I don't have a ton of material so I'm gonna process really two different setups one for each Ferro rod and we'll go from there so for this very first setup all I'm gonna do is take this scraper and start to work on this fat wood and just get myself some real nice little fluff and you can see here that it is working very nicely with this scraper so all I had today was the scraper and my axe so because the axe is gonna be a little bit difficult to process this real superfine stuff this is gonna be real nice for my ability just to get some good fluff here make a nice little pile and then we'll try to get this lit first with the bay ight Ferro rod okay so here you see my little fluff here's my waste of money pay a Ferro rod and then that Nathan forty seventy one scraper just gonna do a couple preliminary scrapes here wow that really showers and now the Ferro rod ooh there you go so when I actually got a direct hit on there I mean really you can blame technique you know the first couple of strikes as I showered the sparks down and you can see the magnesium in there look at it that magnesium coming off of this Ferro rod but again my point being those first couple of strikes weren't really right on point that's my fault that's not the fire steel that's technique now I can tell you the scraper worked amazing it's good square edges worked very well has a nice handle feels really good in the hand but again going back to the quality of the fire steel this Ferro rod definitely worked and you could see it didn't take a ton of effort I pressed down fairly easy and it showered a nice spark right on to that bundle okay and so now we're gonna do the same exact test a second time I just need to fluff out the same exact piece of fat wood here and then we'll spark the Nathan forty seventy one Ferro rod okay so now just piling up this fluff I should have about the same size pile it's the exact same piece of fat wood so should be about the same controlled setup now here getting the Nathan forty seventy one Ferro rod what I'm going to do is a couple cleaning passes nice spark okay getting this down bang definitely went fairly similar result nice little burn there now I don't see the little secondary sparks of magnesium it's not to say it isn't in there it very well might be but I would say a very similar result oh there you go little fizzle there so either way now I can tell you this handle feels very nice it's comfortable has a good feel in the hand gives you a good grip and purchase on that Ferro rod nice capability to get all the way to the back you can see I had a full long run at that that's a good three and a half inches showing there so there you go boom just nice and even and easy no problem now one of the things that I think is funny is there are tiny little ridges well everybody said to me oh that's because you know you had ridges in your Bay a Ferro rod because it's a piece of crap oh you wasted your money you should get a better Ferro rod it's too hard well bottom line is the composition might be slightly different how do I really know but at the end of the day both of these with little ridges and the other thing that people said is all your scrapers no good you need to get a better scraper you need an eighth and forty 71 scraper well that might be the case but bottom line is no matter what you do you might end up with little ridges it's just the nature of the beast I mean you can see up top where I was applying a little more pressure there's less ridges and then down the bottom when I was lightening up a bit because I was getting close to my bundle right so I don't want to go smashing down into my bundle so when I was lightening up on that that's where you get a little chatter that's where the scraper kind of bounces over the top just a little bit as I'm lightening up and that's just after the matter the way it's gonna be so in my opinion I really don't see too much of a difference between these two feral rods there is a dramatic difference in price now here obviously obviously I am getting a good complete finished handmade product I'm getting some nice machining I'm getting that lathes worth beautiful handles quality craftsmanship this this handle this handle is gorgeous I mean look at that thing that is absolutely beautiful I would have loved more than anything to have that same handle on this I really wanted that matching pair I mean this looks good and I'm hoping over time this will kind of weather a little bit and give me a similar look to that but look at that I mean that Brown in there and then this aged look on the handle this is absolutely gorgeous there's no getting around it it's a beautiful piece I mean you do get what you pay for in terms of the quality craftsmanship I'll give you that but you can't argue the fact that both of these Ferro rods in reality for their actual function of throwing a spark did a fairly similar job and so now before we wrap this up I do want to do one last demonstration so as you look here you can see that this stock here having the quarter inch by two and a half inch markings on it okay so that's gonna stay up so that means I'm using the exact same edge on this scraper as I work here so what I'm gonna do is five little cleaning passes so to speak and now one [Music] okay so that's the quality of the spark that you get off of that so let's do the exact same thing here it's hard to say I really can't say I see any substantial difference I mean this is still showering pretty good I mean I have to say it's fairly equal honestly I really can't tell let's try a quick side-by-side so alright guys there you have it a quick side by side the Nathan forty seventy one fellow rod and not matching striker and the BAE ight half inch by six inch Ferro rod you tell me I mean I'm just out here trying an experiment I'm out here showing you these two side-by-side which do you think performed better now I'm talking performance if you're talking aesthetics there's no doubt but value what if you're somebody looking to get into this hobby are you gonna go wrong with the bay I well that's where I was at the time I was getting started I was looking for a substantial Ferro rod that would last me a long time and guess what it did the job it lasted time and time and time again well at this point I've now upgraded I've got a little more class see peace the other thing is bottom line this takes up a good amount of space in terms of diameter maybe it doesn't fit directly on your knife sheath well guess what this does it's tight and tidy and it hasn't been a problem for me so everything has a pro and a con you know you get a little fit and finish here but you do also get some bulk maybe you just need the back of your knife spine to get your Ferro rod but you don't necessarily need a dedicated striker well here now I have a couple of options but again just weighing in the comments let me know what you think and finally I'm a little disappointed at Nathan's response to me I just wish it was a little more personable and he got me pointed in the right direction if I just had that beautiful matching piece well my video review would have probably come out a little bit different then wouldn't it have I mean I think showing you guys a good quality matching set of the Ferro rod with the striker I know I would have felt better about it but hey you know that sometimes the way things go so alright guys thanks for stopping by I hope you liked what you saw I hope you found it a little bit informative if you like what you saw please like share and subscribe and as always thanks for stopping by take care now I'll see you soon
Channel: outer limitless
Views: 15,077
Rating: 4.7833934 out of 5
Keywords: Best Ferro Rod, Big Ferro Rod, huge ferro rod, best fire starter, 6 inch ferro rod, large ferro rod, ferro rod fire kit, bayite ferro rod, ferro rod comparison, 1/2 inch ferro rod, premium ferro rod
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 23sec (1043 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 07 2020
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