Making A (Flint and Steel) Steel Out Of A File And Trying It Out!

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hello YouTube I'm David with the David West Channel well I wanted to go ahead and make another steal this was a great steal that I made I think last year sometime I'll put that video right up here but I wanted something a little bit bigger so I want to make one about a half inch longer and as you can see this is wider I think this is about 7/8 of an inch and this is like an inch and 1/8 in width so you want to use all the personal protective equipment that you feel you need to wear some gloves safety glasses earplugs put your handle back in your side grinder put your guard back on your side grinder now this grinder is rated at 12,500 rpm the disc is rated at 13,000 300 so I've been using these discs for lots of years and there's been some controversy online that says oh these these discs will explode well I don't know maybe those pneumatic discs as fast as they spend as many rpm as they have maybe they explode but many years I've been using these cutoff discs and then regular grinding discs and yes they will crack this way and you don't want to use it anymore or a big chunk will come out of the edge and you'll feel particles hit your arm and stuff but I have never in all my years had one of these types of grinding discs explode those people that talked about the exploding what you're talking about the pneumatic grinders that turn a whole lot more rpm so let's go ahead and get started you and I want to go ahead and ease all of these edges now this cutoff disk is not meant to be used on the face right here but I have always used it for some mild grinding I recommend that you don't use this that you put back on the thicker the thicker blade meant for grinding but I'm not going to be bearing down that hard on some ease all these edges I'm gonna take those corners off ease these edges and then turn it over and ease all of these edges so I'll turn you back on when I get done with it no this is where we're at so far so I spent 20 minutes on it easing all the edges taking the corners off all the way around and then exposing the logo so it's time to drill a hole for lanyard I had a few people get on to me say why didn't you use a center punch when you drill this hole you see how far it drifted off center line I did use the center punch the Tang is soft enough to drill but I was right in that area where there must have been some hard spots in that metal and even though I started off with a perfectly centered centered punch it drifted off because of the hard places in that metal so let's see if we get a little more centered on this one when we drill it all right I got a little more centered on this one let's go ahead and put the lanyard on it will do the Cobra weave and we'll run it to the center we'll come up about two inches right here and we'll go ahead and start bring this one end around and then this one comes over that one and goes through here and you have to be very careful on the first one so that your cordage stays in the center so be careful about tightening up this first knot now I want I want my lanyard longer than this right here so let's take that I'm gonna take it back apart and start over all right this is what I ended up with it's wider and it's longer than the other one let's go ahead and try it out and I just got some pine needles here got like a ball of processed pine needles and some and a handle of unprocessed particles let's give it a try put the charcoal right on the edge and we'll try with this last piece now this is t-shirt char cloth and it may not be as may not be as good as it could be let's try [Music] you always want to tell your char cloth in half get all those little threads exposed I'm gonna try to do this against my shirt so that you can see make sure I'm so maybe you can see the sparks coming off of it and there's already a lot of good threads on this one so I'll just fold it over we'll go back that same edge it's still good and sharp right there now watch against my shirt see how many strikes it takes the first one was a one strike the next one was three strikes let's see what it takes to get this one this one here is kind of beat up and battered let's try this [Music] well looks like this one's just gonna be as good as this one hi Joe I appreciate you doing me on this one wheel catch you on the next one
Channel: David West
Views: 152,572
Rating: 4.7796226 out of 5
Keywords: flint and steel, making a steel, how to make a steel, how to make a flint and steel steel, how to make a steel from a file, nicholson file, how to use a flint and steel, flint, chert, quartz, casting sparks, char, char cloth, how to ignite char cloth, lanyard, cobra weave, tang, drill hole in file, fire, pine needles, tinder, tinder bundle, pine needles tinder bundle, paracord, ember, flame, campfire, bushcraft, bush craft, survival, side grinder, cut off wheel, dewalt
Id: nBrX2gi80Ts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 30sec (990 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 15 2018
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