Testing a Great quality ferro rod

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alright guys so I brought y'all here today because I got a bit of an unboxing to do today but we're going to cruise around back here somewhere and see if we can find a decent enough spot to set up so we could take a look what I got look what else I got it's wood alright guys so I brought you out here today I got a bit of an unboxing to do and I wanted to show you something but first things first I'm gonna get some bug spray on because I thought it was gonna be windy enough where the bugs wouldn't be a that much trouble but there seem to be driving me insane a little bit so I want to put some his bug spray on and then we'll get chatting that feels much better the bugs have laid off a little bit so a lot of us know about Nathan 4:07 one guy's got a great channel he's a he's actually one of the best supporters out there if you support Nathan Nathan will support you he's a just an all-around great generous guy and anyway I got a package from him I had contacted him I wanted to give his Troy fair rods a try I've been looking at them for a long time and I've heard people say that he's got the best ones out there so I got an order in so let's open this guy up all right so inside have about two feral rods both of them of the same I can't remember which one he calls it I believe it's a I don't I don't want to I don't want to tell you which one it is I think it might be the Sasquatch but let's take a look here six inches long and 1/2 inch in diameter and there's really not much I could say about a Ferro rod really because I don't know the the chemical makeup or anything like that of I of each one of these what what you know if it's got no affair cerium and iron and whatever it is whatever is inside these dyes or magnesium but what I can do is we can test this out and see how good how well it works I've been wanting one of Nathan's feral rods for the longest time like I said I've heard it he's got the best ones around and I actually quite like Nathan I think he's a great guy he's a great supporter of all those in YouTube and and handy she's got a great channel there's not much more I could say about the say bottom but you know in all he seems to be a very nice person so I didn't wanted to support him for a long time and the reason why I got this second one is because I'm going to be giving this in an upcoming giveaway to one of you guys so that that video will be coming up pretty shortly I won't be long I am waiting for one more thing to come in but I may just do the video of the three items I have now and when the fourth one comes in we'll talk about that pretty soon so let's give this a try on the way in I found this piece of hemlock here and we're gonna you know chop this up do some feathers and see if we can get it to light with the with Nathan with Nathan's Ferro rod and I have no doubt that this is going to work so she was just give it a quick look and see what kind of sparks we can get out of this bad boy all right oh yeah I have I have one of these guys at home not a Nathan one but I have a five inch by half inch and it doesn't come anywhere close to sparking like that it does spark but not it doesn't throw meteors like Nathan's does so I think the claims might be true Nathan you got a wicked product here my friend all right so I figure I'll try to get some some decent feathers out of here and then we'll get a pile of scrapings too and we'll see how how lights out on both of them if you've got a pile a decent pile of feathers right here I may do a couple more all right so I've got a pile of scrapings just started here so you can get some more in there first shot first shot and lit up probably too easy so let's just let's go over to the side here and we'll try out on our curls all right so just to have a little fun I've got two two piles of curls here I just shave them up we're going to do a comparison one with the Nathans rod and then one with this fire this fire still that I made here so let's give it a try there's Nathan we got fired all right and hit a firesteel now it is a smaller one that's those sparks okay but let's see how it goes pile up a little bit there make sure this isn't catch that there we go we got fire with that one too now that was a lot harder took a lot more shocks to get that to light and Nathan's just took like one shot so it was a pretty impressive what I see here Nathan this is an excellent excellent fire steel and thank you so much again I can't thank you enough to be honest anyway for those of you who do not know Nathan go check out his channel check out his store I believe it's on eBay if you are interested in picking one of these up I think you should I think you're getting a really high quality sapphire steel for the for the price and what can I say Nathan is just awesome do me a favor go ahead and check out Nathan's channel and if you are in the market of buying a fire steel really consider Nathan's products check them out on eBay or just shoot them a message and he'll send you the right way to go to be able to find this stuff so guys thanks a lot hope you like this video get out and explore and I've got another video coming up very soon announcing the giveaway so stick around and keep your eyes peeled okay I'm Marshall Miller I'm outdoors get out explore you
Channel: Adventure Time Outdoors
Views: 58,451
Rating: 4.7636566 out of 5
Keywords: Ferro rod, ferrocerium rod, The best ferro rod, bushcraft, fire craft, fire starter, ferro rod comparison, ferro rod test, ATO, Adventure time outdoors
Id: 6srs7upkAvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 16sec (496 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 07 2016
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