What's The Worst Thing You've Seen Your Parents Doing?

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what is the most flicked up thing you've seen your parents do step Minh purposely falsely accused me twice off stealing from her first time she told me she was going to do it to get my dad to cut off paying for my college and kick me out it worked second time she accused me of what would have been a felony amount to try to get me thrown in jail luckily it didn't work out for her Gert I'm goddamn your stepmum sounds like one of the Steadman's from old Disney movies once while my sister and I were upstairs my parents were fighting really loud downstairs suddenly we hear complete silence my sis and I came out of our rooms at exactly the same time to go see what was going on we rushed down the stairs and saw my father choking my mother she stayed with him for approximately 10 years after that oh and the day after that happened we all went on a happy vacation with my mother pretending nothing had happened and instructing us to do the same my mom threw a whole pizza in the garbage when my brother and I were arguing about it my little mind dang near exploded finally a comment that isn't darkened is funny my dad intentionally set his hand on Farr to demonstrate that whatever fluid he was using burns with a cold flame he was normally a very smart level-headed person I swear I caught a lake turtle on my fishing line as a kid we tried to get the hook out but the unfortunate thing had swallowed it whole my poor dad couldn't figure out what to do we tried to kill it with a pellet gun but it was underpowered and didn't even break the skin eventually he sent me inside the house and said he's take care of it I was bawling and couldn't pull myself away saw him pick up a cinderblock and smash it to death with three-four blows before kicking the remains into the lake horrible I hated him for it at the time but looking back on it now as I'm now close to the age he was at the time I really feel bad for him I don't know that he had much else of a choice and I'm sure it rattled him just as much as it did me went to my aunt's house one day and they told me they had found a turtle recently oh cool wish I could have seen it well I got to see the leftover she´ll because apparently they made the rest into soup and ate it Turtles should be careful around country folk I remember my mom taking me to see her lover and forcing me to wait in the car for hours when I was maybe 13 my cousin had a baby and my mom went over to my Nana's house to wait for the baby with a butcher knife she was going to stab my cousin's newborn because she thought it was the Antichrist your childhood must have been interesting to say the least I remember them freaking on the kitchen counter behind us while we were having breakfast before school one year they got a massive tub of chocolate as they were into eating foods off each other good they hated it so us kids had chocolate body spread sandwiches for nearly a year it was a huge tub when they got into fights it would turn into a throwing match my mum dented the double glazed window with a frying pan it is possible and to this day at least 15 years later she still has the pan in question they'd once Rhea decorated the lounge and about a week later were so drunk they got into an argument which resulted in my mom throwing her plate of salad at my stepdad getting mayo and lettuce leaves on the wall and I vaguely remember it still being stuck to the wall six months later when my stepdad fell asleep on the sofa downstairs she turned the Bible channel on or any other religious channel put the TV on full blast and take the remoter bed with her so he couldn't change it that's kind of repulsive my mom held a gun to her head when I was 8 threatening suicide when I ran over to her crime trying to stop her she pointed the gun right at my forehead and told me to get away never been more scared in my life she also shot a gun off in the house a few weeks later had several ropes tied into nooses hanging in her closet wrote several suicide notes and would basically threatened to end her life whenever something inconvenienced her in luckily she's sober and much more stable now but we don't have a good relationship and I'm still terrified of her to this day that's completely understandable when I was like 11 I saw them doing drugs in their bedroom middle of the day no consideration for me at all it scared me half to death because they both got zombie-like on whatever it was when I was a little kid probably around 10 my mom told me to send her check books in the mail that belonged to my grandmother my mom didn't live with us and she told me that my grandmother had asked me to send them since she was out of town so I did I later got sat down by my grandmother and she was furious with me for sending the books my mother had apparently done this in order to commit fraud and had drained my grandmother's life savings from close to a million dollars down to nothing I got blamed for it until my grandmother passed away one of her last conversations with me at age 24 was her still expressing her disappointment in me for sending the books my mother denies the whole thing to this day I was about nine there was a performance at the school I was in the choir my dad dropped me off and picked me up afterwards when I was picked up I found out I was in huge trouble he absolutely unleashed on me closed fists kicked me threw me against the wall broke furniture grown man strength versus a nine-year-old geez to this day I remember just curling up in a ball and him wailing on me for weeks I had no idea what I had done my offense my shirt was untucked when he picked me up to him it meant I was running around raising heck while unsupervised actually it was the choirs costume we were farm people singing tunes from Oklahoma Jesus Christ that's a Bulls reason for him to beat you the Frick up he must have been drunk or something my mom aggressively forced a bear hugger foster kid who'd been repeatedly violated by her father while her mom held her down so my mom is a boundary stomper extraordinaire and abused me all throughout my childhood I eventually wound up in foster care myself and haven't spoken to her in years but remembering this it was the most cruel thing I ever saw her do to anyone who wasn't me my relatives had a foster daughter who as I said above had been violated by her dad her mom held her down my mother knew this my relatives made the mistake of inviting my mother over and my mom said welcome to the family gimme a hug to the girl who said no my relatives said no my mother kept saying but why why not come on it's just a hug I tried to pull my mom aside to explain why this was a bad idea even though it should have been obvious because neither I nor my relatives wanted to just blurt out because she's traumatized by hugs and touches after being violated so much obviously right in front of the girl so then my mom just hurried over to the girl and grabbed her in a big bear hug and wouldn't let go while the girl tried to push her off Plus hyperventilated to my shame and the shame of my relatives we all just stood there for a moment in stunned silence before running over and removing my mother from the girl who was now crying the girl ran off to her bedroom my relatives the foster parents told my mom to get out then my mom dragged me off to the car and yelled at me for a while finally when I could get a word in I explained to my mother why the hug was so wrong and hurtful I explained that my mom should have taken context into account my mom the girl is freaked up in the head if she can't even take a hug from somebody nice and she's probably lying about her parents anyway but I'm still mad remembering it holy lord I hate how people like that can be so delusional most of my friends avoided coming to my front door my dad was scary crap one of my good guy friends however was so mellow and unfazed by literally anything he would knock on the door as a post to my window he was around six feet five inches and goofy-looking so he decided to dye his hair bright Manic Panic green and his eyebrows it was raining out he knocked on our front door and my dad opened it he stared silently for nearly a minute taking in the full effect of my giant green buddy whose skin was now quite green - my dad was really stoned as opposed to the more typical less mellow things he usually went for finally he just came and got me and said Underpants bandit there's a Jolly Green Giant here to see you and left the room the next day he asked if in facts my buddy was actually the Jolly Green Giant or if he was hallucinating I was waiting for a funny one to finish reading this made me laugh just the right amount thanks for sharing buddy my sister and I had a bed in my mother's room she slept with her boyfriend on that bed one night I woke up in the middle of the night and saw them freaking another time I had woken up and gone downstairs asked her boyfriend the same one from earlier where my mother was he lifted up his chin and there was the cut all the way across his neck I later found out that my mom went to jail for 27 days I've also seen my mom going after my current stepfather with a knife good thing we had a roommate when I was 21 I flew to Australia to live for two years about eight months into my stay my father admitted to me that he had been working under my name and sin number working at a job that prior to his employment needed to do a credit check he didn't have good credit so apparently he had got my sin number and other documents prior to me leaving and took photos I think it was probably sitting in a chair with a wooden spoon when I was about five screaming at me to come to her so she could beat me with it the kind of scream where they turn red in the face their expression is so distorted it barely looks human their throat gets so tight from the level of screaming they sound different I just remember standing there in front of her crying and frozen when I didn't go to her she started hitting herself with the wooden spoon on her leg screaming as she did it when it snapped in half on her leg she started hitting herself and pulling at her own hair she had a wooden spoon shaped bruise perfectly shaped out on her leg and I remember a few days later when I saw it and said something she said that's because of you that's what you did I'm pretty sure it was because I didn't want her to brush my hair I can't really remember my brother never experienced any of this I always copped it when I was home alone with her but out of everything she ever said to me and still does that was the most Frick thing I've seen her do oh man bless you I hope you have a peaceful life now my dad was a raiga my ex was Auriga my so is the sweetest comest man you don't realize the pain of yelling until it's gone mum threatened to shoot herself over the new dog crapping on the carpet she's a very all-or-nothing woman her sound for I am struggling with the peanut butter jar is the same as a sound for someone as currently being murdered might have to do with the depression and anxiety that she passed on to me my parents are the same oMG my stepfather groping my girlfriend's breasts I complained but my mother told me not to be so jealous they might as well have given me a brochure of headstones saying they've decided to both be dead to me , they might as well have given me a brochure of headstones saying they've decided to both be dead to me yep I would have to agree with you on that one that's a serious case of wait what Oh Frick no I'm outta here my stepdad threatened to kick me and my sister out of the house along with all do our stuff if my mom left on a business trip that would secure her job and make her self dependent I told her to leave because it was important that she go and do this for herself he indeed kicked us out after I came back from the airport he took the ski rack Lee helped buy off the car and move all of the furniture throwing anything in a public space or their room into the garage or my sister's room I began secretly loading the car with essentials like our personal files and birth certificates I also grabbed the ps4 he bought me to prevent him from abusing my account my puppy was still on worms treatments but he said he would take her back if we left her so we had to put her in her crate where she had bad diarrhea I took essential clothes and school stuff and tried to take my violin however he spotted me when I went to head downstairs and ran in front of me I had paid for half of the $1500 instrument but he helped pay for the rest and claimed it was his I tried to keep it from him which became a wrestling match between my five feet for 117 pounds self and his 220 pound six featuring self he eventually reached past and grabbed the strap ripping the handle I was holding off of the case but we left shortly after seeking refuge of neighbors for three days I had to hide my car in a parking lot aways away so he wouldn't try to steal it I did eventually get the violin back built he destroyed our house and put a three inch radius hole in the stairway wall and kicked and punched the bathroom door in my mom's room destroying it and ripping it off the hinges I have never been so terrified of a guardian before she got divorced from him a month later TLDR my stepdad kicked me and my sis out of the house taking a lot of our stuff while my mom was out of town at least her mom is away from him now and bTW that is some weird stuff my parents go in an argument like I'm sure a lot of couples do but it just kept escalating voices raising eventually it ended up in screaming match my mom took the phone off the hook and threw it at my dad he'd caught it just before it hit his face and then he got right in my mom's face and screamed at her and she then started smacking him and screaming at him at the time I thought that was how couples argued then I saw my wife's parents get in an argument she said it was one of the worst she had ever seen and they were barely one-stroke tenth of the yelling my parents had gotten anyway this has led to a lot of issues with my wife she thinks I'm yelling at her when I'm in my mind barely raising my voice she always thought I was crossing a line while I thought I was holding back then about six months ago she saw my mom and I get in a fight I'm not even sure what it was over but I had to resort to yelling to get my point across and catching random crap she threw at me after that my wife understood that when I get Stern and don't yell and don't throw crap I'm holding back I'm trying the hardest to not end up like my mom my parents divorced when I was seven my father died when I was in my early 20s he left me five dollars in his will that was fine I wanted nothing to do with him from the time I was seven the courts revoked his visitation when I was 13 I saw him three times from a distance between 13 and 18 and didn't speak to him we never got in contact again my mom wanted me to get a lawyer contest his will and turn over the money to her because she felt she was due on account of her crappy marriage and lousy divorce settlement her sisters agreed leaving a token amount means I didn't forget this person exists I just don't want them to have anything so they can't contest the will saying they were accidentally left out or something my dad has very bad road rage when I was about eight he got us into an accident on poor post just to get back at the person from getting into the turning lane in front of the neighborhood he was trying to get out off my dad swerved in front of traffic and hit the guy from behind I still hate being in the car with him my mom cheated on my dad when I was five yo I remember seeing the guy and mum saying don't tell Dad to save the marriage they moved States and my dad still kept his same job 150 K salary in the 90s and came home in the weekends of course mum found someone else to cheat with while dad was at work he got her all the new cars and started her business but still she was committed to cheating they divorced during the custody court case she lied in course say my dad violet eyed me and my sister same mum different dad my dad was trying to get custody of my sister even though she wasn't his own he knew she was better off with him the case destroyed my dad lost his job house money etc mum remarried and had more kids with the new guy fast forward ten years and she cheats on him with his best friend told my sisters don't tell Dad she broke the news on my birthday which was the same day as my final exams they go to course for custody can you guess what happens next she said my stepdad raped her and my sister's utter balls he can only visit with a police officer present these are examples of what she has done to people in my life I could write a book about the crap she has done to me personally well when I was about 10 me and my aren't two cousins and my mom went to this waterpark my older cousin had gone off with her friend and me my mom and my younger cousin went to go on a ride and my aunt was sitting by the wave pool when me my mom and younger cousin got to the slide he got scared he told my mom that he wanted to go back to his mom my mom then started going ballistic on him and cussing at him and crap and that scared him even more so he ran off to his mom well my mom grabbed me and we went to find him we found him with my aunt and without her saying anything my mom then started cussing her out and threatening her saying that my cousin was a little pea and she was gonna kill her because he ran away that just scared him even more and he started crying we got kicked out the park and the whole 45-minute ride home she was just talking more crap after that my mom cussed my aunt off it's been nine years and they still haven't talked your mom's I see when I was in third maybe fourth grade I was crying in my room on the bed because my mom wouldn't let me go to a neighbor's house she then proceeded to take a pillow from my bed and hold it over my face attempting to suffocate me luckily I was smart enough to hold my arms over my face to keep her from doing it I still hate her for that til this day and I'm sixteen she wonders why I don't love her the way I do my dad what the actual freak I have really low blood pressure and high anxiety stress this was also when I was struggling with an eating disorder and hardly ate anything I got into an argument with my mother about something incredibly stupid probably about how I left a crumb on the counter when I wiped it down or something and started telling my mother I felt faint and was struggling to stand my mom screamed at me to leave her room and get ready for school I left her room and crompton 'td hitting my head on the corner of a wall and knocking myself out cold when I woke up minutes later I couldn't move my legs or my arms and began screaming for my mom to help me sobbing loudly and begging for her to hell my mom opened the door look down at my crying begging body unable to move on the floor and said you're always so freaking dramatic before slamming the door in my face I had a severe concussion that's awful I'm sorry you had to go through that my mother loved to use dramatic especially when it came to genuine health or mental concerns I hope you're doing okay now X my father strapped fireworks to me at a family barbecue and recorded me as I ran around frantically screaming whilst trying to remove them as my entire extended family cheered and hooted with laughter my mom and dad have been divorced since I was 1 and despite the fact that I spent approximately an equal amount of time with each other then through my childhood my mother's house was my legal residence so I went to school in the town she lived in during my eighth grade year I began living with my dad full-time duty years of abuse and neglect by my mom that following summer my mother moved without telling anyone leaving me and my dad to either move to the town where my mom lived which had a great school system and all my friends or stay where we lived in the most drug infested town in the county with a considerably worse school system my dad and I had to find a place and move in less than two months my father held my mother down and screamed in her face because she didn't pay her bill through her backwards into a glass door because he thought she was cheating shoved me through drywall because i clenched my fist while I was being yelled at swung at me fell trying to leave during an argument kicked me out repeatedly throughout my entire childhood my mom stays with him still she acts as if he is the perfect human being maybe he has changed but I still don't trust him not my story but my husband's at six years old he had a loving relationship with his dog star the stories he's told me about her really light up his eyes he loved her so so much but star was getting old and he could tell there had been some talks of taking her to the vet to be euthanized but nothing ever came of it one day he heard a scuffle in the shed and peeked his head around the corner of the door only to see his mother hanging dog from a beam this is always the story that kills the lights in his eyes when he talks about her I'm big into rescuing and fostering dogs so this story really tears me up every dang time of all the Frick top ways to kill a dog you would think that somebody with a barn would have a gun to put it out of its misery right away but hanging the poor thing I can just picture it my condolences to your husband watched my stepfather held a gun to my mother's head telling her he'd kill her while he had her pinned on the floor it's not a great experience calling 9-1-1 at 13 years old they decided to have kinky frickin in a small hotel room while me and my baby brother were in the same room that is messed up holy crap so my dad kill a dog with a hose because he was always fighting with the other dog saw him drown a cat in a five-gallon bucket not sure why and saw him possibly beat a person to death I was young around eight and he stopped at a bar and fought a guy right out front with me sitting in the car he got the guy on the ground and just kept pounding his face until he wasn't moving got back in the car with blood all over him and his hands all messed up and we went to my grandparents house right after then stayed at one of his friend's house for about a week then moved far away from that state he told me later in life that it was a random guy that just tried to jump him and he just defended himself he also very seriously told me that I can never go back to that state if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 48,430
Rating: 4.8788991 out of 5
Keywords: parents, parent stories, parenting, parenting tips, parenting styles, parenting fails, parenting 101, parenting teenagers, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap
Id: K6okZCbHQyE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 57sec (1437 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 17 2020
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