What's The Worst Birthday Gift You've Been Given?

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what's the worst birthday present you've received I got three books I'd read them all already I already owned all three of them but there had disappeared a couple days before the books I got had my name already written in the front of them I did this to my mom for Christmas one year except that I was five and I didn't know how else to get presents for her last year for my 31st birthday here's what my wife got me I told her I don't want any gifts I would rather spend time with her so the night before my birthday she lets me take her out to dinner at a very nice weed pricy restaurant where she spends the entire time on her phone on Twitter and Facebook the next night she throws me a birthday party she invites her friends I get to do all the cooking and clean up from it while she patted herself on the back I'm very happy that she is now my ex-wife for my ex-husbands 30th birthday I got him a custom-made lefty lap-steel for mine I received permission to go out with my friends but he didn't want to go because he thought they were all losers and drama queens I still have my friends not so much the husband my older brother gave me his bike for my birthday the same bike he gave me for my last two birthdays and Christmas he gave me the exact same bike three times my family doesn't have a lot of money so I don't normally get a lot of stuff for my birthday or anything really I'm normally totally fine with this except on my 15th birthday I woke up that morning to see flowers freakin nice flowers on the counter with a card immediately I went to thank my dad for doing something so thoughtful for my birthday nope they were for my stepmom he could spend money on my stepmom but not even get me a card for my birthday whoa the same thing happened to me I was in London for my birthday with my mother there's a knock on the door on my birthday morning and it's a bellboy with a box and flowers I open it up and it wasn't for me it was for my mother from her husband not my father the note said hope you made it and that Katie doesn't ruin your trip I bought a new iPod on my birthday with saved up work money mom took it away that night because I might watch pee on it let's be honest you were definitely going to I had an aunt who always gave the worst presents on earth since my parents raised me to always be thankful I would never say or do anything about it as that would be disrespectful she had a habit of buying socks from a bargain store six for one dollar and I'd get one pack they were so cheap they would get holes on the first use on my 15th birthday she handed me a wrapped box I was tentative toward the paper off and it was an Okie dot-matrix cartridge for a printer I did not even own so I smiled told her I appreciated it and truly did for anything was better than those dang socks and figured I could return it to Staples for $5.00 store credit later that night I opened the box to make sure everything is there and there were socks stuffed in it I put a pair on and the ankles section ripped off in my hand and came up my knee I'm still not sure why you kept putting on the socks when I was around eight or so there was nothing I wanted more than a fish tank for my bedroom so naturally mum not wanting to get me a live animal that would require care and attention now she didn't think I was up to it instead got me a VHS tape off fish that swam across a TV screen she thinks it's hilarious and still brings it up every chance she gets as an aquarium enthusiast I am sorry that stinks my little sister got my bike when I turned six the bike my mom and dad got me was apparently too small so they gave it to her I got to sit on the front porch and watch her ride up and down the sidewalk on the pretty pink bike with the plastic flowers on the white basket and the tassels on the handlebars that was supposed to be mine I am 23 and still extremely bitter about this for my 18th birthday I just had a party no presents required I just wanted a nice normal get-together by the pool emphasis on normal my addict uncle overdosed on prescription drugs at my party he took about 30 more than he should have they were muscle relaxers since he had a slipped disc this was pretty usual behavior so I wasn't that upset I walked into the house and asked what happened to him grandma says she told him that he needed to go swim it off in our pool and didn't understand why everyone was so upset at least the EMTs were friendly half of my friends excused themselves and left early my best friend and her boyfriend stayed and we just wandered off after my uncle left and did stuff on our own we came back and my mother announced she was leaving to live with her boyfriend across the country I just wanted a normal party sometimes I think my family is insane but then I read stories like this not mine my sisters it was her ninth birthday I was six and the party was for a nine year old off the hook we had all the kids from the neighborhood the cousins school friends and hexam kids just showed up big cake balloons music and all the parents were drinking wine and laughing things got rowdy we were running around the house playing tag or something heck I don't know I was six we might have just been running around my cousin two years senior and thirty pounds heavier comes barreling down the stairs I turned the corner he slams right into me and I am literally flying through the air the house was pretty old at the time and featured a second front door like a screen door only made of glass if it helps imagine grandpa Simpson saying it was the style at the time because I've never seen another like it I smash sight first into the thing break it into a million little pieces my entire arm is cut up including an especially impressive slice right along the inside of my elbow and from my upper eyelid to hairline through my eyebrow blood everywhere kids screaming my sister like a frickin trooper trying to calm everyone down it's been nearly two decades I can still remember her calm as a dang Army sergeant saying okay the party is over everyone find your parents as I'm being hurried to the car in the end fifteen stitches on the arm five on the forehead and I had to wear a cast for about a month my sister fussed and fretted over me for nearly a year after the pretty traumatized oh and I got her a Wonder Woman comic I don't know what happened to it TL DR I was body checked through a glass door and painted the porch red on my sister's ninth birthday and she never got her present eighth birthday a bunch of toy cars and trucks and stuff not stuff I actually like to play with but stuff my younger cousins would like why I had just been diagnosed with leukemia and was supposed to die in a couple months so they got me stuff they could hand down to my cousin's after I croaked I didn't die and I gave my grandmother aunt and uncle crap about that for yours in the end grandma and uncle both died of cancer I was looking forward to my eighth birthday for weeks because I had found my present in my parents closet it was a sick t-rex figurine wearing these fricking cool as crap dark sunglasses I couldn't sleep the night before the big day I lay in bed wide awake for about five hours just shivering because I was so excited I woke up and actually got sick at one stage pretty weird but I was an excitable kid I guess on the day of my birthday I was literally sweating at the dinner table after the cake and my brow was dripping wet because I knew my mom was going into her room to get the present my knees were shaking uncontrollably and I started getting slightly dizzy I thought it was just the sugar or the whipped cream from my cake that was making me nauseous so I didn't say a word I just sat there about to explode staring intently with furious concentration at the door when she finally came in literally as she was mouthing the words happy birth tune excruciating pain shot up from where my appendix used to be had gotten it removed the year earlier and into just underneath my ribs I tried my best to ignore it because I wanted that t-rex so frickin much it got worse and worse and I was trying so hard to keep a straight face and just kept staring at my mum who had stopped talking and was now looking at me in horror because I had gone the truth read one more shoot of pain and I blacked out woke up in the hospital turns out I had a hernia I was so excited and I burst a few blood vessels in my temples from trying to suppress a pain still got the t-rex so I guess it wasn't that bad my birthday was yesterday actually a few of my friends pooled their money together and purchased me a copy of WinRAR well look at least you don't need to feel bad about closing that reminder window now on the day of my birthday bit before I was born a family member died now my grandma calls me up not to wish me happy birthday but rather to mourn since then there have been two more birthdays on which somebody has died on the bright side I've now had five consecutive death free birthdays hoorah this is one of those moments when you say horror with the comment then two seconds later you realize this is one of the saddest things to celebrate ever my mum and her uncle's birthday is on the 15th - on the 20th for their combined birthday party they decided to throw it on the 20th inviting practically everyone in our family forgetting about my 10th birthday not one person remembered not even my momma I was so angry and upset that I didn't even remind them and only told my nan once she saw that I wasn't having a good time at the party so she scrounged around the house and found me a basket of pot poor basket clothes on layaway which I never got for those of you who are unfamiliar with the concept I'm not sure if it is employed outside of America honestly layaway was a system way you could essentially reserve items if you found something you liked but didn't have the money for you took it to the layaway counter where it was kept until you had paid the item in full I was takin clothes shopping something which rarely happened as we never had much money growing up and told I had a 300 dollar limit I was ecstatic the clothes I had been wearing for years which had rips tears holes stains and had been the subject of plenty of ridicule from many people at school were finally on their way out for new stylish clothes after spending an hour picking out a variety of different designs and brands we work our way to the register only for my mother to stop me and exclaim I forgot my cash not to worry she said we will put it on lay away and come back for it tomorrow there was never a tomorrow she did this many times during my life with different events Christmas Easter and it never hurt any less as a result I don't bother celebrating my birthday as an adult I always have a tiny vision in the back of my head of all those clothes fit for an excited ten-year-old boy collecting dust in the back of an aging store alone no I never told my mother about this but it would not have mattered otherwise I have no idea why she did this I have always suspected her to be B polar and under constant stress which leads to moments like this I am the oldest of three boys so I often gave up many things so my brothers could benefit sometimes willingly mostly unknowingly I can't say her true intentions that day were to get my hopes up and dash him however this was not the first time she did something of this nature she promised me a computer on my 12th birthday something I had wanted for many years but when I constantly asked her where it was the following week a week after my birthday she said she had taken it back because I was bad I could go on but I don't want to bash her despite what she has done to me she is still my mother and I respect that of all the stories on here this one made me the saddest the thought of you being so excited and then disappointed makes me want to cry not my story but a friend of mine friend's parents are both doctors on his 10th birthday they tell him to go the hospital for some lunch then suddenly boom guy got circumsized i crap you not i imagine that being boom and his foreskin fell off well first is my brother's horrible birthday story on his 19th birthday my mom attempted suicide in our house the entire day was spent trying to figure out what the heck happened to her dad decided not to tell us and why an entire room was covered in blood but now for my bad birthday story it's not too bad but I figured I'd share on my 10th birthday a phone line fell over almost setting our woods on fire the power went out next our basement flooded with about a foot with water this was all one my dad was across the country and couldn't help us we spent the whole day waiting for the plumber and then hoping the electricity would come back on I accidentally read come on my 10th birthday a phone fell over almost setting our woods on fire and I was like must have been a Nokia my ex who granted was hiding autism from me gave me a nickel ha ha ha ho but not just any nickel this nickel just happened to be in between two planks of wood nailed together wrapped up in a gigantic ball of duct tape two rolls of duct tape covered by three rolls of tin foil and plastic wrap my mum and stepdad married the day after my 10th birthday from then on my mum told me I'd had 10 birthdays but they hadn't had that many anniversaries so my birthday didn't matter and of course my stepdad is a real dong so it's not like he disagreed they generally got me things like socks and on my sixteenth my stepdad grounded me for being on the internet working on my summer project some extra credits at the start of the term for one of my classes when he got home from work we only had one computer and he needed it for what I assume was pee right then I was grounded the entire summer and not allowed to use the computer no go to the library since I was grounded I really wanted the extra credit because the teacher was in a Toria Sardis I didn't get it but I did were in a how fast forward to my next birthday in the year and between I been horribly depressed and taken to self-mutilation mum finds out and sticks me in therapy only after my arm tells her she has to my family has a history of depression my mum tried to commit suicide a few months before she married my stepdad so I spent a few months before my birth be in therapy and at one point birthdays come up I tell my therapists that they haven't done anything for mine and my mum's reason she keeps the shrink face on in just not jotting down a note welcome my birthday I get a card in the mail from her a CD of a band I liked and a subscription to the magazine I told her I liked but didn't get to read anywhere but her waiting room the popular science my mum was livid and cancelled further appointments my stepdad brought me home a hedgehog a pet I'd often said I really wanted thankfully he had the tendency to collect strange animals so everything I'd need for one was already in the house as he brought it home in a box nothing else with it I bought it [ __ ] food promptly after setting it up a cage so that was sweet of him he listened and knew I wanted something and maybe he felt bad for what my mum did at least in part I love that silly Hedgehog 2 : when I was 17 my Seacat aunt gave me a brown paper bag full of plastic spoons and forks ten minutes later she asked if she could borrow $20 from me I'm sort of hoping you said no for my 16th birthday I got a leaf blower with a card saying get to work I'm not Mexican parents wanted me to do the lawn you should have sold it that would make it the best gift my aunt knows it I'm agnostic and hate cooking so she gave me a cooking book called cooking with Jesus all Mexican recipes my 16th birthday had to have a joint party with my baby cousin who turned one so everyone got her presents and took tons of pictures of her and her birth there wasn't even for another week I got pairs of underwear and a few days later I got my permit my sister's 16th birthday she's going to Paris for a week in June when I was about to turn five I asked anyone and everyone for my own knows every kid I hung out with in the neighborhood had one but me I wouldn't even have to buy games I could just borrow them I wake up on the morning of my fifth birthday my father leaves me downstairs and look eagerly towards the TV he leads me past the TV out the side door to a pile of newspapers he had taken the basket off of his bike and very awkwardly and ineptly welded it to my bike ignoring the fact that it should have screwed on he had also tied the handle of my red wagon to the back of my bike and somehow in all of this he had punctured my back tire his gift was that on the first day he had folded the papers for me it took me six months to get an S and by then the snez was already being a to come out in a little over a year it also didn't help that due to my father being religious ten percent of all my money went to the church as a tithe and 15 percent to my college fund which my mom's still around my 15th birthday so she could move to London and remarry a British guy my 19th birthday a bottle of Angostura bitters I don't drink it was wrapped in a piece of blank paper scrunched around the bottom and taped around the neck it had been opened it was sincere my Seacat alcoholic ex housemaid drank my Angostura bitters straight an attempt to get drunk he would drink or eat anything that I would leave in the kitchen and eventually in my room this needs some background in between games of Starcraft 2 my friend and I would go onto a webcam site and have a little competition to find the ugliest model of course I would win off him some of these models you could buy certain things or for them for tokens so one day on my birthday week my friend invites me into his house and gives me a gift bag I instantly know something is wrong because my friend is handing me a present I slowly taking the wrapping out instantly filling the room with a strong strong perfume I instantly realize that sitting before me as a pair of leopard spotted panties from one of the people I chose during our little game I should include that inside were bloodshot red stains glazed with tea secretions best or worst I don't know but it is pretty dang funny I should also add that my friend didn't have a credit card at the time we were 16 and had his parents buy it for him they were thrilled to do it sadists I liked how you knew something was wrong because your friend handed you a present for your birthday I was an army brat which means we moved frequently since I was born over the summer it was pretty normal to be in the process of moving on my birthday we also didn't have much money so new toys and books were pretty special for my 10th birthday and my sixth move I got my very own suitcase I was pretty devastated to this day my parents don't understand why that wasn't the best present ever I spent my 18th birthday ripping up my the carpets in my childhood room so that we could sell the house it was great my super-awesome girlfriend threw me a surprise party a month later man I was surprised on my 21st birthday I was a pallbearer in my friend's funeral he died driving drunk and by strange coincidence today is my birthday I miss you buddy Internet hug my godparents gave me a goal did bracelet when I was 16 which would have been nice if they had spelled my name correctly on it I gave it to a friend who spelled her name that way I will get socks as a kid it really sucks to get sucks when you're preteen but it is frickin awesome when you're an adult but brand-new white cotton socks straight from the package are like frickin for your feet only thing better is straight out of the dryer after their first wash when I was 12 I received the soundtrack to snakes on a plane featuring such hits as snakes on a clean bring it I'm assuming it's a bad thing to admit I actually enjoyed that album my gran died on my 16th birthday coma she was 97 and for years she always said she wanted to reach 100 to get the Queen's telegram she died due to kidney failure my great grandfather died on my 16th my great grandmother had died the year before and it was obvious he wasn't going to make it much longer at midnight I walked in and said we did it the par it's my birth but two hours later his kidneys finally shut down on him also my other great-grandmother died 2 weeks before her 100th birthday for my 18th birthday I received a bottle of the odorant from my aunt and uncle a savage beating from my dad for calling his second wife RW Justin Bieber toothbrush I heard using that as a sellable cure and addicts of their sex addiction a box containing my father's ashes a copy of the paper with the obituary and a check to buy enough alcohol to escape inter for the next three months don't be modest it was a good six months my aunt gave me dolphin towels with my name embroidered on them I was 17 my mum thought my aunt may be [ __ ] after that dude those sound frickin rad when my parents were first together before they were married my grandmother bought my dad a soap-on-a-rope with the sale 50 P tag still on it she still has to put up with him bringing up every birthday Christmas , she still has to put up with him bringing up every birthday Christmas more like she reaps what she freakin sowed every birthday Christmas you give someone clear and soap-on-a-rope for a gift and you deserve to be reminded of it until you give that person a gift so awesome that it cancels out your crappy gift for my 16th birthday every family member and close family friend was there even grandma flew into town for the special day I was so excited for my sweet 16 birthday too bad no one remembered it was my birthday they were all there to see my brother graduate from high school my mother remembered once we got home and I went to my room and cried plus I got yelled at by my dad for being a brat I was about five I got this round present from my uncle once that was about the size of my head at the time I open it and lo and behold it was an onion a giant freaking onion now I wasn't a picky child at all but everyone knew I hated onions I was also very gullible so I started crying I didn't even pretend I liked it as soon as I started to cry my uncle stopped laughing and took my real present out from behind his back it was one of those children said soft plastic musical instruments I her so happy I think it was because anything was better than a stupid onion my uncle took the joke gift back and apparently they had onion soup that night TL DR don't get a joke gift for a five-year-old that's actually adorable XD my grandma had a thing about giving me and my cousin's 21 pound coins on our 21st when it came to my youngest cousins 21 st. my gran was pretty far gone with dementia and my cousin got a bag of 20 assorted coins that came to the value of just under three pounds it was depressing in so many when it was my 5th birthday I was celebrating with cake my dog started eating it and died because of it I miss Stanley he died happy for his 18th birthday my boyfriend got a car I got 50 dollars and wasn't allowed to have a party as my father doesn't like people coming over cue my sister's 13th birthday she gets a party with 50 - 60 people in a rented Hall and gets a total of about 500 plus dollars my parents aren't sure what to get her as her actual birthday is about a week away on top of paying about $400 for the party but for my 16th birthday they moved me to another country surprise no really my parents actually hate me his birthday my parents don't like him that much worst bday present sucks when I was five years old best bday present sucks when I was 35 years old late comer so probably will be buried and my mom's rather than mine she was born on the 23rd of December her mom has always made these nasty veiled comments about how my mom took a Christmas from her I'm also pretty sure my mom was an unplanned baby as my grandparents were in the forties when they had her which is really damned old especially for the early 60s they never really celebrated her birthday they just called her Christmas presents Christmas birthday presents one year they actually did buy her birthday presents in addition to Christmas presents this was the year their house got robbed and all the presents stolen naturally as a mom she regarded present giving at holidays basically a sacred act my siblings and I always had cake about birthday parties with crazy homemade cakes and super awesome themes we celebrated half birthdays with half cakes and smaller presents and every Christmas we got presents not only from Santa our parents and our siblings but also some from the cats and staff and we always have separate birthday celebrations for my mom your mom sounds freaking amazing you have been visited by the IT lizard upvote or experience bad internet for a month like and subscribe you magnificent person [Music]
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 180,277
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: worst birthday ever, worst birthday present ever, worst birthday, worst birthday party ever, worst birthday cakes ever, gift, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap
Id: WxUovbPdYnE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 21sec (1581 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 16 2020
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