What's The Smallest Amount Of Power You've Seen Go To Someones Head? (r/AskReddit)

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what's the smallest amount of power you've ever seen go to someone's head I used to work at a grocery store there was a cashier that was promoted to an office led and within five minutes started calling people up to his office to chew them out about Bulls non-issues then within 30 minutes started telling all the other caches that they were all scanning and bagging too slow then within an hour told all the backers they needed to bag faster and make sure that the number of carts in the store which they were responsible for taking back in needed to never drop down under a ridiculous amount on his first day the store manager saw him causing strife and pee off every single employee he talked with and took this promotion away and told him to get back on a register everyone gave him crap about it for the entire rest of the time I was there which was at least a year ever Babis it and put one child in charge of multiple children it's hilarious children are tyrants small-town zoning boards honestly with the County population of 6,000 we really don't need a board that meets monthly I needed one little stamp approval and had to wait till they open up the floor at the end of the meeting for an hour I had to listen to these guys discuss visual barriers on a commercial a/c unit they also spent half an hour discussing a concrete median versus the concrete triangular thing to prevent left turns into a parking lot it seems someone thinks too many cars are holding up traffic trying to turn left the guys were idiots our town only has two stop lights which journey blink red I have never seen anything resembling a traffic jam outside of one street closure due to a house fire a wedding couple hide a DJ for their reception having talked with him well in advance about what kind of music they wanted at different points in the celebration the DJ was establishing himself in the area and decided at the event that he would play exactly what he thought was the best material and completely ignored the couple's wishes everyone sensed his arrogant and overbearing personality but no matter how nicely he was asked to change selections he insisted on doing things his way nobody tells DJ requests want to play used to work at a seafood store we had hired a new kid and one of the guys was showing him how to skin a salmon fill it next day we are working together lady order salmon asks me to skin it I was taught how to skin salmon way before he started working there I grabbed the Filat knife and as I'm about to make the cut the kid walks over pulls the knife from my hands which on its own is very dangerous and takes the fish over to his side and says give me that let the experienced cutter do the job small clarification this woman was a repeat customer and liked how clean my cuts were and I was always glad to help her I asked the kid what the heck was that about and he tells me that you didn't receive training from the manager so you're not good enough at cutting salmon you bet your butter manager heard about that the lady also called in a complaint about it I started as a dish guy and my biggest beef was cooks leaving knives in our middle sinks soaking well we couldn't see them take 30 seconds to wash your crap or place them on the other sink behind us nobody ever uses so we know they are there any [ __ ] takes a knife out of someone's hand your butt doesn't belong in a kitchen period message board moderators I've been staff on a couple round playing forums in the past I can definitely confirm that we are all freaking terrible I was on a site where a ton of the moderators were planning a coup on the global Lippman that they didn't like and plan to overthrow her it was the most baffling case of the drama I've ever been a part of when I was in basic training the drill sergeant would appoint a couple of guys to be platoon guides LPGs they're basically assistants in the unit meant to help ensure that everyone's bunks and lockers were squared away etc once these two guys got picked they went power crazy I mean you would have thought they were promoted to command sergeant major by the way they were acting they lasted about a week before a full-scale mutiny by the platoon force the drill sergeant to appoint new P G's that describes every PG and is somewhat intentional the lesson is that sometimes you will have a doubter bag in charge and you will still have to do what they say there was a guy on tribal wars he had a tribe with three members and always talked to them like he was a president or something he even made serious plans on what to do if the tribes around them attacked he sent diplomatic messages with a golden signature and he wanted to be called king by the three poor souls in the tribe it was me and I still cringe delivered four dominoes years ago the store manager I started with was fired and a new guy came in his first words to me are that he runs his business like a boot camp I took it as a metaphor and started my night I come in at one point to this guy screaming over a young girl's shoulder faster fast to get the cheese on faster go go go I was dumbfounded he was fired after customers were calling to complain because they could hear him screaming when I was 11 I was appointed head student librarian of my primary schools library and it went right to my head I was tasked with training up and then testing the next year of student librarians over lunch breaks I had to teach them the very simplified version of the Dewey Decimal System the library used in library etiquette for if other students wanted to check out a book over lunches very basic stuff it went to my head in a very large way and I was convinced no one else would do as good a job as I did and the test I devised for the next year's librarians was unnecessarily harsh and difficult I started including obscure facts and riddles with the questions to prove that no one was suited for the next year's head librarian role one of the actual librarians had to step in and give my power-hungry 11 year old self for talking to and showed me a test she had put together herself that I had used from then on to stop all of the student trainees coming out with about 0 stroke 10 from my evil test the 11 year old student librarian and Mia's awed by your evil genius we both know that nobody else could ever shelve the books like we did when you have a grown child go into navy boot camp her are several Facebook groups set up for parents to support one another based on the dates your kid graduates one of the mothers thought her kid walked on water everyone gets some kind of job in boot camp her kid got assigned to be Romanova the health needs of the unit he got this assignment because he was one of the older recruits a pretty common practice if you listen to her you would have thought that he got put in charge of the entirety of Recruit Training Command at Great Lakes because of this she was the best Navy mom that ever mond ever she put herself in charge of okaying people's wardrobes and seating at boot camp graduation she wanted us to all get together at the same restaurants afterwards she even tried to book our hotel rooms for us none of which I was inclined to acquiesce to which meant she hated me I did not wear red white or blue to the graduation the kids in that unit have been in for quite some time now her kid is still a yeoman which only means he's a grunt that fills out paperwork at a desk she moved across country to live by him at his base I feel for that kid a military helicopter mom that is both cringing Lee painful and Wow if I was him I'd try to see if I could get a posting somewhere like a back Alaska or South Korea the player that is chosen to be the banker in a game of Monopoly when I first started working for my current employer I asked a co-worker if they thought it would be okay to wear earbuds while I was working from that day on she seemed to think she was my boss look at the board of any homeowners or townhome Association can verify I work for a company that manages hawas board members are terrifying people had a logistics Clark refused to issue MREs because my signature was just outside of the box six years in the Army and I've only ever met one decent human being that was a supply sergeant but he was so awesome he made up for all the dong heads I work at a summer camp of 4 - 7 year-olds after bathroom breaks to get them to line up to get back to the class you do the camp clap the rhythmic five clap thing once they all get silent you say everyone line up behind comma there's no method to how I pick a kid it's whoever's name pops into my head or whoever is closest to me when I do the clap whatever kid I pick Sprint's like the dickens to stand before me like face to vad clothes to make sure no one else takes his a spot as the line leader it's a 60 second walk back to the classroom but the little guy screams the whole time at people to stay in line I honestly couldn't care less how they're walking but I bust a gut hearing a little nugget scream about how he/she was the line leader and no one could pass him/her oh and don't forget the shine and caroling both of which aren't successful ever in junior soccer in Australia coaches and team managers have to wear armbands indicating who they are the authority that they assume as a result is a standing and as one dad quietly said to me give a guy an armband and the next thing he is invading Poland used to work out a greyhound track I walk the dogs but you used to have a paddock steward who will check the right dogs were running that they were wearing the right number coat and make sure you went out on parade on time the paddock steward we had two was a young lad that used to work on the track and oh my god the power went straight to his head I don't even know how there was no power to be hard one example we all had black t-shirts with the track logo and fleeces for when it was cold he demanded that we all matched didn't matter if it was summer if one person was cold we all had to wear fleeces he loved to boss you around for no reason we've all been working in that section for years before he came along and suddenly we were no longer allowed tea and coffee in her room jokes on him though he let the wrong dog run during a race tried to blame me I could also work as a paddock steward they only hired and really as I refused to take on the job full-time I think we can all agree that paddock steward was one of the best straw fleet captains though I was 22 and at a new job this old biddy who wasn't my boss came to me to say I was dressed inappropriately because I was dressed to professional she talked down to and acted like a complete beat in all her staff within four years I was managing her job plus another Department and she was demoted to my old job was truly grand I hope the first thing you did after being promoted was to have a meeting with her to inform her that she was dressing too casually I'm sure I share this experience with a lot of you but I had to deal with an absolute P which other supervisor at my retail job you know the type short angry explosive no sense of humor well anyway turns out she wasn't actually a supervisor but just the person who was given the keys to lockup at the end of our shift the cool laid-back guy I rang up hills with was the real supervisor going by this thread if you want to test a person's character don't give them a promotion give them keys when I was starting high school my school hired someone new to be the new head of school security he was such an butthole he hates kids and he had nothing better to do than harass students he always thinks everyone is up to no good he would search lockers without any probable cause accused students of being high with no evidence he would stop students in the middle of the halls between classes and talks to them to the point where they're late for class then write them up for being late for class and he seems to ostracize black students more than any other group eventually the school board fired him because of all the complaints from piaf students and parents students out of bed students in the corridors as someone with a September birthday I was always young from my grade in school there was this girl who was the grade below me but a few months older than me so she thought she could boss me around she literally had been given no power other than her birth date head waitress I was waiting tables at this one restaurant for about a year one girl I worked with would tell everyone that she was head waitress she decided it was up to her to tell everyone else when they were done with their shift who could get cut when etc if someone finished their side work up to the manager's standards but not his chicks she would pee and moan for the rest of the shift about that person leaving without finishing their work and she'd assure us that that person would be fired soon one day I got into a little bit of an argument with her during said arguments she called me a lazy B accused me of always being late to my chess and as always told me to not bother coming into work for my next shift because I definitely be fired as soon as she told the managers so I come in for my next shift and even though I was pretty sure she was bluffing I asked the manager what her deal was anyway was my job actually in trouble they said of course not because she was basically just delusional like she'd been working there for a couple of years almost longer than anyone else this place had quick turnover and just decided that meant she was head waitress no one ever gave her that title or any sort of authority over anyone else I was basically told that she had been told many times that she was not in facts above anyone else but never listened I guess I would have let all the other way staff know this and get everyone to introduce themselves as the head waiter waitress for a day make sure she overheard it too hi I'm Dave the head waiter if you need anything let me or Jam the head waiters over there no I'll be leaving at 5:30 so head waiter Tim will be taking over after that I used to have a job at a retail store employees who were good with customers and didn't freak up got a dollar raise and a red vest those who wore red vests were basically the assistant managers assistant one girl got the vest and went absolutely crazy with it due to previous disagreements she started to use this newfound power to make my job hack she'd make passive-aggressive attempts to impede my progress and add to my workload assistants to the regional managers minecraft admin I was 16 I worked in a small corner shop a guy started working and because he was 18 he could put through alcohol sales whoo whoo how he loved that power I was buying a 20 trillion dollar shirt and paying with my credit card the Clark compared my signature to the signature on the back of my credit card and decided they didn't match I laughed and asked if he was a handwriting expert he made me show my udders proof that I wasn't using my mom's card I was 25 it happened to me long ago when I worked at a Burger King the door to the freezer was busted and you had to open it's an exact right away or it was going to fall off the hinges altogether this only lasted one night so the owner gave me the key to it showed me the special way to open it and told me to just let people in and out I declared myself the key master and demanded people do things for me for the right to enter my frozen kingdom after a few hours they held me down and took away my key the moderators in I better not say they will ban me our human resources director we are consolidating offices and she made herself in charge of it and it has been a hilarious disaster one since we laid off around 50 people we had a lot of furniture equipment laying around had us ship it all to our main office I think five trucks worth of crap she didn't realize it was that much stuff and had to pay someone to haul it away once it got shipped down after it was all thoroughly pilfered to decided we would do everything electronically on SharePoint threw away thousands of documents and important drawings after having someone scan them scanned drawings are huge size making them impossible to open when talking with clients via phone so we have to call them back after we get all of our stuff open luckily we secretly saved the drawings for our important customers also the electronic versions have some weird problems where you can only print them in 9 X 11 even if you use larger paper size making them useless 3 tried to renegotiate a new lease for our building one of our co-workers who knew the owner got us a sweet deal set up she decided she do better PL phoner now we have to change offices for while changing offices she keeps giving vague instructions like we are not going to bring everyone over so only set up 20 offices rather than 25 inches stuff like that really great for worker productivity right 5 cancelled people's job interviews to hold stupid contents like ice cream sundae day which consisted of a tub of vanilla ice cream and some spoons the HR director needs to control this people who claim ownership of specific Wikipedia articles reverting any new info and only allowing themselves to edit them based on their own views and opinions I was working part-time at Long John Silver's in college small college town in the middle of nowhere in northern Missouri we got one of those secret shoppers hired by the local management of the chain to come in and review us it was busy in a rush this butt hole comes in is creepy scowling and has a ridiculous comb-over and creeper mustache he's rude to the other customers in line and annoyed with the noise he comes up and orders the smallest serving of fried shrimp we had literally the cheapest fried thing on the menu he's rude acts rushed talks over me and is impatient I just tried to move him along so I could continue helping the line of customers still coming in he sits down ignores his shrimp and pulls out a clipboard our head manager was working he wasn't sheduled he just came in to help with the rush he gets pulled over by the secret shopper who wants to talk about just why he was scoring as poorly not just that but just how grateful we should be that he wasn't including that I forgot to say thank you five times to each customer as was the newest online policy they were trying to push on us and how the place was so filthy because he decided to sit down at the only empty booth right off to someone else had left he spent two hours chewing out our manager in the middle of a Roshan the most condescending way possible about the most petty things his job is to visit fast-food places in a few small towns surrounded by farmland and go over a checklist to make sure things are in order he's not reviewing real rest for a professional magazine yet here he was trying to lord this imaginary power over two college students a deejay from Kansas City on chorale a pregnant woman a redneck professional pool player and our manager who was only sent over because our last manager was miss handling the stores money I swear all my stories from living in that town sound like an episode of a show like community when I look back this guy though had the most insignificant imaginary power no one took seriously but it went to his head nonetheless my roommate and I were at the bar through a mutual friend we end up in the VIP section which is above the dance floor took us being up there for less than five minutes before he starts yelling down towards the dance floor about the peasants a schoolmate was elected president of his freshman class tried to overthrow the public education system one of my friends is a team leader at the day care I work at that means that in addition to her regular duties she gets to make the weekly activity calendar and cross out no-shows on our sign out sheets as you can see it's a big deal unfortunately she has gone mad with power never has anyone held such a position of authority I am humbled and honored to be in her presence that said she did get to $0 and five cents HRAs if that helps to contextualize her relative importance in high schooi we had a teacher during our morning class that would allow one student to run to the Tim Hortons across the street to grab everyone something every day the same girl would go and come back acting she was rationing off meals to a bunch of hungry animals it'd give me my dang triple-triple woman I had a teacher in high school that would allow me to come late to class if I brought her something from Tim Hortons back in middle school a boy that was generally a little crap was given a shot at a hall monitor for that week but he lasted about three days on the job thinking he was invincible and didn't have to show respect to anyone or anything some of his antics he confiscated Pokemon cards from other kids and used the good cards to bribe other kids into getting him thirds at lunch and for extra time in the student-run computer room ran into the girls bathroom to peep over stalls justifying it by claiming that there was a boa constrictor on the loose cried when some other boy yelled respect model theater and then locked the kid out of the building beat the heck out of a vending machine whenever a gay person passed him in the hall the crappy kid would ask to see their hall passes and then say oh wait that's your gay card part of his job was to hang posters advertising school clubs he instead printed off a photo of some kids mom and put that on notice boards bit a girl on the nose that called him Hitler so that she would learn not to disobey man peed in the sandpit the elementary kids used the on site manager of an apartment complex at the most recent complex I lived in my on site manager was a middle-aged woman who basically couldn't afford the full rent because she was underemployed and took her job far too seriously she came to check on me sometimes because she noticed there was a suspicious person that is my big goofy ginger boyfriend picking me up for a date outside my apartment she came to check on my smoke alarms regularly at 7 a.m. and would peek around my apartment when I asked her to stop or to provide notice before she came in she threatened that using the laundry room was a privilege that she could revoke for any reason when I stopped answering the door for her early-morning chats she had my car towed from my assigned carport 60 watts that's what happens when the roof is too low and you accidentally smash a light bulb with your head I once worked at a retail store when I was 16 you have to have a manager in charge on the floor at all times it doesn't actually have to be a manager but it should be when I had worked there long enough that they trusted me I'd maybe have it if all the managers were on break for no longer than 15 minutes if anything that required a manager came about I just call the brick room and they'd settle it so you really had no power one of my co-workers was the kind of girl whose parents never really told her no or made her work for anything so she was a bit entitled decent enough at doing the job itself it took a while to get used to being told what to do by her boss criticized when she did something wrong etc she had been working there for like nine months or so and somebody gave her the m.i.c a badge to cover a break in the 15 minutes she had it she apparently told like five people that they were banned for life as well as telling one of the newer employees she didn't particularly care for that he was one strike away from being covered for being like three minutes late coming back from break ridded mods shout out to my boys at our news my dog when she's on the couch and parents dog is on floor that B thinks she owns the joint in the air force we have to test for ranks e5 SSgt and above whenever someone makes it there's usually several months between results and actual rank update there's this weird tradition where people call them Staff Sergeant selects and their names often get written as s Sgt snuffie this often goes to many people's heads they will often try to boss around other senior Airmen ephors same rank you know what the difference is between a senior airman and a staff select nothing Frick off with your imaginary rank in my place of work there is an extensive Iraqi with eight possible levels in each establishment all with their own amount of staff I've witnessed several people turn into an incredibly massive douche simply from going from the bottom sales assistants to supervisor it's sad really because this person is the end between of staff to management and once they reduced they lose all respect of the staff this particular woman was also the type to get pregnant to keep her boyfriend from moving home after University so there you are habit if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video bye for now [Music]
Channel: Internet Is Fun
Views: 132,976
Rating: 4.87222 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, emkay, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, askreddit school, r/askreddit how to, small power, power, overrated power, smallest amount of power, important
Id: uX8v0tvhpgQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 1sec (1561 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 13 2020
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