Strippers Share The Most NSFW Things That Happen At Work

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nsfw strippers and bouncers of strip clubs what's the most memorable thing to happen to you good or bad while working i worked in a club that had a catwalk type addition to the stage and at the end of it was a spinning pole it was very poorly designed as it was not a very wide space around the pole so the sheer amount of people i'd accidentally kick in the face while doing pole tricks is insane and like 80 of them would apologize to me and tipped me for assering my flow i always got a bit of a giggle about that also hands down the worst was getting projectile vomited on while giving a lap dance like butt naked covered head to toe in puke and not even an apology former stripper here i had a guy come in and buy 60 minutes in the champagne room just to give me a totally normal back massage the entire time had another guy spend 100 just to smell my feet edited i remembered this gem another chatty middle-aged guy paid for 30 minutes in the champagne room 160 dollars and 10 minutes into it i'm no longer dancing and he's having a serious discussion with me about investing in the stock market i actually learned a lot of great advice i was a bouncer had to bounce a guy who was jerking off he wouldn't stop and wouldn't leave i had to pick him up and throw him out he just all over my chest row first gold thank you what if that was his actual end game looking at strippers was good but being carried by a big burly guy really got him off thanks for the gold kind stranger the thing that first comes to mind is the time my friend was climbing the pole when it fell straight out of the ceiling it fell like a tree and the [ __ ] rode that thing right up until the second it was about to hit the side of the stage and jumped off landed cleanly on her seven-inch stilettos and stomped back to the dressing room like she had and just almost broken her neck they put the damn pole back up and girls were back on it within like an hour not me though i left and still don't trust that thing former stripper i had a guy buy two lap dances from me and spent the time in the booth holding me and massaging my back he had just gotten out of prison where he had been for 23 years for double homicide he insisted that he was innocent but he witnessed it and told me a wild story about a cocaine-fueled car theft ring in the 80s that he was a part of he also offered me 500 to go to his hotel room and have a bubble bath and another massage i refused but another girl i worked with had taken him up on a similar offer a few nights before and said he's really not that bad edit there was another guy who liked to be called big daddy he was nearly deaf and couldn't understand a single thing i said but he would just pass me 20 bills every few minutes while i listened to him talk about his fishing tackle business oh and the timer guy just in his pants during a lap dance and got mad at me about it also thanks for the silver kind stranger bouncer here had a guy have a mental break steal a car steeler loaded 45 and came to my bar talking about how he learned that he was god and could take anything he wanted he proceeded to run to the back of the butt to the christmas tree december 2018 and start opening presents that a biker gang had left for their party that was going to happen that night he was arrested shortly after edit i know to call them motorcycle clubs now i guess it does make sense that the word gang gives a lot of good people a bad rapper soon as you say it thanks for helping me learn something today everyone colon close bracket edit too i am a bouncer for a bar not a strip club forgot to mention that customer came in his pants after i kissed his erect penis through his pants as a tease i was flatted customers paid for a vip dance just to talk this can be torture or pleasurable depending on the guy talking saw a couple of guys just playing chess in the strip club they never bought dances the clapper a customer would come to the stage and watch clap rhythmically to our stage routines customer brought me flowers for my birthday sweet gesture i think the chess players just wanted the extra challenge of distraction props to them not a security guard or stripper but i was in phoenix azad a few years ago coincidentally during the fbs championship i was hammer drunk and decided to go to a strip club that i saw on one of those little business cards that promoters hand when i was walking in i noticed that the guys walking in front of me were sammy watkins and brian dawkins nfl players i said hi to them and chatted for a minute when i went to pay my cover the lady at the register informed me that the gentleman in front of me had already paid for me pldr sammy watkins and brian dawkins paid my strip club cover [Music] former vegas stripper here 2004 to 2015. we used to have a guy come in and pay girls 300 bucks to sit on his lap and fart on him sometimes he would want a girl to fart on his face i never personally danced farted for him another dude came in and requested me for vip as i'm dancing for him he just keeps sniffing handfuls of my hair second song in he just tells me to let him smell my hair cool sure 250 dollars to sniff my hair but then he starts this animalistic growling while snorting my f king ju fro creeped me out and i went back on the floor oh i miss those days x stripper here funniest i fell off the pole and busted my back but i was dancing for a nice regular and he didn't make too much fun of me maybe the time my work wife and i did a doubles dance for a guy who dj'd at another club and all he wanted to do was smell our butt cracks and feet good hula hooping on stage while it's slow a sweet 21 or 22 yo guy who paid 250 dollars to tell me how pretty i was for 15 minutes in the champagne room getting a guy interested by talking about world of warcraft lol he bought seven dances bad guy who grabbed my bear pssy fully nude club during a dance i reacted on instinct and grabbed him by the throat which worked but i was lucky it didn't escalate the situation and he backed off you know when you almost get into a car accident and you don't think to be pure horn i had that except the last thing on my mind was calling the bouncers for help when that should have been first had a friend that wasn't satisfied with the strippers performance so he tossed a quarter on stage seemed like slow motion as i watched it bounce and hit the stage music skips and we are promptly tossed out i tell this story pretty often but this is a problem is europe the smallest euro bill is 5a i'm not tipping seven dollars ish for a dance but one club i went to had the stage slightly inclined to the middle with groves cut in it you could put a 1a coin in the grove and it would roll to the middle i was at a club in with a shower that was attached to the stage and they would do shower shows every few hours or whatever so the time comes for the next shower show and the dancer hops in and starts doing her thing she energetically jumping up and down in the shower when all of a sudden there is a loud popping cracking sound and she was gone the floor of the shower is gone and she had dropped under the stage they apparently had no support under the fiberglass shower floor and it finally gave way the poor girl was cut up pretty good from the sharp edges soaking wet and covered in whatever grime was under that stage was a bouncer bar back for a few years at a topless bar a few fights which you never want to happen because it bursts the fantasy bubble and everyone clears out and lots of stripper drama between girls tonight was pretty fun though especially seeing your old hs crushers show up and get topless amateur knight is usually just strippers from other clubs coming in to try and win a prize i'm not a stripper but someone still tried to tip me i know a lot of the girls at work at this one club and has gone to visit i was wearing a mini skirt and tank top i walked over to a friend while she was dancing to talk and tip her i talked to her for a few minutes while she continued to dance just to the right of me were a group of guys that were tipping her too next thing i know i feel a hand running up my leg try to put money in my underwear i continued to talk to my friend but push the hand away immediately without causing a scene i then turned to him and with a confused look he said he was just trying to tip me too i said thank you but i don't work here he was completely embarrassed and highly apologetic i laughed reassured him i wasn't offended and walked away former stripper here i once had a guy pay for an hour in the private room we just sat and spoke most of the time he told me about his son who had a disability about his wife being a full-time carer for their son and her mother then out of nowhere he offers me 500 to dig my heels into his testicles another one who was a regular was a guy who liked to draw he would always come in with a tiny scrap of paper and would sketch me he was a really nice guy who taught me a lot about art and how to see the beauty in different things oh man this is a question i can answer currently a stripper have been for a few years most memorable thing was a full-out brawl involving most of the club it was a group of douchebag customers versus some of dancers and then eventually more people got drawn in trying to break up the fight it was the first fight i'd been in and i will never forget it lol kind of related there was a stripper doing an ama once i thought i'd be funny and i'm a dad so i told her i was refinishing an old oak table that had been painted this was true and how should i strip it this girl goes into detail about a chemical stripper to buy what kind of knife to use plastic to wrap it in saran wrap for a while before scr ping very detailed well damned if she wasn't spot on it worked like a charm who knew drove my roommate and his wife to her audition at a strip bar in portland full nude i was planning on going to hang out at a nearby store while she danced and he insisted i hang out and watch most awkward 20 minutes after that i was her regular driver until she got pregnant girl had her period on stage and didn't know it showed sent one of the girls out with a mop and a maid outfit maupin strip like it's part of the show bouncer nothing too hectic but me and the team had to remove 5-6 asian businessmen for being too drunk and grabby with the girls once outside one of them began to cry and demanded i let them back in and then pulled out a fat wall of cash shoved it in my pockets i pulled out the cash and handed it back he starts screaming three thousand not enough then one of his friends pulls out another wad of cash denied entry but the money was really tempting the duty of karen didn't want to risk someone getting hurt customer here went to a local place for my 18th f with the girls i was so drunk i didn't want to go to the next club with my friends so i had my boyfriend come pick me up he waited outside so he didn't have to pay cover well i fell asleep at the front door the bouncer told two random guys off for attempting to drive me home then asked me where i was going and if i not only had a way home but someone to look after me when i said my boyfriend was outside to pick me up he made me describe the car and the boyfriend and walked me to them before he would let me leave thanks for looking out for stupid drunk girls not a bouncer or stripper but a couple of my friends and i took my buddy to a strip club for his 21st birthday and he go so drunk that he puked all over the strippers back mid-lap dance she gave one of those slow turn around to face my friend followed up by look of pure death and slapped my buddy so hard that stephen hawking would have had a better chance of getting up and walking out of that strip club how how i get it not a dancer or bouncer he went to a strip club for a friend's birthday walked out five minutes later because the girl on stage had cornrowed pubies not something i ever needed to see x i've seen and dealt with everything from the typical fights vomit being groped and other drunk and debauchery etc the most memorable thing i think would be saint patrick's day working at an irish pub a customer was politely removed for trying to sneak shots off the shot girls tray without paying after getting moved outside he proceeded to curse out the bartender manager and other bouncers while getting in their face after the point he shoved the bar manager i jumped in and stared to move him down the stairs and away from the property the guy had a death grip on the railing and was struggling to hold on when out of nowhere one of the servers came in flying and tackled the guy the server rode the dudes down the steps like a toboggan where another bouncer held him until police arrived they don't condone the server's actions but watching it unfold was actually hilarious former bouncer my most memorable night was the time one of our dancers instantaneously and all at once just totally f king collapsed on stage exactly the way a puppet does when you drop the control yoke every muscle went limp at once it's a miracle she didn't fall off the stage pro tip if you're a high function alcoholic ghb should not be your weight loss drug of choice she literally roofied herself accidentally right before going up on stage reluctantly went to a strip club after i proposed to my girlfriend a buddy told the strippers about it and three separate strippers offered to give me [ __ ] it was a trap the employee employee-only christmas party they would bring in male strippers for the girls and have an open bar 50-plus drunk and horny strippers is a really crazy thing craziest thing i saw was five girls in the dressing room one year eating each other out in a circle i had a guy come in one night book me out for an hour australian club so it cost him 650 dollars and he spent the first half stroking my armpits in the second half having me stand on a foot stool and pose like a roman statue and hold it he wasn't creepy just a kooky old guy also had a guy wander in one night seemed pretty normal i was chatting to him at the bar and he turned around to look at the stage and he had this massive bloody gash down the back of his head turns out he'd been hit by a car woke up on the side of the road with no memory and wandered into the club for a drink autopilot does weird things to people i've only been a dancer for less than a year but i do have a couple mildly strange stories this one guy comes in he looks pretty young a little smelly but nice enough so i offered him a dance and he accepted once i start he asks me if i can be mean to him so i'm like okay awesome but then he asks me to spit in his mouth luckily he liked it when i said hell no one called him a bad boy lol another time i'm sitting with this guy who is a regular but it's my first time talking to him he's sitting there trying to convince me to get my real estate license and i'm doing my best to act entrusted suddenly one of the other dancers comes up to him and slams her hand on the table and yells at him never f king contact me again and then turns to me and says don't give him any of your personal information i asked him what he did and he says i accidentally called her white trash i about fell off my chair laughing semicolon current stripper have a list of stories that are almost unbelievable nicest thing anyone has done christmas time my regular dropped in presents for me i'm used to presents of lingerie or shoes or jewelry but he put thought in bought me a hardcover novel i'd mentioned wanting to read months ago and beautifully boundlined books for my uni notes also had a guy pay me to sit completely still and not talk for over an hour while he sniffed my right forearm without a break do you bow not a stripper but i did light one on fire once i posted this before about 10 years ago me and my cousin are in the pretty shady club south of madison wi we're two of maybe five people in this place not including the dancers so the ratio wasn't horrible i sit down at the rail out came a new girl she locks onto me because i'm the only one on the rail wiggles over towards me and in a flash did this flip twist cartwheel onto my lap it's important to note at this time that as i was walking to the rail i was lighting up a new cigarette just as i realized what was happening i noticed my sig was gone what i did learn that night is that big hair coated in hair spray and perfume make great kindling dj at a club in the late 70s right before shifts change early evening man 60s he's in the club with his son and another guy dad stands up to go tip the dancer on stage back then there was one stage and lap dances hadn't yet been invented has a massive heart attack and drops to the floor once we realized he had just fallen killed the music and ran over tried to keep the sun away from the bartender who was trying to resuscitate but it was clear to me this guy was gone emts arrived all the dancers ran around blowing out candles because they were flooding him with o2 probably not an explosion risk but gave them something to focus on emts called it sun loses his mind dad's friend is maya so seems they were supposed to be at church that evening they roll out of respect club closes for like two hours hey it was saturday the dancer on stage he was going to tip was pretty upset so we started calling her cola it's a rough business you
Channel: Reddit Tales
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Keywords: reddit, askreddit, top posts, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, subreddit, reddit stories, reddit tales, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, askreddit new, askreddit stories, reddit story, askreddit funny, reddit best, funny posts, funny askreddit, r/, reddit funny, people of reddit, stories, updoot, toadfilms, reddit jar, planet reddit, storytime, strippers, nsfw, askreddit nsfw, strip club, stripping
Id: FLXdIF84P8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 16sec (1216 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 14 2020
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