Creepy “Glitch in the Matrix” Experiences

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what's your creepiest glitch in The Matrix or unexplainable thing that's ever happened to you I was walking my dog and I was almost to the driveway when I looked down for some reason and I looked back up and I ended up being back at the road about six blocks away from where I thought I was I was so confused but my dog looked completely fine for your information I don't drink or do drugs I'm still pretty young six blocks that's freaky if it was just a few meters I probably would chop it up to not paying attention or something but that's intense my sister pretended to feed my bear when we were kids I saw the beans on the spoon she put it to his mouth and scooped showed me the spoon and the beans were gone no beans on his lip nothing like he actually ate it she never told me how she did it and she doesn't remember doing it now I assume you're talking about a teddy bear but I kind of hope you're not I had just pulled into the parking lot of where I worked and was walking towards the building it was like three in the afternoon broad daylight all of a sudden I heard an ambulance's siren stopped sounding naturally I looked down the road to try and see the ambulance I see it approaching and decided to watch it for a bit it was quickly getting closer and it was about to pass right by me however there was a large SUV waiting to turn out of the parking lot and onto the road blocking a few meters of the road from my view the ambulance passed behind the SUV probably about 50 feet away from me at most and I vividly remember the siren becoming completely silent in that instant the ambulance had vanished entirely as it passed behind that SUV I was so confused the road did not have many cars on it at the time and it was broad daylight I did a triple take and made sure that I didn't just miss it I had a clear view of the road gang both directions and there was no more ambulance to be seen no more siren either I walked up and down the road trying to find it for a solid minute but nope it was gone I was well rested not on drugs and I didn't have a history of hallucinations it seems dismissable but I was completely aware of what happened and I can't explain it to this day as someone who used to have such hallucinations security footage helps a great deal also a pet is really useful if they aren't responding I could relax my wife passed away a year ago today how does some odd things happened like a couple of old meaningful pictures show up that I swore were in storage the strangest one was I vacuumed the carpet and as soon as I was done a diamond ring was on the ground right where I had just cleaned it was like she was saying hey this one is real don't lose it this one is really lovely I'm sorry for your loss I hope finding these things brought back some wonderful memories when I was living with my parents my dad was cleaning out one of his drawers and found a piece of paper with a postcode for a nearby City on when he showed me I immediately recognized it as my own handwriting except I have no memory of ever writing out this postcode so I punched the postcode into maps to find it is a random street I have never visited before and I have no reason to reason the reason I wish I had had gone maybe the universe was trying to show me something it was you from the future trying to send your past self a message quick it's not too late around 12 years old I was watching Megas XLR or something that was on at the time sitting there I noticed that the sun just turned off like completely I was real confused opened the blinds and it was dark show was still at the same spot but the clock on the cable box said it was five hours later my best guess for what happened was that I passed out without realizing it like those nights where you lay in bed and blink and suddenly it's morning so I'm guessing I fell asleep sitting up for exactly enough time to have Cartoon Network player a run of the show get to the exact spot I fell asleep at was surreal though I think you just fell into a light sleep sometimes when I'm in the passenger seat of a car on a long drive I'll fall asleep listening to the radio when I wake up it feels like I didn't even sleep and I can remember everything that was on the radio but the other person in the car is certain I sleep I snore I should have fallen into the River Thames once me and some friends from uni were exploring London and taking pictures beside the Thames when I decide posing next to the wall is a weak photo so decide to climb up for better photo opportunities as I hoisted myself up I must have used far too much power and knew fully I was about to go straight over and into the river which was like a 20-foot drop I managed to get one foot onto the wall and felt something completely stopped my momentum almost felt like divine intervention in a way I stood up straight alive and still on dry land as I turned to express how close I was to dying there and then someone took a photo of me which is still one of the best photos I've had taken of me to date if someone took a photo of me after an ear death experience like that the only notable feature of it would be a growing wet spot on my pants I've told this story before and could go into a ton of detail but here's the short version I am 100 sure I vividly remember a dog that apparently doesn't exist when I was 16 we lived on the other side of the province and my uncle had this little Jack Russell named crew crew went missing for several months and then turned up at a Humane Society over an hour away and we were all shocked this little dog has made it so far anyway that was almost 20 years ago and the other day I was talking to my parents and was like you know whenever I hear about Jack Russell's I think about crew and that stunt he pulled and they had no idea what I was talking about insisted my uncle had never had such a dog I must have dreamed it Etc honestly anyone else who would have remembered this dog has been dead for a long time and I don't even have any pictures of my uncle I have absolutely no way to prove this dog existed but I'm sure that he did they may have just forgotten my parents are like this as well not that long ago I was telling them about a letter I had written to my dad while he was away a few years ago they both insisted I must have dreamed it but I found it not long after sometimes people can be forgetful it doesn't necessarily mean crew didn't exist when I was a kid I had a dream a bunch of us kids were playing hide and seek near my house out in the snow I started digging into the snow to hide and came across a dead girl the very next day I was walking home from school and pretty much in the exact same area I dug in my dream I saw the girl same hair same face same jacket I was across the street but I kept staring at her while walking she eventually noticed and I ran off and never saw her again was the weirdest thing ever I was working on my motorcycle in a dirt lot where I had crashed it trying to do a sick drift breaking off the clutch lever in the gear shifter I had brought a wrench set with me and I was using one of them to take off a bolt when I put it down on the ground to finish unscrewing the bolt with my hand two minutes later I went to pick it back up and it was gone I ran all around this dirt lot looking for it to no avail luckily I had a spare in the car fixed the bike and drove back to my apartment to shower as I was filthy I walked in my room and sitting on my desk was the wrench I was dumbfounded I remember driving my car to this intersection in this rural area and I'm checking both sides because of terrible blind spots in the corner of my eye my mother is sitting there and says something like it's all clear my way I look back and she isn't there my mother had been dead for a few years at this point this was also in the middle of the day and I've never had it happen since I actually think that is lovely I hope you found this heartwarming rather than scary sorry for your loss I was reading Kurt vonnegut's last book time quake and had put it in my backpack to read while on the bus I left the house and for some reason about a block later I thought to myself did I put the book and my bag I looked and it wasn't there went back to the house and couldn't find it retrace my steps to where I turned around and it was nowhere to be found I never found the book again and gave up on trying to get another copy I think it was vonnegut's way of telling me it wasn't worth the read more likely vonnegut's way of getting you to buy another copy I don't personally remember this but I would see my dead grandfather all the time when I was a kid from the ages of seven nine there was probably ten different incidents my dad was an absolute pansy when it came to ghosts which I don't really believe in and wanted to take me to the doctor my dad had one of those bathrooms with a separate toilet room and no one that lived in the house closed the bathroom door unless they were bathing I was playing Rune escape and my dad asked why the bathroom door was closed and I said it's because Grandpa's in there that's the only one I actually remember there was maybe two other bathroom incidents and some incidents when I would sit on the floor and watch TV with my dad and he would tell me to go sit in the what was once my grandfather's Sharon said I couldn't because Grandpa was sleeping I don't know how creepy these are TBH but they freaked out my family for sure my friend Sarah was in a nightclub drunk off her face when she got an overwhelming urge to tell a total stranger that her leg hurts idiot it didn't all a bit strange she ignores it but it doesn't stop so she walks up to this guy and says I know this is crazy but I've got a huge urge to tell you my leg hurts I know that's crazy again sorry but he bursts into tears turns out his dad had just died and they made a pact before that if there was an afterlife he would get a message to him saying a totally random phrase so there could be no mistakes which they decided was I've hurt my leg when the song The Final Countdown was released in the 80s I already knew it it was brand new just released but I knew the tune in the words and could sing the whole thing beginning to end I believed for a while that it was a cover version but it wasn't I don't know if it's true but I remember my father who was a kid in the 80s telling me that The Final Countdown was released and wasn't successful but then released a game a year later and that's when it exploded that would explain that it isn't creepy but when I was in high school I had a dream I was an all-white classroom totally white like the ones you would see in a dream and a girl was sitting in the chair on my side during the dream I knew it was a dream because that girl was a senior we didn't have common classes about six years later I was at a master class the Sun was shining bright outside the classroom was very illuminated and I see this girl on my side we are doing Masters together and having a class in all white freaking classroom of course I remembered the dream at that very moment three times in the last year I have had a strong feeling to comment to someone about a part of their body I've not done so because uh they're people I don't see often and be it would be weird but a few weeks after each one of those people were diagnosed with cancer and the part of the body I felt I needed to comment on if I get that feeling again don't care who it is I'm gonna say something hey I know we don't speak often but your butt is cancer have a great day so this has always bothered me I was 13 years old at the time and my dad was a coal miner he worked third shift known as the hotel shift which was midnight to noon as such he got home around 2PM and slept till around nine got up had dinner with us and left for work my dad was always pretty Gruff and constantly yelled at us if my younger brother or I made too much noise and woke him up after getting home from somewhere which as an adult now I completely understand so one day I did something to wake him up I forget what anyways he calls me back to the bedroom and I'm expecting to get a dressing down but he just looked at me and said it's okay come over here and give me a hug what 13 year old boy wants to hug their dad I kinda squirmed a bit and he followed up with what if something happened to me and just laid there all grizzled and tired I didn't hug him that night there was an accident in the mine he saved everyone on his crew including the one person he went back in for his was the the only death and I'm convinced he knew it was gonna happen I'll never forget his eyes that day if someone asked you for a hug give it to them I love you Dad I've told Cassandra did before but here it is I had a very important document that I only ever kept in one place I kept it in the top drawer of a small filing cabinet I never moved it and would always see it in that drawer whenever I opened it for whatever reason the day came that I needed it now and I didn't sweat it because I knew exactly where it was well I be damned if it wasn't there Q panic attack I tore that filing cabinet up I remove everything and spread it out flipped papers over dug through envelopes shook everything out shined a flashlight all through the emptied cabinet in case it was somehow stuck to the sides I mean it was not there I can assure you no one took it or was messing with me I was so frustrated I even looked through other parts of my house but I knew it wouldn't be in any of those places and it wasn't I was intermittently going back to that dumb filing cabinet no luck super irritated I searched the rest of the house again and on my way downstairs where my filing cabinet was I called out in frustration okay bring it back I don't know who I thought I was talking to because I was alone but you guessed it I found it in the top drawer of my filing cabinet where it should have been in the first place I was relieved and totally freaked out I always have weird Visions or I'll see something in a dream but I won't notice that I've seen it then like a week or so after I'll see the exact same thing almost like deja vu but not quite since it hasn't actually happened before it would always be something so specific and it has happened multiple times so it can't just be a strange coincidence wait this happens to me too it'll have a dream where something is happening in the background or I am doing something and I don't register it and then a few weeks later you'll see it in real life it'll then realize that I saw it in a dream taking the trash out at night super remote area so I know for a fact we're the only ones around here getting close to the road and I hear very clearly help me from a female voice even knowing there's such a slim chance of there being another living person around I still feel like I should look around and check it out in case I wasn't just hearing things and someone actually needs help take about two steps in the direction I thought I heard it hear a giggle in the same exact voice turn around and walk promptly back up the driveway because Frick that crap anyone who actually needed help wouldn't be laughing I don't think I like that you had to be specific that a living person would be a rarity near you I have a good one I was about 12 years old and woke up in the middle of the night needing to take a leak I walked across the hall to the little bathroom Hit the lights and was about to reach for the toilet when I glanced up and saw a face in the mirror it was not my face it was as if someone was on the other side standing to the right with their face right next to the glass staring at me I only saw it for the briefest moment but it is seared into my brain I screamed and ran out of there to find my dad of course my dad investigated then calmed me down or tried to eventually we had a prayer session because I was so freaked out eventually I must have gone back to sleep fast forward to my thirties I'd forgotten all about the event one night while visiting my dad quietly brings it up remember that one time you saw a face in the mirror it suddenly came back to me in a rush of memory sending a chill down my spine yay I remember well he said I sometimes think about that night he looked down at the floor with a serious expression I saw it too he went on to describe exactly what I'd seen we have no idea what that was apparently when he investigated he saw it and had a freak out of his own apparent currently the prayer session was as much for his own nerves as mine I respect him for keeping that tidbit from me till my thirties but I kinda wish he'd never told me so this might be hard to explain I was probably 12 and lived in a big log cabin one day while my parents were at work I got in a fight with my brother 18 who had some anger issues he chased me through the house and I ran out one door around our porch and in through another door I was going to lock it behind me but didn't have time because he was too close behind me so I slammed the door behind me and kept running when I glanced back to see if he had made it through the door yet he was banging on the window of said or and yelling for me to unlock it the door was locked and there was no he had locked it because the door could only be locked from the outside with a key of course and our parents never gave us keys there was also no way the door could have accidentally locked when I slammed it behind me because it needed to be fully turned to lock and usually required some finagling at the end to make it actually lock I stood there dumbfounded for a few seconds and then ran to a bathroom and locked myself in there but definitely feel that saved me that day this didn't happen to me but to my mother and Aunt when they were younger and to this day is the creepiest thing I've ever heard so one day when they were around 16 years old they were alone in the house for a couple of hours while their mother was out working I don't remember exactly which one of them noticed this but one of them walked into the kitchen and was shocked to find that the stove had somehow been ripped open all the way into the oven my mother described it as if someone had stabbed the top of the oven slashed it and then pulled that slash open with their hands both of them saw it and when I asked my aunt about this story she gave me the same description also this was definitely not a visual hallucination because they swear they reached with their hand from inside the oven to the top through the hole they both swear they were sober at the time and I believe them because they were raised in an extremely religious environment so it's impossible they were drunk or high when my grandmother got home they naturally went to show her the slash only to find it was completely gone the stove was completely normal and there was no sign of a hoe ever being there this experience is probably the only reason why I'm not completely skeptical about the supernatural I've got other personal experiences of this sort but they all can be explained rationally one way or another in a way that makes complete sense but this story is Way Beyond me okay my sister and I were playing the age-old game of get the frick out of my room if you've never played it before all you do is try to get the Intruder out I managed to get her outside the door but she always trying to push it open while I was attempting to close it suddenly I slam it shut meaning I won I turn around and there is my very confused sister wondering how she ended up back in my room in her confusion I managed to get her back out I love how getting her out was still a priority even though she just inexplicably appeared in your room for obvious reasons I always keep a reverse or no card in my pocket a blue reversal new card which I once found on my nightstand anyways I had accidentally washed it with my pants it was destroyed the next day after waking up guess what I found on my nightstand a blue or no reverse card you better prepare to be washed at some point you wash the reverse card now the reverse card will wash you my dad's story SP we spent a lot of time growing up by a local Creek fishing in my family my brother and dad were all alone in a meadow around the end of summer and my brother looks at him and says do you remember when I was big and you were little keep in my mind my brother doesn't talk much at all and he would be about four my dad was obviously creeped out but was like what buddy and my brother said when I was big and you were little and wouldn't elaborate further my brother has no clue what he was talking about but apparently we all had a moment like that all alone with her parents asking if they remember when we were big and they were little when I was 14 1995 during the Eerie Calm before a summer lightning storm my dog Daisy ciao lab mix started barking at the corner of the basement there was nothing to bark at just stone fireplace and a tile floor suddenly a lamp set above the fireplace had the light bulb explode and a painting hung next to it shattering as it flew off the wall at an almost 90 degree trajectory Landing 10 feet from the wall my brother and I have theorized for years what it was our best guess is that lightning hit the chimney and that's what did the damage we've never been able to figure out how our dog knew it was about to happen the charge built up and was audible to the dog before the strike I once went to sleep in an unmade bed cause I'm lazy and was too tired to make it LOL I was laying under the covers and I woke up laying face down sideways on top of a completely made bed not me but a buddy of mine we were playing Xbox and we both have Elite controllers which have magnetic joysticks that pop right off so you can switch to another well he tossed his on his bed and went to the bathroom he came back to find his right joystick missing I let him use mine because I prefer the longer ones during the summer he texted me saying he found it at his dad's house 150 miles away from where he regularly hangs his hat his mom's house must have gotten in with some laundry when I was five I was sitting and watching my dad cook everything went white for what seemed like a minute and then back to normal still sitting upright my dad's still cooking in the kitchen for years I was convinced I had been abducted by aliens of course ten years later I was diagnosed with epilepsy so it was probably just a seizure I guess what I'm getting at is that any unwilling lapses of Consciousness feel kinda like the world crapped the bed for a moment this just happened today my daughter four was playing in her room on the Second Story I was two rooms away playing my guitar very loudly I heard my daughter screaming Daddy come to the guest bedroom I want to show you something this immediately seemed off but we have an extra bedroom but I had never heard her call it that before while she also has pretty good speech this was amazingly clear when I walked around the corner into the bedroom to see what she wanted I saw two little legs sliding out the window I jumped across the room and grabbed my daughter by her ankle before she could fall out after a not-grade moment where I yelled at her then hugged her then yelled again then apologized for yelling and hugged her I finally calmed down we had a talk about why we don't play in Windows while I was putting the window back together she had pushed and popped out the storm and screen window from the bottom I asked her what she wanted to show me what what do you want to show me you asked me to come see something no I didn't Daddy are you sure you told me to come to the guest bedroom I little whiny now and annoyed no I didn't daddy you didn't ask me to come to the guest bedroom to see something number okay if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video thank you [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 19,548
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Keywords: glitch in the matrix reddit, glitch in the matrix caught on video, glitch in the matrix stories reddit, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, reddit stories 2022
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 51sec (1491 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 31 2022
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