What's the most creative thing you've seen done in a game? (r/askreddit)

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D&D Player's have reddit what is the most creative thing you've seen done in a game part one disabled two goblins in combat while taking out a few others thought the next room had a boss so we wanted to go in with caution not 20 and managed to convince the two goblins to help us take down their boss and we would reward them by letting them live and having some loot we got some info but also needed help as it was clear that the next room was gonna be a [ __ ] show I came up with the idea that we should stack them on each other give them a torch and have someone used their disguise kit to give them a trench coat they agreed but the bottom goblin has to roll a strength check to see if he could support the top goblin eidm said this probably was not going to work NAT 20 and thus goblin adult Minh was born goblin adult man went into the room and was promptly killed by an ambush we had the advantage and won while not having to share the loot in one version of D&D undead were described as being able to store only a set number of scenarios and a number of set responses QR group working out this meant skeletons were basically magical and/or switches so we pared down the skeletons to the most basic components needed a skull some spine and a single arm we set up several in a pocket dimension with orders along the lines of if X happens touch your neighbor and if your neighbor touches you do y we basically built a huge analog computer out of undead parts housed in a pocket dimension then the GM had it evolved sentience deep rot love this stuff DM - game once where the Big Bad was undead a I made out of zombies and skeletons each one was super easy to kill even for an average villager with a pitchfork but altogether the AI was manipulating events on an international scale the players ended up uncovering how a lich had left his undead partially functioning AI in some massive cavern in the Underdark the Lich had been killed thousands of years ago so it's SATs stuck in a loop for all that time then it was disrupted by a newly formed lich who had come looking for the large amount of necromantic energies and didn't yet understand what he was looking at his disruption knocked some things into place which allowed it to start learning and the Lich eventually got dominated by the AI my niece's wanted to play D&D so I DM to game for them that I homebrew did take it easy on them these kids were [ __ ] ruthless it came upon a much weaker character who had knowledge of strange goings-on they were investigating once they overpowered him they had an actual discussion whether or not to torture him to get info or just kill him on the spot they opted to tie him up and take him with them using him as a meat shield if he lied and got them into a bad situation and protecting him if he was truthful I made sure the character told the truth because I wanted to see how they'd handle it at the end they left him tied to a boat dock and went on their merry way if you haven't played D&D with kids try it they come up with some really inventive strategies that will surprise the hell out of you during off time this one warlock would buy a bunch of bread and wine and go down to the slums where the homeless lived then he would sit there and using detect thoughts know the names of homeless he'd call them over and ask them a secret if they told him something true he'd give them bread and wine if they lied they got nothing eventually the homeless realized he could tell if they were lying and would only tell the truth when they ran out of their own secrets to tell they started finding out secrets about other people some started to worship Him he totally encouraged it eventually he was the leader of a homeless spy cult I try to emphasize more smart thinking and investigation in my story rather than a lot of fighting but I must say this is only possible thanks to my excellent players basically they found out a group of thugs were planning to ambush them in their base two of my party members had had their main weapons stolen and so they were heavily under armed compared to their enemy they then set up a home alone style set of booby traps drawing out the plan of the base and everything by using random items and things from their Explorer packs gear etc they managed to take out most of the enemy and hilariously gruesome ways which helped them with their victory in the main fight it was great I am lucky to have my players one of my players is a goblin shaman with no legs to walk she crafted herself spider like mechanical legs that she controls by channeling lightning from her waist stump to the unit to control it she gets a talisman after a really difficult boss that allows perfect control of the elements at the cost of not being able to use your limbs while she's done fine without legs no arms should be easy she takes her backup legs at their base rigs each one of them up for a different elemental nature and creates Goblin shaman elemental spider Walker Voltron eggs of wind and fire arms of lightning and water / ice a torso of earth and a head of all elements blended together she enshrouded her metal skeleton in elements like armor and began her character journey anew from my significant other since I do nothing in D&D worth adding I was playing a rogue in a high-level campaign my DM had allowed me to pray to the goddess Nocturne for a blessing and I was answered with what we called the hands of Nocturne basically I was allowed to steal anything I wanted with a high enough role via percentiles the DM would choose a number based on how absurd my request was and away I would roll it had three uses so I had to be careful with what I chose the last use was burnt on a boss fight we encountered an eight-story tentacle behemoth I turned to my DM and said I want to steal it he laughed and said I have a 1% chance meaning I needed a perfect 100 on my roll wouldn't you know that's exactly what I got I proceeded to bend space and time as I folded this enormous creature in half dozens of times until he was the size of a sticky note and into my pocket he went i grafted a red dragon's head to a purple worm gave its skeletal arms and magic jarred into it were mecha that could cast spells and got ate by a giant frog and dismissed myself from its extra planar stomach and copied my mind into it by accident by the end of the campaign it had two mouths that led to its extra planar stomach that was full of black sand it also had four arms eight legs and had 38 hit dice oh and it was spell stitched so it could animate undead daily and then make them intelligent it was also self-healing it also had bone scythe coming out of its back and had master crafted bone armor it had like eight natural attacks it was nuts we were stuck on a necromancy attuned floating continent it was a Dark Souls themed campaign the druid in my party decided that wild shape is the best thing ever because it is he's turned into a bird and dive-bombed enemies faces and the like so done that climbed up a tree and dropped on enemies as a horse even my character had acquired a cloak of many things it's a cheap magic item which has these tearaway patches that turn into simple items like chairs torches ten foot poles etc when removed me and my crew were about to be eaten by a giant plant monster when I was getting desperate and looked at the cloak and realized it had an iron door on it I threw the patch in its mouth which nearly killed it and obstructed its only means of doing serious damage my wife confirmed natural 22 befriend a zombie opens door there's a drooling monster it's a zombie kill it again but no now we have a pet zombie named Phyllis following us everywhere so my friend created this campaign where all of us were barbarians with low intelligence my friend went as a dwarf I is a Goliath as it sounds big and mean my friend had created this room with pressure plates when you stepped on one a toxic arrow would strike so my friend the dwarf started hitting all the pressure plates with his axe I asked him what he was doing he replies by pointing at his temple if they have no ammunition they cannot shoot us anymore in the end I just tossed him across the room when I was making my first-ever character they already had weapons and armor due to their backstory so I was looking through all the equipment I could get I discovered something amazing 1000 ball bearings for one gold piece and I had 15 gold moments later I had 15,000 ball bearings and 0 gold my first quest was we had to attack and destroy a forge in a cave hide after a long journey to get there we got the idea to have some people sneak in and destroy the lava supply thing and caused the place to fill with lava and flush out all the enemies everything went according to plan and right after our sneaky people got out I dumped all 15,000 ball bearings in front of the exit every single enemy that left the cave fell flat on their ass and we just poked them with our swords the entire final battle of that well thought out and planned quest became completely trivial my players used a laxative to poison a wizard so he'd used the outhouse once he was on the outhouse they snuck up on him opened the door and unleashed hell upon him before he could as much as pull up his pants they reduced the wizard to gore and finished with acid which flushed the wizard down the latrine as a DM I set up a Christmas game where the Big Bad was Krampus and the heroes were hired to free the children he had taken after his defeat they released the children only to discover that Krampus only steals the bad children so the heroes had to battle a horde of toddlers in our last campaign I had a bard that made a habit of attacking with healing items one of these items is a perpetual pizza with pineapple because DM thinks pineapple on pizza is heresy the pizza lives in a bag of holding that my character doesn't entirely understand is a bag of holding we were set upon by a particularly troublesome boss and our tanks luck ran out in an attempt to revive the tank I off handed the bag of holding while attempting to jam a slice of healing pizza in the tanks cake hole I kind of missed and instead lightly slapped the tank with the slice instead because we'd barely managed to scratch the boss and to cope with my +13 pushing dm's buttons skill the boss decides to try and grab the pizza from my hand he also misses I used my reaction to make an attack of opportunity against the boss with my offhand weapon more specifically I threw the bag of holding over his head his ghost now lives in my bag of holding hello my sweet little love cannolis thank you for sending your infinite reaching cosmic attunement in our direction for the duration of this video if you're new here please say hello in the comments and if you're not I don't know you're clever you can come up with something please take some time to check out our D&D friends over at adventurers coffee company the link is in the description please use the code mr. Ripper for 10% off a bag of truly superb coffee it helps us a lot they were kind enough to send me a bag of ground dungeons and dark roast coffee and it is absolutely delicious for reals thanks guys you [ __ ] rule regarding Dave's coffee wizardry series we're gonna start with the pour-over because the coffee I currently have is ground medium fine and I grind course for cold brew so that's how we're gonna do it will be an all-day fam anyway I had to order some important things for the coffee videos so give me a few days for those to arrive and then I'll get right on it I'm really only set up at my current place for doing cold brew and doing pour over coffee so that's gonna be our gonna be the topics of the videos and then that's really gonna be it probably until I can afford a really nice espresso maker and then [ __ ] I'll show you whatever I know but that's gonna be you know years down the road unless somebody wants to donate you know a multiple thousands of dollars espresso machine with enough pressure to properly extract a shot but anyway I digress if you like RMB check out my artist Yohan Don's new single don't need you available now on all platforms it's the first fully distributed release for the both of us and we are really proud of it please Suffern out 20s please be nice to people and please come back and join us again soon I love you thanks again for watching we'll see you next time take care
Channel: MrRipper
Views: 61,677
Rating: 4.9466224 out of 5
Keywords: #DnDStories, #DnD, #DungeonsAndDragons, dnd stories, dungeons and dragons, ask reddit, dungeons & dragons, askreddit top posts, reddit stories, dnd, dnd 5e, dnd stories reddit, dungeon master, dnd campaigns, dm tips 5e, dungeons and dragons online, best of reddit, dungeons and dragons cartoon, dungeons & dragons florida edition, gm tips, role playing game, askreddit funny, d&d beyond, (r/askreddit top posts reddit stories)
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 27sec (687 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 06 2020
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