What's the smartest thing you've ever seen someone do during a D&D campaign? #2 (r/askreddit)

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hey shorty thanks for popping by just a quick reminder to please check out our new official subreddit our slash mr. Ripper we have some wonderful topics and threads for you to share your stories in as always if your story is on topic with this video feel free to post it in the comments also we got a live stream live reading party going on Friday June 26 at 2:00 p.m. Pacific 5 p.m. Eastern 9 p.m. GMT that's all boo let's eat this yeast what's the smartest thing you've ever seen someone do during a D&D campaign part to the to be fair to be fair to be fair to be fair it's my first time running a campaign and all of our first time playing so if everything isn't according to the rules let's call it home brew haha lol finger guns I put together a side dungeon for Halloween to help my players my fiancee sister and her boyfriend accomplished a small step towards the end game it was some of my best work a necromantic cults layer containing a relic they needed laid out in perfect detail with loot and NPCs and traps and puzzles all handmade they decided on pretending to want to join the cult to obtain it and went through a few tests they had to fight off zombies resurrect a few corpses which they later recruited wouldn't have been a problem if it wasn't an orc a little boy and a dog than I now had to voice and finally hold counsel with the leader of the cult a woman with half of a face named Sarah my sister's boyfriend is playing a human wizard named mayor mayor's school is illusion and his favorite spell by far is unseen servant he tends to burn his spell slots on it pretty often he's very clever with it however I didn't realize how clever until Sarah got to monologuing the cult ad mortem had a goal of immortality without lich 'dom though it was producing some awful side-effects they were kept alive no matter how mangled their bodies were they were practicing removing Souls and using the hollow vessels for new housing using the relic they had a weapon that could rip the soul from a target this relic happened to be sitting beside Sarah on a pedestal the relic was incredibly powerful and the thrall could drive a user insane Sarah explained the heroes would have to use the relic to rip the soul out of their survived corpses the ones they had just befriended without succumbing with the promise they would be shelled for use later if they failed she went on a rant about their goals and such ie I got carried away in the setting the atmosphere when mayor leans over to Atlanta my sister and now if druid and whispers something my sister beams oh no out of character Shane turns to me and asks with a shit-eating grin how long does unseen servant last dread creeps up my spine as I reply an hour he then informs me that mayor discreetly orders his servant to take the relic while Sarah is monologuing I roll for perception quickly embarrassed I hadn't thought of that and see the number that brings every player to tears a big fat [ __ ] in one staring up at me mayor's servant retrieves the relic and hands it to Marley the half elf NPC there traveling with who is the daughter of the Wizards who made the relic and the only one who can withstand the thrall he proceeds to rip Sara's soul from her body a split second after she realizes what's happened cue mayor snappy hey Sara you're boring me to death QG oh my fiance's shard mine fighter dabbing enthusiastically Elena taught him to dab cue me swinging some more Jack and Coke as I recall how long it took me to make Sara's character sheet for this epic battle we were supposed to have you mean swinging some more stout because this is turning into a bit of a [ __ ] show haha sick burn they proceeded to burn down the lair and draw a dick on the front door in blood I'm looking at the useless character sheet now as I realize that's what I get for monologuing this was when I was DMing so I was running a campaign where my players were doing anything they wanted and one of my players was a kobold sorcerer monk and he weighed 25 pounds so during the campaign he came across an artifact called the tooth of Tiamat which was a wand that could be used as a +3 dagger and so on that's not important what is important is that since he got the artifact and I rolled for random miner detrimental properties on the artifact chart I got a 43 and that reduces your weight by one D four times five pounds remember he weighed 25 pounds and I rolled a four which meant he now weighed five pounds he weighed less than the manacles he had in his backpack and he weighed the same as his backpack now remember he was a sorcerer he had the mage hand can't trip as everyone should and the weight maximum of the spell is 10 pounds and he weighed 5 pounds so he continuously cast mage hand on himself allowing him to fly holy [ __ ] ok hold on this alone surprised me but that's not it later in the campaign they were fighting death God and the Kobalt had cast fireball on the god the previous turn and so the death God decided he wanted to teach him a lesson by disfiguring him so I rolled on a chart I made I got the effect of the creature shrinks becoming thin and bony and having its weight so the kobold who originally weighed 25 pounds already the lightest one in the party then became 5 pounds from the artifact and so finally he became 2 and a half pounds quick maths but this is the amazing part he broke off his attunement with the artifact after they banished the death God and I asked him why and he said he felt like this was too broken but I knew he wasn't the character who would do this he shares my love of breaking the game so he was back at 12 and a half pounds next session he asks if he can still attune to the artifact to gain the same detrimental property as before and I say yes so he had tunes again now when he asked that question I could feel my eyes open wide I saw what he was doing he broke it he broke all the rules at least laws of physics well so the curse of the death God was permanent and so when he broke off the attunement to the tooth of Tiamat he returned to half of 25 pounds which is 12.5 pounds so when he attuned again and lost 20 pounds in weight he now weighed negative 7 point 5 pounds he weighed negative pounds so he floats now if he wants to walk like normal we'll just put on his backpack with mage hand and fall to the ground he walks on ceilings and if he wants to he can hold a combination of gear equal to 7 point 5 pounds so he then overall weighs 0 pounds and just floats not attracted to or repelled by gravity at all he is negative mass now and can go wherever he wants because he can fly he's planning on building an upside-down castle on an earth mote so no one can rate it also there is no way he can take fall damage or float out of the atmosphere because he has mage hand and can fly anywhere this is definitely the most broken combo in D&D and the smartest thing I've ever seen anyone do yeah that is the smartest [ __ ] I've ever seen anyone do that's amazing oh my gosh that's brilliant [ __ ] kudos that might have been one of the best ones I've seen I'm nominating it for the smartest person in the video I would say probably gonna win it we shall see but this is the smartest topic after all so pretty much everybody at least intuitively understands that bards are great in urban environments even if some players are kind of at a loss for exactly how to express that during gameplay some people are more natural fits for that kind of character class than others I hadn't really considered how amazing a well-played cleric could be in that same role until one of my players showed me in fact I was so impressed that I used that character as a template for father Patrick o Loma Kenny who was a second tier character in the candle Bray novels I wrote step down from the main characters who served in a strong supporting role the party rolled into a town they'd never been to before cleric talks to the gate guard I think it started when I mentioned that he seemed fidgety and distracted as he waved them through the gates full stop deep conversation the guard was impatient at first and not all that willing to talk about it and as the DM this was a cardboard cutout character that I had minimal notes on so was making all this up on the fly I invented that he had a sick child at home and was anxious to get off duty so he could go check in cleric asked to speak with the captain of the watch paid to get the guard off duty early party followed him home and the cleric healed his kit instant friend in the watch shameless rule lawyering to save the party thankfully it took very little time Ravenloft campaign I'm playing a druid goddamn right you are we entered a room and saw a pile of bones at a corner typically of Ravenloft the bones formed a bone ghullam bone golems have a magical laugh which makes you to save versus death twice lose both roles and you die lose one role and you become a bit mad it's bad because it is sound based and affects the entire party I had a silent spell ready of course I lost the initiative the bone golem opened up with a laugh except I asked the DM does it say it always opens with a laugh the answer was no the monster manual wrote the golem may laugh the DM gave it a 50-50 chance and rolled we lucked out the golem did a physical attack on round one I cast the silent spell afterwards round two the Golem proceeds to another physical attack except I say to the DM those who really knows under asylum spell the DM gave me an ugly look but considered he made the fifty-fifty roll again The Golem then laughed in silence there's an art to antagonizing DMS yep as it druid hahaha especially as a druid I was approaching close to rocks fall I played nice for a number of sessions afterwards from his new friend learned all the power players in town at a fair bit about their motivations went to the church and asked if they'd object to him ministering to the set or they could even think to raise any objection he offered to pay a generous tithe to the Church instant respect from the clergy went to the inn and rented several rooms asked if the proprietor minded if he spent some time ministering to the sick and infirm innkeeper balked at that in the tavern but was willing to rent out some stable space for that purpose so about 10 minutes of game time the cleric had set himself up in the stable with a long line of eager peasants needing his care made several powerful friends in town and gave the rest of the party cover to move about freely after that he contented himself with the off-screen work of tending to the sick the rest of the party did their thing in town knowing that if they got in trouble he'd be easy to find simply superb had he gone on much longer I would have started to suspect that he was trying to steal the spotlight but he wasn't he did the minimum necessary to set the conditions in town to massively favor the party and then he was happy to fade into the background and let everybody else shine I was beyond impressed this particular game was a standard dungeon crawl adventure which run at a convention the GM was a bit of a local celebrity with a reputation for running really exciting adventures so a lot of people signed up for his game expecting something quite special this particular GM allowed established characters eg ones which had been played in his games before to be used by players but anyone new to him eg players like me had to roll up a random first level character this meant that our group of a dozen players was composed of about half of fairly butch 9 to 12th level characters and half brand-new first level characters problem was this GM's dungeon was pretty much geared to the higher level characters being played by his buddies as the game wore on it became evident that all us noobs were basically relegated to the role of porters it was our job to carry the impressive number of bags chests of loot that the higher level players were hoovering up in what was obviously a Monty Hall style dungeon in fact things were so bad that none of us noobs were even allowed to fight because the experienced players didn't want to risk any of us kill stealing their XP if you were one of the noobs this quickly became one of the most boring RPG sessions you'd ever played in but then in the midst of what was the largest / toughest battle the party had been involved in so far one of my fellow noob players came up with a brilliant idea well the high level players were all caught up in a life-or-death struggle with whatever boss monster they were fighting can't recall the details the session was played about 30 years ago we noobs would collectively just take off running in the direction we'd come carrying all that loot with us so we handed the GM and note saying we were all sneaking off back around the corner then head for the dungeon entrance as fast as we could run the GM required us to make stealth rolls because all the high-level types were all distracted focused on their battle we were able to get away without any of them noticing it took them probably another 4 to 5 melee rounds to kill the enemy creature but by that point we were gone unfortunately the porter party noob group porter party unreal never made it out of the dungeon we were all killed in a random encounter with a pack of fire-breathing hellhounds I say random because one of our group noticed that the GM was deliberately fudging our encounter Rose seems he didn't want his friends to be upset that he'd let us all get away with Lu but we didn't care since for us noobs our characters were all essentially throwaway characters anyway what made this so memorable was that we'd stuck it to the more experienced players who'd been treating us so badly and even though they were able to follow our tracks and reclaim much of their treasure a lot of it in particular some very powerful magical spell books was burned / destroyed in our fight with the fire-breathing hellhounds it was a good even great way to die as an interesting epilogue to this tale this incident apparently became somewhat legendary in this particular GM's circle of friends becoming known as the great Porter's rebellion thereafter whenever this group was playing with minor level players they always kept one of their number detailed to stay out of the main combat and remain with and watch over the noobs to prevent a repeat of the incident seems it never occurred to them to simply let the noobs join in the fun so they wouldn't feel like a bunch of disgruntled minimum wage service clerks hello you beautiful spirit trapped in ham thank you for using your meat body to attune your spark of consciousness in our direction sufficient to reach the end of the video I hope it was worth the wait we're so happy to have you here with us I hope you got some great ideas to take home and ruminate on in your own D&D campaigns I know I'm always seeing new stuff I want to try in these stories the world is a trash fire and everything is topsy-turvy and in light of everything plaguing this chapter of our incarnations it is important to take solace in the knowledge that we are all in this together as one human family and the sooner more of our loved ones that you're that juicy bit of truth out the sooner we can reach new heights in understanding the preservation of life and the development of unconditional love things always get worse before they get better if things get better the universe loves us and wants us to be happy and we will be happy someday one thing that makes me happy is really good coffee I know a place where you can find some if you [ __ ] with what you're hearing today check out our D&D friends over at adventurers coffee company and use our coupon code mr. Ripper or a nice little discount a nice little bag of nice little coffee beans stuff is delicious and potent as all hell it smells great too pinkie swear if you're new here say hello in the comments if you're back for more tell me what you want what you really really want also stream happening we are not doing a D&D streamed yet still getting that sorted but in fact better we are getting together and by we I mean myself rip daddy and Brian and we're gonna read some threads alive on stream and have a nice little get-together with all you little sweeties out there Friday June 26 2 p.m. PST 5 p.m. est 9 p.m. GMT be there or miss it and see it on the channel it's all good better you do you feel free to check out our discord if you want to know what a trash fire looks like and check out our new subreddit where you can regale us all with your own D&D tales and perhaps your stories will be chosen soon thanks again for watching I love you so much please sub for nat 20s and we'll see you next time
Channel: MrRipper
Views: 144,065
Rating: 4.9361882 out of 5
Keywords: #DnDStories, #DnD, #DungeonsAndDragons, dnd stories, dungeons and dragons, ask reddit, dungeons & dragons, askreddit top posts, reddit stories, dnd, dnd 5e, dnd stories reddit, dungeon master, dnd campaigns, dm tips 5e, dungeons and dragons online, best of reddit, dungeons and dragons cartoon, dungeons & dragons florida edition, gm tips, role playing game, askreddit funny, d&d beyond, reddit funny, critical role
Id: guuGtgr9Osw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 58sec (958 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 21 2020
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