What's The Most Crazy Thing You've Ever Witnessed At A Party?

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nsfw what is the craziest thing you witnessed at a party there's a certain club in berlin if you go to the men's bathroom you're almost certainly going to run into this one guy who's been there for years who will beg you and other random men to pss on his face and thank you if you do he will do it for hours every night he is pretty polite and doesn't force you to pss on him though he will beg you for it i've seen a lot of crazy things but this one dude is impossible to forget halloween house party everyone in fancy dress except one guy everybody is having a good time until no costume guy goes on a rampage and throws a guy dressed as shaggy through a ground floor window and just paces around the room like a wild animal looking like he's going to do it again everyone's in a state of shock or going out to check on shaggy my mate pete r.i.p calmly folds up a chair and smashes the guy over the back with a wwe style and then threw him out a guy dressed as spiderman was later found asleep in the toilet with a toothbrush hanging out of his ass got a gun pointed at my crotch by the girl whose apartment the party was at she laughed and said it wasn't loaded then some guy called her back over to the table where he was sitting he said give me that and proceeded to pull out the magazine i left about then these guys were trying to cook a pig which none of them have ever done so these geniuses came up with a plan to build a fire pit lay the pig on top then place a cast iron bathtub over the pig to cook all day when it was time to feed the partiers they removed the tub to find nothing but ashes they cremated a pig guy had a warrant out for his arrest for something stupid no idea what he saw flashing lights outside and panicked he climbed out a tiny bathroom window without telling anyone and spent almost two hours on the roof hiding in case the police came back it wasn't the police it was the meter made checking for parking violations i once got stabbed in the ducking chest at a party this guy had a ceramic plate of wings was drunk and i accidentally bumped into him dropping his wings and plate he got so ducking mad he picked up a shard of the plate and stabbed me with it i ended up going to the hospital but was mostly okay an extremely drunk high guy i have no idea he was wobbling around and hallucinating and he made my bed i watched also fairly drunk from the corner of my room as he fell on top of it over and over while attaching the sheets and tucking them under the mattress guys mother must have drilled some crazy sense of duty into him guy showed up with a duck on a leash ducking wild man i opened the wrong door and witnessed a girl start to vomit on my friend's dck she was sucking it that's what you get for not knocking i went to a college halloween party about eight years ago there's was this dude dressed up in a pink gorilla costume just going ham life of the party dude went a little too hard he ended up throwing up directly into his gorilla mask while wearing it and then followed it up by power eating himself down the stairs an ambulance came for him and we saw him again the next morning when he returned as a regular colored human and a cast on his leg a very fat friend of mine was extremely drunk and said i'm gonna do a flip and did a complete front flip landing on a plastic chair which broke and sliced his arm open guy tried to kill himself in the bathroom tub by slashing his wrists it was a smallish party in an apartment with one bathroom so people had to pee so thankfully they got to him in time we broke down the door when he finally said what he was doing and called an ambulance he lived also went to a psych ward for a few weeks after this hosted a party once and stayed sober so my house wouldn't turn into a wreck walked into my room and saw the biggest guy in my class bodybuilding kind of big drunker sitting on my bed watching reruns of spongebob squarepants and eating nachos then looked at me dead in the eye and said what it's a good show edit i went to a house party that got out of control i was part of the clearing out squad and i found a very coked up dude in the bathroom washing his face in the sink which appeared to filled with blood like horror movie levels of blood apparently he was punched in the face by somebody with a big ring which had sliced his nose essentially off i will never forget him stuporously turning towards me to say something in his nose following his head on a two-second delay like a door on a hinge he looked like red skull from the marvel movies drinking with a bunch of friends one guys is smashed and spills his full drink all over the floor he grabs the mop from the closet and starts mopping up while the rest of us give him a hard time for wasting alcohol deadpan takes the mop lifts it above his head and rings it out into his mouth a rondo who wound up at a house party asked a couple people if they had heroin and after we kicked him out he came back to the smoker's area in the alley out back and tried to physically carry a drunk girl off down the back alley we intervened and got her inside and safe but that was pretty ducking crazy my friend's older brother tim showed up uninvited all night he kept asking everyone if they had seen his twin sister she's here somewhere i thought it was a little weird because he doesn't have a twin sister but i shrugged it off there was probably 80-100 people there all night he makes it a point to ask each and every group each and every single person if they had seen his twin sister he can't find her around 1am in one swift movement he tucks his wiener between his legs drops his pants to his ankles kills the stereo and starts screaming twin sister twin sister while quickly shuffling all through the party good job tim went to some girl's house party who made the mistake of saying when everyone was robbing her dad's stuff okay everyone can take just one item obviously that didn't go well her house got obliterated she got kicked out by her parents not long after the party and ended up on heroin very sad story and nobody knows for 100 certain but whenever we reminisce about it my friends and i are pretty sure it's that house party that sparked her downward spiral as she was a well-educated girl and quite well off before that situation happened she also ended up on kilroy an old british talk show talking about the dangers of heroin and homelessness years later a girl once lectured me about how dangerous cannabis is after she had just done a line of my coke i walked into a literal duck pile once judging by the amount of limbs there were at least five people in it with another six smoking pot and drink on boos sitting around the pile like it was a weird bonfire edit so this doubled my karma in one go and my first medals as well did you get to roast a weenie well i once cooked some burgers for a party and after eating one the host had a heart attack i call the recipe i use heart attack burgers now semicolon drunk girl tossing a beer bottle over her shoulder blindly into a crowd at a beer festival after my buddy told her to throw it away meaning a recycling bin five feet from her a girl i know broke up with her boyfriend at a party he was so mad and drunk that he took both his hands and formed a hammer and smashed through a windows next thing you know he is on his knees piecing blood with both of his arteries severed one dude that kept his tea together tied his shirt apart and tied both his arms and carried him like a potato sack in his car and flew to the hospital he saved his life in front of our eyes we were like 20 people who saw this and nobody but this guy did anything we all stood there like idiots good thing the dude had a flying car handy my first ever week at uni a guy in our flat passed out in his boxes and socks after swinging tequila and southern comfort straight from the bottle for an hour he was fully gone and couldn't even stand or drink water we put him to bed then not 10 minutes later he knocked at my door fully dressed and apologized for the incident yesterday and said he'd be more careful with his drinking just the speed of his recovery was honestly completely crazy he did then disappear all night as far as i'm aware but it remains a mystery to me what happened cocaine happened host and their boyfriend having sex in the middle of the room and everyone else just sitting around watching tv and not really that bothered a car of girls showed up who knew this one girl at the party already they had been partying elsewhere earlier and fairly hard too by the time they get to our party one girl is so drunk she sht in the back of her friend's car and passed out girls do indeed poop and can ruin the back of a toyota corolla it was a nice car the girl i was seeing sucking off another guy in my bathroom at my going away party right before i moved i was in a band the crowd was invited to the after party for a show the guitarist was pretty interesting he invites two chicks at her friends to wrestle in a kiddie pool full of vegetable oil i had been in a committed relationship for a couple years at this point still wanted to watch but was not wanting to be disloyal so the crowd is watching the two girls go at it i watch until their tops come off then exit the party i see a very sad looking kid maybe 12 or 13 years old standing outside remembering being that age and feeling bad i say hey kid why so sad you should go into the party there's two chicks wrestling with their boobs hanging out that's my sister he said i felt so awful ended up hanging out with him to try to make him feel better it was towards the end of the night and one guy was asleep on a living room chair legs over one arm and leaning back against the other arm he woke up just as he was about to vomit and his friend literally dove in to catch the vomit with his hands we didn't want to mess the house being underage drinkers that wasn't the crazy bit though sleepy guy had caught his own vomit in his hand and said it's okay i got this and scooped it back into his mouth swallowed it then went back to sleep it's been over 10 years since it happened and i will never forget watching that how can i forget reading this not me personally but my brother with some friends were having a garden party late into the night other two friends were supposed to arrive later so my brother sees headlights from car and two people coming to garden it was midnight maybe but it was dark so he grabbed some bread they had for bbq rolled it into balls and went on to surprise the guys he jumped out of nowhere in the dark throwing the bread and yelling well in next few seconds he was laying on the ground face down with knee on his back police arrived because neighbors called them to calm the noise anyways he explained everything and it ended peacefully fun story i was in a campground party during tree planting a few people had done mushrooms and i got stuck babysitting one of them i was pretty annoyed but after a while he was doing better so i went to go take a pss and i heard this loud noise and my first thoughts in the woods is bear i keep the stream going listening intently and realize it's snoring holy sh t i think the guy in the next campsite is ducking loud whatever though i zip up and walk back to the fire mushroom guy is good but someone is missing where's james they say he went to bed something clicks no way i go back to the ditch where i had just pee said kick james away can take him back to his van then i sprint back to the fire and immediately tell everyone james passed out in the ditch and i had just piece it all over him roommate came home from a halloween party and said you'll ever believe this i passed out and up to a chick in a scream the movie costume sucking my dck full stop i thought for a minute and said how could you tell it was a chick full stop he got a panicked look on his face and swore me to secrecy immediately there was this massive party which was heavily talked about on facebook which meant that loads of random people showed up one of these people was a shady drug dealer who was sat in the corner dealing this girl went up and started giving him loads of tea drugs are bad and all that the dealer punched her in the face in front of the whole party a few guys jumped up to fight him but the dealer pulled a gun and exited with his group pointing it around the room they all got in a car and began to drive off as they were pulling out this guy steve who had missed all of this happening and only knew that there was some kind of altercation which resulting in some guys leaving came bursting out of the kitchen with a fork in his hand he ran out the front of the house and hurled the fork at the car bouncing it off the rear window and shouted and don't come back luckily the car didn't stop towards the end when maybe half the people had left i was sitting on the couch on my phone and i hear someone shouting loser gets stabbed loser gets stabbed i look up to see one guy holding a knife in the air in one hand and his other holding another guy by his shirt collar and he's got this devilish smile and the other guy is just standing there with an osh tee look on his face but not trying to stop it it was like a movie scene watched a hot asian girl just hike up her skirt and start finger blasting herself in the living room at a college party tbh as a 19 year old student i watched for a solid 3-4 mins before i mentioned it to another girl and she took her away we got so drunk once we took turns vomiting in a hollowed out stump in the backyard until it was full that's absolutely disgusting a slice of pizza stuck to a cupboard just chilling defying gravity i remember being at a party and pointing out to a friend how clean a glass door was that it didn't even look like a door was there not even two minutes later a guy go through the door thinking there wasn't a door there blood everywhere stitches were needed but he just rinsed himself off at the sink threw some duct tape on the wounds and partied on i accidentally threw an orgy in uni theme was bare as you dare and i put a bowl of condoms and lube in the hallway so it was the first thing people saw when they walked in it was meant to be funny turns out you get a bunch of people naked and drunk and give them protection they will duck everywhere party was fun but the cleanup job next day work you didn't think this would turn into a orgy field party when i was in high school there was a loud cheer going on about 50 feet away instantly i figured two drunks fighting wandered over and some girl was lying on her back with her skirt hiked right up and some dude's face was buried deep into her even with the cheering and hollering he kept going and she didn't care that everyone was watching wandered off during a field party to smoke once and just heard my friend say sir he and his lady friend had snuck off into the bushes for canoodling purposes and i had nearly stepped on them i saw a very drunk woman shoot dill pickles across the kitchen without using her hands yes like that kicking pickles across the kitchen isn't very impressive one of my gay friends invited me to a party at his place shortly after the party began there was a gay orgy starting up being the only straight person i got some cocktails his partner made me and waited by the pool while eating snacks apparently the two people that started the orgy were both ex-pr and stars from ca living in pa it was one of the most fun parties i've been to walked in on a four-person gang bang on my then friend at the time had a falling out two years later because she turned into a huge enabling alcoholic it was happening in the second lunge and i needed to grab my phone from there so i just walked past it all gave her the thumbs up while she had three guys deep in her guts and one in her hand got a thumbs up back from her free hand and left the room i miss that house saw a guy stab his thigh with a butcher knife after claiming his pain threshold is legendary his cries and screams to follow were legendary watched a girl shoot heroin between her toes watched her turn blue and go unconscious then die no one would let me call 911. watched her boyfriend literally beat her chest as hard as he could over and over until by some ducking miracle she came back i don't talk to any of these people anymore edit holy sh t i've never gotten 1k on anything thank you for the award s as well i got to a halloween party once i saw a girl dress up as katana from mortal kombat and i was stuck because i was dressed up as scorpion i did the get over here while pointing at her to try and break the ice and she said i have a boyfriend my wife was standing right next to me buddy got his dck stuck in a glass bottle we had to get a whole stick of butter to lube him up out of it but he kept getting hard i was at a halloween party and this dude dressed as joker smashed a back windshield in then this guy dressed as batman was asking everyone who broke his windshield they were roommates a friend's birthday party house full of people we all got really drunk and really high at some point this girl shoves all the chips and solo cups off of this folding table and gets on top begins to strip while she dances whatever we all have no shame or care we cheer her on she gets down to just her thong and she says the immortal last words watch this not sure what was supposed to happen because suddenly the folding table folded down to the floor and there she went she had to have bumped her head on both walls and the floor she popped up like nothing happened and eventually made it to a room with some dude and another girl to have a threesome while the party continued the next morning as we all wake up from wherever we passed out she somehow couldn't find any of her clothes and left naked with a black eye at a graduation party for my friend his mom was super drunk his spidey senses must have been tingling because he was going crazy looking everywhere for his mom he eventually found her in the shower banging a friend of his he was not happy and neither were the parents who also attended the grad party two guys had found some metal implements for branding cattle heated them up on the stove and branded each other on the calf host shut the party down an hour or two later all high on the molly he went room to room shirtless brandishing two hatchets telling everyone how much he loved them but they had to get out of his house now this was in high school high school there was this ridiculously religious girl that was an osx still marriage type but she was always down for butt stuff at a party everybody's drunk she's getting her ass railed on the front lawn her parents showed up to take her home he said as could be that she lied about where she was walked right up to the show t show ensued a girl knocking herself unconscious on the edge of the sink whilst in the middle of threesome scariest moment of my life at a party that wasn't supposed to be any kind of sx party sitting in hot tub with everyone and a girl on the other side sharks over pushed the lag of my trunks up and started blowing me in front of everyone about five minutes into it i look over and my buddy who was sitting there next to me has his hand on the back of her hair doing the old up and down everyone just kind of looked for a second and then went about what they were doing i think i seem to be the most freaked out person about the entire situation i was looking for a place to charge my phone when i walked in on what looked like a shooting for a ph community video with a vidcom on a tripod and floodlights there were a couple in there making out so they didn't start anything yet i quietly closed the door and he made sure to knock on the next door [Music] you
Channel: Reddit Tales
Views: 3,722
Rating: 4.9097743 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, subreddit, reddit stories, reddit tales, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, reddit story, reddit best, funny posts, r/, reddit funny, people of reddit, stories, updoot, reddit jar, planet reddit, storytime, educational, podcast, audio, animated, animated story, cartoon, radio tts, party, crazy party
Id: wQTr63xW6kU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 47sec (1367 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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