Version 1.5 Special Program|Genshin Impact

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once upon a time two twins traveled together throughout the universe but one day their path was blocked and they were separated by an unknown god ether lumen and now the two of them are finally reunited in the gentian impact version 1.5 special program [Applause] welcome everybody i'm zach aguilar and i voice the mail traveler ether in gentian impact hey everyone i'm sarah miller cruz and i voice the female traveler lumine it's so great that we're together for this program especially since our characters finally had a chance to meet in version 1.4 i know tell me about it i'm so glad that they invited me to the show i've always been super curious about what it's like to do a special program it always looked like you and karina were having so much fun in the previous ones hey that's what the special program's all about and today certainly won't be an exception as we are joined by keith silverstein oh i like the trumpet they're very nice hi everybody my name is keith silverstein and i voice zhang li consultant for the wong xiang funeral parlor in genji impact yes mr zhong li himself who spoiler alert is really morax that's right the geo archon widely respected as rex lapis the god of contracts himself talk about a list of titles and that is exactly why i leave the introductions to you zach honestly it's so hard to express how much we love your performance in the game keith and by we i obviously mean myself and a lot of other players oh that's so sweet thank you it is uh it is really an honor to uh play a role that's loved by so many myself included of course and uh come on how exciting is this i i'm so excited that i'm doing a virgin preview with you guys this is gonna be great yeah so why don't we take a quick moment to thank our viewers for joining us today and for their amazing support of gentian impact thank you so so much everyone yes big thank you to the entire gentian impact community thanks for your love and support so keith what do you think of gentian impact so far well we all know it's an amazing game i mean uh right off the bat it's beautiful you know the graphics the character design everything but the thing that really has blown me away has really been just a fan base just that this game is so popular worldwide and uh it's such an honor to be a part of something like that totally agree i've loved interacting with the fan base myself and currently i'm still on the grind uh i just love the gameplay the graphics are absolutely beautiful and i also love playing the game on my phone whenever i can't get to my pc okay so here's a question zack what have you enjoyed the most in version 1.4 so far oh you know that's ah it's so tough because i love all the mini games but i think my favorite one is ballads a breeze and i just love getting out my liar too as i travel around to that and play my random little songs that sounds pretty cool sharing my musical genius well let's not let's not go too far there so i mean i'm sure you're good and all but uh yeah i'm sure you're great anyways i believe many of our viewers are waiting to hear more about what's in store for version 1.5 so why don't we start things off with a quick overview sounds great take it away zack you got it in version 1.5 we'll have some brand new characters several cool new monsters and various special events we'll also have an all new feature to explore and as always there will be some optimizations and adjustments to our overall gaming experience wow very nice aside from all the new content kenshin impact is also having its native release for playstation 5 on april 28th the same day version 1.5 comes online so that's definitely exciting totally it's great news for our playstation 5 players out there yeah we'll get our first glimpse of version 1.5 from the trailer but before we get to that i'd like to remind our viewers that we'll be giving away redemption codes throughout the stream in terms of primo gems we have primo gems yeah and just remember that they might appear at any time during the show so be sure to stick around for those okay now let's take a first look at the official trailer for gentian impact version 1.5 beneath the light of jadeite if it is fated we will meet again it must have been about four or five days ago there were a few men who came through here carrying baskets and pigs i guess that could have been them and there was a child staggering in front of them this is i aged forged of elemental crystal [Music] he enraged earth will not absolve you you stand upon your tomb quake there is a fine line between good and evil this is order it was humanity that attacks the ley lines that sustained me so here lies the wisdom of the gods to dust [Music] hey wait a minute does this count as martial arts ready for trial incinerate well i guess i've mastered both the pen and the sword people tell me that if i just spoke more softly others may find it easier to forgive me but the only reason they think that way is because they've never been branded a pariah before i condemn you freeze to the court eye for an eye [Music] vengeance will be mine [Music] this serenity pot is all yours now oh you needn't worry about that i've already arranged for a certain little helper to await you within this teapot she will explain everything you need to know about it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] wow there was a lot going on in that trailer it looks like zhang li is going to have a new storyline here with a super tough looking dragon to fight so be careful out there zach hey i've leveled up a lot since the last version this dragon's got nothing on me yeah sure zack you really expect us to believe that personally i'm excited for these new characters they look super cool yeah and that sounds like a solid place to start so why don't i begin by introducing the new characters first sounds good to me [Music] so [Music] you want to learn some favonia's blade work alright then i'll teach you oh yes i'll teach you all right mark my words introducing our new playable character eula captain of the knights of fivonius reconnaissance company she carries a cryovision and elegantly wields her frosty claymore yeah the way she handles her weapon is truly amazing like she even did a cartwheel with her sword no wonder she's called the spindrift knight yeah her combat style really stands out um forget fighting her style is more like dancing or gymnastics seriously she doesn't move like other claymore wielders at all her emotions are way lighter and more fluid perhaps that's a result of the training passed down through her aristocratic bloodline oh she's a descendant of the family that was once overthrown by the knights of fevonius right that is correct ooh i'm sensing a complex backstory here now the question comes why would she be serving in the knights of evonius i don't know for revenge maybe i don't know well yes and no although eula often talks about taking revenge on others she doesn't seem to mean it for real as strange as it sounds it's just her own way of expressing care for other people let's have a look at her skills shall we yes please with her elemental skill ice tied vortex eula slashes swiftly dealing cryo damage however her elemental skill has different effects depending on whether you tap or hold the skill button oh interesting tell us more yeah when tapping the elemental skill eula gains a stack of grim heart by hitting an opponent grimhart increases euler's defense and resistance to interruption sounds cool for a claymore wielder what will happen if we hold her elemental skill then i was hoping you would ask that when the skill is held eula consumes the stacks of grimhart and surrounding opponents will have their physical resistance and cryo resistance decreased now each stack of grimhard consumed will be converted into an ice world brand that deals cryo damage to nearby opponents ooh i'm loving her grimhart mechanic already yeah me too eula's elemental burst glacial illumination deals cryo damage to nearby opponents and creates a lightfall sword that follows her around for a certain duration when her own normal attacks elemental skill and elemental burst deal damage to opponents they will charge the lightfall sword until it explodes violently once its duration ends an explosive icy sword wow that seems almost like a contradiction i mean ice that explodes it's like mixing opposites right but it's somehow fitting for her character you know a noble heir who joins the family's arch enemy who moves elegantly but causes violent explosions who manipulates cryo element but is called the spindrift knight she's full of contradictions nice sarah that's pretty deep thanks hey why don't we take a look at our next new playable character in version 1.5 sounds good [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] need a cure for insomnia let me read you the history of the development of leeway's legal system none of my friends have ever lasted longer than 20 minutes the other new playable character in version 1.5 is jen faye a legal advisor active in leo harbor she's a catalyst wielder and holds a pyro vision interestingly enough she happens to be part illuminated beast oh just like on you exactly so are those two sticks on her head her version of horns or are they more like antlers wait i thought those were her pigtails no no no zack not at all those are the symbol of her illuminated beast heritage okay so question would that mean she knows rex lapis then or would she be bound by a contract with morax in some way you mean like as a legal advisor for the god of contracts that would be quite the big title but yeah something like that even morax doesn't have command of all the illuminated beasts jen faye is one of the few that didn't sign a contract with him oh why is that she was born in a peaceful era therefore there was no need for her to fight in any cruel wars like her predecessors interestingly as a free illuminated beast she's put herself in a profession where her job is to interpret laws and help others deal with conflicts and disputes okay so her work is all related to contracts right because i know i saw some sort of gigantic pyro stamp slamming down when she attacks you know like the kind of thing you'd see used to stamp a contract you are correct both her normal attack her elemental skill signed edict and her elemental burst done deal grant her scarlet seals which decrease yen fae's stamina consumption but these scarlet seals are not the big seal you saw oh so the scarlet seals must have been all those little red markings floating around her that's right when she uses her charged attack jen faye consumes all scarlet seals which in turn increase her charged attack's area of effect and damage oh so that's what i saw it sure was one thing i forgot to mention is that eula and yenfei have some special connections to one another uh what would a knight in monstad have to do with a legal advisor in leo harbor sounds like a mystery yes indeed one which the travelers will get to discover on their own leave it to me um rude leave it to us oh yeah right us right oh you two and that's all the latest we have on the new characters wait a minute didn't you forget something uh i don't think so you know i have a pretty good memory zack was gonna ask where we'll get to pull these adorable new characters from right yeah oh we'll we'll get to that all in good time right now seems to be a good time for us to give away our first redemption code oh now like i said you never know when they'll appear precisely the first code will be unearthed in three two one [Music] it seems only fitting to collect some rewards before we talk about event wishes in version 1.5 yeah all right all right i know you guys are anxious to hear more in version 1.5 the two five star characters zhong li and yula will appear successively in their own separate event wishes many of the players have been waiting for zhang li's return and it's finally happening the players have been waiting i've been waiting okay to elaborate yen faye will be featured in zhongli's event wish gentry of hermitage the exact dates and durations for the event wishes will be officially announced later aside from the new characters a new five-star weapon and two sets of new artifacts will also be released in version 1.5 oh very cool that new claymore looks pretty ornate it sort of reminds me of the five-star bow elegy for the end from version 1.4 oh good observation now this new five-star claymore is called song of broken pines and it has a physical damage bonus it has quite a poetic name too i wonder if it belongs to the same series as elegy for the end perhaps and there may even be a hidden story behind them ooh i already feel a story coming you know whenever keith even mentions the word story i just want to break out the popcorn i know exactly what you mean let me guess it's a very epic and long story ah yes a very long story really have big imaginations you know that look aside from the weapons there will be two sets of new artifacts for players to collect tenacity of the milliliter and pale flame oh awesome where can we get them if past updates are any indication my bet would be that they'll be in a new domain and that is correct the new domain ridge watch will be available to travelers after the version update now it's located in the mountainous area that connects monstat and leo finally we're getting a teleport waypoint there that's always been one of the harder areas for players to reach yeah i bet a lot of people have used their portable waypoints to get there now we can save those for some other places in addition to the new gear some new storylines will be released too after the version 1.5 update diona's hangout event and act 2 of noelle's hangout event will be available for players to enjoy act 2 with noel that is so sweet i really love the hangout memory illustrations with noel okay but that's not the only act 2 we're getting in version 1.5 act 2 of zhang lee's story quest will be released in the update as well followed by eula's own story quest wow i already can't wait to see more of zhang lee's storyline can you tell us more about what's going to happen keith well as you saw in the trailer the dragon age daha who seems to have some let's say history with zhang li will be making an appearance in zhang li story quest sounds interesting but uh who exactly is this agedaha oh it was mentioned in the quest about the nameless treasure seems like mr zhongli's past is finding its way back to him osmanthus wine tastes the same as i remember and meeting those who share the memory leaves an indescribable feeling sarah look it's him ah it is you guys okay in a word age daha is going to play an important role in zhang li's story quest and the disturbance it causes will also pose a serious threat to leo furthermore this dragon will become a weekly boss so let's take a closer look at it in battle [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right then i don't know it actually looks kind of cute uh-oh sarah wants a new pet now yeah kind of cute like it's gonna rip off my head no i mean it's got that little cute smirk happening i think it's kind of cute that's true right and and it's got those branches on its tail and and remember this place there was a girl standing under a tree mumbling about the awakening of some most awe-inspiring individual remember right yeah so she was talking about age to her she was beneath the tree or as it's called the dragon queller is the cavern where aged aha was sealed away this new monster reminds me of geo bishops absolutely they have plenty of similar traits as a boss age deja can change its element hence the different colors you see on its body it seems like when it switches its element the surroundings in the domain change too ah looks like there will be a variety of conditions for us to deal with ooh are you excited zach well with all the lessons i've learned from fighting geo bishops i'm confident that i can crush this lord of bishops good luck zac you're the man okay the next new monster we're about to meet will be a new member of the hypostasis family the cryohypostasis let's see it in [Music] action [Music] [Music] when the cryohypostasis reaches low hp it enters a shield to protect itself and recover from the damage in the meanwhile it attacks its enemies which means us huh but it seems like we'll never be able to finish it off if we can't break the shield so how can we take its shield down oh i know the answer to this one travelers will need to figure it out on their own in version 1.5 and with that the apprentice has become the master yes you are getting the idea and there's one other new enemy we're gonna see in version 1.5 perhaps you two remember the abyss herald we encountered in version 1.4 oh you mean that gigantic blue dude that works for me well technically he would be my gigantic blue dude if you are the traveler oh okay sorry seriously do you guys bicker about everything yes anyway it turns out that another one of the abyss orders elite monsters will be making a debut in version 1.5 the abyss lector let's take a look shall [Music] [Applause] we [Music] [Music] okay one thing to be noted is that some of the abyss lector's attacks will decrease characters elemental energy once they hit their opponents so be sure to dodge those if only it was that easy yeah hmm okay all right zach i know you well enough what are you thinking about over there well the abyss herald we met before was like an assassin whereas this abyss lector we see now seems more like a mage the herald could manipulate the hydro element while the lector manipulates the electro element now that i think about it what if i could put them on my team well yeah practically speaking that would make a very good team well that could be what the last sibling was thinking i'm sure the lost sibling said i will have order and now we have the abyss order well that's everything we have for our new monsters so next we will get a peek of an all-new permanent feature called serena teapot which will be available starting in version 1.5 zach i'll leave this part to you got it after we helped the city get through its crisis the adept eye of leo have taken note of our hard work knowing we are outlanders who often camp out in the wilds they decided to give us a serena teapot as a gift camping in the wilds zack we never camp yeah we we just keep adventuring through the night yeah serena teapot i like the name so is this serena teapot sort of like madame ping's magical teapot yeah it's what's known as a realm within oh it sounds exciting that was really nice of them i hope it wasn't too difficult to make well the adept eye of liu are mighty illuminated beings with great power creating a realm within is nothing but creating a little trinket for them keith you sound so cool uh yeah that sounds cool thanks let's take a closer look inside this so-called teapot for starters there are three different rum layouts for us to choose from floating abode emerald peak and cool isle wow so this is what the adept i would consider just a trinket inside the realm you'll find tubby a teapot spirit who manages all the general affairs in the realm within just like a butler oh my gosh tubby is so round and cute i love it and it plays an important role in our realm too when we raise its trust rank it will give us some rewards and unlock new features for our realm for example the three different realm layouts will have to increase our trust rank if we want to unlock them all okay so question if i rub tubby will it grant me three wishes what are you talking about tubby's not a genie okay okay i was just thinking you know magic lamp magic teapot so anyway how do we increase trust rank with tubby then whenever we create new furnishings tubby's trust increases moreover with the help of the teapot spirit we'll collect various blueprints from different sources once we've collected the necessary materials for creating furnishings we can make those furnishings in the serena teapot and use them to decorate our home of course we can also buy some furnishings directly from tubby good i'd like an ornate glaze lily pattern incense burner really that's a super specific choice well i'm a super specific guy anyway this serena teapot will be a large personal realm that players may manage they can take their time considering how to decorate the space and can fill it with the things they like to make it feel like home i see okay then let's prepare some radiant grade knock to lucas jade for starters okay first of all your standard of home is way too high and that's wrong because i mean you know what you do you you do you yeah totally well if we are short of any practical decoration ideas we can also apply to enter our friends realms for some inspiration we can just stop by for a visit and snap some nice photos oh that means we can throw parties in our personal realms that'll be so fun are you gonna put me on your ultra exclusive guest live sack nope zack just kidding you know we're going from roughing it in the wild to luxurious house parties i'm really excited for this one yeah and the realms seem very large too large enough to unleash your imagination yeah we can create views outside the house and arrange the layouts of furnishings and as we put more furnishings into the serena teapot our adeptal energy increases enabling the realm to produce more realm currency so more furnishings increase adeptal energy i like the sound of that i knew you'd like that so with this new realm currency you mentioned comes a new way of exchanging it i suppose that's right we can exchange realm currency for a variety of materials and rewards and sometimes a teapot traveling salesman carrying realm treasures might appear so be sure to check it out noted there's already a lot on everyone's to-do list for this feature and there might be even more to come in the future let's wait and see what the serena teapot holds for us in store together i will and in the meantime i will stuff my realm with satisfying furnishings all right just please don't make tubby work too hard i won't and as always i'm sure the travelers will cover my expenses huh wait a minute what can we even afford that well i mean with the two of you together you might be able to cover it i don't have it no i don't think oh okay okay i'm just kidding you should have seen your faces right then [Laughter] anyways that's all the news we have for the upcoming serena teapot feature in the next section we'll get to learn about some exciting events that will be exclusive to version 1.5 but now it seems about time to give away our second redemption code yeah more rewards practically speaking the faster you act the better goodies inbound in three two one [Music] so [Music] welcome back adventurers it's time to unveil the special events coming in version 1.5 yes i'm ready okay so first on the list is an event called energy amplifier initiation in this event a sumera researcher will ask us to gather earman fruit fragments for a time we'll be entrusted with a mysterious ancient relic the energy amplifier with this relic we can unleash the power of the fragments we collect during the event this energy amplifier will grant us some effects in combat so it really is literally amplifying our abilities speaking of ancient relics i feel like mr zhong li would know something about that what are you looking at me for you know i'm not really zhong li right oh but i do happen to have some insight on the energy amplifier for one there are variations of how you can configure the fragments into the energy amplifier one variable motive force affects how many fragments one can configure the higher the sum of your character's levels the higher motive force you can provide to the energy amplifier with higher motive force players will be able to equip more high quality fragments to strengthen their team what if i don't have enough characters at higher levels as always zack that's where your friends come in you can borrow up to three characters from your friends to increase your motive force you got that zack oh friends yeah got it so the question then is how do we gather all the fragments there are plenty of fragments spread all over the map we'll search for the fragments in places of interest throughout the open world but it won't be easy to get treasures as powerful as earman's soul fruit fragments players will have to get rid of any trouble circling around the fragments before they're able to collect them ah that makes sense and we'll also be able to enter something called a twisted realm in the later phase of the event twisted realm sounds like a teapot gone wrong not exactly there are four domains in the twisted realm and each has different bizarre twists we'll be able to select the difficulty and conditions for the domains we enter just as in the previous hypostatic symphony event of course higher difficulties will grant better rewards okay so this will be one for players who are looking for some serious challenges and i should mention that a contract with diana the bartender of monstat will be one of the various rewards from the event shop cool it sounds like we can add her to our team by participating in all kinds of activities from the event that's right go get her our next event to introduce is called battlefront misty dungeon huh this sounds like a completely different kind of game in this event there will be six themed trials for us to complete and will only be able to use characters from a set pool of trial characters from the event throughout the trials our team will not form any elemental resonance and food and potions in our inventory will also not be accessible now that sounds tough but before each trial we can preview the monsters we'll be encountering along with some corresponding tips and tasks so it is possible for us to choose characters that fit the conditions before we start nice right yeah that's a relief so what do we need to do to pass these trials in each trial players need to activate all three of the ancient runes within the time limit to gain access to the final challenge there are benediction mechanics with the trials which allow players to obtain certain bonus effects and make it easier to complete the trials at the same time there are also some automated weapons systems that will detect and attack any intruders players will need to use the appropriate reactions to temporarily disable these devices we're definitely going to have to use our heads to get the right strategies totally and with rewards like primo jams maura and other materials awaiting it'll definitely be worth a shot primo gems oh i'm in our next event is called mimi tomo sounds hilachurlian you nailed it this event is about a certain unusual hilly churro we might encounter in various locations i see the one that throws primo gems at players right okay to viewers who are searching for where you can find this unusual hilly troll right now just know you can't actually use the primo gems it throws at you lately this unusual hilly churro has been stirring up trouble on the merchant roots it's time for us to teach it a lesson but this hilly troll is not an easy one to trace so we'll need to borrow some help from an expert perhaps you remember the hilly trillian expert ella musk yeah you mean that little girl in the library so it's time for her to teach us a lesson yeah we'll be utilizing the handy handbook of hilly cheerlean from her to communicate with other hilly trolls for intel on the whereabouts of this unusual hilly churro that seems like fun but i'm not sure i can memorize that much hilla chirlion you can write it down zach or you can take a screenshot oh yeah screenshot now that's good advice the only question now is how reliable is this handy handbook of hillychurlian after all it has a disclaimer on its title page saying it cannot be held responsible for any consequences of its use wait so you're saying it could potentially do more harm than good if that's the case we'll have to persuade the hilly churros by physical means oh now that's what i'm talking about it could be quite persuasive that way that wouldn't be persuasion wait now i'm confused we're talking about bribing them with some apples or something right like that type of persuasion oh apples and now you're making me feel like i'm a bad person anyway players will gain some furnishing blueprints primo gems and other rewards from the event so be sure not to miss out on this one our next event is simply called wind trace personally i'd like to call it hide and seek alright sounds fun and in case you're wondering wind trace actually originates from when ancient nobles were hunting for rebels in monstat ah okay now things are starting to sound a little bit scary no worries zack today it's transcended from its dark history passing down only the names of the two sides hunter and rebels oh so what does a round of wind trace look like i'm glad you asked zack players will be playing in contested zones they will be allocated one of the two sides the hunter or the rebels the rebels hide and the hunter seeks but there's more to it than just that the rebels can use their windward arts to disguise themselves place bait or temporarily enter a hidden state all right sounds interesting how about the hunter what can they do the hunter can use various arts to detect the location of the rebels and disable their tricks and disguises so the two sides are really going at it then yeah and during the game favors will descend upon the area at random and both sides can pick up these favors to help charge up their own so-called secret favor there are five contested zones in the open world so those who are familiar with all the areas and terrain will have some advantages good news for those treasure chest hunters out there yeah players will obtain win trace coins from the event and unlock a variety of rewards including a wintras themed name card but if you play the game in co-op mode with your friends or if you've already reached the daily limit of obtainable win trace coins then you won't be able to gain any more ah i see i hope you all enjoy this little game our final event is called overflowing mastery hmm we had ley line overflow before right that's right only this time we will have doubled talent level up materials during the event we will have three chances daily to collect double rewards using original resin from selected domains of mastery if i'm not mistaken this is the first time we'll have an event that doubles talent level up materials that's huge exactly so if you need to grind for talent level up materials this will be your chance i bet everybody's gonna love that all right that's about all we have for the special events in version 1.5 as always the last part of our version previews will be regarding new optimizations and adjustments coming to the game keith would you like to explain the coming changes for version 1.5 to our viewers sure thing starting from version 1.5 the cost of original resin to claim rewards for the first three weekly bosses will be reduced from 60 to 30. okay that's half the cost yeah and we'll have a total of four weekly bosses so that means we'll be able to claim rewards from all the weekly bosses using a single day's resin and we'll even have 10 original resin left over huh check you out sarah yeah next after the version update character companionship experience gained while playing in team with other players in co-op mode will be doubled so if we want to accelerate our friendship with some characters and learn more about their stories we can defeat bosses or clear domains with other players in co-op mode oh yes no need to remind me on the importance of friends again oh sorry zach need some more of those the third optimization will be about mailing alerts for when events are ending after the version update gentian impact will send mail alerts to players before any limited time events end yeah considering all the unique gameplay and loads of rewards from those limited time events it would be a pity to miss them definitely for players who are too busy to check the end time of each event the mail alert will for sure come in handy yeah absolutely our last optimization coming in version 1.5 will be about slimming down the game's overall size oh that sounds kind of cool with this optimization players can manage the voiceover files they've installed if you no longer want to keep the audio files for a certain language you can delete the corresponding voiceover files manually and that audio pack will not update in future version updates i imagine that could save quite a bit of space i know audio files can be massive oh but what if they decide to delete the english voiceovers no don't delete us please don't you want to hear more of me well there's not much of us in there anyway oh well okay yeah i guess it doesn't hurt that much when you put it that way no no it does hurt because zhang li has a lot to say so so please keep keep the english [Laughter] if you like us then please keep the english voiceovers everyone and on that note it's time to release the third redemption code to our loyal viewers yay are you ready three two one go [Music] [Music] [Music] well i hope everyone has caught all the codes and i think it's about time to wrap up the show time really flew by yeah i know right how did you like your first special program sarah i've loved being here with you guys it's so special and fun plus the twins got to be reunited even if it was only for a little bit um i really hope that they'll invite me for more special programs in the future because this was super fun yeah i hope so too and how about you keith how did you like doing the special program are you kidding i love this i mean what's better than being able to make all of these announcements i mean everyone's so hyped to find out what's in store and uh we get to be the people to share that with them so uh it's amazing plus i am looking forward to spending quite a bit of time in the serena teapot yeah me too all right thanks for watching the gentian impact version 1.5 special program everyone and i hope you all have fun in your teapots bye everybody see you in version 1.5 thanks for tuning in everyone take care bye are you still there yes i was hoping you'd still be there because we have an extra special surprise for you check this out [Music] you
Channel: Genshin Impact
Views: 2,774,252
Rating: 4.9798923 out of 5
Keywords: Amber, amber vtuber, genshi, genshi game, genshi impact, genshi video, genshin, genshin game, genshin impact, genshin impact 2020, genshin impact game, genshin impact good, genshin impact graphics, genshin impact introduction, genshin impact manga, genshin impact wiki, geshin, geshin game, Teyvat, yuanshen game, miHoYo China, miHoYo Japan, adventure story, open world game, anime style, MMORPG, anime games, mobile game, MMO PlayStation, yt:cc=on
Id: wgNiGj1nGYE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 52sec (2872 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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