People Share Their Wildest 'One Night Stand' Stories

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what's your craziest one nightstand story nsfw when i was in college i got a phone call from this girl i occasionally hung out with she was in my college town with some friends and said they had a hotel room with three girls but there were only two guys and would i like to come over i did girl from tinder hits me up at 3 00 30 m and asks to come over obviously a booty call i gave her my address she comes in with a huge ass duffle bag that has wow characters all over it i thought it was pretty dope until she pulled actual dope out of it and proceeded to shoot up on my couch she spent the next 45 minutes picking at her face in my mirror and throwing up in my bathroom i told her she had to leave she came over in the morning we ducked she made me watch the first episode of gossip girls i fell asleep for six hours when i woke up she was still sitting in the same position her phone died while i was asleep and she didn't bring her charger so she sat there doing absolutely nothing for however long i had to have my grandma call me so i could tell her i had to leave she offered to stay at my house while i was at my grandma's i did not know her at all you dog you ducked a homeless chick i had a girl stop me mid pump maslow's hierarchy one time my friend john and i drove a couple hours to boston for an old friend's birthday party that we hadn't seen in a while it starts as a house party and after that sort of dies down we decided to go hit some bars i hit it off with a girl so we broke off from the group and stayed the night at her place next morning i wake up get dressed and head out into the kitchen i almost steal a ducking brick because who is sitting at the table duck and john we completely unknown to each other went home with girls who happen to be roommates not me but my college roommate he went to a party one night got wasted and brought back an equally wasted girl back for some fun times we had paper thin walls in our apartment so i could usually hear everything so i just popped in my earbuds and played some wow i hear screaming next and not esx kind apparently not 30 seconds in she threw up all over him and his bed odd part is they ended up dating a while later comma i just popped in my earbuds and played some wow s z s part of this story not me but my best friend in college had been speaking to this girl on tinder and they eventually met up one night one thing led to another and they ended up back at hers they started going at it when suddenly the girl ran out of the room and started being violently sick in the bathroom turned out she hadn't been feeling well all day my friend put her to bed got her a glass of water etc ask the girl if she wanted him to stay she said no and then he left to get out of her student flat he had to exit through the kitchen he ran into the girl's roommate who my friend had met previously they started chatting in the kitchen and then start having sex turns out the girl's roommate also fancied the pants off my pal as they were just getting into it though the girl asked them to stop then she ran to the bathroom to also be violently sick turns out both roommates had food poisoning from their banana the night before your friend must have pee set off a witch or something about a week after i got dumped i posted a shirtless picture on the wall for our subreddit and a girl in my city was interested we exchanged pictures and arranged a drinking date met for drinks seem to like each other fine agreed to go to her place on the way there she stopped at a pharmacy and bought lube went upstairs to her condo we start fooling around clothing comes off and we start ducking a few minutes in she gets up and says you know what i love about one night stands i don't have to be someone i'm not i'm going to go do some drugs do you want some drugs the seeds to bump coke off her kitchen table we duck again she threatens to kill me twice throughout his dirty talk walk home in a daze pretty confused about life and feeling so drained buy a burrito bump into a friend i hadn't seen in almost 10 years who'd apparently moved next door weird night i had a one night stand and a bj the morning after on a cruise ship we were flirting up at the bar late one evening and went on a walk around the ship we ended up going up the helipad at the front of the boat and started getting a little heavy we went ahead and did the damn thing only to realize after that the entire bridge crew could clearly see us ducking at the front of the boat like a dirty titanic reenactment the next day she sang by my cabin and we had a round two on the balcony of my cabin i got blown while enjoying the view of the caribbean sea in the morning sunshine it was pretty damn great i went home with a girl we were ducking i was on my back with my head hanging over the foot of the bed just a bare concrete floor beneath she climbed on and the bed flipped i landed on top of my head pretty sure i was concussed she landed face first and knocked her two front teeth out she was wasted so she didn't freak out even a little i offered to drive her to the hospital in her car as mine was at home but she just called me stupid she actually wanted me to finish i politely noped out and walked about six of the 11 miles back to my apartment in flip-flops before a good guy cab driver drove me the rest of the way for free he said the story was payment enough told this before but i lost my virginity in a one night stand with a girl i just met a bar we ended up ducking behind some bushes in front of an apartment building at like 3 a.m went two rounds anyone could have seen us if they passed by but no one did although just before that some guys passed by in a car while she was giving me a bj at a park nearby and started cheering and hollering we were both very drunk late to the party but here it goes i was celebrating my 25th day and went out met a cute guy and went back to his place when we were on our way he explains me that he lives with his mom so i'll have to be quiet i was like wtf okay whatever i'm already here in another city far from everywhere so went into the house very quiet and we did the deed next morning i'm like okay i need to leave cause my parents are waiting for me for day lunch i lived two hours away in another city so i planned my escape and when i'm coming down the stairs his mom is there and says hi long story short i ended up having breakfast with her told her it was my day so she made some really good eggs and toasts for me and we were having really nice conversation when i told her i needed to leave and i had no idea how and she explained me every ring super cool mom met this girl and sang her brown eyed girl on the grass behind a strip club and then ate and fingered her ass all night a real gentleman i hooked up with this girl who talked about her sister all the time while we were doing it apparently her sister's ex who she slept with after they broke up had the weirdest dck she had ever seen also her sister p said some dude's bed on a one night stand she was crazy hot though she let me put it in the butt unfortunately she didn't prep and probably needed a shte before we got started because when we turned the lights on and there was sht smeared everywhere capital f i stayed over at a co-worker's house due to terrible weather after work one time her husband was out of town but he told me not to worry about it over the phone we played a few board games with her kids and lost track of time she took the kids to bed and i headed for the guest room i had work the next day and was exhausted so i only took off my shoes and passed out immediately i wanted to get up early so i could shower and try to get to work before everyone else woke up so my alarm went off while it was still dark i obviously woke in an unfamiliar room and swung my legs out of bed smashing my toes into the nightstand i started bleeding everywhere and my toenail popped off everyone in the house woke up to my incident she ended up driving me to urgent care is we could not get my toe to stop bleeding but took two hours due to the snow girl from home was a little late moving down to college so in her haste she moved into the new house and went for a night out with friends without meeting her housemates anyways on the night out she meets a guy and they hit it off they go home together and do the deed the next morning she wakes up in his room and goes to find a bathroom when she's outside the bedroom she realizes she's actually in her new house she starts freaking out because she had sex with this guy in her housemate's bed she goes back into the room and in a panic explains the situation to the guy and tells him he needs to leave so she can clean up the room the guy explains to her that it's his bedroom in their drunken state neither of them seemed to notice that they were both bringing each other home tldr was running a pirate convention cosplay renfer types artists and musicians etc and met a guy we clicked right away and i hung out with him and his friends into the wee hours of the morning singing pirate songs and drinking ended up telling him he could plunder my booty had raunchy and wonderful escapades in my corset and wench skirts spent the night with him in his hotel room went to lunch with him and his friends the next day found out he was only there because his friends dragged him to try and cure his depression because he was in the middle of a divorce ended up really enjoying himself and me we kept in touch for a while i still hear from him every few years by email he's remarried now i'm married too but it was a fun romp went out clubbing for the first time and met a friend of a friend went back to her place and watched her 120 pounds girl snort line after line of coke off her bedside table around 4am her ex coma boyfriend kicked and the door and surprise surprise this dude is so high airplanes are brushing his toes he wants to fight me and after a brief altercation realize this is a bad plan he ends up leaving and the girl really wants me to stay and offers to let me snort coke off her ass worst part is i ended up seeing her again a few months later and the so-called ex showed up again and smashed her television with his fist might see her again for new years a friend and i who i met through work and ended up flatting with for six months went on a holiday to fiji because he was going back to england soon a group of girls from the states were staying at the backpackers we were staying at and we bumped into them and chatted with them a few times one of the girls was very forward and after a night of bar hopping with the group i found myself with her in the open boot trunk of a taxi taking us back to our quarters the taxi had a subwoofer that the girl happened to be leaning against and after a few minutes of music vibrating through her she gave me the duck look she came back to our place and me and her started going at it in the main bedroom with my mate in the next room as she was about to climax thomas she literally yelled oh god finish any the next day my mate was laughing at me and said hum i don't know if you guys were having sx last night or playing mortal kombat on a nintendo ask this group of people for a lighter at a strip club this girl in the group not a stripper comes out to smoke with me i'm wasted drunk next thing i know we are making out and we end up ducking in the janitor's closet with the door slightly open this one stripper saw us go at it and just close the door oh geez met this girl at a bar and got her to come back to my place things were going well and everything was cool did the deed went to sleep woke up the next morning she was gone which is cool right on but my bed was soaked like damn it was wet and i was thinking man i knew i did okay but i didn't lay some pipe that good did i so i got up and leaned over to smell it yep that's pss this girl wet my bed like a lot i was pretty p said ha close bracket so i go back to the bar a couple days later with my buddy who's a regular there and told him the story and he says to me oh yeah she's a regular too and she's done that quite a few times and has a reputation now we call her water gun not me but an old friend he picked this girl up at the pub and went back to her house while the foreplay was going on she suggested the use of an l beads on him and him being game went with it they continue doing the deed and just when he's about to climax she ripped the beads out making him sht on her bed he immediately got embarrassed and ran to the bathroom collected his thoughts and came out to apologize and there she is rolling around in his tea when the ex and i had just broke up we went our separate ways and i got with her younger cuter sister for a fun night but she ended up having an adventure also i heard she ended up with this guy who had a leaky faucet in his bathroom i know this because she confessed to me coming over the day after to pick up some clothes that she said she pee said the bed in some dude's house because he left his faucet going now she carries a backpack in her car filled with clothes just to be safe said the guy was real mad she pissed at his bed so she took something valuable from him when he wasn't paying attention she thinks he still doesn't know she did it i wonder if he will ever find out the wet bandit strikes again did she take his passport i lived in an old converted two family house built in 1884. there were four apps on each side all the apps were rented by hs friends and so one year we decided to have an open house halloween party i dressed as fred garvin i had the hat glasses outfit trust and business cards worked out a good dan aykroyd imitation and had a number of lines that i tried out on all the ladies that night well mom you see an avp like yourself comes here to do business it's customary for the company to send a gal up to the room compliments of great lakes feed and grain and well since you're a gal the company sent me fred garvin male prostitute hands business card it made quite an impression because at the end of the night i found wonder woman in my bed needless to fred garvin earned his pay that night he stole my laptop i didn't call the police because i didn't want to admit it was ons and i didn't know anything about the guy semicolon i was on a crazy bender after a really bad breakup it was a real wake-up call for me it would have to be one from a few years ago ran into a girl i knew from college while out at a bar with some friends one thing led to another and we ended up back at my place everything went fine until i wake up the next day and this girl had pea set herself in my bed i got the duck out of my own room and just sat stunned in my living room farmed out suggestions of what to do to a couple friends best suggestions will kick her out burn your entire room and leave and never go back met a girl in a club very drunk we get a taxi home i remember being a bit confused when she gave the taxi driver my home location junction of x and y rather than full house address but i was drunk so i might have told her dope turns out she was my new neighbor i used to meet people on the elementary school playground next to my house for hookups well after dark with no kids around so i guess every time i met up with someone new there is time for craziest [Music] the one where i got stood up i wasn't the s's isx man back then [Music] met a chick at the pub went back to her place assumed she lived alone as we start banging with her bedroom door wide open turns out she had roommates who proceeded to show up one by one as we were banging just walking past the bedroom and saying hi we both fell asleep afterwards i woke up before her and found a guitar in her room and a pack of strings so i rey strung her guitar and tuned it then left before she woke up two weeks after my first kiss i met a gal in the mcdonald's parking lot whereas teens used to hang out at the time she thought i was pretty funny we went out that evening and grabbed food and went back to hers she proceeded to take my virginity whilst her best friend stood guard in the living room in case her parents came home they didn't she started yelling and attempting to distract as i threw clothes on i managed to get fully dressed in about 30 seconds and popped her laptop open to some rick and morty got away with it i've told this story before but i've only tried to have a single one night stand i grew up fairly conservative especially in essel issues i saw a guy at work i'm female and decided i was going to sleep with him be one and four once so i set up a date to make my move i failed at this attempt oh we had sx for sure but he just never went home 27 years later he's sitting next to me on the couch sharing star trek memes and talking about our child who's only 23. that's not what happened close bracket my favorite part of this story i have a tattoo on my hip of my friends and my initials in a design when he saw that he asked me what it was i explained it was the letters comma and he looked at me oddly and said why do you have my initials on your hip i responded with what's your name i guess we were just destined to be together my rich aunt let me keep an old stand of hers but just for one night while she was away literally got laid by using the pivot joke from friends he asked if i had drugs i had no drugs he asked if i knew anyone with drugs i said i did not he said he'd pay me back if i was able to get someone to bring him anything i was not upset when he didn't text me back doesn't have to do with the actual essex part of it but there was a female that worked for me that really wanted to sleep with me i told her that i would get in trouble if i slept with a co-worker she literally turned in her two-week notice during her next shift she proceeded to get a job at subway across the street from where i worked and one night after i got off work she came over and we banged it out it was very flattering that she would get a second w4 for that year just for me haha ah that happened lost my virginity to a girl from high school that was exponentially out of my league now this was back in the days of yahoo instant messenger right when external webcams became a thing i'm online just minding my own business and this girl hannah messages me out of the blue it was like she's on my friend's list but i'm not sure how because she's a solid nine and i'm a geek in band she messages me with the webcam and she's butt ass naked first like hell yeah one of the hottest girls from school is naked on my computer alright she's like i'm horny can i come over okay first off you've never been here second off this is me we're talking about but sure come on over she rode me like a pogo stick holy hell well it was completely amazing mainly because she's a solid nine remember i was very confused for the longest time after the fact that was 13 years ago and we've never spoken since she got fat and has a couple kids no longer a solid nine but still a great first lay meet at the club she's drunk but her friends drive us back to her place i wait for her to sober up because it makes me extremely uncomfortable have mediocre sx she had this giant vch piercing she must have been proud of but it clicks the teeth annoying she drives me home afterward nickelbacks animals plays she cranks it up and she gets into it talks about how we were animals last night 100 noped she gave me her number threw that tee away ducking disappointed that i had sx with a knickleback fan [Music] you
Channel: Reddit Tales
Views: 98,875
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Keywords: reddit, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, subreddit, reddit stories, reddit tales, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, reddit story, reddit best, funny posts, r/, reddit funny, people of reddit, stories, updoot, reddit jar, planet reddit, storytime, educational, podcast, audio, animated, animated story, cartoon, radio tts, wildest one night stand stories, wildest one night stand, one night stand, wild one night stand
Id: s6ac3p7afHI
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Length: 22min 54sec (1374 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 18 2021
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