Guys, What Do Girls Think Is Attractive But Isn't?

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fellas what's not as attractive or as i as women think it is basically any intentional misdirection like playing games hard to get only hinting towards feelings never saying anything etc like i don't think i've ever looked at someone and went oh they can't communicate at all god i wanna date them flirting or making out with my dad when trying to make me jealous just duck her dad to make her jealous putting other girls down gross intentionally difficult to read signals of interest i don't consider myself dumb at all but i'm no genius either if it feels like i'm trying to decode hieroglyphs with you i'm probably gonna give up playing hard to get i will give up when they think being crazy is like a positive or attractive thing like you where i punch my boyfriend if he doesn't pay attention to me i'm quirky lol like no you're just toxic abuse isn't funny when women do it and i wish we'd quit normalizing it granted we're getting better like when cardigan back iardagan talked about how crazy she was like it was a joke and not an abusive relationship do unto others man calling yourself a crazy [ __ ] pretending to not notice me playing hard to get and then asking why you aren't interested in them just ducking insane somewhat related but i had a girlfriend who at the start of the relationship stated she was serious about her christian values and didn't want to have sex until marriage all right i'm cool with that i'm more in it for companionship anyway so i never pushed the issue then when the relationship ended she complained that i never made any moves like what do you want i respected your values sorry i guess my dad my current girlfriend would purposely bring conversations to a dead end to see if i would keep talking to her and bring up new topics she was interested in me and was trying to find out if i was too by continuing to talk to her however it came off as she is not at all interested in me and did not want to continue talking to me please don't do this to anyone ever edit because this blew up and i told my gf about it we are still in a relationship i really enjoy being at it and we are very happy she did this only over text when we first started talking to each other but the point still remains the same i felt as if she wasn't entrusted but i guess that wasn't the case acting dumb if it is an act being anything other than genuine it's really hard to do since we're all scared that if we let people see our true selves they won't like us but the truth is that the true you is the most beautiful you playing hard to get man i absolutely hate that and i know many agree with me edit thank you so much to everyone who commented upvoted and awarded me very much appreciated hard to get makes you hard to want don't compare us to an x even if we have a bigger dck you are just building paranoia that we're constantly being compared to someone else edit holy sh t thank you for all the upvotes and awards idk what the light bulb is but i appreciate it duck you excess maybe literally or figuratively baby voice just no yi silver being ultra dramatic up and down to be fair i think this works when young women do it with young guys it draws them in but as guys emotionally mature and figure out what they want out of life it becomes more of a red flag than a manic pixie dream girl situation a female equivalent of the bad boy when they take a human appearance over their natural ogre appearance looking at you yeah just be yourself if you want someone to have shreks with you reverting to the baby voice with low lady you got a sister that talks normal or something hence we're not that smart just tell us did it oh my thank you for all the upvotes and rewards everyone don't fake interest in my interests if you don't like football or video games just say so eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil the kardashian look pumped up lips and a disproportionately large butt are a huge turn off for me it's just not natural all the other kims with the pumped up lips better run better run freakishly over the top moans or saying your [ __ ] is so big like i know where i stand don't lie lol i mean i just wish they would stop saying is it and yet this is forbidden knowledge not a fella but i have no clue why people think it's attractive or cute to be jealous the unnecessary elongated words hai doesn't need to have 30 eyes in it by doesn't have 30 e's i i i i i i use duck face getting big lips just don't it ain't attractive and it ain't worth it obscenely fat asses that say stitapia heart disease or implants that tea doesn't look right let alone healthy holy jeez this is practically people just posting hard to get over and over again hum using instagram filters instead of showing their natural face but then i'll look ugly twerking isn't as shy as you think essel harassment tattooed eyebrows they're flat and devoid of texture like a cartoon drawing instead of a rembrandt with real eyebrows you can relish every little detail you linger a moment with tattooed brows you're stuck with this thing which draws your attention but then makes you look away as someone who is attracted to women but not a man my instant turn off is hearing someone talk down about other queer women for having had male partners in the past gold star worship is ducking gross having had sex with men doesn't instantly mean a woman is going to cheat on her female partners or that she's changed or damaged in some way i've definitely heard both of those notions casually tossed around besides isn't reducing women to what they can provide is surely one of the things we hate about misogyny acting entitled i had this girlfriend she demanded to draw a chair for her when we were in a restaurant she demanded to open and hold the door i'd have done all this even if she hadn't asked me to just out of my love and care and general chivalry but her reasoning was i shall do it purely because she is a girl and she is entitled to it purely due to her gender that is some sh tty entitled attitude in this thread removed genital piercings orange spraytons i saw too many of those in prom photos you don't look s why you look like trump assaulting me some girls try to flirt and just start throwing hands that fake surprise when it seems like they're completely astonished to see you you could just say hi instead of what are you doing in my house jerking a dry dck really hard you are just mashing it and it hurts slow down every comment in this thread is talking about the same damn thing duck face squatting side look instagram photo long painted nails we do not care um good because it ain't for you don't get girls obsession with shaving their legs acting dumb although i'm going to love reading this thread i don't think the large majority of women here should give a duck about what these comments say they are not doing these things for you but for themselves don't get all judgmental about stuff that doesn't harm others we are better than that i'm sure you all will have to click on the plus sign next to this comment to even read it calling me daddy duck face who sold you this aesthetic snake oil exaggerated prno moans dirty talk it's weird and awkward yeah i can second that as a woman i have a girlfriend and sometimes she just goes all the way off like don't get me wrong i really appreciate the effort it just makes me feel awkward it's like they are giving a performance rather than enjoying what i'm trying to give them hey folks maybe some girls play hard to get because they're told that wanting to have sx makes them a slt and not because they want to duck with your head that ridiculous anime cross-eyed dribbling down yourself calling me daddy okay the big fake fat ass barely eating anything when we go out for food when i know they want more haven't seen it yet very obvious fake tan there are usually three types of girls a shade or two darker borderline black face and oompa loompa though i'd prefer a girl's natural skin tone a barely noticeable fake tan can look good anything else just looks bad lots of makeup long fake nails fake eyebrows seriously with this one you look like a mannequin baby talk long ass nails or disproportionately huge booties i like my butts tight this thread is both hilarious and sad fearless if you don't like it consider that it's probably not your business what a woman does all looks like and further that they're probably not doing it for your judgmental ass it's called preferences everyone is allowed to have one but some women can probably benefit from reading threads like these some think they are worthless or not seen as attractive if they don't have insert popular beauty things here those horrible huge fake ass eyebrows oh and lip injections yuck excessive makeup except this is literally a lie in a lot of cases and women know it probably all women have heard this over and over again and finally cave and went without makeup for a day only to be asked over and over again are you feeling okay you look sick did you sleep okay last night no damn i just have dark circles and dry skin and gunk in my eye and thin eyelashes today because you lied and said you didn't like makeup these answers are a bit frustrating to me as a woman when i was in the dating field guys were all over the girls who portrayed the answers given if i made myself available sounded smart etc i was considered undoubtable but i'd i dumped down and acted unlike myself then i'd get a date if these things are really not attractive to you then why do most guys still go for these girls someone is lying edit i never expected this to gain traction i want to emphasize the one in my original comment i'm happily married to a great guy who i'm comfortable being myself around i'm also a little older than some of you may think [Music] half of what people are saying on here are massive red flags lol going over the top with makeup it feels like i'm looking at a porcelain doll and not looking at an actual person all you need is some eyeliner to grab my attention domestic violence one stroke for thick makeup fake nails super long nails in general excessive fake nails caked on makeup extensions duck lips fake brows squared off grounds that's just the ones i see in passing semicolon semicolon anything on my ex-wife it's women doing things they enjoy that don't cater to my perception of ssi always wanting to be little spoon i have nothing against being big spoon i just want the ladies to know that men do want to be little spoon sometimes and it's a major turn off to reject me when i ask to be little spoon or to even cuddle without spooning acting like going to the gym working out is a personality tray girls being toxically controlling and overbearing like a girl not letting her bf have any time to himself and always have to know what he's doing and then when you try to see what she's doing she blows up in your face why do girls think that makes them look cute might take away from reading a bunch of comments don't hide who you are plastic surgery fake voices unclear intentions desires are all very unattractive just be honest with who you are and what you want edit just going to edit this comment to acknowledge that people get plastic surgery for many reasons and all to many degrees i absolutely realize respect that it can be something that improves lives it men who don't know what things they don't want actually look like liking new country music huge amounts of makeup the less the better remote calling the guy daddy i've never played hard to get i've tried to run away and then the guy thinks i'm playing hard to get being an ig model lip fears no man has ever said man she'd be so hot if her lips were more full i'm a girl with full natural lips and that's like the first thing men compliment on me entitlement twerking a hegeo face just stop it edit my first ever award emma tell you the brazilian button lip enlargement i just the whole pamper me i'm a princess routine it's my birthday we eat honey you're 38 uncomfortable shoes i hope you feel attractive and s in them because wow it's painful to watch you hobble and struggle through the car park taking pictures of everything under the sun for instagram clout bird i hate it when women have to take a million pictures of themselves every time they have a drink in their hand eating something or around any landmark that's remotely fun interesting just live your life and stop pretending you're having so much fun using mental health problems as a selling point see a therapist stop showing off like it's something to show off ridic dude sitting here acting like we have standards let's be honest if she's hot enough she can get away with just about anything guys are dumb girls are stupid it's just the way of life if you play hard to get i'll just give up comments are killing me she isn't playing hard to get she is playing please just give up because she isn't into you what i've gathered from this thread is that people just don't like women whatever the duck girls on instagram are doing giant lips mostly it things women don't find attractive either lip feels injections it's never playing hard to get is annoying especially when she's given signals that couldn't even be picked up by nasa i don't want to be too pushy either so i can't tell if she wants me to stop or to ask her out just let us know you don't have to flat out tell us but be risky with the hints drawn on eyebrows makeup as a whole is fine but shaving off your eyebrows just to draw them on just turns me off edit i mean specifically shaving them off to just draw them on drawing on eyebrows because you don't have them for whatever reason medical or not like if you've got light light blonde hair is perfectly fine that's just touching up emo my cousin draws her eyebrows too high when i told her she looked surprised telling me about your past tests with exploits in detail you don't like when guys do it what makes you think i wanna hear about it is this like a stealth flirting tactic that i'm not aware of i know it's all the rage right now and some guys probably like it but septum piercings do not do a damn thing for me all men here thinking that everything a woman does it so that they look as i to them lol big fake diaper butt cheeks wearing the tiniest tightest miniskirt and the highest of high heels and then walking like a toddler on ice fake anything standard things like boobs and excessive makeup but also fake personality social media is only making this worse and more widespread the fact that in some countries especially south korea but also recently brazil it's socially expected that girls start getting plastic surgery around 16-18 grosses me out this may be an unpopular opinion but any piercings other than ear piercings it saddens me to see a girl vandalize her beautiful face by poking shards of metal through it but to each their own long nails fake nails in particular as a woman it's interesting because i always looked at them like wtf are they wearing those ugly nails for men don't find them attractive at all then i had them done for prom some years ago and i felt like the baddest [ __ ] on the planet and i didn't care what anyone else thought about them the intentional goofy faces they make in pictures i've heard from more than one woman looking back at her old facebook pictures wishing she'd just taken more normal smiling pictures with their friends back in the day i completely disagree the silly pictures are the ones i treasure the most to me it reminds me of the fun we were having the people we were i find the posed smile to be bland and lacking personality being a bad [ __ ] like basically being someone who loves starting shitty and having problems with other people especially other girls hand jobs maybe it's just my ex but it's a trade-off someone else rubs your dck for you but they aren't familiar with how things actually feel they are alright for a bit but after a while the friction just hurts some spit or lube goes a long way trout pout duck face in photos it's hideous i feel like a lot of the answers are missing the point of the question and just are saying things that turn them off which is not really the question lol i think a lot of you all just need to accept that they are not playing hard to get they're just not into you gorilla glue in the hair smoking any type of facial injections look man we all have our aesthetic preferences but this whole thread is just about ragging on people's sense of style sometimes people wear things because it pleases the wearer and they are not trying to seduce randa's on reddit if you don't like a thing it probably means you're not the intended audience there's enough pointless hate in the world let people like what they like buttocks lip fears i wonder if men and women who did the duck face knew the appeal came from it being a dck suckers look being cutesy or being a free spirit it's fun for 10 minutes after that it's tiresome being generically s's i also becomes tiresome just be a person that's the most attractive and or s i think you can do talking in a baby voice applying lipstick beyond the lip line to make them look bigger might look okay from 20 plus ft but you get less than 10 or so feet from me and it's way more obvious than you must think and looks like do do taking food off my plate your food just looks tasty man buttocks fake lips fake eyelashes fake tan acting entitled with service staff a hegeo face it isn't s diet just makes you look mentally deficient i do not like fake eyelashes they are immediately noticeable and make you look weird trying to fit in a typical trendy girly frame of mind plus character and suppressing their real genuine quirks those unique quirks are something i personally find really really s z and just genuinely beautiful in the entire process and not letting themselves be their own genuine selves i'm not implying that every girly chick is forcing herself to be that way if that's genuinely how a woman is then that's cool too my point is i personally have observed and seen how women have so much more to them their own little quirks and personality traits the lesser they began to pressure themselves to fall into that mold the duck face look at almost all lip enhancements like injections it looks like you're having an allergic reaction and i feel like i need to get you some benadryl edit ofc not cleft lip surgery entirely necessary for a good call exceptions to every rule but this is riddick and someone will take this comment to the extreme if i don't clarify those lashes that cause typhoons when they blink don't duck with your eyebrows and if you do don't have them off and paint them back on an inch higher that's tea looks mental when a woman tries to sit on a boner to tease you tamiya just hurts when she sits on it if it's tucked away into my pants sit on her boobs to return the favor lip injections especially if their lips look unnatural e g the beasting lips i am also not fan of breast enhancements unless they are done to look like natural boobs boobs are not supposed to look like two balloons those piercings on the cheek nose or between the lips and nose personally i'm not into that she doesn't need you to fix it she just wants you to listen yep yet that one hurts that was a major factor with my ex she'd be upset she'd want to talk about it but if i asked any questions she would completely shut down or get p said that i was interrogating her or that i had any thoughts at all beyond your life is bad the universe hates you it always has it always will no idea how to walk that line between be caring and supportive be invested show interest remember try to understand and don't do any of that it's just clear i'm not the one she needs i'm just reading the thread and thinking i'll just die alone i guess i refuse to give up my acrylic nails and i plan on buying some fake tits square eyebrows being dumb i hate when girls act stupid or dizzy give me a smart confident woman who can talk about complicated topics any day 1. playing dumb just come out and say you like us it's a quicker way to our heart and we would be happier if you were up front and stopped giving us mixed symbols too body piercing and tattoos i think some girls think body piercings make them more attractive and so do tattoos but i never really saw the attraction to them if you do them for you good on you but if you think more men women will like you because of it then i think it won't work three a lot of people probably won't see these the same way so i will state that these are my opinions comma giving us mixed symbols yeah i hate when they do that windings tea i think if someone is getting permanent ink for someone else to be more attractive you got bigger things to worry about most tattoos have a story behind them [Music] you
Channel: Reddit Tales
Views: 4,101
Rating: 4.8780489 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, subreddit, reddit stories, reddit tales, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, reddit story, reddit best, funny posts, r/, reddit funny, people of reddit, stories, updoot, reddit jar, planet reddit, storytime, educational, podcast, audio, animated, animated story, cartoon, radio tts, girls attractive, girls, attractive
Id: AMDiqS9uPHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 10sec (1630 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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