What’s Your ‘Kid Walked In During S*x’ Story?

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what has your kid walked in during six story i was the kid i was in high school so not super young i needed something from my parents bathroom i had no idea they were in their room having sex i thought they were downstairs watching tv walked into the scene of my naked mother on top of my naked father i said yikes and hightailed it out of the room my mother came into my room a bit later and asked if i was okay i said i will be if we never speak of this again christ i was at my dad's as a pre-teen 12-13 ish and it wasn't even my time it was early evening i was in my room and writing in my diary i had visited a museum earlier that day with dad and his wife and forgot how the name was spelled so i went over to their room to ask i even knocked at the door and heard yes which in my country is equivalent to coming when someone is knocking so i open the door and see my dad on top of his wife thankfully covered waist down with a blanket but the truly weird part was they tried to play it down like they weren't doing anything so as i start apologizing they just go no problem what did you need so i play along with the general awkwardness ask my stupid spelling question get my answer say thanks quickly leave and remain in my room for the rest of the evening i did not write that part down in my diary as i was pretty sure i wouldn't soon forget it d not me but a cousin she heard her grandma moaning so she thought she was hurt so she ran downstairs to check on her then she walked in the room and saw her grandma on top of her grandpa she is still scarred my wife's mom is over she decides to be nice to me so sends her to the park with our daughter then my wife orders me up to the bedroom and to strip and wait for her in the bed i do as i'm told wife puts on some nice little sexy robe thing thankfully nothing too kinky more cute proceeds to climb into the bed and at this point just tells me to lay back and relax and is going down on me just in the nick of time we hear footsteps running up the stairs so she pulls back throws a blanket over me and then curls up beside me like she's hugging me then throws her lit up over me to hide my happiness door opens and it's our daughter who had to come back for one more hug jumps up in the bed sees us hugging and comes in for a family hug it was so uncomfortable and weird and then daughter takes a long time so grandma comes up to make sure everything is okay walks in and just stares at us and knows immediately what is going on could have been much worse but that's the one and only time before locks were put on doors when i was 12 i stayed the weekend at my mom's co-workers house with her four daughters and one son the son had two of his friends over as well while we were all in the basement the son and his friends pranked us so we ran upstairs to tell his mom when we burst through her door she was on the receiving end of some back shots from a gentleman caller she snuck in lol that scared us even more so we ran back in the basement now that i think of it i don't even think they stopped she definitely never came down to check on us my mother didn't find out until she went to work that monday i never went back over there again which sucks because other than that awkward moment i actually had a great time we have all of those baby monitors which connect to the phone naturally when we moved our son's crib from our room to his we started sleeping with the monitor connected all through the night also our bedroom became somewhat more active with him gone one night my wife wanted to make things a bit more special so she put on some lingerie had some music playing and danced for me i was half undressed with her on my lap when suddenly the loudspeakers crank and make her sound like starting a holly as it turned the phone and with it the baby monitor were plugged into the sound system and our sun had passed wind loud enough for monitor to pick it up and then it got amplified by the system so naturally i had a laughing fit and my poor wife wasn't best pleased about her farting son and his infantile father my son was about four the first time he walked in on my husband and i he ran out of the room screaming i saw butts moving in the dark not exactly a kid but it was when i lost my virginity i was we had just finished both lying on our backs in the pitch black dark her younger brother three years younger i think walked in and said hey not my name i was mortified he said it's not not my name go away was pretty awkward when i went downstairs to him and their mother sitting on the sofa found out the morning after i was in the kitchen making breakfast while my sir was sitting at the table playing on her phone in walks so's daughter mommy is give me three strokes pp okay so what why would you think there is something wrong with his pp daughter well i saw you kissing it last night and you kissed it for so long and give me three strokes was making noise like he was in pain so somehow turned white and red at the same time come on honey let's go get dressed so we can go to chuck e cheese later as they were walking upstairs i heard her daughter say well give me three strokes be okay i really like playing the games with him six and four year old at the time walked in while we were having six daughter our bedroom was locked however the bathroom has two doors one from the hallway one to our room and the door to our room has to be pulled pretty hard for the latch to click anyways eight months pregnant with their sister and i was on top we thank god keep the blankets over us because for some reason we enjoy sweating like it's a workout just leaned forward immediately and asked what they needed juice was the answer told them i'd be right out they shut the door i hopped off pulled down and up my nighty and went to get them juice husband was still ready to go when i got back it happens they're learning how to knock in that door was fixed pretty shortly after not a kid but my mom at my mother's huge house for a holiday and all my family is there my wife at the time was riding me and my mother does that little two knock thing and just opens the door she sees what is happening but instead of saying oops or sorry she leaves the door open about six inches and just turns ahead so she is focused right on my face and starts asking me questions about breakfast and what we are doing that day i am like do you seriously want to discuss this right now i am laughing my ass off she says oh no i suppose not and shuts the door bless my freak of an ex-wife she just kept going the whole time didn't stop for a second my story is from the other side of the proverbial door but once when i was young i was scared awake by a horrible nightmare you old to cry but not too old to need to go and sleep in my parents bed for the rest of the night i picked up my favorite teddy bear and made my way to my parents room just about to open the door when i heard the sounds coming from the room decided my nightmares would be less harrowing by walking in on them so i covered my bears and begrudgingly took myself back to bed my girlfriend 42 was riding me 28. we both just came and her autistic son 19 walks in he comes sit on the side of the bed and starts talking about power rangers not sure if he knew what was going on i was horrified lol when i was 17 my whole family went up to our cottage this included grandma and great grandma there was a couple in the cottage next to us who brought their niece with them she was like 15 but really cute we ended up hitting it off mostly because i had a car and a motorcycle dirt bike and was like the only person on the lake near her age after a few days of flirting and whatnot we ended up hooking up we made out a bit on the boat and decided to take it into the bedroom this was at like 4 30 in the afternoon as we're getting frisky with one another both buck naked my great-grandma walks into the room assuming i had gone in to take a nap to let me know dinner was almost ready grandma saw what was going on doggy style and giggled she then proceeded to tell us not to worry she wouldn't tell anybody and that she used to do the same thing all the time when she was younger she died having never told anybody her strongly catholic father walked in on us while she was wearing half cosplay yes that's a real story i was having six with my ex-girlfriend when my daughter walked in at the exact moment i was finishing my ex rolled off of me and pulled the covers over herself while i shot my daughter's brothers and sisters all over my own face on accident edit for clarity on that last sentence i did a big faith come on myself stories like these comments are why my wife and i lock the door when we go at it when i was like 14 my family visited and stayed at my cousin and her husband's house for the holidays anyways her husband had an xbox and me being a kid i was playing on it almost religiously so i was playing in the middle of the night and realized there was one game missing that i wanted to play and i knew it was in their room so i get up knock on the door nobody answers i decided to take charge of the situation and open the damn door my cousin jumped in embarrassment her husband just sat there laughing and i stood there shocked for like a second saw the game said ah there it is took it and walked out i just heard them laugh at it for a bit through the wall and then later heard them continuing which was hinted to me by the bed spring squeaking i was staying at my best friend's house when we were teenagers his parents had a rule that he had to check in with them before bed this would ostensibly stop us from underage drinking and smoking marijuana cigarettes anyways he come home all ducked up and he goes to do his check-in he comes back white as a ghost and after a few minutes explains that when he opened their door he just saw his dad plowing his mom at warp factor nine tits out all jiggly in the whole nine yards the next morning they came downstairs while we're eating and decide to discuss it with him right in front of me when adults love each other they show it with physical affection blah blah blah i was so uncomfortable i just picked a spot on the wall to stare at and eat my fruit loops i was six eight the time my parents were having a rough patch and dad was cheating on my mom with a mistress i found them at my parents room going at it haven't been able to hug or care about dad ever since i was three too short to get a cup from the elevated cupboards and get a drink of water my sister wouldn't do it for me so i disobeyed the stay downstairs directive and have an image burned in my head of my parents of insects it's been 30 years and it's still in my brain not my kids but my mum my hubby had been working away and i had picked him up from the airport at some ungodly time in the morning mum had stayed over to watch the older kids so i could go to the airport we get home we start to get to business hubby always went down on me first i'm just about there and the baby starts crying i let the baby cry for a few minutes because i'm nearly goddamn there just at that moment my mum is at the doorway asking about the baby because we had stupidly left the door open it was dark but there was enough light coming through the window for my mum to see exactly what was going on she kind of stood there awkwardly for a few seconds before saying something about checking the baby and me needing to reply that baby was fine meanwhile hubby is oblivious to it all as he was enjoying his long-awaited meal this moment has never been thought of again until now when reading the prompt brought it all flooding back my then-girlfriend's family had just adopted a new dog which was really cute anyway me and her were having sex in a spooning position when her little sister burst into the room telling us look at how adorable he is you just have to watch him as she put him on the bed next to us my girlfriend kept telling her not right now annan but she just wasn't getting it it took like four minutes to get her out of the room all while i was balls deep in my girlfriend the younger sister was old enough to know what was happening but it didn't click for a while her face was so disappointed when that light bulb went off tl d a girlfriend's sister walked in to show us a puppy and wouldn't leave all while i was putting nuts to butts and the girlfriend my girl and her abusive ex-husband had just broken up he just started dating so i hadn't met her daughter yet come to find out she really struggles with being alone so anytime she wakes up even a little bit she wanders into her mom's room she came to the locker door and her mom got up and put her back to bed but forgot to lock the door when she came back not five minutes later there we are ducking and i turn around and see the living embodiment of the ring girl just staring me down i jump out of her mom and into the bathroom and all i hear is is that my dad lon fayo thankfully she's young and has never mentioned it ia when i was 13 i had just discovered masturbating my mom walked in on me and i cried high school me did that was supposed to be going to my dad's for a school project since he had all the tools and stuff turned around halfway there because i realized i forgot my laptop called my mom because i knew her bf was coming over she didn't pick up which in retrospect should have been my warning get there and open the door all i hear is moaning and my 54 year old mother screaming oh daddy i silently backstopped out of the door locked it got back in my car and drove down the street to the park where i just stay there and felt sick and threw up a little sick and vomiting you may ask i was sick and vomiting because that's the day i learned my mother and i had the same god damn kink wife and i decided to sneak off while the kids were downstairs middle of the day i did the normal go down and get her off thing then it was my turn as i was about to mount up my four-year-old started banging on the locked bedroom door we both started laughing really hard i couldn't get it up she told me to just do it still i told her it wasn't possible kids still banging on door mommy and daddy why won't you let me in what are you doing not six but one time i walked in on my grandma changing clothes when i was in fifth grade she was staying at our house in my room thanks riddit i had forgot about that until i saw this post morning six with my ex we were in the spooning position with him behind me it was roughly about 6 30 a.m my son wakes up at 7 00 am on the dot pretty much every morning so we thought we were in the clear he was pounding away and i was turned to him slightly to kiss at the same time and then when i turned back round and opened my eyes my three yo son was stood right next to the bed just silent and staring holy duck he didn't really know what was going on i don't think we had to pull apart and he got in next to me and put on thomas the tank engine right little mood color hasn't happened since thank god remind me in like two hours when this has end with us and i have the time to read them all still waiting on someone who actually has a story about a baby goat walking in not the parent but the child i got home earlier from school and went upstairs as i wanted to put my school stuff there the second i stood in front of my closed door closed doors were not allowed in their house while hearing these strange coughing noises i knew there was something wrong i opened the door to my room and saw my parents going at it in my goddamn bed i didn't even know what they were doing but i knew that i was highly disgusted by the fact that they did it in my bed later that day i got yelled for asking for some fresh bed sheets and for wanting to know if this was a regular thing they did my mom brought drinks in a couple of times when i was at it with my first gf didn't bother any one of us particularly plus it can be thirsty work i think the overall theme of this question makes it important to remind people that epstein didn't kill himself i was the one that walked in gf and i are going at it 1699. she's on top the door was down by my feet her head all of a sudden doss wing open and in walks a five or six years old son she freaks and covers me up as best she can i swear at that moment a demon possessed her in the deepest most annoyed voice i ever heard from her she asks what the hell he wanted he said he just wanted to tell us good night she snaps a good night back at him and tells him to get back to bed like many others on here i was the kid about eight years old i don't remember if i woke up in the middle of the night or if i just hadn't fallen asleep yet but i started to hear squealing from my parents room it was definitely my mom and it sounded like she was scared of something so i went there to check that she was okay and there was my dad on top of her naked butt in the air tickling her i turned around and went back to my room a few minutes later my dad came in and gave me the whole adults who love each other talk later when i was dating the woman who later became my wife i tried tickling during six and was told in no uncertain terms that it was not an effective move i was the kid i realized i left my stuffed toy in my parents bathroom and mom was in the middle of getting a shower no big deal i was still at a young enough age she helped me bathe before my brother was born so i would have been not quite three i just wandered on and to be treated to the sight of my mom on her knees dad in the shower with her ye luckily the glass was steamed up so i didn't get as bad an eyeful as it could have been but i snatched up my toy and hightailed it i was the child i was at home and wanted a grilled cheese i walk upstairs and knock on the door i hear something fall and run inside i see my mom on the floor naked and my dad pretending to sleep i ask are you okay mommy my dad chuckles in his pretend sleep and my mom is as red as an apple she nods and chuckles and said that dad would help me in a few minutes i asked what they were doing and they said wrestling being the very masculine child i was i beef my arms up and try and fling myself onto the bed i succeed and my dad laughed he then realized what he was doing prior and covers himself up to his ears with blankets long story short i was the reason i didn't get a third sibling all because i wanted a grilled cheese my older brother screams a code throughout the land and i learned to knock without suffering the same fate a little late to the party but my five yo daughter got us good there we were on our bed in a two-person human centipede configuration both of us stark naked and my face just buried in my wife's ass she had had a bad dream and comes downstairs open our bedroom door and there we were lol didn't even have clothes handy to cover up or even a sheet or blanket super awkward i was the one who walked in i was in high school at a party at this guy's lake house piss drunk and a little high i was walking back to the house when i realized i didn't know the garage code lucky for me i saw my buddy just sitting in his car so i hop in the back seat and start conversing about how i'm locked out don't know the code how's your night going and he stops me and says hey buddy i'm getting a [ __ ] right now can you just like leave turns out the side door was unlocked i ran in on my parents with a werewolf mask my stepfather screamed and ran into their bathroom i got grounded but his face was so worth it our son walked in on us and we were unaware until he said nice ass dad he was 25 or 26 colon 2 you sun walked in we stopped i got up and put him back to bed then went back to bed myself mood killed no more a6 at night comma not during but like 30 seconds after this girl was at my apartment and her five-year-old boy was sleeping in the living room we had fair sexy time when we woke up in the morning we were both lying there naked and the boy just comes walking in he came and sat on the bed and i thought it was weird the girl didn't seem to be bothered one bit thinking it wasn't a new thing for the boy to see his mom lying naked in bed with some guy [Music] you
Channel: Storytime With Reddit
Views: 44,279
Rating: 4.9303002 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, subreddit, reddit stories, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, reddit story, story, stories, reddit best, funny posts, funny, r/, best posts, reddit funny, sub, people, funny stories, memes, Cowbelly, Updoot, ToadFilms, storytime with reddit, sir reddit, planet reddit
Id: wfBHeMQX0nA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 31sec (1291 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 03 2020
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